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Hamburger Game - the first Multi utility rebasing token with tax so low, you’ll feel the heat from down under….

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Hamburger Game - Online and Multiplayer - No Meme Coin Here - Serious Project - Read Below

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Hamburger Game - Online and Multiplayer - No Meme Coin Here - Serious Project - Read Below

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$MNW Continues Its Upswing With a 38% Rally – Where Is $MNW Headed?

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Morpheus.Network: Revolutionizing Supply Chains with Web3 Tech!

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Morpheus.Network's Journey Towards Real-world Adoption

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

This is Why Morpheus Network rallied 50% in the last few months.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Moons, bricks, and… DONUT?

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Moons, bricks, and… DONUT?

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Morpheus Network $MNW/leading blockchain-based supply chain management platform/Partnership with brands like Coca-Cola/SCEA Ptak, FOOD LOGISTICS, and PlugandPlayTC Alberta Award Winner/Masternodes.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Don't Let Crypto Eat You: Stay Real and Stay Aware!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

FooD-Fi | Fair Launch on PinkSale | Multi-Chain Integration brought by Food-Fi | Kyced | Low transaction cost |

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

FooD-Fi | Fair Launch on PinkSale at 20/09/22 | Eat2Earn Protocol | Kyc and Audit | Strong Community | Be Part of this amazing Project

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Check now how to earn thanks to FOOD PHOTOS NFT! in the Discord server you will find how to Earn thanks to our project!

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Lulu Token - The first community-driven metaverse restaurant backed by artistic NFT art and real-world use.

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Lulu Token - The first community-driven metaverse restaurant backed by artistic NFT art and real-world use.

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Launching soon: $DUCKY, Giving back to the truckers.

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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The IRS doesn’t give a shit, every time you convert doesn’t matter loss or profit - you tax. Find an AI or something but if you got thousands of transactions then it’s better to talk to a tax lawyer, unless you want the IRS to show up at your door in 30 years realizing you made huge gains and now want more money since you didn’t tax - FOOD FOR THOUGHT

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

A person looking for how to buy FOOD doesn't equate to drug dealers. 

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Let’s not forget the role of BIG FOOD in this. They’re the one’s raising their prices and reducing what you buy through shrinkflation. 

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

One thing I keep buying is FOOD and the prices just keep going up.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> I remeber during the ICO craze how everyone was gonna change the world with their erc20 tokens What do you mean, Dentacoin isn't going to change the dentistry world forever? TE-FOOD hasn't resulted in the world knowing where their beef comes from 7 years later?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Me after reading the fiat standard for the first time: “Damn, everything is fake. The money, the healthcare, the infrastructure, the FOOD, the incentive structures, the reasons for going to War, etc”

