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-43.09% Today

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Buy TSLA now

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What Gives?

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Options Questions Safe Haven Thread | Jan 29 - Feb 04 2024

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Oh, the mistakes I’ve made!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Thanks to our good friend Elon

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

How did you know that TSLA was priced for a 50% CAGR?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

TSLA: "No floor"

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Buying TSLA calls during the dump, I thought we were in a bull market, no?

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Best buy signals for popular stocks

r/StockMarketSee Post

Routine Analysis of TSLA

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

It's time for Inverse Cramer and buy TSLA

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Hey Dickheads and assholes! TSLA

r/investingSee Post

Long on TSLA equity, waiting for another dip

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TSLA down, lots of people in puts popping Champagne - LVMH moon!

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Can anyone plot Cathie Wood?

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Question for people who profited from both TSLA and NVDA ?

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Make your own TSLA-free S&P!

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What do y’all think about using ChatGPT for stock researching?

r/StockMarketSee Post

TSLA 🚀 🚀 🦈

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Friendship Ended - $TSLA

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Call me dumb but doesn’t this chart pattern show that $TSLA is about to shoot to the moon?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$TSLA share holders today

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$TSLA Puts to the 🌙

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Imagine your only narrative to boost your company is restricting all other competitors, $TSLA puts

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Any else else see this? $TSLA was watching it during after hours and saw the spike!

r/stocksSee Post

TSLA for Long Term

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

First time, am I doing it right? TSLA 185 1/26 call. Roast me

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Lost money with Tesla

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TSLA Earnings Report Q3

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TSLA puts

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who had TSLA puts and show us your bag

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Puts vs Short shares with calls as a hedge

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This is the $TSLA Bottom

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Sold my TSLA puts.

r/optionsSee Post

Is buying a TSLA call today a good idea?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Spent the rest of my life savings betting on a TSLA drop. Didn't think it would happen so soon.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Cost average $240 TSLA

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$3000 -> $60,000 🔥🔥

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$TSLA go womp womp

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$1,700 - $26,000 full port YOLOs

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Thank you, $TSLA!

r/stocksSee Post

Should I hold onto TSLA or cut my losses and diversify?

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$2,900> $173,000

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$TSLA dip buy

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Starting the year off right $TSLA and $ZIM

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These are the stocks on my watchlist (1/25)

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These are the stocks on my watchlist (1/25)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Here you go $TSLA

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TSLA gainz

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TSLA: testing 192 support and lower support near 176

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Netflix vs Tesla

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How do you guys research or find growth stocks?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

What is wrong with TSLA to many short sells? I know Ev Market is not that great but...

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

People who bought TSLA calls

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Should all in TSLA put

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This is heading towards extreme oversold territory. How much more will it go 🤔

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$TSLA missed earnings expectations.

r/stocksSee Post

Are you putting a Stop Order on your $TSLA shares tomorrow?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Best. Day. Ever.

r/optionsSee Post

Put Options

r/WallstreetbetsnewSee Post

Retrace Inbound? 1-24-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, and DXY/ US Dollar Daily Market Analysis (Tesla Earnings)

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Retrace Inbound? 1-24-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, and DXY/ US Dollar Daily Market Analysis (Tesla Earnings)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$TSLA earnings be trash

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$TSLA be trash

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Cramer is positive in Tesla $TSLA

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$TSLA Earnings Thread

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Tesla Non-GAAP EPS of $0.71 misses by $0.03, revenue of $25.17B misses by $590M

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Just buy SEMI/AI and ride the hype. The roller coaster will end soon but for now it’s green day’s ahead.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Why I'm getting Tesla Puts, A Deep Dive into Earnings (A Must Read)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

A Deep Dive into Tesla's Earnings (A Must Read)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Here's to $TSLA big miss on ER. Lotto for fun!

r/stocksSee Post

Anyone get frustration with themselves not buy more Magnificent 7 ?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$TSLA earnings $170 entry?

