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r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

$ELITE | Best Potential of 2023 | Huge Marketing Plans | Next 1000x

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

XR Reflect | New Token | Rewards | Strong Holders | PreSale on PinkSale

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

XR Reflect | Decentralızed Token Focused On Revolutıonızıng Web 3.0

r/BitcoinSee Post

So Digital Currency is Sponsoring Major Sports Arenas, How is this Possible? You Have to Have Bottomless Pockets To Do That

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Welcome To Elite Investment Platform 🌎A Licensed Company In United Kingdom

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

MetaLoop Tech is a P2E games Token | ✅Audited by Elite Security | Team wallets locked | Join Now

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Ex Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard Exposes the ELITE, (Part 1,2,3) -Worth the watch, especially how everything is so relevant today!


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

With the way the world is... I'm sure he was just a pawn of the US ELITE to wash funds

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Intel 12900k, AUROS 4080 water force OC liquid cooled, Z690 AUROS ELITE AX Motherboard DDR5 w Wifi, 32gb DDR5 6000mhz Gskill, Full Corsair fans w. 240mm H115I Liquid Cooler w LCD screen, 2TB WD Black SN850X and a 850W PSU fully modular from Corsair. Case is a Corsair 4000D RGB Airflow.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The fed dsnt want to lose control over its peasents. Its yet another fraud they are trying to fuck us with. Pathetic little cocsuckers! DC WILL PREVAIL! FUCK THE WORLD ELITE.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ELITE comment, thank you

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>0x4206931337 420 69 31337 (ELITE) ​ ...definitely something is fishy with that address.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Isn't he an ELITE too? That's just ironic lol

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> If you can't know the inputs (new units created), you must assume corruption. That's why bitcoin is so perfect. Everyone can see the inputs. Agreed. But, of course, in all developed nations of which I am aware, the central bank is solely responsible for creating M0 supply. Only central bank liabilities can be used as reserves for fractional reserve banking, and the central bank most definitely discloses the amount of central bank liability in circulation. So you at least know a very precise upper bound on the money supply at any given time. For example, in 2022, the US Fed has reduced the M0 supply by an average of about $5.5 billion per day. From here you can easily compute relatively tight bounds on the amount of actual change of the money supply. > It should be perfectly obvious that the owners (majority shareholders) of any bank can easily influence who gets "loans". This is precisely what happens. This is only at the commercial bank level. One can't even imagine what the federal reserve is up to. The massive corruption there makes everything else look trivial. Maybe. Like I said, where I live all the banks are publicly traded -- there are no majority shareholders. And if there were, they wouldn't be voting on lending decisions. From my brief time in the US, I learned about the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, which actually makes it a human rights violation with very, very stiff penalties if a bank were to making lending decision based on non-objective factors. Basically, if the CEO's buddy can get a $100k loan and I have an comparable financial situation, I'm begging that they deny me the loan, cause the lawsuit is more lucrative. Obviously corruption exists. Bitcoin will not prevent shady people from skirting the law, though it likely will change the nature of the scams. > That's foolish. I was being tongue-in-cheek. I post my own lectures to YouTube and direct my students to them. But I would hazard to estimate that 95% of the "education" videos I have seen there are....less than rigorous. > The video just shows others easily that banks create money. Most don't even know. I think fractional reserve banking is a relatively well-known phenomenon. I was astounded when I started lurking on cryptocurrency subs how many people seemed to be hearing about this for the first time. But outside of these subs, I think most folks with a basic understanding of finances/economics knows about fractional reserve banking. > As far as your statement about the elites getting taxed, it's unrelated. The wealth gap still exists which was the point. Now who is being silly? I said that inflation "helps slow the rate of concentration", I didn't say it halts it. In fact, in my followup post, I explicitly said the opposite. Either all factors are relevant, or none are. > This statement is absolutely false as is proven by the wealth gap. We already have a huge concentration and it only grows BECAUSE THE ELITE CREATE THE MONEY AND GIVE IT TO THEMSELVES!!! No, this is not proof of anything. At best, it shows that modest inflation is not inconsistent with growing wealth inequality, which nobody claimed it was. The claim was that inflation *forces* the wealthy to choose between letting their spoils trickle down to the less wealthy or watch their wealth dwindle away. Inflation makes hiring people and/or producing value for society the greedy thing to do. This is the only reason that Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos employ a few hundred thousand folks. They'd fire them in a heartbeat if they could keep growing their wealth without them. Deflation, on the other hand, provide an opposite incentive. It forces you to think very carefully before investing money by significantly increasing the chances that you'd make more by hodling. With consistent deflation, you had better bet that Musk and Bezos' fire the whole workforce and sit watching their wealth grow exponentially relative to the peasants. > With your deflation example you're missing the point that you have to spend that money and once it's spent, you have to work for more. No more free "loans". No idea why you say you wouldn't have to pay taxes. Those are just rules. Also, the rate of deflation wouldn't be known so you'd have to figure out whether you wanted to save your money or invest it. You'd have that option. I was specifically referring to people who have lots of money, like in the concrete example I gave. Under inflation, what you say is universally true: once you spend money, it is gone and you must work for more. Part of the equation here is that the amount you lose to inflation is proportional to what you hodl. If you have $100 to your name, 5% inflation "costs you" $5. If you have $100 billion, it costs you $5 billion. With deflation, it is true for most. But there is an inflection point after which it stops being true. Basically, if you are sitting on a large enough nest egg, then the amount you spend in a given year will be smaller than the amount the leftover appreciates by. In this case, there is no reason to invest a penny and no reason to work. You pay no income taxes because having an income is for those losers who weren't yet rich enough when deflation hit.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Catching Knife is #ALL ELITE

