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r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Bank of Korea Teams Up with LG CNS for Wholesale CBDC Trials

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Beyond the Frame: LG's Journey into NFTs and Digital Artistry.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

LG Announces Partnership and Investment In QuickNode

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What other token comes as close to real world use as Hedera?

r/BitcoinSee Post

zu on fr nkk

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Ripple will deploy 200 million new XRP on the market this month; a dive into XRPs supply inflation | Every month, 1 billion XRPs become available for Ripple spending and can impact the market

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Is it me, or are the governments and media really doing everything in their power to get us to sell our crypto?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

LG Electronics Submits Patent application for Smart TV Featuring Blockchain

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LG Picks Hedera for Television NFTs

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LG Shuns Ethereum, Picks Hedera for Television NFTs

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As if we need to be even bigger degens: LG Files Patent for TV That Lets Users Trade NFTs From Their Couches

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

LG Electronics Seeks Patent for TV Which Lets Users Trade NFTs


The bot got a job at LG.. isn't that nice 🤗


tldr; LG Display has initiated mass production of a 27-inch 480Hz Quad HD gaming OLED panel, which is claimed to be the industry's highest refresh rate and fastest response time panel, targeting the high-end gaming market. This new panel is designed to excel in critical gaming display metrics such as refresh rate, images displayed per second, and response time for graphic card signals. LG aims to create differentiated customer value and secure leadership in the gaming display market with this innovation. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


Great write up! I’m always surprised when I go to stake and see the pools and huge company’s involved, Google,LG,Boeing,IBM etc. Genuinely think Hedera has a solid base and are doing it right.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Which is relevant because..? Because it is independent from Ripple..... >As a matter of fact Ripple - the company owns more than 50% of XRP and locks or unlocks it on their own will. as a matter of fact there's only 39,108,526,916 XRP in escrow atm.. Again this is a PUBLIC ledger you could of just taken 3 seconds to google that. here are all of the Ripple wallets that have escrowed XRP. Notice how its not 50%? >and locks or unlocks it on their own will. Prove it (you cant) because they dont because they are timelocked.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> I understand that it's been a year since that comment/post. Your 5 first bullet points do not prove XRP is decentralized. Yes they do, provide a theoretical or practical example of any of the things I asked for(you cant). All Im asking for is the most BASIC level of "Can you prove the centralization exists" They are all basic tests for decentralization and none are possible. The largest operator of validators atm controls 1 single validator on the dUNL. the network is decentralized. >Ripple, the compagnie, can still implement change to the Ripples nodes without a system consensus incorrect. a Super majority of 80% consensus is required to change any thing within the network/system. Ripple again controls 1 Validator on the dUNL atm or 2.8%. Please let me know how they're getting control over the remaining 77.2% for the 14 days required to update the code? To give an example of how incorrect you are. Ripple spent almost a full year developing their cheques amendment. Once it was ready to deploy, the network didnt vote 80% yes for the 14 days required for the code to be updated with the new feature. in fact, my personal validator as well as several others voted no for 2.5 **years**. it Took Ripple almost 7 different implementations/reworks to get their cheques amendment passed by the network/validators. They dont control shit because it is decentralized. >Ripple control XRP Explain how and provide evidence/sources. show me the centralization, im begging you to make me look like a jackass. (you wont be able to) >and have more than 55% of all ripple created. The token is not called "ripple" It was Originally called XNS as you can see in the code here Which was created before Ripple was even a company, and later 2 months after Ripple incorporated, the name was changed from XNS to XRP which again you can see in the code here You can also see the private key to the genesis wallet located here in the code which allowed anyone at all to take as much "XNS" as they wanted to. and they dont control 55%, its a public open source ledger. you can just look at their holdings. of the 55B XRP they escrowed in December of 2017, (the rough 55% ur talking about) only 39,108,520,987B is still in escrow. you can look at the escrows here they have bought back some of the XRP which they dont keep in escrow which they post publicly about in their quarterly market reports, which theyve been posting since ~Q2 2015 IIRC

