Reddit Posts
EDG. Hit rock bottom and then started to dig.
"Credible" Kaiser is going to have his lunch eaten by EDG Mandates... I can't wait to drink his tears. Why is it the most things in crypto revolve around btc? Cause they know btc offers nothing but a store of gold and so what... it doesn't do smart contracts. It's limited and essentially the Gimp of Crypto. Thats right, BTC is the Gimp of Crypto. I said it... They had thier choice and now it's too late. ETH has taken that position.
whatever happened to EDG back in 2017?
EDG is having a crazy run on Kucoin
Last year, during League of Legend world championship final, a coin called EDG pumped 200% because the team that won was also named EDG. They're completely unrelated, yet the coin still pumped lol
Why do you feel these are good picks? I know MTV but would be interested in hearing your thoughts on EDG for example.
Why do you feel any of these are good picks? I know MTV but curious to hear about EDG for example!
MTV - Multivac PBX - Paribus EDG - Edgware TIDAL Only invested currently in one of these, keeping my eye on them though for developments.
There is no such thing as one top Altcoin and I've grown tired of waiting for Ethereum. Now I am looking at options that complement Eth, that that ideally rely on: * PoW hashpower to secure their network (not a fan of PoS due to poor incentives and inevitable centralisation) * no VC's * massively scale using zkrollups, off chain, or other options * "relatively" green if possible * decentralised * fairly distributed (I accept this means different things to different people. My top 3 are: 1. $SYS - bit of an oldie, but 210k TPS before zkrollups and about to list on Coinbase 2. $FLUX - big community with lots of DAPPs being brought over 3. $EDG - still researching but looks promising!
I bet 30% on DW to beat EDG, DW -1.5 and Showmaker for MVP in the World's Finals. Wake up the next day and realize there is no such thing as life changing money. At least not a change for the positive. And accept reality. That one day we all die.
Grabbing some VET, EDG, OCTO, TEL and DGB because if it ain't fringe I don't want it
Yeah I started on CB in Sept and made 1k going in on Algo and Atom while they were low and resold them. Sold right before Oct and then switched to Kucoin and started using the Grid Bots. Senso, Blok, EDG and RFOX have been good to me
Capabilities and features are not the same. Does it help if we highlight one issue you should research with each of these? Solana: centralised and hard to decentralise because computing power demanded by a node. Cardano: doesn’t support either Substrate or Solidity languages so may not attract enough developers. Algorand: questionable tokenomics. Polkadot: layer 0 and not in itself a smart-contract platform so we must wait to see something ERC20 compatible like MOVR or EDG winning a parachain slot at layer 1 before there is significant population of popular dapps using it.
Next one to pop up in sympathy could be Edgeware (EDG) that has massive potential as a SOL and ADA killer but is hiding below the market radar just now.
Don't forget this new CommonWealth, this platform creates crypto-native integrations for the most popular protocols, this is a true next-generation software. The team behind Commonwealth Labs and the Common Protocol previously created Edgeware, a smart contract platform for building decentralized applications (dApps) that intends to operate within the Polkadot ecosystem. As of {day of announcement}, the coin market cap of EDG, its token, is {\~$255M}. This has so much potential IMO. Despite the immense growth in assets managed by DAOs and the complexity of operations these DAOs manage, the tooling for them is still stuck in the stone age. Commonwealth is solving this.
loose out on future gains? why should i? i am not selling at all and especially not in minus… if i „miss“ profit at selling at a plus of 50 which could go to +100% then there is no loss at all, thats called „missed profit“ and not a loss. but i see you look diffrent to that and yeah, i do not care to be honest:) for me it is clear. as long as i do not sell at a minus, i did not loose anything. if i sell at a plus i do not loose too. once a coin is down by 99% for years i will say yes, thats a loss because the probability of regaining the „loss“ will be close to zero. in such a scenarion i could agree. but i am currently 60% in minus at EDG but this coin is far away from being dead and therefore this is a temporary loss for me which will become a gain in future (most likely) but if i sell now there is no chance that i could reduce the loss or even turn it to green. thats what i mean with it. if you sell at minus you realize a loss which could change back to a gain if you would not have sold it. so if you call this a loss then thats your decision but it is clearly not a definite loss, its a temporary loss that could get less or more until you sell!
as a little help, here are the coins i think they are easy to stake especially when you want to have all on a ledger device somehow. AKT, ATOM, ALGO, TRX, XTZ, MATIC, EGLD, NEAR, EDG (not yet on ledger possible), DOT…
ALBT partnering with EDG got me going crazy - they'll create a P2P lending platform together through which high worth individuals and SMEs would be able to leverage NFTs for loans, which is pretty unique. GBG on the other hand will help ALBT with their ultimate goal of bridging DeFi and traditional finance, as some of their partners are huge on the traditional finance side (HSBC & PayPal)
Be careful with decentralized casinos, maybe you are right and Atari token is a great opportunity, but for the moment all that kind of coins, $FUN, $EDG... had limited success or directly crashed.
Edgeless(EDG) it's... dead.
Bro SLT?? LMAO! Buy edgeware $EDG there getting listed to binance, bittrex, n Kucoin in the next 3 months also coinbase ventures invests in commonwealth and if you listen you would know $edg=common wealth! Your welcome that was insider info btw!
Bit of crash trivia - one of the biggest drops was Edgeless (EDG). Down a horrific 99.998 % Its price is showing currently on Coingecko as 0.0054 (half a cent). It reached $3.00 in January 2018, and yes I bought (luckily only) $100 worth at the ATH which is now worth a tidy sum of 18c.
The DOT ecosystem has some great projects. I hold KSM, EDG, PCX, RING, XRT, XOR.