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

hope Lamborghini and Ferrari will accept payments in $ELITE because being them Italian companies it would be nice to accept Italian cryptos and create a digital business about that

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Not just gaming though.... Places like the social network, business platforms also uses the NFTs extension....crypto currency giants like the Bitcoin, ethereum,... Are used to purchase this NFTs on any of the platform...... As recently read lower coins like polygon, stellar, dogs coin,$ELITE are also listed on respective platform for purchasing NFTs like videos, pictures, food items, jewelries.... And so on

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Exactly, and I think trading NFTs might even become easier in the near future with $ELITE integrating Blockchain tech into Telco social media will be used for trading NFTs just like with Elisium.

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

It's about time the new generation takes over the old era, at least $ELITE are working towards it with integrating Blockchain tech into Telco, social media as we know will be changed in the future, sharing contents vids, pics a NFTs will just be cool

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

And soon we will use it in our daily lives like on social media, I read $ELITE are working with the social network Elisium towards that

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

good to hear this, hope Italy will do something similar with its own crypto $ELITE

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Lol.... Trust me, we are all going to abandon this system very soon, most countries have already adopted using crypto currencies for normal daily acquisitions and blockchain is being integrated everywhere now, even $ELITE are using Blockchain tech to build a social network.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

This is so true I agree, in the coming years everything is literally gonna be a digital currency, NFTs are already paving the way, just look at how it changed the whole gaming industry with integrating Blockchain tech. I even read that $ELITE is going to be the first digital currency to integrate Blockchain tech into Telco, the social media network Elisium will be something else, just imagine having a passive income a celebrity NFT value keeps rising if your a holder.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Wow, amazing stuff guy's. Blockchain tech has really helped inspire Alot of ideas. And now $ELITE is even integrating Blockchain tech into Telco. The crypto world has really expanded.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Exactly, we long term holders should be able to get cool passive income, I even read $ELITE are planning to launch a social network and if you hold the NFTs you keep getting passive income.

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Haha... Yet another way to gain public attraction, even social medias are developing tokens now. And $ELITE is integrating Blockchain tech into Telco. Can't wait to look back at the crypto world 10 years from now.


Let's goo, where also gonna get some really funny NFTs when Eli mobile launches the $ELITE,they are going to be the first Telco company to integrate Blockchain technology into telecommunication. With their social media network Elisium lot's of celebrities and people are going to be posting some really great contents I can't wait.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

This crypto currency partnerships are pretty amazing I'm telling you. Just look at $ELITE integrating Blockchain tech into telecommunications, that is something I really looking forward to. I read a little about it and we can literally get a passive income by holding the NFTs on the social media platform Elisium. it's really a future I'm looking forward to seeing, being able to interact with celebrities and all that.

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Am happy..... There is a progressive enlightment on trading with cryptocurrencies. People are beginning to understand it's true value and uses...... moreover, the Eli mobile company created the $ELITE token as a currency to be used on their social media, Elisium. The Eli mobile is going to be the first Telco to integrate blockchain technology...

