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Folks I sold QQQ today

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I Beat SPY and QQQ …. :)

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I beat SPY and QQQ … ;)

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Review my Risk Management + Strike Price Questions


Yes, I sell OTM covered calls on EVERYTHING I have a long position in. I also day trade SQQQ and SDOW whenever the DOW30 or QQQ's hit a new high. It works.

Next time, make trades on QQQ and be cleaner in your entries? Try to make $200 to $1000 a day, but more properly?


Anyone going to do both calls/puts for Spy/QQQ on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday? Feel like that's the safest play.


This is why it’s important to diversify. By holding VTI you already own all the US small caps, and by adding VXUS you own the entire international market when the relation moves there too. Everyone buys VOO, SCHG, QQQ, VGT, SMH because you are all chasing past performance.

No problem! What I was gonna ask is what led you to take the plays that you did? If you want to share otherwise I get it. with 100% risk you must’ve been very confident in your put plays and was curious what made you look at those tickets vs the usual SPY, QQQ, NVDA plays we all see everyday


They trade until 4 (indices, SPY, and QQQ till 415) but they can be exercised until 8pm. If they’re ITM they’ll be exercised by the broker automatically.


You would probably had more if you didn't start gambling on options, 3 yrs into SPY growth or QQQ would gave you equal growth to what you did now plus enjoying tax deferred opportunities. Now you are just back to zero with all the tax burden ahead and fees.


I use uneven hedges. TQQQ, Soxs,Soxl,,QQQ, Spy,SpxlI wish Mag7 had volume that would be perfect one. Lately Soxs calls have been staying green while qqq and spy calls are also green. That's my que it's time to sell.


I think if MSFT misses it won't matter what Meta or Apple do, the market will decide tech/the mag stocks will all miss and even if they slightly beat it will be considered a miss. If MSFT misses I'm probably gona full port QQQ puts because we'll be in for a bloodbath just like last week.


Yup. I had avoided NVDA throughout most of this but started after it floater around 120. Made like 10k then lost 7k off it. I feel good about q3 earnings, but I’m sticking to QQQ.


Try buying spreads instead to reduce your risk. That's what I do. For example, you can buy a 463/464 QQQ 0dte spread that's only a little out of the money for say .30, which is just $30/contract.


SPY 530, QQQ 450 likely. Either way, I’m sitting on LEAPS bought this week. Gunna double down should they go significantly lower from current levels.


Would suggest rotating your long QQQ shares into IWM for the next year. Keep the bull run in your portfolio going


Averaging down is how you blow up your account with 1 trade. $510 for QQQ is 10% away, not saying it can’t happen but time is not on your side. Not only do you need a huge move but you need it to be in a straight line with no breaks, otherwise time decay is going to be a killer.


Buy Spot & Hold. ETFS I.E. SPY QQQ Play long game


All In QQQ week out calls when when it hits 450-455


It was in the QQQ 465 calls and spy 545


The market seems somewhat bullish, but I really can’t envision any MAG 7 having good earnings next week. QQQ puts seem reasonable, but then again, that means I must inverse


Would gambling everyday on QQQ 0DTEs substitute a valid career option? If I could get a 60% return on a 5k position once a day, I wouldn't need to work at all ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


I was actually looking at some past earning reports % change to find the historical changes when the stock would move the most and at which percentage to place my strike price on. I got lucky with Tesla doing Strangle on the recent run up, hedged it with some puts so sold my puts on the way down. I haven’t really tried Straddle before though, ao basically you have the same strike for both call and put right? From what I’ve noticed so fae though, most insane stock movements on earnings have been around 15-20% up/down. There were some outliers yesterday like DXCM coming down 40% or COUR up 45%. Wouldn’t a strangle at 10/15% both ways work out better for maximising the outcome seeing that earnings play are quite unpredictable so basically maximum $100/$1000 (just to limit exposure to amount that can be lost)? I’m planning to do 0DTE SPY and QQQ scalp for daily then just putting a bit into earnings on companies I think that options are still cheap and expect them to move a lot. Ford was around $0.38 when I bought in.

I think earning's are coming in fine, it's the forward guidance which isn't being pumped like previous earning's, which foreshadow slowdown from some companies. If there's anybody with fat to trim it's big tech. I only trade options, double calendars through earning's and still not buying tech ETFs like SMH/XLK/QQQ


Honestly since I was down from 4k, I took all my emotion out of the game and played the MACD and RSI on QQQ, followed it up and down yesterday, then went for round two doing the same on TQQQ puts today at the top. Got lucky twice


if i remember correctly, someone owes us his dick cut off for QQQ not finishing +3% from yesterday


Unusual options activity- a lot of puts bought for SPY/QQQ/IWM for Monday


largest to small: Voo, SCHD, APPL, MSFT, GOOG, VTI, QQQ, COST, RTX, PLTR, NVDA, and few other small holding.

I put 10k each on QQQ and SPY \~3months ago, got to about $400 profit on each, and then the pullback happened... I sold for even and made $0 on that in 3 months. This morning I bought 5k in QQQ puts and made 3k in an hour ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


September 13 480 QQQ calls


SWPPX 25% QQQ 15% AVUV 25% NVDA 15% ASTS 10% everything else ABBV GE GOOGL CRM AAPL

My QQQ 462.00/462.50 call spreads made me sweat it out right until the close.


QQQ was so much fun today. Love that chop action towards the end ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Anyone still holding Microsoft, Google, meta, etc better be prepared for a reckoning of biblical proportions. Elon knows the deep state is embedded in them, sheltering the woke mind virus in their WOKE caves. As a cyber warrior, I am enlisted to fight alongside Elon, therefore I have 1 put opened against QQQ to crush these maggots. May they feel the strength of my put.


!banbet QQQ -6.9% 60d


I think you're doing fine, except for the Russell investments, why not the QQQ or VOO, they far out perform the Russell.


QQQ closes below the 50 DMA for the first time since May. Yikes.


QQQ 500c ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Majority of the sub trading SPY/QQQ this week WSB is healing….


Is it worth buying QQQ puts on Monday? I'm having 🌈 thoughts about tech earnings next week


Long term go for broad market funds like VTI/VTSAX/SPY. If you have stomach for risk you can allocate a portion to something more aggressive like QQQ

September Put positions QQQ $450, SPY $545, MMM $115


Dude, I sold my QQQ puts last Friday


The portfolio of QQQ is extremely forward looking. If you have the time horizon and the appetite for risk, it's a good investment. You just have to be aware of the impact of downturns.


5450 defended so I was forced to buy some SPY and QQQ ATM calls for next Friday to ride the wave up, hopefully we can get to 550-555 early in the week and I can go back to building out my 3x inverse ETFs


I am down $145000 in last 10 days and all because of META and me panicking with the crazy volatility. I could have saved 30000 if I had not panicked but that’s still a lot of loss. It’s hard for me to not worry but we can’t spoil our health and other good things over this. Take a break and think calmly what can be done to over come this loss. I went back to QQQ and playing safe and only with what I have.


Hoping and praying for a power hour flush, NVDA to 109 and QQQ to 459 😫


Hoping and praying for a power hour flush, NVDA to 109 and QQQ to 459 😫


We shed around 7 percent in April on the QQQ, this week over 9. We're going back uppies next week. 


QQQ really gonna dump into a flat close?


People have been buying stocks with borrowed money, in the hope of making a fast buck in a booming market. Margin debt had already risen 15% this year through the end of June. Doug Ramsey, chief investment officer at the Leuthold Group, a Minneapolis- based financial-planning company, notes that bullish speculation in the two most popular stock-market exchange-traded funds used for that purpose, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF SPY and the Nasdaq 100 index fund Invesco QQQ Trust QQQ, recently reached extreme measures. "The speculation in these two ETFs, the bullish speculation, the call buying, exceeds anything that we saw at the peaks of 2018, pre-COVID, in 2020 and late '21-early '22," he said in a podcast this week. To give you an illustration: Margin debt at the end of June, when the S&P 500 was around 5,500, was 27% higher than it was at the lows in October last year, when the S&P 500 was at 4,200. Logically, if we're going to buy stocks aggressively on margin, we should be doing it more when they are down and less when they are up. Be fearful, record levels of greed.


QQQ is going to close red somehow isn't it ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


thought we might be turning around so i got a QQQ weekly. just dumped it and donated 75$ to some algo probably. if we close below 460 bulls beware


thhout we might be turning around so i got a QQQ weekly. just dumped it and donated 75$ to some algo probably. if we close below 460 bulls beware


Got a little too bold with a QQQ put and thinking of biting the bullet to sell before close and take the Robinhood 90 day restriction


Someone bought 6 million shares of NVDA just before 1:30PM; then QQQ tanked. The average price was 114.3; it is a headline resistance now.


Covered my QQQ shorts at 463, and finished my day trade.


Here’s my play for Monday $250 puts for MCD $464 QQQ calls (will buy near close today)


QQQ had a small pp anyway today


If QQQ somehow closes the gap at 458 before close that’d be wild


Well I'm glad I didn't buy those 7/29 QQQ 548p's this morning.


QQQ 460 incoming


I would probably DCA SPY QQQ shares


It's Friday, and every hedge fund manager and $Trillion AUM firm bought short expiry OTM QQQ calls yesterday at close. They want it to move FAST and they want their money NOW


IWM? This is WSB my youngins. I bought UWM in 2020 before the rip. Bought a few TNAs that got BTFO in 2021. Doubled down on both since 2022/23. Still adding in 24. The mistake most folks on WSB make is that they believe stocks always go up or mean revert: Did PYPL ever go back up to 2021 levels? How many of those 9999 SPACS did? Would TWTR be +$80 today if Elon didn't buy it? INTC was >$70 in 1999 and has never reached back to that price. How many folks really believe GME will go back to $500? But market indexes do eventually revert and do constantly go up (even giga-bubbles like Japan that took 40 years eventually hit new highs. China's SSE peaked in 2007 and only gone down since. Have fun baggies.) The Russell has been in a long underperformance against the SPY and will eventually balance out even if it could be years. Main thing it has going for it is that the SPY/QQQ have already gone beyond their 2021 ATHs meanwhile R2K is still below it. Safer bet to bet R2K in the long run since it is more likely it hits new ATHs than it is to hit new ATLs.

Rotate out of IWM rotate into QQQ


You can use smart-beta exposure to mitigate the aggregate bias that is, cap weighted ETFs (SPY, QQQ). Equal weighted products are looking fairly compelling and their significant underperformance compared to the cap weight over the past several years highlights the case it can be a good time to rotate.


Some guy earlier ban betted QQQ -1% ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


!banbet QQQ +10% 2w


QQQ puts are free money now![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


QQQ $500 leaps looking *THICC* ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


I need QQQ to suck all the life force out of IWM please


Looks like it's NVDAs turn, QQQ daily high incoming?


HOT PCE signaled we might not be as close to cuts as we thought. Immediate rotation back into QQQ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) and large cap


Got it, short QQQ at 465. My ass is burning !


All of a sudden, QQQ has become the weakest index; this is so unreal.


Just shorted QQQ at 464.2, will add more at 465. Is my ass going to be safe next week?


NVDA and AMD are underperforming QQQ SPY SOXX![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

QQQ going up without NVDA ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


first NVDA pumping and MSFT lagging, now NVDA trying to go negative and MSFT pumping, will both pump or will both go negative, we shall see. Made 1.8k on QQQ puts at open ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)

I was up 250% on QQQ puts yesterday by 10 am and decided to let it ride. We all know what happened after


Even though SPY and QQQ is up bigly, why does it feel like the market is a flaccid penis right now.


Taking a big LOSS on IWM Calls, 62 percent. Moving to big TECH. Before I was last in on the IWM, now I am first in the QQQ, NVDA, AMD, etc.!

The day we drilled 3%, QQQ puts were up 4200%


Please show me the last time QQQ has a 3.5%+ single day drawdown where the correction was LESS than 10%. There is going to be a 20%+ correction aka bear market.


QQQ gonna go below 460 or what


Get ready for market de-leveraging 2.0 next week when AAPL and other MAG7 shit. Another -3.5% day on QQQ coming right up.. These types of moves are multi sigma moves that don’t happen in bull markets, but at the start of BEAR markets Don’t say you weren’t warned baggies ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


QQQ looks like my heart rate


When QQQ spiked up near 463 I said I should buy some 7/29 558p. Like a gut feeling I get when I know I'm right but I don't have the balls to actually execute. I'm 100% know I'm going to regret not doing it.


QQQ gap fill at 458 soon


QQQ with the triple top butterfly spank pattern. get ur puts


Not particularly realistically. It was a 90 delta trade when I put it on, and QQQ was at \~405 so it is functionally a \~2.3x leveraged position. The long DTE allows me to treat it as equivalent to owning 100 shares with all of the perks and drawbacks of 2.3x leverage. My breakeven is still 436.31 which was a 7% rise just to break even. I entered the trade because I was confident that QQQ would be going up this year and next, and I've been correct, but it was still a pretty risky trade all things considered.


$IWM vs $QQQ


Well my QQQ puts are down 75%, might as well hold till their worthless right


QQQ $455 end of day


How can IWM almost at the same level with QQQ YTD![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Dow up but because I bought QQQ calls it’s flat? What shit


first time in a while I’ve seen SPY outperform QQQ


White knuckling these so otm I’m crying QQQ calls to glory!
