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Does crypto destroy the need for computers and phones to have DRAM?


r/BitcoinSee Comment

My math might be wrong, feel free to correct, BTC appears to be undervalued from a mining perspective. Using the latest Asic miner (MicroBT Whatsminer M63S Hydro 390T) at the average US per kwh cost as per google as of today at 16.43c./kwh. The machine mines 0.0987 BTC per year, excluding any future hashing difficulty increases. To get this .0987 BTC it would cost $10,112.54 in electricity. To get a 1 whole coin = 1 / .0987 x $10,112.54 = $102,457 USD in just electricity, never mind trying to repay the purchase of the equipment NOR trying to make a profit.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

IF YOU DID NOT PURCHASE/SWAP FOR IT NOR PARTICIPATED IN AN AIRDROP EVENT DO NOT TOUCH. It's literally crypto 101. Never touch something you didn't purchase.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

This. \^ OP your best bet is to just buy a great hardware wallet, choose from HW wallets like the coldcard, the trezor, the bitbox02 or the blockstream jade, and then teach yourself how to use bitcoin with VERY VERY small quantities with your chosen wallet. That's how I learned, just try to teach yourself every new concept one step at a time. Take it easy, take it slow. The more you understand and DYOR (do your own research), the better off you'll be. You'll quickly learn how the system works this way with minimal costs. Step by step (NOT IDIOT-PROOF!!!): 1.) Buy a good HW wallet and READ THE MANUAL/QUICKSTART GUIDES. 2.) Verify the HW wallet you purchased is secure and has not been tampered with. 3.) Use the instructions to figure out how to set it up with PIN and password, etc. 4.) Find a way to RANDOMLY generate your seed phrase OFFLINE and COMPELTELY INACCESSIBLE to outside or internet influence. 5.) Store this seed phrase extremely securely. Some people choose to make more than one copy of their seed phrase. I recommend a crytosteel or some other product that lets you store it so it is indestructible. ADD A PASSWORD ONLY YOU WILL KNOW!! That's considered the 25th word of the seed phrase. Do NOT store the seed phrase NOR password you chose as your custom/25th word on any internet connected device. 6.) Hide that seed phrase really well. 7.) Buy some bitcoin on a CEX (centralized exchange) OR peer-to-peer instead if you want to avoid KYC. 8.) Practice sending SMALL amounts from the exchange to the HW wallet. The fees are usually high and you'll lose a good bit of bitcoin doing this, but consider it a lesson that you need to learn now to save MUCH MORE bitcoin later. 9.) Once you are comfortable transferring funds to the HW wallet, then get into the other topics worth learning. For example, you can teach yourself how RBF (replace-by-fee works). You can also spend time learning/experimenting with how different exchanges work (like Bisq and hodlhodl). I'm still relatively new, so this is where I am now, I am learning how to use Replace-By-Fee. 10.) Once you are comfortable with all of that stuff, and you are confident your seed phrase and access to the keys to your bitcoin are safe, then you can finally put the bitcoin you've DCA'ed all this time into the cold storage of the HW wallet you chose. Now, let it stay there. Don't have paper hands and sell when it goes down in price. Hodl that like your life depends on it. And IF it goes high enough to help you achieve something significant, that's when you sell it. I would recommend using BISQ or possibly HODLHODL or ROBOSATS to sell your bitcoin when the time comes to make a significant upgrade to your life. Do NOT sell the bitcoin if you don't intend to do something significant with the profits. Just hodl it forever- your future self and maybe your kids will thank you. If you accumulate enough bitcoin and can pass it down to your future generations, AND properly educate them about this, then your family-to-be will benefit for a long time to come. Good luck and remember, RTFM!!!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Crypto was designed to be for responsible adults, and is meant to be the opposite to someone else being the caretaker of your wealth. When you entrust it with someone else, then technically it's not yours. And this goes against the decentralised ethos. But sure, for small amounts, on different exchanges, it's a pretty low risk. But when your funds grow then you'll find yourself considering a hardware wallet. But when you do, get one direct from the manufacturer. With a hardware wallet, set a 6 to 8 digit PIN on it. Write down your 24 key words on pieces of paper using non-fading ink. But put the first 12 words on 1 piece of paper and a copy of them in something like an online passord app, like 1Password or Lastpass. Also put those same first half of seed words in a sealed envelope and give to your lawyer for your Will. Then make multiple copies of the second half of 12 words. Give them to trusted family members and friends, especially in different cities if you can. But before you give out the second halfs of your keys, do the following... Transfer a small amount of crypto to your new wallet. Then, reset your hardware wallet, so that it is blank. Yep, delete it from the hardware device. Then restore it using all 24 key words that you'd written down. Then check that the crypto you deposited is actually there. This is good for a few reasons. Not only does it prove to yourself that you'd written down the 24 seed words correctly. But it gives you confidence of knowing that you can restore your wallet to a new/blank hardware wallet, should you lose or break your original. Note, that for those ppl that say you should never store your seed words online, nor give others your seed words, I agree. But no one is ever going to get into your wallet with only half of your 24 word seed phrase. Because even just 12 key words gives 2048^12 possibilities. I'd also recommend putting the copies of the second half of the keywords (the one younwill give to family/friends) in sealed envelopes with your name on them and the date you set up the wallet. The date helps distinguish between different lots of seed phrases, for when you have more than one hardware wallet. I know that this method won't be for everyone, and that there are other clever ways (some very expensive or time consuming) but this way works well and is very safe, if done properly. (I'm always curious and open to feedback and ideas on what othere here do with their keywords) NEVER TAKE PHOTOS OF YOUR KEYWORDS, NOR STORE THE ENTIRE SET OF KEY WORDS ONLINE OR IN ONE PHYSICAL LOCATION.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I just finished the book and I'm not sympathetic to SBF. Even the book makes clear that he refused to implement systems that would keep track of the assets and liabilities NOR would he implement any type of corporate structure that could keep a checks and balances between FTX and Alameda. His reasoning was "adults are boring" basically. He thought he could keep track of a multi billion dollar business in his head, which is grossly negligent, arguably criminal. My impression from the book is that it was basically a bunch of kids running this huge company, winging it. His inability to experience feelings (if you believe that) also paints him as sociopathic. The fact that he would always play video games during any call or meeting, no matter how important, made him look like a huge doucher. He probably did steal money from his customers, and justified it as a loan, and believed he had $100 billion in assets to cover it. I enjoyed the book, although it does seem overly sympathetic to SBF. There's apparently a lot Michael Lewis left out, that's set forth in a podcast that I'll probably check out soon.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>The judge said the punishment was "difficult" to decide, and raised doubts about whether the case would have reached court if it wasn't in the "slightly sexy" new arena of crypto. If it wouldnt have reached court if it wasnt NFT's than why do it now? Im all for insider traders being punished but crypto doenst deserve a preferential NOR a disadventageous treatment.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Why is crypto generally so bad? Cash grabs, vaporware, inexperienced/unqualified developers, nascent industry with uncertain & unproven business models, no real-world traction or use case, scammers... Like the rest of crypto, there will be some good that comes out of it while most will be nothing more than speculative trash. The good will need some time. Not to shill, because I have no idea how this will end up, but people who want to see a deep focus on game play and player experience from experienced devs that aren't putting crypto first should look at something like NOR [NOR youtube ]( I would guess that if anyone's going to make crypto gaming relevant, it's going to be builders working on a vision like this that will pioneer actual use cases where gaming is at the center instead of crypto.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

As much as I dislike the shadiness of Tether, for some reason it’s incredibly popular in my country as a means of P2P cash-to-crypto exchange. The thing is that I don’t like Circle NOR Tether (for different reasons) shame we can’t have a stablecoin that simply does its job (not saying it has to be a charity cause, but maybe you don’t NEED to make a zillion dollars off of lending out our money? Maybe just half a zillion?) without the looming threat of the whole crypto market toppling over.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Neither you NOR the bank actually owns that money. According to this it’s an “expression of Central bank liability…”

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's all speculative bullshit. BTC does not work well as a cash system, NOR as store of value. It will take time for the market to reflect utility instead of mania.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I remember advising my friends to buy steroids with bitcoin back in 2016 I forgot to add the disclaimer: **this not health NOR financial advice**