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These are the stocks on my watchlist (1/24)

r/StockMarketSee Post

These are the stocks on my watchlist (1/24)

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Dumb Money II

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Nice timing for anonymous TSLA leak - reuters

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r/stocksSee Post

TSLA Unloading

r/StockMarketSee Post

Portfolio Advice

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

So, this is kinda why I think Netflix will beat

r/optionsSee Post

Options Questions Safe Haven Thread | Jan 22-28 2024

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

TSLA earnings date questionable?

r/investingSee Post

Should I cut my EV losses or just ride it out?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Just went full YOLO on TSLA - $208 per share with 2x Leverage 🚀🚀

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$TSLA bottom confirmed

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A Lamborghini-Style EV: BYD Goes Upmarket to Outmaneuver Tesla

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Congrats to the guy with TSLA 215 call options for today

r/stocksSee Post

It’s 2024, how are you guys planning on taking advantage the “AI Craze”?

r/stocksSee Post

What are some good long-term high-growth stocks?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Came here to find my dumpster for the week.

r/investingSee Post

Should you buy TSLA - an AI Stock Analysis

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

TSLA Holders in 2024

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$527 to $73k in 2.5 months. The journey to $100k and beyond

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The future isn't Boeing.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$4,000 -> $17,000 🔥🔥


What worries me is not the size of the drawdown, it’s the lack of a good cause (TSLA has been underperforming for ages, Google where just ok, but not amazing, ai may not be immediately going to change the world - high standards!). In some ways the rapid recovery was worrying as well. Basically get the feeling that the market is looking over its shoulders knowing it’s on borrowed time, but determined not to miss out on those last few gains.


Puts on TSLA? Hmmm.


That's really a bearish take on Tesla (TSLA). A 40% downside risk with a price target of $135 is significant, especially given the company's recent developments and the general market sentiment around EVs. For those holding or considering investing in Tesla, it's worth looking at different perspectives and data points. While analyst opinions can provide insights, it's also important to consider broader market trends and personal investment goals. Tesla has always been a volatile stock, and reactions to quarterly reports can sometimes be overblown. If you're interested in gauging the general sentiment is among Tesla holders, tools like [Upside]( can provide a snapshot of investor activity and average entry prices, which for TSLA is $89. This can be helpful in understanding the baseline of current holders. As always, it's crucial to do your own research and consider the long-term potential alongside short-term news.


Yup. Seen this on Reddit so many times. TSLA is the next TSLA, PLTR is the next PLTR, NVDA is the next NVDA...

I know some people are saying the tech/ AI stocks are overvalued and the hype is over. But this week was an overreaction to TSLA and GOOGL. Most people knew that TSLA earnings would miss and combined with the delay in robo taxi, I can see why it dropped. But Google had solid earnings and I think the only negative was lower than expected ad revenue on YouTube and the AI ROI haven’t panned out yet. Maybe because they severely effed up the Gemini rollout (I still laugh at the Indian woman pope, and black founding fathers/vikings). Still, AI will have significant growth over the next 5 years. I thought it was a massive overreaction. Although a 10% correction is considered healthy in a Bull market. I don’t see these tech stocks going down much further. I’d say probably MSFT and AMZN have the best chances of going up this week. META might have lower as revenue than expected too. Will it tank the whole market? I don’t think it’s likely.

Same. Best thing for TSLA would be getting rid of Musk and having serious focused leadership.


Well, when has the stock market ever make sense though. TSLA is overvalued, ARM is way overvalued.


Start investing a part of your income each year/paycheck in VOO, VTI, whatever ETF. The best investing advice you will hear, 94% of even the experts fund managers people that do it for a living cannot beat the S&P 500 over time. The people that invest in individual stocks and beat the market over 10 years is only 19% and over 20 years is 6% So the vast majority of people bragging about crazy gains they just made given time will do worst then simple S&P 500. So all you need to do it put your money into an ETF based on that index and you will be a top 6% of all investors over 20 years. Regarding the TSLA shares, flip a coin. In the future don't invest in individual stocks until you have the free time to treat investing/research like a full/part time job. The investing world is full of smart sounding people giving professional breakdown giving what looks like great advice... that ends up with bad results vs buying a freaking index ETF lol comically bad all hat no cattle land. There are some real ace investors that retired decades early, they wont try to sell you services or manage your money or teach you to invest for a fee. You likely wont ever know who they are. If you can figure out why that is that's half the battle. Who know maybe I'm one of the all hat no cattle people, assume everyone is an idiot or a leach.


