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Very noob trader

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Workday Stock Price Forecast: Is Q2 About To Reflect A Fall?

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The best stocks to buy with $10,000 right now

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2023-05-15 Wrinkle Brain Plays - In the style of someone who won a beauty contest years ago and still wears the banner everywhere they go

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Morning Briefing 🌞 Feb 28th 2023 (Let's see if we're right again!)

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Workday slips even as Deutsche Bank highlights near-term buy catalyst (WDAY)

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Workday might be the most bullshit stock ever right now

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DD 12/1

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DD Plays 12/1/22

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Expected moves this week: SPY on Jobs Number, Salesforce, Snowflake, Crowdstrike and more

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WDAY $155 Big shrek PP coming

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Favorite Stock 4 the Week Ahead

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Iight I was wrong about WDAY. I picked up 3 LULU 320C before close (expiring 1/20/23). Can't wait for tomorrow!

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Friday's top 10 winners (Russell 1000)

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After hours pop for $WDAY on strong revenue growth in 2022 Q2. I’ve got Diamond hands on this stock. Hopefully we see another pop at market open.

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Am I an idiot or are puts on Workday (WDAY) free money? They report at market close. Picked up some 8/26 160P

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$WDAY huge growth potential?

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Potential play on $WDAY? Insane P/E and EV/EBITDA compared to competitors

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PE Ratios Under Pressure

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WDAY has a PE ratio of 2456. Over 10x of TSLA

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Here's Your Daily Market Brief For February 1st

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Companies with P/Es > 1000

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Here's Your Daily Market Brief For November 17th

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Is WDAY a buy ? Does it really have 30% gain ?

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The SaaS Explosion

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The SaaS Explosion

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Here's Your Daily Market Brief For August 30th

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Preparation for trading day -August 03, 2021

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Roast my portfolio! Bought a few stocks last week to swing trade - plan to hold them until earnings, then move on to more bottomed-out companies with potential (don't know whether to get UPS and ULTA now or after their next earnings reports). I'm trying, folks. **401k** - 100% Vanguard Target Retirement **Roth** - 60% - VTI (Vanguard Total Market) 20% - VXUS (Vanguard Ex-US) 10% - SCHD (Schwab High-Dividend) **Individual stocks - 5%** 1% - GIB (CGI) 1% - WDAY (Workday) 1% - ALGN (Align Technologies) 1% - AKAM (Akamai Technologies) 1% - IBM (conflicted about this one) **Dry powder (Money market) - 5%**

Thinking about more WDAY calls. Federal contracts and huge margins are a winning combo for me.


Anyone feeling Workday (WDAY)? Hadn’t heard of it until about week ago and now I can’t not hear about it. Company makes an app for corporate HR and finance use. Started doing some additional research and I’m digging the margins. CEO seems legit to boot. Stock is kind of in a dip right not so maybe a good buy? I dunno???


Most of them actually. WDAY looks super cheap right now. Google is a reasonable value assuming they keep up their growth rate. Same for Microsoft.


It already rebounded. WDAY calls would make more sense


WDAY is the move.


Kind of similar, but sometimes I play the continuation move. If uptrend before the drop, go long, if downtrend, short the continuation. I like the support bounce for WDAY and upside gap to fill, but a bit apprehensive about the downtrend it's been in since Feb earnings.


I just regularly look at yahoo finance and recent news to find whatever's beat up. Honestly I always have a look at the top 10-15 daily losers and look for big names. If I see any, I start researching. WDAY will be a buy for me early next week.


Fuck WDAY. 100% correlated with the S&P right now. Should've known that when I bought calls on the dip.


Switched out my MDB 290p for a CRWD 270p and its printing immediately. I called out WDAY CRM and MDB here in the comments this past week. No guarantee I'll be right 4 times in a row though. Usually I am wrong 4 times in a row and have to go back to the Arby's drive through 

Finally got some retribution for bungling my WDAY puts by buying 2 $260 MDB puts. I’ll be far from green overall but it feels good


How many SaaS that flopped this earnings round? Only one I can think of that did was HUB even after everyone saying Google wouldn’t touch it. WDAY 🔪 SHOP 🔪


Well WDAY and CRM dumped, I don't know what SaaS even is but I had puts on those and made bank. MDB is in the same boat so I'm buying puts 🤷


CRM puts were so obvious after WDAY ER, still didn’t buy them


That dime Eva Ados said to buy, but the Chart Master - Carter Worth said to sell it. I went with my boy Carter worth. Grabbed the $260P. After WDAY and Intuit this was bound to happen. I implement salesforce, there is legit nothing about AI in it. Its all made up shit. Rug getting pulled.

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That dime Eva Ados said to buy, but the Chart Master - Carter Worth said to sell it, since WDAY and Intuit were getting clapped. I went with my boy Carter worth.


WDAY please drop like $8…. I fuk if not


WDAY go down pls


I need WDAY to go under $210 tomorrow


WDAY went down so no question CRM will also go down.