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I mid day it’s that last one ….. Acceptability !!! They ( at least here in the ‘good ol’ USA ) have worked so hard to sow distrust in the crypto market out of pure fear and greed ( fear the average plebes may actually succeed and greed that they won’t get their share in taxes ….) that they have in turn made regular everyday people ,who don’t necessarily grasp what crypto / blockchain tech really is , are hesitant to get involved. It also doesn’t help when you have people like Klause Schwab and the WEC talking about expiration on CBDC so people have ti spend it or loose it !!! Plus if you look at what happened in Canada with the truckers ( no matter which side you’re on in that debate) the way they were able to take away their access to the crypto that was donated frozen ….. there’s no way the average citizen is going to trust the government with that type of control over their financial affairs…NOR SHOULD WE

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> I don't know whether I am the first one to discover this or someone thought and wrote about it already. I am thinking of using a secure bitcoin wallet app, to create a wallet, write down seed phrase and address, and then buy and put amount of bitcoin to HODL, and then uninstall the app. This way my bitcoin and wallet is only accessed by papers which wrote on them seeds and address. This isn't secure, because you're generating the keys on a device that's constantly online and could be already infected. 1. Grab an old android phone, 2. factory reset it, 3. **DO NOT CONNECT IT TO THE INTERNET NOR OTHER NETWORKS**, 4. using a SDcard, upload & install BlueWallet, 5. go to settings - general - allowed Advanced Mode, 6. go to create a new wallet, 7. select Provide entropy via dice rolls, 8. create your wallet, 9. write down your seed words - at least twice to store on different geo locations, 10. on your main mobile phone, create a [WATCH ONLY]( wallet, 11. check that everything's working, 12. get a hammer & kill the old phone, you used to create the offline wallet Or, get a cheap (Trezor one, Jade) hardware wallet. Note: while creating your offline wallet, make sure all cameras around you are covered or relocated elsewhere. You're creating your own bank where you're the CEO as well as the head of security. Being a tad paranoid is a good thing in this position.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Dad is apparently deep enough into crypto to be an early buyer yet never mentioned it in the last **12 YEARS NOR INHERITED THEM?**

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Someone call an ambulance BUT NOR FOR ME🤣🤣🤣

r/BitcoinSee Comment

***"Gaslighting": "manipulate (someone) using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning."*** No such practice here. (You may be different.) I do not take pedantic directives from you. Personal attacks are non constructive. (Just BS Troll Cover Noise.) \*\*\* As for the rest, I will now dissemble your spurious argument, and expose you for what you are (wrong): You are misquoting my statement, and then comparing data that is irrelevant thereto, (apples to oranges-a common argumentative failing): 1) ME: *"Just what* ***is*** *happening-and not what happened once upon a cherry picked time period (yours evidently), in an irrelevant time frame."* Discussion: "Is" denotes present tense. It does not apply to 1980 or the year 2050. Or any other time frame, unless so qualified by the author, (me in this case). I further qualified "is" to be a one year frame of reference. **It is not "cherry picking" to talk about recent history, and current trajectory.** Far from it. In investment, "is" matters-big time. Your types cherry pick to convenient time frames to support pet thesis. (So you are being hypocritical here.) 2) ME: *"Stores of value NEVER* ***lose*** *70% of value* *in* ***a year****, NOR do they run negative year after year."* Note: you typed "loose" into a quote you attribute to me. (Lack of precision in practice seems your thing.) YOU: *"GOLD crashed from $875/oz to $300/oz in 18 months from Jan 1980- June 1982, proceeding to $250/oz in 2001, 18yrs later. "* Discussion: a) Irrelevant: 18 months is not "**a year**" (12 months), that is a 50% longer time frame. You are off topic with your argument-period. (And "18yrs" for an alleged further decline to "$250.", is also far off topic.) b) IF $875 gold went to $300. (as you claim), that is a decline of 1- (375/800)100, or 62.5% IN a 50% LONGER TIME FRAME. So once again, sorry, you have not "falsified" my "-70% in 12 month" statement at all. Rather, you just confirmed it with your spurious *apples to oranges* framing. IE: my Inconvenient Truth is not "falsified" as you incorrectly claim. You are simply incorrect. c) You are clearly math challenged: "Jan 1980- June 1982" is not "18 months" as you claim, it is about 30 months, give or take a month. Whoops! So I say 12 months, and your factoid is over a 30 month period. Relevance: absolute zero. 3) YOU: *"The only accurate bit in your statement is 'speculative' and 'store of value'. I'd recommend using the term Speculative Store of Value. Seems honest."* Discussion: As clearly shown here, your statement is false on its face. Note: not interested in your directives or recommendations, or opinions now-as you clearly can not read well, do not know how to do even the most basic math, are quite careless, and resort to personal attack in order to attempt to push your failed argument down its unpaved road. **Perhaps spend more time on research and presentation-and less time on trying to misrepresent, attack, and push dogma? Just a thought!**

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>Just what is happening-and not what happened once upon a cherry picked time period (yours evidently), in an irrelevant time frame. Yours is the cherry picked time frame. My chart extends back to origin 2010... you know, the entire price history. Stop gaslighting people. 2012, BTC went from $14.80 to $2.89. (-80%). 2013, BTC went from $251 to $62. (-75%) 2013-2014 BTC went from $1,190 to $150. (-87%) 2017-2018 BTC went from $19,150 to $3,100. (-84%) 2021-2022 BTC went from $70k to $16k (-77%) ***"Stores of value NEVER loose 70% of value in a year, NOR do they run negative year after year"*** GOLD crashed from $875/oz to $300/oz in 18 months from Jan 1980- June 1982, proceeding to $250/oz in 2001, 18yrs later. So yea, they have. Your Inconvenient Truth has been falsified. The only accurate bit in your statement is 'speculative' and 'store of value'. I'd recommend using the term Speculative Store of Value. Seems honest. ​ 1) Stores of value can be volatile, particularly when denominated in ever-expanding fiat currency. 2) A speculative store of value in the process of global monetization will have volatility, both upward AND downward, but primarily upward. Feel free to opine as to the years in which the speculative store of value has increased by 200%+. It'll put your "-70%" comment into proper context. 3) Your cherry picking time frames. Zoom out.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Not at all. Just what is happening-and not what happened once upon a cherry picked time period (yours evidently), in an irrelevant time frame. Pull up a chart and see. Stores of value STORE VALUE. *Bitcoin is a highly speculative asset, not a "store of value".* Stores of value NEVER lose 70% of value in a year, NOR do they run negative year after year. Inconvenient Truths to the hopium hodlrs.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Because many places are hamstrung as being able to invest in only registered securities. BTC is not that NOR is it an official commodity afaik

