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Introducing $FUFU Token: The Chinese Meme Token Ready to Challenge Shib, Doge, and Pepe

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WEB 3 and Revenue generating possibilities with FUFU.

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What does the future hold for digital marketing in the crypto space?

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Digital Marketing in Crypto space

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The New Era of Marketing is Around the Corner


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

“competitors like FUFU” 🤣

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This. There are so many uses for NFTs. Music based (XDB), publishing NFTs (DEIP), fractionalized NFTs (ALBT partners' IXS and Art Consortium). Gaming NFTs (SAND, GALA, MANA). Especially the latter. The market is growing exponentially. So much so that projects like Allianceblock that have been around since 2018 are now getting into GameFi and Axie has still remained in the top, even with competitors like FUFU, Cometh etc.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Maybe. But gaming NFTs are still doing well. Axie may not be as famous anymore, but SAND and MANA are doing good. And Rarible had recently featured the Cometh Spaceship NFTs. Plus, FUFU is gaining some recognition because of their quizzes.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I agree that good utility projects will survive the current bear market, but I also believe that we should take a short break from cryptocurrency. What better way to do this than to play the FUFU quiz game?

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

I don't know about that buddy. What about NFTs in real estate? Seems big to me. Not to mention in the health care department. Birth certificates, medical records. If NFTs are utilized appropriately, they have a lot more use cases than just jpegs, p2es like AXS etc. Take IXS as an example. The fractionalized NFTs are affordable. FUFU's quizzes are beneficial to users and MUST's battle mode is just... fun. There's more to it than shitcoins and scams.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Nothing proves the utility of P2Es like this. It's a big one for SAND, I might have to say even better than the MUST and Metaguild partnership. Wonder what partners are written for AXS and FUFU as P2Es too.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Yeah, that's just what I'm doing, find those projects you know has got real stuff going on and still actually keeping up with development and then buy into them. FUFU is one of those projects that makes the cut for me, it's a low market cap one but has massive potentials to grow long term.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is true. But not really. I know gamer friends that hate AXS and SAND or even MANA. But some that love ones like Cometh battle. It depends on which one to be honest. Even FUFU has good ones, great for users that want to see actual benefit. And it also depends on whether the game is focused on "earning" or actually for fun.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ah! Web 3 is elite though. Absolutely loving how much adoption it's bringing. Even companies like OnlyFans are open to web 3 now. Anyways, to answer your question. FUFU let's you create quizzes, so it's very user focused. And Cometh battle is a collectible card game. I started off with a free mule initially, because I didn't have their spaceship NFT. So it's low investment and low risk.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Do you think investing in a P2E during a bear market is a good idea? I have personally invested in AXS, SAND and most recently MUST and FUFU, former for Cometh battle and latter for the quizzes. But since the market has been consistently crashing, I'm only DCAing in BTC and ETH.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Axie would eventually recover but may not reach their ATH the same as before. There's a lot of competition, especially gamer focused projects. Cometh battle, SAND, MANA, FUFU. Axie paved the way, but won't stay on top forever.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

That's good usecase for FUFU anyway, play to earn are creating lots of traction in recent time. Btw the buyback program will soon be implemented and also their hDEX model of exchange will go live in the near future, which will be a game changer in the crypto space and also be a relief to traders since transactions will be smooth and faster.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This! LUNA 2.0 investors are wild for giving back money to the person that drowned their money to make more money??? Lol. Also, BSV. The creator seems shady. Not to mention (and this may sound controversial) but a lot of P2Es like AXS. Not particularly because of their utility, but because of their focus on earning through gaming more than the actual game. Like I know there are other P2Es like SAND and MANA that are the same, but there are ones like MUST battle mode and FUFU's quizzes that do allow more enjoyment and player benefits. But that's completely personal. So I'd stick to LUNA 2.0 and BSV being all talk no show.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Nice to seem them implementing buy back and burn. FUFU on the other hand is a play to earn project but not the regular style of gaming we're familiar with. It uses it's play to earn quizzes as a medium for ads and marketing.


what is the percentage on XTZ, what else I can stake on SYLO, I am staking FUFU with 25% APY and love to stake it there as well

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

It’s high time we know that nothing good will come from Do Kwoon. Let’s move on and look into some other good projects like GELT and FUFU before they take off

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I would take BTC MANA and then mix it up with VRA AGLD and FUFU as the top ones I'm watching this week. Some of them are top bags for me hence it just makes sense.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

