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-30.00% Today

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TQQQ 2/2 59c position already making moves before tomorrow’s announcements

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TQQQ long term

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

When I bought TQQQ at the bottom.

r/optionsSee Post

Wheeling TQQQ 2 Year update. (+50% returns)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I did aight in 2023

r/investingSee Post

Leveraged ETF’s am i just not understanding something?

r/optionsSee Post

HELP: Bull spread on TQQQ

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Turned profitable on 1y chart

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Nothing crazy but made out on $TQQQ

r/StockMarketSee Post

Sold $1,900,000 of TQQQ at open of Jan 2024

r/optionsSee Post

1256 - Reporting unrealized losses for Covered Calls that remain open?

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Rate my portfolio and share yours!

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TQQQ and SPXL Any Good?

r/investingSee Post

Anyone in the know about Mission Square retirement(MSQ)?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$1k->$1Million in a Year. Month 1, Week 1

r/investingSee Post

Why is short selling so easy this year?

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r/investingSee Post

If I'm bullish on the future what's the point in holding VOO? Shouldn't I just get TQQQ and hold long term?

r/investingSee Post

30 year old. What's got the greatest possible potential for returns? TQQQ?

r/investingSee Post

TQQQ + bonds? 65/35? 30 year old

r/investingSee Post

What should I understand about futures contract expiration dates when using futures for long-term leverage?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

GAINZ - $QQQ/$BABA Calls, $TQQQ, and $BABA

r/optionsSee Post

Honestly, all fun and games asides.. anyone else staying calm and holding their TQQQ/QQQ Options?

r/investingSee Post

investing in QQQ vs TQQQ for the longterm

r/optionsSee Post

TQQQ is more suitable for shorter term active trading as it seeks 3x the returns for QQQ.

r/stocksSee Post

Best buy for super long term investing

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VOO & TQQQ for 10yr investment strategy?

r/optionsSee Post

Avoiding pin risk closing spreads

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Is There Something Wrong with Yahoo! Finance?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

YOLO into Fed Meeting

r/stocksSee Post

TQQQ 10 year return is 1,822%. 10 Year NASDAQ is 258%. I though holding levered funds long term was bad????

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

XXXX (4x S&P500) ETN Fee

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443% 1 month gain

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Dell Earnings YOLO

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r/stocksSee Post

How do we feel about ETFs?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

How over past 10 yrs has TQQQ returned 20X vs QQQ of 5X ?

r/investingSee Post

Is "this time different?" Or crash after pivot?

r/investingSee Post

How does 3x ETF like SOXL and TQQQ work? What are the hidden costs behind the so-called 3x leverage?

r/optionsSee Post

Calendar Spreads on TQQQ

r/stocksSee Post

Leveraged ETFs like TQQQ bad holding? Why?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Bad financial advisors

r/investingSee Post

what's the point of tlt if it's just as volatile as stocks

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Most people would be fine trading just tqqq and sqqq

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Want opinions on TQQQ

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A Real World Experiment with ChatGPT-generated portfolios – An Update

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A Real World Experiment with ChatGPT-generated portfolios – An Update

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

i got BLUE BALLS because the market isn't crashing

r/investingSee Post

Questions about ETF's and Flex Options

r/RobinHoodPennyStocksSee Post

$EPAZ Drone Subsidiary ZenaDrone Secures Funding

r/optionsSee Post

3% per month doing collars on TQQQ

r/investingSee Post

Why is TQQQ / UPRO not considered a good long term investment?

r/StockMarketSee Post

Looking for (very) high-risk, high-reward stocks.

r/stocksSee Post

Anyone have fomo + panic sell symptoms?

r/investingSee Post

If the market always goes up, why not only buy TQQQ and leveraged market funds instead of SPY

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

How could i be so stupid 😭

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The Reason QQQ and SPY Pumped

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r/optionsSee Post

TQQQ CCs Strategy made 4k

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Hedge TQQQ

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Which is better for shorting the market?

r/investingSee Post

Criticize my buying puts till assignment then selling covered calls strategy?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

TQQQ 200k all-in. Hello darkness, my old friend

r/investingSee Post

Opened up a Roth IRA account.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

REgards! Below but Average joe here. This is the first time I am asking advice on what to do with my money here. My CC's just gave me loans.

r/investingSee Post

Is the 60/40 portfolio dead?

r/stocksSee Post

Can a person invest in SQQQ and TQQQ, using trailing stop losses, to come out ahead in the market?

r/stocksSee Post

I’m 18 what do you guys think of this portfolio?

r/stocksSee Post

should I sell TQQQ?

r/investingSee Post

Anyone here successfully "timed the market" in last 10+ years by trusting Fed? I'd appreciate thoughts of successful investors/traders

r/investingSee Post

VOOG vs VUG vs TQQQ For Long Term Growth

r/optionsSee Post

Does option pricing reflect the drag and volatility leveraged ETFs?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Question about short covering and selling puts

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Fuck inverted yield curve

r/stocksSee Post

Is this a stupid strategy?