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Great thoughts. I think you are missing what I see to be the value proposition of true cryptocurrencies, so let me explain/answer the good questions you asked. >How much easier does it make your life to use cryptocurrency at your local grocery store? When allowed to develop properly, it will be equally as easy as swiping a card, but that's not the point. Crypto was made to be separate from fiat. It's a tool that can be secure, sovereign (not controllable by companies/governments and accountable only to you), censorship-resistant, seizure resistant, trustless, and not manipulated (as easily) by states. That's just the tip of the benefits, but those value propositions exist whether it's easy to use or not, but it certainly can be perfectly convenient, as well. I find crypto very easy to use, but I don't use Bitcoin because I find it sucks on every front. As far as fees, crypto already is cheaper to accept than fiat via card. I get discounts for paying with crypto at certain locations/websites. When selling, I prefer people pay in crypto for a variety of business reasons. No worrying about middlemen freezing payments because they can (look at PayPal's track record, but it's definitely not just them). No dealing with the exorbitant fees (3% or so just for the card processing alone, gross). I can accept a crypto payment AND convert it to USD or stablecoin for cheaper than I can accept a credit card payment. So idk what you mean about needing negative fees. Regarding it being incentivizing enough, big companies will accept crypto when customers demand it. Like contactless payments. Apple Pay and others create more fees (usually) for the vendor. Why would they add it? Customers want it and prefer to shop at those locations. When you have subs like this one refusing to discuss how to continue crypto development to improve society, no wonder people see it as just a scheme, and then no one ends up using it. This sub does far more harm than good. >The idea that you can do zero work and make a lot of money is just that enticing. That's...not how life works. That's how gambling works. If you want to make money, it takes effort (research and understanding, in this case) and/or luck. Most conversations here seem to rely on minimal effort and maximal luck, at best. People don't even understand basics of crypto sometimes but think they can pick winners and losers in the market. I actually use crypto and don't believe I'm able to predict the market's future. No way. >Being in sole control of your funds loses you a suite of features that traditional finance offers. It doesn't lose you anything. If you want that, use fiat. I'm not saying crypto should replace fiat. It's just like cash. Why is this a difficult concept for people. It comes up all the time. I have a bank account. I also have physical cash. They each serve a purpose. One is untracable, private, self-sovereign. The other is escrowed, insured, centralized. Pros and cons. It's not that one is bad and one is good. Just because banks provide benefits is not an argument to eliminate cash or physical assets and just say that all net worth must be controlled by banks. That's absurd. There is still a role to be played by physical assets under the full control of the individual. >But my current stance is that replacing my credit card with a crypto wallet is a downgrade to my quality of life. You do realize you can have...both? What is all this talk of "replacing"? Not sure how much simpler it can be. Scan QR code. Tap pay. Seller sees it hit the network. Done. Takes literally as long as a card swipe to clear. Even still I am not arguing for replacement, just that it is something to co-exist. >I don't think it's an issue that my bank knows what I'm spending my money on. Sure, there are people who think like that, and there are also people who are on the other side of the spectrum. Privacy and freedom are things that do not matter until you lose them, or until the lack of privacy becomes more abused. Talk to someone in China (I have) or North Korea or Afghanistan or Lebanon (I have) and let me know what they say about wanting a digital currency that is separate from traditional banking/card processing. Talk to someone in Argentina about being forced to use their fiat system and how well that's working out. Talk to people in the United States who have lost tons of money because PayPal decided to close their account because an algorithm said so. Or to someone whose bank account was frozen (forever) and funds never released, even after lawsuits and appeals. Imagine how much you can tell about a person just from their bank statement. It is hubristic (or maybed shortsighted) to think that the US is special and government overreach empowered by lack of privacy will remain forever alien to us (it already isn't). I agree that most people do not "need" privacy or sovereignty currently, in the sense that they are happy to live without it, but my point is that you don't wait until you need it to get it because then it is too late. I'd rather learn from history as well as our present in other nations and prevent slipping further into a hole you can't crawl out of. >Each transaction here is taxed and it requires the government to know about them Lol wut? So where you are the government must be able to digitally track all transactions? Can't pay with physical cash where you are? If you sell junk in your driveway and take cash, that's a crime? No. I doubt that it is. Crypto is the same concept. And what do you mean "untraceable" (though, not actually)? Yes, actually? If done properly. There are cryptos that certainly meet this criteria in order to be like physical cash. After all of this, we have had a nice discussion on the pros and cons of crypto vs fiat, but we still haven't answered why this sub focuses on neither crypto NOR fiat. It focuses on speculation and gambling. The name and even description of the sub would lead me to believe this is a place to discuss how to improve crypto features, adoption, and the use-cases of crypto (which in turn would drive up value of crypto which is good for speculators). I know the benefits of traditional finance, but I still find good uses for crypto in my everyday life. So why can't this sub do what the description says and be a place of discussion and analysis for cryptocurrency?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

"I don't understand crypto and don't want to" Dafuck are you doing complaining here about the exact same thing you are doing? PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND CRYPTO AND THEY DON'T WANT TO. Why it then surprises you when people put money in high apr shit? COZ THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND IT NOR WANT TO, they fucking just want money. Your kind of attitude is the real crypto problem, people with 0 fucks which doesn't even bother. And here we are.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Centralized exchanges OUTSIDE of the US failed. NOT inside. NOR did DeFi fail!! Politicians need to BTFO or take the time to educate themselves.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Banks, Hedge funds and financial institutions are the main players of the economic landscape, they have an iron grip on all things concerning the most important aspect of society: money. They have encumbered themselves into the highest circles of power, they are NOT our friends, they are NOT our allies NOR are looking after us, they only care about what's beneficial to them, what ways can they find to squeeze even more wealth out of millions into their pockets and preserve an status quo where they concentrate most of the power and control over us; Crypto is presenting us an opportunity to change all that for the first time in our lives, we cannot afford to sell out our future by giving away control of crypto to them

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So what's needed is a money that can be relied on as a constant. As a rock in a turbulent stream. One that cannot be tampered with by any central body adding a tail emission. What's needed is an instant feeless cryptocurrency with NO MONETARY INFLATION NOR DEFLATION AT ALL. * Fortunately, it exists * Unfortunately, everyone is still focused on the market leader that has inflation and always will

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I'm a btc owner but holy fucking lol, wake the fuck up **IT'S NEITHER AN INFLATION HEDGE...** **NOR A STORE OF VALUE...** ***IT'S A FUCKING PEER-TO-PEER ELECTRONIC CASH SYSTEM.***

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Monero has its issues - not scalable on either base NOR L2 level and if the amounts of transactions are hidden how can you audit the total supply out there?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out [this piece from Delphi Digital]( with very good analysis of why people play, what males games fun and how blockchain can fit and enhance the experience. The main premisse is not having any play to win elements and monetise around games instead. A promising project doing this right now is [NOR](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Where is it used. Backed by a 15 billion dollar company wth partnerships all over the world, XRP is used to MOVE massive amounts of money between Thailand, Singapore, Mexico, Japan, and the Middle East. It is one of the only coins in the entire space with actual REAL WORLD utility being used in the world today. You could argue about Cardano and ALGO and XLM as well, but they do not have the tea, that RIPPLE has NOR the OG clout.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The price is the same but the sentiment NOR the ATH wasn't. I don't know what's the deal with people always saying price this price that years ago.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Not really. If your guilt can't be proven, it can not be assumed to exist--the same is true of unicorns. Terms like "court of law" and "legally" make no difference. Court merely does a decent of job of discerning what is "known", because it was designed to do so. It can be compromised by false evidence, tampering, or perjury--but the existence of such must *in turn* be proven. Capone wasn't guilty of murder because no one could PROVE that he had actually murdered... NOR that he had people murdered on his behalf via explicit command, *quid pro quo*, etc. It's that simple. It wasn't for lack of trying from the prosecutors--it's that literally nobody, to this day, knows whether or not he was actually guilty of murder. So it's a dumb example.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

A market maker, by definition, is going to arbitrage orders between a seller AND buyer. If there are not seller NOR buyer then the market maker has NO JOB to do. If there is a seller AND a buyer then the market maker is going to try to introduce itself as the middleman and skim off the top by trying to arbitrage relying on speed to take the call before the buyer CAN. I'm very aware that markets are a process, no worries about enlightening me...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So let me clarify if I got this correctly: Nexo Card = you use a cryptocurrency as a collateral and you have to pay interest ONLY if you exceed 20% of it's value (the value that it had when it has been used as a collateral, right)? I saw []('s card being mentioned as well, which is very different from the great deal that Nexo offers. As far as I get it, in []( you need to buy their CRO tokens (you pay transaction fees in the process); you buy CRO worth €35,000 EUR so that you can get 5 % cashback. You use, lets say 500EUR of it to make some purchases so the total amount of your CROs falls below 35k and you go down to the lower % of cashback, which is 3%. You want to go back to 5% so you buy more CRO (and pay fees in the process again) - so you are basically transferring your other currencies into theirs just so that you can partially get what you have paid in order to be able to do it at a higher % again?; in addition to that, as Forbes has mentioned it before: "The Rewards Visa card, for example, touts up to 8% back on all purchases but the reality is not quite as exciting. It earns that 8% back in the form of CRO rewards,’s own coin token, which are valued around just 0.08 USD. A $100 purchase would earn 8 CRO, but once converted to USD, it’s actually closer to $6.40. Still, a 6% cashback card on purchases is a great deal, but with the volatile crypto market, if the coin trends downward, that percentage can dip significantly." - so there is that as well. ​ Gemini's Credit Card uses FIAT currencies to earn crypto, so the idea of spending actual cryptocurrency is not even there with this one. I think we have a clear winner here! Side note: Being able to stake a Cryptocurrency is amazing for exchanges and long term investors - the exchanges can provide liquidity and earn tru transaction fees and the investor receives an interest in exchange, so it's a WIN-WIN situation. Nexo provides an alternative now (great for people who have been looking for the utility aspect of the cryptocurrencies and being able to actually use them AS a currency!!!) - Nexo again will put the currency used as a collateral in the liquidity pool and get fees from the transactions, while the person who had used it as a backup for his credit can spend the money WITHOUT selling the crypto NOR paying interest rates?!?!?! Gotta admit that if I am understanding this correctly I am fascinated (to say the LEAST!) with what Nexo has been doing for quite some time now!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Most of congress are to old to understand it, i have ZERO faith in their ability to do the right thing, hell just let the market figure it out we don't need congress messing around with something they don't understand, NOR do i nor should they be able to regulate it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

