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What is a utility of crypto that fiat does not have?

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Time Travel $14 BTC - Much Grock

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Buying Bitcoin at $14 - Muck Grock

r/BitcoinSee Post

Rich people, please help me!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Social tokens might be the next fad going with MOONs leading the way

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

OneCoin creator #2 KARL SEBASTIAN GREENWOOD also disappeared

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Trust Wallet - UX Analysis

r/BitcoinSee Post

WHY BlackRock's Bitcoin ETF is Guaranteed to be Approved by the SEC

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r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

BTC fell below 29k - all you need to know [SERIOUS][NO MOONS]

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

PARS : Deflationary Revolution

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

BTC fell below 29k - all you need to know [SERIOUS][NO MOONS]

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The Next Bitcoin Halving #4 in 2024 - If history repeats, bitcoin's price at the date of halving would be $28678,41 - 51018,89

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Which crypto do you think will be the safest to make x20 next bull run?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Asset Managers Creating BTC Funds/ETFs: WHY It’s a Game-Changer for Bitcoin and Crypto in General

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All these Asset Managers Creating BTC Funds/ETFs: WHY Exactly It’s a Game-Changer for Bitcoin and Crypto

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

How the USA people got screwed, and why we need crypto

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

(poll) Ledger Wallet drama is actually funny

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

KTPirate | Earn Busd Rewards | Tradable NFTs | Great Marketing Team and Developers Onboard

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Huobi customer support is hilarious

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Antofy$ABN is solving thescalability and high TXN fee problem using “0” TXN fee blockchain

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Litecoin - Why is it behaving like this lately [SERIOUS2] [NOMOONS]

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

YETI Chain $YET Pool Launching on Pancakeswap. with Confirmed CEX listing

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

YETI Chain $YET Launch on Pancakeswap. CEX listing Confirmed.


It's interesting how sentiment changes on a coin and a lot of people claim they got in early but the vast majority didn't. I remember noticing SOL a few times when it was between $0.50 to $4 and thinking to gamble on an Alt in the 2021 cycle to increase my BTC stack since I did 25X in Nano in 2017/18. > Number #91 on CMC Solana which claims 50,000 TPS and 400 MS block times and smart contracts But there were just so many concerns. The circulating supply was tiny and there was hundreds of millions to unlock and dump on the market. Nobody knew the price discovery or the market for it in a sea of coins all claiming high TPS and smart contracts. People thought $1 was overvalued and everyone agreed. > Solana (+441%) dump is going to be historic. Imagine paying over $1 when pre sale paid $0.04-$0.20 > It will come back down to $0.30 and that’s when you should load up > Imagine paying over 1$ a coin with no tech and a supply of 500 million coins. > Solana Unlocks 11.3 Million SOL Tokens secretly and then tries to cover up > What is Solana and WHY is it pumping like crazy? $3 The thing is all these concerns were valid and people got dumped to kingdom come on countless new fangled tech projects like ALGO, DOT, HBAR, MINA, etc. And SOL came out the winner. You really couldn't predict this in 2020. It was only in 2021 I noticed SOL had huge hedge funds and SPAC King Chamath Palihapitiya backing it and they would shill Solana on CNBC every chance they got. Remember, Chamath was in Bitcoin in 2013 and when asked about Ethereum in 2020 he said it was irrelevant and you didn't need anything besides Bitcoin. Fast forward a year later, he's shilling Solana on CNBC after he gets a huge vested interest.

First of all WHY TF use a shady platform like Robinhood to get access to Bitcoin? Second of all HOW TF is owning an IOU even comparable to owning a real asset? I'm sorry but this is a faulty thinking to me, you can do whatever you want but remember that you own nothing if you don't have the keys to your coins.


wait til you figure out the earth is a hologram, meat is healthy, the mustache man was right, and this is WHY we bitcoin


lol!!! YOU mean those BEARS?!!?!?!? HAHA!!! Crying!!!!! for sure!!!! bear tears are yummy!!! HAHAHAHA poor poor bears..... poooooor..... bears..... so cute.... WHY DO BULLS ALWAYS WIN?!?!?! I dont understand. WE ARE JUST AMAZING!!!!!


1? WHY NOT 10?! FOMO harder my guy


You are poor compared to what you could be if you properly understood money and exploited the arbitrage between inflationary and deflationary currencies by using debt. BUT this requires you to understand WHY currency is useful and what gives it value.


WHY??? This just seems like last minute propaganda tryna get people on his dumbass side


> WHY do people on here think that the German government is selling them because they think it’s a good time or even that the gov bought btc. Because last week we saw a series of fake news stories which made that claim. A bunch of redditors didn't verify the source of the story (and most probably didn't read past the headline) and now they are repeating it as fact.


WHY do people on here think that the German government is selling them because they think it’s a good time or even that the gov bought btc. They aren’t! They are just selling seized btc. The decision to sell was probably made a year ago and had to go through endless paperwork. The institution selling, the BKA (like German fbi) isn’t interested in gaining the most profit from selling in the right time or scheme , they don’t care how they influence the market. They just seize the btc and at some point sell them like most irl stuff they seize gets auctioned 


Real question is WHY is my GOX BTC being returned after 10 years? Rule of law is history in the USA with special emphasis on New York and California. So is this return of stolen funds tied to placating the more upset people sort of like a probable Trump victory in Nov 24?


Soooo THAT’S WHY he wanted to buy the BTC from the Germany Govt.


