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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing

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Biden to announce Billions in Subsidies for MU, TSM to rev up chip production!

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Big news for intel and TSM

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Low risk Semis

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Low risk Semi - conductor/s

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TSM to the MOOON🚀🚀🚀🚀

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Any reason why I shouldn’t invest in TSM given its current price?

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TSLA Unloading

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18, Any thoughts on picks?

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💰Going Long on TSM: The Unseen Goldmine Behind NVDA’s Success💰

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TSM - I was right, kind of, and i think there's still more value here.

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AMD/Nvidia options a gamma play?

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A closer look at TSM with darkpool levels

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I cant help but wonder if $TSM has a whole another leg up to go

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$TSM is a money printer

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Nancy Pelosi bought $AB which owns a large position in $TSM. (Follow the money)

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You buy $TSM indirectly. That’s how Nancy did it! $AB (Follow the Money)

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China unveils draft for standardizing AI industry 🚀 $NVDA 🚀 $AMD 🚀 $TSM 🚀

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Has anyone seriously looked at Global Foundries [$GFS]

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Major Risk To The Stock Market In Four Days

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Have about 13k invested in different markets. Just made my portfolio breakdown % similar to Warren Buffet’s. Mistake?

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$INTC Israels : 3.2Billion for a Western Worlds TSM. And that ASML NM Machine. 5nm, 3nm, 2nm coming. No More Taiwan TSM China Fear.

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Undervalued AI play; TSM! 🚀

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High Investment Potential in AMD, Netflix, Eli Lilly, Palantir & TSM: Twin Momentum Investor Model

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RIO dividends and foreign taxes

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Any advice for a newbie

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Whats the play for the culling of the American Autoworker

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Does Biden cutting off chips to China mean TSM is gonna go up

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Apple’s Cheapest iPhone Surges in Popularity After Upgrades

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Puts on TSM tomorrow at open?

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Collar Defined Risk Trade?

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TSM: Good Investment or not?

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TSM - a technical play on chips, AI.

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Options trading perspective for August 31, 2023

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MGNI short put during ER - lesson learned

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Tesla CEO Elon Musk: 'We're using a lot of Nvidia hardware'

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So with both ASML and TSM(C) earnings/calls complete how do we feel for the future of AI/semi-conductor chips sentiment?

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TSM earnings call

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My AI momentum trading journey just started. Dumping $3k into an automated trading strategy guided by ChatGPT. Am I gonna make it

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The AI trading journey begins. Throwing $3k into automated trading strategies. Will I eat a bag of dicks? Roast me if you must

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$TSM is extremely undervalued and overlooked, especially with AI

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Investment plan for about 85 000$ USD over the coming year

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Investment plan for about 85 000$ USD over the coming year

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PSI Semiconductor ETF Split

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TSM earnings 'money glitch' update

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Gallium & Germanium: How will the second half of 2023 play out? Shift in the supply chain imminent?

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Playing AI earnings is a short term money glitch which cannot go tits up (or can it?)

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UPDATE: I decided to follow the strict curriculum of r/WSB, taking the entire total of my previous post into the same TSM option

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UPDATE: TSM $110 Call on 6/30 - $27k gain at open - $64k gain in a week

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Current weekly position- $110 strike on 6/30 for $TSM and other now closed positions - $40k in a week

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TSM Stock Forecast: Sustainable Growth Within Geopolitical and Macroeconomic Volatility

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Tech companies to invest on European market?

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How to play Broadcom AVGO

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$INTC is a very undervalued AI play.

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$INTC is a 10 bagger, DIAMOND in the rough.

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3 soaring stocks that show no signs of slowing down

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Not all "tech" companies deserve to have tech valuations

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What are your top 5 weighted holdings?

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Expensive Options Case Study: TSM

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Taiwan Semiconductor is a screaming buy

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing ($TSM) is a big supplier to Nvidia ($NVDA)

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Comeback so close. $TSM, $LRCX, $AMZN are my road to a better life

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2023-05-16 Wrinkle Brain Plays

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What stocks outside of the semiconductor stocks and mega cap tech will survive the AI hype cycle?

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2-5 international stocks recommendation for diversification

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Need advice from people who also posted on Yahoo Finance.

