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My question about BTC software / QA / push to production

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StrategyQuant X Ultimate Build 135 and QuantAnalyzer 4.90.20 Cracked

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[SERIOUS] Influencers: how many wrong predictions make a right one? Part 2.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

World Blockchain Summit - Dubai 2022 | Sphynx Labs Presentation | Accelerating the adoption of Digital Currencies

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World Blockchain Summit - Dubai 2022 | Sphynx Labs Presentation | Accelerating the adoption of Digital Currencies

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The Tezos Ecosystem Career Fair!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

$ Shinobi: Shinobi is a decentralized tokenized Triple-A gaming platform | ShinobiVerse open-world P2E Unreal Engine/ Unity realistic graphics RPG |Triple-A gaming project on Cronos/BNB/Polygon | Live on PINKSALE on the 17th of May!

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Shinzi Network - A Brand New Incoming Cryptocurrency Blockchain/Exchange/Marketplace

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YouTube promo Incoming for Shinzi Network

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Shinzi Network

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Shinzi Network

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Shinzi Network

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No DCAing ISN'T Overhyped - With Supporting Evidence

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Top 5 Steps to create your own Multi-currency wallet development

r/BitcoinSee Post

How to get a job in crypto as a test automation engineer ( SDET/QA automation ) ?

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How to get a job in crypto as a test automation engineer ( SDET/QA automation ) ?

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How to get a job in crypto as a test automation engineer ( SDET/QA automation ) ?

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How to get a job in crypto as a test automation engineer ( SDET/QA automation ) ?

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How to get a job in crypto as a test automation engineer ( SDET/QA automation ) ?

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How to get a job in crypto as a test automation engineer ( SDET/QA automation ) ?

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How to find a job in crypto as a test automation engineer ( SDET/QA automation )

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Gaming NFTs will NOT allow for you to use items in ANY game

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

No, DCAing ISN'T overhyped - with supporting evidence

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Binance does it again, refuses to pay out prizes won


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Unfortunately, your probably right. An admission of guilt intersected by heartfelt apologies will inspire **sympathy**, especially if it’s followed by statements of abuse, threats, or fear that lead to acting complicit with illegal activity’s. **Credibility** will be gained through a soft QA regarding her involvement in detail. Having both sympathy and credibility the overall direction of the narrative can be directed by those whom represent her, and allowing for truth and unsubstantiated accusations against SBF to fly around. No matter the revelations that come from this I seriously doubt the true scope of the events will be fully realized I’m it’s entirety. True scope as in those involved like S&C and individuals associated, or the methods employed. If we use the SEC’s liberal interpretation of ‘retail investor protection’ as an example, (along with various other individuals/agency’s) the only substantial results we will come from this will be in the form of further intervention and regulation that’s diametrically opposed to general freedoms and our various investment goals. SBF is like a stem branching from a weed. Cutting him out doesn’t destroy the plant itself any more than snipping it at its base does. Unsurprisingly there’s far more to this than what’s broadly known. It’s not a secret, but it’s not necessarily packaged in one easily digestible article either. Who needs to get to the root of the problem when so many weeds have been plucked from the stem? When we continually ignore the roots entrenched across the globe we guarantee it’s perpetuation and expansion. As the sophisticated root structure so ingrained into every faucet of society that any true separation would result in “building from the ashes” perpetuation thus, we will never rid ourselves of the infestation plaguing American/global society

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This sounds more like a disagreement from within the developers, like your marketing team saying your ready but your QA leads are telling you that they still need time to test for issues…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Imagine human error deleting an asset in a game (e.g. gun skin) that somebody paid $1000 for, they'd be gutted and the data could be permanently lost - or a roll-back could cause more damage e.g. all users losing assets they'd purchased since then. There's a reason why developer write test, and have multiple version of their data table backup, pre-prod, and multiple QA to check during each development cycle that shit isn't missing. You're definitely not a SWE. Or you are, but a really shitty one.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Don’t ever buy a Tesla. Tons of cosmetic issues that should have been fixed before even leaving the assembly plant. QA is nonexistent. Recalls, absurd repair times, winter weather is a no-brainer, and an entire laundry list of issues. Other than that, without government handouts, his other companies would have failed a long time ago.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hex you know it’s a scam when they have to tell you why it’s not in the QA section of the website.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

