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For people wondering why USA crypto law and tax system sucks, and why we can't figure out what is a security


r/BitcoinSee Comment

FCC regulations prohibit encryption and commercial use of the Ham radio frequencies. There are exceptions for emergencies but you aren’t going to have a tested reliable system when that emergency occurs. Other radio networks may be suitable such as those based on LORA. Latency is going to be the biggest issue. Confirmation time requires a round trip to the block chain and back. And then there are going to be splits so you won’t know if the confirmation came from the eventual true chain or a failed branch.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Background: - ETH has increased it's gas limit many times, all without issue, over the years: - Most recently, the gas limit was increased from 15M to 30M in 2022 - This proposal is for a more modest increase to 40M Relevant news: [FCC 4x's definition of broadband to 100Mb/s](

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Nice! I love the CDC app but the US needs the exchange. It’s also the most regulated exchange that complies with FCC laws. I’d rather take a long spread than not be able to sell or withdrawal like other exchanges are doing, no what I’m saying?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; Lookout discovered an advanced phishing kit targeting cryptocurrency platforms and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) via mobile devices. This kit, resembling tactics by Scattered Spider, creates identical single sign-on (SSO) pages and employs email, SMS, and voice phishing to steal credentials, including usernames, passwords, and photo IDs, primarily from U.S. victims. The phishing kit was first identified through a suspicious domain registration closely resembling the FCC's legitimate Okta SSO page. The kit uses captchas to avoid detection by automated tools and mimics legitimate login processes, including multi-factor authentication (MFA) prompts, to appear credible. The attackers monitor victim inputs in real-time through an administrative console, directing them to various pages based on the information provided. The phishing campaign has successfully phished over 100 victims, with the majority of stolen credentials appearing legitimate and primarily targeting mobile device users in the U.S. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Nano sent [successfully](! **Learn more about Nano** - Read [this article]( for the basics. - Visit []( for comprehensive information. **Try a faucet** - [NanoDrop]( sends some Nano instantly. - [WeNano]( has location-based faucets all over the world. **Use Nano** - Queue videos for others to watch or get paid to watch on [CryptoVision]( - Pay per prompt to access ChatGPT4, DALL·E 3 and more via [Nano-GPT]( - Easily develop with Nano using a [Public Node]( (we're using one right now). **Ask questions** - If you have any further questions, come on over to r/nanocurrency! **Random Nano fact**: ISO standards dictate that supranational currencies must start with an X. Hence [Nano's ticker being XNO]( and its currency symbol being Ӿ.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Look around on YouTube and other platforms. Here's the quick route to getting a Technician ham license. Memorize the questions and answers (although in a real SHTF scenario, I doubt the FCC will still be using Official Observers (OOs) to catch violators.) Tech exam:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

As I mentioned in another thread, the track record for any US government when attempting to regulate or control something it doesn't have complete oversight on, is pretty much nothing but abject failure. Sure, the EPA, DOT, FCC, and the like have a successfully regulated a great many things, but the key factor is that physical geographical jurisdiction. This is like the FDA trying to regulate heroin. It just ain't gonna happen.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You and Eminem could rap together. He has FCC you have SEC.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This guy is about to be hated more than that FCC telecoms guy

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Maybe in the first hours of the bank collapse. The FCC and Fed step in and freeze everything. This essentially kills all stock worth. Look at the First Republic bank collapse and how it proceeded after the news broke. You have to have inside knowledge or be very lucky to short it, IMO.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

0xd1cd69FCC79fC46B4BBe1AAF2a05F1f014F53965 is one of the addresses used by the scammers. Unfortunately it is fresh and has no outgoing history. Best option for victims is to wait and hope they send to an exchange, but given that this is a semi- sophisticated actor I wouldn't get my hopes up.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Imagine if during the early to mid-90s the FCC tried everything in its power to destroy the Internet. This is basically what the SEC is trying to do with crypto right now. Destroying an emergent technology with the capacity of changing the world as we know it and generating a ton of new wealth.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Call the FCC, My wallet is red. What is this? Is this the communism that orange man was talking ‚bout? I don’t like it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It’s too OFAC compliant to get tornado cash transactions done instantaneously! It’s so censored it may as well be run by the FCC. /S