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Is this a stupid strategy?

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r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

Ameritrade is claiming I missed a $70k run up last week

r/investingSee Post

Is it possible for a broker to not be able to cover short mark?

r/stocksSee Post

QQQ vs TQQQ for long term?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Regarded TQQQ Loss

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Do I qualify to be featured in a WallStreetBets-type YouTube video? 😂😂😂

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Do I qualify to be featured in a WallStreetBets-type YouTube video? 😂😂😂

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$400k in TQQQ locked and loaded 🫡 🐂📈

r/optionsSee Post

Does using a CSP for entry into a stock really make sense?

r/optionsSee Post

Are these break-even prices good enough to hold until expiration?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

TQQQ + inverse

r/optionsSee Post

Roast or toast my options strategy, a collar with a leveraged twist

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Roast or toast my strategy

r/stocksSee Post

Whats up withe TQQQ today

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

It ain't much but it's honest work...

r/optionsSee Post

What I do seems pretty basic and simple… what should I work on or studying, to gain a better edge?

r/investingSee Post

Eli5 why buy and hold of UPRO is a bad idea

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Some good ol' ETF investing. +$400K on TQQQ

r/investingSee Post

Very long-term investing: QQQ or TQQQ

r/optionsSee Post

Partially Filled lots on same order counted as different tax lots - Robinhood

r/optionsSee Post

TQQQ wheeled to success! (Finally)

r/StockMarketSee Post

My portfolio so far in yr one


TQQQ hasn't had the best week


Honestly since I was down from 4k, I took all my emotion out of the game and played the MACD and RSI on QQQ, followed it up and down yesterday, then went for round two doing the same on TQQQ puts today at the top. Got lucky twice


What is the best way to start hedging using options against stocks? Currently about $40k in stocks about 75% VOOG, 10% TQQQ and the rest spaced between a couple punts. Very bullish on tech long term but given the level of volatility would like to explore hedging against these. Because of my Timezone I don’t have the option to watch my positions throughout the day, not sure if that influences what strategy I should look at. Thanks!


TQQQ is best of both worlds


Got about 9k in TQQQ calls, the trend is still bullish. Avoid the noise


May have bought TQQQ calls too early


Told you in this sub TQQQ puts are free money, while stupid Bols only downvoted me


Place your bets now lmao. I just entered in TQQQ calls, they cheap


lol I sold TQQQ and NVDL at the literal bottom yest


Just locked in TQQQ calls for next week


If TQQQ could hit $68 today, that'd be grrrrrrrrreat


When do you buy TQQQ to catch the ride back up?


If tomorrow is deep red again I’m loading up on TQQQ.


In 2023 I put $5K into 60% TQQQ and 40% KMLM and rebalanced every time one varied by 5%. That $5K turned into over $10K as of like 2 weeks ago, now it’s back under $10K thanks to the pullback, but yeah. Deez nutz.


my monthly dca is on its way to the brokerage so hopefully all in TQQQ


Certainly better than my buy and hold TQQQ strategy.


I need TQQQ at 70. Chances tomorrow or am I cooked?


yesterday I had NVDA calls, lost 30% sold immediately rotated into TQQQ puts and sold today on a 400% gain when TQQQ was 62.5 I will never get that lucky again ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


I’ve made 100% + in the last 12 months by buying a share of TQQQ every time it drops more than 4% in one day. Easy money.


Yeah man I've done 3 round trips on TQQQ today, long once and short twice.


Ive been trading TQQQ in my Roth since 2021. My timing has been lucky as fuck. I literally took profits on Jun 18th. Ive only ever had green trades with it


I've honestly just had way more success in longterm trades with options on leverage I played the AI boom on TQQQ with calls and quickly switched up this week from NVDA calls to TQQQ puts to secure the bag Been a real lucky few weeks cause I sold my puts at the bottom today lol


sold the bottom on TQQQ & NVDL womp


TQQQ YOLO HODL diamond hands to the moon


If QQQ is on the seabed, I dunno what to say about TQQQ. Inside the Magma layer ?


