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r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

New guidelines released on using crypto in mortgage transactions. Information for future home buyers whether you are using crypto currency or not.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🛡️SafeApe⭐ CMC & CG listed in just 4 days ✅ World's first DEX with BUSD rewards ✅ automatic BUSD rewards to holders ✅ SAFU project and team ✅ low marketcap very high liquidity ✅ daily contests with huge prizes ✅

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🛡️SafeApe⭐ CMC & CG listed in just 4 days ✅ World's first DEX with BUSD rewards ✅ automatic BUSD rewards to holders ✅ SAFU project and team ✅ low marketcap very high liquidity ✅ daily contests with huge prizes ✅

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🛡️SafeApe⭐ CMC & CG listed in just 4 days ✅ World's first DEX with BUSD rewards ✅ automatic BUSD rewards to holders ✅ SAFU project and team ✅ low marketcap very high liquidity ✅ daily contests with huge prizes ✅

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🛡️SafeApe⭐ CMC & CG listed in just 4 days ✅ World's first DEX with BUSD rewards ✅ automatic BUSD rewards to holders ✅ SAFU project and team ✅ low marketcap very high liquidity ✅ daily contests with huge prizes ✅

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

How many Reddit Moons would it take to buy the Moon if it were made out of cheese?

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

⭐Get ready for the moonshot of the year⭐ Brought to you by the one and only official moonshothunters group ⭐SafeApe a safemoon clone with BUSD reflections - private sale now open


r/BitcoinSee Comment

When half a gallon of milk goes from $3.50 to $4.99 in one year's time, with zero change to minimum wage in my state, it may not be hyper inflation, but it sure as hell is a pain in the ass when it comes to a man trying to support his family. >For December 2021, the USDA reported a half gallon of milk in the Southeast U.S. was $4.99 for its weighted average price. In December 2020, it was $3.50.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Have ag and wildlife exemptions, and will be looking to USDA for any improvements.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Already at 93.5. avax is really very extreme, on the upside and the downside. If BTC doesn't shit the bed in the next hours it can really go to the 100 USDA (but it ll find a bit of resistance at 95).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It depends on what loan program you go with, but for conventional loans (pretty much the equivalent of what you got) we just need to show that you had the funds to make the down payment. For government loans FHA, USDA etc. we need to show a bank statement where those funds are actually being withdrawn from your account. Most of the reason for this is so that it makes it more difficult for people to launder money through real estate. Which when you think about it would be a great way to clean a lot of money quickly. I agree though that really making sure that a borrower has the ability to repay and isn't going to default is far more important.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Here, here! Right this way folks! Come get your smegma here, gentlemen and ladies! We have only the finest, bespoke, non-pasteurized small-curd and large-curd USDA Organic, Free Range and Gluten Free smegma…straight from the source!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Is that USDA organic or Oregon organic or Portland organic? How big is the area where the bitcoins are able to roam free? Looks like the happy little guy runs around. A lot of friends? Other Bitcoins as friends. Putting his little wing around another one, and kind of like palling around.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Wouldn't this cause a tax event on each and every purchase that you would have to track? I realize that the USDA is tied to the USD but it is not exact is it?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

*USDA approved stamp

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> You don’t need to understand how the sausage is made to eat it. But you do need to to trust the farmer, the slaughterhouse, and the butcher before you fry it up. That’s why the FDA and USDA is so damn important. Unless maybe you like eating cardboard? Crypto is the same way. It **needs** to be trustworthy and just as easy to buy as a sausage.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It actually does. That's why I left the links in. Specifically they say things like "provides loans, **grants** and loan guarantees". "USDA programs are funded through the annual Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies appropriations bill." You are obviously intelligent enough to be able to research this stuff yourself and seem like you are just arguing in bad faith. So, have a nice and and thanks for supporting bitcoin with us!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