Talk to a divorce to two. This may or may not be the case, and talk to someone who KNOWS the potential financial ramifications of what you are getting into...and not someone who may be using it a a leverage piece to either keep you because they are flailing mentally and reaching for any reason for this not to happen, or they may want to make money off of you. Either way, if the relationship cant be saved (or that is not an option you want) then just do what you need to do to split. It is just money. You can make more later. Flip it around, and if you do 'owe' money, break the loss down into an hourly rate for you staying in the relationship for 1 year. do 2 years. do 3 years. Could you be persuaded to stay in that relationship for that wage? May be a silly thought experiment... not worth it. either consider doing serious work on the relationship (and WHY you got married just a couple of months ago), or get your documents in order, talk to a lawyer or two, find a counselor for yourself, grab a few friends for support and get to it. good luck.


Now that's a newsworthy article. It states WHY the data feed is important. OP's article explains nothing.


I don’t mind the ups and downs to be honest. The thing that bothers me is not being able to figure out WHY it happens. It just seems to defy common sense.


That has nothing to do with WHY satoshi made bitcoin. He used those things sure but that’s not why.


You believe in stable money, and that’s both quaint and fine. It doesn’t work, but cool. At least get your monetary history straight though and learn WHY we abandoned it. You clearly don’t understand Bretton Woods if you instantly go to ad homin attacks. Actually learn it before critiquing. Learn what a dollar actually is. Get a deep understanding of what money is, because I don’t think you have a good grasp of it. BTC is not hard money - it has less intrinsic value than fiat. You think I don’t understand purchasing power vs monetary units?? You’re confusing monetary units with monetary supply. There’s a huge difference. I’ll look into the book suggestion - I love reading different views.


I AM HODLING. I type d that tyitle twice because I knew it was wrong the first time.  Still wrong.  w/e.  GF's out at a lesbian bar, BTC crashing WHY AM I HOLDING? I'LL TELL YOU WHY.  It's because I'm a bad trader and I KNOW I'M A BAD TRADER.  Yeah you good traders can spot the highs and the lows pit pat piffy wing wong wang just like that and make a millino bucks sure no problem bro.  Likewise the weak hands are like OH NO IT'S GOING DOWN I'M GONNA SELL he he he and then they're like OH GOD MY ASSHOLE when the SMART traders who KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOING buy back in but you know what?  I'm not part of that group.  When the traders buy back in I'm already part of the market capital so GUESS WHO YOU'RE CHEATING day traders NOT ME~!  Those taunt threads saying "OHH YOU SHOULD HAVE SOLD" YEAH NO SHIT.  NO SHIT I SHOULD HAVE SOLD.  I SHOULD HAVE SOLD MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY SELL AND BOUGHT MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY BUY BUT YOU KNOW WHAT NOT EVERYBODY IS AS COOL AS YOU.  You only sell in a bear market if you are a good day trader or an illusioned noob.  The people inbetween hold.  In a zero-sum game such as this, traders can only take your money if you sell.  so i've had some whiskey actually on the bottle it's spelled whisky w/e sue me (but only if it's payable in BTC).

some of them will 30x or 50x.. If u split money into 30 of them u can get more in return. Some of those coins can go 50x so u can make 100k with 2k, and that's more money than 20k in BTC or ETH.. That's WHY.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It’s not clear to me exactly WHY I should clean my room

r/BitcoinSee Comment

WHY do you care? P.S. Its gambling... Even Gamblers at the Casino have a method...

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Dont know WHY you would expose yourself like this.....odd.


So WHY are we crashing now???


I just know I like $KMD on Solana. Meme about the classic prank call 17 years go 🚀 WHY YOU KICK MY DOG?

I just know I like $KMD on Solana. Meme about the classic prank call 17 years go 🚀 WHY YOU KICK MY DOG?

I just know I like $KMD on Solana. Meme about the classic prank call 17 years go 🚀 WHY YOU KICK MY DOG?

I just know I like $KMD on Solana. Meme about the classic prank call 17 years go 🚀 WHY YOU KICK MY DOG?

I’m indifferent. I just know I like $KMD on Solana. Meme about the classic prank call 17 years go 🚀 WHY YOU KICK MY DOG?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Why would you say that… No WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!!


Hey there! 👋 Are you a Trader or Ready to Start Trading Forex, Commodities, Stocks, Indices, and Crypto? Welcome to your go-to place for the Best Services and Tips in the Market! WHY CHOOSE US? 🚀 Get Highly Accurate Signals✅ Stay Updated with the Latest News📰 Learn Trading with Insightful Analysis📊 Get Access to Live Webinar Sessions🎙️ Personalized Assistance from Market Experts🤝 Join for Free and Get the Best Trading Experience!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The more prudent question to ask is WHY is it dropping?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

no dude after ath it always falls 80% right!? RIGHT?! 2026 it has to go down right!? RIGHT!? every fucking cycle its always same "oh it's different this time" no it's never different, its always same, always falls!!! always!! this cycle narrative is little different ETF or AI, all you dumb mfs ALWAYS invest with stupid emotions WHY! every fucking time you just marry with this thing! is it going to go to 1mil? NO! half mil? NO!!!! maybe $100k-120 and it'll fall back down. you guys are like sheeps and cattles lol just brain washed by this stupid youtubers and crypto influencers.