[Nobody can defeat the Bart head pattern](http://)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The only interesting part is that people increase crypto visibility. As a developer it seems silly to me to implement this. It is simply making an API call to get the data and display it if someone searches for the term. Storypoints 3-5 to let QA team test.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

As a developer it seems silly to me to implement this. It is simply making an API call to get the data and display it if someone searches for the term. Storypoints 3-5 to let QA team test. The only interesting part is that people increase crypto visibility.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Why is that? Much better to make sure they do a thorough job of QA then release things too quickly. Segway took a long time and so did batching and lots of other things. Better to do it right than hasty

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>A deposition of an ongoing lawsuit in the US against Athena revealed shady details regarding the implementation of the Bitcoin law. No QC, no QA, making changes on production, and misuse of public funds.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>I’ll admit I’m an O’Leary fan [Fan of this guy?]( >exaggerating and misrepresenting O’Leary here saying this is just my opinion does not excuse blatantly lying >for me the false claim undermines any preceding or subsequent argument. for me the claim that you're an O'Leary fan undermines your argument and your refusal to read the entire post only reinforces the point I'd urge you to look into what this guy has been upto with regards to FTX and then try to defend him

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Fuck Kevin O'Leary forever and for all time. Piece of shit. Remember this always:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This guy has no problem with 3.5 billion poor people, why does he care if he lost money? Being poor is good ;

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think some developer and QA are going to get a slap on the wrist.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They wanted a QA analyst/engineer and when you apply they ask about all your crypto trading experience and if you know what a long position is etc. I just find that sad.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That's true enough but these lawsuits will lead nowhere for the claimants. It's like if your Qatar Airways plane crashed and you sue Barcelona Football Club because QA sponsor them. I feel for the people who lost money but it sounds like desperation, knowing that FTX don't have any money to sue for so suing anyone and anything associated with them. I mean Larry David? Come on, he was in a damp advert. He's not some master criminal who stole from people.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Crypto marketcap in 2 years will be lower than today. Reading people comments the large majority is here to make money without believing crypto have good use cases today. This is a financial bubble by definition and it didnt fully popped yet (there is still a majority of people who are in only in to make money in something they dont really see as having fundamental value). The last bull run was caused by a very unique set of circumstances (massive QA + lock down + money printer) and the current situation (inflation + QT + recession) create selling pressure on all assets lowering their value overtime and it will still last a bit, even after the recovery will be slow and painful. Its likely than non believers will leave slowly during the 2 next years to cut their losses creating selling pressure too.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hi. Former QA lead at a tier-2 I-502 in Washington state. That’s a weed farm for you Normans out there. What you’re saying is dumb as hell. You have zero idea how tightly our industry is run. Each farms inventory is entered into a database that is constantly evaluated. You can’t even have kief that isn’t weighed out. Once we had an agent visit our farm after confiscating 5,000g of kief from another farm because it was never on their books as a byproduct of the flower. They were then fined $20k. We have a quite large number of pesticides that are approved for use. When a crop fails you have to document that it’s happening and throw it away in the dumpster mixed with soil so it’s not able to be consumed. The dumpster is locked and not accessible by others. The idea that California has cleaner cannabis is moronic. You need to get experience in this field and stop running your mouth.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So they replaced the device super fast for you, and you are questioning if they are a respectable company? Ask yourself how many other companies out there would do this. Maybe you just got bad luck with QA. Ledger is great (imo)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm a part time QA engineer, full time shit poster.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

lol no shit [Kevin O'Leary says 3.5 billion people living in poverty is fantastic news](

r/BitcoinSee Comment

lol no shit [Kevin O'Leary says 3.5 billion people living in poverty is fantastic news](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's not that easy in such large companies, there are PR approvals (from managers, engineering managers), quality checks, QA signoffs, unless you have access to an account that can bypass all of these rules and have production database access, this is really really tough to be happening all in one day.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