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I honestly like the fact that we can be using crypto currency in our daily lives, it's truly satisfying. I mean even Eli mobile is gonna be the first to integrate Blockchain technology into telecommunication with $ELITE and their social network Elisium. So now instead of wasting time on social media we can actually make money from it just by holding the NFTs/contents celebrities post and the more the comments on the post, the more our passive income actually increases.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

There’s a telco, Eli mobile, it’s officially the first telco to integrate blockchain, there’s also going to be a social media platform, Elisium, where their token $ELITE Is going to be used. Influencers get to create content or NFTs and users buy those contents with the $ELITE token, it actually shows a different kind of interaction between the celebrities and the users. Also if an NFT Is bought and held by a user, the Value increases according to how much more the content will be worth based on the social algorithm of the platform. I think it’s success will be highly based on its marketing, but the idea is brilliant.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ten years from now wow! Who knows? I've got my eye's on $ELITE tho, I mean integrating Telco into Blockchain tech is one thing, but the fact that you can keep getting passive income on the NFTs by holding them is just great, and the value can even get higher the more people comment under you content on the Eli mobile platform. You wouldn't even have to wait for ten years to get rich.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah, people's intrest keeps getting less probably cause of the down side of the crypto market. Most people always seem to forget that you have to take losses sometimes, it's not always just profits. Although I came across the $ELITE token where you can get passive income just by holding their NFTs. I think I might just try that, they also integrated Blockchain tech into the telecommunications industry. I mean celebrities and all would be able to interact with everyone.. that's pretty cool, that might just intrest people more.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Nah not Zuck bucks, they don’t seem to be sure of what to do. I’ll definitely pick $ELITE over this, it’ll be on the Elisium social media platform, it’s made by Eli mobile, the first telco to integrate blockchain. I think it’s going to be huge.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think it’s really possible they’re a lot of coins with such potential, There’s ADA, Dogecoin, the token that intrigues me among the upcoming ones is the $ELITE token, Eli mobile is the first telco to integrate blockchain and that’s its token, it’ll be inculcated in a social media platform and they even have NFT applications too. Yes I believe some of us will look back and rejoice that we/they bought some of these coins

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I guess that’s just how the market is. You should find good tokens to invest in, I personally like $ELITE looks very promising. You can do I bit more research on it

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

But of course it is, I mean even snap chat has its own tokens, SNAP tokens. And right now there’s a telco company that integrated blockchain, Eli mobile, $ELITE, this is a proper crypto token in the polygon chain, it’s going to be used on another social media platform called Elisium, the platform allows a new sort of interaction between celebrities and people through content created and even NFTs. Cryptocurrency isn’t going anywhere there’s always going to be new technology and problems to be solved.

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Well recently, I’ve been thinking of ways cryptocurrency can be used through mobile networks, I felt that needed to be looked into, recently though, I saw a token, $ELITE, it’s said to be the first telco integrated with blockchain and I’m excited about it. Still doing my research on it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Why not!? It’s faster and it just seems more private. And truth is the recent tokens apply to youngsters. For example, there’s this upcoming token $ELITE, it’s the first telco to integrate blockchain and it’s also going to be used on a social media platform known as Elisium where people get to interact with celebrities. These are the kind of reasons why youngsters love crypto, it gives them a means to earn just doing what they love.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Crypto is backed by the people, and we can trust to always want the best for ourselves than the government wants for us. Why cryptocurrency will eventually outpace fiat will not be a question of one being faker than the other. It will be which has more utility around it. Fiat will allow you to transact worldwide with little to no transaction fee. Or unlike the ELITE token where each token gotten can fetch money for you. I'll choose crypto over and over again without sentiments

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Its $Elite for me. These are some of the perks; Sharing content in a new way Promoting freedom of expression Distributing quality content from verified celebrities Building a reward system for creators Managing licenses and rights to pictures and videos For the investor: Speculating on the increase in value of $ELITE tokens Buying NFTs that generate passive income Buying exclusive products or products on sale Farming For the influencer: Selling content in NFTs Earning money from the secondary market Its a bunch of good news