Too true. My 6 years old son asked me to buy him Pokémon cards so he can play with his friends. In response I only hugged him, tears rolling down my face, as I whispered to him "WHY ARE YOU NOT STACKING HARDER??!"


This whole "nobody cares about Tezos" is a real enigma. It does virtually *everything* better than all the competition, and yet "nobody cares about Tezos" has become the unofficial slogan for the chain. WHY does nobody care about Tezos? Because SNARF that's why!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Imagine defending big banks and not even realizing what you’re doing or more importantly WHY. Like “I love fractional reserve banking, anything else is anti American.” Wut?


I don't know why I keep trying to explain this to you. I guess I am hoping that you are commenting in an honest way and simply just not understanding what everyone is telling you. >This isn’t even a law. Yes, it absolutely is. Biden veto'd a LAW. That's why we keep calling it a law (or a bill). >It’s SEC guidance that congress voted to overturn. YES. This is correct. Congress wrote a bill to overturn a piece of guidance from the SEC. > I tried to explain this to you at a high level, but you don’t get it. No, you did not try and explain it. You shared your opinion on the legislation, but not once have you tried to explain to anyone what about the guidance the SEC wrote is BAD, and why the bill that Biden Veto'd was GOOD. You can call the bill pro-crypto, but you need to explain WHY it is pro Crypto. The top comment on this post gave a direct example of what the SEC'd guidance was for, and what could happen if Biden signed the bill. >It’s also not “us vs them”. It’s one side attacking crypto. When I say "stop with the us vs them shit", I am saying that your use of this logical fallacy (hasty generalization) does not help your argument. Overall the SEC is anti-crypto, but that does NOT mean that every single thing they do is bad for crypto. Rather than attacking the SEC, discuss the actual guidance itself.

17.5 billion isn't a lot of money. I think that should be wrong because otherwise it would barely take a few weeks for even state like Iran to attack BTC. I don't see WHY a government wouldn't just do it by now if it were that easy.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

WHY are you trying to pay off debt??? Debt is good. figure out how to use debt strategically. Do not save in US dollars. Save in something that cannot be easily created. Real estate is good. Bitcoin is better IF you understand it. Borrow in dollars, save in Bitcoin (or real estate, or a mixture of both)

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Buy a little, learn more about Bitcoin, the problems it solves, and how to use it yourself, and invest more as you build your own confidence. I'm sorry to say, there is no shortcuts, if you take a shortcut, it IS gambling. Also, you said: "crypto". This tells me that you are not ready to save in Bitcoin just yet, take time to learn WHY Bitcoin not crypto and really ask yourself if you are convinced and if not, keep going. Don't look at this as a way to make money, it is a way to avoid losing money. Crypto is speculating on companies and ideas that are attempting to make something from nothing. You're better off investing in company stocks, because at least they have to produce something of value before you can invest in them. Bitcoin doesn't promise anything. It just has natural properties that we all think will prove more valuable than the money we use today. Read Broken Money by Lyn Alden.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

If BIRKSHIRE Hathaway stock can reach $600,000 per share WHY cant bitcoin?


You said it's not going to work. Twice. You never explained why. So I am asking why. No I am not a bot I am a lowly intern interested in your take on WHY self-custody won't work.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yea man. The article should be about WHY the eth etf was approved and is significant...  I dont think it was because of the etfs themselves, i think its because of rwa and L2 biz...

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Why didn’t you do this with lower interest rates during the last bear market? I ask not to be cynical, but because it’s important to consider WHY you have an increased appetite for risk right now. To an outsider, this looks like FOMO. It sounds like you are chasing and using leverage to make up for lost time. This isn’t horrible when deployed strategically, but since you’re asking Reddit I have to think you don’t have much of an exit plan. That being said, I see the next few months as sideways until gap up. I think we’ve already retraced what we will and will now consolidate around 65k-68k until a big move upwards to 83-84k. Personally I am hoping for sideways action until a rate change at the end of Q3, beginning of Q4. Spike to 95k around mid November, then relax until Q2 2025. All this from my crystal ball. Ymmv.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I'm interested to know WHY the government would want to buy all the Bitcoin. At any rate, merely printing money to buy it is a sure ticket to hyperinflation. It would make today's inflation look trivial. In the 1920s and 30s BEFORE Hitler, Germans (who had lost WWI and were blamed for it) were literally using shopping carts full of Reichsmark (German paper currency) in hopes of using it to buy a loaf of bread. A truly miserable existence, which Hitler capitalized on by convincing Germans that he had the secret to solve all these problems. And he did, but that's another story.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Never underestimate the lengths people will go to hate things .. even if they don't understand it or even know WHY they hate it .. they'll hate because it's what they where told to do.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I do believe the doomer credo Bitcoin has outlived it's usefulness as a speculative piece. If you go into Bitcoin, you go in because you think entire nation-states will, and you want to be ahead of the curve. When countries own dollar falls so they lean on Bitcoin, that'll be your argument. So like oil. But this creates a contradiction. Because if Bitcoin does go up in price, you don't wanna sell because that means people need it, but if it goes down that means you're incorrect and losing money. At least with shitcoin gambles there isn't that existential crisis. Also Bitcoin is really expensive. Worth over 60k last I checked. I don't think anyone here has 60k to just piss away, let alone on one lone Bitcoin waiting for the day the dollar collapses so these same banks that hate us will suddenly offer us a high price for it. They'll just take it, or freeze our account, or do some other gangster shit. They won't care, and no redditor is gonna stop them. I'm not trying to demoralize you either. I'm trying to look at all perspectives because Bitcoin is doing really good and probably will continue to do so. But looking at WHY it's doing good.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's actually a pretty reasonable proposal if you read WHY this is needed needed. OP is bullshitting that this only benefits validators. **The main purpose is to fix a prisoner's dilemma situation, and avoid off-chain side-deals.** The problem with Solana is that it doesn't use a public mempool and doesn't have a strong separation between block builders and proposers. And it hasn't solved MEV. Any rational Solana user would purposely pay less fees by side-dealing with the validators directly. And that's a huge issue after the recent 1.18.11 and related updates. Of course, there are probably better solutions for fixing the economic incentives through other means. I see this as a temporary workaround for a broken situation.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