QA: That's right, it goes in the square hole.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Here is a [Nitter link]( for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here]( --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Totally depends of what path they choose. A brand new from scratch? To use a glp one and contribute? (Better if MIT, for the licenses etc). Only for doge and move on later or directly as multichain? Only for the app with their custom wallet or also for desktop (being forced to integrate several of them). Easy answer, the fastest approach putting QA etc, 3 months if they don't yolo

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

this has to be an inside job. cant believe that there are so many exploits lately. devs are normally not stupid and do testings alot. code audits and QA is a must too. especially if its a huge project behind..

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

.75 expected. 1 ll be brutal. But the important thing is the QA round... If he promises more .75s this year

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yes and no. Software development is hard. Testing blockchain projects even harder. A lot of frameworks/conventions that web 2 devs come to depend on simply don’t exist or are excruciatingly slow/broken for these types of orchestrated web 3 exploits. Projects tend to budget for good devs but lots have zero budget/time for QA. It’s a different mindset/context switch required by devs to discover these vulnerabilities. I don’t think it’s a simple case of not hiring “good developers”

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hum, I think we don't have the same definition of centralization. How does implementing better QA testing, hiring more security experts, and doing more audit decreases decentralization exactly? Im not talking about releasing a centralized product with insurance and the capability to freeze funds

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Here is a [Nitter link]( for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here]( --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If you're interested in facts, read through what I linked to in my earlier comment. And this, to scratch the surface: > The primary criticism seems to be relay nodes. The counterpoint is that any node can point to any relay they want, the software just ships with a default list that is managed by Fnd/Inc. If relays started acting maliciously, the community can make their own relay list.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It just isn’t that interesting. I’m confident you will find similar issues at almost any multinational corp. There are departments dedicated to QA and communication compliance for anything involving another entity at most orgs and they all sweep violations under the rug. What is the real implication for BinanceUS and its customers? An expensive audit? I think anyone who is downloading a VPN to access products they know are restricted is their own responsibility. I don’t imagine this will cause any serious concerns for customers. If you keep any money in any multinational bank, you have the same problems. I know Bitcoin is supposed to bring custody to the people but if customers aren’t using their own wallets or p2p exchanges, then they don’t actually want that. BinanceUS should be treated like any financial service. What happens if they are found in greta violation that it threatens the public? Would BinanceUS be nationalized like a bank would? Or just bailed out so the customers dont suffer? Or would regulators just let BinanceUS fail and tell its customers tough luck.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

QA? Man validation sucks. I respect you my friend...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ya, there still is a human element which makes it where it can't be trustless. But it is the nearest thing we got until technology and robotics progress a lot more. ​ It's like work orders at some jobs. You might said you did all these things. But normally QA will have to come by and approve of whatever before it heads out. If QA misses it or is corrupt, then ya. But if QA finds you said you did a bunch of things you flat out didn't do. Then you most likely will get in trouble. And there could even be things where the inspector has to upload video/pictures to the blockchain. Like there is a number of ways to handle this. But at the end, the point is record keeping.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

While I'm sure pressure is a part of this, I think the bigger problem is the developers simply don't know what they are doing. I've been a developer for the better part of 10 years, and can confidently say your run of the mill developer knows little to nothing about security. They simply don't see their blind spots. It doesn't help that crypto investors rush into every single project with zero vetting, so this behavior is rewarded over and over again. Even after so many hacks just like this, crypto investors will line up again tomorrow for the next hot project. TLDR; Stop hiring shitty developers to write code that handles millions of dollars. And hire some god damn QA engineers.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think you're right - there was a documentary on Netflix iirc (Explained maybe?) that talked about how companies are creating custom blockchains for purposes like this. Not sure if the transparency is supposed to be for internal QA or reassuring customers though.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

this is their QA not timeline - maybe they will win by the time the next bull market starts