Any particular reason i should avoid TQQQ? I'm buying monthly calls now


my TQQQ puts printed after last month my TQQQ calls printed I think im just gonna play TQQQ


I sold my TQQQ down 4% and repositioned into soxl down 10%. This is value investing


Thank god I panic bought back into TQQQ after it went back up a dollar after I panic sold at the bottom.  Would be roping right now if I had to watch the full recovery from the sidelines.


Down 28k on some TQQQ aint shaking me. They gotta cut the tree down.


Need 70 on TQQQ


TQQQ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Time to buy the dip for me Just bought 1,000 share of TQQQ 🚀✅🏆


Yeah TQQQ is a cruel mistress. In a similar boat with it now


made some good money because I invested in AAPL last year and sold at the literal top and lost almost 60% of that in a single day with TQQQ calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Has anyone else been DCA into TQQQ since 2015? lol


Waiting for QQQ to cross below 125 day MA, gonna load up on TQQQ bigly


Buy TQQQ at margin?


Said what I’m doing. 9am TQQQ 40k, sell at 11


Man just imagine if they were TQQQ puts


Yeah, Ill be day trading TQQQ in the morn. 40k sell at 11am


Morning day trade on TQQQ for me, 25k to 50k. Trying to decide.


!banbet TQQQ -10% 30d

Mentions:#TQQQ Now HERE'S much better freak out chart!😱 TQQQ....


Google Microsoft and Amazon. Maybe some TQQQ


I went balls deep on TQQQ this evening.  On margin.  Let’s see what unfolds.


She told you to full port TQQQ and you didn't listen


Scared money don't make money. TQQQ calls for tmw. Do it.


Yeah, I put my whole IRA into TQQQ like April last year, then switched back to VTI/VXUS in February this year. Not perfect entry/exit, but nobody can play things perfectly, and I didn't want to be caught out by the AI bubble bursting.

My strategy is holding a mix of the index funds (SPY, DIA, QQQ, and TQQQ) and trying to maintain roughly the same ratio of each over time. Functionally that means I buy DIA when the market is doing really well (since QQQ/TQQQ grow much faster) and TQQQ when the market is dropping. Makes me look forward to market drops becacuse that means I get to buy more TQQQ.

Was able unload 30% of my position over the last couple of months; happy with the profit. May be able to average down if we trend down hard. The taxable event always bothers me, but I like to take profits from more liquid assets and put them into less liquid real estate. Then refill TQQQ with job money if there is a buying opportunity.


Looks like the put-call ratio for Nasdaq has gone over 1... so will dip into some more TQQQ.


TQQQ 14 year chart enters the chat


I bought 100 shares of TQQQ and 360 shares of QLD


rotated my PLTR calls (40%) into TQQQ puts at like 8 45 for a gain on the day lol


Jeez check checked my portfolio.. down -11% TQQQ in a single day tf happened ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Sigh, it's not an immediate timing of the market. It's looking at consistent trends, political issues, globalization issues... in essence it's looking at the bigger picture. I spend hours each morning (including weekends) looking at all the crap. Plus, you never sell or buy all at once. You do it in chunks so if you're gauging the broader market wrong, you haven't lost your entire position. But, what do I know. Today my portfolio is up from selling TQQQ and buying SQQQ this week and the majority of people on here are handing each other nooses.


July 4 I lost all my crypto profits, so I decided to rebalance my port by getting NVDA, TQQQ, AMZN... This has been a really tough month for me. 🤡

the real play with TQQQ is to hold QQQ, then slowly average down into TQQQ by selling off QQQ only when the market is actually dropping hardcore. like the time to buy TQQQ was 2022, not now. but even then, not trying to time the bottom perfectly, because you still could've gotten wrecked. like if you bought TQQQ at 55 in april 2022, it would've been pretty hard to watch your money lose nearly 70% at the bottom and had the conviction to hold. however if you started buying at say 40-50 and only put in like 5% and every time it dropped 20%, put in another 5%, you'd probably have beaten the market handedly had you held until today


How many times are you leveraged if you have TQQQ calls on Margin? Asking for a friend


It's a leveraged ETF, it's not meant to be held long term. When the market starts consistently pulling back, you sell that and buy SQQQ. Then sell SQQQ and buy TQQQ when the market starts going back up. Rinse and repeat.


