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r/BitcoinSee Post

I asked AI for Bitcoin prediction 2024

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

WHAT's THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM with A.I.? The alignment problem! Max Tegmark expresses his concern.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

$FCF World's 1st RST token (Revenue sharing token) | Crypto Payment Gateway Is Live| 66% of the gateway revenue goes back to the community!|Web3 Poker club and licensed casino is LIVE | Dozens of deals in negotiation with PSP to use FCFPAY |All over the news with shiba inu, floki and dogecoin listed

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post


r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Rocket Gods | Rule the Sky | Stealth Launching in One Hour! | Low Tax | High Potential

r/BitcoinSee Post

Trees are a MENACE

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

BANK$ | This is an opportunity in front of you.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🚨PSA: Keiko is live on twitch & giving away thousands in ethereum & merch to anyone in the room

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

The FIRST bsc coin inspired by a famous series Rick And Morty. Inspired by the main protagonist in season 4 Rick And Morty,


r/BitcoinSee Comment

BiTCOIN NOWADAYS will behave according to NORMAL Financial Cycles, not having a life of its own. So we MUST acknowledge that we are nearing the end of QUARTER 1. For traditional INVESTORS we are coming to an end of the 2024 Price Rally and will enter that Interval where Everyone (institutional and private investors) will Rebalance Their PORTFOLIOS and MOST LIKELY, given the strong surge in prices, will take PROFITS on the Gains of 2024. 31/3/2024 is also the end of the Fiscal Year in Japan , like 31 december for us. I suspect that nearing end of March and Beginning of MAY, there will be a lot of distribution (selling of assets) that will mark a TOP, and in MAY failure to rise further will increase selling that will trigger a CORRECTION until END JUNE/JULY. So, the eventual last WAVE UP before distribution, will be STRONG and SHORT LIVED (2 weeks time).How do we know? Looking at BITCOIN the last 2 tops lasted 1 month (April could be the time for it). If next 2 days, today included, the price closes above ALL TIME HIGHS of 2021, we most likely will see BUYING and my CHART says we have ROOM to 80,000 , if that breaks then 110,000 . Less likely but I leave it open because as I said we have until end of MARCH. However, most PERFORMANCE will be done by ALT COINs. Rather than buying BITCOIN here I would buy ALT COINS, especially those left behind. For 3% gain in Bitcoin an ALTCOIN will give you 12% gain. However BUYING with the knowledge that you must take Profits in April while the Top is in the BUILDING. ALSO Start looking for TAKE PROFITS on all YOUR CRYPTOS. Which you may Buy BACK in JULY. REMEMBER 2021: it did exactly that pattern I just described because it was the CRYPTO ADOPTION by FINANCE PROFESSIONALS. And what is feeding the price rise now is CERTAINLY NOT the early adopters BUT aggressive FINANCE PROFESSIONALS (Hedge Funds and Investment Banks) + since 2024 the small traditional investors via ETFS REMEMBER what I wrote end 2023? THIS is the last ADOPTION PHASE by the "masses". After this phase BTC will become a nirmal asset with normal performance. The potential TOP is 100,000 to 150,000. Obviously you will read everywhere wishful emotional analysis that we are going to 250,000. Stick to LOGIC, TECHNICAL ANALYSIS and FINANCIAL CYCLES. Extract from my analysis.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ah come on man, I salute your high risk tolerance, as such a trait is essential to build extreme wealth! But no bro, don't go pairing that commendable trait with reckless wilful ignorance of what is a virtual toilet to flush your cash down. Look at that Mac guy who runs it, he pulled the same stunt on a coin called $ROOM a few years back and that went to zero. Look at the other comments on this thread not to mention the in depth investigation in the video. Put your high risk tolerance into ICP instead!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