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

A bull run will also boost the value of alternative cryptocurrencies, which is exactly what we want. It's fascinating to watch cutting-edge mobile and telecommunications concepts like Eli Mobile's $ELITE take shape and then see what they can accomplish.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

that's great analysis! take my award ! Altcoins will also be hyped as a result of a bull run, and that's exactly what we want. It's exciting to watch ideas like $ELITE being developed by Eli Mobile, a pioneer in the field of mobile and telecommunications, take shape and see what they do.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Netflix is trying hard to portray crypto in a bad way. btc is uncontrollable. It's reassuring to know that companies like Eli Mobile are leading the way in the application of blockchain technology by creating $ELITE and a community called Elysium to address members' ideas and concerns.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

DAOs are the future, and they're being built now. More intriguing partnerships and announcements in the NFT, $ELITE and P2E space are on the way, including investment DAOs

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Right. Data is currently locked up in silos; but, utilizing a decentralized marketplace like the one built by OCEAN and $ELITE, this may be addressed.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Why are they insisting on moving BTC to PoS? Greenpeace is basically bluffing. This is not possible, Some alts like $ELITE have green-friendly policies.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The best option is to do your own research for you not to lose your hard earned fiat. Considering the mass adoption of crypto its better to join early . If you look closely, you'll notice that telco and mobile firms are using blockchain technology in their operations as well. A company like Eli Mobile that is developing $ELITE as a pioneer in blockchain development suits the description.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I suppose law enforcement comes in handy in rare circumstances when there are no other options other than $ELITE

r/BitcoinSee Comment

very true am currently holding my funds on $ELITE safe heaven trying to see the wave

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Why would you store your coins in an exchange even? Not your keys not your coins also Its basic KYC policy that keep accounts safe and provides a little bit info about users. Pioneers in telco & mobile like Eli mobile that is developing $ELITE have basic infrastructure that are reasonable

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They should include crypto-friendly policies in order to advance mass adoption. I see alts like $ELITE which is pioneering in blockchain development in mobile and telecommunications having high potential.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is the effect of the current bull market. We are gearing up to alt season all again. I have high hopes in alts like $ELITE that is pioneering in blockchain development in mobile and telecommunications.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The current bull market will cause a ripple effect for alts too. I'd say we're gearing to Alt-season. I foresee coins like $ELITE that's being developed by Eli Mobile having a promising future since it incorporates blockchain tech in telecommunication & mobile development.

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

SEC is now dragging us to the period when China was banning crypto for the umpteenth time. When other industry players like Eli Mobile are now pioneering in blockchain tech in developing $ELITE. IMO crypto is here for the long run

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

We're heading to massive crypto adoption. If schools are now accepting btc as a form of payment means a lot! Saw something similar to this in the adoption of blockchain technology in the mobile and telco, companies like Eli Mobile that is developing $ELITE

r/BitcoinSee Comment

If politicains are now using Crytpo to campaign, we're sure that we're heading to massive crypto adoption. I've seen some telco and mobile companies like Eli Mobile that is creating $ELITE token as a pioneer in developing systems in blockchain will stand to gain.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is what occurs when contracts are not thoroughly tested. I've seen other teams, such as Eli Mobile, take no chances by recruiting talented developers "to create $ELITE.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

When developing contracts that aren't well tested, this is what happens. I've seen some team like Eli Mobile leaving nothing to chance by hiring competent devs \`\`to make $ELITE .

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Crytpo is the only way to go. Sometimes its better to diversify your wealth into crypto. I've seen some companies like Eli Mobile pioneering blockchain development by developing $ELITE token.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bitcoin is uncontrollable! The European Union has made a wise decision. This is reassuring news for blockchain engineers. When firms like Eli Mobile are pioneering the usage of blockchain technology by producing $ELITE and having a community called Elysium that answers member's views and concerns, it's reassuring that we're on the right track.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If countries are adopting crypto in this manner, we can be certain that crypto adoption will be widespread. Some telco and mobile firms, such as Eli Mobile, which is launching the $ELITE token as a pioneer in developing blockchain technology, would benefit.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Bitcoin has a constant influence on the movement and behavior of AltCoins. You'll see an uptick in some altcoins like $ELITE when BTC goes on a bull run.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Bitcoin always influence on how AltCoins move and behave. When BTC goes on a bull run, you’ll see an increase in some altcoins like $ELITE