WDAY with the volatility warning


Pick one for calls: DELL, QCOM, MSFT, CAVA, COIN Pick one for puts: MCD, LOW, WHR, WDAY, DRIVE

Had the dumbest idea to possibly go in on ServiceNow (NOW), which looks like it's going the way of Workday (WDAY). I would not touch that thing. Could be wrong, but not worth it. Playing DELL through earnings, watch me get slaughtered. Was considering COST, but am reading that their debt/equity ratio has increased since last quarter and that their liquidity has decreased. Idk , look at the graph , hitting the major support at 200sma , But same sector as nice and WDAY , so I don't know what to make of it it got rejected from the price above and it went down, there are a lot of single prints from 180ish to got rejected from the 61.8% fib and going back to 50% , so will it go back up to test the 61.8 or will it drill down to 38.2% 192 price . What do you think ? Why are you concerned about it ? Have stocks ?


I put money into WDAY earnings lol


Why is WDAY getting hammered?


Picked up 1 CRM 250p 8/16 and 10 AAPL 180p 6/7 today. I was right about WDAY and think I'm smart, even though my track record is truly regarded. CU at Wendy's bois 

Am I crazy or has WDAY over reacted a bit? Earrings weren’t bad and the price targets were lowered way less than it fell.


I'mma bee heading to the bar soon. Gotta cut out early for the holiday rush. Working a double behind Wendy's getting drilled for the drilling I already got. Thanks WDAY.


Y’all think Workday ($WDAY) is a good EOD play for a Monday bounce ?


WDAY looks undervalued. What say?


I was considering buying WDAY this week in anticipation of earnings, and I'm glad I didn't. I do wonder if it is a decent medium-long term play though


Drill Team 6 earning their stripes on WDAY today.


Anyone else make some quick cash of WDAY ER gamble . Very nice profit at 242 puts 


damnnnn WDAY puts printing..


WDAY puts was the move.


Who bought puts on WDAY?


I sold weekly WDAY Puts with a $245 strike and they're at $229.50 now. But I figure that, if I just wait 30 minutes, WDAY'll probably completely change direction, skyrocket up 12%, and I'll still make money.


WDAY man ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Glad I bought them 5 WDAY puts hahahah


Should have went put in WDAY to make it all back


*DECK always moons but was so busy I forgot.* *Tech is the better play they said.* *Was too busy getting fukt in the anoos on my WDAY calls.*


Bought eight WDAY 240Ps at 2:59cst. Saw a couple WSB comments saying calls. How low can this thing go? 


I'll be looking myself in the mirror and asking why I canceled my 6/28 240p on WDAY. That was beyond obvious


Literally guessed WDAY puts . lol so dumb 


Another one of these. They beat with earnings call. Why is their stock falling? It’s the second time this happened with WDAY. ( didn’t put my money there thankfully but put some money on INTU which does the same anyway)


Warned against WDAY


*No WDAY noooo! My calls!!*


WDAY eps gonna come in at 1.57 miss


*But WDAY gonna moon so I can make back some of the lost monies tho right? I don't wanna spend the holiday weekend behind Wendy's.*


WDAY calls at close


WDAY calls at close


No to WDAY, setup isn't there Yes to intu, but it needs to trade sideways a bit more


Puts on WDAY cause everyone hates it?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Make sure to grab some puts on LLY. WDAY maybe as well.

r/investingSee Comment

Can you check out WDAY?

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$WDAY head and shoulders. Finviz find. 255P 14DTE. Source: Trust Me Bro.

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WDAY calls up 30% 🤝

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>What I also can't find is do all calls end at the expiration date? Like I know you can cancel/close, but if you buy a call and sell a call - people say that's selling to close the long buy, but it's still runs to the expiration date right? Think of a call option like a retail coupon. "1 large pizza at Domino's for $10. Expires 3/31/24." That's pretty much what it is, right? "100 shares of WDAY for $28,000. Expires 3/28/24." Now imagine you had that Domino's coupon, and someone offered to buy it off you for $1. So you sell it to him. He gives you $1, and you give him the coupon. Yes, it still doesn't expire until 3/31/24, but do you care? No, you don't have the coupon anymore. It's gone from your life. You have nothing to do with that coupon anymore.

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Inb4 rug pull on ORCL. Same pattern as WDAY earnings. Same type of company (sales talk big technology little)

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In times like these it is easy to forget that selling can and does occur. Bearish sentiment is near an all-time low. When all the bears are gone and all the bulls have placed their bets, who is left to buy? One reason I am cautious is action in some of the leaders like SNOW, ZS, ESTC, WDAY, PANW. The party is becoming more selective. The fact that small caps and biotechs are starting to break out is a positive sign. The Mag 7 has underperformed, which is a positive sign. There are many reasons to be bullish. Reducing exposure as the market rises is simply a way that I manage risk. If the market pulls the rug and we get a gap down and 3% selloff, weeks’ or even months’ worth of gains can be obliterated. Again, not suggesting this is about to happen, but managing risk ahead of time will reduce the pain if it does. A 10% correction is certainly possible at some point, but I think the first pullback off this historic rally is likely to find buyers quickly.

