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Make your own TSLA-free S&P!

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What are you WHEELing?

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Loss porn. Down 30k from an investment of 50k.

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Signal Fest

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Histogram Insights on 1-15 Day Returns Across Various Assets

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Down to 6.5k from 20k. Is there a point in selling?

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Looking for SEP-IRA Contribution Advice

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Will Tech / Crypto run continue into 2024

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Finally sold all my garbage

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Family member has about $150k basis between ARKK, ARKG, TAN and PBW.

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ARKK's Misfits - A Bet on the Comeback Kings:

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Cathie Wood's Ark Investment is still selling Coinbase and GBTC stocks.

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ARKK is delusional

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Ark Invest: Keep or Dump?

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How many of you made the mistake of throwing all of your money into the stock market in 2021?

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Why does anyone listen her?

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Burry called it again re ARKK

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On this day 3 years ago, Cathie Woods' Ark Invest released a satirical video making fun of value and non-growth oriented investing

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On this day 3 years ago, Cathie Woods' Ark Invest released a satirical video making fun of value and non-growth oriented investing

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On this day 3 years ago, Cathie Woods' Ark Invest released a satirical video making fun of value and non-growth oriented investing

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ARKK says that they invest on a 5 year time horizon, but they are down 18.04% over the past 5 years?

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Building a value portfolio with no dividends for tax reasons

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What top 3 Bags are holding right now? And how much do you hate yourself?

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Call Options

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Tax loss harvesting, am I doing it correctly?

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Tax loss harvesting, am I doing it correctly?

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A Mean-Reversion Strategy for ARKK ETF

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Shorting Cathie Wood’s ARKK with my life savings.

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Cathie Wood: Nvidia is too obvious, Tesla is the best AI play.

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Which investment operating strategy are you?

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Investors Are Bailing on Cathie Wood’s Popular ARK Fund.

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Investors Are Bailing on Cathie Wood’s Popular ARK Fund. Once the largest actively managed ETF with nearly $30 billion in assets under mana

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General Market Overview / Indexes Action (11th July)

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Top Cathie Wood stock near the buy point is expected to deliver 772% EPS growth.

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Tesla stock hit 8-month high Friday; Cathie Wood sold and made millions

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This chart explains just about everything in this market

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So if you had to buy stocks only from ARKK without just buying the ETF, which stocks do you think Cathy Wood will be right about??

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Cathie Wood builds a $47 million bet on Meta after exiting A.I. winner Nvidia too early

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Ark Invest's Cathie Wood is betting big on AI with these 4 stocks—including one that could skyrocket 750%.

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ETF and Market Evaluation for week of 06/12/2023

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Cathie Wood buys $15 million worth of Jack Dorsey's Block shares

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Predictmedix Inc. (CSE: PMED, OTCQB: PMEDF) Special Report

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Questions on ARKK and ARKG

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Cathie Wood hikes her Coinbase stake by more than $20 million during SEC-fueled plunge

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Apple's mixed reality headset announcement sends Unity stock soaring

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The Decline of Real DD on r/wallstreetbets: Where's the Substance?

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ARKK Calls DD - YOLO Opportunity 🚀💎🙌

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QQQ v ARKK. Peak to trough... same pattern

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ARKK is set to surge at least 86% in the next 1-2 years

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ARKK is set to surge at least 86% in the next 1-2 years

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borrow to sell covered calls ?

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Cathie Wood calls Nvidia stock 'overpriced' after missing 2023 rally

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Motley Fool – Luck or Skill? Independently evaluating Motley Fool's performance over the last 20 years

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$ARKK holders are punching the air rn

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If you ever feel bad, remember that Cathie Wood dumped NVDA in early January when it was in the $140s

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Cathie Wood said NVDA valuation was ‘very high’, dumping stock at $234 in February

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Cathie Wood’s ARKK Dumped Nvidia Stock Before $560 Billion Surge, you can’t make this up

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ARKK holdings

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2023-05-19 Wrinkle Brain Plays

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I Am The Dumpster

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2023-05-09 Wrinkle Brain Plays - In the style of a Pirate

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God told me to buy some AI and Crypto stock

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General Market Overview 20th April

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

The rise from the ashes, when the haters have already counted us down and out, is one of the most fun parts of a cycle -- savor it, says Chris Burniske, formerly head of digital assets at ARK Invest $ARKK $ARKW. Come grow with us!!! ;-) GLTA!!!

