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Robinhood Markets Inc

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2024 is a leap year ... look back to 2020 and what happened to HOOD

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Bullish on Robinhood $HOOD in the short term

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Are these crypto miners done for within the next 6-12 months??

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Puts on $HOOD this month cause I don’t believe in them as a company

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IBKR- Interactive Brokers: overview and valuation

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

HOOD management selling almost all their shares

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

(Long term) problems at Robinhood.

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$HOOD BTC wallet

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Worst brokerage platforms errors you have seen?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Worst brokerage platforms errors you have seen?

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HOOD is Shorting Itself?

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Robinhood or Webull?

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HOOD making it easier to gamble options

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$COIN / Bitcoin ratio is stupid. Long BTC short $COIN

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3.6k -> 53k HOOD Leaps

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*help* shorting stocks any Courses/ classes / information etc *help*

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HOOD we need to reexamine it.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$HOOD is on the verge of a major breakout >100%

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$HOOD or $COIN for first half of 2024?

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Is $HOOD or $COIN a better hold for first half of 2024?

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What do you think about Robinhood ($HOOD)?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Brokerage Orphan

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Would this be considered classic Kramer move? Google sold HOOD before the rally, like Toyota sold Tesla 2017 before the 1100% rip.

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Robinhood (HOOD) charting🤓

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Dare I say $HOOD

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Is INTC (Intel) undervalued?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$HOOD’s Vlad defends payment for order flow

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Notice all the hate on HOOD lately? This TA showing me it's about to go up. Notice the gap up from a couple days ago, and consolidation - 🚀

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$HOOD is criminally undervalued

r/pennystocksSee Post

This is NEW in TEXAS. How do I invest ?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Robinhood to launch subscription service, compete with OnlyFans

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$HOOD 42000 SHARES YOLO update #1

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r/RobinHoodPennyStocksSee Post

GOOGLE sold HOOD = Toyota sold TSLA in 2016

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$HOOD misses revenue (-6.17%), EPS (-2.35%)

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$HOOD to report fines worth about .11 EPS in todays earnings

r/stocksSee Post

Robinhood ($HOOD) will be the biggest beneficiary of the approval of Crypto ETFs

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Robinhood ($HOOD) will be the big beneficiaries of the legalization of Crypto ETFs

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

Insider Transactions in HOOD

r/RobinHoodPennyStocksSee Post

App for DD - Insider Trading in HOOD

r/RobinHoodPennyStocksSee Post

App for DD - Insider Trading in HOOD

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Puts on $HOOD???

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Puts on $HOOD???

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$HOOD nearing cash value for the 4th time

r/RobinHoodSee Post

What to do with these two stocks…. NVCN / JNCE

r/StockMarketSee Post

Is the current stock market environment natural?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Missed out on PLTR

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Heard of these things called “Calls”

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Can’t decide if I want to buy PLTR, HOOD, or PYPL stock

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$HOOD Breakout Alert

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

Pray for me boys, 8/4 HOOD $11p

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HOOD calls for $13.5k

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HOOD Updates PDT Policy

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

It's not too late to put all your money into HOOD

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The Best Trades Show a Profit from the Start - 40K $HOOD YOLO

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To Sail Forbidden Seas, $HOOD - Q2/23 ER Guess

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Bout A Get HOOD Rich

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Loss porn & yolo on life saving / IRA / 401k

r/optionsSee Post

Any chances of gamma squeeze on $HOOD?

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HOOD Leaps

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Why does Schwab hate the $HOOD…

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Robinhood Options Yolo with me? $HOOD

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Let's have an intelligent discussion about $HOOD

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$HOOD $16k 7/21 YOLO

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So what is the best one?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$HOOD 200k Yolo

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Will Robinhood halt its own stock HOOD if it squeezes to $250 or $500?!?!?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

20k Balls deep on $HOOD, price target: MOON.

r/investingSee Post

Need to pick a brokerage account!

r/stocksSee Post

Help me find a one stop shop brokerage company.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Welcome to the $HOOD (2.5K Shares)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Welcome to the $HOOD

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Any Regards Looking at $HOOD ?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

You idiots buying $HOOD yet? Or are you going to wait until it’s $20 a share?