What’s the actual value in USDA ? I don’t do this “sat” crap. Translate ?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Since has successfully appropriated the handle CDC, let’s see if we can reappropriate some more 3 letter agencies’ names. FBI, CIA, FDA, TSA, NSA, USDA, fuck it how about SEC and CFTC Will any of these fit?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I'm a small landlord, I've got a vacant house right now. Seriously considering selling it (for $), and putting it very quickly into Bitcoin. Already talked with my real estate agent about selling for straight Bitcoin, but that's looking like a non-starter as most of these houses in my area are being purchased with federal loans (FHA, VA, USDA). Still waiting for the next week or so to see if the rent price I want draws any interest from prospective tenants and if it doesn't, I'm selling the sucker and putting it into BTC, setting aside a little for some additional miners.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You'll have digital signatures from the company, the issuing authority, the shipper, the grower.. every entity along the way. It's up to you to determine if they're trustworthy. For example, the USDA could inspect the vineyard and the winery. They issue a certificate (good for however long) and verify that their practices are what they say they are. If the winery turns around and changes their practice as soon as the USDA leaves, it is true that there isn't a good way to eliminate that behavior - but it's no different than the way things are without blockchain. The difference lies in counterfeiting and false claims of material sourcing. If Nike claims that they got their leather from an organic rancher in Wisconsin, then all you have to do to verify that is go back through the chain of custody. You'll see the digital signature of the rancher, along with its certificate of organic practices from the USDA or whoever. It's up to you if you want to place your trust in the USDA. Now, if Nike is getting their leather from somewhere else, it will either have a different signature or, if they're trying to hide something, it may not be in the blockchain at all. At that point it's up to you to independently validate Nike's claims, or just trust them like you do now. It isn't magic, but it provides transparency.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

11/30 for me, same exact thing! Needed to pay off a few debts to be USDA approved - crypto paid those debts.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They have new one...opt in and trade $100 in any crypto before 11/23. Prizes: $250k USDC - 1 winner $25k USDA - 6 winners $100 - 1000 winners.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

And depending on the type of loan you get, there can be stringent income requirements. My wife and I recently closed, and the projected income from my tutoring side gig almost fucked us over at the last minute because it would have put us just over the maximum income for a USDA loan.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Same with me,,, I haven’t taken any profits yet, I just keep holding, and I know in this next bull market, imma have to take profits,, but what do u all do when u do so? Put it into another coin? Or put it in USDA? To wait for a dip and out back in??

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Think about it in terms of a percentage tax rate. Should a lower-income cashier pay a higher % of income in taxes than a high-income Wall Street banker? Even if you but a lot of toys with your high income, a consumption tax only captures tax revenue when spending, instead of taxing income upon receipt. Poor families usually have to spend most (or all) of their income on things that would incur a consumption tax. If a poorer family has to spend almost all of their $20,000 annual income to meet basic needs, and the consumption tax is 10%, they probably pay close to 10% of their income towards taxes. If a rich family has $2,000,000 in annual income, they can live large spending $200,000 in a year (10x the poor family) while saving or investing the remaining $1.8million *without paying a dime in consumption taxes.* That means their tax rate is 1% while the poor family pays 10%. So the rich family pays a penny on every dollar earned to fund the military, the USDA, highways, etc… while the poor family pays a dime on every dollar earned. In a consumption tax model high-income earners decrease their tax burden any time they save or invest their money (something they don’t need extra incentive to do) instead of spending it. The rich may spend more on cars and groceries and such, but as a percentage of overall income their consumption is lower than low-income earners (unless they’re spending themselves into bankruptcy).