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

you can't see it? let me paint you a picture of a potential future. first: the past 2018, market is riding along just fine, some uncertainty over the future election in 2020, still talking about how a crash is inevitable, it's been 10 years, after all, but we aren't seeing it. 2019, market is still doing well! there really just isn't a cloud in the sky - all the naysayers say it will crash, but things keep moving along, and the speed at which housing is climbing? oof, if you don't buy now you might not get to! :D 2020, covid hits and we think it might be the bubonic plague, stocks go TOILET-ZONE but in the absence of immediate global death, panic turns to hope as we shift all focus to "digital solutions for WFH" -- Zoom, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, Disney stocks all skyrocketing as people go online for work and play... Soon Everyone who has Any cash at hand is playing the big roulette of the new digital bullrun. swept up in the madness? Bitcoin and it's friends. talks of NFTs and Metaverse run Wild. 2021, there is so much money in the space now, where do you invest? it's clear where the winners are, tech! video streaming! digital currencies! ...right? ...right? --vaccines are released. 2022, the vaccines seem to work, it's been 2 years since covid panic swept the globe and people want to travel again, they've learned how important human interactions are and they throw their computers in the trash (jokes), but really, now that everything is "going back to the way things were" -- the big question is, what does that look like again? CAN we even go back? a lot of small businesses closed... some people still refuse to leave their houses. on top of it all, Russia invades Ukraine kicking off fears of ww3... with everything in the air, only one thing is certain -- the bull is exhausted, and people want to know they didn't just all buy in at the top of the run. with Ukraine locked in war for MONTHS, there is no certain end in sight; this conflict will persist and all Ukraine's major exports are at risk: Grains, oil, especially. everything crashes as the top players shift weight from Tech to Food. farmers on social media warn the summer of 2023 will be expensive as all grains and food they buy for their pigs and chickens, etc, has now doubled in price. 2023, the crashing markets in 2022 and the rising inflation to curb spending is sweeping the globe. Inflation world-wide is insane and people everywhere stick money in bitcoin as their local currencies deflate. bitcoin goes up and champions note "the halving." meanwhile sales are down across most industries. Cars aren't selling. housing sales slow. high interest rates are working to curb spending. the rest of the year sees people continue to struggle. the few who can are Saving instead of spending. investing in things like bitcoin, and other stocks. -- on paper the economy looks okay, lots of investment, low unemployment, absolutely nothing to worry about -- "if this is a recession, it's a damn good one, because none of the numbers are suggesting it to be as bad as people are complaining it is." now here's what could be next: 2024, a remarkably abysmal holiday season sees some of the lost christmas spending in decades. the working classes continue complaining about low wages, high rent and mortgage rates, and most importantly: The High Cost of FOOD (remember when those savvy investors shifted from tech to food?) the interest rates start to ease up and the wealthy pull out their checkbooks, buying up even more land, more assets, etc. Stagflation abounds as the rich continue to thrive while the working class struggles to pay for heating. there's an election and it doesn't go the way everyone thought. companies tighten further, thousands more are laid off, Bitcoin goes up in excitement! ...but the reality of increasing prices means most hodlers need to sell to make ends meet. Companies keep laying people off due to middling sales. more people sell bitcoin to pay rent, but the price of bitcoin is waning now and is back to 30k with such a loss in faith in this asset from the people who cannot wait 20 years for "the future" to embrace them, they sell at a loss to keep the lights on. meanwhile the hodlers keep the dream alive. "that wasn't the bullrun, it's just starting. there was a mini-crash in 2019 too before the last bull, keep hope alive!" 2025, it gets worse. 2028, things get better, marginally, now that the last of the boomers have retired. no more holdouts in congress, the world is in the hands of Gen X, the Millennials, and a handful of GenZ kids who are now turning 30 and demand to not suffer the same life the Millennials did. Big Time Riots. Black Lives Matter, Trucker Protests, Free Palestine, Unite the Right -- these will seem like such temporary causes in hindsight as the protests of the future bring everyone together like they had during the Wall Street Protests. -- some people point to currency being the problem: maybe bitcoin? ...but it's been too many years and the fed is 1 step ahead. they knew this day would come, and they rollout: the new USD-CBDCs! bitcoin begins a new battle - the attempt to convince people not to take the easy road...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> The juvenile idiots who say "UK banks are hostile" need to step back and view it from the banks perspective. Yeha, people in the crypto space keep yelling that banks shoul die but they have no fucking idea what they wish for. We are talking here about total financial system collapse. After that we'll be fighting for $WATER and $FOOD instead of buying $ETH and $BTC.

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yes, they sent out an email today. Coinbase will suspend trading for Crypterium (CRPT), MXC (MXC), Quantstamp (QSP), Ren (REN), and TE-FOOD (TONE) on November 3, 2023, around 2 PM ET.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MSNBC Idalia strengthens to hurricane as it advances toward Florida. CNN: TRUMP CASE explains why Trump’s trial is ‘disastrous’ for GOP\_NVqwt8 TED PRICE Has found the new bottom. NEXT Move is 5M in Market cap.\_USDT Ted - The Making of the Bear\_USDT How Exchanges works.  Serious MEME coin get listed and gets placed on assessment zone, after 60 days .If legit, they move to innovation zone, after 60 days they finally move to MAIN. Each zone unlocks access to more user, leading to more volume and higher price. SCAM tokens gets delisted after assessment zone period. SCAM means dirty contract, no website, unreachable TEAM.  TIP, IF invested in a scam token SELL before the 60 days. Note CEX delisting does not affect the UNISWAP or PANCAKE SWAP. Does not affect 100 More CEX out there. Each CEX has its own rules\_USDT MIKEY CHEN FOOD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on $FOOD Bearish on $MARATHON