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$BFLY Gaining Momentum as Cathie Wood Scoops Up 2 Million Shares for ARKK

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One of my students bought ARKK and ARKW

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Thought on Set and Forget yet Aggressive Taxable Portfolio?

r/StockMarketSee Post

ARKK’s collapse in 2021 vs the bubble. Is this the bottom for ARK? Or is Cathy Wood a false prophet?

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ARK invest scoops up Coinbase ($COIN) , Block ($SQ) shares for second straight day

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Dow Jones Futures Fall as Deutsche Bank Shares Sell Off on Rising Default Risks

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DD: Why Blackstone's acclaimed real estate fund (BREIT) only looks good due to leverage, and faces a crisis during a housing correction

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Cathie Wood investors buy the dip in ARKK after an 8-week low

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Cathy Wood buys 350k shares of coinbase on Thursday, right before the 10% sell off today

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Roth IRA Investments

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Opinion: The real source of ARKK’s long-term performance

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A Look At The Best & Worst From February 23 Expiration

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Cathie Wood Continues Coinbase Buying

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Post Mortem Trade Analysis

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I am having trouble finding a reason not to use vertical spreads instead of buying calls or puts

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ARKK lol new Nasdaq is up 5% . Roku, Roblox , Shopify all firing..

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Shopify, Roku earnings coming today AM. Roblox +23% now. Cathie Wood and ARKK is getting bigger!

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2023-02-15 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I have news for you: Cathie says ARKK is the new NASDAQ. Nobody more crazy and delusional than Cathie Wood. What more proof you need?

r/stocksSee Post

why is Cathie Wood still relevant?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Cathie Wood says that "ARKK is the new Nasdaq". 🤣🤣🤣

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Cathie Wood says ARKK is "the new Nasdaq."

r/stocksSee Post

They’re baaaaack. Retail participation in the stock market just surpassed the GameStop days.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Is the Bear Market over, folks?

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Cathie hails her flagship ARKK ETF as 'the new Nasdaq'

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Cathie Wood Takes Victory Lap, Calling ARKK 'the New Nasdaq'

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Cathie Wood Says ARKK Is ‘the New Nasdaq’

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ARKK is hot today. Unbelievable recovery time! Lol

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Cathie Wood Is More Bullish on TESLA than almost anyone . ARKK v the NASDAQ over the last 6 months.

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For a non-shitpost. Where would you put $15k?

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Looking for some gudiance

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2023-01-23 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays) DD

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Cathie Wood’s ARKK reigns supreme amongst 12-month thematic ETF inflows


ARKK is Cathie Woods' Innovation ETF. Apparently Cramer called it out for being undiversified, based on my quick Google search (I don't actually watch his show).


Whenever I think I had a bad day I check how ARKK is doing and feel a lot better


ARKK got absolutely rekt today, down almost 7%. Cathie asking Jesus for help right now


>They said capex will be up and this time all the AI semis are taking it as a bad thing, thinking that capex will possibly kill FCF for the companies. Nexttime buy JCHRIST if you wanna invest in something similar to ARKK


This stock ran up for no real good reason, other than this promised taxi service crap. I hold ARKK and man this TSLA vol is hurting ARKK


ARKK site still shows it's 14% of her holdings


Oh god they're getting someone from ARKK to testify on the bullish side for TSLA


Never said they couldn’t, start by reading the prospectus of the fund. The point is there’s constant clickbait of “Cathie” (she employs 50 people) bought and sold when ARK funds literally rebalance frequently, they keep a target allocation of 10% tsla in ARKK for example. ARKK has $6.71 Billion AUM, do the basic math how much tsla they have, this rarted headline thinks anyone should give a shit about $3 *million*.


Trying to see how she does with ARKK and after buying 1 ETF and I’m still waiting to sell it at break even price. Point is that she is not good at picking stocks.


how did you wait this long to realize a loss on ARKK is beyond me. that thing has been a piece of shit since nov 2021


You should put in a app for fund manager over at ARKK.


I was bagholding ARKK , I've realized the loss after this news.


I recall buying ARKK back in 2020 but basically selling break even in 2021 when it started falling, and damn I am glad I did that.