r/BitcoinSee Comment

But I believe it to be USDA insured

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Aside from CDC/WHO/USDA they love us and want to keep us safe.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It isn’t Feds to ban. This is like USDA says they have no intention of banning automatic rifles.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Soooo.......🤢 >The Chinese are now buying up Hog & Poultry Operations in the US to ship live animals overseas to be processed and sent back to the US. Most would say how is that logical? Well, here is why.... Animal is born here, so legally "Farm Raised in the US" and can be labeled that way. Once animal leaves the US, there are no laws on what chemicals and drugs that can be pumped into them, yes all the ones the US says are really bad to eat! In the US, an animal needs to be healthy and cross the kill line on its own power, now all the dead and sick animals can be processed as well as the ones that have been chemically induced to grow muscle, but cant even walk are processes too. Now they can use all the ingredients and chemicals and additives the USDA says is really bad for you and can't be used in the United States. Then they ship all this back to the US and sell it to you to feed your family labeled as "Farm Raised in the United States! The FDA has no control over the food coming back into the US, they don't care if it hurts you, they do this to make money.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That's how mine is now. Look up USDA home loans. It's for rural areas which as you can imagine the eligibility zones are shrinking day by day, but it's totally possible to do today with zero down payment. Albeit, the home is much, much more expensive but if you want a house. You're going to do what you need to.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is pretty much par for the course here. All of these asshats just bounce back and forth from three-letter government agency -> to corporate board of directors that is supposed to be regulated by the former three-letter angency -> new three letter agency/lobbying firm. This is how the ruling political class skirts bribery laws. Look at the former FDA head that's now on Pfizer's board, the former head of Monsanto runs the USDA, etc. The best part is since they write "regulations" there's no voting. It's "legislation via fiat".

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This! I'm older than most people on this sub, and I already have a house. But if I was starting over, real estate would still be one of the first things I invested in. A mortgage payment initially costs a little more than rent, but as rent increases , you're mortgage stays the same. Meanwhile, your home value increases at the same time (at over 20% where I live). With the equity I earned over the last 11 years on a zero-down USDA loan, I will be refinancing at 2.3% while paying off my car loan, eliminating most student loans, fencing my yard, reflooring the house, and setting aside emergency savings. I will be debt-free when I retire, and it is all because of one smart real estate investment. Whether I retire a millionaire or not is up to crypto.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> Also have a first time home buyer program where you only need to put 3% down. 3% down first time home buyer loans are available nationally, not just in MA, as are 0% down USDA loans.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is a fantastic response. One thing I would add under the house flipping section is the idea of live and flipping. You can buy a primary residence in some areas for $0 down with a USDA loan. If they don’t offer those for your area you can do an FHA loan for 3.5% down or a conventional loan at 5% down. Buy a semi beat up house and live in it for a year or 3. Renovate it over time so you can spread out your costs to the “flip” and then move on the next. The cost really isn’t THAT high. (Yes this is subjective I know). This gives an easy entry, and the ability to either flip and walk away with some cash, or turn it to a rental. Legally you can buy a new primary residence every year. You can even buy sooner than that under certain circumstances. The caveat is that you’re moving every year but IMO it’s worth it. It provides a low entry to real estate and you also slowly gain really useful skill learning to flip a house over time. Doing these types of loans does require you to hold PMI (private mortgage insurance) until you hit 20% equity. Although if you can provide enough value during the remodel, you can refi and drop pmi. Or just just a reappraisal if you do a conventional loan

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

USDA organic farming, right here.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The USDA chart chart seems to say different. In the year 2000 it was at $1580. Today it’s at $3160

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Don't hold your breath. You can't do anything with out the Oligarch's permission. Sell too many used cars in a year without proper permits it's a crime. Cut hair without a license, that's illegal. Want to repair firearms, get a federal license or straight to prison. Want to be a pet sitter? Get a USDA permit or fines. And on and on and on. You will never get rid of crony capitalism I fear.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

2.25% on a USDA 30 year here. Refinancing or selling would be so stupid for me.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