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I agree. But if everyone would have pulled out of Madoff's floor 17 exchange simultaneously, it would have done the same as FTX. I wonder how many other hedgies are following in Madoff's steps? If the FCC didn't find anything several times before he was eventually caught, how many others have they also missed?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's because BY LAW they had to give both sides of the argument, give pretty much an unbias view, and so on. After it was pushed for the FCC to not enforce the law, and then the law to be gotten rid of. Media companies went from having their news being unprofitable and at least honest without ANY editorial thoughts. To being pure editorial thoughts. To the point in courts they now are ruling the "news" networks aren't news. The courts are saying a normal person wouldn't view anything they say as truth. This taking away most of the legal that could've been used against them. ​ ​ Like if we still had those rules and they work enforced. You likely would see the news a hell lot more honest, and being fact seekers.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ADK is a privacy coin. Like monero but with real Business in background. ADK and FCC tower will be build in port city and you can buy flats with ADK. Arab investors is going to push with 200 m€ in January. ADK has own exchange. Aidos market. You can buy also on bitlocus or coin tiger

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ADK is a currencie, private one and definitely under value. Investor will place 200 m€ in January in. So huge potential. Furthermore ADK and FCC tower and casino in port city where you can buy flats with ADK

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Soooooooo... shut down the internet and we got this thing under control. They do understand that crypto currencies or rather the underlying blockchain technology and the conceptualized economics of these platforms and services are inseparably entangled and entangled with the Internet as it is today? IF you can get developers to stop developing apps and services... well you can't do that unless you shut down the internet itself, but hell I bet you STILL couldn't put the genie in the bottle because then people would gravitate to mesh networks, which means you THEN need to outlaw bluetooth, wifi, 5g, etc. So say we outlaw all of that... maybe, maybe with a massively increased FCC agency you could track down and triangulate all the blackmarket devices that would spring up to meet demand. Yeah... let's stop progress. Wait, what was our objective again? I think what our governments really fear is something that NO ONE is mentioning. If we required our representatives and our governments to operate on blockchain technology, to be paid in crypto, to manage budgets with smart contracts, then we the people would have 100% transparency into budgets, salaries, and corruption and misappropriation of tax payer funds, which have been used to enrich the few would be eliminated. THAT is their real fear. They're not worried about you zapping $20 worth of ETH or BTC to your mom. They're worried that the sensibility and transparency of modern decentralized currencies may be forced upon them, and they'll loose the opaqueness and corruption that centralized fiat offers.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Helium is great in theory, in densely populated areas, but there's only so much you can do with an FCC compliant transmitter.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I pray that FCC will charge Buttboy someday

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Is it possible to regulate exchanges, but not Bitcoin itself? Everyone is saying “oh you want no regulation but now you want it after FTX”. I don’t think they’re mutually exclusive. Just hands off the users, and the FCC can ensure the exchange isn’t leveraged to the fucking gills.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm still waiting on the FCC to clamp down on some of this other shady advertising going on. I bought a bag of M&Ms, opened it up and none of those little motherfu(kers could talk like they did on the commercial...I was devastated to learn that I had been mislead!!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

such a clown show. all i know is holding ADK and FCC will be a super win, 2023 onwards :)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

As if the FCC gives a shit about what a bunch of mouth-breathing cryptobros think LOL

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It used to not be legal:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