WHERE IS SUB 40K FOLKS THE BEARS HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT IT ALL MONTH IS SUB 40K IN THE ROOM WITH US RIGHT NOW??? Let's have a great end of the year guys LETS GO AVAX MAKE ME PROUD Next month I'm gonna be posting the same thing after the ETF except it's gonna be WHERE IS SELL THE NEWS because we're gonna be at an ATH

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have exactly the same concerns. I've been around computers and technology since childhood, now working with 'em all day, and I still find crypto scary complicated. There is just SO MUCH ROOM for some stupid mistake resulting in people losing their money. Also I find really funny how when you want to try a little bit of gample and spend a few bucks on some funky shitcoin that's not on big exchanges you usually have to jump through dozens of hoops to actually do it (send your tokens here, exchange them for this, then send them there, exchange for that, then 2 times more and you have a donut or something lol).

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I asked DeepAI - got this answer: ​ INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY JASON and SARA sit on the couch, staring intently at the television. JASON So, what do you think the price of Bitcoin will be in 2025? SARA Well, the price has been rising about 200% every year. If it continues, I would say around $250,000. JASON Wow, that's a lot. What about in 2030? SARA The growth rate might slow down a bit, but I think it will still be around $500,000. JASON That's insane. What about in 2040? SARA Hmm, it's hard to say. But if Bitcoin becomes mainstream, it could reach $1 million or even more. JASON That's crazy. But you might be right. Anything is possible with Bitcoin. SARA Exactly. And who knows what other cryptocurrencies will pop up in the future. They both smile and turn their attention back to the TV. FADE OUT.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Welcome to the world. Can call it a bubble, yes, but a bubble with A LOT OF ROOM TO GET SOOOO MUCH BIGGER. Look at market cap and potential for expansion and a ton of speculation. Enjoy. NFA.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

What!? You wouldn't lump a bunch of people into a huge oversimplified monocharacteristic blob with no nuance?! That's crazy talk! This is the internet! You are required to generalize everyone and defend your monolithic block to the bitter end with strawpersons, ad hominem attacks, and virtue signals! USE ALL CAPS IF YOU HAVE TOO! THERE IS NO ROOM FOR SUBTLETY ON REDDIT!!!! (add emojis for emphasis)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ChatGPT: Write a script for the pilot episode of a TV show about bitcoin becoming the official currency of the US ​ FADE IN: EXT. NEW YORK CITY - DAY We see bustling city streets, with people rushing around, cars honking, and skyscrapers towering overhead. The camera zooms in on the New York Stock Exchange, where traders are frantically buying and selling stocks. CUT TO: INT. CONGRESSIONAL HEARING ROOM - DAY A group of politicians is sitting at a long table, facing a panel of experts. SENATOR JONES (to panel) We've called you here today to discuss the future of currency in the United States. As you know, there's been a lot of talk about bitcoin lately. Some people are even suggesting that it could become the official currency of the US. DR. SMITH (nodding) That's correct, Senator. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions. It's fast, cheap, and has no central authority. SENATOR JONES (raising an eyebrow) But can it really replace the US dollar? DR. SMITH (smiling) I believe it can, Senator. In fact, I believe it's inevitable. Bitcoin is already being used by millions of people around the world, and its value has skyrocketed in recent years. SENATOR JONES (shaking his head) I'm not convinced. There are still a lot of questions about the security of bitcoin, not to mention the fact that it's not backed by any government. DR. SMITH (frowning) Those are valid concerns, Senator, but they're also solvable problems. With the right regulations and safeguards in place, bitcoin can be just as secure as traditional currency. SENATOR JONES (pensively) Well, I'll admit that it's an intriguing idea. But it's also a radical one. We'd need a lot more information before we could seriously consider making such a drastic change. CUT TO: INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT We see a family gathered around a TV, watching the news. NEWS ANCHOR (on TV) In other news, the debate over bitcoin continues to rage on Capitol Hill. While some experts are calling for it to become the official currency of the US, others remain skeptical. DAD (turning to his family) What do you guys think? Should we start investing in bitcoin? MOM (skeptically) I don't know. It seems risky. SON (excitedly) But think about it, Mom. If bitcoin becomes the official currency, we could make a fortune! CUT TO: EXT. NEW YORK CITY - DAY We see a young woman walking down the street, checking her phone. Suddenly, she stops and gasps. WOMAN (to herself) Oh my god. It's happening. CUT TO: INT. CONGRESSIONAL HEARING ROOM - DAY SENATOR JONES (pounding his gavel) Order, order! I have an announcement to make. After careful consideration and consultation with experts, I have decided to introduce a bill that would make bitcoin the official currency of the United States. The room erupts into chaos, with people shouting and cameras flashing. FADE TO BLACK. END OF EPISODE.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