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No, you don't want that. If traditional banking collapses we will have much bigger problems as a society. And the best investment would be $GUNS, $FOOD and $WATER. We need them whenever we like it or not.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

and $FOOD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

$FOOD. It’s been in the bullrun for over a year now.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yes, buying $FOOD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on $FOOD in this situation.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on $FOOD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>When we "eat FUD", we ourselves become FOOD I prefer this one. "Just as the bamboo must bend in the wind, so too must the crypto investor be flexible and adaptable to change." \-Master Oogway

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>When we "eat FUD", we ourselves become FOOD Shakespeare been real quiet since OP dropped this bomb of a line...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>When we "eat FUD", we ourselves become FOOD Gosh damn this goes hard. I like your words OP.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on $ROCK and $FOOD. I'll be DCA before that happens and I'll be the next $ROCK and $FOOD billionaire

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Only $FOOD and $WATER as invesments

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

bullish on $FOOD and $WATER

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

YOLO all in FOOD, WATER and GUNS a lot of GUNS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Where can i buy €FOOD?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on $WATER, $FOOD, $GAS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You can also focus on buying something called $FOOD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

$FOOD will go to 1 million in 90 days

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Wait! I can't find the Coingecko page for $FOOD and $GAS.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

$FOOD to $100 eoy?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on $FOOD and $GAS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on FOOD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yup, like fighting for survival. FOOD and WATER tokens will be very popular.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This new tokens called WATER and FOOD would be extremely popular. I predict major stonks during nuclear fallout.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

At least FOOD is always better than FUD… Always follow the healthier of both.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah couldn't sleep, decided to come online and see what CZ is doi... OMG HE IS EATING DOG FOOD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I seriously wonder how in the world they managed to spend $400'000 dollars on DOORDASH FOOD DELIVERIES ಠ\_ಠ I could buy a proper house in my hometown with that sort of money.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>YOU are the one who is assuming that all of society will just collectively decide to DO NOTHING because they will stupidly believe that the value of their bitcoin will GO UP FOREVER without doing any work. I'm not making assumption. We're literally seeing that as interest rates go up and the nearly risk-free treasury bills are becoming more attractive. Thus, money inflows to other assets are drying up >I AM THE ONE explaining to you that this is NOT what society will do, because it DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Just take a MINUTE to think clearly about this please. It's not hard. If you have to choose between EATING FOOD or HOLDING BITCOIN, which one will you choose? This isn't hard. That's why I use crappy fiat money to buy stuff. I don't mind spending it on food and other things because I want to get rid of it. On the other hand, I wouldn't spend bitcoin on it currently, and I would probably hold off on purchases for other things. See Japan and how the cash hoarding mentality of the Japanese has caused economic stagnation. >This is the point. Houses are scarce. Houses therefore have a MONETARY characteristic that other things don't. So what is really happening is that these rich people CANNOT rely on their MONEY to protect their wealth because it LACKS the MONETARY characteristic of SCARCITY and thus FAILS at storing value over time. Therefore, they MONETIZE other assets that are NOT MONETARY ASSETS but which have this MONETARY quality of protecting wealth over time. Therefore, they are turning houses into money. At least you can live in the house >You're so close! It's not that your incentive to loan money is GONE. Wrong. It's that you now NEED an incentive to loan your money. If I don't need to take risk on loaning money, there is no need to do it. Capitalism would die under such a scenario which is why holding risk free cash and earning a return on it is pretty much socialism. >So, with fiat, you have an incentive to TAKE HIGH RISK and go GAMBLE away your savings on random pointless things. Again, there is a gradient of risk. T Bills are less risky, then stocks, and whatever else. Cash that earns a return removes any sense of risk. In that sense, it makes sense why people have been piling into bitcoin and equities over the years given that interest rates were near 0. Gambling on stupid crap? Are you not familiar with basic supply and demand? What do you see as "high risk stupid crap"?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>How is sitting on a pile of risk-free cash and earning a return off of it good for the economy? You are straw-manning. Look up that term please if you don't know what it means. Let me be very clear. YOU are the one who is assuming that all of society will just collectively decide to DO NOTHING because they will stupidly believe that the value of their bitcoin will GO UP FOREVER without doing any work. I AM THE ONE explaining to you that this is NOT what society will do, because it DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Just take a MINUTE to think clearly about this please. It's not hard. If you have to choose between EATING FOOD or HOLDING BITCOIN, which one will you choose? This isn't hard. >No one presently wants to even spend their bitcoin because everyone assume it will moon, or you bought it and are sitting on it at a fiat loss. If no one is spending it now, what incentive is there for merchants to even accept it? Yes. Key word: PRESENTLY. Please read the essay I recommended above, as it directly addresses this question. It's also just a great read! You will probably enjoy it. >Thus, they are able to bid up housing units while leaving everyone else behind. Yes, you're on the right path here. But now stop and ask yourself: WHY? Why do they bid up housing units, specifically? What is it about houses that interests them? We already established they have no interest in actually LIVING in those houses. They just buy them. So why? Is it just for fun? What makes them want HOUSES SPECIFICALLY? This is the point. Houses are scarce. Houses therefore have a MONETARY characteristic that other things don't. So what is really happening is that these rich people CANNOT rely on their MONEY to protect their wealth because it LACKS the MONETARY characteristic of storing value over time. Therefore, they MONETIZE other assets that are NOT MONETARY ASSETS but which have this MONETARY quality of protecting wealth over time. Therefore, they are turning houses into money. We do not want houses to be money. It is bad that rich people feel the need to use houses as money. Do you understand why that is bad? Houses are things people need to live in. Wouldn't it be great if people DIDN'T need to hoard houses because their MONEY already has the quality of storing value over time? >You're investing your money into cash producing assets. This requires actual effort both on your part to identify good investments and the underlying business. If you loan your money to someone, you are assuming they will be able to generate future cash flows to pay you back. If I can earn a return off holding cash, that incentive to loan my money out is gone. You're so close! It's not that your incentive to loan money is GONE. Wrong. It's that you now NEED an incentive to loan your money. Previously, under a fiat system with artificial inflation, you have an incentive BY DEFAULT because your money LOSES value over time automatically. Therefore, your money is actually not a store of value. It does not STORE the VALUE that you have already generated for society. Instead, it erases it. So, with fiat, you have an incentive to TAKE HIGH RISK and go GAMBLE away your savings on random pointless things. Your incentive is to MONETIZE precious resources that people NEED to survive. Under a sound money system, people will still loan money to each other. (Check the thousand year+ history of the gold standard.) The difference is that they won't gamble it on STUPID CRAP. They will realize that in order to loan their money out, they better get a good return on that money to justify parting with their hard earned savings. That is not a bad thing. It means intelligent investing, not pointless gambling and rampant shitcoinery.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