What you fail to realize about pimpin is the symbiotic relationship that made tricks so much money. Beyond that bringing a level of balance to the game that we’ve lost. In the great words of Chad Lamont Butler “ My bitch a choosey lover, never fuck without a rubber. Never in the sheets, like it on top of the cover. Money on the dresser, drive a compressor Top notch hoes get the most, not the lesser Trash like the fuck for 40 dollars in the club” A real Pimp knows how to make trick, a real trick knows how to break a simp. It’s important that we cover for those not familiar with the culture. We’re not talking about beating workers and extorting them for money. We’re talking USDA certified taking selling >^=^< to a whole other level. These girls supposed to be rolling Benz, breaking simps, and pulling stacks. The truth be most “sex workers” ( a trick is a trick fuck cancel culture ) aren’t making high stakes. It’s because these girls lack guidance, they out here selling pictures of their pu*** for 30.00 or lifetime subscriptions. It also lowers the quality of available product services in the market. On top it adds a over saturation of the market, which ultimately leads to lower wages and less of a experience. Again we talking true American pimping not drugs and human trafficking or giving work to dope fiends. There was a day when Pimps had a honor and the game wasn’t fucked up. It’s a shame tricks been diminished to selling out for McDonald’s and footlocker gift cards on only fans. A real worker isn’t something that every girl can be and it has to be taught to majority of workers. The butt hurt feminist and liberals can say what they want. Real tricks know how the game is and how you make that stack. Dick is a commodity the purse comes first, these tricks be selling ass with no furniture in their house. Student loan debt, driving a fucked up car, smh people got the game fucked up. Highly suggest anyone looking into