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bitcoin can't be regulated! That's a good move by European Union. This is quite encouraging to blockchain and developers.  It’s quite encouraging when companies like Eli Mobile is pioneering in the use of blockchain technology by developing $ELITE and having a community called Elysium that addresses the member's views and concerns shows that we are heading in the right direction

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Bitcoin is a decentralized system that belongs to no one. I see Russia is trying to avoid the sanctions that are being set up to cripple its economy. With the advent of blockchain technology, we can see companies such as Eli Mobile developing their own crypto $ELITE as a pioneer in mobile and telecommunications systems

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If countries are adopting Crytpo in such a measure, we're sure that we're heading to massive crypto adoption. Some telco and mobile companies like Eli Mobile that is creating $ELITE token as a pioneer in developing systems in blockchain will stand to gain.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Haha good thing I went diamond hands on it and ELITE

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

When VC and banks are now warming up to crypto I see no reason for people to worry that rich people are investing in crypto. Early adopters of crypto are the ones to gain , since the prices will go up. Companies in telco and mobile tech like Eli Mobile that’s developing $ELITE as a pioneer blockchain development in the mobile industry will stand to gain in the coming days.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Never seen research done well like this. People go out of their way to check where they can invest their hard-earned money in various crypto. I have seen the likes of Eli Mobile developing $ELITE as a pioneer in the mobile & telco company. They have a well-outlined roadmap that outlines their vision and that for me is what I look for when I buy into a project.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

If businesses are allowed to pay taxes in btc that's progressive. if you research keenly you can see that even telco and mobile companies are also embracing blockchain technology in their operations. a company like Eli mobile developing $ELITE token will be a revolutionary in the crypto space.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

A bull run will also result in altcoins hyping that's what we all want. some projects that are in inception like $ELITE is being developed by Eli Mobile will definitely hit a x100 easily when btc hits the previous ATH

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It is strange how banks are now embracing the crypto revolution by developing stablecoins that are fixed to the currency. The same is happening in the telecom sector, where wireless companies are currently developing tokens that integrate blockchain technology into their operations. If you look at the $ ELITE token developed by EliMobile, you can see the spillover effect that disrupts the communication space.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's funny how banks are now embracing the crypto revolution by creating stable coins pegged to their own currency. The same thing is happening in the telecommunications industry, with mobile carriers designing tokens that incorporate blockchain technology into their operations. If you look at the $ELITE token that Eli Mobile is developing, you can see the ripple effect that will disrupt the telco market.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

We’re close to hit the previous ATH soon. If it breaks the RL we will get to 50k soon . Some projects in telco and mobile industry are now cost to the idea of implementing blockchain tech in their operations . Eli mobile pioneering in creating $ELITE token which aims in revolutionizing the telecommunications industry is something to watch out on .

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think Putin selling Gas & Oil to “unfriendly” nations using the Ruble is a big dic move considering it will rise the tanking currency . The same way US wanted to crack down on crypto currency but can’t because it’s bigger than the republican & dem senators views. Emerging tech in telco & mobile such as $ELITE has a futuristic approach in adopting blockchain tech in its operation.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

FOMO will always be there. Be weary when people are greedy and greedy when people are weary. It’s better to do your own research in new projects and join when it’s at an inception stage . Projects like $ELITE from Eli mobile have potential of hitting x10 easily . Pioneering in telco and mobile blockchain technology you wouldn’t want to pass on such an early opportunity of being an early adopter.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The rule of hand in crypto is to buy low and sell high . The opposite usually occurs to most of us . But if you do your own research and stick to projects that have a high reward system and great team behind, you’re bound to succeed. If you check out projects that are in conception stage such as $ELITE token that’s being fronted by Eli Mobile , you can see the potential it holds and by that make informed choices .

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

They are trying so hard to emulate China’s behavior of banning crypto for a thousand times with little or no effect . Blockchain tech is evolving , if you see companies in telco and mobile industry such as Eli mobile with their $ELITE token trying to form an Elysium community you’ll see how blockchain is here to stay

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Banks went from “not my kid “ to “I think he can be in the NBA or NFL so he’s mine”. Most revolutionary inventions like crypto are here to stay. The same way telco and mobile companies are now adopting blockchain tech means it has massive potential. If you check out $ELITE by Eli mobile , they’ve outlined a roadmap to adopt blockchain tech in their operations and rewards systems . A pioneer in their industry and they’ll prolly make other industry players follow tat route soon .