"Inflation is vital for the economy." I'd like to take a look at your thesis, please! No doubt you work for the Wizard of Oz, as you trust the Wizard will always grow the money supply Just Right! FYI: Monetary inflation that exceeds economic output (labor, etc.) IS. NEITHER. VITAL. NOR. GOOD. FOR. ANYONE.... (Except the Wizard, of course!)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Disclaimer: you’re not a financial advisor, NOR a political analyst. Just don’t…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Nobody said they are CURRENTLY the same thing. I said they were both branches of bitcoin. In your analogy here, that would be the equivalent of saying: We are sapiens The chimps are troglodytes We are both instances of hominids, which include the common ancestors around before we split apart. Who were themselves neither sapiens nor troglodytes I don't where you going with this. Having similar code means nothing if there's no consensus plus all the other things I mentioned - network effect, hahrate etc. bcash is no more Bitcoin than a good replica of the Mona Lisa is the Mona Lisa. The replica shares the same history in the sense that it wouldn't exist without the original. But it's not the Mona Lisa. >Again using your helpful biology analogy, neither humans NOR chimps existed prior to humans and chimps forking apart from one another 5 million or whatever years ago. There existed some sort of hominid ancestor the name of which I don't know off the top of my head, but it has one, and it isn't chimp or human. If you wish to use that analogy, then by that analogy, neither modern BCH nor BTC existed before they split, a proto ancestor of both existed. If it happened to have the same name, it's merely evidence that crypto bros are not as scientifically rigorous as biologists are shrug My point is we are human, we are not chimps. Sharing similar code does not preclude a different classification. bcash is bcash. Bitcoin cannot have 42M coins half of which are not fungible or compatible with the other half. The Canadian dollar was based on the US but it is not the US dollar. It would be a disaster if people think the way you seem to. >Again using your helpful biology analogy, neither humans NOR chimps existed prior to humans and chimps forking apart from one another 5 million or whatever years ago. There existed some sort of hominid ancestor the name of which I don't know off the top of my head, but it has one, and it isn't chimp or human. If you wish to use that analogy, then by that analogy, neither modern BCH nor BTC existed before they split, a proto ancestor of both existed. If it happened to have the same name, it's merely evidence that crypto bros are not as scientifically rigorous as biologists are shrug > That's a centralized exchange convention, my dude. Binance and Coinbase could switch BTC to ZZHQ7 tomorrow if they really wanted to. Nothing to do with the actual underlying technology or chains. So why don't they? Again you don't understand consenusus. We all think BTC is Bitcoin - except for a few nujobs. But then a few crazies think we didn't go to the moon. >How are you calculating that? >Devolving into ad hominems now eh? Always a good sign you're on the high ground of a conversation thumbs up Calling a spade a spade. Which seem incapable of doing.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> And you share a common ancestor with the chimpanzee. Are you a chimp? Nobody said bitcoin cash = bitcoin core. I said they were both branches of bitcoin. In your analogy here, that would be the equivalent of saying: * We are sapiens * The chimps are troglodytes * We are **both** instances of hominids, the common root around before we split off. > bcash does not have pedigree as it didn't exist before 2017. Again using your helpful biology analogy, neither humans NOR chimps existed prior to humans and chimps forking apart from one another 5 million or whatever years ago. There existed some sort of hominid ancestor the name of which I don't know off the top of my head, but it has one, and it isn't chimp or human. If you wish to use that analogy, then by that analogy, neither modern BCH nor BTC existed before they split, a proto ancestor of both existed. If it happened to have the same name, it's merely evidence that crypto bros are not as scientifically rigorous as biologists are *shrug* > Its hashrate is less than 1%. How are you calculating that? > Since Bitcoin retained the BTC ticker that's not true. LOL your whole argument is literally just that it has the same TICKER? That's a centralized exchange convention, my dude. Binance and Coinbase could switch BTC to ZZHQ7 tomorrow if they really wanted to. Nothing to do with the actual underlying technology or chains. > Then don't claim they are Bitcoin. They are no more Bitcoin than Litecoin is. Anyone saying they are either doesn't understand money or is a scammer. Devolving into ad hominems now eh? Always a good sign you're on the high ground of a conversation *thumbs up*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>And no, the "And Cardano can combine 20 txs into 1 !" meme doesn't make any difference. The size and speed of each block is all the same regardless of whether you call it 1 tx or 20tx's. The only thing combining txs does is make Cardano significantly cheaper to DDOS. This is what he says about ddos attacks. There is zero evidence here of his claims. Uses exxagarations and tries to undermine out of desperation because he has nothing to back up his claims, like Cardano being able to put multiple different tokens and sending them to multiple addresses in 1 tx is just a "meme" and does nothing more than cause ddos attacks. Think about that, how is it not beneficial to be able to put multiple tokens into 1 transaction and send them to multiple people instead of being able to put just one token and send it to one person in 1 transaction? How has what he says any logic to it? When someone talks like that then they obviously have nothing meaningful to say. ​ This is the ridiculousness on here. For years: "They do too much research. It's only papers. Peer review is a scam." And now this guy comes in saying: "This is basic economics, and they have done no real research on it." Roflmao. Cardano/IOG has literally been famous for doing research for 5+ years . ​ LITERALLY NOBODY IN THE CARDANO COMMUNITY IS CONCERNED ABOUT DDOS ATTACKS. NOT APPLICATION DEVS NOR DEVELOPERS OF CARDANO NOR ANYONE ELSE. How the fuck are people so easily influenced by some random anonymous person with no credibility whatsoever, the exact opposite actually seeing his post history, and then start claiming that others should address their "concerns". Fucking insanity. Have fun losing money tbfh.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> It’s completely obvious from whom an artwork was created No it isn't. If I create a twitter account for some artist who doesn't have one or only made one recently or isn't well known, for example, I can easily impersonate them for awhile while I shill counterfeit NFTs. You cannot tell the difference without traditional **human labor** spent researching the artist and cross referencing etc to find out which version is legit if any. NFTs do not assist you in that at all, it's the same research you had to do 10 years ago too. NFTs in general do not prove authorship NOR ownership. They proce one thing: who CLAIMED to be owner of this copy (including ones 1 pixel off) first. Which is a pretty useless piece of information with almost zero applications

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

IT WASN’T A NETWORK OUTAGE NOR OFFLINE . The false news is insane

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment Well I guess this explains why USDC is catching up! Ouch! The silly irony here is if tether has to keep paying huge fines like the 18 million dollar one in New York and now this one over 40 million, then that kind of makes it difficult to maintain the peg 🤔 Paxos has made statements about how they are better than circle and tether in terms of the peg... Due to fud of this nature I have avoided tether and XRP for my whole crypto career... et al...HEX also comes to mind... DISCLAIMER: I NEVER HAVE NOR SHALL OWN TETHER😉 seriously though... Thanks for the info, it actually just helps solidify my aversion over time

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Nothing quite like someone who is not financially savvy, NOR tech savvy - telling people which cryptos to invest in.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

All about the VET baby. Now just need to create cryptos with RIC, NOR and HAM

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Oh jeebus... We can be critical about a shitcoin and try to convince people not to fomo into it because it's a shitcoin. The presence of price increases does not change that. For people who want to gamble, it's fine. But as a community it's important for us to point out that there IS NO RHYME NOR REASON as to why these coins will pump. I increased my ADA bag as we approached Alonzo, I earned great gains because I knew that people would be bullish on it. I also bought Shib just for the hell of it and made even greater gains. Does that mean it's smart for me to suggest to new investors that they throw their money into Shib? No, I'd be doing them a HUGE disservice..