You get -3% holding ARKK or any investment if it falls flat in a year


1. Big cult of Tesla shareholders that don't sell 2. Lots of shares held by index funds that don't sell. 3. Lots of mutual funds like ARKK that hold Tesla, but are limited to a certain percentage of their portfolio. So whenever the stock drops, these funds buy the dip because Tesla is no longer too much of their portfolio.


ARKK is actually a hedge for big shorts, Cathie is making them bank


you invested in ARKK


I mean you get -3% with inflation but still better than ARKK


Has there ever been a more moronic group investment managers than ARKK ? They are underperforming S&P by 87% in 5 years and yet still think they are geniuses


I own exactly 2 shares of ARKK just so I can troll during shareholder events. My QQQ and SPY are my main investment choices. She's terrible at her job, which is unfortunate, because I'd like to see more representation across industries. But not her. She's a hack, and is probably funded directly by Elmo the Apartheid Emerald boy.


ARKK is still in a drawdown from 2022 but QQQ and even QLD have recovered and made new highs. Let that sink in. She truly is Jim Cramer level bad at investing.


You do realize this is the same for all small to mid cap stocks. It's not just ARKK. Honestly reddits hive mind is unreal.


Who invests in ARKK


ARKK is down 6% on the year. If you bought in 2018 you are way down ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


Arkk did -7% year to date in this bullest of all bull markets. At this point, she has no credibility left. ARKK is infinitely worse than SPY or VOO.


In all honesty, besides the COVID crash and inflation hysteria year, the Nasdaq's been doing the same things it's done since late 2019 (and really you might be able to argue 2019 period). That index is going to be fine ultimately unless there's some significant macro deterioration, and then nothing is going to be fine for a short stretch. I suppose you can argue that should Trump win; it might help for ARKK type stuff because deregulation.


It doesn't seem that different tbh. First 4 are individual stocks that already make up a pretty huge portion of the market. QQQ and ARKK are large cap growth, and not even diversified ones at that. VUG is also large gap growth, though it's at least more diversified. SCHD and VIG are dividend funds. The only real difference is that option 5 has muni bond funds. Theyre... fine? If you want bonds and you're in a high tax bracket. Yields are pretty low though, even compared to regular bonds, and you're complaining about equity returns being too low...

Either learn how to invest the hard way or give your $ to a financial advisor to invest it for you. You could pick one or two ETFs and/or a HYSA and then just set it and forget it. You could also pick one stock and one ETF out of every option you listed. It looks like you prefer TSLA, SCHD, NVDA, and AAPL. I would avoid ARKK, QQQ, and VTI. I suggest you figure out why you are investing and invest based on that. I invest in 3 industries by investing in 2 stocks and 1 ETF per industry.

Not every option has ARKK and not every option is high enough risk its total gambling, but I’m also thinking I’m wrong so that’s why I’m here


Take a financial advisor or VOO/VTI and chill. All options are bad gambling. I didn’t even know ARKK had still pigeons buying it.


Dude holy shit lmao >ARKK Stop stop stop stop stop. Throw away all your notes, take a deep breath, and say the following sentence out loud: "If I did 100% VT, I would be okay. My return would not be massive, but I would have a return, and everything would be okay." Now start from scratch. I don't know who is telling you to do things the way you're doing them now, but they've massively overcomplicated things for you and they're getting you into shit you don't want any part of. I'm not even reading all your portfolio ideas, I look at them and just think: "WTF, this is a mess. It might do okay, some of this is fine, I haven't heard of that though... yikes, what a mess. I don't have time for this." Don't make my reaction here the day to day reality of your life.


The circle of life: Putin plays 🥭 🥭 plays Elon Elon plays Cathie Cathie plays ARKK investors


If you don't like it, keep holding on your large caps and tech stocks. I'm diversified myself and own some Biotech (XBI), Cannabis (MSOS), ARKK. Small caps will still do well going forward. Historic divergence with the large caps, so something had to give...

no im buying ARKK you idiot ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


He said he was trading riot. Must be practicing the buy high sell low methods. OP might be interested in giving his money to ARKK for Cathie to invest for him.


ARKK in shambles


What are multiomics? My spell check doesn't even know this term. Is it a made up word ARKK marketing invented?