It's always the best advice, I see the dip as another opportunity to get coins at discounted prices, but using DCA is always good advice as well, I recently got EGLD, RIDE & FUFU, that's another opportunity to increase my stakings in fufu staking pool for more earnings

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Yes, they are have a lot of partnerships with projects like SpiderDAO, Redfox lab, FUFU which is also adopting the ID product

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I would say FUFU, it's built on BSC, marketing platform that uses social events like quizzes as a medium for ads. NFT minting feature and in-platform rewards would be live soon enough.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

DCA works for me, not just to buy more bitcoin but also to accumulate alts, those ones I think has potentials to do well long term. FUFU and MNW are currently top ones on my DCA list.n

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

You are absolutely right, partners are vital part of a projects development and I see holoride gets that part just like ORE too, their partnership list is A-List with projects like AIKON, LIQUIID,RFOX,FUFU and more.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Already threw few bucks at LUNA, also bagging some FUFU and VRA at this price, massive potentials for both to do well long term.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

This is a bear market, after that comes the bull market, it's easy. FUFU is one of my top bets for the next bull run. Really big expectations on this one.


Yeah, it's will be of great benefit to both project as you said, take a look at ORE, it's already gaining massive traction because of their ID product, upto 169k account created and on the other hand for FUFU, it's platform will be secured from theft and hacks

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Not afraid to buy the dip but I choose to buy smart. I'm DCAing to accumulate microcaps like FUFU which I plan to stake to build up more rewards overtime

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Everyone seem to be so bearish right now and all predicting a dump, I'm still observing to see how everything plays out. For now I'm taking the advantage to DCA on low cap altcoins like FUFU MNW VRA and MTV for long term hold.

I agree with you on this, it's also good to see someone talking about FUFU, heard of their partnership with the ORE network and integrating ORE ID into their platform for security purposes and that's a good one

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Find a way to earn passive reward on your long term bags and you're good. I stake on Anchor as well as some DEXs and also got into FUFU LP staking program over the weekend.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I bought some BTC at this low price and added RFOX as well. This is the best time to get more of these tokens at a discount, i might add some FUFU if i see a nice entry.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I simply like the fact some alts aren't looking at BTC and just making their own moves, look at GMT and APE for example. FUFU is one of those I would like to see making it's own path as well soon enough.

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

I think I get you now, but then when you make as much as 42,000% APY on a project ( The APY is down to 2600% now), then you can consider that as making money as well and not only preserving money, so that’s why I said I’m making money from my investment on FUFU

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Do you mean high rewards for staking, farming or what? If that's it, the FUFU LP staking pool currently has up to 2000% APY but remember, the higher the rewards, the more risk there is so DD always

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

LPs are actually good ways to accumulate passive reward on your bags, only thing is you need to understand the risk of IL which is associated with most pools. I'm currently in the FUFU/BUSD pool on impossible finance via pancakeswap

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Investments are done to make money, because you can't tell me otherwise when I'm earning passive income from staking FUFU on its platform

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I'm bullish on everything web 3.0 right now and it'd be nice to see more women coming in and showing interest in what could potentially be the future of the internet. FUFU is one project that's looking to become the marketing hub for web 3.0 projects and I'm actually very bullish on it long term

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

FUFU is on my personal watch list for the week, three new fixed staking pools just rolled out that's going to reduce the amount of token in circulation and subsequently increase buy pressure

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I think its about to get even more exciting for gaming projects considering the level of adoption they've we've witnessed recently. Makes me even more bullish on NFT marketing projects like FUFU using a P2E narrative

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Literally me waiting for my FUFU bags to do a 100x so I could cash out my first crypto million ever lol

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Traditional banks can’t ever give me what I’m earning from staking FUFU, so for sure I know crypto is the way

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I think people who do not invest in crypto are the real psychopaths... I mean while there is a project like FUFU they go and invest in real life competitors like marketing agencies etc.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I think users will be able to earn when they take part in voting. I know a project with an answer to earn narrative whereby you can earn cryptos and NFTs when you take part in quizzes, project name is FUFU and this just reminded me of it


The partnership with ORE might also be for marketing but it's mainly to secure the identity of users on the FUFU platform utilizing the ORE ID and also for seamless cross chain interaction.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Sometimes its time to rest and just make passive income from staking. That's what I'm doing now, and so far FUFU has given me some good returns. I'm still looking for other good projects though, so you can also suggest one