$FOOD looks bearish to me

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

all the $FOOD coins which I buy go to shit

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

all the $FOOD coins which you buy turn into shit

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I still suggest DCA'ing into $FOOD.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on $FOOD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I dont DCA. I Abandon Cash Daily. I hate money. I am broke :( I have numbers in a global ledger that mean something because other people say they mean something. I work daily cause I don't know what I am doing and then money comes in and I don't know what to do with the money so I make it FOOD and fancy numbers in a ledger somewhere. I am privileged cause I get to live in a basement for CHEAP. This is my shitpost.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Also it doesn't appear that you give other users the option to dm you. But I have been interested in trying to learning about both stock and crypto investment. I have owned and traded both, the only reason I stopped is I literally had to pull out all my money for like FOOD and shit.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So are cars and buses AND FOOD. Checkmate crypto haters.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

REMINDER: Charles has eaten literally ZERO FOOD for the past 12 days. You can bet you'd be grumpy, irritable and bad moody after that ordeal. Give the man a break and stop being so toxic yourselves.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

When I was your age, we bought BITCOIN with FOOD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It is. I'm pissed, not even so much a the volatility of traditional and new markets, but at the exploitation, the corruption that runs all the way to the top, the top of most mega corps, the top of our state and federal leadership, to the central bankers who have devalued lifetimes of earnings. They are ALL raking it in, to our loss, to their gain, to our tremendous life altering, crushing losses. We're now helping all of our parents survive. Extended relatives called us the other day needing food, FOOD because after 30 years of working for a mega corp that paid executives and board members hundreds of millions, their paltry retirement has evaporated due to the touch of cancer, and sorely devalued social security. They were crying, trying to live on SPAM. And all of this, it's all getting worse, so much faster than those at the top of their towers can see.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Eat the FOOD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TONE delicious TE FOOD mmmm