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Pretty much all QA is this.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We ve been for months in bug bounty/hardcore QA audits seasson. But for some reason the press call them 'hacks'

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thankyou! You're right - a lot of the hacks that have happened in the past few years have targeted bridges. So why bridges? The answer lies in where the various projects' priorities lie, and how much development time can be assigned to various areas. Usually, a bridge attack happens because a hacker manages to exploit a bridge through some weird exploit that QA should have easily picked up. This doesn't get picked up in some cases because the bridge is not the most important part of the project, it is just a way to get more users and liquidity into the chain, therefore less development time is assigned to the bridge and the chance for something to get missed rises. With Nervos, Force Bridge is the heart of the project. Without Force Bridge, the project is useless so I would expect that more development time would be assigned to the bridge than perhaps another chain where interoperability is not at the centre of the mission. The Nervos team are also very open about challenges and roadblocks on their development journey. for example, the Force Bridge to Cardano is being built, but has stopped temporarily because they have come across an interesting engineering challenge on Cardano's side. You can read up on the update \[here\]([]( I really respect a developer who is able to say, 'we are struggling with this currently' because it communicates to me that they will not just deploy something that is broken or under-analysed. It means that they will be up front and honest in a space that has historically been known for, well, the opposite of that. I know that my answer to you is essentially 'because I believe they are good programmers and developers', but really that's what vulnerabilities boil down to, and that is the difference between a good team and a bad team. Hope this helps :)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I bought a “bag” when it first collapsed. I thought to myself “isn’t the majority often proven to be incorrect?” I’ll hold for a while longer. Everyone loves an underdog. Especially when it makes Do Kwon look like the arrogant clown he is. This was obvious imo, although I do sense another surprise of an unknown variable. Things are just seeming to be far too bullish, while CB, Terra, and Buterin seem to have gone to great lengths to avoid any QA. I see this as a positive because it’s only suspended, and has strong potential to be relisted. The community has a lot of obsessives whom are interested in further development. Entities like CB and Buterin continuously dodge questions. Other then that the price “glitching and misrepresented data started at the launch of LUNA2.0

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I bought a “bag” when it first collapsed. I thought to myself “isn’t the majority often proven to be incorrect?” I’ll hold for a while longer. Everyone loves an underdog. Especially when it makes Do Kwon look like the arrogant clown he is. This was obvious imo, although I do sense another surprise of an unknown variable. Things are just seeming to be far too bullish, while CB, Terra, and Buterin seem to have gone to great lengths to avoid any QA. I see this as a positive because it’s only suspended, and has strong potential to be relisted. The community has a lot of obsessives whom are interested in further development. Entities like CB and Buterin continuously dodge questions. Other then that the price “glitching and misrepresented data started at the launch of LUNA2.0

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

While I get what you’re saying, I don’t think the work environment of a crypto dev and a gaming dev are similar. Which has an impact on release quality. For one, gaming devs are generally underpaid and overworked compared to their crypto and big tech counterparts. Additionally, game devs are up against deadlines, revenue and shareholders. While crypto devs can makeup whatever deadlines they want and move them infinite number of times. I know that game companies move release dates all the time, but at a certain point the business puts its foot down and says this game must release this year etc… Which is why games often release with a lot of bugs that get fixed over the first year of release. (Looking at you Cyberpunk) Crypto devs also don’t usually have to answer to shareholders or have the business screaming at them about costs and revenue generation etc… Crypto is also mostly open source, while gaming is primarily closed source. Open source coding allows for a lot more eyes on your code and gives people the opportunity to catch more errors than a closed source environment which has a set number of QA resources.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah we had a QA tester at my one gig who was known for discovering the most obscure bugs like that. Them: “Okay, so I uploaded the document, then I removed it, then I uploaded it again, then I minimized the window, maximized it, then logged into the same environment as a different user role and accessed the documented and now the document is gone. Are we worried about this bug?” Me: “🤷🏻‍♂️ I guess, but I’d make it low priority.”