I know partial shares exist and all that, but literally none of those have even single share prices at $20-$30 or in most cases even close. What you're saying here is essentially: > I want to invest in an index fund but actually only the mega caps i think will outperform the whole index, and also Celsius for some reason.   So to that i say **you are too young to invest in index funds.** Very long time horizons starting from low principle is exactly when **you put small seed money into decade long speculative plays.** Why the hell are you investing in Amazon when you have 50 years for the next amazon to show up? Visa? Amex? these stocks are not 1000x in 30 years, they're going through at best track the market.   With that in mind: * where's your speculative biotech? CRSP and associated gene editing plays! That stupid AI biotech supercomputer ARKK is in, RXRX. Will it succeed, who knows! But if you grab 3-4 players in a 20 year play one of 'em will win enough for you to pull and reinvest somewhere at the very least. * where's clean and renewable energy and associated future-proof energy sources? For that matter, scarce resources like Lithium? Helium miners? * Where's your literal moonshot stuff? There was an asteroid mining company for a while! or the seabed mining one, but their founder is a bit of an asshat. * where's lab grown meats and vertical farming leaders that will pop on global warming and scarcity? * where's your armageddon hedge? Defense tech or I dunno, mobile home manufacturing lol. I guess you got Home Depot   anyways you get the point. Index funds are gonna index. Sure, keep 'em, it's safe it'll grow. But $300-$400? at 16? why you investing in 20 year old tech blue chip and credit companies with that?

Before buying ARKK, had we known that the fund manager is regarded, we would have shorted it.


This was the funniest part. “No no, making money is nice, but we actually prefer to lose money, coz taxes are bad” I’m surprised the ARKK hasn’t tanked today.


My portfolio is small compared to most of you here but ARKK is my worst performer by a MILE (-53% since I bought). I blame Steven Mark Ryan for convincing me it was a good idea... Dunno why I listened to a guy who's still all in in Tesla...


[All 35 ARKK ETF Holdings (]( WTF 🤯 I couldn't pick a worse list if I tried.


Used to be a fan, wanted to be a fan but she trades / invest like an amateur. Anything from buying falling knifes to the top of trends , everything she does makes 0 sense . ARKK is either ran by a bunch of uneducated interns or ARKK and Cathie wood is a fraud ..


In the last four years, ARKK has been the highest performing etf, down to the worst for two years, back to the best last year. Overall, the worst performing etf of the last ten years. She has lost $7.1b, with seemingly no plan other than the buzzword, “innovation.” People keep putting money under her control though, so who’s really bad at investing?


Screw ARKK, ima go with Invesco QQQ instead!


I don’t pay much attention but looked at the 5-year trend on the ARKK ticket, is she really down over the last 5 years. Like I knew she wasn’t beating the market, but I thought she had picked some winners here and there.


* Index based or actively managed describes how the contents of a fund are chosen. * ETF or mutual fund describes how the fund trades. When creating a fund, you pair 1 "contents chosen" with 1 "how it trades" for 4 main types of funds. Examples in parenthesis: ||**ETF**|**Mutual Fund**| |:-|:-|:-| |**Actively Managed**|Actively Managed ETF (ARKK)|Actively Managed Mutual Fund (FBGRX)| |**Index Based**|Index ETF (SCHF)|Index Mutual Fund (FSKAX)| Long term tends to almost always favor index funds (something like 90% of actively managed fall behind indexing by 10 or 15 years). VOO is the S&P 500, which is good, but better is available. See single fund portfolios: This is one of over a dozen links I have that can help explain the reasoning behind that: * - invest in the S&P 500, but don't end there (this covers info on both the US extended market and ex-US markets) [a total US market fund combines S&P 500 + extended market into one]

Hmm, I always thought ARKK was just a cool name for a fund, didn’t knew it was related to Caithie devotion is god lmao


Before selling NVDA in ARKK, had we known that the market was going to reward it and the other Mag 6 stocks to the exclusion of stocks that will be the prime beneficiaries of AI, like TSLA - the largest AI project earth - and multiomics names like RXRX, we would have held it Never change Cathie

Hi, I am looking for some advice on my investment strategy. I am 28M, based in Europe and Engineer with no need of money in the near future. || || ||Percentage | |ARKK ARK Innovation ETF|1,2| |Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund ETF|42,1| | Xtrackers MSCI World Materials UCITS ETF |8,0| |iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF EUR (Acc)|7,6| |L&G Battery Value-chain|6,2| |[Amundi Stoxx Europe 600 UCITS](|18,7| |Xtrackers Artificial Intelligence & Big Data UCITS ETF 1C|16,1| Thanks in advance.