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> Yet you can't deny that Ripple has the power to control XRP. I have directly refuted and disproved that nonsense. Again Why wouldnt they set the price to 100$? (because they have no control) Why couldnt they pass their cheques amendment after they released it? why did it need 7 different iterations before the network voted 80% in favour and adopted it? (because they dont control it) >And, in response to the announcement, they again unlock 1B XRP. as I have directly explained to you already (which apparently was useless because you cant read apparently) "They" dont unlock anything, its time locked, anyone can send the EscrowFinish command on the network once the time has passed. There are currently 54 more escrows to unlock for the next 54 months and after they decide how much from this most recent unlock to re-lock up, it will go back to 55 like it has been since December 2017. > XRP is down more than 10% only today. and? you think a 10% move up or down in a single day is significant for crypto? you must be extra new. >How come, that the Ripple company is not protecting the price through buying. They have been buying if you would read their publicly disclosed market reports. But that again would require you to read and learn the topic so im not surprised youre confused about it. >Now, what will happen if Ripple unlocks the 55% of the total possible supply they have control over? Ripple locked up 55% in 2017. its now 2024 the total escrow amount on the ledger is ~40.1B (of which Ripple controls the majority), feel free to check out their escrows here (I may have missed 1-2 wallets) Tell me how they will unlock the time locked escrows before the allotted time is up? would you care to try and answer that question or are you going to ignore it because it makes you look stupid for asking it?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Decentralization is not the same thing as security. Completely separate measures. Hedera was never supposed to be completely decentralized. It's meant to be safe. It's basically taking the traditional model where you normally have to trust a trillion-dollar company, and then decentralize that by having 30 of those organizations check each other. It boils down to: Do you trust that 30+ global organizations (like Google, IBM, LG, and Dell) are willing to ruin $10 trillion of their own reputation just to attack a tiny network worth less than $5 billion? It's not worth ruining their own reputation.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ATOM isn't the worst investment. It's practically a stablecoin with the added benefit of regular airdrops. Been holding my bag for 2 years and I'm only up 4% after the weekend dip, but getting TIA, DYM, and SAGA drops in the last few months has made holding worthwhile. Also, I reckon HBAR might be a slow burner. Its governance council is outrageous - Google, IBM, Boeing, Deutsche Telekom, Nomura, Dell, Standard Bank, LG + many more. Rarely in the limelight, but it's growing.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

LG has your private keys now.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Google, LG, Dell, IBM and 35 other big corporations from around the world that sits on the Hedera Hbar governance council aren't laughing. 39 big name corporations are going to start implementing Hedera Hbar hashgraph probably very soon. Do some research and don't miss out. 🤷‍♂️

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I disagree, that is a Bitcoin and Etherium maxis opinion. Google, LG, IBM, Hitachi. Dell and 36 other big corporations joined the Hedera Hbar governance council because they plan on implementing Hedera hashgraph someday in the near future. DYOR and you will probably agree. Hbar ETF will definitely happen by 2025 in my opinion.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If you mean will Hedera Hbar be around in 100 years, I would say yes. If you mean price , I would say maybe .80 to $3 if we have a strong bull market. The Hedera governing council has alot of the world's big corporations like Google, LG, IBM and 35 more sitting on the council. I like Hbar alot. I always say it's just an opinion and do your own research.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I would definitely keep Hbar. Hedera Hbar governance council has Google, LG, Dell, Hitachi, IBM and 35 more big corporations. Also Hedera is the inventor of Hashgraph. Hashgraph is the next generation of crypto. Hedera Hbar is a 100 year entity in my opinion.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The crypto industry. Both are working with big corporations, Hedera governance council has Google, LG, Dell, Hitachi and 35 other big corporations.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> If Google, LG, Dell, IBM and 35 more huge corporations support Hedera Hbar then they are doing something right I'm pretty sure that Google, LG, Dell and IBM have not even deployed anything to Hedera, and the one company (Atma) that actually uses the network (in fact accounting for about 99% of the transactions) doesn't even pay to use it, they are fully subsidized... so does that really count as 'support'. The only supporting that is happening is naïve retail buyers paying for a single company's infrastructure by being tricked into buying the comically inflating shitcoin.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I dissagree. If Google, LG, Dell, IBM and 35 more huge corporations support Hedera Hbar then they are doing something right. Maybe you should do some research before you comment. Hedera is top quality and has the support to prove it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