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Marketing DEXes will revolutionize how crypto is perceived in general. UwUFUFU is a great initiative. DeFi has been booming with Unique projects lately. Besides FUFU, KOLnet grabbed my attention too. KOLnet is a DeFi project built to take crypto marketing to a whole new level. This new generation launchpad monetizes key opinion leaders, decentralizes crowd influence by utilizing token swaps through MultiChain token pools.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Would take everything in the list and add FUFU to make it the 11th one, they're taking things next level already with it's most recent partnership with ORE to boost up marketing for web 3.0 projects

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Good list, I'm familiar with some of the projects there and they're actually very good ones. Others that I think are worth looking out for includes ATOM JUNO VRA and FUFU which is a microcap

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

What you will make on FUFU in 24hrs, AXL won't give you in 4years

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Well you can stake FUFU for 42,000 %APY. It’s legit because I’ve been using it’s platform since last year and also I’ve been earning passive income from its various staking pools

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I agree with that. There are some okay ones but most is shit. I like P2E logic but applications are bad in games. I like FUFU style stuff more. It's like P2E but you play photo quizzes that I actually enjoy checking time to time. OR create and let people play them so you earn...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Really? LOL No thanks. I prefer to stick with my low caps. Like for example even if it never rises, my FUFU holdings will bring me around 20x because of the high APY. I don't think they will go down but will go up. Even if it does not, I prefer 20x from FUFU over 20% from ETH

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There are ways to do that actually. For example using bots. Or if you do not trust them like me, you can just stop trading lol. Investing, staking and forgetting them is the best strategy and I made with this more than trading. Imagine, I get 2000% only from FUFU, one alt I hold...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

To be honest, as long as we see bull runs,, I don't care who leads it lol I just want to see my bag grow. I stake FUFU and it brings good FUFU rewards with huge APY. But if the coin value rise, it won't serve my purpose as much...

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

BSC chain does seems to have lost it's juice unlike before where you have tokens doing a 100x almost on daily basis. I'm still bullish on few projects from that chain tho, FUFU for example could do very well overtime

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yes and I don't see crypto going down completely. I have added FUFU and I will be holding for a long time. As a content creator, FUFU P2E has given me a voice and a place to market my content.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It serves as both investment and currency. That is the difference between crypto and fiats. You see, FUFU is one great P2E that provides users with means of earning. Game, pool, stake, and content marketing ability. It is more than just a currency.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

FUFU is actually a social game played on []( and unlike most, they can be used for advertisement and deploying ADS.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

you are correct, just play games, have fun and earn as you do. My fav. are AXIE and HUNT because of the defi aggregator services they offer which enable players to earn daily ROI 1-2% on investment. Btw, this is the first time I'm hearing of FUFU

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have been staking with FUFU for really high APYs around 1500-2500% so it was already kinda bull for me since I was literally making 15-20x It was just a matter of time and here it comes...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You know what? You don't even need actually lol I know most of these terms and their applications but I still simply DMOR on a project, buy, stake if possible. Like I stake FUFU now for quite a good APY and that's the most basic project lol Doesn't matter how complex or how simple. What matters is you making money. Period

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I tend to believe that any NFT with utility attached is actually going to do very well overtime and I like how some projects are taking it next level, FUFU for example allow brands carry out gamified marketing campaigns via NFTs , pretty cool if you ask me

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm still not rich but anytime now! Just need FUFU to rise like 20x lol That's not a big number considering the potential though

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly! I don't see the point. Especially when you can make good gains without trading as well. For example I stake FUFU with 2000% and besides that the token value will rise and I will make quite good amount of money with much less risks...

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I agree on this one, learn about DCA, research on projects, accumulate and then stake. Staking is cool and it makes a lot of sense to hold assets you can stake. I'm glad FUFU now has a major staking pool where I've thrown in my bags