My question was WHY.. why now

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The Bloomberg guys (Eric and Jeff) are very vocal about WHY they had such low odds. Which then made it very easy for that info to be kept quiet this time around. In short their argument was with the BTC ETH we had heard X by A, Y by B, Z by C and this time we have heard nothing. All very logical, but at the same time the SEC were fuming about how telegraphed the BTC ETF was and have obviously sought to change that.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Cryptocurrency has given me far more than financial gains, in fact it is a mystery to me why so many people are trying to get rich, that's totally the wrong approach. I've been into cryptocurrency since 2014, I have used a lot of protocols in that time, and there is really a single driving factor in my mind; disrupt and disintermediate the legacy financial system so that we don't repeat 2008. This is *WHY* crypto exists, it's the anvil on which decentralised blockchain was forged. But it can do so much more, self sovereign identity, fair elections, reduced fraud and corruption, frictionless trade etc. It's sad to see dumbasses like Saylor coming with his snake oil, and trying to derail the purpose of cryptocurrency. But no matter how depressing that is, the purpose of crypto is too important to let fools get in the way, the core set of people who really understand it, will build the future, I will never runout of energy and enthusiasm for that.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Down? With BTC near all time highs? Dude you really need to re-evaluate your choices. WHY are you in any of these? What made you put any money into Loopring?? When you got in, what was your target market cap and time frame??? What was your plan?? It looks like you’re chasing and jumping on anything you get shilled. You are scared and think you’re late to the game, so you up the risk into “2000x!!” plays, except they have already topped and you are just exit liquidity. Pull everything you have in these shitty coins and put it 50% BTC, 25% SOL, 15% some other top 10 coin, and 10% some hyped alt. I’m not gonna shill my projects, but I’m you can find a decent pick. Fuck, pick USDC at this point it’ll be a better performer than your portfolio. Mfkn loopring, cmon man.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I'll do you one better... WHY is Lambo?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It's easy. 1. Listen to a few Michael Saylor talks 2. Mindlessly parrot him. For the record, I'm as guilty of this as OP. Saylor is absolutely brilliant, and he might be the best salesman of any property... ever. Listen to him and your brain inevitably starts saying "buy more". But at the same time, we all need to remember that Saylor has the ultimate conflict of interest. He stands to gain more than perhaps any individual on the planet if Bitcoin price rises. That fact is too hard to ignore when evaluating WHY Saylor says anything. I hate being this cynical, but it's true.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Stop rewarding mediocrity. Your mindset is literally WHY we have such garbage corporate shill candidates in the first place. You don't need to be an expert in game theory to see that. "Ah well NEXT time our candidate will be better!" they won't, they'll just keep getting worse, because you enable it. At least wait to see who else is on the ballot FFS. Yeah, because making things exponentially worse in my eyes is definitely "helping" change the system Accelerationist bullshit imo You don't treat a sucking chest wound by shooting yourself in the face, that's what chucking your vote in the trash by voting for a guaranteed to lose 3rd party nobody is You can accept that you have 2 realistic choices and vote for one or the other that aligns with your views the most, or you can lie and convince yourself that all that bullshit you said was reasonable and realistic

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Stop rewarding mediocrity. Your mindset is literally WHY we have such garbage corporate shill candidates in the first place. You don't need to be an expert in game theory to see that.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> “SAB 121 requires financial institutions and firms that are safeguarding their customers’ digital assets to hold those assets on their balance sheet," McHenry continued. “That means banks would be required to take on significant capital, liquidity, and other costs under the existing prudential regulatory framework. This essentially makes it cost prohibitive for financial institutions to custody their customers’ digital assets. This is a massive deviation from how highly regulated banks are traditionally required to treat the assets they hold on behalf of their customers.” WHY CAN'T BANKS SHITCOIN CASINO WITH CRYPTO LIKE FIAT. Fucking shitcoin magazin.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The crazy thing here is the scammer didn't even technically do anything illegal, here just sent money to the account. That's literally all the scammer did. I'm obviously not in favor of the scammer but there's nothing illegal about sending money to an account. I couldn't wrap my head around how this scam happened at first because in my mind I thought "how could the scammer change the address of the target's wallet? That's not possible" . WHY the target copied from etherscan is CRAZY. The original and correct address would still be saved in the copy/paste clipboard on the computer, so copy and pasting again completely destroys the reason for doing a wallet test transaction. I do wallet test transactions all the time and I always copy from my main address, and when I send the 2nd large transaction I paste again from the same address without copying from it again since its already saved in the clipboard. Absolutely crazy how someone can be smart enough to make 68 million and dumb enough to make that mistake. MOrally speaking what the scammer did was crazy wrong, but legally speaking did the scammer even break any laws?? I honestly don't think its illegal to just send money to a wallet from a similar address