All I can say is Hedera Hbar needs no hype and I am glad it is still a hidden gem. Hype coins are pump and eventually dumps. Hbar will be around for 100 years because of their partnerships with Google , LG, Dell, Chainlink, IBM and many more. Keep the hype for memecoins.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You may be right about Solana. Hedera Hbar is a Great project. Google, LG, Dell, IBM and alot of other corporations partnered with Hbar.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Google ,LG, Dell, IBM, Hitachi and 34 more cooperations from around the world already started adoption of Hedera. Do some research.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hedera hashpack wallet, Hbar. I Always here great things. Plus the Hedera governance council is amazing. Google ,LG, IBM , Dell and 35 more big names. It is as safe as it comes. Don't trust my word. Do your own research.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

I like Shizu name 😄LG

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The Hedera governance council has Google, Chainlink, LG, Hitachi, Boeing and 34 more big corporations from around the world. Also Hedera invented Hashgraph. Hashgragh is the next stage to crypto. It is better than blockchain. Just do alittle research and you will understand why I am so bullish on Hbar.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What about Hbar? they partnered with Google, LG and 37 more corporations.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hbar is my favorite because of the Google, LG and the other big name partnerships

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If you think Google and LG are worthless , then good luck.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What? Hbar has Google ,LG and 37 more big corporations partnered with Hedera Hbar. All crypto is a shitcoin compared to Hbar, prove me wrong.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I agree but the corporations rule the world. Google, LG and the other 37 on the council already run everything so they will make Hedera Hbar huge. I like the decentralized growth but I also like to make money. Hedera Hbar is the future weather we like it or not.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

All you need is Hedera Hbar. Research the Hedera Hbar governance council. Hedera has Google, LG, Hitachi, Chainlink and 35 other big corporations partnered. No other project in crypto comes anywhere close to Hedera Hbar. Always do your own research. Hedera is a hidden gem. Good luck.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

20k Eth would be great. Hedera Hbar would hit $5 because of their partnerships with Google, LG and the 37 othe huge corporations. I'm so bullish now.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If that happens Hedera Hbar will hit $5. The Hedera governance council is amazing. Google, LG and 37 more big name partnerships. Eth 14 k and Hedera Hbar $5. Let's go.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check the Hedera Hbar governance council. I think maybe Google , LG and the other 37 members would say Hedera will be #1 in 5 years.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think definitely different for Hedera Hbar. The Coinbase listing and the Google, Chainlink, LG and 36 more big name companies partnering with Hbar. I'm so bullish for all crypto right now.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I like polygon but who knows about Hedera Hbar. I read Google, LG, Chainlink, Boeing and 35 more big companies have joined the Hedera governing council. Is this bullish or no good.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Since Hedera Hbar has Google, LG Chainlink and 36 more big company partnerships , I could see Hedera Hbar getting a EFT soon. Great project when you research it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on Bit and Hedera Hbar. If Google, LG, chainlink and the other big corporations partner with Hedera Hbar then I'm getting in. It will be a great bull run.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

True, I'm going to put alittle in on Hedera Hbar after I found out about the Google, Chainlink, LG and all of the other partnerships. Let Bitcoin cool down for now. Diversify is good.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I admit after I found out about the Hedera Hbar partnerships with Google, LG , chainlink and many more I had to trade alittle bitcoin for Hbar. FOMO got me lol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm glad I traded alittle for Hedera Hbar. Once I saw Google,, Chainlink , LG partnerships I FOMO in lol.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I put some into Hedera Hbar, the big company partnerships with Googl, LG , Hitachi, chainlink and many more makes me bullish on Hbar.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bitcoin is okay but I like Hedera Hbar. Google, LG, Boeing, Hitachi, chainlink and others are pushing Hbar.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Also Hedera Hbar. With Google and LG partnerships it should be a great bull run.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You have to have a nice bag of Hedera Hbar. Google, LG , Hitachi and the rest of the council is pushing Hedera adoption. Want Lambo buy Hbar.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So do you know who is on the Hedera governance council. Google ,LG , Boeing , Hitachi and that's just 4. There is 35 more big corporations that have partnered with Hbar. Alot of Fud about Hedera Hbar for years and you guys don't realize, Hbar will be #1 in the next 5 years. Source don't trust me bro. Research Hedera and find out. I guess I won't see you guys on the moon lol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bitcoin cost to much now for me to invest. I'll take my chances with Hedera Hbar governance council. If Google, LG, Hitachi and many more big corporations have partnered with Hedera then that's what I'm buying. Corporations rule the world. They love Hbar.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Controlled by corporations and banks. That's very appealing for an investor. Google, LG, and many others on the Hedera council.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hedera hashgraph governing council has Google, LG, Boeing and 27 other big name corporations. Hbar is my biggest bag.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Look into Hbar. It has a governance council with big companies like Google, LG, Chainlink, Hitachi, Boeing and about 30 more. Also hbar is hashgraph not blockchain. Some say hashgragh is the future. In my opinion it is the strongest project there is. It's your choice I'm just giving you a lead. Do your own research. Not financial advice