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

eat your FOOD!!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

A Food coin \[FOOD\] backed by *proof of meal* photos posted on facebook. You can earn it by sharing your boring life routines with your frens on Zucks social media.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

all just a fabrication formed by the Coalition of Bears and the the Bull Brigade. What they want is food. ALL THE FOOD! A MILLION TIMES FOOD!!!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱COINBASE BANKRUPT????❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗ Why they did this to their users? SHould we file a case against them LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE SO I CAN AFFORD FOOD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I never said there isnt a problem there is grain shortage in the world but you dont see me shouting "MAKE FOOD SUPPLIES GUYS, FAMINE IS COMING" because thats basically what you are doing, just because some lending companies are biting the dust, doesnt mean exchanges are doing that too

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

One of the main real world utilities which is within reach I think is still simple DeFi. A simple protocol that works for lending stablecoins, without yielding crazy APY, to let people lend and borrow money via a protocol with no central authority. Just a set of rules to calculate collateral, %, etc. Apart from that I think way more things could be settled via Blockchain such as problems with water supply or in agriculture, but the development is not there yet. We would need more interconnectivity and better oracles. Maybe the idea behind ‘no central authority’ or a central authority with not a lot of power is still the best answer and the best driver behind growth. If my second answer was a little vague, check out TE-FOOD, I am not shilling but it shows some potential

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Attention! Everyone who is thinking this is a dip and wants to put every penny to buy this dip please don’t things are going to get worse and I am not taking about crypto. FOOD SHORTAGE IS COMING save money to stock, rent, bills and stick to your regular investment strategies (I don’t know what they call it DCA or Aca). Stay safe

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Explanation for those making a Surprised Pikachu face: THINGS ARE SO COSTLY IN THE USA THAT YOU HAVE TO SELL ALL YOU BITCOIN FOR 7 CANS OF FOOD

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Did you guys ever thought they know exactly what they are doing and just maybe they want the inflation. For all we know Powell works hand in in hand with the CIA and do there bidding to insure the government maintain the world reserve currency status. They want the inflation to devalue the currency that is the only way America can service the debt. They absolutely can not allow interest rate to go too high because they wouldn’t be able to service the debt. But if the inflate the currency they can still pay all of there unfounded liabilities. Stack BITCOIN GOLD AND SILVER, FOOD WATER, AMMO and GET CLOSER TO WHAT EVER GOD YOU BELIEVE IN Because once the nocoiners and non prepared realizes what is going on there will be a mad rush to the exit and you do not want to be in that stampede.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’m sorry sir, we need you to payback 5 FARTS, your daily farts have exceeded the maximum quantity. We are sorry how this will affect your ability to purchase FOOD.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hey, it's the collapse of global capitalism. Buy $FOOD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The good things of lifes are in the small things that we have as granted. Remember that words. ​ * PET YOUR ANIMALS * GO FOR A WALK AROUND YOUR HOUSE * EAT GOOD AND DELICIOUS FOOD. * etc

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Oh I Understand this very clearly my friend... I am on the same page with you. This is what I posted as a response to someone else. OK... let's talk facts... you know that the US has 2.5% of the world population, yet we consume 25% of world resources. We are the LARGEST economy on the planet, surpassing China and India who combined have nearly 3 billion people. If our economy slows down even a smidge, we impact the entire world. From China, to South America, to Europe, to Africa... ALL goes lower with us. On top of it you have another issue, which is FOOD. Ukraine is a #5 wheat exporter in the world, or was... Russia is #1, and Russia is under sanctions. Ukraine is now going to harvest the wheat this year, and Russia is not exporting any. So 40% of all wheat in the world is off the market. American farmers can't do anything about it because wheat is put in the ground right at the start of winter. Next year, MAYBE??? THEN, you have the fact that Russia is responsible for 25% of production of ALL FERTILIZER in the world, including 80% of pot ash (major component of fertilizers). So with less wheat, now you also have a lower yield of all other crops due to fertilizer shortage. IF THAT WASN'T FUCKING ENOUG... We also have really shitty harvest in South America who had been battered with bad weather. South America is the major provider of world food during the northern hemisphere winter months. You combine all of that and you have a recipe for such a fucking disaster that anything that this world has seen over the last 200 years will ever compare. I think that the greenback is in a precarious situation here and the next few months will determine our fate long term.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