Same. I bought at basically the peak with ARKK and lost something like 50 or 60% of my IRA value. I sold anyways. I put it in VOO along with all the rest of my retirement investments. it’s already up 15%, and that was just this year. Drop your losers. Cathy is not going to turn this boat around.


Pot stocks are about as good as ARKK.


I will add Biotech in there as well (XBI), clean energy (ICLN). I'm personally in some ARKK at the moment

You're telling someone to wait two years to MAYBE make their money back? Cathie is so bad at trading that she's almost a scam artist. ARKK = $121 per share Feb 2021, to $46 today. It hasn't been over $47 a share for over a year. No thanks.


Do not invest in last years winners ever! Woods has lost more money than she ever made simply because her fund tripled after 1 good year. And her CHRISTIAN investment fund hasn't seen profit since then. Did you know it was a religious investment fund? That's where the name came from. Faith and finance is a recipe for disappointment and/or fraud. But the key thing to remember is 1 year does not make an investor good. And this kind of loss can be found with all the hotshot investors and funds before Woods and ARKK.


Calls on ARKK


Cathy is better at marketing than picking stocks. And the media laps it up. Results don’t lie. S&P500 is up 50% over last 2 years. How did ARKK do? I dumped that crap and never looked back.


I adjusted my portfolio near the 2022 bottom while also buying Nvidia under 200. ARKK’s pretty much still the same. My bet worked out well shut the fuck up


He mad he sold at 250 ACHR & TSLA venture funded by ARKK. Going to be so so rich

You are making absolute novice mistakes if you try to implement this strategy. You are basically "performance chasing" and are blinded by "recency bias". There is no way, even with a stop loss at 7% that you can weave your way into and out of the best performing funds without the floor dropping out from under you - if this was a genius strategy with superior outcomes then everyone would be doing it. There may be no buyers at a 7% drop - it may drop 20% before you have a buyer and you now have locked in your losses. No one is doing this. Look what happened when everyone piled into the ARKK or ARKG funds that were on fire - they shed 75% of their value and have stayed depressed. Putting 100% of your stock into your own company is the definition of insane. Look at what happened to the ENRON employees who did just that. When the company imploded they had the double whammy of losing all their retirement money, and losing their means of making more money (lost their jobs).


Mam I remember when everyone was acting like Cathie Wood was a genius. I even thought about buying some ARKK right at the peak


Could be worse: You could have invested with ARKK funds.


ARKK is somehow down 10% on the year lmao....even meme stock investors would be doing better this year. The regards here are better traders than her.


Seems like you could just short ARKK and print money, no?


I think she just nailed Tesla and got a big head. I fell for the hype and was balls deep in ARKK. Sold it in the 90s. Didn’t make a difference because my account balance looks pretty much like the ARKK chart anyway. But if I’m gonna set money on fire then dammit I’m gonna do it myself! No outsourcing it to mama Cath!


Everyone shits on ARKK but I’m up ~30% since I bought in late 2022. So it’s not all doom and gloom anymore


Everyone shits on ARKK but I’m up ~30% since I bought in late 2022. So it’s not all doom and gloom anymore


Best decision I made was selling ARKK out of my longterm portfolio. Mf single handily held my portfolio down so I sold and upped the percentage on Apple, QQQ, and VOO. Cathie had a lot of us fooled back then


Long gold, short IWM, short ARKK. Book it.


lol I was looking into growth/tech ETFs to add today and came across ARKK, of all the ones I looked at, I noticed so many stocks I had been burned on early on in my investment journey. Had no idea Cathie Wood managed it (I probably need to pay closer attention to who the managers of these ETFs are beyond metrics on the key holdings.) I threw a very smell bet on it anyway as it at least felt like different holdings than a lot of tech ETFs I’m already in. Sounds like I’m gonna feel like idiot for this one both now AND later 😂.


Ark vs. snp500:


I'm down -60% combined on three of my ARK positions: ARKG, ARKK, and something else. It's incredible. This was from like 4 years ago when she was all the hype on Reddit for being right for a few months, and now she's wrong for years.


Especially when ARKK could’ve just overweighted NVDA and been totally fine over the past year. Idgi ARKK is down -2% vs. QQQs up +40% over that period, it’s kinda silly lol

Mentions:#ARKK#NVDA 5 years: ARKK down 4.46% vs SPY up 85% (requires 0 effort). That’s a hell of an ROI on your time Cathy!