Not saying I'm looking at TMF but I've gone short the last month or so via 2x and 3x inverse shares. Only way to semi responsibly do it in a long term port is dca in my mind. I started the short positions as a trickle then rapidly started adding as market went higher. Dumped a nice TSLZ(2x short TSLA) position up 26% that way. I probably sold some of the shares at a loss

> Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) stock has been downgraded to a Sell recommendation by Philip Securities analysts Reddit is going to trust an investing outlet whose website [looks like it came from China in the 1990's](


TSLA either going to 250 or 200 next week. No I’m between


TSLA is the flattest piece of shit on the whole market today lol my gosh not even anything AH


TSLA holding that 220 spot biggest ber fuck with another week of burning poots looking for that 200 


Let’s just say I have a lot of META and TSLA that I bought at the beginning of the month


!banbet TSLA -20% 30d


TSLA $240 next week. This shit is overblown you knew the stakes


hell yeah! I played a little bigger on IWM and came out +9k for the day on IWM and +50k from TSLA earnings


Doing fantastic! Are you holding your TSLA or do you think the bottom is here already? “/s”


Lol, you guys realize TSLA P/E is lower than NVDA?


> It’s Ai robots Tesla hasn't sold any robots (FSD doesn't count); so betting on them is speculation. This is similar to a co-worker that bought Rivian the day of the IPO. I asked him how many cars they had sold at that point - zero. He's massively in the red today. Projections and actual sales don't always converge hence my claim it's Tesla robots are speculation today especially for a technology that's so incredibly complex.   I don't see any robots being sold at scale in less than 10 years which is why I don't believe Tesla grows into their valuation either. They've done a phenomenal job selling EVs - but everything else (FSD, solar roof, powerwall, robots) is mediocre to subpar as far as creating value for the TSLA investor. From a technology perspect they are a one hit wonder (EVs only); only time will tell whether the bulls or bears are right.


To the guy who said TSLA $200 puts you got me, you got me good. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


Just like how people made TSLA go up on robo taxi hope. they need to make NVDA rally on the orgy farm thingy


MMs trying to screw over TSLA and NVDA calls and puts holders with a flat close


$TSLA teasing everyone , down $0.01![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Google did awesome. it was just paired with TSLA and lowered by association


TSLA GREEN BY CLOSE ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


$TSLA and I have a pretty toxic relationship. It’s her, not me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)


Goddammit. What can we do to get rid of Musk?? My TSLA stock used to be one of the stocks I was most excited about, but he's kind of ruined it.


TSLA red all week and my dumb ass buys 0dte on the last day of red week


Why are TSLA bulls so angry all the time, I just said Hi ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)




I just did 0dte's on TSLA using credit card. if it doesn't finish below 219, $ROPE!!!


I just did 0dte's on TSLA using credit card. if it doesn't finish below 219, $ROPE!!!


Think TSLA will drop $7 before close yall (pls give me confirmation bias) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


The guy has a bug ball. Do you see anything for TSLA


I think if TSLA drops to a sufficiently oversold state, I will accumulate.


TSLA volume cruising up


Buying TSLA done in 5... Straight down into close.


In the other post you answered that you *would* buy TSLA if you didn't have any. You gave two opposing answers to the same question.


Can TSLA be considered a spaceX or starlink play?


okay TSLA going down now im so back ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Ayyyye lets gooo! Took TSLA 222.5 0DTES from .25->.9 +360% 😎 Only took 10 cus I was poor, but I'll take it. Probably goes deep itm now 😂


The TSLA calls I thought of buying would be ITM. Hey at least I didn’t lose again.


Had almost $800. Thanks to TSLA last was $36.


TSLA treating 221 like it has herpes


Earnings plays are crazy rough. Look at TSLA, could have gone either direction. The only golden rule, buy the hype, sell the news. If an amazing catalyst is coming up and the common stock is rising up to that point, sell the day before. Most likely it will drop. Even if it doesn't, you still secured profits.