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2023-05-08 Wrinkle Brain Plays - In the style of a Maple Syrup Lover

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Market Recap - 5/4/23 - "It's not my fault, it's 'market manipulation'"

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The Semiconductor/Chip Bubble

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2023-04-28 Wrinkle Brain Plays - In the style of Vanellope von Schweetz

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US News' Investing's 2023 picks are up 13.1% vs 7.7% for S&P so far.

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Puts on TSM?

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Why does trading have to be a binary decision?

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Market Recap - 4/20/23 - Things are bad, but not all bad, and the Fed is not done yet

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NVDA bulls are delusional

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Why is Nvda red?

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EarningsGPT: This Week Earnings Releases and Reactions Summary by ChatGPT

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EarningsGPT: This Week Earnings Releases and Reactions Summary by ChatGPT

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

IBM, TSM, NOK rocket 🚀 🤣

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Week Ended April 14 - Recap and thoughts for next week- valuation model update

r/optionsSee Post

Sen. Tuberville disclosed a 3/21 options bet against Taiwan Semiconductor: $TSM $75P @ 09/15/2023

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Sen. Tuberville disclosed a March options bet against Taiwan Semiconductor: $TSM $75P @ 09/15/202

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The Big Cup and Handle, Earnings, CPI and FOMC…. 4-14-23 SPY/ ES Futures, VIX, 10YR Yield and DXY Weekly Market Analysis

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TSM is about to be worth nothing

r/StockMarketSee Post

With Buffett selling $TSM and senators buying puts on it, is the war in Taiwan breaking out?

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(4/10) Monday's Pre-Market Stock Movers & News

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Taiwan Semi Posts First Fall in Monthly Revenue in Years as Macro Headwinds Hit Chips

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Rate my pie - Semiconductor stocks (exc NVDA, AMD, TSM)

r/optionsSee Post

Rolling ITM CC at same strike

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Taiwan chip export plunges, China still lags amid U.S. restriction

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For anyone who thinks that Warren Buffet always buy companies to hold them for more than 10 years, be wary, because he literally pumped and dumped TSM...

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Room-Temperature Superconductivity Claimed – TSM Play

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Daily U.S. Stock Market News Ticker (Monday, March 6)

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What's the biggest "I told you so" stock moment?

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Intel cuts 66% of forward dividend - a short opportunity?

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Forward-looking analysis

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Are chip makers like TSM really cyclical?

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ASX ase technology, Googl, ET is in value territory big dividend good sector for a trump win. TSM i think is fairly valued.


Rotated out of TSM and happy I did.


TSM better launch back to ATH when NVIDIA rocks the markets dick straight off


Opened up more TSM calls this morning. Some for 200 November and some for 200 June 2025


when will TSM pump again?


NVDA and TSM not even 1 % up ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


TSM waiting for big brother Nvidia to decide whether or not to shit the bed or moon


Yea I like Google and TSM at these levels, I think ASX ase technology is worth looking into aswell.


Is selling TSM gap up and buying 15 mins later free money? Seems to bleed then recover in afternoon everytime ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Sorry, I put money into TSM, NVO, LLY, NVDA, and whenever I do, the market goes down. My fault

TSM is a pile of doodoo rn


If TSM keeps TSMn next week will be ✅✅✅


Sold my TSM and bought ASTS and recouped my losses


I’m losing on TSM that I just bought.


Broadcom and TSM should recover quite quickly. After the split my average on Broadcom is $67 but it's one of my forever holds.


AMD Broadcom and TSM lmaoooo


Assuming the post is referring to MU, I don't think the products are directly comparable. TSM fabricate silicon for use by NVIDIA, AMD, Intel etc. to create CPUs and GPUs; MU produce DRAM and NAND for largely the same companies. I would consider both companies world leaders for their specific products.


if you dont have extra cash i feel like moving it around seems silly you get taxed on any profits or you are selling at a loss. if you can sell at a profit and want to move around, I'd put my money on Google over TSM for a more long term play but honestly I'd just sit and wait for my next paycheck or whatever to double down


Currently in a dilemma. I own TSM, Googl and MSFT. I feel like selling one of them to buy the other, e.g. selling some msft to buy googl because it went down quite alot. Problem is, all of them are down and it's not a good time to sell even though it's a very good time to buy. What should I sell and what should I buy? Or just leave it alone? Don't have extra cash, just the ones in the stocks.


