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[OC] Crypto case study series: Did the Russia-Ukraine war have a measurable impact on cryptocurrency?

r/BitcoinSee Post

We may be shooting ourselves in the foot and hampering bitcoin adoption if we don't change course quickly

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Why data infrastructure is key for a transparent carbon market


r/BitcoinSee Comment

LUKE (over speaker) Nothing. I'm all right. EXT. SURFACE OF THE BINANCE MARKET

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's from [the paper]( (see Figure 7). This article simply states it wrong.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Source for which part? That CBDC are programmable and can be updated at any time to do whatever they want? Or a source that states they plan to do these things out of the gate? Here is a comprehensive overview of CBDCs which outlines all of their potential pros and cons:

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I think you’re referring to [this report](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

FADE IN: EXT. NEW YORK CITY - DAY The city is bustling with people going about their day. Suddenly, the sky darkens, and a giant shadow covers the city. The camera pans up to reveal Elon Musk, AKA Doge Daddy, on a giant spaceship shaped like a Doge coin. DOGE DADDY: "Attention, citizens of Earth! Your crypto overlords have arrived!" Cut to Satoshi Nakamoto, AKA Satoshi Nakamoto, in a secret underground bunker. He receives an alert on his computer. SATOSHI NAKAMOTO: "It's happening." Cut to Vitalik Buterin, AKA The Prodigy, sitting in front of a computer screen, analyzing the situation. THE PRODIGY: "We need to act fast. Musk is summoning an army of Doge shills to promote his latest scam coin." Cut to Michael Saylor, AKA Michael Whaler, in his office, holding a massive bag of Bitcoin. MICHAEL WHALER: "I'm ready to hold the line." Cut to Nayib Bukele, AKA El Presidente, standing at the edge of a volcano, ready to unleash his powers. EL PRESIDENTE: "This is going to get hot." Cut to Gary Gensler (Pre 2022), AKA The Educator, addressing a crowd of people about the dangers of crypto. THE EDUCATOR: "We need to educate the public about the risks involved in investing in cryptocurrency." Suddenly, the scene is interrupted by a news report. NEWS ANCHOR: "In other news, Warren Buffett, AKA The Veteran, has acquired a significant stake in several crypto companies." Cut to Warren Buffett, AKA The Veteran, sitting in his office. THE VETERAN: "I've been around long enough to know a good investment when I see one." Cut to Jim Cramer, AKA Zoltar, watching the news report. ZOLTAR: "I see great things in the future of crypto." Cut to Sam Bankman-Fried, AKA The Fraudster, walking into a bank with a briefcase full of cash. BANK TELLER: "How can I help you?" THE FRAUDSTER: "I'd like to make a deposit." Suddenly, the bank explodes, and The Fraudster disappears. Cut back to the heroes preparing for battle. SATOSHI NAKAMOTO: "We need to stop them before it's too late." THE PRODIGY: "I have a plan." MICHAEL WHALER: "Let's do this." EL PRESIDENTE: "It's time to unleash the power of the volcano." THE EDUCATOR: "Let's educate the world about the dangers of these villains." Cut to the villains, preparing for battle. DOGE DADDY: "Let's show these plebs the power of the Doge army." THE VETERAN: "I've been waiting for a challenge like this." ZOLTAR: "I see victory in our future." THE REGULATOR: "I will enforce the rules of the land." The heroes and villains face off in an epic battle, with each side unleashing their powers. Satoshi Nakamoto's unknown abilities are revealed, and he single-handedly takes down Doge Daddy's spaceship. The Prodigy solves the blockchain trilemma, weakening The Veteran's immortality. Michael Whaler holds the line against The Fraudster's disappearing act, and El Presidente unleashes a massive eruption from the volcano, taking down Zoltar. The Educator convinces the public to stop investing in crypto, causing The Regulator to lose his powers. In the end, the heroes emerge victorious, and the villains are brought to justice. Satoshi Nakamoto reveals that he had been working behind the scenes, gathering information on the villains and their plans. He thanks the heroes for their bravery and teamwork in stopping the villains' evil plans. As the heroes celebrate their victory, The Educator suggests they continue working together to educate the public about the risks and benefits of cryptocurrency. They all agree to work together and ensure that crypto is used responsibly and for the greater good. FADE OUT.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