TSLA take me to safer green lands


I actually did make money on TSLA when I sold it forever ago, congratulations you're a cuck fanboy, I dont care


I got TSLA bear spread 2 weeks out. !banbet TSLA 200 2w


No way, we can literally hit ATH in two weeks but TSLA can be still down, outlook is horrible


2018 through 2023: >The companies identified in the [criminal indictment]( as ones Left allegedly traded on in ways contrary to his public stances on their stock prices included [Nvidia](, [Tesla](, the social media company X, formerly known as Twitter, [Meta](, [Roku](, [Beyond Meat](, [American Airlines](, [Palantir](, XL Fleet, [Invitae](, [General Electric](, Namaste Technologies, and India Globalization Capital.

TSLA will be +3% at close


TSLA fighting for its fucking life to stay green


TSLA dump incoming... Just bought calls.


Bro made me some money on TSLA


TSLA is like the one Hawaiian shirt in your closet: You’re not sure why it’s there, it’s total garbage, yet everyone has it for some reason


So where is the Nasdaq falling to then oh wise one?  Because if this is happening, it's not getting ignored. It can ignore TSLA, but wouldn't Google.


Glad I could help bring some levity. I am sorry about your CRWD loss. NGL, I got spanked a little by cutting my losses in TSLA calls though thankfully I didn’t have any open positions in CRWD. My long tech ETF shares on the other hand are in the intensive care unit receiving blood transfusions. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)

TSLA AI is 400 billion of hype. While MSFT is 2 trillion of AI hype 


Feel like SMCI and NVDA pre earnings pump is free so sold my TSLA puts and loaded NVDA and SMCI calls

also fuck whoever recommended TSLA $200 PUTS, I fell for it ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


Need other stocks to be like TSLA stock.. no bad news phases it. Analyst downgrade bad earnings, just shrugs it off


TSLA bers being forced to sell ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Thanks for the cheap puts TSLA, now die pls


$TSLA $225 EOD heard it hear first


Why did I weekly TSLA instead of 0DTE SPY?? At least I didn’t have. Heart attach every 10 minutes


Enough of this fake pump please just send TSLA to bed already.


TSLA about to get rejected at 219 and dump to 210 the rest of the day


Watch TSLA randomly go green soon.


fucking TSLA had one job 😪


TSLA going green


TSLA full regard


Here comes TSLA


The only person not downgrading TSLA is my aunt Darcy.


It’s up 10% this month. I cannot believe how reactionary people are with headlines and comments. I have never held TSLA in my life because I agree with the sentiment but as always people are so so so close minded and think they’re always right


how tf is TSLA still so high lmao what a joke


Bought TSLA calls…recovery incoming Back to 225 by eod 💰💰💰💰


TSLA n GOOG. The only red all across the board ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


My TSLA bags ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630) Come on Elon, do something for us shareholders. Help a brother out


Someone must’ve ask TSLA, English or spanish, cause it won’t move anywhere


TSLA $225 EOD. Got some $230 calls for next week I wanna make a quick profit on


TSLA do that thing where we go to 200 in 7 minutes ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


Make TSLA 220 again


The market has only begun to sell ... TSLA is a $50 stock.


TSLA bull copium approaching 99.9% purity


TSLA stop inversing tech


is TSLA $200 inevitable?


Why is some stupid TSLA analyst opening his mouth on a Friday? Go home and have a beer


The Aug call will be a great barometer for where and how much big tech is spending right now. If they beat consensus yet again, it will likely be a rising tide that lifts a lot of boats. What I appreciate about NVDA is that its real valuation is not obfuscated by brand loyalty like TSLA and to a lesser extent AAPL. They will move with the fundamentals and projected real spending on AI, not black magic. The AI hype cycle is winding down, and we're getting to where the financial rubber meets the road. Just be aware that YoY changes for NVDA will not be as profound at this upcoming call, given their already spiking financials from 12 months ago. EPS in 2023 *tripled* between May and Aug reports, so the relative increase won't be as insane as we've seen. Fairly warned be thee, says I.

- No promising development in technology - Missing wild promises for years but still keep making them - No promising product in development - Highly polarizing CEO alienating the side rushing to buy EVs - Unpopular CEO is practically THE face of the company - Gimmick vehicle with the health of pugs taking up most of the attention Holding on to $TSLA till now was extremely stupid to begin with.


TSLA has no escape velocity to break away from the SPY moon ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


TSLA just go 210 so I can say fuck wallstreet and close my apps for the weekend ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