for the 100th time from the CEO/owner of u/aidoskuneen coin/project, him and team know the insider shit that SBF (FTX) pull, same with CZ binance! 99% iof the crypto market is bs magic unicorn money appearing from thin air, along with their own insider MM traders to push the books! $ADK and $FCC are NOT these and won't stand for more empty bs from such "big name" projects and exchanges.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The companies that the government are supposedly tasked with overseeing are the same companies that donate millions of dollars to politicians. And not just any politicians - most large corporations donate money to ALL the politicians - making sure to keep them all happy and in their pocket. There are tons of companies we could look, I'll use United Healthcare or Comcast/Xfinity even though they aren't SEC related. Comcast literally had to change its name because it was so awful and now is a massive monopoly that owes NBC. When you get to a point where you have enough money - you can do whatever you want - no repercussions. I complained about Comcast to one of their agents and they disconnected my internet and put a block on it. No joke. Just for saying I was unhappy with something they did. I was totally current on my bill. I filed an FCC complaint for the retaliation which was an absolute joke, but not as ridiculous as the response from Comcast regarding why the agent disconnected my internet. I swear - in my old age I just refuse to be abused by corporations, but then I realize there is nothing I can do - they have all the power. Poor Ripple just doesn't have the clout yet to get the wolves off of them. There are so many more companies that need to be looked at than Ripple, but this is who the gov waste their limited time and resources on. I'm so fed up, but this shit is never gonna change.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It’s ADK Aidos Kuneen. Company behind bought 2 towers in port city ADK and FCC tower for 110 Mio Euro. Currency of these towers with malls and casino shall be ADK. Also new wallet and website are online. It’s a privacy coin, like Monero but better.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

All in $ADK (and $FCC) and boy it worked well in 2017 and it's going to work again soon Q4 2022 and onwards, wait and see (not trading/buying advice) ;) :D But yeah many shitcoin moves since 2015 days here, made money and lost a bunch too the end made it though :) Do I wish i held tighter onto most of my BTC/ETH...yes. But in the end things hopefully work out for all.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

even if I was not into crypto this is by far the best thing the govement can do for the country; imagine if the internet was stifle because of some arcane FCC rules?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Internet governance is a real thing. DOD issues grants pays contractors and funds way more than you are aware. I made powdered milk for the DOD for 7 years. I'm done with your micro view on this. I honestly don't think you have any clue how anything works on a bigger picture based on these arguments. Wikipedia asks for donations to lobby against the FCC internet censorship every year. If the government had no control over the internet how could the FCC censor anything on the Internet? These voluntary autonomous networks would just circumvent their authority. Just think of the power alotted to who ever would control these networks if they weren't fully governed. I wish the world was as inoccent as you think it is.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I can get wanting regulation from a competent authority looking out for your best interest. But a market regulated by bodies suffering from regulatory capture is even more open to scams and manipulation than a completely unregulated one - you're pushing out the small-time scammers, but in return you're handing the big scammers the vast power of the state. Look at what Elon has done to the 'regulated' stock market with barely any pushback. Look at the energy market using regulation to push out competition, or the taxi industry's attempts to crush Uber with legislative authority, or the airline market's uneven treatment of big and small players, or the extremely friendly relationship between the FCC and media conglomerates or... I'm not saying regulation is bad, or even regulation of crypto is bad. But regulation of a new and emerging sector by a government suffering regulatory capture by the established interests that that new industry threatens *is* very likely to be extremely damaging. The fact is, Fidelity isn't likely to be limited by regulation in any significant way they weren't already by existing regulations that apply to them as investment managers. If anything, they'll just get to turn it into the same no-lose situation you see in other corruptly regulated industries.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No, I'm not talking about incorporation of the ownership around the things you listed. If we look purely at the devices to start like the PC, Mac, IPhone, and Android, aside from the electrical consumption and radio frequency regulations which you've already acknowledged, they also have to comply with the 1934 Communications Act, 1956 Western Electric Consent Decree, not to mention a whole host of pre-1980 and 1990 FCC regulations that largely existed before their existence. If we step out further and look at the Internet and by association TCP/IP, SSL/TLS, and all the software running on top of it, these have been regulated since DARPA (pre-public access) and post (ICANN, IANA, ISOC, IETF, CNRI, and so much more). All these services had some form of regulation and regulatory bodies from inception. Does that mean everyone strictly adheres, of course not. My city has building codes that I know my neighbor has violated in the conversion of his garage to an ADU, but again, those regulations and codes still exist.

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

0xE2CD54C267804c169FCC6088b9335Bc10B7A819e Please help me with bitcoin 🙏 Thank you

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

All the transmitters in the US participating in the network are approved by the FCC

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Building a network access point is significantly more complicated than getting a Bitcoin node running. There’s hardware considerations that have to be known and adjusted for that don’t exist in bitcoin because it’s software based. Not to mention the shit storm the FCC could conceivably bring down on the network because of a misconfigured hardware setup transmitting into the real world.