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You forgot a lot of people there. Let's see... You'll need 3 develops more for the code review, the PO and PM explaining how the light bull should work, the QA patrol checking that the light bulb in on place touching it with their bare hands, a senior QA to verify that lightbulb is on and doesn't emit black light or crocodriles always....

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Who needs QA when you can test in prod lol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hang around programming subs enough and you’ll soon catch on that deadlines have more power than standardised procedures and testing in production / using users as QA is more standard than industry would like to admit. And now you know why programmers don’t want their house full of tech. Once you’ve seen how the sausage is made your terrified.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Should have hired QA to keep process in order around there

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Classic push code to production without QA testing it first. You'd expect they would have another developer to view code releases.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

More like startups rushing to market with no QA, testing, or checks. Currently working for one and it’s horrifying.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

‘QA approved the release’

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I did some QA today, if btc drops below 20K it will go to 17k. You can tell by fibonacci retracements. Good luck.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is another example of "real world blockchain use case" that is 1) better solved with existing database technology and 2) assumes a completely unjustifiable level of interest in the blockchain on the part of the end user What I mean by #2 is: You're saying that I'm going to go searching for the blockchain the supplier of a given saw uses so I can identify QA issues in their product and advise them on it? Not at all - I'm returning the saw to the store. The same way I do now. And I don't even need a receipt if I bought it with my credit card because there's already a database of transactions...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

But he’s saying the HF is ready to go (code / QA / test complete), it’s the SPO’s that are dragging feet over a bug that nuked the testnet (but had already been caught & fixed). It’s whatever the opposite of failure to deliver is that’s causing frustration.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well I forgot to say that each dev branch we create deploys a replica of main dev environment. We only merge branches into dev when everything is fine and QA team says it is okay. Devs do not have power to merge directly to dev or work in main dev.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Funny - exact opposite experience. I pretty much ‘live’ in the browser, as I work for a web development company and use a bunch of cloud based systems + use it as my daily driver on all other devices. I think I’ve only ever had to turn the shields off once - apart from that I’m nearly 3 years in, 40 hours a week and have zero rendering or reliability issues (and yes, I also use the web version of WhatsApp too). Part of my job is heading up the QA team, so I’d notice if something was wrong with it or broken - it’s my job.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Companies cheap out on QA. These crypto projects see that and say "hold my beer" on their cheaping out. So the audits are like one of the few times they actually QA the code.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It seems to me this is more of testing and QA issue. Every code has bugs. Bugs like this should never reach the live environment. They should've been found by pentesters.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Dodged another bullet! Never had a Harmony bag. ![gif](giphy|QA88yMhazfDI4)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You are right, I probably should not have worded it in that way. And I'm glad to have shown you those transparency reports. And the Tezos Foundation is kind of a DAO but kind of not (see and to be honest I've been pretty satisfied with the way they operate and listen to the people. And to answer your question regarding when have I ever had the power to vote, that is done by delegating my tokens to a baker. The percentage of tokens I have of the entire share is the percentage power my vote has. By choosing not to be a baker myself (which I could do on a Raspberry Pi), I delegate my voting rights to a different baker whose ideals align with mine. And because this is LPoS, at any point if my baker votes for something that I disagree with, I can redelegate my coins to someone else. This is somewhat similar to how the US House of Representatives works. The future of Tezos and how it functions is decided upon by the users and the governance process. The vision is based upon how the users vote. If they don't want a feature, they won't vote for it, and everyone else welcome to make a change to the core Tezos code, not just one individual group. So the power of the vote determines the image and features of Tezos and on the flip side, the Tezos Foundation merely helps kickstart different projects and secure corporate sponsorships. First they saw the need for tooling so they helped fund teams to build out development tools, and so on and so forth. Yes it does suck that the users don't decide how that money is spent, but the people at the Tezos Foundation are doing this work as a full time job, and I don't think it could be decentralized without someone running the show, especially not financially soundly with the war chest they have (at one point it was worth around $2,000,000,000 if I'm not mistaken). They have been taking it slow and spreading funding to different teams and events and hackathons very similarly to how Ethereum operates except instead of a few core developers determining the fate of the blockchain (ahem Eth2), Tezos has been setup to quickly iterate and allow the people to build and choose the future of how the blockchain operates.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TA is the equivalent of astrology in trading. FA is marginally better. QA is best. But you need to be good with numbers. If you’re trading with bots, you will do better if you get really good with statistics and quantitative finance.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Same, I'm a QA engineer and I regularly get lost in Cosmos IBC props details, when I already know that I'm in the low% that are bothering to read them and not blindly vote