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Even lower barrier of entry -- USDA offers 0% down home mortgage loans.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You can tell him to abolish 1913, abolish the DEA, NSA, ATF, FBI, ICE, FDA, USDA, and IRS, stop congress from passing thousands of pages of spending at a time, and either declare war or bring the troops home.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Honestly the stronger use cases likely come from the altcoin group but I’d rather have USDA than USDT on the sheer difference in likelihood of Amazon going under versus Tether.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Why Yellen, Powell Cast a Wary Eye on Stablecoins By Olga Kharif 20 July 2021, 10:28 GMT+10 Bitcoin is exciting: its price swoops and dives. Such volatility has made regulators around the world look closely at Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with a value that bounces around. But two of the world’s most powerful financial regulators, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, are focused as well on a more boring but more useful form of crypto, stablecoins. They fear that their very usefulness could create risks for consumers and potentially even for the financial system; Yellen is pushing financial regulators to “act quickly” in drafting stablecoin rules. Others see stablecoins as the thing that will force central banks to dive into the digital coin business themselves. 1. What are stablecoins? Digital assets sometimes referred to as coins, sometimes as tokens, that are designed to keep their value. That is, to experience only the kind of volatility seen in traditional currencies, which have price swings that are generally far smaller than those of Bitcoin. The most popular stablecoin, Tether, for instance, always trades for about $1. 2. How do they do that? In one of two ways. Collateralized stablecoins are pegged to another asset, like the U.S. dollar, and their issuers back up the value of their coin by holding on to that asset. Other stablecoins are pegged to the price of crypto assets like Ether or, in certain DeFi (decentralized finance) apps, collections of coins put up as collateral. Some employ algorithms to manage supply and demand of the coin so what’s in circulation matches what’s held in reserve. 3. How many stablecoins are there? There are dozens of stablecoins in use, with a combined market value that topped $100 billion in May, and more are coming. Most of those with large followings are tied to the U.S. dollar. Facebook led a consortium that made waves with plans for a stablecoin that was first to be called Libra and then Diem, but the idea has lost momentum in the face of regulatory opposition. 4. Why are the coins popular? Stablecoins can be a bridge between two worlds that weren’t designed with mixing in mind -- cryptocurrencies and traditional finance. That makes them useful as a way to lock in gains from crypto trading or as a safe harbor if investors think a downturn is coming. They also make it easier to move funds onto crypto exchanges. Many exchanges don’t have the relationships with banks needed to offer regular currency deposits or withdrawals, but can and do accept stablecoins such as Tether. Finally, stablecoins can streamline, speed up and make cheaper purchases and money transfers by using a different technology, called blockchain, instead of the traditional payments infrastructure. 5. What are the different stablecoins like? Here are some examples: By far the most popular is Tether, with a $62 billion valuation. Tether says that its tokens are backed 1:1 by U.S. dollars, securities and commercial paper -- short-term corporate loans. Doubts about that have dogged it for years. Bitfinex, the crypto exchange that operates Tether, agreed in February to pay $18.5 million to settle a suit brought by New York State Attorney General Letitia James charging that it hid the loss of commingled client and corporate funds and lied about reserves. Her investigation revealed that Tether was at one point only 74% backed by cash and short-term securities. USDA, or USD Coin, is the second-biggest stablecoin. It’s supported by two crypto heavyweights, Circle Internet Financial Inc., and Coinbase Inc., and it has a market value of $26.4 billion, according to It’s backed 1:1 by U.S. dollars, and its reserves are attested by accounting firm Grant Thornton LLP monthly. TrueUSD is another collateralized stablecoin that holds greenbacks for 100% of coins it issues and is independently audited by an accounting firm. In June, TrueUSD said that Signature Bank will integrate it for settlement by commercial clients. Dai is a stablecoin pegged to the value of the dollar but backed by coins including Ether that users put up as collateral. Dai has one of the more complicated price stability mechanisms in the market, and a $5.5 billion market cap. 6. How do stablecoin companies make money? Interest and fees. Companies that issue stablecoins can make money by investing the standard cash the users turn in into various short-term government and other securities to earn interest. With billions invested, such interest can add up. 7. Why are Yellen and Powell worried? Yellen convened a group of financial-market and bank regulators to discuss rules for stablecoins on July 19. Lawmakers and regulators have expressed alarm both in public and private that some consumers won’t actually be protected should one of the stablecoin firms not have the backing they purport to have. They also say the growing size of stablecoins has created a situation where huge amounts of U.S. dollar-equivalent coins are being exchanged without touching the U.S. banking system, potentially blinding regulators to illicit finance. “They are like money funds, they’re like bank deposits and they’re growing incredibly fast but without appropriate regulation,” Powell said in testimony before Congress. Money-market funds needed swift action by the Fed during both the 2008 financial crisis and the 2020 Covid-19 market crash to keep the uninsured investment pools from possible collapse. 8. What do stablecoins have to do with central bank crypto? A number of central banks had been exploring the idea of issuing their own digital currencies. The debate over Diem and stablecoins in general led to an acceleration in that work, as bankers feared that a coin used by Facebook’s two billion users could undermine their ability to manage their own currencies and economies. Some of the islands in the Eastern Caribbean, including Grenada and St. Kitts and Nevis, that share a central bank have already launched their own digital currency, which is now being tested by consumers and merchants. But the first major central bank to roll this out on a big scale is likely to be the People’s Bank of China, which has begun trials with a digital yuan. The Fed has already been working on a digital-currencies report that Powell said could be released as soon as September. Among other things, that document will include a discussion on the risks and benefits of stablecoins, he said. 9. What are stablecoins’ risks to consumers? That depends on which stablecoin you are talking about. Those tied to digital assets like Ether could crash if it does. Collateralized stablecoins run a risk of fraud, that the reserves they claim are backing the asset are fictional. And like any asset, digital or tangible, there is the risk of secondary-market manipulation that could skew coin values and threaten to break any underlying peg. Lastly, regulators could decide that stablecoins are securities and must be registered in jurisdictions like the U.S. or the European Union, or be excluded from those markets.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Nice Infowars talking point, the reality of that situation was that minority owned farms were disproportionately prevented from accessing covid and ppp relief under Trumps bills. > Minority farmers have maintained for decades that they have been unfairly denied farm loans and other government assistance.  > The USDA in 1999 and 2010 settled lawsuits from Black farmers accusing the agency of discriminating against them. > Still, less than 2% of direct loans from the Trump administration in 2020 went to Black farmers. And some Black farmers have criticized Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack for failing to address a backlog of discrimination complaints and failing to hire minorities for high-level positions. Also for the record not everything you disagree with is gaslighting, congrats on learning a new word but you should learn to use it correctly.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Correct. Just added a post to explain this after digging into the numbers to see whether or not mortgages are even included in the "U.S. National Debt". As I stated, if I had to guess, I'd think that FHA and USDA mortgages would be included in this National Debt number, but conventional mortgages would NOT be covered. Likewise, most student loan debt would be covered as its mostly Federal... But some student loan debt is private and so would also NOT be covered. Kinda hard to know for sure from just quick Googling.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I'm fairly certain that mortgages aren't actually part of the "U.S. National Debt", however, Wich is debt owed by the Federal Govt. It's possibly that some government-backed mortgages are included in this, tho... such as FHA and USDA loans, but not conventional loans. If I had to *guess*, that would make the most sense to me. I'm coming up with that number by merely dividing the U.S. National Debt by the number of U.S. Homes, which I originally estimated to be 100 million (which makes simple work of just moving the decimal number over in the National Debt).... But it's actually closer to like 128.5 million homes in the U.S.... So in reality, the U.S. National Debt is REALISTICALLY closer to *only* $220,000 instead of $285,000. Seems much fairer, right? I think it's pretty bullshit.... everybody in my family owns their own home and either paid for their own college funds, or like me, they found a trade that paid over $50k without college. I stayed at home until I was able to pay cash for a house just a few years back, but I'm afraid those days might be long gone. Everything's ALL fuxed up.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

from google search. "The experience of parenthood can hardly be captured in dollars and cents. But the fact is, kids are expensive. In its Expenditures on Children by Families report, the USDA puts the cost of raising a child from birth to age 18 at $233,610 for a middle-income family" yeah, youre right. you would need at least 4 BTC.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Oh certainly, what is best for one person may not be best for another. I live in a rural area and got a USDA loan that let me skip the down payment.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment Three federal agencies that back mortgages – the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and Department of Agriculture (USDA) – will extend their respective foreclosure moratorium for one, final month, until July 31, 2021. The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) will also announce that it has extended the foreclosure moratorium for mortgages backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac until July 31, 2021.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I said it before but each day it gives me another opportunity, ALGO is basically USDA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ALGO back to being USDA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Might as well rename ALGO to USDA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'd be happy with a down-payment so.I don't have to worry about PMI. I make too much for a USDA loan and saving 20 percent for the prices of these houses feels impossible. It all feels impossible.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I like to bury auditors in paperwork, I'm pretty meticulous. Never had to deal with an IRS audit mind you, but I'm a regular in dealing with agencies like FDA/USDA/EPA/OSHA/DOD/NELAC and state agencies.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Jokes on you Lambo costs between 200 and 500k. USDA estimates a single child costs $284,570 in 2020. And I'm pretty sure a child is more maintenance.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

USDA also used to recommend we have like 8 servings of bread a day... Quit listening to government "authorities" as n what is right/wrong.... Government "authorities" would funnel entire societies into the same 5 locations in an attempt to "prevent spread of a disease", they are THAT dumb.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Not to ruin the goof but Americans are desperately lacking fiber in their daily diet. Eat more fiber everyone "On average, American adults eat 10 to 15 grams of total fiber per day, while the USDA's recommended daily amount for adults up to age 50 is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men" As you were.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

United States Digital Asset/Currency USDA or USDC

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Agreed, but I’ll make one. SDR’s,Euro, USDA and Yuan are all **itcoins. The IMF and The Fed are Uniswap. They all just trade and swap backed by nothing coins. Bitcoin fixes this! Sound Money Backed the most secure decentralized network ever created. Scare 21 million fixed supply.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If there's one lesson I learned from Jordan Belfort. It doesn't matter the quality of the steak you serve, if you're able to sell the sizzle, they'll eat some shit USDA grade crud, and think its filet mignon

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yeah this is a stupid take lol. Like, "the USDA only protects big ag!"