Yeah the problem with NVDA at this valuation is that if AAPL, META, MSFT, etc. decide they have their own "good enough" alternative, their high margin revenue drops off massively. This is before we take into account the potential for TSM to eat into their margins by asking for a larger cut in production due to their increased CapEx ramp as well. NVDA is priced as if this demand won't go down and will only increase in the next 10 years, but all semis are cyclical.

Every semi is trash except NVDA. I don't mean as a company. I mean their valuations. They are being bid up in tandem to NVDA, and they are not going to deliver. Just look at DELL, MU, ASML, TSM, AMD, NXPI, etc.

You are 100% correct. But....You're not going to get this sub to understand anything past TSM. They will never understand that Taiwan plays an important geographic importance to contain China. China gaining control of Taiwan gives them a buffer and the ability to project power from the island rather than the mainland. Whenever China thinks it can win in a war against the United States Pacific Fleet that's when you will get war.


Buy MPW so I can exit at 6$ and have another 65k to buy more TSM. AQST also


Her rationale was sound as well. She even explained it that they made the move because it would make sense that business creating the inputs for NVDAs main product would also explode with NVDA. Which it should have, but TSM didn't explode with it. It rose quite a bit, but only like half of what NVDA has done. Honestly though the AI hype train is what is carrying NVDA. Which is great. They have a great product, don't get me wrong. But they are insanely overvalued.


Nope. Those three are the ones. I don’t particularly know much about TSM though.


Yeah, I went through all my stocks and picked out the ones with low P/E ratios. It was between more of TSM, AMZN, or GOOGL. But I didn’t know if there was a more obvious one with a lower market cap and bigger room to grow.

Ohmygosh! Yes! And, shhhh, I’ve been chastised over my position on AMD. I sold most last and early this year for more NVDA. I actually felt a weird emotional connection- took screenshots of the cost basis and percentage change, haha. And, yes, my remaining AMD is next on the chopping block should I see an opportunity that I can’t otherwise take advantage of. (I’ve actually considered taking it and putting it into NVDA, but it and other shares like it, are like my savings account at this point.) Maybe it’s my emotional maturity, but, I don’t expect I’ll ever sell my Nvidia shares. I first bought them (literally my first shares,) because every guy and boy I knew loved video games. And added from there. That one for me is a longterm hold, unless something changes drastically - they have just delivered over and over (I read an article like eight years ago that they had a less good earnings because of supply chain/TSM and otherwise neck and neck with AMD - and I seriously thought that was silly - Nvidia was ahead, for sure. Maybe 2018?)


No not especially Nvidia. Especially Google, Amazon, TSM. But no not NVIDIA, they've already had a world record run up


But she bought TSM


I got a bunch of googl sitting on margin but my equity in TSM and QQQ which been taking a beaten, i really dont want 100 shares of nvidia sitting on margin either till ik wtf going on with PCE.


Just Russia and part of the Middle East. And it’s still not the point… Taiwan is more than TSM.


Same fucking thing happened during first quarter earnings dude. TSM blew shit out of the park and they dropped back in april. The market didn't gain until Amazon released.


Member when TSM was pumping out as many chips as they could? What happened to them after their earnings? hmmm


I don’t care. If anything I feel the urge to invest more. This is the benefit of being heavily invested in total market index funds with some blue chip stocks like Amazon/Google/Msft/appl/TSM sprinkled in. Versus investing in high risk reward stocks.


Last time I've checked pentagon estimates said somewhere between 2026 and 2028 is the optimal from China's point of view (explaining why would require a wall of text nobody would read anyway). There are also multiple levels of escalation they could try before committing to full scale war that would cut into TSM profit margins or even make them stop production for extended time periods. It is a risk and if you're a boring long time investor you take risks like that seriously. Wouldn't matter for us regards if not for the amounts of money those dinosaurs move around.