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Researched long ago. Hashgragh was not invented long ago. It is a new technology patented a few years ago. Google, LG, Boeing, Hitachi and about 25 more big companies on the governance council would dissagree.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Right now nodes are held by council memebers like Google, LG, Boeing, Hitachi and a huge list of others big names but that's not a bad thing in my opinion. I like the connection with the big corporations. Later more nodes will be added. also since you mentioned Hbar, they have been onboarding new AI and Defi projects lately. If you don't like Hbar, which projects do you like.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out Hbar, it's hashgraph not blockchain. It has AI and Defi projects on boarding everyday. Plus their governance council has Google, LG, Boeing Hitachi and many more big names. Also it will be Hbar first bull market listed on Coinbase. Great project, DYOR.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hbar will definitely hit a new ATH. the governance council has Google, LG, Boeing, Hitachi and many more big names. Plus Hbar is hashgraph not blockchain. Hashgraph is the future and blockchain is the past. Furthermore Hbar is on boarding many AI and Defi projects. Another reason I believe Hbar will go well pass $1 is that this will be Hbar first bull market listed on Coinbase exchange , not the wallet. We all know what happens to new couns listed on Coinbase during a bull market 🚀

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hedera governance council has big names like Google, Boeing, LG, Hitachi and 30 more big names. Also Hbar is partnering and onboading many AI and Defi projects. Another great thing about Hbar is it is a hashgraph tech not blockchain. Hashgraph is an upgrade to blockchain. Do alittle research and you will find out why I'm all in on Hbar. Good luck

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hedera governance council is Amazing. Dozens of big corporations like Google, LG, Boeing, Hitachi and many more. I keep loading up on Hbar every month.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

HBAR has huge name companies like Google, Boeing, LG, Chainlink, IBM and about 20 other companies on the governing council. Hbar just needs more people to learn about it. Also I would say Filecoin, they started to archive Bitcoin and Solana data into storage. Filecoin will be the crypto storage for all crypto. Just like Google cloud did for the internet. So I would say HBAR and FILECOIN.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Another reason is Google, T-Mobile, LG, Boeing and many big name partnerships. I really do like Hbar.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I like HBAR. It's got some massive backers and partnerships. Hard to bet against a project that has the likes of Google, Boeing, Nomura, Deutsche Telekom, IBM, LG + more on its governance council.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Boeing, LG, IBM, Nomura, Tata, Wipro + more

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Just a bunch of guessing right?.. Pancake swap had a market cap of 6billie in 21’. Are DEX’s going to be popular this year? Not sure, the platform is smooth and easy to operate though, Hashpack feels secure, I feel safer on hash then Coin-base and the fees are super low. You just have to download the hashpack extension on google chrome for iOS phones Added credit: Hedera’s Council members; google, Boeing, IBM, LG, T-Mobile etc • ⁠ETF’s providing more liquidity to large cap coins having a trickle down effect onto mid-small cap coins this year I really don’t think it’s a ridiculous conversations to have, about it going to a 3billie-8billie market cap ($3-8)— current price $0.22 Also: Crust network- web3 storage 29 million circulating supply I believe the ATH last bull run was $180 it’s currently $1.88

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Anyone sign up on the waitlist for Satoshi (wallet)?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Sorry, I thought there was a base level of understanding that a project being on Hedera meant transactions. My mistake. To spell it out clearly: For Abrdn to [tokenize part of its Lux Sterling money market fund.]( on Hedera requires transactions. For [LG art labs to mint NFT]( on Hedera requires transactions For [DLA piper via TOKO to issue tokenised private debt]( on Hedera requires transactions. Such a simple concept.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No it’s not. Go to the “Enterprise Applications” section and open up a couple of the options. There are a bunch of press releases not related to application launches, case studies of hypothetical use cases, and a couple of announcements of products “in production”…that are not generating transactions. Let me remind you again, the statement the other person made was "many GC members use the chain". - DLA piper - Where is the activity? - LG Art Labs - Not actually LG, but a small experimentation lab. Anyways lets count them for fun. Where is the activity? - abdrn - Where is the activity? Again, if you define GC members doing a transaction a month as “using the chain”, then yeah, feel good about that. Back in reality, atma is literally the only GC member actually using the chain, and it’s completely subsidized.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment It’s all there for you, DLA piper, LG, Standard bank, abdrn, service now, ect. Sure they might not be huge cases but it is incorrect to say low usage is equal to no usage. DLA piper, LG, abdrn at a minimum have all done multiple press releases and participated in industry events discussing their usage.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’m a big believer in HBAR.. just look at the governing council they’ve established already.. Google, LG, T mobile, IBM, Avery, Mondelez International signed on this week.. just to name a few