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I AM NOT. They are on their own. I will though help them set up needed wallets and exchanges. THERE WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT BE ADVISED ON WHAT TO BUY NOR WILL I DISCUSS MY HOLDINGS AND HOW IT IS DOING.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The fact is that you now hold in your possession a good stack. Make yourself a non-cystodial wallet, protect your shit, note the seed phrase for the best wallet... Then send a smol amount from thus wallet to your new one. If this smol transaction works, you can move the whole stack. Be CAREFUL and ALWAYS TRIPLE CHECK YOUR ADDRESS before clicking "Send" NEVER LET A CAMERA SEE NOR A MICROPHONE HEAR your seed phrase. The reason for doing this us there may very well get a second copy of the seed phrase you found out there. But this 10k is yours Scott Free.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Read their posts though it's phrased in a way to get a reaction "THIS IS NOR FUD"... Ok... Its also not a big deal for crypto markets either. I'm open to discussion but this sub looks like the front page of the daily mail

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The title of this post is about coins that are dead or defunct and my only point is that although safemoon isn't going to save the world and it might die BUT it is far from dead NOR defunct. In fact it might be a puppy 🐶

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Ideally you want neither too much inflation NOR deflation. The Great Depression in the 1930s was caused by deflation. **You want STABLE prices.** That's why gold has worked so well. The supply of humans increases roughly 1% annually, and so does the amount of mined gold. Personally, I believe people should use Bitcoin AND gold as each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm a fan of both RIC and NOR so I'm pretty happy right now

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

I agree with you here you know what you talking about because the whole cryptocurrency markets are speculative and with the Internet and social it’s so so so fragile and thus volatile which is in one way showing us all we are still in a golden age of cryptocurrency. This could be nothing also compared to in 20-30 years when kids born after 2020 are 18+ and inheriting crypto from family or investing their inheritance into crypto which will be Way Bigger than 2T or even 10T Mcap. Every day around 50-100 new coins are listed on CoinMarketCap and this is the best place to find the real gems that have just been released or are new forks or older coins. Cryptocurrency is a business it’s like Forex. That’s the closest market FOR trading however crypto is mostly going to go UP over time. Where Forex will not it will forever fluctuate against other dollars sure maybe say the GDP might double it’s value over 10 years but this will be with many dips and spikes in-between every day every week every month. Where the main crypto or any Good crypto market or project or protocol or business that is thriving be it an exchange or a NFT market or a verification protocol that using its own currency to pay for transactions and or whatever I mean the market growth for crypto currency right now is MASSIVE. Think what doesn’t crypto do right now that money does or can…. If you find something that crypto does not do but cash or money or fiat can then that could be a huge new market you could be the first to have a business in..!! Let’s think hmmm most basic things are taken but there are much more that can be done. I just thought of one and it’s actually a huge goldmine I don’t know if I should share it.. but I will in good spirit and that crypto has been great for me and my fortune. So money you can buy INSURANCE with or take out House Car Property loans against your income. Insurance and loans are different obviously but insurance should be able to be paid tor with cryptocurrency OR a company will be made with a coin maybe even a BITCOIN fork even a existing fork like BCH or ABC being Bitcoin cash or ETC Ethereum Cash. Since the insurer would if they accepted crypto or ethereum cash or Bitcoin know the value of these two cryptos are going to continue growing steadily sure with dips of 25% value but the over all % increase for both coins even in the last 3 years is HUGE and makes up for any of those down spikes where people or individual speculative traders sell out in a panic or fearing no return to the value payed for. When it does in the next week or month or day and then people get upset but then want back in and again price rises get euphoria and hope before they watch it drop from +$500 to $0 then to -$1,000 not doing anything then close out. Like set a stop loss whoever your in the green so if it drops you can save your gains. This only requires the position to go up for a buy or down for a sell then add a stop loss past the pay price in between or where you like as to stop the reversal from taking your gains. This is very important for day trading and speculative trading. When I started trading I made so many mistakes ok. Even after about 2 years playing with demo markets on various platforms. I learned many things most from others teachings or reading what and how to read charting tools from the Fibonacci to MA to plotting your own lines or any other plotting tools and when to use and how to see or estimate and guesstimate the markets conditions now for the next part of the market that is in the future perhaps 10 minutes or 10 hours or 10 days any time as long as you know how to plot properly and read and see and know what numbers for each tool means and how it effect the plot or how you see the tools which can be dramatic and potentially skew your plot if your not careful. Also don’t buy many positions on a demo it’s the biggest mistake everyone makes because you can with adding your own say $10m in demo funds (which you shouldn’t do instead add what you would use or would put or have to put into an account to trade with. Then learn how leveraging and margins of your balance works like for 1:100 leverage sure you get 100x your investment or $100 invested on one position you get $10,000 worth of that asset to use or leverage with. Being the $9,900 from the exchange they are loaning you with your Margin being the $100 invested. SO if your position drops 1% with 1;100 that means you loose all the $100 margin or invested amount which then closes your position and you will loose $100 however the up side of higher leverage for 1:100 is that if it goes up you can have an unlimited amount of gains or gains within the markets conditions. Say you put $100 in a 1:100 leverage margin position and it grows 5% as many cryptos do move in just day/s and or in hour/s. That would have your total position at $10,000 grow to $10,500 in which you have made $400 profit. It’s when you invest more or your own capital you get bigger rewards but again bigger chance of losses. And before trading I highly recommend learning the basics and how leverage works as most markets have preset leverage that some people may not even notice if they don’t worry about it or are pure speculative traders or gamble on the markets instead of the pokies or slots which is a much better way to gamble (on the market) still it’s a 50/50 chance no matter when or where you enter and this chance then changes based on the market situation and then on economic factors and then factors within your country with tax and legality of crypto and or the ability to use obtain trade or whatever in some places it’s illegal at this moment. Sorry long post I just hope this helps even one person for any reason and this IS NOT GOSPEL NOR AMNI A FINACIAL ADVISOR AND ITS NOT FINACIAL ADVICE. It’s only my opinion and my experience that leads me to know the mistakes I made and how I would have done things differently in hindsight. However there is no turning back time only growing in time. So I out my losses to the side as learning valuable lessons and the losses were small anyway with my risk being very managed as I always knew of risk management and would only ever place 1-10% of assets to trade or invest on any 1 position. With the 10% or higher percent when I started with only $100 invested and minimum buy ins @$10 when using fiat but exchanging cryptos you can almost trade for $0,001 in crypto where there is no fees for exchanging coins. Anyway the 1% is better use 1-2% of funds even in demo mode to get ready for the real thing and learn how much you c an expect to make or loose when you are ready to trade on a live market. Note all demos are 20 minutes or more delayed the only way to get a demo live quotes is from having a live account open on a exchange with a demo that offers live quotes for traders or future holding account users. Or some only some exchanges have an ability to get or choose live quotes without a futures account open but you likely need to have made some kind of an account be it a free or a account with no funds added or no verified ID or KYC but some might require a KYC or ID for registration for a live account then to use the live quotes on a demo. Which is best but in most cases or in popular demo apps or programs this isn’t available for a few reasons namely to stop people making bad mistakes trying to mimic their demo accounts which only proper traders could do. Unless your running two PCs or two trading pages next to one another with one demo and the other live. You can use the demo to test the water so you speak and then when you know it’s going up or down you drop some money on the live market set a stop loss not far from buy price when you know it should go the direction you buy or sell into the market. Place the stop loss above what you payed for a buy or below for a sell and increase it into the green more as the market changes and goes further Knott he green for you. If you have to leave the screen or have a break make sure to have most trades closed or set up the stop loss and take profit unless you don’t wish to have a take profit of you see the market to continue on trend for longer than your break or AFK Away From Keyboard. Ok that’s it… happy trading folks

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Lmao I am not happy the SEC is not only out of the loop, but targeting Coinbase due to being publicly listed. At the same time it is kinda hilarious when you look at it. SEC: “YOU ARE NOT COMPLIANT BY GUIDELINES NOR HAVE TRIED TO WORK WITH US” We contacted you repeatedly for 6 months now lmao

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Sooo … it is apparently NOT safe?? NOR mooning?? But the name implies that shouldn’t be the case, doesn’t crypto appreciate based on internet speculation and a fancy name??

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DASH. Never hear ANYTHING bad NOR good about it. It’s consecutively gone up (be it moderately) for me, never see it shilled or bashed, and its new release of the DashDirect app puts it as a usable token at over 155,000 retail outlets across the US aswell as a few hundred large online retailers. The app also offers up to 10% discounts when u purchase with dash ....