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It’s difficult but not impossible. I’ve invested heavily in 5-8 individual stocks that I think will kick ass. I’ve beaten the market 3 years out of 4. I also have a boutique stock broker that helps me out and makes sure I don’t screw anything up. Names I’ve owned over the years: LULU MSFT AXP NVDA(bought4.2023) SITM TSLA(bought5.2022) DOCU(prepandemic) DXCM WDAY CEG Currently holding MSFT AXP NVDA CEG SITM TSLA … in sun, it can be done.. but it does take a good amount of effort

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Sorry to hear that man. In the end- it’s gambling of course. You win sometimes and lose most of the times:( I lost on DELL, CRM, OKTA, CVNA. Wins in ZS, FSLR,ZM, WDAY)

r/optionsSee Comment

The S & P 500 angle seems to be the culprit. Being in the running and not getting the nod (WDAY) can lead to the stock falling in AH of expiration/announcement day. By contrast, getting the nod for inclusion can lead to a big rally in the stock AH (SMCI). One cannot fully plan around this, in theory, since the shortlist for S & P 500 rebalancing/inclusion isn't officially released. (Though, there are of course whispers) A possible tell that something may be up is when decently OTM 0DTE options remain juiced really late into the day on a Friday, since long option holders have until 5:30 pm to exercise options expiration day. Saw similar before the respective S & P 500 additions of LULU and BLK. Fortunately, it doesn't appear to be too much of a hit for OP and quite possibly a short-term one at that.

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I did that two weeks ago. Lost it all on WDAY and SNOW last week. It’s just how things work for us regards

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S&P 500 rebalance announcement is tomorrow after market close. I think most likely additions are KRR, PLTR, WDAY, ARES, DECK. And most likely for deletion are WHR, VFC, FMC, MHK, PARA, CHRW. Criteria for addition is sum of prior 4 quarters of GAAP earnings must be positive and the stock must be in the 85th percentile of the S&P 1500

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My earnings season recap: Hit: PANW, SNOW Miss: ZS, FSLR, ADSK, WDAY, BMBL ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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Looking for the next PANW put play ….i lost on WDAY….i had SNOW and ZS next….but now I don’t have to try ZS

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Same goes for WDAY. Both sides. The stock owner wonned

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I sold a put on WDAY at no loss for $5 at market open and a few second later it was trading for $, lmao. Rip to the guy who bought it at market price off me.

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Joe Biden won on the WDAY calls and puts

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Okay WDAY going green and ZM going red would be hilarious ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

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Lmao is WDAY going green? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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WDAY Calls at open?

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WDAY is destroying me

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My Unity puts are going to print but my WDAY calls are going to be worthless. Oh well, at least I got 1 out of 2 correct.

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WDAY beat earnings by wide margin and is tanking?

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Mark my words. Tomorrow morning WDAY will not only recover. But fly.

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So the regards here were wrong about ZM puts and WDAY calls, I’m so shocked. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

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Asked solely on how PANW and WDAY tanked, I think CRM, SNOW and ZS all follow suit. I don't know if any of these companies are the same industry but I feel it in my sack they're gonna tank.

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got wrecked on CARG and WDAY, hope i can salvage from U puts and CBRL calls

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damn i guessed right on WDAY but my puts are too regardedly OTM. I am fuk

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what are the odds WDAY drills another 10% by open? :) LMAO

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Seriously, wtf, drill to hell WDAY

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fuuuuck WDAY is recovering. Needed it to drill more

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Comment

Opened credit call spreads against WDAY this morning. Looks like I'll be collecting almost 100% premium tomorrow. Seems like any saas stocks at highs will be punished for lackluster earnings or guidance moving forward

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WDAY keep dumping baby

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WDAY P/E is 1200, looks undervalued

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Damn, how much you losing on WDAY

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Might make 5$ from WDAY puts

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WDAY was built by the alphabet community to ruin America.

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Hello! Happy to lose $$$ on WDAY together!

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WDAY oversold, beat earnings and posted solid guidance. Will rebound tmrw.

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I am so relieved that I didn't start wild options trading with my main stocks account. I made 4 wrong calls in the last few weeks. (SPY, CISCO, NU and finally WDAY today) and lost all the money in my spare broker account. I think if I had utilized my main stock account for this, I would not be stable

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bruh WDAY beat top AND bottom line, weird reaction AH

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I was right 2/3 WDAY ✖️ ZM ✔️ U ✔️

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WDAY says AI integrated Still sinking![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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Looks like I’m going to be a long-term holder of WDAY now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

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Im just curious who TF reads and sells based on a piece of paper so fast?? WDAY did so well and it fucking tanked lmaooooooo.