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

On the roadmap for Hedera! They focus first on embracing the biggest industries (and they win with Google, LG, Hitachi, ...)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think you misunderstand where companies responsibilities and loyalties lie. > If custom GPUs required no effort to support, it is anti-consumer. Apple would be going out of their way to limit your choice. Not true. Not offering something is not the same as "going out of your way to limit [a] choice". Likewise, Vanguard can not just flip a switch and offer BTC. To start world class development, security, product, research and analysis teams around blockchain would need to be hired. Legal, to handle a constant shifting legal landscape worldwide. Etc. It seems like you're implying that as a business, if you don't make a reasonable attempt to offer any and every potential product in your field you're anti-consumer, which is just not true. Apple is allowed to recommend, install and enforce whatever hardware they want in their products. Best Buy is allowed to sell Samsung TV's but not LG TV's if they wanted, no matter how easy LG may make it for them. Vanguard is allowed to not sell what they don't want on their platform too, and their reasoning is in line with decades of their decision-making.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Initial governing members: - abrdn - Avery Dennison - Boeing - Chainlink Labs - COFRA Holding - DBS Bank - Dell Technologies - Dentons - Deutsche Telekom - DLA Piper - EDF (Électricité de France) - eftpos - FIS (WorldPay) - Google - Hitachi America - IBM - Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - LG Electronics - London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) - Magalu - Nomura Holdings - ServiceNow - Shinhan Bank - Standard Bank Group - Swirlds - Tata Communications - Ubisoft - University College London (UCL) - Wipro - Zain Group

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ravigopal Vennelakanti, Vice President at Hitachi’s Big Data Analytics Solutions Lab, expressed his confidence in the practical applications of DLT solutions on the Hedera network. Vennelakanti emphasized the potential of these solutions in enhancing supply chain resilience and promoting clean energy, suggesting a bright future for DLT in these sectors. The Hedera Council is a diverse group of global organizations that governs the proof-of-stake Hedera network, fostering innovation and decentralization. Esteemed members such as Boeing, IBM, and LG Electronics hold equal voting power and run the network nodes.


Oof size LG

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Since you say he's already rejected BTC & ETH, a few ideas: **XRP** \- Lot of hate for this alt in this subreddit but if you look at the long-term view it's had steady growth. 80% this year, up 170% from 3 years ago, and up 220% from 4 years ago... anything can happen but it's more likely to have slow and steady progress compared to other alts. **HBAR** \- Again, not necessarily a great moonshot but with major mega-corporate backers you can point him to their website where it shows their "Governing Council" has institutions like Google, IBM, Dell, LG, and Ubisoft. It's sometimes branded as a stablecoin so you can feel (a bit) safer that he's less likely to lose it all. But its price has seen good gains, if slow, so profits are possible. **Doge** \- lol chart lines make brain go brrrr. He can enjoy the memes. (To be clear, I hold some Doge for the lols but keep seeing profits)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; The Bank of Korea has partnered with LG CNS to develop a wholesale central bank digital currency (CBDC) system. They plan to conduct two trials: one for interbank settlement with tokenized deposits, and another for securities settlement using Distributed Ledger Technology. The project is set to involve 100,000 participants and is expected to start between September and October 2024. LG CNS has a contract until March 2025 with a budget of KRW 9.68 billion ($7.45 million). *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The Bank of Korea (BOK) has recently awarded a contract to LG CNS to develop a wholesale central bank digital currency (CBDC) system. The contract is a result of BOK’s plans, announced last October, to conduct two wholesale CBDC trials. The first trial will explore the use of a wholesale CBDC for interbank settlement involving tokenized deposits. The second will focus on employing the wholesale CBDC for securities settlement using Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) platforms.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Well, looks like LG is doubling down on their partnership with QuickNode - because apparently being in bed with BitCoin isn't enough, they gotta get their hands dirty with some real crypto stocks like [RIOT]( But hey, who needs balance and stability when you can ride the erratic wave of crypto, amirite?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

LG “How do you do fellow kids?”