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Same with me. I put $40 into a shitcoin and it turned to $300 within a few days, but I was greedy and though my profits would keep rising, but they didn’t, so I lost all of my profits within days. ALL CRYPTOS ARE SHITCOINS. THEY CANNOT BE HELD, SEEN, NOR DO THEY PRODUCE ANYTHING. YOU ARE JUST INVESTING IN THE IDEA THAT SOMEONE WILL END UP PAYING MORE PER COIN THEN YOU ORIGINALLY DID. ITS KINDA LIKE THE DOT COM BUBBLE ALL OVER AGAIN.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Neither simple NOR easy. Such is crypto.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TOR is widely used which operates in the same sense legally. Generally speaking most Western countries have regulations that exclude communication service providers from liability. Good information on running exit nodes at the [dVPN Alliance website]( Country specific regulations: USA: [DMCA 512](; Germany: [TMG 8]( and [15]( Netherlands: [Artikel 6:196c]( [BW]( Austria: [ECG 13]( Sweden: [16-19 2002:562](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Haven’t seen this gif in awhile NOR the matic one lol 😂

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Scary shit. And by "coincidence" BTC is being dumped. You are my suspect NOR. Please go back to the beloved penguin

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We can, NOR, dont worry

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Where is NOR at?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I want to be a NOR whale

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Start one! Norbit stable coin. NOR

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Everyone has made mistakes, and more likely than not you’ve at some point bought a shitcoin. And yes, before you ask, that includes me as well. There is nothing wrong with this as long as you are aware that what you are buying is a shitcoin; and that you don’t do it multiple times. More importantly, that you also don’t end up holding one for a prolonged period of time. In general it is better to completely avoid interacting with such projects. A familiar phrase to everyone by now should be product first, token later. With the evolution of the DeFi sector, shitcoins have also evolved. Gone are the days of projects trying to release with no whitepaper, or outlandish claims of being the ‘new bitcoin’. This is a testament to the education of retail traders and crypto market participants, who to their credit are becoming more educated and discerning. Outright scams such as bitconnect and onecoin no longer work. One will notice that both these projects were based on just promises, with nothing tangible being delivered. The education of the crypto community has now led to two types of shitcoin existing. The majority of shitcoins fall under what I refer to as shitcoins v2.0 and can be identified by certain key features. The second and rarer category, is referred to as inadvertent or accidental shitcoins. Disclaimer: NOT FINANCIAL NOR INVESTMENT ADVICE. Only you are responsible for any capital-related decisions you make and only you are accountable for the results.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Alive and well I bought R$16k and I have R$10k IM NOR FKIN WELL . Just kidding I'm just sad. I had some litecois back in 2017 and sold. Now I'm buying again but I FKIN missed by 1 month. I'm sad. Sad sad sad sad sad

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We have been in colt for 2000 years, and some wanted to become a millionaire in one day and don’t care who he hurts. I have nothing to show for mate, a bag off crypto and here I’m trying to change a few people at the time. PLEASE DO NOR SELL PEOPLE, HOLD. Something will come trust is key now, if we are to make a change in this world. Like a said sell if needed and we will be here for you!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yes. Exactly. Volume is the amount of buys/sells getting through. Low volume means its going either way. Big pumps have high volume, big crashes have high volume. Thats very clear. Low volume thus means not many are willing to buy NOR sell at this stage in time, which means prices can gradually go up again as interest returns, with selling pressure very low.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I wholeheartedly disagree and I have the hard data to back up my opinion. Including the occasional accidents nuclear is still safer than any other form of energy and only hydro is comparable in terms of death/megawatt. It's crazy to think but hard data shows that solar and wind kills more people than nuclear. Overall nuclear is getting increasingly safer every decade. The consequences of occasional accidents are NOT "diabolical" NOR "long lasting". We only had one accident at Chernobyl which created a relatively big mess, but even that was limited to a (relatively to Earth) tiny geographical area and affecting at most a million people (0.014% of Earth's population). Fukushima returned to almost normal life a few years after the accident. These are tiny consequences compared to the huge continuous environmental destruction that is global and possibly irreversible caused by other sources of energy. The number of deaths caused per megawatt is magnitudes higher and the effects are truly "diabolical" and "long lasting" and are affecting several billions of people. Fearing nuclear and not using it to avoid the much bigger risks that other alternatives bring is like running from a mosquito and jumping off a cliff to your death to avoid being bitten. Or to put in another way, it's like fearing a vaccine that has a 1:1M chance of being lethal even though catching the disease it protects against has a 1:1K chance of killing you. Nuclear is not popular because people worked up more about a dead squirrel in their garden more than 100M starving kids in Africa and Asia. People are just not good with numbers and risk analysis which requires big numbers. I agree R&D should be put into renewables, but also into nuclear. Renewables like solar and wind and geothermal will never power a next level society with 10 billion people, but it can be used to help bootstrap a green economy. Unfortunately we don't just need small incremental increased in energy production, because we have a growing population. We need 10x-100x our output in a green way because the existing population demands more and more energy every year as they start to enjoy the American level of lifestyle which is 10x of global average in energy consumption. If we had lots of green power we can not only reduce our CO2 output, but we can also clean up our air and water to fix the mess we created in the last 120 years. But, you will never be able to do that with solar and certainly not in time before it's already a runaway climate. We need nuclear and we need it now. Nuclear power's density is several magnitudes higher than other sources of energy. You literally need only a handful of metal to power your entire life including every form of energy usage (like making your car, not just powering it). Alternatively, you would need entire forests cut down and covered in solar panels paired with a huge amount of dirty batteries, or hundreds of vagons of dirty coal or oil to power your life. Completely unsustainable and unethical when we have a greener alternative: nuclear. And we're not even using nuclear energy to its top efficiency right now. We're leaving 99% of the energy when fuel is considered "waste". Btw, we know it's not truly waste which is why it's not discarded. New types of plants can burn through much more of that "water" to nuclear even more efficient and safe. In addition we can also built new types of reactors that run on Thorium, which is a highly available and cheap metal, which is another 100x safer than Uranium based plants, because there is no zone to blow up, it's just molten salt circulating heating up water. Not to mention fusion reactors, which may never happen, but if they do it would be an absolute game changer. This is where R&D should be poured, because it can create 100x - 1000x efficiency and safety increases, not tech where the pipe dream is a max of 0.5x.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That was pretty ignorant of you. First off,GameStop isn't a dead company, they have a billion dollars in cash and no debt. Their leadership is now completely ex-FAANG. Ryan Cohen their chairman built a pet food company that dominates Amazon in that regard. It is/was worth 30-60 billion and he is doing the same thing with GME. Also I'm gonna tell you something about a little thing called bankruptcy jackpot. If a company goes bankrupt when they are shorted, Shortsellers don't have to deliver their shares NOR do they need to pay taxes on their on their profits. This means they short more then there are actual shares, hence bankruptcy jackpot. Same thing happened with toys r us and with GME. They shorted 240% of the float in January, that is fucking crazy. No they did not cover all their positions. Why? Because they don't have to disclose short positions and isn't costing them to hold them until they get margin called. Also there are multiple experts that agreed with r/superstonks DD. Silver, amc, weed stocks came all after GME and were a distraction. Dude was went to 10million members. There are joblistings for people to push certain stocks on social media. It all started with GME and is gonna end with it.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Did I say I couldn’t give a fuck about crypto and it’s future it’s going to happen regardless of what I do. Neither you and I NOR this whiny useless thread is going to make zero change. If you believe so much about crypto and what it stands for, what have you done other than this useless thread? Have you pressured or contacted your local law makers or regulators to do something about it?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Puppies and Pizza Manifesto Let me clarify that this writing is NOT intended to be financial advice NOR a F.U.D., so feel free to take it as you may with whatever information I will be giving to you. I hope that this will give some of you peace of mind and clarity with what’s going on with the crypto market with all it’s volatility and drama. Let’s begin. Part 1 The world is made of patterns, and once you see those patterns you will understand. Crypto price moves up and down because of small and large forces. If you identify those forces and what influence they have, then you can use them to trade WITH the market and predict their movements. Musk tweets, crypto dumps. Breaking news of a partnership by your favorite crypto, crypto goes up. But what if I tell you it’s more complicated than that? That there are things going on in the background that most people do not know, even those who have been here since the beginning. Like what happens when your dog was supposed to go to the moon, but actually crashes. After a few days you find out on the news that huge investors actually shorted it. Let me give you some context before we go down the rabbit hole. The Wyckoff Method The Wyckoff method is a technical analysis approach for navigating the financial markets based on the study of the relationship between demand and supply forces. Wyckoff recognized that the stock market back then was unregulated and extremely manipulated by certain investors to fleece retail investors who are uninformed and those who operate the market in a simple psychological sense. He died in 1934, the same year S.E.C. was formed. Yup. This method can be used in the crypto market to uncover intentions of super traders, who can also be referred to as “Whales”. These crypto whales are expert traders/institutions who know what they are doing and are great at what they do. If you google an example chart of Wyckoff Method and compare it to the daily chart that Bitcoin is currently in since the beginning of February 2021, you’d be surprised how identical, accurate, and planned everything has been. You can also see the Wyckoff method in 2017 bull run, and 2020. Which is invisible to most people who don't know technical analysis. What does this all mean and how are they related to what’s happening in crypto? I will tell you. The crypto market is completely and extremely, without a doubt, manipulated. Period. Unfortunately, the crypto market has been pathetically unregulated ever since its inception, because it’s new and evolving and yes, even now with all the attention that it’s getting from different governments and institutions. If you pair that with easy and huge profits, you better bet that people will abuse it. These people/institutions prey on the uneducated, uninformed, and people in desperate situations. They know you the way advertisers know the psychology of their customers. You can keep telling yourself that you can’t be their subject because you have done enough research and that you can outsmart the market. But you’re playing the game that they built, and you’re under their rules and systems whether you agree with it or not. You can be cute and tell everyone about your chump change profit that you made, but in reality most people will lose their money, savings, and be in debt because they treat this market like a casino, especially when the mania phase begins. I KNOW HOW IT FEELS. To be in a desperate situation especially with how the pandemic is hitting everyone, mentally and financially. I know what it feels to see a glimpse of hope to turn your life around. I know. Trust me. You have all my empathy. But I don’t want you to get wrecked because of that same hope. Wherever huge amounts of money is involved, the scummiest and the greediest people in this world will be at it. Whether be at Wall Street, Banks, Politics, and Crypto. This might be a red pill that’s hard to swallow for most people who have been here since the beginning and some who are new, so you’re free to take it or don’t. It’s completely up to you. That being said, not all is dark and gloomy. I believe in the technology of what blockchain will bring, and know that once the dust settles, everything will make sense. I will repeat what I said in the beginning, that the world is made of patterns and once you see you will understand. Maybe I will post more about this topic and elaborate about specific things in the future. Who knows. Ciao.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NOR winning would be lovely aswell, rooting for superMax tho!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NOR. Well I can dream just like I can about being rich from Crypto 🙂