4. A degen going all due to FOMO and moving with the crowd? ✅️✅️✅️✅️ MAKE ROOM BUDDY, I'M COMING ABOARD!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>How is there not a movie yet about a family struggling to find the seed phrase of a deceased relatives wallet containing the families inheritance. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY JIM (40s) sits at the table, surrounded by papers and a laptop. His wife, LUCY (35), and their children, MIA (10) and TYLER (12), are gathered around him. JIM (frustrated) I can’t find the seed phrase anywhere. It’s like it never existed. LUCY (anxious) What are we going to do? That wallet is our only hope of getting Uncle Mark's inheritance. TYLER (excited) Maybe we can hack into it. MIA (innocent) What's a seed phrase? JIM (explaining) A seed phrase is a series of words that serves as a backup to access a digital wallet. It's like a password, but much more secure. LUCY (remembering) Uncle Mark always talked about how safe his cryptocurrency investments were. He must have written the seed phrase somewhere. TYLER (determined) We need to find it. I’ll start searching in his room. The family splits up and begins searching through Uncle Mark’s belongings. INT. UNCLE MARK’S ROOM - DAY TYLER is going through a stack of old papers when he finds a cryptic note. TYLER (excitedly) I found something! The family gathers around as TYLER reads the note out loud: TYLER (CONT'D) “The seed is hidden in a place only I know. You’ll have to think like me to find it.” JIM (puzzled) What does that mean? LUCY (determined) We’ll have to figure it out. Let's start by retracing Uncle Mark’s steps. The family visits all the places Uncle Mark used to frequent and eventually find a hidden compartment in a local park bench where he liked to sit. Inside the compartment, they find a piece of paper with the seed phrase written on it. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY The family is gathered around the laptop, entering the seed phrase into the wallet. JIM (relieved) It’s working! LUCY (tearfully) We did it! Uncle Mark would be proud. TYLER (smiling) We’re rich! MIA (innocently) Can we buy a pony now? JIM (laughing) Anything you want, kiddo. The family embraces as the screen fades to black. FADE OUT. THE END.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

FTX CONTROL ROOM: Dark Helmet: Who made that man a gunner? Major Asshole: I did sir. He's my cousin. Dark Helmet: Who is he? Colonel Sandurz: He's an asshole sir. Dark Helmet: I know that! What's his name? Colonel Sandurz: That is his name sir. Asshole, Major Asshole! Dark Helmet: And his cousin? Colonel Sandurz: He's an asshole too sir. Gunner's mate First Class Philip Asshole! Dark Helmet: How many asholes do we have on this ship, anyway!?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Contrary to common believe, the subreddit consists of several people with different opinions, not by one shizophrenic guy who just keeps arguing with himself. Right Bob? Exactly Jimmy! Exactly what I wanted to say! Thx Bob. CAN YOU TWO PLEASE JUST GET A ROOM ALREADY?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Me looking at my peloton stock as it dipped from 130~ to now 10: “HOW ARE THERE STILL ROOM TO GO DOWN”

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

How was your day son? SHURT UPPPP (RUNS TO HIS ROOM)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Pull yourself together bucko! And CLEAN YOYR ROOM! /s