For anyone with a spare computer, or computer that run 24/7 and have some spare processing power, then you can run this simple python script to try to guess the correct order. import random import threading from web3 import Web3 from bip_utils import Bip39MnemonicGenerator, Bip44, Bip44Coins, Bip44Changes from eth_account import Account INFURA_PROJECT_ID = "infura-api-key" NUM_THREADS = 8 MAX_RETRIES = 1000 mnemonic_words = [ "camera", "rhythm", "feature", "layer", "coconut", "ready", "need", "final", "north", "can", "early", "story", "stable", "report", "group", "depend", "employ", "problem", "monitor", "interest", "logic", "sausage", "toilet", "pencil" ] def check_balance(mnemonic): seed_bytes = Bip39MnemonicGenerator.MnemonicToSeed(mnemonic, "") bip_obj = Bip44.FromSeed(seed_bytes, Bip44Coins.ETHEREUM) eth_account = bip_obj.Purpose().Coin().Account(0).Change(Bip44Changes.CHAIN_EXT).AddressIndex(0) private_key = eth_account.PrivateKey().ToWif() public_key = eth_account.PublicKey().ToHex() address = eth_account.PublicKey().ToAddress() w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(f"{INFURA_PROJECT_ID}")) balance = w3.eth.getBalance(address) if balance > 0: print(f"Found balance: {balance} wei") print(f"Mnemonic: {mnemonic}") print(f"Private key: {private_key}") print(f"Public key: {public_key}") print(f"Address: {address}") return True return False def find_seed_with_balance(): for _ in range(MAX_RETRIES): shuffled_mnemonic_words = random.sample(mnemonic_words, len(mnemonic_words)) mnemonic = " ".join(shuffled_mnemonic_words) if check_balance(mnemonic): break if __name__ == "__main__": threads = [] for _ in range(NUM_THREADS): t = threading.Thread(target=find_seed_with_balance) t.start() threads.append(t) for t in threads: t.join() Just save it in a file `` and replace the infura api key, the script basically just try random order of those mnemonic and infura let it connect to ethereum network for checking purpose. You may also need to install some dependencies firs: pip install web3 bip-utils eth-account If you run into problem when installing the web3 library then maybe try install Microsoft C++ Build Tools. Change the max threads and retries to whatever amount you like. If you're lucky and hit the one with balance it will stop and outout the mnemonic with the right order to you. Keep in mind the chance are 1 over 24!, so it's really all about luck.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Was hoping for third party study but even there at 0.11wh per transaction it is not the most eco friendly. A UCL [report](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ChatGPT: Write a script for the pilot episode of a TV show about bitcoin becoming the official currency of the US ​ FADE IN: EXT. NEW YORK CITY - DAY We see bustling city streets, with people rushing around, cars honking, and skyscrapers towering overhead. The camera zooms in on the New York Stock Exchange, where traders are frantically buying and selling stocks. CUT TO: INT. CONGRESSIONAL HEARING ROOM - DAY A group of politicians is sitting at a long table, facing a panel of experts. SENATOR JONES (to panel) We've called you here today to discuss the future of currency in the United States. As you know, there's been a lot of talk about bitcoin lately. Some people are even suggesting that it could become the official currency of the US. DR. SMITH (nodding) That's correct, Senator. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions. It's fast, cheap, and has no central authority. SENATOR JONES (raising an eyebrow) But can it really replace the US dollar? DR. SMITH (smiling) I believe it can, Senator. In fact, I believe it's inevitable. Bitcoin is already being used by millions of people around the world, and its value has skyrocketed in recent years. SENATOR JONES (shaking his head) I'm not convinced. There are still a lot of questions about the security of bitcoin, not to mention the fact that it's not backed by any government. DR. SMITH (frowning) Those are valid concerns, Senator, but they're also solvable problems. With the right regulations and safeguards in place, bitcoin can be just as secure as traditional currency. SENATOR JONES (pensively) Well, I'll admit that it's an intriguing idea. But it's also a radical one. We'd need a lot more information before we could seriously consider making such a drastic change. CUT TO: INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT We see a family gathered around a TV, watching the news. NEWS ANCHOR (on TV) In other news, the debate over bitcoin continues to rage on Capitol Hill. While some experts are calling for it to become the official currency of the US, others remain skeptical. DAD (turning to his family) What do you guys think? Should we start investing in bitcoin? MOM (skeptically) I don't know. It seems risky. SON (excitedly) But think about it, Mom. If bitcoin becomes the official currency, we could make a fortune! CUT TO: EXT. NEW YORK CITY - DAY We see a young woman walking down the street, checking her phone. Suddenly, she stops and gasps. WOMAN (to herself) Oh my god. It's happening. CUT TO: INT. CONGRESSIONAL HEARING ROOM - DAY SENATOR JONES (pounding his gavel) Order, order! I have an announcement to make. After careful consideration and consultation with experts, I have decided to introduce a bill that would make bitcoin the official currency of the United States. The room erupts into chaos, with people shouting and cameras flashing. FADE TO BLACK. END OF EPISODE.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment


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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It was experience token. EXT. Jumped from .00002 to .04 and someone actually sold at that number if the trade record is to be believed. I have since set a limit order for about half that.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The Berlin upgrade introduces the following EIPs to the Ethereum network: ​ * [EIP-2565: ModExp Gas Cost]( * Lowers the cost of the ModExp (0x00..05) precompile; * [EIP-2929: Gas cost increases for state access opcodes]( * Increases gas cost for SLOAD , \*CALL , BALANCE , EXT\* and SELFEDESTRUCT when used for the first time in a transaction; * [EIP-2718: Typed Transaction Envelope]( * Introduces a new transaction type that is an envelope to enable easier support for multiple transaction types; * [EIP-2930: Optional access lists]( * Adds a transaction type which contains an access list, a list of addresses and storage keys that the transaction plans to access. This mitigates some of the gas cost increases introduced by EIP-2929. Taken from [](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EXT will rose 1000% this week and ETH will crash to $1300, BTC down to $52k it will up again in june

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

HUMBL EXT’s Friday!!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

After googling, apparently you can put them in a cold wallet with some IRA custodians, but mine replied as follows: Janet (Forge Trust) Feb 21, 2021, 9:41 PM PST The exchange should control the investment and not you personally as this is an IRA account. Holding it in your personal possession might cause a prohibited transaction in the IRA. You should consult with an IRA attorney so they can advise you on this issue so there is no problem with the IRS Janet Forge Trust Company Client Service Center (tel) (800) 248-8447 EXT: ​ | (fax) (605) 385-0050 |