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NOR TRYING TO BRING THE MOOD DOWN BUT I HAVE A QUESTION" So if I believe the market is going to go down in the short-term and want to consolidate my holdings, what would be the best coin to dump everything into? DAI? USDT?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have NEITHER BAT NOR MOON yet haha. I am completely aware of them now tho and will hopefully get some returns

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I mean if you're just doing it for money, then buy on coinbase, just make sure that you can make enough money for profit-fees to be worth it. Lotta people are gonna talk smack but I made a killing on Doge on Robinhood, and well neither Doge NOR Robinhood are loved on the internet, but guess what I love, my small gains lol Throw 20 bucks on doge on Robinhood and promise yourself you won't look at it til December or something man. It's easy, it's quick and more than likely RH is not going belly up any time soon. With coinbase love it or hate it has a direct fucking listing on the stock market, also won't be going belly up ANY Time soon. That's all that matters when it comes to buying from these platforms will they last, otherwise if you're concerned longterm them yes go thru the long process.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You don't know what speculative markets NOR ponzis are. Asset appreaciating in value due to demand is not a ponzi.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

What many people in the Bitcoin space don't realize is that the ultimate value of bitcoin will NOT HAPPEN in our lifetime. You will either: * sell your bitcoin for some enjoyment before you die, knowing that the value is lost and BTC will rise after your gone * hold onto your bitcoin and have it burried with you... at that point what's the point * gift your bitcoin as inheritance to family and friends starting out their lives in a shitty world that is left to them * get taxed on it Or who knows what. The internet has only come to fruition recently, despite starting up in the late 80's... and it still hasn't "maxed it's value" yet NOR hit the entire world via mass adoption.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

This is a really interesting way for corporations to opt out of Federal Reserve money printing and inflation, VERY interesting. I think it paves a possible future where the Fed can't do anything to stimulate/inflate/etc. There's a future here where corporations effectively opt out, but settle (medium of exchange) in dollars, but not use dollars as a store of value, NOR as a unit of account. Holy shit the Fed has screwed themselves, Central Bankers have really really really screwed up. I think this is the tip of the iceberg.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I realized the drivers abbreviations in Formula 1 are very similar to crypto tickers. In fact, whenever I see VeChain mentioned I think of Vettel (maybe that's the reason I have so much). So I'm thinking of putting (virtually) $10 on all F1 drivers, and see who has won (gained the most) this parallel championship by the end of the F1 season. I need some suggestions for ticker-driver pairings. VET is obvious (and a clear favorite at this point). HAM and BOT exist in crypto but seem pretty dead, VER doesn't exist at all. GAS/NOR/RAI/RIC/SAI are all top 2000 coins on CoinGecko, so those are usable too. Suggestions for the rest?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have been sending them tickets for 4 MONTHS NOW WITH NO REPLIES except for automatic emails saying they received the ticket. THIS IS SUCH BULLSHIT and SO UNPROFESSIONAL!!! You won't let me withdraw the small amount of Bitcoin that I own to send to another platform "due to risk management" and now I'm NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO SELL IT so I can then just transfer the US Dollars to my bank account saying that my "tradings disabled" even though I have only made two purchases on there and have never broken any rules. On top of that, I went to update my debit card number, which I have only added ONCE when I added my original debit card for payment/depositing in DECEMBER and now I keep getting a message saying "Only 5 new payment methods are allowed a month" even though as I stated, I'm only updating for the first time since joining because the card that was on file is no longer useable. I have even reached out to your comapny on Twitter at Binance US and NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! This platform has grown A LOT in the recent past so you should be able to hire more customer service reps to handle all of the emails since this is the only form of contact/customer service that you allow. At one time, having lost my job like so many due to Covid, I needed to withdraw my money to pay to keep my power on in my house with 2 children who live here as well as depend on the power for schooling. I even stated that in my emails to BINANCE US and YOU STILL WON'T RESPOND TO ME. So If you could help me out as well getting something done so I can access my funds I would be grateful because the only other step I see is getting loud on social media and news and I don't think even then would you do anything still. The email I use on Binance US is []( Some Ticket Numbers are #646855, #630440, #469793, #423894, #220299, and I have a handful of automatically generated emails from them that don't even get a ticket number when I submitted help from customer service from back in JANUARY AND FEBRUARY because I've been submitting tickets since January 22, 21 that just say "We wanted to let you know that we are still working on your ticket and apologize for the wait." and they have NEVER CONTACTED ME NOR HAVE THEY RESOLVED THE ISSUES THAT I KEEP CONTACTING THEM ABOUT!! f IM DONE WITH BINANCE US FOR GOOD and just want my funds back. Makes me feel like you and my money aren't even there anymore and that's why no one is responding because they don't actually have the funds to be able to return to people. BOILER ROOM

r/BitcoinSee Comment

lol it's quite comical to see you're ignorance. The only valid point made is "poor disabled people" to that I say there are programs in place to help them. (Assuming functionable disabled i.e wheel chair) They are still capable of getting a job, saving and attending school, and living their life like the rest of us. It's not the governments job to protect and take care of you. NOR SHOULD IT BE THEIR JOB. Ever been to a VA hospital? Isn't it funny how we have a "universal healthcare system" in place yet it is notoriously horrible when only responsible for <1% of the population? Youre right, rich do fuck us when it comes to taxes, but I also said that middle class get fucked. and you know why? because yet again... people beg for a handout instead of you know, taking their life into their own hands. You want to know what's bullshit? The fact that your beloved elected officials are forcing the poor kids who cant afford computers or internet to stay at home and act like they are getting educated and be even further set back. LOL that's your politicians though :)

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Ya a now deleted user responded with a “linkedin profile” of a “team member” just a bit ago.. found it surprising considering the last name wasnt on the website or on the team member’s twitter. NOR did the linkedin say anything about $WOWS.. tho it did have the picture used on the website.. perhaps they took from there.. anyway idc much anyway, not my skin in the game