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

HE GOT RID OF MONERO and starting talking about bunch of goldbug crap agaisnt crypto (seems to have a lot of knowledge about the premise and classic talking about FUD so he's well read) and it was all said in half streamer to clear space. He pissed off the GME logo having guys becuase he got rid of their add but had to concede to r/superstonk and since then has left crypto alone including our r/cc moon and the NTC logo next door! The r/cryptocurrency moon logo team has alliances with all borders san costa rica above but that's a bot its uncontested old established. JOIN THE ROOM TO LEARN MORE!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There seems to be a misconception of what wants to be drawn. In the WAR ROOM we are trying to draw on the bottom r/cc with a bottom background but everyone keeps coloring it in yellow

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Until people are saying, “DOGELONCUM! GO TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW!” we are still early

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Like 5 you say? GO TO YOUR ROOM

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

From a 60 year old WASP: Thanks for the well written explanation of something I had no idea was going on, even though I am a ETH bull from an investment and DEFI perspective. My opinion on the division: smoke it, yank it stick into any adult legally capable of wanting it. I dont care. This is about an asset and a technology out of the control of the government and without using the corrupt banking system of debt delays and fees. I invest for diversification and inflation hedge. # NO ROOM HERE FOR MORAL ISSUES OR WOKENESS!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There is that little video about Amazon competing against SEARS, which was the hugest US-Chain of Shopping Centers, or something like that. They interviewed a Stock-Brocker and asked why Amazons stock was valued so much. Even back then. At that point Amazon was still a small and new company which wanted to sell stuff on the Internet - which was also new at that point. A whole new concept and it was quite unthinkable that a Giant like Sears could be in trouble because something like Amazon. So why was the Amazon Stock valued so much, even when it hasn't proven itself? And the Stockbrocker said - Stocks don't necessary reflect their current worth, but their POTENTIAL! Sears was a huge company, it had little room to grow. Amazon on the other hand had ALL the space to grow. That is also why Tesla was so "ridiculously overpriced" all the time. They had room to grow while others didn't have it. Especially when Tesla was moving ahead with electrical cars and otehr companies didn't. That's why it doesn't really help me to know that Solana is unreliable, ETH is too expensive and too slow and ADA has a strange fat guy as boss and he makes strange pictures in Africa, there is SO MUCH ROOM FOR GROWTH. I can't value crypots by their current worth. I have to look into their potential. Now... Cryptos STILL are nothing more than potential, that's why the volatility is so high. When we are positive and trust in the potential we bull, when we're negative and don't see the potential, we bear. Anyways, your list is nice, OP, but it tells me things about NOW. I'd need to know things about tomorrow!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The Market Cap is ONLY 1.77 billion !!!!! Are you people serious!!?? MASSIVE ROOM FOR GROWTH !!!!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Get a $ROOM you two. XD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I bet if i take shib out of my comment i would get up votes lol... kinda sad you answer a legit question and get downed. I have done extensive research on cro and shib, I've made 10k on shib since may. For the next 12 months, LRC HAS A TON OF ROOM TO GROW!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The first thing I got was a bracelet for my grandma after making huge gains with my DOT bag that I sold 70% at around $50 after getting in at $3-5 this time last year. Although I'm not spending all of my profits rather I'm looking out on some hidden gems on the DOT network with low cap like PDEX, PNODE, ROOM, DOCK & UDO to reinvest and hold for another mid and long terms

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Good choice with MATIC, you can still check out on DOT or some of the low mcap tokens on the Polkadot ecosystem including GUM, PNODE, UDO, ROOM, DOCK, PDEX etc

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

There are several hidden gems on the Polkadot ecosystem with low market cap like PNODE, ROOM, UDO, DOCK, PDEX, etc with real-life utilities. Just take your time to do due diligence on them.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