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ARKF response in the week after the Fed interest rate pause

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$HOOD - A New Bull Market Beneficary

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Can HOOD ever recover?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

First Binance, then Coinbase. Could Robinhood be next?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Robinhood Q1 Earnings: Found Stability, Could Become Interesting

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Thoughts on Robinhood (HOOD)?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Puts on HOOD

r/StockMarketSee Post

$HOOD Bullish Thesis

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Robinhood to Launch 24-Hour Trading on Weekdays in Stocks and ETFs

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The directionless and imbalanced market… 5-10-23 SPY/ ES Futures, VIX, 10YR YIELD and DXY Daily Market Analysis

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Robinhood temperature check

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Robinhood Stock $HOOD

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

What is Robinhood Markets Probability Of Bankruptcy? HOOD | Macroaxis

r/optionsSee Post

Robinhood or another Brokerage Firm?

r/stocksSee Post

Robinhood or another Brokerage Firm?

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Robinhood Markets unveils new feature to simplify web3 access (NASDAQ:HOOD)

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MSFT to the moon! Oh yeah… HOOD blows.

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2023-04-10 Wrinkle Brain Plays - In the style of Edna Mode

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Robinhood Nearing the End

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HOOD’s new stock screener tool


Really hoping HOOD recovers next week


HOOD 8/2 25C finna print


BTC and SPY up, so of course that means HOOD is flat. MM’s can’t afford +$20c holders all in the money before earnings


This week was probably my worst week since the week in 2021 when I bought HOOD for $70 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


Full ported into HOOD 8/16 calls


GOD FUCKING DAMN IT FUCK YOU ROBIN HOOD![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


I'm no expert. RIOT's chart is a mess and doing DD on the company, it doesn't look so good. I'm betting HOOD. Look at the solid uptrend on the chart YTD.


BREAKING: $HOOD goes red to green after breaking the single day record for apps deleted and apps downloaded in the same day


"You Could Have Turned $500 Into More Than $50,000 In One Day As Market Got Clobbered: Here's How 07/24/24 1:37 PM 4:37 PM EDT, July 24, 2024 (Benzinga Newswire) Wednesday was the worst day for the overall market in 2024, with the SPDR S&P 500 Index (NYSE:SPY) trading down more than 2% and the Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1 (NYSE:QQQ) trading down more than 3.5% late in the session. Many mega-cap tech names that have driven much of the last year's rally sold off significantly on the day, with NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA), Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) and Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) each trading down more than 5%. But, even when the market gets hammered, there are ways to make money. Short-dated options contracts are a risky way to play the market, but when they go right, they can be a vehicle to make large gains very quickly. On Tuesday, put contracts on the QQQs with a strike price of $469 that expired Wednesday afternoon closed at $.05 a contract, according to Robinhood Markets (NASDAQ:HOOD). At the time, the QQQs were trading at more than $480 a share, making it very unlikely that the index would trade below the strike price. Read Also: US Stocks Tumble, Magnificent 7 Wipe Out $570 Billion As Mega-Tech Earnings Disappoint, VIX Spikes: What’s Driving Markets Wednesday? At their highs on Wednesday, those same contracts that would have cost $5 on Tuesday, were worth more than $510 a pop. This means that 100 contracts of those specific puts could have been purchased for $500 on Tuesday, and sold for more than $50,000 on Wednesday, good for a gain of more than 9,900%. Put contracts give the buyer the right to sell the underlying equity (in this case 100 shares of the QQQs) at the predetermined strike price, regardless of where the stock is trading, up until the expiration date. With Wednesday's wicked red day, well outside the standard deviation move of the overall market, those put contracts exploded in price.  Typically, the $SPY or $QQQs don't move more than 2% in a single day. But, because Tuesday afternoon featured earnings reports from two of the biggest holdings in each index (Tesla and Google) there was an extra catalyst, making the market prime for a larger-than-expected move. Not to mention the fact that the rapid rise of volatility on Wednesday also increased the value of the contracts. When the VIX (an indicator of market volatility) goes higher, so does the underlying value of options contracts. This is because the increased volatility makes it more likely that a stock could hit the strike price associated with the options contract." This article will ruin lives