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Why ICX is not worth spending this bullrun.. &#x200B; 1. what is the measure of "goodness"? I believe any investor will look for the return in terms of market price. But with ICONist, I found that is not the measure of goodness. From 2018, it failed till now it failed. It got hyped just because of Asian Eth hype and some Korean whales. Thats it. This is the first fact. There is a chart to support this and charts don't lie.. 2. ICON's math is actually faulty. If you present a chart like ICX to any sensible person, they will WITHOUT any doubt will say it is performing terribly. Now, what's ICONist argument? They compare their chart from its all time low.. I am not talking about whether one person had made profit by buying at the lowest point and selling now. When a project falls from $12 to $0.1 and moves back to $1.4, then ICONist should feel ashamed to even say that the project has recovered wonderfully and gooding good. This shows they do not have any moral ground. 3. Let's go with ICON's point of view and consider the project from its all time lowest. Then also there are other coins much better than ICX, including doge, kin, pondi x and so on. ICONist can't accept that it fell down FLAT from $12 to 0.1. From past 3 years, they have the same tone: "Govt backed", "Future is bright". I am too amazed at people when they think projects like ICON cannot fail.. There are several projects which are too good to fail but they have failed. It simply does not matter how good the project looks on paper, when it is not reflected on the chart. None of those white paper would makes sense in that case. Just to give you an analogy: You can score 100 goals in the practice match. That does not matter. All that matter is you score a good in the real match. ICX have been roaring just in paper. And that is it. 4. ICONist then use the potential to grow to its previous ATH and even make a new ATH. If that is the case, then there are several other projects like rvn, sc, ont, xem, qtum, verge and so on. All of these coins have exactly similar past like icx. So, whats new in their claim. All these are data and are fact..but ICONist don't care about data if that do not suit them. Its just talk icx is doing from last 2/3 years absolutely nothing. And I day it again, if it is not reflected on the market, then it is just a crap. In the bullrun any shit coin can rise to a new ATH. Thats not a big deal, but the key question is will it hold its value there?? Absolutely no.. just like the way, in 2018, icx reached $12 without any reason, simply because of whale, it can reach near to may be around $8. But, two things to note on that as well: 1) The time to reach there. TIME is everything. Whenever you invest in any project, do not just look for ROI. Consider ROI with time. While you can make your money 4 times by investing in ICX, with the same money and in that same amount of time, you can make 8 time money investing in other better projects. 2) ICX is pumped just by Koreans. More than 75% of the coin is in the Korean market. You can look at the volume in Binance. There are very few exchanges which even list ICX. So, no global exposure at all. So, this is a LOCAL coin, meant just for local audience. There are other global projects out there waiting for wide acceptance. So, you need to wait for Koreans to wake up and pump this shitty coin. Do you wanna wait for that? not definitely me... Also, once the bull run is over, it will fall even harder. Mark my words. I cannot prove this now, nor you can deny this now. We will wait and see who would be proven right. The simple fact is that its a LOCAL project. No global support to hold the price FAIRLY high. So, extremly high risk as compared to any other projects. And a GOLDEN words in investment: Do not get too emotionally attached to any project. You need to get into any project to make money and then switch to another project. Look at xrp army. They still can't believe xrp is in trouble with sec, they are still carrying their slogans: "global currency" , "$1000 / coin" fantasy and so on. ICONist are becoming just like that, the way they reason out. Furthermore, if you look at other coins (dont ask me the name, I guess you can go to crytpomarketcap and see), how many coins before icx and after icx have made their new ATH or are near their ATH. and where is a ICX? Still 90% down... and what do ICONist say.. They have done extremely well this year coming form $01 to $1.4. C'mon is that what ICONist believe the project is in the first place? If that is the case, then everything I said is verified from them itself. And very important thing: NO, I didn't buy any $ICX NEITHER AT $12 NOR AT $3. I am simply stating the fact, which ICON people often tend to forget. Their hypocrisy is just beyond my tolerance limit. That's why I am here when they talk shit, I reflect their shit back to their faces. I guess I have said enough.. I will see how will ICONist turn all of these facts into their conveniences now.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Why ICX is not worth spending this bullrun.. 1. what is the measure of "goodness"? I believe any investor will look for the return in terms of market price. But with ICONist, I found that is not the measure of goodness. From 2018, it failed till now it failed. It got hyped just because of Asian Eth hype and some Korean whales. Thats it. This is the first fact. There is a chart to support this and charts don't lie.. 2. ICON's math is actually faulty. If you present a chart like ICX to any sensible person, they will WITHOUT any doubt will say it is performing terribly. Now, what's ICONist argument? They compare their chart from its all time low.. I am not talking about whether one person had made profit by buying at the lowest point and selling now. When a project falls from $12 to $0.1 and moves back to $1.4, then ICONist should feel ashamed to even say that the project has recovered wonderfully and gooding good. This shows they do not have any moral ground. 3. Let's go with ICON's point of view and consider the project from its all time lowest. Then also there are other coins much better than ICX, including doge, kin, pondi x and so on. ICONist can't accept that it fell down FLAT from $12 to 0.1. From past 3 years, they have the same tone: "Govt backed", "Future is bright". I am too amazed at people when they think projects like ICON cannot fail.. There are several projects which are too good to fail but they have failed. It simply does not matter how good the project looks on paper, when it is not reflected on the chart. None of those white paper would makes sense in that case. Just to give you an analogy: You can score 100 goals in the practice match. That does not matter. All that matter is you score a good in the real match. ICX have been roaring just in paper. And that is it. 4. ICONist then use the potential to grow to its previous ATH and even make a new ATH. If that is the case, then there are several other projects like rvn, sc, ont, xem, qtum, verge and so on. All of these coins have exactly similar past like icx. So, whats new in their claim. All these are data and are fact..but ICONist don't care about data if that do not suit them. Its just talk icx is doing from last 2/3 years absolutely nothing. And I day it again, if it is not reflected on the market, then it is just a crap. In the bullrun any shit coin can rise to a new ATH. Thats not a big deal, but the key question is will it hold its value there?? Absolutely no.. just like the way, in 2018, icx reached $12 without any reason, simply because of whale, it can reach near to may be around $8. But, two things to note on that as well: 1) The time to reach there. TIME is everything. Whenever you invest in any project, do not just look for ROI. Consider ROI with time. While you can make your money 4 times by investing in ICX, with the same money and in that same amount of time, you can make 8 time money investing in other better projects. 2) ICX is pumped just by Koreans. More than 75% of the coin is in the Korean market. You can look at the volume in Binance. There are very few exchanges which even list ICX. So, no global exposure at all. So, this is a LOCAL coin, meant just for local audience. There are other global projects out there waiting for wide acceptance. So, you need to wait for Koreans to wake up and pump this shitty coin. Do you wanna wait for that? not definitely me... Also, once the bull run is over, it will fall even harder. Mark my words. I cannot prove this now, nor you can deny this now. We will wait and see who would be proven right. The simple fact is that its a LOCAL project. No global support to hold the price FAIRLY high. So, extremly high risk as compared to any other projects. And a GOLDEN words in investment: Do not get too emotionally attached to any project. You need to get into any project to make money and then switch to another project. Look at xrp army. They still can't believe xrp is in trouble with sec, they are still carrying their slogans: "global currency" , "$1000 / coin" fantasy and so on. ICONist are becoming just like that, the way they reason out. Furthermore, if you look at other coins (dont ask me the name, I guess you can go to crytpomarketcap and see), how many coins before icx and after icx have made their new ATH or are near their ATH. and where is a ICX? Still 90% down... and what do ICONist say.. They have done extremely well this year coming form $01 to $1.4. C'mon is that what ICONist believe the project is in the first place? If that is the case, then everything I said is verified from them itself. And very important thing: NO, I didn't buy any $ICX NEITHER AT $12 NOR AT $3. I am simply stating the fact, which ICON people often tend to forget. Their hypocrisy is just beyond my tolerance limit. That's why I am here when they talk shit, I reflect their shit back to their faces. I guess I have said enough.. I will see how will ICONist turn all of these facts into their conveniences now.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

These posts are getting super repetitive and super annoying. Like gme and wsb. Can we stop with this shit and commenting or posting on every single move? We all know this is not a DIP NOR A CORRECTION. Please please let's just return to normal. Fuck.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Can someone slap me in the face for not setting a stoploss NOR taking profits while I was up 40% AGAIN. The greed is strong with this one.