OK... let's talk facts... you know that the US has 2.5% of the world population, yet we consume 25% of world resources. We are the LARGEST economy on the planet, surpassing China and India who combined have nearly 3 billion people. If our economy slows down even a smidge, we impact the entire world. From China, to South America, to Europe, to Africa... ALL goes lower with us. On top of it you have another issue, which is FOOD. Ukraine is a #5 wheat exporter in the world, or was... Russia is #1, and Russia is under sanctions. Ukraine is now going to harvest the wheat this year, and Russia is not exporting any. So 40% of all wheat in the world is off the market. American farmers can't do anything about it because wheat is put in the ground right at the start of winter. Next year, MAYBE??? THEN, you have the fact that Russia is responsible for 25% of production of ALL FERTILIZER in the world, including 80% of pot ash (major component of fertilizers). So with less wheat, now you also have a lower yield of all other crops due to fertilizer shortage. IF THAT WASN'T FUCKING ENOUG... We also have really shitty harvest in South America who had been battered with bad weather. South America is the major provider of world food during the northern hemisphere winter months. You combine all of that and you have a recipe for such a fucking disaster that anything that this world has seen over the last 200 years will ever compare. ​ Educate yourself, you'll see how bad things can really get in the next 6-18 months.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

People have been speculating with FOOD for decades, if not centuries, causing death and despair. No one forced anyone to participate in crypto. See the difference? So "will"? From this perspective society IS long dead. Second thought: from what percentage of loss do we start with the empathy? Third thought: if it would've been ELONCUMROCKET, would you be empathetic as well?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

God, y'all detached from reality. I HAVE TO BUY FOOD.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

If we take out FOOD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Oh JUST TAKE OUT FOOD AND ENERGY! Of COURSE! How did I not think of that. What a buffoon I am, how silly of me. Thank god we have the gigabrains at WEF to point out these clear mistakes in our thinking

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So you are comparing FOOD to an NFT? You cannot put basic needs such as shelter, medicine, food, etc., alongside NFTs. How about home decor or holiday shopping every season? Perhaps fancy “name brand” clothing or collecting limited edition figurines or works of art? The television your neighbor upgraded because they wanted it to be bigger. Everything has its own value to someone and so do NFTs in a digital, modern world. We still don’t know the extent of its utility and collectibility.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lol, yes we accept stablecoins, but that sounds boring right? Haha...COME SPEND YOUR SHIBA INU FOR FOOD! TO THE MOOON! lol If you're close by, would be happy to meet you. We've met a lot of cool people just from the Cryptocurrency world alone. Kind of like a new hobby not too many people know about, then you realize there are communities upon communities out there!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Reminds me of that MF DOOM sample off MM FOOD, “I went to the store to get some food and they arrested me”

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Something, something Drug war that revenues 50 billion a year for drug cartels and the corrupt politicians on both sides of the border, who take bribes. Something, massive illegal immigration causing both countries human labor resource to become hyper competitive with each for shit wage jobs - that inflation is making worse for added bonus. Something, something oil boycott from the 90s becaue the dumbass Mexican government decided to nationalize their oil reserves and eminent domain American corporations. Sure though. Mexico is our ally. THINK OF. ALL THE GREAT FOOD. /s If Russia had bases, biolabs, installed Mexican politicans who detain and dissappear dissent citizens, insisting that Mexico become a part of their "Greater Collective" so we can place missle pads that are conviently aimed at us. Your neighbor is threatening you. You buy a gun. Your neighbor aims his gun, from the inside of his house at you. What do you do? You kick his door down and put the neighbor in their place.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

FOOD is king my friend . Gold is worthless when you are starving. Read about how the ancient americans viewed gold . They saw it as something pretty to make art with but when it came to currency they used consumables.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

WW III? That would be a forced long term HODL for every and anyone, without (structural grid) power and internet and all. What then comes, once the dust (literary) settles, remains to be seen? Better to have nothing on any exchanges, might be better sitting on any cold wallets (that by themselves are also pretty useless if there is no infrastructure anymore that it depends on). So my bet is on $CANNED_FOOD. Can (pun intended) also be used as midrange distance weapon. Might wanna practice my throwing arm.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

$FOOD, $MEDICINE, $WATER, $FUEL, $CLOTHING, $SHELTER - expect all these coins to moonshot in the event of WW3.