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Even developers hate each other. Go ask someone that develops C/C++ about their feelings about C- developers. All developers hate QA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They also cheap out on QA. Hence, technical issues.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

yeah I admit Im wearing a tin foil hat here But it's not like something new, gov'ts losing money on nothing. And technically there is a return; if BTC would be super successful (which I think it should based on its merits) then spending money to structurally dump its price and kill it, is just the cost of the operation. IMF and/or or some central banks that dont like El Salvador have spent trillions on futile QA, couple 100 billions to crash BTC and 'learn everybody a lesson' is peanuts. Thats my tin foil hat theory, not saying its happening now, only saying that I wouldn't rule it out beyond persons like Christine Lagarde. But it in the end it is indeed wasted money because unless that buy-and-sell-at-loss is kept up for years I'm fairly certain BTC will shrug it off. What I do not understand is what is said above about big institutions selling. All those and the retail masses alike then never truly believed in BTC. If you believe in BTC, in its proposition, you just don't sell. Not to later sell to newcomers but because BTC will be the leading global means of exchange and SoV. If they dont then am curious about their thought process of stepping in BTC in the first place. Probably they still see it as some Wall Street stock, s\*ckers.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That's very accurate on the base definition. In all the applications i have used for bug/defect management after development we only had defects wether it was actually a bug or not. In production we have incidents, problems, changes and other nomenclatures but defects only happen after a test team actually tested. Not sure if this is due to the applications I have used so far or because test teams only test in QA/Test environment so we never get to have "defects" in DV.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They cheaped out on QA. This ALWAYS happens when companies do that.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

IT QA here, man i hope Bitcoin mining will become mainstream in my country, this is quite exciting. Work has been a slog lately

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Sociopaths cheap out on cybersecurity, QA or other development costs. OOPS! Things not work!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Not for a long time, BUT, there will be reduction in rates and QA again by our teet line gobment.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I've seen this sentiment before, but it typically comes from a general misunderstanding of game development, as well as NFTs. You will never truly own those assets, your NFT will merely point to a asset hosted on the developer's servers. They can still change or delete those assets, leaving you with nothing more than your receipt for your star. The Blockchains can not possibly ever store asset data, it's just an inordinate amount of data. On top of that, the idea that developers will have any incentive to constantly integrate, test, and support the assets made by outside developers, and then host copies of those same assets on there servers to be used within their own game, is absurd. They will have to literally QA and integrate every single outside asset, with no monetary gain, just for the sake of parity. As far as owning digital copies of your own games, that another thing that's not likely to ever happen, as it takes the power away from the developer and publisher. Even a miniscule royalty pales in comparison to requiring everyone buy their own copy. As far as the consumer side goes, the only devs that truly wish to utilize NFT connected assets, will do so for their own benefit, and your detriment. They wont be these far reaching, multi game, assets that you're hoping, they will be items meant to promote and prey on consumer fomo. They will maximize gambling addictive practices, time based fomo events, artificial scarcity driven price manipulation, etc, in an effort to maximize their profits. And the winners will be those who utilize bots and the whales who dominate you. You are literally asking for the worst of the worst mobile going tactics and practices to be common place in PC gaming, and that's why the majority of gamers hate the idea of it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Please also fire the QA team, most the time they do nothing but give pain to dev team.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