IWM can try and guh me but it can't betray the way TSM did


I'm not in it anymore so idc that much but that TSM intraday swing was heroic


TSM down 5% back up 1% swing is insane


TSM workers are not morons… the moment the global capacity goes over Taiwan’s they know the US will throw them to the Chinese to avoid a market correction from super weight boxing match. TSM will maintain most production in Taiwan. I guarantee they are just doing this to appease the extremely anxious US government. Taiwan wants to keep being Taiwan, not US not China. It’s a balancing act. Turkey plays everyone like a fiddle and Taiwan is a hell of a lot more important than most places.


TSM great earnings, jobless numbers bullish, Google earnings beat, my dick rock hard no reason we don't keep going up


Its roots will remain in Taiwan as any patriotic company would, but its building fabs and offshoring knowledge over to the US and Europe. The bear case is quite weak for TSM.


TSM and NVDA are hurting because of their location and the refusal to move production to a safe geopolitical area. TSM said they'll never move out of Taiwan.


Be a lot cooler if TSM made a turnaround


I have a feeling the market makers trying to stop everyone out and get back in at a good price. Everything has been bullish about NVDA so far. TSM said that NVDA has been buying more supplies from them as well as Elon said that he could barely get his hands on enough chips for his Teslas. It’s just so volatile and such a meme stock that it causes mass selling and mass buying. Look at how many posts that said they would get back in at 110.


I mean for shares, long term hold. The only better AI play is TSM.


SOXL down 12%. TSM falling from 190 to 150 in under 2 weeks. Absolutely fucking absurd.


SOXL down 12%. TSM falling from 190 to 150 in under 2 weeks. Absolutely fucking absurd.


AI cannot exist and progress without TSMC and Mango's comments have been construed as U.S. abandoning TSMC and Taiwan. This is not going to reverse anytime soon. TSM back to $100 and NVDA back sub $100, short at will.


TSM destroyed earnings and yet my calls still destroyed my asshole


Correct me if I am wrong, but didn´t google, Tesla, TSM and sk hynix earnings report indicate growing demand for Nvidia?


The thing is all the affected companies are good holds with plenty of growth ahead, TSM, GOOGL, and MSFT aren't even outside of normalish valuations

TSM falling from 190 to 156 is wild lmao after reporting pretty great results. What a ridiculous selloff, banking on NVIDIA sparking it back up.


TSM at 157 is crazy


TSM puts


damn if I white knuckled my TSM calls then they'd be $37 OTM rn


No way TSM is crashing this bad.


Dose that mean TSM will go up


TSM just stated: There is a Massive Glut in EV, Smartphone and AI chips


How much capital do you have? If you like TSM at the end of 2025, then you must like it now. Are you a trader, swing trader or investor? 1) sell a put to get 100 shares at a discount. 2) sell OTM low theta calls and collect meager premium, but at least this turbo’s up the dividend return. 3) sell another put. Get shares or keep premium. 4) repeat #2. Then 3. Until you’re allocated to your liking. You’ll keep your shares. Your premium returns + dividends will accumulate and allow you to keep it churning. Hold them to avoid STCG. And hope China doesn’t fuck with Taiwan


cry my eyes out bcuz NVDA and TSM are down :(


Im impressed with some of the option wins on here. I don't have the balls for it ... Or the skills. I mainly hold ETFs but mess with some individual stocks in taxable. Like Microsoft, Amazon, TSM. Ugh they're all getting crushed. Might be a good time to get some more soon. Amazon just seems like a safe buy for the long term. Idk. 🤙


Nibbled NVDA, Nike and TSM, but waiting for a bigger fall 5-10% more


Calls on TSM ?


!banbet TSM 145 2d


TSM, Trump drove the price down to start, and now it is buying time.


Still gonna hold. The majority of my portfolio are extremely solid stocks (Amazon, TSM, Apple) so I have no doubt I'll recover in time but it really stings from being cocky AF cuz I was beating the market to severely under performing it now


Yeah I see it did the same thing last quarter. Maybe it has to do with TSM being at the beginning of earnings season.


TSM As always


I find this explanation lacking for the correction. TSLA was obvious, Google beat expectations. AI is presently overhyped but it’s still growing and delivering slowly… so where is the problem exactly? TSM and others also beat earnings recently. I’m thinking there is more to it, and wonder if some economic news got leaked. Even if not I’m sure there is more to it.