I picked a bad morning to go all in on QLD and TQQQ fuck ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Same! TQQQ is fucked


Am I leaning too heavily into only two indices for the purpose of long-term holding and can tolerate some risk? Early 30's American. I want a growth-focused portfolio for retirement, now currently \~$350k total. Stable employment \~$120k/year, low debts/expenses, great credit. * Cash (money market) - 15% * SPY - 31% * QQQM - 31% * GOOGL - 9% * UPRO - 7% (bought today, short term 3x lev) * TQQQ - 7% (bought today, short term 3x lev) * Roth IRA: 50/50 SPY and QQQM (max contributions every year)

What’s your entry point for TQQQ? I’m thinking the same but waiting for a 15% dump


I’ve been loading up on TQQQ and QLD


Hoping it keeps going because I’m looking for a TQQQ entry


Oh, it doesn't matter if I open it or not: RH will give me push notifications. "TQQQ is down 5% today. ", "NVDA is down 5%" Thank you Robinhood, I'm well aware.


Just loaded up on TQQQ and QLD ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


All my retirement is in TQQQ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


I've been buying TQQQ as it falls and I keep doubling down. When I seen the chart at open I said I should buy SQQQ. Wtf am I doing lmao.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


I seem to have purchased TQQQ a bit early today fml


I’d be in utter shambles right now had I not exited my big TQQQ position yesterday


fuck it Im only playing TQQQ


Held TQQQ almost a year sold for 90% gain at tippity top in last couple weeks thank god


**if you loved TQQQ at 69.420, you’ll **love it** at 42.69**


I just sharted for the TQQQ bag holders. Do y’all still have hair?


I mean the percentage NVDA dumps is similar to TQQQ in last two weeks.


Of course it does. It’s a component of the QQQ. I’m saying you’re comparing it to TQQQ which is a leveraged etf and thus isn’t an appropriate comparison.


When TQQQ down last 2 weeks, NVDA follows similar loss.


NVDA relative weakness to TQQQ is funny


TQQQ green NVDA green, TQQQ red NVDA red, TQQQ rebound to green, NVDA stays red.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


> The broadest and likely “safest” are going to be TSM and QQQ. Personally I’m in a position where I’m deep in TSM and TQQQ, hedged with INTC. /r/wallstreetbets

Agreed, timing is very important for leveraged ETFs. If you bought the equivalent of TQQQ at the peak in 2000, I think you might still be down? But I don’t think it’s a crazy idea to have 2-5% of your portfolio in something like TQQQ, and rebalance frequently. You could also employ a type of strategy where if the underlying is up x%, you use a 2% target and if the underlying is down x% you use a 5% target and everything in between. It’s kind of the perfect small allocation play. I will probably allocate 5% of my portfolio to TQQQ or UPRO once there’s a serious bear market.


Well I started off as a non risky investor and made like -5% from SPGI & QQQ, saw the nice bull market and decided to go 50% SSO 50% QLD. Then eventually switched 100% TQQQ, sold last week before the big drop thank god. I was very lucky. Now it’s currently 100% IWM (this has all been over the span of 3 years) but 60% of the gain came in the last 3 months. I realized I wanted to be more risky with my TFSA but not options level risky

Just buy TQQQ. You either make it back or crash out but you'll know in 2 days


TQQQ GANG taking those greens


Some of sold a good chunk of our TQQQ last Fri


I would have more volatile investments in your taxable brokerage..if you realize a loss in any given year, you can deduct some of it from your taxes, acting as a "free" hedge I would consider switching your VOO to TQQQ Also not a fan of most int'l investments - historically, they simply don't have the same return as US stocks.




> I appreciate Kant and Fichte trying to apply logic and rigor to what is ultimately pure chaos and oscillation of polar opposites, but that's not what I subscribe to. I doubt you do though. If you did you wouldn't consider astrology philosophy lol > I place $100k bets based on pure intuition that is the amalgamation of what I've written here. Lmao bro you should lower your dose and maybe skip a few weeks > Up 80% YTD During a bull run, you might as well go all in TQQQ and have similar returns (find even higher leverage) > I attribute my ability to being born at high-noon on the zodiac. Haha no wonder psychonauts are considered fucked up by many people. And then philosophy is also treated like bullshit, made up pseudoscience. It's sad, because you have so much potential


I have a shit ton of TQQQ. +4% tomorrow and I need to call my doctor cus that shit ain’t going down.


All the while forgetting that NVDA and TQQQ up over 100% in a year


this weekend has sucked. been thinking of the what if of selling before CPI rotation Friday when my portfolio was at ATH. TQQQ + NVDL have been obliterated since and I haven’t sold at all. 20% of portfolio value gone since ATH. I’m emotionally unstable fr


QQQ green? NVDA green? pls my leveraged TQQQ and NVDL need to go back to like pre last week levels…..