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Sometimes when people drop their opinions here , they’re met with hostility but in real sense if you do your own research on some of the tokens people suggest you can actually grow your portfolio. Tokens like $ELITE which incorporate telco & mobile tech with blockchain technology are rumored to moon or maybe lambo

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Goldman Sachs went from denial to acceptance. If banking sector saw the need of adopting crypto currency as a means of operation the same thing is evident in telco and mobile development. Inventions of $ELITE that integrates blockchain tech in development stands to make moves never seen before .

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Funny on how banks are now accepting the crypto revolution by developing stable coins pegged to their currency. Same thing is happening in the Telco space whereby mobile companies are now developing tokens that integrate blockchain technology in their operations. If you check out $ELITE token that is being developed by Eli mobile you can see the ripple effect in place that will disrupt the telco space .

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It’s better to get into projects because of the roadmap and white paper rather than hype and rumors. Most partnerships that are emerging will bring revolutionary effects to gaming and crypto. A token like $ELITE which is pioneering in mobile and blockchain tech and still is incorporating NFTs as a form of purchase will be at the forefront in changing the dynamics of NFTs and crypto. Like always DYOR

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

ORE protocol and ELITE might enjoy some really cool mutual partnership, telecomms and identity protocol are like two peas in a pod.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Getting into smaller low cap projects, new just released potential tokens is also a good idea. you don't have to invest much, just throw in 100$ on smaller caps potential project like ERGO, Harmony and $ELITE.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

OP missed the most profitable way to make money that is by investing in low cap coins. The perfect way I believe to increase 10x or 20x is not through large cap coins. They are done through low cap ones. The next big thing in 3 years will be NFT so you should be loooking on Nft tokens and coins that arerelatively new. you don't have to invest much, just throw in 100$ on smaller caps potential project like ERGO, Harmony and $ELITE.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'd also advice to look into other quality projects. Look into quality upcoming projects. Another dip I bought was $ELITE on QuickSwap. A polygon blockchain project that will feature celebs creating NFTs that can be bought and traded using $ELITE token

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There are lots of other NFT project with good use case that are solid and are still rising. I believe Nft is still relatively new and it gets better with time. One Needs to look onto newer coins. Harmony, Elite, they're all new and doing good. $ELITE is new though and I find it interesting. Holders of the $ELITE token are part of Elysium, a community with access to a social network whose content is created by celebrities. Launched recently with few holders.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I don't see this as gambling at all. Only invest which you can afford to lose is the best advice given here second to DCAing. How I look at this is I have spent a lot of my free money on cards, games etc. These are hobby stuffs, I'd say. You don't have to buy million dollar NFT, just buy valuable digital things like NFT. Just like I love how $ELITE is doing these days. IT'S NFT Marketplace will showcase content created exclusively by celebrity influencers that can be bought and traded using the $ELITE Token.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Some of the new coins have also done great. If bitcoin rises everything else rises, we've seen this time and again. The next big thing is 3 years will be NFT so you should be looking on Nft tokens and coins that are relatively new. you don't have to invest much, just throw in 100$ on smaller caps potential project like ERGO, Harmony and $ELITE.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's useful for hobbyist ticket collectors too, cards collectors, anything that's to do with pictures. These apes pictures of NFT really gave the whole crypto space a bad news. Still there are lots of NFT project with good use case that are solid and are still rising. I believe Nft is still relatively new and it gets better with time. One Needs to look onto newer coins. $ELITE is one that I find interesting. I just read about it. Holders of the $ELITE token are part of Elysium, a community with access to a social network whose content is created by celebrities. Launched recently with few holders

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

yes, To research was one thing but investing even a small amount with know prior idea to into low cap coins brought big fortune to lots of people. ALL alts are over 50% down from ATH at this point . BUY more ALTS!!. Look into quality upcoming projects. i BOUGHT HARMONY, DOT, AXIE. Another dip I bought is $ELITE on QuickSwap. A polygon blockchain project that will feature celebs creating NFTs that can be bought and traded using $ELITE

