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Numbers Protocol

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Numbers Protocol : Bringing back trust to the digital realm with Provenance

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- CaptureApp another major updates! 💳 Buy NUM points in-app Deposit your NUM tokens from ANY wallet to your Capture wallet


GLQ, DCK, CLORE, OFN, CGPT, NUM... among others.

Main: BTC, ETH, SOL Alts: FET, INJ, NEAR, AIOZ, FORT, NUM, RNDR, RSS3, etc. Basically AI coins.

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Couple of AI picks OCEAN and NUM

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OCEAN and NUM. Smaller market caps with potential

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They can all make their money back by pushing $NUM to $2

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For anyone with a spare computer, or computer that run 24/7 and have some spare processing power, then you can run this simple python script to try to guess the correct order. import random import threading from web3 import Web3 from bip_utils import Bip39MnemonicGenerator, Bip44, Bip44Coins, Bip44Changes from eth_account import Account INFURA_PROJECT_ID = "infura-api-key" NUM_THREADS = 8 MAX_RETRIES = 1000 mnemonic_words = [ "camera", "rhythm", "feature", "layer", "coconut", "ready", "need", "final", "north", "can", "early", "story", "stable", "report", "group", "depend", "employ", "problem", "monitor", "interest", "logic", "sausage", "toilet", "pencil" ] def check_balance(mnemonic): seed_bytes = Bip39MnemonicGenerator.MnemonicToSeed(mnemonic, "") bip_obj = Bip44.FromSeed(seed_bytes, Bip44Coins.ETHEREUM) eth_account = bip_obj.Purpose().Coin().Account(0).Change(Bip44Changes.CHAIN_EXT).AddressIndex(0) private_key = eth_account.PrivateKey().ToWif() public_key = eth_account.PublicKey().ToHex() address = eth_account.PublicKey().ToAddress() w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(f"{INFURA_PROJECT_ID}")) balance = w3.eth.getBalance(address) if balance > 0: print(f"Found balance: {balance} wei") print(f"Mnemonic: {mnemonic}") print(f"Private key: {private_key}") print(f"Public key: {public_key}") print(f"Address: {address}") return True return False def find_seed_with_balance(): for _ in range(MAX_RETRIES): shuffled_mnemonic_words = random.sample(mnemonic_words, len(mnemonic_words)) mnemonic = " ".join(shuffled_mnemonic_words) if check_balance(mnemonic): break if __name__ == "__main__": threads = [] for _ in range(NUM_THREADS): t = threading.Thread(target=find_seed_with_balance) t.start() threads.append(t) for t in threads: t.join() Just save it in a file `` and replace the infura api key, the script basically just try random order of those mnemonic and infura let it connect to ethereum network for checking purpose. You may also need to install some dependencies firs: pip install web3 bip-utils eth-account If you run into problem when installing the web3 library then maybe try install Microsoft C++ Build Tools. Change the max threads and retries to whatever amount you like. If you're lucky and hit the one with balance it will stop and outout the mnemonic with the right order to you. Keep in mind the chance are 1 over 24!, so it's really all about luck.

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brb making 10x long on NUM

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Anyone here got any super low caps / kucoin low caps? HTR, NUM, TRIAS? I’ve got small bags

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Check out NumbersProtocol NUM

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Anyone here in Numbers Protocol NUM?

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VRA, OPCT, CPOOL, CKB, XPR, NUM, and MTV are some plays of mine

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LRC, NUM, and maybe ALGO .

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Ansone mind giving me some insight on NUM Coin ?

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NUM. Currently moving downwards 0.25 every day like a clockwork. Check 2hr chart.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'd not go for the projects shilled here. Lol. But in saying that I'll shill you NUM. Just had a nice retracement like most things and will assuredly get a binance listing at some point considering they invested in it.

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I know these are some low MC coins, but they are extremely promising. BLOK, NUM and KCS... thank me later.

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Anyone bullish on Numbers Protocol (NUM)?

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They buy regardless of up or down. I cashed out but went all in again. Check NUM$ ;)

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Numbers Protocol NUM Lunar LNR Block Ape Scissors BAS All have strong use cases (numbers protocol particularly strong, lunar extremely strong if they can deliver) market caps can grow, all on Binance smart chain so no huge gas fees. Doxxed Dev teams (LNR only partially doxxed I think). Great growth so far, but not massive hype. NUM has received investment from Binance and others. BAS is currently in the Binance incubation program. I bought into these based on some modest earnings I made on Loopring. Not financial advice, and everyone should do their own research and never buy if you can't afford to lose the investment.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NUM got a really nice cup and handle on the 5m

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ROSE and NUM are the most recent

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Recently picked up a bag of $NUM I think it has alot of potential from it giving people the ability to create NFTs from their own camera roll, I reckon 10x potential but dyor as always nfa

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Anyone check out NUM? Interesting partners

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ok this is crazy!!!! I bought some NUM and its up 98%!!! Crazy, and its a new token only a few days old. I can see this being a big deal