He does deserve some level of respect, yes. He did accurately predict the 2008 housing market collapse. Obviously he's been wrong on Bitcoin. My real issue with him, though, is that he NEVER clarifies his position on whether the COMEX shorts are the reason gold and silver are manipulated markets. He literally has NEVER talked about it. Someone needs to ask him that. But the fact he rambles on about gold for so long and has never addressed the COMEX shorts question, shows he's truly not on the level about it all. That's the issue I have with him. How can you sell gold but leave out the ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM on literally every podcast? It's not on the level.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Put this into perspective, the stock market cap currently sits at $70 Trillion, whereas Crypto is only at $2.5T. THERE IS SO MUCH ROOM TO GROW. ONLY 0.5% OF THE WORLDS GLOBAL FINANCE

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Depends where you live. Where I live, every time I trade, they give me extra haribo and let me out of THE ROOM for longer than the others. They don't even know they are coming for us.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Can you explain or throw some links at me if it won't be a bother? I am looking for other games to check out anyway. Also is ROOM8 is some sort of trusted blockchain company or something?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Honestly, I have more faith in Kryptomon because they are working with ROOM8. Same company who is involved with other familiar games.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

At $1, MOONs would have a fully-diluted market cap (250M supply) of $250M. That would put it in rank #251 by market cap on []( However, there are only 72 million MOONs currently in circulating supply. That is a lot of room for growth. Its current market cap is only $18.7 million. At $1 and current supply, a market cap of $72 million is still SO TINY. There is SO MUCH ROOM FOR GROWTH. I am so bullish on moons. ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|this_is_gentlemen)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Daily should be renamed for next 1-2 hours to SNAPSHOT WAITING ROOM

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

_your mom getting gangbanged by all the husbands in the street_ GO BACK IN YOUR FUCKING ROOM

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; The ChainSwap protocol was hacked over the weekend, with over $8 million in tokens stolen from liquidity pools. OptionRoom was among the worst hit, with the hackers able to steal $550,000 worth of $ROOM tokens. The company has recovered $443,974 by selling tokens from the deployer into the Uniswap pool. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

tldr; The ChainSwap protocol was hacked over the weekend, with over $8 million in tokens stolen from liquidity pools. OptionRoom was among the worst hit, with the hackers able to steal $550,000 worth of $ROOM tokens. The company has recovered $443,974 by selling tokens from the deployer into the Uniswap pool. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Chainswap has been hacked UniFarm (UFARM), Optionroom (ROOM), OroPocket (ORO), and other projects have decided to temporarily pull all liquidity from Uniswap and Pancakeswap.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Oh dear. My $1,000 investment in $ROOM has been hacked. Fortunately it was now only worth $50 with maybe $50 worth of $COURT. OH WELL

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is patently false. I work in construction. Plenty of houses are being built (we were busier last year during the height of the pandemic than literally ever before) but the ongoing lumber and concrete shortages are driving up the cost of the homes that are being built. I live in metro Atlanta and houses that a few years ago would've been built and sold in the high $200,000s are now being built and sold in the high $400,000-$500,000s. The lumber shortage comes from several lumber mills that burned down last year and private companies like Home Depot and Lowes buying up all the surplus lumber and artificially inflating the cost. The concrete shortage is due to a global shortage of sand. Humanity is literally making more concrete than the world can make sand. Which is ridiculous because we now have self-healing building materials that are way safer and more sustainable than traditional concrete. Politicians are to blame for allowing corporations to run amok and fuck the common man. One of every five low-priced homes that sold in the U.S. (20.8%) was purchased by an investor and those investors then turn around and either sell them for way more than they're actually worth or rent them for higher than what is reasonable thus pricing people out of the neighborhoods many have lived in for generations. It's like gentrification except it's happening to everyone who doesn't individually net over $700,000/year. The city where I live was granted millions of dollars in 2019 to build "affordable housing" and they turned around and built new condos ($1,500/month+) and unofficial student housing ($800/month+ per ROOM) with it. So even the politicians that run on a platform of helping to bring affordable housing to the people they intend to serve are often either LYING or end up getting wrangled into a half assed, almost malicious compliance type of fulfillment of their campaign promises. And MAYBE more poor people would vote if politicians weren't in a constant circle jerk of fucked up jerrymandering and voter suppression. Don't make this a 'bUt ThE pOoR pEoPlE' thing when it's very much a 'greedy old fuckers in charge' situation. If you don't think our greedy corporate overlords aren't hand in hand with the politicians that refuse to regulate their fucked up business practices then I don't know what to tell you.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