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

LG’s vision is clear: to empower creators and consumers alike. NFTs, often heralded as the next evolution of art collecting, are powerful because they symbolize ownership and originality—values deeply resonant in the art community. Through the transparent and secure nature of blockchain, LG is crafting a sanctuary for authenticity. Their mission extends beyond simply providing a marketplace. LG TVs, renowned for their visual excellence, transform into digital canvases, offering an immersive art experience in the comfort of one’s home. This seamless integration of technology and artistry ensures that each NFT isn’t just seen but felt, providing a window into the artists’ visions and stories. This is just the beginning. LG’s roadmap teems with ambition, including the integration of the Metaverse, which promises an even more immersive art viewing experience. The aim is not just to bring Web 2.0 users into the fold but to blaze a trail for Web 3.0.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; The article discusses LG's foray into NFTs and digital artistry, highlighting their NFT platform built on advanced infrastructure and their vision to empower creators and consumers. LG aims to provide a marketplace for NFTs while also transforming their TVs into digital canvases for an immersive art experience at home. The company has collaborated with renowned artists and plans to integrate the Metaverse for an even more immersive art viewing experience, aiming to lead the way for Web 3.0. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

last thing I thought I'd ever read lol. LG is definitely an odd player but helps with the headlines.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

LG getting really serious about blockchain tech. This is the second crypto-based company they are partnering with, if I remember correctly.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Another day another daily! LG

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

"*The Lazarus Group is the largest source of all illicit funds laundered through cross-chain bridges and the third largest for all cross-chain crime, being responsible for $900 million of the entire figure. The criminals now use more complex cross-chain methods like derivatives trading and limit orders to obscure their laundering activities.*" So nobody can fight the LG? Nobody?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You could say TRON is going to get *nuked (the shame here is that LG is indeed funding North Korea's nuclear and ICBM programs)*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Oh, don't forget about: Hyundai: Hedera Kia: Hedera Avery Dennison: Hedera LG: Hedera Boeing: Hedera IBM: Hedera Shinhan Bank: Hedera ... You get it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on $Dreams ![gif](giphy|eYgVBZKw2LG6Y)