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Bears, when Bitcoin was at $100: > Meh. People keep saying it's still early. Bears at $1,000: > Meh. People keep saying it's still early. Bears at $10,000: > Meh. People keep saying it's still early. Bears at $100,000: > Meh. People keep saying it's still early. Bears at $1,000,000: > WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY TELL ME ABOUT BITCOIN WHEN IT WAS STILL EARLY?!?!?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

How they gonna do that to a buggati? There’s a reason WHY they went all electric cars by 2030 so they said

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This post is such an awful take. “In the simulation, coins are bought at completely random times, and sold at the future peak value (theoretical maximum).” Easy as knowing the pico top for an alt, eh? WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

They are working on a quantom algorithmic block chain as well speak. The size of the already impossibly huge equations will extrapolate on a quantom level! I.E.. an insane number of simultaneously generated, exponentially more complex, equations will be infinitely branching of the block chain, In a unified "quantom entangled algorithm " only limited my the the technology at said time. (Meaning the "infinite multiplying of algorithmic layers" is only limited by the power of the most advanced quantom computer at that time. So the limiting factors would he number of cubits and at what temperature is achievable closes to 0 Kelvin. Along with exotic new materials being suspended in pace time for longer durations of time. Before they jump out of existence. And all that kinda magical quantom shit! Lol) I love physics. But I don't claim to understand it per say.. so that's just a rudimentary derelict Fram of reference. Sorry if I just completely shit the bed on that one. I invite the smarter people to correct me of that's the case. But to my knowledge. Even a quantom computer is limited by current technology. Thus , we will have a maximum amount of problem solving "speed" that speed, for example.. takes currently around 2 hours to work backwards through a block chain algorithmic sequence. Which would take the most powerful moder "regular" smart computer something in the ball park or 10 years running nonstop to arrive at the same answer. Tahts the power of quantom computing! That's the power of simultaneously running an incredible number of possible solutions. All at once. Which is archived by reading the super position of a particular or some shit... Super position is a mystical state of existence in which all possible outcomes exist at once . It's only upon being observed (once you look to read the position, it's in that instance that the "multivursal " 1s and zeros decide to be a one or a zero. ITF insain.and if you don't have a dev3nt understanding of quantom mechanics, then this will all sound like comple crazy talk. Let me just leave on this.... "ANYONE WHO TELLS YOU THEY UNDERSTAND EXACTY HOW A QUANTUM COMPUTER WORKS , IS 100% FULL OF SHIT. WE ARE ONLY PLAYONG WITH FRAGMENTS OF CUTTING EDGE DISCOVERIES. THAT WE DONT FULLY UNDERSTAND TO AS WHY THESE PHENOMENON TAKE PLACE.. WE JUST KNOW THAT WITH IMPUT X AND IMOUT Y UNDER EXTEREME PRECISION AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL YOU WILL (SOMETIMES) CATCH A GLIMPSE OF THAT THAT WE DONT YEY UNDERSTAND HOW IT IS ,..BUT WE KNOW A LITTLE BIT ABOUT SOME OF IT CAPABILITIES! it's akin to looking beyond the event horizon of a black hole .. we just can't do it . Not yet, at least. We know the black hole is there .. it shows its presence in its distortion and skew of other tangible matter. So we know it's there. We know it's unfathomably powerful! Be we don't know a gad damn thing about it. Other than were to dumb and frail to go much closer.. "Sorry for the rant at the end there. That's for those aristocratic pricks in the back. Just zip it!!.. zip!🤫 🤐 lol. But also please teach me what you think you know!🫡🤓 Ps...🖕the Grammer police! #zerofukz #suckanegg. Oh yeah !!...and ... #cryptofuckndidit!theyfixedthetopplerofcivilizationsasfarbackaswevecivilized. Perpetual monetary debase and collapse paradox is finally being solved!it's more than a revolution. It's a revelation! 🤯😯

r/BitcoinSee Comment

WHY do we have to pick between biden and trump again? This is so childish

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

China's economy continues to deflate, which actually isn't bad, even though mainstream economists say it is. I have learned, they are only speaking about multi-nationals when they speak, so bad for them, I guess. More countries drop the USD (which I predicted would happen between 2021 and 2023 back in 2018 because FED said they planned digital dollar. I was wrong on the WHY but right on the time). As the USD is dropped, more countries will start to give middle finger to the USA for better deals, or they get kicked out (See: West African Nations, one by one, first EU, now USA literally several countries in this past week alone kicking USA out). This will cause Americans to have a savings drop to 600B down from 800B (but that number is skewed with BILLIONAIRES in there, because that number should have dropped last year, but added another 50B, maybe because they are giving free money to all the non-citizens they are letting in the country and they are opening accounts?). I also see in the short term, USA losing AI and electric car might to China, even though china is slightly behind in AI. It will only take about 3 to 8 months. I work directly on the ground with a few companies right now, and betting big that they take off (so I can get my payday lol). I would like to point out that the trade war is already on. China was holding off for the longest, but now they have directly started banning american companies, stopped the iPhone for Chinese government officials, and every single time an American politician visits their country, they have a major release from Huawei or other tech giant, and massive sales from the Chinese citizens ensue. Huawei had a new phone release, then Xaomi with a car, then Huawei with Harmony OS major update (that was the last 3 visits respectively). USA has shot itself with the foot, and taken the EU with it. This is due to the dominant society wanting control, mainly in a race-based system, and secondarily for the ones of same race, a class-based one. The multinationals are doing what's in their best interest, aka, drain all money out of the west and suck up like transaction fees the profits as they head to the East and Global South. It's pretty straightforward when you see it that way. Not sure if China and other nations care much about that, but they do want their own economies to thrive.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

That's WHY he's the face of "Yes, crypto is a scam". People hear Bitcoin or crypto and automatically think it is all just people like that.

