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r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Can Axie infinity make a return? Is Ronin going to become anything worthwhile?

r/BitcoinSee Post

RON PAUL: Dollar Collapse Accelerated by US Debt Ceiling Deal! | BITCOIN VS. THE FED

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Ronin liquidity pool staking. My thoughts on past, present and future and hopefully some of your thoughts too.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

BUSD unavailable binance, swapped from RON to BUSD, now it appears as unavailable. why?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Approaching token unlocks

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Bitcoin Core hacked

r/BitcoinSee Post

How to sell a Steam game for BTC?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Consumer price change: Bitcoin, RON. Satoshi per Second

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

RON Is Live! (AxieInfinity)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post debit card - Use the dip to lock cro to get amazing rewards - My review after almost 1 year of usage

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

An Open Letter to Jihoz of Axie Infinity

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

An Open Letter to Jihoz of Axie Infinity


Axie's RON network was hacked for $600M, btw. Just wanted to make sure people don't forget that...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have a stack of ALGO and SOL along with bitcoin. I farmed some tokens off Pixels and trying to get the airdrop off Wilds Forest. RON is my focus for now

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That still assumes they make literally nothing from that money. They could invest it in an S&P500 index funds and make around 8% a year. That would be about 160,000 RON a year. If they spend 100k RON a year they're actually gaining 60k RON a year (which will compound). It's retirement money if you aren't literally putting it in a 0% interest rate checking account.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Going off your profile I'm assuming Romanian. 500k in your local currency is what 2 million RON, give or take. Google states average Romanian income is 100k RON. Meaning 500k will last you 20 years living an average life. That is still not retirement money.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

In spite of being hacked for more than half of a billion, the network was able to survive and is even on the process of on boarding more and more web3 games and nfts. The $RON token also already surpassed its previous ATH. I'm just genuinely curious on why it's not getting any discussion here? And what are you takes on this project?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I agree about individual games, that's why I think it's too risky to invest in game specific tokens. However you can invest in projects that provide infrastructure for games, like RON, MYRIA, NAKA, PORTAL. They all host many games, and as the games evolve I can see value in these projects.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If you want some shilling, the ones I'm actively researching and being updated on, is RON and RADAR (besides BTC and Eth ofc). I see a 5 to 10x in both this bull

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Like RON?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm hoping on ARB, RON and RADAR... And thinking that MATIC will be a stablecoin

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I've gone with RON, MYRIA, PORTAL and NAKA. Small allocation so far but adding to the positions.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’m swapping to RON right now.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I don't use RON much for now but i do like the concept as well and i've been playing Pixels for a few months now and it seems to me that the games ending up on RON are a step in the right direction. These games are still motivated moreso by economy (understandable), than gameplay but they're becoming more inspired than others i've been trying or looking at. In any case I find it interesting to follow and I haven't come across something as "present" as this blockchain.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thoughts on Ronin (RON)? I know gaming is one of the narratives, but I don't see myself buying individual game tokens. A blockchain for gaming however is probably not a bad play.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thoughts on Ronin (RON)? I know gaming is one of the narratives, but I don't see myself buying individual game tokens. A blockchain for gaming however is probably not a bad play.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Ai tokens will be the biggest gainers this run. So load up on $FET $AGIX & $RNDR There's a big chance that games will do well. $RON - is the best gaming blockchain, with most active gamers on, by a LOT! $AXS - biggest game out there, built on Ron btw

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

well I am currently looking into Fare $FLR. Haven't invested yet but im about to. My take on IMX, ADA, SOL, LINK, MATIC is that in order to make sure they are good bets you have to get more involved in the token. I was involved in HNT at some point and I loved the project but then their miners began getting spoofed and it was like a huge "printing" of tokens which devaluated greatly. The project is still going but I kind of lost interest. IMX and RON are both gaming chains. So is MATIC (kind of) so in that space, you have to look at the games they have, the amount of users etc. The worst thing that gaming chains in the space can have is a play to earn mechanic heavily reliant on the "earning" aspect. That was how some of the main games in ronin were at the begining. There are a bunch of games that you go in, make a couple of clicks and that "mints" tokens. The more expensive nfts you have the more you can mint and that is what gets everything inflated....

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thanks for taking the time to type that out. Will definitely take a good look at RON 👍🏻. I do hold some IMX, so that’s interesting. I have several altcoin holdings (ADA, SOL, MATIC, LINK, SOL, among others), but I wanted to get in on something new before everything begins skyrocketing.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They are not that new... But right now most of my crypto investment (about 50k) is within the Ronin ecosystem. Ronin is an L2 dex. Just got introduced into binance and it's been announced it will get into coinbase. I'm have most of it on a liquidity pool if WETH-Ron that gives about 30% apr in liquidity rewards and about 70% apr in Ronin as staking rewards. Now that sounds too good to be true because it never lasts .. 3 months ago when Ron was about 0.5 the staking rewards were about 30% because you were rewarded on a token that had a lot less value than what it has now.... Also starting March 1st starting rewards will be halved so I'm expecting that 70% come back to 30% which is still pretty good. Everything here is hot without risks .. if the token tanks back to .5 my 50k would go to like 10k.... Even though I keep getting rewards on said token.... Doing some basic analysis of the chain is direct competitor would be imx. Ron has way more active users and daily active wallets and I believe those are real people vs imx model which kind of gives incentives to bots since most ofb it is transaction based. IMX has a market cap of like 4.3 bill and Ron is like 0.8 B. Now that's mostly because of circulating supply vs supply. Ron has a fixed supply of 1b tokens but it has yet to be distributed fully (and won't be for some time) but if we estimate the market cap based on the total supply ron should be 3b instead of 0.8. I am still very bullish on RON and it's ecosystem. One of the main games from polygon migrated over with five success and now imx is losing projects to Ron.


Ai tokens will be the biggest winner this Run. Grab FET, AGIX, RNDR also pick up some RON and you are good to go

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The easiest way to understand it, is to just not, and to take a chance with a (decent) liquidity pool for once, and stay in it for the long term. Highly recommend any RON pools (axie infinity) as they have insane APY right now (50-70%) I feel like if more people just took a chance with LP, they would find out how "impermanent losses" actually work. That's what I did, and within the first month I started calling them impermanent gains instead.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

shit take it's far from 50/50 If your pool has rewards, you are almost guaranteed gains, because you are getting rewards, and the chances of your underlying tokens appreciating in more value than you receive as rewards is usually pretty rare. Example: RON/ETH pool gives 70% APY (yes it really does). The chances of either of these tokens increasing by 70% any given year, is pretty slim. Now factor in that you can compound your rewards and re-add them to your position. i.e. you start with 1000$ worth of Eth and 1000$ worth of ron for 2000$ LP assuming you re invest all your rewards, after a year of 70% LP, you would now have 1700$ worth of ETH and 1700$ worth of RON locked up in LP. Now lets assume ETH and RON both somehow went up 70% Okay, would you rather have 1000$ be wroth 70% more, or have 1700$ be worth 70% more? You have to factor in time and rewards to your impermanent loss equation, otherwise you are just leaving money on the table. I can see how the confusion discourages people, but your view on LP and IL is suuuuper flawed.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Found this because I was confusedly looking for the difference between pooling and staking. I always thought pooling WAS staking, or at least was a form of staking. But personally I've always used liquidity pools. Mostly just because I've lucked out and found ones with insanely high APY. Best example right now is Axies. You can either stake RON for 13-16% APY, or you can pool RON with various other tokens for 50-70% APY. The choice seems obvious to me, especially since the APY has remained consistent for about 2 years now (lowest I saw it go was like 49% I think). Right now I have RON/ETH(73% APY) and RON/AXS(64% APY). started 2 years ago or so (whenever they started the pools) with around 5-8k in there, and slowly been building that (split my rewards about 50/50 every time I cash out, and put half back into LP) and it's worth like 28k now. Impermanent loss is something that has always confused me too. Maybe I have just always gotten lucky with projects, but I've only ever seen permanent gains, with how much these pools usually pay out it's almost impossible to have impermanent loss, because your rewards will cover any amount of loss if it ever does happen (unless you are just choosing shitty project pools idk). Like I understand how it can go wrong, I've just never experienced it myself so it's hard for me to comprehend how you would allow it to happen. But then again I probably wouldn't pool or stake anything these days for less than 20% APY (which is why I haven't staked RON, there's almost no point when I can pool for quintuple the money). I don't feel like pooling needs high monitoring or has high risk. Every time I "monitor" it, it's because I am excited to see how much money it is making me today, or how much RON has pumped, or how much ETH has pumped etc. I also feel like this post ignored the fact that pools kinda give you a double safety. Pretty much both coins have to fail for you to lose all your money. With staking, only one coin has to fail to lose all your money. Like if Ron is down but ETH is up, things stay mostly the same in my pool, and it eventually corrects itself anyway (in this case at least since axies has been trending upward). Lastly, pools can give you some almost sketchily impossible gains. ***I can not stress enough how much I DO NOT recommend what I am about to mention, and it is the furthest thing from a suggestion, as it is an already failed project:*** AlpacaCity. Alpaca city was a project that started in 2020, and was failed about halfway through 2021. A lot of people were making a lot of money breeding alpacas and selling them, but this was limited to people who had "cracked the code" for breeding. The other two ways were squad farming (you "stake" up to 30 alpacas, and they farm ALPA for you based on their average energy levels) and LP farming (you "stake" ONE alpaca and some LP tokens, and it farms ALPA based on how much LP you have, factored with the energy level of your alpaca) about 99% of people went with squad farming because most people had dozens of low tier pacas, and most people didn't have anything very high energy, but also everyone is scared of the mysterious "impermanent losses". I decided to take the risk and try out LP farming (back in 2020 when it was still poppin) and quickly discovered that since almost no one else was doing it, the rewards were INSANELY high, not only compared to squad farming, but compared to anything else in crypto, even to this day. I only ever put in 1000$ into LP farm, but I was pulling about 200$ a week from it. This honestly never slowed down even after the project died, because the pools were all abandoned with money still in them. To make things crazier, during the dying period when 90% of the community was already gone, they changed the LP contract, which meant anyone with alpacas or LP in the old pool, would no longer get rewards, and had to move to the new pool. I was quite literally THE ONLY PERSON in the new pool for MONTHS. (it shows you lowest/highest energy alpaca in the pool. I had the highest energy, and the lowest energy was blank, meaning there was no other alpaca in the pool). Despite this, it seemed like it was still pulling rewards from the original pool, because my rates never changed. Which by the way, have been at 5,000%-20,000% APY for over 2 years now. If it wasn't for how dead and sketchy this project is, I would have put much more money into it, but never wanted to risk more than my initial investment of about 1000-2000$ (I spent money on a 9000 energy alpaca to make rewards better at some point). I would have to add it all up again, but I've made somewhere around 15-20k USD off alpaca farming since it started, and still to this day I am making about 200$ a month from alpaca farming, despite the project being 100% dead at this point. As long as this pool still has money in it, I am gonna drain it though. The best cow in crypto, but it's definitely emaciated at this point. To clarify: if I would have just held 2000$ as ETH for 3-4 years, I would have made no where near the amount of money I made farming alpaca. Which is why impermanent loss confuses me. Again, I have probably just gotten stuuuupid lucky when it comes to LP, but I think impermanent loss is just a skill issue honestly.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bought RON at $1.90. Wondering if I should buy more or buy IMX

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'd go for RON. Tons of potential for that one - they're a gaming chain

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’m planning on DCAing into these projects over the next 5 weeks during dips. How’s it look? I also really wanna get QI but don’t know what to give up. - 1500 USD - DOT - 5 orders at $300 - 750 USD - LINK - 5 orders at $150 - 560 USD - IMX or FET - 5 orders at $112 - 375 USD - FIL - 5 orders at $75 - 375 USD - RON - 5 orders at $75 - 375 USD - VET - 5 orders at $75 - 280 USD - NXRA - 5 orders at $65 - 280 USD - GFAL - 5 orders at $65

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Is it still worth holding onto bepro, mana, and blok? I’m down like 80% on all 3 but wondering if i should hold or just sell at a loss and put all that towards something like IMX or RON

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I was actually reading about RON recently too. I’ll have to take a second look at it! I’ll check the others out too

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Most of my crypto money is on RON and some AXS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It’s because it’s centralized which makes it vulnerable to both attacks, politics/regulation, and generally human error when a small group of people controls the nodes. We have seen similar chains drained in the past because of this (RON drained for 600m from a 51% attack) One of the most important fundamentals in blockchain tech is decentralization, it is what makes them robust and transparent. Take that away and you basically have a standard database and you might as well use AWS or Azure which are far more efficient.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

All I’ve done is point out how your arguments are flawed and all you can do is moan about me ‘ignoring them’. You haven’t once attempted to rebut the obvious fact that ransomware exploded because of crypto and don’t even try acknowledge any of the harms done by that. Instead you blindly start telling us how the fantastic security upgrades done as a result of this will definitely be a net benefit. You don’t expand any further, you don’t look at the costs of ransomware, you don’t try source what upgrades were innovated and done because if this and you ultimately ignore that this is all in reaction to the threat caused by crypto. I shouldn’t have to say it but any argument here is fucking stupid and you haven’t even bothered to put effort in to try justify it. And by the NK point I mean that they are a heavily sanctioned country, the aim of the sanctions was to reduce their ability to finance the missile programs etc and funds such as those obtained from the hack on RON are funds which without crypto they would not have. You can’t just look at it on a surface level and say ‘US has earned more from it so it’s a win’. I’m pretty sure the US would prefer that they forego some ultimately minor financial gains if it meant that NK couldn’t pull in billions from these hacks. That you are this triggered by an article that is not even that critical of crypto though shows why you keep bringing up ego, how fragile must yours be to have felt that defensive over this article that you resorted to an actual essay?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Gaming coins? Bold move but if you pick the right one(s) you’ll be absolutely loaded. You go for RON by any chance?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

A business can accept what form of payment they want but that's why every country has this thing that is the default over there. If a business sells apartments and wants payment in yachts, sure. Make the deal. But they should also have a default option to pay in the currency in the country where the deal is made. For example in Romania you are not allowed to make deals to buy apartments in euros if the company selling is a Romanian company. All companies must do transactions in our currency (Romanian New Leu - RON).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Tbh, I’m more interested in RON at this point. Their DEX (although very limited) is quite good and cheap. If they could onboard a really good game into the eco system or partner with someone like Activision it could go mental. There’s just no news or roadmap that gives an indication, purely speculative.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I love how you didn’t use RON DESANTIS’ name so people wouldn’t put together that the guy saying this is a complete pro slavery fascist. We do not want this guy on the side of Bitcoin. He is a plague of society. He only ever would support Bitcoin for votes. He is a complete slimeball.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; Cloudwhite, a validator of the Ronin network, is suggesting a Web3 partnership between Sky Mavis and Mortal Kombat. There are rumors that Sky Mavis is in talks with Warner Bros. Games for a potential collaboration. Cloudwhite believes that integrating Mortal Kombat into the Ronin Network would be beneficial. Sky Mavis is actively partnering with gaming development studios and is looking to secure a partnership with a prominent Web2 gaming firm. In other news, the native cryptocurrency of Sky Mavis' blockchain network, RON, is seeing a price recovery after the successful minting of CyberKongz NFTs on the Ronin network. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That’s interesting, might be worth a gamble on RON, it’s about halfway between its high and low so that’s nice. Not super confident they get mortal combat but going after something like this shows their head is in the right place. This is also the first time I’m hearing about Ronin so I’d need to look into more before being to confident about that.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I farm RON on katana

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

RON token

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Gaming tokens for minting and buying NFTs, gas fees > AXS, SLP, RON. The ronin ecosystem really shows utility usage of tokens.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What’s with the RON token? I dropped it a while back but it was on the up… now that Bitcoin is pumping it hasn’t reacted at all. Dead coin?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

RON/ ETH LP on the KatanaDex. RON has performed well over the last year and when the bull comes and more games come I think there’s a lot of potential. But I’m well aware there’s a big risk in that. I’m hopeful that if nothing else it just sort of floats around this level and at least have of my pool will still be ETH… Well, WETH…

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Ya me too. Bye Bye 60% APR for my AXS/RON LP staking :( Exchanged it all last week. All BTC now, and keys on my Trezor.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The FTX trading definitely was uncommon - they did this to RON as well. Pushing these up to highs that were ridiculous. Dfinity doesn't get to choose at what valuation to launch and they figured trading would be around $50 - not $700+ or whatever it got to. They absolutely f'd up giving away so many tokens early and even worse timing at launch when BTC was at the high. The chart is absolutely made to look that way on purpose - FTX and whoever else ran the hit pieces for the NYTimes made sure of that.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Weirdly the RON token is holding strong. Only down 3%…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thanks for shillling my coin, I have a free airdrop of $RON just DM me

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Does that go along with the newly minted scam token $RON (ERC-20 token) that apparently just came out? I'd like to know who benefits from that.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’m definitely on the fence with that. Part of me is screaming just to buy eth, stake it on my Trezor and forget about it. But I just know that if I see RON at $3 in a years time I’ll be gutted.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I sent RON from my Ronin Network to Binance without knowing they dont have that coin. Is it possible for me to get the floating coins?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have the highest at 999 RON (200 eur)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I must tell you all the truth: I’M RON BURGUNDY!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

$RON bought at .28c in Jan 2023 and is now .85c

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I dont plan on do it anymore. But keeping assets to farm RON and stake AXS for a year has proven to be better than just liquidating all my stuff when i was fked by the bear. I hope the project stays alive (which surprisingly it is). The farming is starting to feel good, finally!!!.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The same link specifies that in that case it's a fixed amount that gets added, specifically \~2700 RON (about $500). Quite a bit of misinformation in this thread.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>The exploit took place on March 23, only to be discovered nearly a week later after hackers behind the attack used the stolen funds to short Axie Infinity and Ronin (RON). The hackers hoped to make more money on their exploit, thinking the news about the biggest crypto hack would eventually bring down the market, however, they got liquidated before the news broke. Funniest shit I read all week. Great job you filthy degens

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Guess who bought a sh\*tload of RON just 2 weeks before the hack (because some Brit shilled it on his YT channel)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

RON at $2 here. There's always someone more stupid than you.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Same here buddy. I paid 800€ for my first team and made some upgrades later. So maybe 1k for the team. And 800€ for ETH/SLP Pool, because you know… RON will be THE shit! Turns out, it’s just shit and now instead of almost 2k Fiat money, I have something around 300€ in axie.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I was also slightly shocked by this one. I blame it on the bear market. They are clearly out of hot topics to write about so they seem to be trying to branch out a bit. This one was a miserable failure and I would have taken it down in their place. It does more harm than good at this point. Other than this, I still like his big picture analysis. I feel that he conveys the general market sentiment well and I've avoided some costly mistakes by listening to him and Ben Cowen. I've also made mistakes by buying some of the stuff he shills though (HNT and RON).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

I am not sure. I suppose most, if not all, national currencies? I used to check preev for my own currency all the time (RON), and the conversion rate was pretty accurate. So if they were doing fx rates, they seemed to be close to the actual rate. Also, it would be a good idea to keep the dropdown selection for currencies and coins tidy, meaning you can choose to show just a few options to select from, but as I said earlier add the ability for users to manually write what they're looking for. It would definitely improve the UX rather than have dozens/hundreds of options pop up when clicking. These are just subjective ideas. If I had the time and motivation, this is how I'd do it myself. You don't have to do everything the way I said... especially if it's difficult or takes too much of your time.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I got no AXS, RON, or even SLP

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Minimum wages suck, I'd rather go to Germany to work a regular basic job and get paid 5x times more than I'd get in Romania Prices are only going up but raises are almost inexistent. To ever own a flat or car you most likely need to borrow money or be lucky enough to have someone that knows someone that knows someone else that can get you what you want for the minimum price and maybe an extra favor. At jobs people in the high ranks are usually relatives of important people and you most likely won't get far by "working hard". So yeah it's pretty much a mess and that's why I invest in crypto. Also the RON (Românian leu) is a joke, most of the big transactions are made in Euro.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

"All good. Nothing to see rig... oh deAR MOTHER OF RON BURGUNDY!!!!!"

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Romania, RON, we are also close to parity haha

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

we still call the 100 RON bill a "million". That's how inflation really feels like. >Because moderate inflation is actually good for an economy. This is a very researched topic. Although libertarians usually ignore science The fact that cigarretes don't cause lung cancer, or that the climate is not influenced by humanity were also really well researched topics. We had gold backed currencies before, and we didn't have the disastruous theoretical deflationary spiral current economists are talking about. The propaganda is so deeply ingrained that you take it as fact without questioning it. It's like saying that burning 10% of all realestate is good for the real estate market, since it increases production. Yeah it does, but that doesn't mean it's good, or necessary.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think the Axie (SLP, RON, AXS) community is wack; Most of the influencers in the space will be like "axie is dead!" One video then the next "how I became a millionaire with axie" then "I'm officially retiring from axie. Then the next tweet will be "I'm out of retirement to play the game I love." I like the racencoin community. I have to agree with some of y'all about safemoon though. I liked yooshi community, but it's pretty quiet these days. Doge is stoners, dog lovers, and military if you look deep enough so they are alright. I think Monero will win out in the end. I hope BitPay becomes the facilitator for Bitcoin transactions on a global scale. Getting side-tracked. Yeah. Probably RON holders. Probably salty from all the impermanent losses and now the TANKING of Ron from $4.00 to $0.49

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Wen RON?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; Brazilian soccer player Ronaldinho has partnered with the decentralized exchange P00LS to launch his own token, called RON. The RON token will allow holders to join Ronaldinho’s universe and exchange NFTs, attend events, and create exclusive content. David Beckham has also applied for several NFT-related trademarks in the Metaverse. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

How to know the actual supply of a token? Hello guys I was doing my research but I couldn't find the actual supply of the native token of the ronin network (RON). I see on the coinmarketcap web and it says that there are 148,339,298.00 of tokens in supply. While in the Ronin network it says that there are 29,450,037 in supply. Am I doing something wrong?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No, you don't understand. My wallet funds in Ronin are separate from the stolen funds on the Ronin Bridge. Every wallet that had any RON, AXS, SLP, ETH, and USDC has not been affected. I'm literally looking at my own wallet with my axies and all of my money is still there. Please don't spread misinformation

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

1INCH, ENJ, Super, NCASH, Matic, RON

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

AXS, SLP and RON are ”safe” but dropping like hot turds, rightfully so..

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ronin Network writes on Twitter: "We are working with law enforcement officials, forensic cryptographers, and our investors to make sure that all funds are recovered or reimbursed. All of the AXS, RON and SLP on Ronin are safe right now".

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

[Ronin]( down -24%; [AXS]( down -4.5%.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>GPUs are in stock often now at msrp In rich countries. Look at this for example: MSRP for the 3080ti - $1200 8500 RON means almost $1900 The 3080s are around $1200, and the cheapest of the cheapest you can find second hand is $1000, MSRP is $700 And just to make this as crystal clear as possible, the minimum wage, a wage which 25% of the country gets, is $340 after taxes. Yes, the RTX 3080ti is as expensive as five and a half months of minimum wage work. It's probably going to take a whole lot of miners selling their rigs over here until the prices go down back to normal levels.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Does anyone know if its only on Binance that you have to replace the "ronin:" part of your Ronin Wallet adress with "0x" ? I want to send my RON tokens from AEX to my Ronin Wallet so I can make transactions

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ahh yes. The new trend of getting upsed and offended over every stupid thing in this world. Ganging up like sheep to get the needed internet validation. Even if he would donate the equivalent of 5m$ in Pesos or RON or whatever. Who the fuck cares what coin/currency it is if it has value and it helps those in need ?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

anyone using ronin sidechain? is 1 RON enough for a few months

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

RON as it is undervalued now, I think

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

*Le Royale avec cheese, monsieur RON RON RON (la french laugh)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

RON, I have no faith in Axie Infinity and have sold all my Axie, but I still find myself invested in the community.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; Ronin’s RON is now used to pay for transactions on the Axie Infinity network. Users will receive free transactions for holding Axies and/or land in their Ronin wallets. A RON/ETH pool with RON rewards is now live. The Ronin wallet has been downloaded over 4 million times. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

None but if I had to pick I’d go with RON

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Axs more than 50% down from ath with the Origins update almost done and RON about to release!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>No clear use case as of now aside from exchanging Axie tokens within Katana. It is overvalued based on FTX perpetual futures price of 4 USD each. > >Liquidity providers has suffered great losses with their locked $AXS/$SLP/$WETH. They will sell RON to recoup some of it. Expect a dump once listed. > >RON hodlers are concentrated to few addresses only. Any rogue seller could cause a massive price drop. > >Developers torn on what to prioritize first - Axie game ecosystem vs. Katana scalability/upgrade. > >Liquidity in Katana is decreasing rapidly - from $1.2B last month to $864M as of now. People are clearly pulling out their staked funds. Are you telling me my AXS are going to pump or not? I didnt understand anything you said.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

THE PERFECT SHORT: $RON #RON 1. No clear use case as of now aside from exchanging Axie tokens within Katana. It is overvalued based on FTX perpetual futures price of 4 USD each. 2. Liquidity providers has suffered great losses with their locked $AXS/$SLP/$WETH. They will sell RON to recoup some of it. Expect a dump once listed. 3. RON hodlers are concentrated to few addresses only. Any rogue seller could cause a massive price drop. 4. Developers torn on what to prioritize first - Axie game ecosystem vs. Katana scalability/upgrade. 5. Liquidity in Katana is decreasing rapidly - from $1.2B last month to $864M as of now. People are clearly pulling out their staked funds. 6. We are in a bear market rn. HOW TO SHORT $RON: Sell perpetual futures contract offered on FTX. #axieinfinity #axs #slp

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

THE PERFECT SHORT: $RON 1. No clear use case as of now aside from exchanging Axie tokens within Katana. It is overvalued based on FTX perpetual futures price of 4 USD each. 2. Liquidity providers has suffered great losses with their locked $AXS/$SLP/$WETH. They will sell RON to recoup some of it. Expect a dump once listed. 3. RON hodlers are concentrated to few addresses only. Any rogue seller could cause a massive price drop. 4. Developers torn on what to prioritize first - Axie game ecosystem vs. Katana scalability/upgrade. 5. Liquidity in Katana is decreasing rapidly - from $1.2B last month to $864M as of now. People are clearly pulling out their staked funds. 6. We are in a bear market rn. HOW TO SHORT $RON: Sell perpetual futures contract offered on FTX.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I've been loading up too and providing liquidity as well. In the Dot Finance platform with 8k% APY and in Ronin wallet on where I can farm RON tokens in providing LP in SLP WETH pools.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

man am i excited for their RON token laucnh. been farming it with my AXS. hope it does good.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Probably gonna get a lot of downvotes and hate for this, but Axie Infinity. Collecting SLP from scholars and converting them to AXS, BTC, ETH, and farming their upcoming RON token.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Cake bring me a lot of joy and other stuff and for the next year idk it's hard to pick just one, so let's say RON

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thanks AXS for leading me to crypto and I hope $RON will play an important role in Ronin ecosystem next year.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I used coinbase too, super simple, but i live in Romania and coinbase is not implemented to work fine with Romanian RON. If i want to put 100 RON in my account i have to put 20 euros (equivalent), converted through my debit card at the bank’s rate, then if i want to withdraw i can never withdraw maximum, because of fees etc and when i withdraw i always end up with 0,0000x coins left in the portfolio, that are not much enough to be able to sell them … And the fees are also very high on coinbase .. I tried binance and i closed the account after 2 minutes. The platform looks too complicated for me right now …

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It was like 150 RON, could it reach 300 RON ? (Romanian currency)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

anyone else pretty deep in the axie ecosystem? owning/playing/axs staking/RON farming. If so, what do you think will be most profitable over the next year? staking axs, farming RON, or owning axies? I'm long term BONER on axie.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

slp is meant to be earned and sold for the most part. axs is more the hodl token. You can stake axs on ronin chain for crazy apr. you can provide liquidity with slp or axs paired with eth to farm RON token which doesn't really exist yet.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Actually you don't need to pay fees anymore to play axie with the addition of RON and the Katana DEX. But axie infinity and the SLP token are in the bottom floor, basement at this point. So you won't be earning shit right now, plus the game can be VERY irritating at times. Source: I have like 40 axies, been playing for like 8 months.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on $RON