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Article Former General Manager and Open Source Leader at Wipro, Andrew Aitken joins Hedera as Chief Open Source Officer, bringing critical expertise from advisory roles at the US White House, Microsoft, and global financial institutions August 3rd, 2023 - Hedera, the leaderless proof-of-stake network leading the next generation of the Web, has appointed Andrew Aitken as Chief Open Source Officer (COSO), to lead its realignment as a fully open source Web3 platform. Andrew is a veteran in the open source sector, having served as an open source expert to the White House, guest lecturer for Stanford’s Entrepreneur Program and founder of the industry’s only think tank. The addition of a COSO role, rarely found in the software industry, is a testament to Hedera’s commitment to promoting community collaboration both within its ecosystem and in the industry as a whole. “Open source solutions play a vital role in standardizing transparency and re-establishing trust in the digital sphere, and the emergence and adoption of Web3 technologies provides an opportunity to elevate the level of trust and transparency,” said Aitken. “What drew me to Hedera was the opportunity to work with such an incredibly smart group of people, community, and Governing Council members, to further establish Hedera as the standard for enterprise blockchains. Though Hedera did not start out its journey as an open source project, it has always had a focus on serving the community. I'm joining the firm to ensure we build a broad ecosystem of participants, continue to deliver achievements in innovation, and provide long-term opportunities through community engagement and transparency in our actions." In his new capacity as Chief Open Source Officer, Aitken leverages deep domain expertise to assist Hedera in open sourcing everything from tooling, to cross-chain functionality and source code. Most recently, Andrew led the open source team at Wipro Technologies, championing open source adoption for enterprises and delivering business value through open-source service solutions. Wipro has played an important role in contributing to product development on the Hedera network, having served as a member of the Hedera Governing Council since 2020. Aitken is an elected member of the Board of the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS) and previously served as Wipro Board Adviser at the Open Source Security Foundation; Linux Foundation Networking. He was also on the board of OSEHRA, a non-profit dedicated to accelerating open source health reporting. “I’m thrilled to see an open source leader like Andrew joining Hedera as COSO, an important signal of commitment by Hedera not only to open source but to open governance and industry wide standards in the Web3 space” said Gabriele Columbro, Executive Director of FINOS and General Manager of Linux Foundation Europe. “I have had the honor to collaborate with Andrew for several years, both at the community level on several projects and at leadership level in the FINOS Governing Board, and I have no doubt his wealth of experience and strategic experience will help realize Hedera’s open source vision.” Tasker Generes, vice president of vision and innovation at ServiceNow and Member of the Board of the Hedera Governing Council said: “It has become increasingly clear that the current lack of transparency and trust in Web2 is fueling the growth of Web3. With a proven history of overseeing large-scale system redesign and community-building projects, Andrew is uniquely positioned to help Hedera remain at the forefront of the transition to Web3. At ServiceNow, we look forward to continue working with Hedera to help our joint customers gain a competitive edge as the open source function continues to grow.” The announcement follows the successful launch of the ‘Hedera Improvement Proposal (HIP)’ program in 2022, which exists as a medium to propose new features or upgrades to the network — and simultaneously collect community thoughts, build consensus, and document dissenting opinions on issues and proposals. Looking forward, Hedera intends to continue progressing toward full decentralization as it lays a solid foundation to grow its community action and involvement through its HIP program — and this new hire marks an important step in achieving this. About Hedera Hedera is an open source, leaderless proof-of-stake public ledger. Hedera’s robust ecosystem is built by a global community, on a network governed by a diverse council of industry-leading organizations, including; Avery Dennison, Boeing, Chainlink Labs, COFRA Holdings, DBS Bank, Dell, Dentons, Deutsche Telekom, DLA Piper, EDF (Électricité de France), eftpos, FIS (WorldPay), Google, IBM, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), LG Electronics, The London School of Economics (LSE), Magalu, Nomura Holdings, ServiceNow, Shinhan Bank, Standard Bank Group, Swirlds, Tata Communications, Ubisoft, University College London (UCL), Wipro, and Zain Group. For more information, visit

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Unlikely, Google is an active council member and recently hosted the council meeting. Also the council voted that members must build on the network and Hedera's council is filled with huge companies. LG, Boeing, IBM, Dell, ServiceNow, Avery Dennison, FIS, DLA Piper to name a few.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

LG fridge freezer.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Truthful, sometimes it hurts but so true!!U have everything tied to that acct, with 3fa to do anything .I feel they are damn close to being reg compliant as is .When I got my black card cro was cheap like .025 cents cheap so when it hit .60 cents after they burned a LG amount of the supply ,I cashed out and got the black card for the price of a ruby.Ive gotten so much in cash back and gold boxes it's actually the smartest move I've made...And now with Cronos labs making moves it's all worth it..The reward tiers only describe in general the diff between them..For the top tier it's worth it..

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Speaking of Korea corporations wading into this space Hyundai: Shinhan Bank: LG electronics:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I also love optimus prime ![gif](giphy|LG50jptVEx2igUbK3E)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out Hedera: Avery Dennison building on it, Hyundai, LG, Dell, TCB and many more. Some use cases already up and running.

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The governing council is stacked with companies such as: Boeing, Avery Dennison, Shinhan Bank, Dell, Ubisoft, IBM, Google, Chainlink Labs, LG, Abrdn, Deutsche Telekom, and others. Hello Future.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bought a 38in top of the line LG Ultrawide monitor with profits tail-end of 2021. It was a fraction of my stack... should have sold more, but I'm good with my decision and enjoy using the monitor daily! Feels good it was basically free!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Morning guys… WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. I’m shocked 🥹 ![gif](giphy|LG1ZZP1Go0D8j7YsWy|downsized)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; The Spanish National Museum Thyssen-Bornemisza is set to mint its own collection of NFTs featuring masterpieces from Van Gogh. The NFTs, created using blockchain technology, will be part of a limited series with only 100 available for purchase. The museum aims to democratize access to art through NFTs and provide an immersive experience in the metaverse. The NFT owners will also be able to showcase their digital artworks using blockchain-powered displays in collaboration with LG. The Olyverse platform, which bridges the gap between fans and celebrities through NFTs, is behind this initiative. The platform offers experiences with various stars and plans to create the number one metaverse in the world by merging entertainment and education. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

More good news!We are on a roll! LG