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

Fuck it do it. Learn to live off bare minimum you will learn a lot and if anything become healthier and stronger. Quote by me “WE DONT KNOW WHY WE WANT WEALTH WE DONT KNOW, WE DONT KNOW WHEN TO USE IT BUT FOR PURCHASING POWER WILL FUCKING HAVE IT” i live off eggs milk meats seeds bananas thats it. Im so fkn strong and fit. Go get rich and realise how unhealthy you become. Getting rich is a side quest.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's a pipedream like when Bernie Sanders says he will switch us to a single payer healthcare. It's a campaign promise that has no hopes of ever passing. Not to mention that just because there's a purchase of a $10000 toilet seat on the blockchain by the government, doesn't give any indication as to WHY they needed a toilet seat that is that expensive. Doesn't mean it's fraudulent spending. Sometimes the military or NASA or whoever literally needs som super specific type of product that can withstand ridiculous things that makes it much more expensive than the ordinary toilet seat. Is there waste in government? Sure at that level of spending I'm sure there is. Would this ever be implemented or ever even result it anything meaningful? Hell no. It's another empty promise by a politician. Don't be fooled. RFK is just trying to make it so that no candidate get enough electoral college votes to win so that it has to be decided by the House and then Trump wins. This is his end goal. A vote for RFK is a vote for Trump. Make no mistakes. You want Trump again then vote for him

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You can't time it. Last bear market when it diped I didn't even thing on selling. If I sell for 40k and then it pumps to 45k I will buy back 1000% "what if it doesn't dip more?" Everything is soo obvious when you look it from the future. In the present moment it is not. So I just hodl. I am not a trader not even want to be. This is the reason why the guy who posted first the "hodl" and where the meme was born, here is a copy-paste from this post: " (1), Nestade (1), euhctcyn (1), chipi48 (1), Fitzy (1)  #1 I type d that tyitle twice because I knew it was wrong the first time.  Still wrong.  w/e.  GF's out at a lesbian bar, BTC crashing WHY AM I HOLDING? I'LL TELL YOU WHY.  It's because I'm a bad trader and I KNOW I'M A BAD TRADER.  Yeah you good traders can spot the highs and the lows pit pat piffy wing wong wang just like that and make a millino bucks sure no problem bro.  Likewise the weak hands are like OH NO IT'S GOING DOWN I'M GONNA SELL he he he and then they're like OH GOD MY ASSHOLE when the SMART traders who KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOING buy back in but you know what?  I'm not part of that group.  When the traders buy back in I'm already part of the market capital so GUESS WHO YOU'RE CHEATING day traders NOT ME~!  Those taunt threads saying "OHH YOU SHOULD HAVE SOLD" YEAH NO SHIT.  NO SHIT I SHOULD HAVE SOLD.  I SHOULD HAVE SOLD MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY SELL AND BOUGHT MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY BUY BUT YOU KNOW WHAT NOT EVERYBODY IS AS COOL AS YOU.  You only sell in a bear market if you are a good day trader or an illusioned noob.  The people inbetween hold.  In a zero-sum game such as this, traders can only take your money if you sell. so i've had some whiskey actually on the bottle it's spelled whisky w/e sue me (but only if it's payable in BTC)" Thank you GameKyuubi. You were on of the first to arrive the cithadel

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

WHY you posted it here, damn... we need hate from this sub to mooning

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What a terrible, mistake filled article... Why did I click,,, WHY??!?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Does he tell you WHY you need to? Makes no sense...

r/BitcoinSee Comment

"Makes no sense at all..." was about the situation not your post... In the last hour...I made three posts about the tripling of fees...the moderator took all three down. Right now in the daily discussion...people are asking the same question... NO one saw this coming or knows really WHY. I only found out about it because a well known person in the crypto space posted a 6 minute video tonight very concerned...said he will follow up tomorrow.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Tech press was shiiiiiiit on Bitcoin back in the day (still is mostly). Hardly better than the "Bitcoin is for DRUGS" narrative of the mainstream at the time. Of course the "Bitcoin is for Drugs" narrative was actually quite a good entry into some of Bitcoin's properties for anyone who thought past the sexy headline. WHY is Bitcoin for drugs? Because no one can stop the transaction. There is no door to kick in to shut it down. Bitcoin doesn't know your name or where you live. No one can print more and the whole ledger is auditable.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