ewwwww.. GET A ROOM U PERVERTS!! =(

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

AMAZING Lets goooo! Comparatively new and HUGEE ROOM for HUGE GAINSS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

He's freaking out too because THERE'S A HUMAN IN HIS ROOM

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

has their "swap" / reskin of uniswap even been shown yet? I mean KISHU has WAY MORE ROOM to move up, and they have a working swap and more actual products coming out including their paw print feature here soon. Its growing faster than SHIB ever did and is about to start hitting 10s of billions mcap wise... i bought about 100$ worth, took out 4,000$ when price went way up, held on to a small stack just incase it does what shib did, or more. Its on track to do that... not to mention their amazing ad ideas, 200+ digitla billboards in NYC and time sqaure for a week. They are now on the biggest digital billboard in LA, and 200+ taxis and other digital billboards around hte city for memorial weekend. Stuff like that gives me lots of hope.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Contact Information Contracting Office Address 1111 CONSTITUTION AVE., ROOM 1136 WASHINGTON , DC 20224 USA Primary Point of Contact Tameka Long

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

K boomer. It's not that what you're saying is wrong it's that it's impossible. You assume we have retarded expenses and that we can just cut the expenses we have. There is only the neccesary you dumb fuck. There is no extra money or if there is it comes with tremendous sacrifice. Who the fuck wouldn't like a years worth of bills in savings. Are you stupid? Who? Our generation can barely afford to rent a FUCKING ROOM in a shared house and here you come >just cut your expenses guys, no more pizza LOL just save a years worth of bills lol Mother fucker a years salary doesn't cover a years bills for most of us. Fucking boomer living in lala land or some kiddy who pays no rents because he can still live with mommy and daddy

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

did you just compare THE ROOM with SHIBA INU?

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Such low market cap 👀 SO MUCH ROOM TO GROW !!! 🚀🚀🚀

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If Sienna breaks the record on POLS platform, it would be incredible. This means it'll beat the likes of PAID, POLK, ROOM and SUPER ROI

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Some people like to scream at the movies it's fun Oh shit don't go in there! Get out the room! GET OUT THE ROOM!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No worries, everytime I bought XRP it went down... to hell.. STRAIGHT TO THE BOILER ROOM. Now i'm on -30%, at least with crypto I get used to this feeling of losing my shit and control my emotions.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I deleted because I realized it is absolutely not worth making a comment and again because THIS IS A CRYPTO SITE not a political site... READ THE ROOM