This HOOD price action is fucking hilarious this week. Jfc


Agree. I hold plenty of shit I have doubts about but HOOD is kinda low on that list


Bought a bunch of HOOD shares at the literal top like a regard


I can’t believe no one has asked the most important question - “how many shareholder questions from HOOD were answered on the TSLA ER!?”


Bring HOOD to $20 so I can load up.


What the heck HOOD?!


Pick stocks you understand and want to own. With $10k id probably choose 2. I personally like and currently sell options on HOOD HIMS PLTR RIVN DKNG

How does this guy drop out of the presidential race with a letter & not on tv addressing the American people![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Is he even alive? $HOOD $30 EOY


It's a little less now like above $200B. But before they were sweeping well above $300B of unused cash into their bank subsidiary for 0 interest and loaning it out making tons of money off it. Industry standard, even fucking HOOD puts it into an MMF to earn like 5% interest for you.


Yall I need help I tried to look up Amazon on HOOD and for some reason I just typed JEFF ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


People really out here eating each other's asshole. Shameless heathens #HOOD 25C SEP 20


Yeah it's weird that HOOD is a better crypto exposure stock than most stocks that come to mind lol.


Wild to me that HOOD owns more BTC than COIN, thanks for taking me down that rabbithodl.

For MARA/RIOT/COIN/HOOD/BITO, keep an eye on any potential rebound if crypto sentiment shifts positively. The political news might stir up some volatility, so be ready for quick moves. CRWD could see continued turbulence with legal and financial fallout—watch for further market reactions and any updates on compensation talks.

HIMS calls? or HOOD calls?


What happened to HOOD?


Surprised nobody mentioned HOOD. Why not


HOOD gap up bigly this coming week


HOOD calls it is


Vlads about to close my HOOD calls then pump them in the money


All the people who don't have a real broker like HOOD


Tell me how the fuck COIN and HOOD mirror each other 9/10 times, yet COIN is 6% higher ​![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Tell me how the fuck COIN and HOOD mirror each other 9/10 times, yet COIN is 6% higher ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


HOOD keeping me green today. Bought more CALLs at open. $30 End of Sept.


HOOD holding ground like a fucking champ


I did a survey the other day from HOOD about private equity, mortgages, banking, real estate, etc.. So I bought the rumor. Hoping for good earnings and news.


Yea 15% of my port is HOOD shares, I am a big believer.


HOOD $30 End of September. I believe they are going be diversifying.


Timed the bottom for HOOD perfect by closing my put and buying a call. Timed the bottom for SOFI perfect too by selling all my shares...0.01 below daily low....


HOOD and take advantage of their interest rates for just parking the money there Buy meme shares and just keep selling calls that will expire worthless lmao


Hahaha nah I’m not in IT. I used to be an IT nerd a long time ago but taught myself how to code and build software years ago, and now I’m on a quant trading desk as a software engineer. Pay is good. Not gonna lie. I just dump half of paycheck every two weeks into QQQ and other ETFs. Very boring but also very easy. I own some blue chips too like AAPL MSFT AMZN JPM and also hold HOOD and CAVA. If I buy a stock I have to hold for 6 months so I can’t be trading in an out. I kinda don’t mind. I used to be so glued to charts and swing trading and it took up a lot of my time. I enjoy just buying good companies now and holding.

HOOD calls with so many “real brokerages” down?


How are we feeling about $HOOD


HOOD FDs were 10 baggers ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


Selling weeklies on my HOOD shares, then buying shares with the buying power has been working really well. It’s like a free share per week


Seriously going to make me a HOOD rat


Bah, I forgot to sell my HOOD puts before close. Here's hoping they're still worth something tomorrow.


What do you guys think of this prediction: HOOD $80/share by September 2026


HOOD $30 End of Sept.


HOOD if you go below $23 I swear I'll never reproduce.


!banbet HOOD 10% 4w


$HOOD to the moon


Haven’t recovered my 20K loss from AAPL call and HOOD call, and the bear strikes again. GG


Okay now even HOOD fucked me because I jinxed it.


Doubling down on HOOD long. I'm not a fan of crypto, but I think they're on the pulse with the youth and geezers alike. They just need to get their customer support on par or surpass Schwab, and we're going to the fuckin moon baby.


people, there will be big rotation from now to Trump takes office. every one will be busy changing their portfolios. HOOD gonna moon.


Only stock not fucking me up the ass is my beloved HOOD stock. Better pick up more of that shit today.


My HOOD calls are still up 130% and I hold them until they are either worthless or up 250%+ and I couldn't give less of a fuck. What now gay bear? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


HOOD at 25


idk man, APPL and HOOD calls sold big time today.. It wasn’t meant to be


the HOOD going to 30 🫡🫡🔥🔥🎰🎰


HOOD selling off options in 2 mins guess what will happen


HOOD to $30 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)



All my stonks are down, but I'm up bc of calls on XLF, consumer discretionary, silver, and HOOD lol


HOOD calls yesterday at open after hardcore corn pump over the weekend was the most free money since stimulus checks. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


HOOD saving my ass from my Nvidia weeklies 




HOOD gang we off to the races


any #HOOD ninjas?


$HOOD do me right 🙏 $25 EOD


HOOD SQ next leg up 🦵


$HOOD @24.27 after hrs![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

Mentions:#HOOD Should I sell ARM and DIS, will HOOD hit $30???


HOOD futes ripping like Vlad signed some tits ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


In the HOOD


What’s up with $HOOD?


My HOOD calls have a delta of .76 and a theta of .-008. I might ride these mfers into the sunset


I’ve mainly picked a few stocks at a time and followed them closely swing trading. A few big wins last year - HOOD, PLTR, SQ, and SOFI I do things the “stupid” way by generally going all in on one things at a time. Right now I have everything on SOFI at a $6.66(lol) cost basis. I’ll ride it up and sell. Repeat somewhere else.

HOOD 25c for friday. Sold it at 3 for peanuts


We making it out of the hood with $HOOD


Perfect we’re in a crazy crypto run so $HOOD to $32


When is $HOOD gonna hit $30 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225) my bags ! my bags need unloading


!Banner HOOD $25 4w


$HOOD $25.5 Calls 7/19 about to cook !!!


#Buy HOOD now or fomo later


Can’t believe I’m saying it but $HOOD $25 calls look insanely good tn


Been in da HOOD since $17. 2700 shares + calls


HOOD you beautiful bastard


Why do HOOD options jump around so much? Seen +7% +0% and -5%


Bring all your MAGA bucks to the HOOD if you want to actually make money.


SQ HOOD ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


$HOOD ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


BTC and HOOD graphs don't seem correlated. I just checked because I actually think BTC is laughable nonsense. HOOD should make money whether BTC has buys or sells; they probably make some margin on both sides. The only thing they need is 'continued interest' in crypto in general but it shouldn't be that closely coupled. BTC price is based on nonsense. Higher BTC prices might encourage crypto trading but eh. ... Also I'm not sure BTC is even 50% of Robinhood's business but I could be wrong.


Anyone know why HOOD is up 7% today? I hold a lot of HOOD bags. Not sure why it's up, but I'm happy as a pig in shit.


naw i mean the stock $HOOD


Corn big green weekend + HOOD calls at open = free money. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)