GF's out at a lesbian bar, BTC crashing WHY AM I HOLDING? I'LL TELL YOU WHY.  It's because I'm a bad trader and I KNOW I'M A BAD TRADER.  Yeah you good traders can spot the highs and the lows pit pat piffy wing wong wang just like that and make a millino bucks sure no problem bro.  Likewise the weak hands are like OH NO IT'S GOING DOWN I'M GONNA SELL he he he and then they're like OH GOD MY ASSHOLE when the SMART traders who KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOING buy back in but you know what?  I'm not part of that group.  When the traders buy back in I'm already part of the market capital so GUESS WHO YOU'RE CHEATING day traders NOT ME\~!  Those taunt threads saying "OHH YOU SHOULD HAVE SOLD" YEAH NO SHIT.  NO SHIT I SHOULD HAVE SOLD.  I SHOULD HAVE SOLD MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY SELL AND BOUGHT MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY BUY BUT YOU KNOW WHAT NOT EVERYBODY IS AS COOL AS YOU.  You only sell in a bear market if you are a good day trader or an illusioned noob.  The people inbetween hold.  In a zero-sum game such as this, traders can only take your money if you sell. so i've had some whiskey actually on the bottle it's spelled whisky w/e sue me (but only if it's payable in BTC)

r/BitcoinSee Comment

That halving isn’t priced in my guy. People are FOMOing because blackrock and fidelity are dumping billions raising the price. People psychologically see bitcoin at ATH and want to FOMO in. As I mentioned earlier, most of RETAIL and businesses are not even invested in bitcoin yet. Once they finally start to realize what’s happening, it will be too late. Businesses will want to dump money in and SUDDENLY wont be able to. KEY WORD suddenly. Hence, a SUPPLY SHOCK. Lmao you can’t make this up. RIGHT NOW there’s plenty of BITCOIN. Very soon there’s to be a sudden decrease in supply. WHY? Because there isn’t enough bitcoin for everyone.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Here are some recent podcasts to pass along. Start with the fundamentals... it will take a little time, but IMO a far better approach than to just trying to convince your wife of number-go-up. Here... in this order: **1. Bitcoin Policy Summit Opening Speech (Natalie Smolenski)** [\_wP8q3s&ab\_channel=BitcoinMagazine]( **2. Bitcoin Use Cases (Alex Gladstein)** [\_I&ab\_channel=WhatBitcoinDid]( **3. Bitcoin Use Cases (Andrew Hohns)** [\_channel=TFTC]( **4. Bitcoin 101 (Swan bitcoin)** []( **5. Learn Bitcoin (River)** []( Again, the point of these videos is that it's a start. Sure, there are 1000's of others, but these are super recent, relevant and should at a minimum peak some interest. These will help not only help explain what bitcoin is, but the use cases that it has and how it's changing people's lives right now and potential to drastically change the future, and WHY you should think about owning some now. Hope this helps, and good luck.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

WHY ARE YOU YELLING Insert anchorman meme

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

The question is WHY do you have a large amount in ADA. If you have a large amount in it because you understand the tech, you see the obvious strengths of the protocol and community, and are confident that it will succeed and that you will be using your ADA on novel projects; that's completely rational and not degen at all If you have a large amount in it because you watched a YouTube video with green arrows and a dude making an oh-face, or some similar situation, then yes you are a degen. The second question is, if you are in the second camp, why are you in crypto at all? You might as well do stocks, bonds, roulette, horses, bet on coin tosses, it's all just price action where the likelihood is you will get rekt. Cardano is clearly superior to most protocols in crypto, but that doesnt mean that price will do anything particular, in any specific time frame.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

but WHY? (genuine question)

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yep. At about 43K. Next step is to help them understand WHY they need Bitcoin.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Clickbait Articles in shambles.. "WHY ISN"T THIS WORKING ON u/TwelvestepsProgram"

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I wish people didn’t hate me and gave me free bitcoin. WHY do you hate me.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Just totally wrong, segwit is backwards compatible, look it up before repeating yourself. Yes I know, but you don't understand WHY they are backwards compatible and the implication to you "trustless old node" And you haven't answered the question if you think it is a good idea to hide parts of the consensus from older nodes. >Segwit transactions are just smaller in size so you can fit more in the same block size. Now the sacrifice made is that segwit outputs are missing the witness according to the old nodes, so to old nodes look like "anyone can spend" addresses. If everyone for some reason decided bitcoin is now not segwit, and non-segwit nodes got 51% of the mining power, the old nodes could just steal all the segwit coins. But if you really cared about this you can just use a non-segwit wallet. All the risk is on the segwit wallets because there is no way for a soft fork to put risk on older nodes, the old nodes look out for themselves and won't accept it, it would be a hard fork. An old node is not just going to accept doubling coins or increasing resource requirements beyond the protocol's rules that they follow. I give up. I neither have the time not the patience to work through all these misconceptions. In conclusion: Anything you can do with a hardfork you can do with a softfork, you just have to hide it from older nodes. Having older nodes sync to newer consensus rules is just one arbitrary feature like any other. Some care about it, some don't. It brought BTC a lot of technical dept.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