[]( ​ This guy

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Even if not done in August, it does not take away the relevance or success of Ethereum. On a side note, I will believe it once its done. For any developer here, it sounds like when a PM is saying the stakeholders that the dev are finishing QA test when the night before you were up until 5am fixing the demo.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Because cheaping out on QA leads to disaster.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You can remove my posts, ban me and ghost me.. but I am just going to say it again: Don't blame people for being human, if I got the change to gain 2.000.000 I probably would. COSMOS is heavily at fault here, relatively simple and automated QA processes are nothing but norm when working with financial sensitive systems even just 0.1% of the size of this project. Obviously COSMOS did not have those processes in place and shows me nothing but ignorance and incapability to manage a project at this scale. Understand me right, it is not just COSMOS suffering this level of incompetence, I bet more then half of these fast innovative first-to-market projects are just as ignorant and incapable to take responsibility for your hard earned money that you are oh so willingly invest in their project. ​ There is no excuse for a blockchain with a $2,562,440,678 market-cap to release a bug in to their production environment that is this easy to detect. ​ just repeat after me: $2,562,440,678

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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

According to the betting markets, likeliest month for mainnet Merge to happen is in September.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Sorry to say and maybe I don't understand the full scope... but you guys here in the comments are telling me that when a blockchain with a $298,416,164 marketcap released a bug as simple as "deposit/redraw get 150%" into their production environment; It is "noting to worry about", "just a dumpster-fire", "no reason to over-react"? I don't care if anyone cashed out, I don't care if anyone lost their money, I don't care if they are fixing it now. IT WAS RELEASED TO PRODUCTION CLEARLY WITHOUT ANY AUTOMATED TESTING OR WHATEVER FORM OF QA!! Repeat after me: $298,416,164, \- no QA \- no automated tests \- no manual verification $298,416,164 ​ Stop being ignorant.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

when they cheap out on QA they do so in any stage.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> so just bad logic used in the summary This is what happens when companies cheap out on QA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bad things happen when companies cheap out on QA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Happened at a horrible time. Ecosystem just keeps getting hit. Juno whale issue, Luna/UST (not exclusively cosmos but UST was the main stable coin for the ecosystem), and now a huge lack of QA testing on a dex with million’s of investors money

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They implemented a major upgrade with no QA testing. You could deposit liquidity into a pool and immediately remove it instead of bonding it and get 50-300% back. Some people made out with several thousand ATOMs. Chain is still halted but I think OSMO will see a huge plunge

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It's a common thing. Human brain can't do exponents. It doesn't see a steady rate as being curved. Assuming youtube links are shadowbanned or something here's an ID for a great video on the subject. `F-QA2rkpBSY`

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is what happens when an organization cheaps out on QA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

b-b-b-b-b-b-but we're supposed to have a cashless society! This is not supposed to happen! /s ​ ​ Of course, when companies cheap out on QA this WILL happen.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Gemini laid off their entire QA org yesterday. You know, the folks who test the code and make sure eveerything works. They're headed for a downfall.