In 2020, ARKK made money, but EVERYBODY made money. Now everybody is making money again and ARKK is getting outperformed by *target date retirement funds*. Since 2022, when everything was down, ARKK has literally lost money. If you'd put $10k in VT, a conservative global total market ETF, at the start of 2022, you'd now have $11.3k. If you put that money in ARKK instead, you'd now have *four grand.* Biggest tech bull market since covid and *ARKK, a tech ETF, would have lost more than half of your money.* This is what happens when you mix the bible and wall street.


In 2020, ARKK made money, but EVERYBODY made money. Now everybody is making money again and ARKK is getting outperformed by *target date retirement funds*. Since 2022, when everything was down, ARKK has literally lost money. If you'd put $10k in VT, a conservative global total market ETF, at the start of 2022, you'd now have $11.3k. If you put that money in ARKK instead, you'd now have *four grand.* Biggest tech bull market since covid and *ARKK, a tech ETF, would have lost more than half of your money.* This is what happens when you mix the bible and wall street.


You know what they say. Bulls make money, bears make money, WSB regards post loss porn. Aside from this I wouldn't compare NVDA to ARKK or Cathy. Didn't Cathy dump NVDA right before the giant runup we got?

r/stocksSee Comment

Love the ARKK y comment 😂


Remember in 2021, when anyone asked for investing advice the only correct answer was ARKK? Shit was ridiculous


I bought a bunch of ARKK on a friend’s recommendation during that big climb in 2021. It crashed and while I have other stocks in robinhood, my account has been net negative for “all time” because of ARKK. Two months ago I bit the bullet, sold all of ARKK and just put it into other, sensible index funds. Last week my robinhood account finally became net positive for all time. 


I had ARKK in my portfolio at one point at like 120. Cut bait at the end of ‘21 around 90 to harvest some tax loss. Looking back, I’m glad I got out when I did.


How the FUCK is a speculation growth fund (ARKK) trading sideways since May 2022?! That is some **insane** underperformance.


Does an "Inverse ARKK ETF" exist?


ARKK is basically selling lottery tickets of hope and there’s always a crowd for that willing to throw in their spare money


Oh I don’t disagree at all, just joking that she stuck to her guns after massively underperforming and essentially hit them with a “trust me bro” lol, tbf probably can’t afford to appear irresolute when managing money (still can’t get over ROKU being the second largest holding in ARKK though)


Given one of the bagholders who FOMO'd into ARKK and ARKG at their ATH, I'd say I timed my investments better than her. At this point, I'd legit invest in a short-Cathy Woods ETF if there is one.


Bro actually that would still beat ARKK


That's true although inverting your average WSB regard is probably more profitable than shorting ARKK or buying puts on it. Isn't that also impressive?


So how does someone who lose that much money still around? I looked up ARKK the other day and it’s red. Literally everything is green, arkk is just red for the last few years. Who are the wealthy people that invest in arkk just to lose money year after year?


You right. I guess whoever is an ARKK investor ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Even VXUS and TDFs have outperformed ARKK significantly in last 5 years. You have to try to be this shit at stock picking


Sneaky put on ARKK for a hot CPI print don't tell Cathie 🤫


TSLA is 15% of ARKK’s $6.2 billion in assets


Fuck mag 7 let's inverse and come up with the regarded 7. SPCE ARKK BBBY MCD WEN RDDT and a certain electric car maker you can't mention here

#Tesla Is Now Biggest-Ever Weighting in ARKK After 80% Stock Gain - Yahoo Finance


Yeah, I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Put $10K each in PACB (which was a hot one in one of the ARKs-I forget which one now), then $10K each in ARKK, Q and W. $40K down to $10K. NVDA saved me, $10K up 450% - whew! Sold out of ARKQ about 6 months ago. Going to consider the tax ramifications and probably sell the rest this year and next. Painful.

Do not buy ARKK


I'm putting my first USD 250 in VUG (25%), ARKK (20%), QQQ (20%), NVDA (15%), AMZN (10%), MSFT (10%). I know it's not much but I'm saving for a downpayment and i figured I might as well start with someting small. Opinions?

Even with TSLA mooning, ARKK is on life support ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