NKE for sure. Considering adding more TSM. I dabbled with SHOP, sold it as 65. But now it’s under 60 and I’m tempted.


TSM always goes down at earnings, they operate a bit different as snippets come throughout the qtr so it’s priced in. The next qtr as they report it’ll go up with the demand. Earnings plays work for first half of the year not second.


VOO, VGT, with some LULU and TSM sprinkled in there

Didn't TSM beat by like 40%? It still went down.


and poor TSM is down with the Titanic and that Oceangate asshole


Yessir...this action combined with last week is a clear signal. Unless you absolutely destroyed earnings, you are overvalued and getting punished. It also feels like somebody did the math from $TSM numbers and knows $NVDA...they prob will beat, but not by enough.


Had a brain fade. Reneged on my previous comment abt not AAPL to avoid paying STCG tax and sold it. Distributed that sum equally between GOOG, META (seemed relatively better value) and TSM (because I stand with Taiwan 🫡)

I dunno dude - we've had two tech earnings beats already this season that we're met with red days on TSM and GOOG. I think we are moving sideways or down until NVIDIA earnings.


It's complicated. They're working on a bleeding edge process and their current generation issues won't translate to the new one. I do agree that Intel has a problem, but their issues are around being able to challenge TSM. Their current design shitstorm doesn't matter for the valuation, but I just can't see Intel touching TSM or even Samsung if they can't deliver 18A.


I mean if someone would buy my TSM calls for $.03 I’d be happy, I paid $8 for them so you’re getting them at a bargain. 😭


LOL you sound like you work for the gubm't. and i guess youll argue TSM NVDA as well as the other stocks im in are "shitty"


I'll "falling knife" some TSM at 160 and go long term if needed.


AMD and TSM killing me rn im never gonna do stocks again after this


Only garbage. TSM AMD and NVDA


same with TSM - beat earnings estimate, huge plant opening in AZ in the future oh well - gives me the chance to buy some more


TSM :(


>>you made a thread asking if TSM is gonna keep going up. I said if TSM is gonna keep going DOWN, which it has. So tell me which prediction I made has been wrong so far??


by far the worst day in my port since october 2023 without any options. bought more TSM, google, and meta and closing my portfolio for the day. mindless algo selling everywhere, better shit to do for mental health then get angry at days like today.


i imagine that this is due to earnings, while in many ways being good for companies like GOOG and TSM, simply not being stratospheric like the market wanted, plus with GDP and PCE later this week and last week sucking ass it seems like a good time to go ghey ber TSM getting goblin fucked was sort of it for me


Updated price targets for end of year: Tesla - $600 Google - $65 TSM - $25 NVIDIA - $45 AMD - $385 Apple - $30 Peloton - $125


TSM calls easiest buy of all time at these levels


Bought Google dip few times today, starting at 6 am, been buying TSM dip since earnings (really don't understand the continued downside but whatever), nibbling on Mobileye hoping for an earnings rally at ATL.


you can't guarantee shit dude. literally 2 days ago you made a thread asking if TSM is gonna keep going up. why the fuck would anyone follow the advice of someone like that LOL. come back when you've been trading for more than 10 years.


Wrong. The stock will actually \*plummet\* after earnings 'cos Wallstreet is gonna do another massive sell-off from all you dummies bagholding. Like TSM's earnings call wasn't an obvious enough cue as to what these institutions are conspiring


Oof TSM down a bunch, even after reporting record earnings and solid guidance.


Nah, this is the correction leading to the election runup. Make your wish lists. I'll be grabbing TSM and NVDA when I see a bottom.


TSM down more than GOOGL ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Two different investments. KO isn't a growth story. It's a massive, powerful consumer brand that pays out an okay dividend and provides steady and conservative growth. TSM is a play on tech and the AI boom. I'm not saying it's a bad investment, but to me KO is conservative whole TSM is a bit more aggressive. I don't see them as equivalents to be interchanged.


i reaaaaaaaally don't understand the markets reaction to TSM earnings at this point.


Goddamn I do not like TSM or NVDA rn