And one more point, go read up on WHY hashing is needed on QLDB, lol. Its purpose is primarily for easy verification, and then security. The whole ledger is centrally managed, single point of failure. Either your definition of security is extremely skewed, or you are completely delusional.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Jeez you sound exactly like my mother! WHY is this so butt hurt personal?! I dont want you or anyone to "care" about me - I'm just trying to stimulate an hopefully interesting (and perhaps even informative) dialogue in a public forum. Why the rancor? Have the adults left the discussion?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I’m not sure what else I can say to you, you’re clearly not understanding the basic premise of this conversation. “Gambling” is a mildly more pejorative term for “speculation”. I have made it clear that I have always been talking about speculation. Now, you keep saying: “what you’re doing is wrong”. By what definition, exactly? I have already made you aware that I know speculation or “gambling” as you call it is not the most financially sound nor safe move. That does not mean it is inherently wrong (particularly if I see exponential upsides), and, more crucially: THAT IS WHY IT IS TAKING A CALCULATED RISK, AS I HAVE SAID A MILLION TIMES. What I do versus what a FTSE100 company might do with leveraged debt is entirely irrelevant. I would be taking DEBT and LEVERAGING it. Please see the definition of Financial Leverage for further information. In addition, you claim I would be “losing” borrowed money, but by doing so contradict your own assertion in your previous comment that you “believe in Bitcoin’s future”. How can you believe in its future while also believing I will lose the debt used to purchase it? Regardless, I’m almost certain that you’re just trolling as this point because this conversation is as circular as it could possibly be; you are not conceding that you understand what I’m saying whatsoever.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Don’t take it wrong but that question is not relevant to whether people get in or not WHY because when most of the currencies are devalued people won’t have a choice for example if you live in the US you have to use dollars (for now) if you go to others countries you will have to use their currency and that’s the advantage of having BTC WHY imagine having BTC in your wallet and using it in every country that means your BTC will have more power over any currencies in the world again that’s my opinion not financial advice 🙏👌

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

He is helping people out, you're just trying very hard to not understand on purpose. If you have spent the many, many, many hours it takes to understand what Bitcoin is and WHY - you know that we are still very early. Bitcoin is still the "next Bitcoin." Less than 5% of humans (and that is an extremely generous number) hold any amount of satoshis. How many humans alive out of 100 can accurately describe what SHA-256 hash alrgorithms are or what the BTC difficulty adjustment is without Googling? If you still are wondering "what the next Bitcoin is," you don't even know what Bitcoin is for now.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I hear you on this. I've always taken a passive approach to this with friends & family. I almost never promote it as an investment vehicle. I have always been the guy who would never shut up about it at parties, but I've always intentionally stuck to explaining WHY this invention is so important & groundbreaking. I'm not trying to be the car salesman style high pressure guy for bitcoin. That's just not my style. I've never even said the words "I think you should buy bitcoin" to any of them. Part of that is a holdover from the early days when it was a WAY riskier investment & I didn't wanna be on the hook for recommending they buy & then it fails. But the other part is cuz they are grown ass adults & if they stay on the sidelines after listening to me drone on about it for years and also seeing me do well with it, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. Some have bought in over the years & some haven't. Some didn't buy in until 20k+ when I've been promoting since sub $100. Some have been repeating the phrase "well I guess I missed the boat" every 4 years at the bull run despite me explaining in great detail why that wasn't true. You also gotta realize that we are all living in our own little worlds with chaotic lives & financial decisions can be stressful. We all have a theoretical limit to what we can prioritize in our lives to take on. For example, when I first started talking about bitcoin with my family, my sister's kids were still young. She had kids to raise & a family & demanding job to juggle. She always told me everything I said about bitcoin made perfect sense but the thought of taking the plunge was overwhelming to her. We'll, fast forward to after her kids were both grown & out of the house & she finally came to me & made her first purchase. At the end of the day you just gotta let it slide man. Don't get worked up over it. They're not ignoring btc because they're dumb, lazy or ignorant. You just found a passion that maybe they don't share & there's nothing wrong with that.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No. It fucking can't. Go back to school and stop falling asleep in math class and one day you might figure out WHY it can't.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Funding a major life event. THIS IS WHY WE STACK, PEOPLE.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

WHY would any person with a brain answer this moronic question...? Oh hello Hackers....IRS.... Grow up

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You're not a "realist"'re just lazy.. WHY haven't you done your own research....have you even bothered to read the white paper? Doubt it....

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Maybe I've missed something or over read that information but WHY are we moving Moons from Arb Nova to Arb One?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I 100% recommend Broken Money as well. Unlike the Bitcoin Standard, it does a good job of focusing on WHY money has been structured the way it has over time. It helps remove the "these evil greedy bastard" feelings and steers the reader more in the direction of "oh its all just bad incentives based on bad money based on good intentions abused by bad incentives". I also like a lot of Robert Breedloves content, specifically in regards to the macro structure of societies and their values in relation to money. Of course take everything with a grain of salt - its important to come to your own conclusions and view of the world and not just parrot others.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Inflation is not ambiguous. "Money supply inflation" isn't a thing. Some Monetarists and Austrians favor QTM (quantity of money theory) when modeling WHY inflation occurs. Meta analysis on this has not exactly been conclusive, and this remains an extremely touchy subject for many Economics departments. Keynesians tend to favor expectations and labor supply as explanations. This is the orthodox framework for inflation. Then you have modern monetary theory, which is a whole other can of worms, but essentially treats inflation as a result of government expenditure. But one thing everyone agrees on, is when a currency loses purchasing power, the users of said currency are experiencing inflation. Lastly, BTC is deflationary due to the decreasing block rewards. All else equal, goods move to the cost of production. Reducing the block reward increases the cost (holding difficultly fixed) of BTC production, and the price moves toward production costs, since the producers will be resistant to selling at a loss.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

In 4 hours, our NFT's are for sale!!! Great devs and community!! We are doing the things right and you'll hear about us very soon!!! Come to $WHY!!!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Buttcoiners be like ‘BITCOIN IS A SCAM BUT WHY IS IT GOING UP :(‘