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Marigold: Dynamic and collaborative company, established by Gabriel Alfour in November 2020, focused on testing and developing upgrades to the Tezos Protocol. UI Developer (Remote) Senior Software Engineer (Remote) Trilitech: Tezos blockchain R&D and entrepreneurship hub based in London, UK. Their objective is to further develop and catalyse unique opportunities for the Tezos ecosystem. Engineering Manager (London) Product Owner (London) Head Of Talent (London) Software Engineer (London) Director of Engineering (London) TzConnect: A Berlin-based team dedicated to advancing the Tezos ecosystem. We build open source software, provide support to projects and companies building on Tezos, and serve as a bridge between different players within the Tezos ecosystem. Fullstack Developer (Berlin) Blockchain Developer (Berlin) UX/UI Designer (Berlin) Digital Designer (Berlin) DevOps Engineer (Berlin) Office Manager (Berlin) Event and Adoption (Berlin) Marketing and Communications (Berlin) Ecad Labs: ECAD Labs provides open-source tooling and infrastructure services for developers working with the Tezos blockchain. Technical Project Coordinator (Remote) Senior Software Engineer, Developer Tools (Remote) Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) (Remote) API Technical Writer, Developer Experience (Remote) Technical Project Manager (Remote) Software Engineer (Intermediate) (Remote) Junior Software Engineer (Remote) Intermediate Software Engineer (Remote) Software Engineer - Developer Tools (Remote) Papers: A Swiss engineering company that has dedicated its 10+ years of existence to developing secure, mobile-first software embracing paradigm shifting technologies like blockchain to provide a more distributed, secure and accessible future of human interaction. Working on projects with various Fortune 500 companies and on large Blockchain projects such as Tezos. Blockchain Engineer (multiple positions) Frontend Engineer (multiple positions) Full-Stack Developer (multiple positions) Mobile Developer (multiple positions) TzAPAC: The leading Asia-based blockchain adoption entity supporting the Tezos ecosystem. Supported by the Tezos Foundation and is headquartered in Singapore. LinkedIn Blockchain Developer (Singapore) Dogami: Mass-market NFT play-to-earn game built on the Tezos blockchain, where players adopt and raise beautifully-crafted virtual NFT dogs. 3D Artist (Paris) Head of Finance (Paris) Head of People (Paris) Unity Developer (Paris) Game UX / UI Designer (Paris) QA Tester (Paris) Social Media Manager (Paris) Marketing Artist (Paris) Product Owner (Paris) Senior Frontend Developer (Paris) Senior Product Designer (Paris) System Engineer - Junior (Paris) Tezos India: A non-profit organization committed to build and empower a well-rounded Tezos ecosystem in India. Graphic Designer (Remote) Smart Contract Developer (Remote) Devrel Coordinator (Remote) Tezsure: Tezsure is creating an ecosystem for DeFi on the Tezos blockchain. With support from the global Tezos community they are building developer tools, oracles, and a user-facing app for easy access to DeFi. Front-End Engineer (Remote) Flutter Engineer (Remote) Ocaml Developer (Remote) Tezos Commons: Tezos Commons supports the ideas, individuals and organizations dedicated to building the Tezos digital commonwealth. They empower the community to be the architects through bootstrapping local communities, communications, promotion, education, funding open source initiatives and advocacy. Backend Engineer (Remote) Don't see a job listed that might fit your skills and experience? You can still reach out to some organizations (like Blokhaus) on their websites and see if they are interested!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Security is actually a high priority for many teams in the Tezos ecosystem. Tezos happens to be written in OCaml, a language that facilitates formal verification. Plus, a lot of teams are full of people with PhDs in their respective fields. Nomadic Labs has a whole team dedicated to formal verification. I also reached out to someone from the NL team and got this response: We may not currently have open positions specifically named "QA", but we take quality extremely seriously, and have people working on testing in all of our software teams. When you develop a smart contract for example, you spend much more time writing test scenarios, and reviewing code, than writing the code of the contract itself. If you check Nomadic Labs open positions in more detail, you will find that we have a number positions that are related to QA and testing.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I count one QA job. Not surprising one bit.