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'd say just throw in 100$ on smaller caps potential project like ERGO, Harmony and $ELITE. The max bitcoin would do in 2x while these coin can do 10x,20x or even 100x. Like I just bough $ELITE, it's NFT Marketplace will showcase content created by celebrity influencers that can be bought and traded using the $ELITE Token.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So do all other crypto currency are here to stay. Some might dissapear but rest are here to stay . Also remember to hold and DCA into low cap, new quality coins. These low cap coins in next 3+years are next Solana, AXIE and Harmony. It's a fact. There wiill be more NFT craze in 3+ years like never before so also look into into nft coins for example Like $ELITE on QuickSwap. A polygon blockchain project that will feature celebs creating NFTs that can be bought and traded using $ELITE.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

A huge part of social media is celebrities, people following and watching a celebrity. This part can be out of social medias. There could be for example a different token, a block chain where people only follow celebrities. Take $ELITE, whose NFT Marketplace will showcase content created by celebrity influencers that can be bought and traded using the $ELITE Token.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

yes, I too remember the sub content used to be best during these bear times. In these times I think one strategy is to look for low cap gems. They have chances of doing 10X, 20X while bitcoin might to 3x at max. look for newly launched coin for example; $ELITE, one, helium. $Elite whose NFT Marketplace will showcase content created by celebrity influencers that can be bought and traded using the $ELITE Token.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The perfect way I believe to increase 10x or 20x is not through large cap coins. They are done through low cap ones. The next bif thing is 3 years will be NFT so you should be loooking on Nft tokens and coins that arerelatively new. you don't have to invest much, just throw in 100$ on smaller caps potential project like ERGO, Harmony and $ELITE. $ELITE

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

These apes pictures of NFT really gave the whole crypto space a bad news. Still there are lots of NFT project with good use case that are solid and are still rising. I believe Nft is still relatively new and it gets better with time. One Needs to look onto newer coins. $ELITE is one that I find interesting. Holders of the $ELITE token are part of Elysium, a community with access to a social network whose content is created by celebrities. Launched recently with few holders

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'd say what's a life without a risk anyway. Getting into smaller low cap projects, new just released potential tokens is also a good idea. you don't have to invest much, just throw in 100$ on smaller caps potential project like ERGO, Harmony and $ELITE. $ELITE NFT Marketplace will showcase content created by celebrity influencers that can be bought and traded using the $ELITE Token.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yes, Same. Also remember to hold and DCA into low cap, new quality coins. These low cap coins in next 3+years are next Solana, AXIE and Harmony. It's a fact. There wiill be more NFT craze in 3+ years like never before so also look into into nft coins for example Like $ELITE on QuickSwap. A polygon blockchain project that will feature celebs creating NFTs that can be bought and traded using $ELITE.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Just buy the DIP. ALL alts are over 50% down from ATH at this point . Look into quality upcoming projects. Another dip I bought is $ELITE on QuickSwap. A polygon blockchain project that will feature celebs creating NFTs that can be bought and traded using $ELITE

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well, I did get to have enough money to buy a house last year. Don't worry, on the next bull run we'd all be that rich. Don't also forget to keep DCAing on low cap coins. These low cap coins are next Solana, AXIE, Harmony. AND ALways TRY TO buy before hype. for example $ELITE whose NFT Marketplace will showcase content created by celebrity influencers that can be bought and traded using the $ELITE Token.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Also remember to hold and DCA into low cap, new quality coins. In tech it's not the earliest who got in first will make it big, look at facebook and myspace, vine and tiktok, yahoo and google. Invest in low cap like harmony, ergo, and $ELITE. $Elite Looks really attractive to get on into now. Low cap and even less number of holders. Pretty surprising for a project

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

yes, correct. It won't fall. ALts and other tokens are quite low at this point. I see this as a great buying opportunity rather than a Fail. Perfect way to make money right now is to search and invest in low cap coins. Investing in new , just launched coins today can give you 10x , 20x or even, It has been this way on previous cycles too. for example look at $elite, it new and it's low cap, has several partnerships, $ELITE will prove it's worth sooner or later. Does real work of bringing blockchain as an integral element into the very concept of telecommunications.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

crypto isn't sillly, saying it's silly is like telling the internet is funny during 1990s. Crytpo will chahnge everything like how internet has changed us. look into NFTS for example look into token like $ELITE, elite token are part of Elysium, a community with access to a social network whose content is created by celebrities. Launched recently with few holders

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Elite also looks juicy. it new and it's low cap, has several partnerships, $ELITE will prove it's worth sooner or later. Does real work of bringing blockchain as an integral element into the very concept of telecommunications.