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Almost everything you mentioned there were due to tariffs, and a Democrat getting elected. There was a primer shortage for bullets, and a huge spike in domestic terrorism that made gun sales spike and prices increase thanks to Trump. Also, the price of food hasn’t gone up majorly. For 2020, food at home went up 3.5% and food away from home went up 3.4% according to USDA. This was also in the heat of the pandemic with major supply shocks. Wages went up due to Walmart and Amazon. I know you feel this is true but the numbers don’t bear it out at all. All of you just keep telling me prices are going up with zero data to back it up. Show me anything that shows prices skyrocket in numbers. Yes, housing is super expensive. I just bought a Beretta shotgun for the same price as it’s been for years. I have no need for assault rifles so those may have gone up. My grocery bill is basically exactly the same. No idea wtf you people are talking about.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Nice, thank you. I agree, the logistics need to be air-tight. The mechanism I'm currently trying to work out is how to make it "stable". USD coins can easily track the dollar and gold too, but land value in general is subjective when it isn't actively on the market, so the value of the coin would need to track certain fundamental metrics like inflation or "average change in USA farmland", the USDA has some helpful metrics [here](

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Depends on the market though. Some places houses are off the market in under 24h with 10-20 competing bids tens of thousands of dollars above asking price. My neighbors listed their house for 350k and had 8 offers as high as 370k within 24h. And if you have two buyers with similar offers and one has cash ready to rock, and the other has to do a bunch of USDA stuff, who do you think the seller is choosing?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

My wife and I got lucky this January and bought our first house for $203,500 with a USDA loan. $1000 down payment, wrapped all extra fees into the loan. Could NEVER have been able to do it at 24/25 years old without USDA. The houses are out there, it really just takes luck.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The barrier to entry on a house is high, even with programs like FHA and USDA. You needs thousands for a down payment and/or closing costs, taxes, title. Then there are extrinsic factors like low supply, high demand, buyers bidding above ask. If a house was easy for everyone to attain, no one would be renting.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have both & 401k, live in the south, bought a steal of a house for 75k. My mortgage is less than anything rentable around. 100% financing through USDA (rural). It’s looking like I’ll be able to sell it for around $115,000 to $140,000 when the time comes. Only owe about $62k atm. That’s with an updated roof, new fixtures, paint, and other small fixes. Bought at my early mid 20s, 32 now. So very glad I did too.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

All your bitcoins are organically grown by mom & pop farms in USA, with USDA seal of freshness. Who gives a shit. Don't fall for scammers trying to tell you some bitcoins are worth less than others. That's not factually true.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Get your BTC here. Free ranged on 10 acre mining farm, non GMO or antibiotics, certified organic by the USDA. Guaranteed FIAT free.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That’s great and all, but are the bitcoins USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, and Fair Trade Certified?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Exactly. There was no wrongdoing on anyone's part, just naivety on the part of those who believed that bitcoin stored on wallets belonging to a third party (aka exchange) is the same as storing USDA in a bank that carries federal insurance against loss.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Start with a 12- to 14-pound turkey, and, according to the USDA, plan on cooking it for nine to 10 minutes per pound on medium (50% power). That’s about two hours for a 12-pound turkey. For comparison, roasting a turkey takes about 13 minutes per pound, making the microwave a slightly faster option.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Another interesing thing to think about is all of the coins that are not being accounted for i.e. lost passwords, wallets, etc. The finate availabilty is one of the reasons the price has gone up so much. Yet the finate amount is now ambiguous. The issue with "made in xx" is a lot of manufacturing laws. Even if an object is mostly made in another country as long as one finishes production and adds a "made in xx" country of origin is allowed. It is like seeing USDA organic food labels on food grown in China, which does not allow 3rd party regulation. I am sure from decades past that there are somethings that were manufactured in China in my home. It is just something to be mindful of for future purchases.