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have been sending them tickets for 4 MONTHS NOW WITH NO REPLIES except for automatic emails saying they received the ticket. THIS IS SUCH BULLSHIT and SO UNPROFESSIONAL!!! You won't let me withdraw the small amount of Bitcoin that I own to send to another platform "due to risk management" and now I'm NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO SELL IT so I can then just transfer the US Dollars to my bank account saying that my "tradings disabled" even though I have only made two purchases on there and have never broken any rules. On top of that, I went to update my debit card number, which I have only added ONCE when I added my original debit card for payment/depositing in DECEMBER and now I keep getting a message saying "Only 5 new payment methods are allowed a month" even though as I stated, I'm only updating for the first time since joining because the card that was on file is no longer useable. I have even reached out to your comapny on Twitter at Binance US and NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! This platform has grown A LOT in the recent past so you should be able to hire more customer service reps to handle all of the emails since this is the only form of contact/customer service that you allow. At one time, having lost my job like so many due to Covid, I needed to withdraw my money to pay to keep my power on in my house with 2 children who live here as well as depend on the power for schooling. I even stated that in my emails to BINANCE US and YOU STILL WON'T RESPOND TO ME. So If you could help me out as well getting something done so I can access my funds I would be grateful because the only other step I see is getting loud on social media and news and I don't think even then would you do anything still. The email I use on Binance US is []( Some Ticket Numbers are #646855, #630440, #469793, #423894, #220299, and I have a handful of automatically generated emails from them that don't even get a ticket number when I submitted help from customer service from back in JANUARY AND FEBRUARY because I've been submitting tickets since January 22, 21 that just say "We wanted to let you know that we are still working on your ticket and apologize for the wait." and they have NEVER CONTACTED ME NOR HAVE THEY RESOLVED THE ISSUES THAT I KEEP CONTACTING THEM ABOUT!! f IM DONE WITH BINANCE US FOR GOOD and just want my funds back. Makes me feel like you and my money aren't even there anymore and that's why no one is responding because they don't actually have the funds to be able to return to people. BOILER ROOM

r/BitcoinSee Comment

If you made a LIVING ROOM.... OMFG the amount Bitcoins, and Livens, and Spruces going on..... 😳😳😳

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Rate my Moonshots: HYVE, SPI, VRA, XCUR, SRK, ROOM, OMI

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Got some ROOM also

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

If i had the time, i do DCA in Bitcoin and in Alts like FWT in Bitmax. XSN in Bitfinex and BMI in If got the chance, i do DCA in OKex as well. Everything went smooth. Waiting for their MVP. The freeway platform looks fine as they are giving 80% of their revenues to the users. Stakenet Dex implements a layer2 solution and can trade instantly and will no longer pay the fees. Bridge Mutual provides coverage to the platform and to all their partners like ALBT, PAID, PPAY, ROOM, DVG.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

That guy is correct. Follow Polkastarter which is launching a lot of projects lately. They launched ROOM and SUPER before. Last week it was POLK which did a 155x ATH roi. Even though I missed it I'm still trying to bag some before their MVP launch this month. You can also follow BIG accounts on twitter. Usually they're tweeting a gem but you still need to dyor.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I'm going to save this comment. I LOST EVERYTHING in the 2008 recession after working my ass off for YEARS! That's the year I also lost my ability to work. I lost my home, my vehicle, my livelihood, everything. I was a single parent, making 80k/yr and living in my dream home, driving a brand new convertible, taking cruise vacations for Xmas with my son, getting no child support. I was a VERY PROUD PERSON and fell into a very deep and debilitating depression after that. My mother bought me a house for $50k, in the city after I'd lived in the country for years. It was culture shock like you wouldn't believe. I finally got myself back into the country, but a smaller house. I just couldn't stand the city anymore or the people who live there. I'd rather be in a smaller house & love the place & people than in a larger house & hate the area. Not being able to work is still a big issue for me because when people hear I'm on disability they think I'm "living off the taxpayers" & it kills me because I'm not. I worked my ass off & am one who is truly not faking it. A surgery caused me major issues and if I could sue that surgeon, I would, but my body would still be messed up. I have learned that I put a lot of my self worth on the "things" I was able to own back then, but damn do I miss them! I miss my lake view! My sunsets from my back porch. Having ROOM for my stuff, & being able to arrange my furniture more than 2 ways. Driving a car with cup warmers and coolers was awesome, and the way the top folded down was cooler than the way my current car top does. I haven't been on a REAL vacation in ten years, unless visiting my brother in Florida counts (which it doesn't, even though I'm in Michigan). The point is, I want to be financially secure again & when you tell me to put ALL of my money into BTC, it scares me. How can $1,200 do that when hard work didn't? But, I'm willing to try because I want it so bad. And, so far LINK has been good to me so I know something works. In the LITTLE I've been able to put into that, I've made $100+ a week or more. And in APHA, the same. Thanks for the encouragement.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment