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133.33% Today

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Can you tell when I discovered options?

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Oh, the mistakes I’ve made!

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Paypal in 2024/25. A strong buy

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NASDAQ:PYPL PayPal A Second Look.

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PYPL is taking a dump? What gives?

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What kind of announcement from PayPal would justify me dumping money into it this morning

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Paypal’s innovation event

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Puts on PYPL in prep for 1/25 announcement. Made enough to cover bills for the month.

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Warren Buffett's New Secret Stock PYPL?

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The future of fin-tech. Thoughts on PYPL?

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$PYPL Ad: Six innovations that will revolutionize commerce

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Anyone have positions on $PYPL in anticipation of Jan 25 news

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PYPL Crash- still room for 1/26 gains?

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What’s everyone doing with PYPL?

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What are you WHEELing?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

New Meme Stock On The Horizon!!! and more

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X Payments account created

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Did I just make half a million by mistake?

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Thanks AMD, AAPL, & PYPL

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PYPL Savior

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Huge volume increase in PYPL $85 Call 1/26

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$PYPL rug pull is set up.

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It's been quite the six figure (several) ride down over the past year. No one tells you it gets faster as you get closer to zero. Inherited

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Been quite the 6 figure (several) ride down this year. No one tells you it goes faster as you get closer to zero

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Paypal rally after the CEO came on CNBC in a nutshell

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PYPL Interview

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PayPal: Substantially Undervalued - Market Fails to Recognize Growth Potential

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Puts On PYPL?

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Puts If Trendline Holds?

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Baby Gains, $0-$10k challenge

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Down $90k, now full degen YOLO with $60k

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What do you think about PYPL?

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Bought PYPL at $287. Hold or Sell?

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We’ve seen your picks for 2024 stocks, what about which ones are going to be flat?

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I'm back with another 6 figure YOLO with $PYPL

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How to develop assessment of individual stocks?

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🔥 PayPal (PYPL) - The Comeback Play! 🔥

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Consensus on PYPL in 2024

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PayPal (PYPL) Has a Compelling Case

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$PYPL 565k all in - 9700 shares

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PayPal Stock PYPL 2 Targets Major WIN Ahead 1 Critical Barrier Broken for Stock Holders

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Bullish on PYPL

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Thoughts on PayPal (PYPL) - A few of my thoughts

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2024 and the 1099-k. How will the market react to the tax on side hustle?

r/pennystocksSee Post

$GBUX potential $PYPL competitor

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2024 and the 1099-k. How will the market react to the tax on side hustle?

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If everybody is predicting a recession, why are payments companies absolutely booming?

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At least this week was better. Still down huge on PYPL.

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50K plus target. Can it be done.

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Sold puts on Tesla as it tanked below $200. Bought PYPL and PLTR calls before earnings. Bought SPY calls before Thursday’s rally

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PYPL Calls 61k Gain

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PayPal Fundamental Views

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Tesla and PayPal

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$PYPL LFG Paytards I didn't hear no bell

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PYPL to the Moon

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PYPL Beating Earning Nov. 1st

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Is paypal undervalued yet?

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PYPL insanity

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Why is $PYPL so hot amongst this sub atm?

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It's time to buy $PYPL

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I’m gonna say it…. $PYPL

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Where is the technical bottom for PYPL?

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Suggestions on how to recover losses if I am not selling my winners

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When do you close 0DTE or 7DTE?

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$350K $PYPL Yolo

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$PYPL all in yolo 4200 shares

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PYPL Hopes

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I’m down so bad the only logical thing to do was buy more $PYPL

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Is there anything that makes PYPL attractive right now?

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Thoughts on Higher Value Dividend Stocks that have been pushed down recently?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The overall market sucks…please allow discussion of penny stocks

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Just turned 18 Buying my First Options Calls-Puts Ever

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At least I’m not doing as badly as the “PYPL has a moat” guy.

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US tax citizens, why do you like dividend paying stocks?

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What is going on with SQ and PYPL?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

PYPL bulls on Monday opening

r/StockMarketSee Post

Exploring the Depths: PYPL and SQ Stocks nearing 52-week Lows – Is it time to dive in?

r/RobinHoodPennyStocksSee Post

Exploring the Depths: PYPL and SQ Stocks Nearing 52-Week Lows – Is It Time to Dive In?"

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PayPal vs Disney

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I didn’t hear no bell😤 $PYPL

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Where to put $120k 💵?

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When is PayPal going 🚀🚀🚀

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I’m longgggggg PYPL

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X & Paypal Merger

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Shorting Paypal

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I am about to make the bet of my life - Financial Freedom by 2025 or Nothing

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Thoughts on these 5 stock suggestions?

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Paypal $PYPL Q3 and Q4 Despair?

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Took out student loans and went all in on $TSLA $PYPL $PLTR $TRIP after finding out my swimmers are active by my wife pixie stick.

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Need help $PYPL down bad.

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160k NVDA put YOLO

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160k NVDA put YOLO

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PYPL YOLO increased to $106k. Deep Value Edition

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u regards think $PYPL is a good match for X ?

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$100k $PYPL YOLO

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PYPL 30k all in

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Why should PayPal go back up ?

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The case for PagBank(NYSE:PAGS)


PYPL is definitely undervalued. They did $1.5 billion in stock buybacks already this year and will do another $3.5 billion before EOY. I just don’t know if the earnings will be a significant boost up or down. Their new CEO called this their transition year. Here’s a good article to read:


PYPL is definitely undervalued right now. They did $1.5 billion buyback of shares earlier this year and will do another $3.5 billion by the end of the year. Their new CEO called this their transition year. So idk if their financials will be sufficient enough to move up or down. But I think it will be up by this time next year. Here’s a good article:


Puts it is. PYPL is trash.


I can’t wait for PYPL to fuck my ass for the third year in a row this Tuesday ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


IWM? This is WSB my youngins. I bought UWM in 2020 before the rip. Bought a few TNAs that got BTFO in 2021. Doubled down on both since 2022/23. Still adding in 24. The mistake most folks on WSB make is that they believe stocks always go up or mean revert: Did PYPL ever go back up to 2021 levels? How many of those 9999 SPACS did? Would TWTR be +$80 today if Elon didn't buy it? INTC was >$70 in 1999 and has never reached back to that price. How many folks really believe GME will go back to $500? But market indexes do eventually revert and do constantly go up (even giga-bubbles like Japan that took 40 years eventually hit new highs. China's SSE peaked in 2007 and only gone down since. Have fun baggies.) The Russell has been in a long underperformance against the SPY and will eventually balance out even if it could be years. Main thing it has going for it is that the SPY/QQQ have already gone beyond their 2021 ATHs meanwhile R2K is still below it. Safer bet to bet R2K in the long run since it is more likely it hits new ATHs than it is to hit new ATLs.

Agree that a lot of things are priced the way they are for a reason. Too many people last year on here tried to be contrarian and avoided what was doing well - instead buying PYPL, CVS, etc.) "How could CVS go any lower?" and then they go down another 20% after a horrible quarter. Do I think anything is an example of a good deal that's actually a good company? Not much. MPC is still an example of something that I think is reasonable, well-managed, has a strong moat and is returning a lot of cash to shareholders.


I like PYPL and have no issue holding my shares ($53 cost basis). The yanks will scream about ApplePay, CashApp etc, but the international online market is very prominently dominated by PayPal and that’s highly unlikely to change imo. They’re a solid, undervalued value stock on that basis alone. If they can get their Fastlane option rolled out fully conversion rates should increase dramatically, and I think they could do more with Honey. The new advertising scheme should significantly boost revenue and make a meaningful difference to the bottom line. Throw in the buyback potential of ~10% of the float this year alone? It’s a no brainer, imo. At worst you buy a great value stock, at best you capitalise on a huge asymmetrical trade.


I'm on SBUX, SNAP, PYPL and considering RBLX, SQ

I am long pypl and also bought a couple of 60 dollar calls for 8/16. I bought them in June, though. They have just been hanging out at around even until they took a big dive last couple of days. I'm still optimistic, though. Not as much for my calls but for PYPL. For the next few years, there should be nothing but upside for PYPL. My price target for PYPL is more like 80-90 but I could see 150 as within reason . .given enough time.


VFC, BABA, PYPL, INTC, CPS, GOOS and my speculative pick ASTS. Looking to add some DIS soon. I started investing 3 months ago and have 15% returns so far. Rotated from tech (sp500 IT sector) to these individual smaller caps before the mag7 crashed. Avoided huge losses and gained small profits meanwhile

Hoping that my PYPL $57p will print


Bought NVDA and PYPL puts yesterday, sold today for $700 profit. Might take tomorrow off tired of being 🌈


PYPL looks like a crash out on a bungee cord 🫣


You know that feeling that somehow the tiny moves you make impact the market? I didn't buy any options in 2023. In 2024, I didn't buy any options until I bought a NVDA call on 6/14. I also bought 2 calls on PYPL and, a little later, I bought a single call on NKE. Before that, everything was going great. Literally, as soon as I started to buy calls, the market started to slide and has kept sliding. My position sizes were small so my anoos will be just fine but it really does seem like everyone is out to get me. What I do?

Will my PYPL $57 puts print?


Sure hope so. Averaged down on PYPL (lololol) and entered an SMCI position.


Buy 3 PYPL 7/26 $58 puts. Let me know if they print


Thanks, do you expect more selloff on it and $PYPL?


*As a bag holders update my PYPL "investment" has not aged well.*


I'd like to introduce you to PYPL.


Don't know about SQ, but PYPL is the most famous value trap out there


Why have $SQ and $PYPL been performing so bad lately?


I'd rather buy DIS than SOFI/CELH/PYPL that loves to be pumped here.

I have a 130 $PYPL Jan 25 call which I bought because of the callout of some "stock genius", should I sell? Down 95% so far


*PYPL bag holder checking in.* *Guh.*


CSP is a great strat for buy and hold. For option trading not so much. For 10k there are many stocks you can sell Strangles on putting up 2-4k Buying Power in a margin account. A Strangle is selling a call and put, is usually the same as just selling a put. Here are some IBM,DIS,BABA,CSCO,AMZN,PYPL What happens if you are assigned. It should not happen if you roll/close before 14dte, it does not change your position. Just close out the stock, for whatever the loss is. Who is going to give you Selling Options, with 10k I think you may be stuck with Tastytrade

Happens to the best of us. I took an $80k loss on PYPL that had I held like 2 more hours would have been over a $150k gain. Jpow speech at Jackson hole a couple years ago. That def hurt but you move on.


Is this the same feeling as someone who’s holding PYPL?


I need a PYPL squeeze. What are the chances?


Anyone who types INTC or DIS or PYPL on this thread should immediately report to the principal's orifice and yes I spelled that last word correctly

Cmon PYPL baby, you can do it. I believe in you.


That's the worst part. My strategy has ALWAYS been to buy longer expirations but NVDA looked unstoppable so the last time it dipped I took my PLTR option profits and went all in on NVDA. Made most of my money last year on a PYPL bounce with LEAPs and this year on PLTR long term options. I deviated from what I knew and got completely burned.

Everyone laughed at me for holding PYPL now look at me +2% 💪 only down 70% overall now.


INTC is somewhat recoverable. PYPL, on the other hand... Damn.


Hi everyone. I own PYPL at $201 cost basis and INTC at $55 cost basis. That is all.


So I've made a big move yesterday and got rid of some of the stocks mentioned above and shuffled into a world ETF. Fortunately I kept PYPL and stocks I didn't mention in the OP which performed well. I don't tend to DCA unless its an ETF I'm buying monthly. Most of the time I did better buying lump sum, but that's only me and I might be wrong!


Thank you, thats what I've partially done. Fortunately thats not my entire portfolio and luckily I kept PYPL :)


PYPL calls


In June, bought 58 PYPL calls for 7/26 and they are now in the money (break even is $60.03).


PYPL calls

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Seems a lot of people trapped in PYPL. I’m heavy now (50k+) in SQ and FOUR. Technically and rotationally seem ready to go. Not many talking about the fintec space yet.


I hope you kept that $PYPL. Today was the day.


$PYPL 100 EOM, less go boyz


Here's a couple of 'bright' ideas: 1. Don't invest in stocks after they have gone up 300% in a year 2. Never ever touch ETSY or PYPL


MCD, PFE, JNJ, PYPL, TLT They won't get lower probably.

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I was planning on doing so, PYPL is not an urgent sell, the others I've already started sorting out and reshuffling into an ETF

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PYPL release earnings this month. I’d say hold and see their performance before you make the decision to sell.

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One of the most amazing lessons I had in trading was holding a loss for too long...and then selling to buy another stock that made up and exceeded the loss. Youre at the bus station and new busses come by all the time! Keep $PYPL someone might buy them out. Sell 50% $BABA and find a small cap with a forward PE ratio < 18


Thank you for your advice! I agree, -20% is a blip and will be in the plus again if BioNTech or PYPL have some really good news. The question is, would a sell & shift into MSCI World be time better spent as opposed to waiting for those other stocks to turn?


Sell all. If you like PYPL, put it all in SQ. It’s obviously better


Thanks man! I've answered a similar question above. The investment case still makes sense in theory: Biontech working on cancer vaccines, YSN being a German cybersecurity firm with govt contracts (you'd think they thrive during the war in Ukraine and a potential Trump presidency). Unfortunately they only went down the past two years and I'm starting to feel a "time is money" kind of urgency. China stocks are a special case themselves and a different situation (political risks and small exposure - I don't mind holding them). PYPL I'll hold and see if it can make the turnaround, otherwise its a sell.


Sell those garbage stocks, except maybe PYPL and put it in QQQ/QQQM or MAG7

Why would PYPL go down?


If all of you know that $NKE and $PYPL will go down, why don't you just buy puts? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


It's the INTC/PYPL/NKE of pharma.... Enjoy your bags.

Why is PYPL not bankrupt yet? Save me from this misery.

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Painful to read ( as a Pfizer bagholder / sucker) but good summary The jeff immelt era of pharma is good but it might even be the PYPL or INTC of pharma - the #s almost don’t matter as they get no respect regardless


PYPL. Better than SOFI, anyway.


Upvote if you'd rather buy a $NKE bag now, downvote if you'd rather have a $PYPL bag


Which one is your favorite bag, $NKE or $PYPL?


What bag would you rather hold, $NKE or $PYPL?


PYPL has been dead money for over 2 years now... trade at your own risk


$PYPL barely moving. What's wrong with this crap?


Yes, me too. Had a lower cost basis so got out a little while back. But it makes me think: what if I’d cut the loss and put the capital into NVDA (or literally almost anything else in my portfolio.) One down, PYPL and SOFI to go!

PYPL - 75 by EOD. (does this thing work like a wishing well)?


Sounds like PYPL pitch and for that reason, I'm out.


Keep making bets but NKE and PYPL have officially joined the ranks of INTC ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

I started late with PYPL so im doing good for now


This is the same as the PYPL guy. Lost like 10k on that. SOFI guy is prob heavy bags too


I am deep into PYPL. Lot of old sentiment but there is a wave of new leadership at the company now


> PYPL and Amazon

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PYPL and I have been cooked and fucked for a long time lol


Is BABA like PYPL. Investors just don’t like it.


Yesss but since it's all about risk/reward game even in investment (unless one does DCA ing with assumption that it will eventually goes upper right with unlimited time horizon), i find it hard to see any (or biggest) risks holding these ETFs For instance, NVDA max drawdown is 88% with reward as 180% while NVDY maxdraw down is 17% with 120% so NVDY has risk reward as 8-9 while NVDA has only 1.5-2 For investors looking at stable performance but greater than SPY/QQQ, these ETFs seem to be greater choice unless individual stocks risk (i.e NVDA going into 0$) but even then they have long put option to protect the downside risks I mean all big tech have been exceptionally doing well so i feel like im seeing only good results but even DIS/PYPL which are underperforming than SPX, it's still profiling better For instance while DIS basically gets flat for YTD (90s going into 120s only to find out it's 90s again) DISO returns 15% as YTD (30-35% yearly dividend)

PYPL has told me these things take time


Congrats on the clean exit. Check out $PYPL & $SQ for an interest rate cut investment/trade. I think these two have a good chance of doubling by early next year. If you like this sort of stuff I share my work daily outside of reddit.


28, NW $250k, invested heavy into VOO/VTI/QQQ/VGT. Some PYPL/NKE/BTC.

I almost disagree with every statement made here. I just think we have to disagree here. With regards to the interest rate part. Those companies are $PYPL and $SQ. Open the chart on tradingview and layer on top of it the federal funds rate. You'll be shocked at the correlation. Down 80% from all time highs in 2021. Revenues and profits grew consistently since those all time highs. Valuations got crushed due to rising interest rates and sentiment. Both temporary factors.


Long PYPL Short WING ---Thoughts?


That's a lot of charts and graphs and words. Bargain stocks can remain bargains for longer than one expects. PYPL anyone? Question is not whether NKE is near a low, but whether or not it will outperform other stocks in the coming weeks/months. I just don't see it. Declining revenues are not good for any stock.


Short WING Long PYPL


Should have ban betted PYPL yesterday. I just bought calls instead.


Personally I think it's topped out and the growth is slowing with quality going down, however if you do like it and think it will rebound just do a cash secured PUT. Poster below sells one CSP at a strike of 70 in Dec 2024 and gets $430 so if it's exercised then you are essentially buying NKE for $65.70 a share X 100 shares. If it's not exercised then you get to keep the $430 I personally agree with PYPL/ DIS / SBUX / MCD (so many to list) in that the growth rates are going from the 10-12 range down into that 5-6 range. Once growth slows you then need to find the bottom and hope for a turn around. What usually happens is it continues to go down and then starts chopping in a range. Essentially it's dead money for sometimes years. Personally I like my money out making more money friends. Sometimes when you pick a good one they go out and have a money orgy and bring home all their money friends. Unfortunately I don't think NKE is going to have a money orgy.

Poised to be the next reddit darling like PYPL and INTC....


Next reddit darling. Say hello to PYPL over there.... SBUX looking like a rug pull also....


PYPL has done nothing but bled money for me


Nope, another Reddit darling. Hi PYPL 👋

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No worries, I’m 75% in $PYPL, except I fear the valuation differences for your sake.


PYPL anyone? BUtT thE fInaCiAlS aRE DiffEEreNT


Another soon to be Reddit darling like PYPL.... Check out that chart. Dogshit.


V / MA were downgraded today. it may actually help PYPL though. apple & google pay are big overhangs for PYPL though.


About to go all in on PYPL calls. Way undervalued. Not like that matters, but it looks ripe.


Thinking NKE AND SBUX are gonna start acting like PYPL.....

Momentum is the best indicator. Stocks that are moving up typically continue to move up (NVDA). Stocks that are moving down typically continue to move down (PYPL). Reversals do happen but it’s best to confirm a long term trend break.


I think RIVN has a chance of being one out of one or two smaller EV companies that gets through this, but I also think that there's a pretty good chance that on the other side of this period, EV stocks disappoint similarly to fintech (PYPL, etc) post 2021. The automobile industry - with a couple of exceptions - has never been a good investment and the 2020/21 move in these names was a bubble. I mean, I don't know if there's a growth story post 2021 bubble top that has done worse than non-TSLA evs (list, including multiple bankruptcies: aside from maybe vegan names (TTCF, BYND, OTLY)

Ask all the PYPL bag holders.


The new PYPL.... I'm not fucking with it for another %40


Yes, $PYPL to the moon baby.


This may not be a bad play tho. I see PYPL will be floating above 60 by year end. I personally think it will be around 70-75 range. We will see