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Engage in simple activities and earn. It could be active or social games like FUFU. I have been playing FUFU for a while and I admire their social setting. The project makes use of some marketing strategies that have never been used in the space before, and that is why YouTubers like it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I actually entered the space as a blind man, but here I am making my own decisions. I now research and conclude on what to invest in. FUFU is one of my latest investments, and they are gaining high attention because of their marketing approach. Brands market their products using the platform and YouTubers. I would have never thought of this when I started crypto, but here I am.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It will be great to have Germany invest in Crypto. I like the method they use, and I am sure they will keep up with the general market. I was surprised to see most Koreans making use of FUFU P2E and their social events. I know the world is embracing crypto, and it is a good thing.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Why would anyone get angry for seeing the rich go into Crypto? I am always happy to see investors. Now FUFU has caught the attention of most brand owners, and it is pretty exciting because content marketers use it for marketing.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Same here buddy and I even like taking bigger risk by going for large APY’s when staking, now I’m staking FUFU for 2400% APY and hope it remains like that for a while so that I can cash out big like I’ve always been doing

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hodling is kind of good but I prefer staking tokens I hodl. For instance, I hold FUFU and I staked them for 3000% APY on

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

That's cool,Where do you stake FUFU? I will check it out, but for now, I'm just focused on DOT and TXA staking. passive income is the best

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We are always focusing on big and noble stuff like science but we tend to miss less important looking areas that effect our daily life dramatically. Like advertisements for example. There are projects like BAT or smaller ones like FUFU trying to change this industry for better. I believe these are as important as those others

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

The best way to get involved long term is to stake and don't look at it, I have been doing that with FUFU and everything good till now

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I agree, I am doing the same with FUFU , they are actually providing good APY. What king id multiple reward pop gives?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

BTC ETH BNB are my top holds, balanced with some midcaps to lowcaps like FUFU VRA MTV

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Crypto isn't a get rich quick scheme, that's what most people fail to realize. If you want to make it in this space, you got to think long term. ETH LUNA SOL ATOM AVAX MNW FUFU are my long term bags, could hold up till 2yrs and more, staking most of them already

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Yeah, that's the one major problem, so many gamers are against blockchain gaming projects for so many reasons, one I think could be the lack authenticity. Some projects are trying hard to fix those, FUFU for example isn't just play to earn gaming but also allow brands run marketing campaigns via events on the platform

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

No way I'm investing $100 in BTC when I can get into other low cap projects and make so much. AVAX LUNA BNB VRA and FUFU are good options with FUFU having the lowest mcap from the list.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

This is the way, stake while holding. I'm also staking on Celcius, Kucoin, Kraken and some FUFU in it's recently launched staking pool

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is good news. I also enjoy P2E games, and FUFU is the most lucrative P2E game, and I admire their approach. It is also used for marketing and deploying ADS.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah! I think anyone would want to miss out on that. AXL is good for passive income if they offer 50% then. For FUFU, they are good. Their prestaking gave up to 600% APY.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Are we actually on the path to recovery? ETH at 3k looks really good. Anyone holding FUFU or looking into it? Curious to know if I'm the only one holding this token on this sub lol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Blockchain Gaming has improved greatly with the idea of play to earn and NFTs becoming part of the trend. FUFU is currently one of my favs and it has a p2e platform where anyone take part in social events and earn

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Play to earn games has pretty been the most popular trend in the crypto space for a while now, some of these games are good but tbh most aren't worth your time. Excited that projects like FUFU has an entirely different play to earn narrative

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Holding and staking goes hand in hand for me, and I also like the huge APYs like presently I’m staking FUFU for 2400% APY, so let’s even assume the market condition remains like this for sometime I will still make a good amount of profit

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Decided to buy some more ETH MATIC and MNW and FUFU because why not. Good vibes only friend

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That's your opinion so I'm not going to try change it but what I do know is that you're completely wrong if you think all NFTs are useless and worthless. I won't mention any of the popular ones with very good utility but personally I've experienced what NFT utility feels like courtesy of the FUFU play to earn platform

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My favorite use case remains gaming but I also fancy what some projects are doing with NFTs, FUFU for example allow brands to deploy marketing campaigns in form of NFTS while also have a p2e model for users

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

I think anyone at this point who sees NFTs as just some random JPEGs obviously chose to be on the wrong side. BAYC is a good example, we've also seen gaming projects offering insane utility for NFTs, FUFU for example allow brands deploy marketing campaigns through NFTs and quizzes

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Stake while hodling is the best strategy for me, glad I'm doing this with most of my bags and it's paying off. Staking DOT on kraken, ATOM and LUNA on Binance, USDC on Celcius and FUFU on it's recently launched staking pool

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think we can still succeed if we are getting in early on large APY's before the go down I've been earning some good amount of profit since I started and presently I'm staking FUFU for 3000% APY

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well explained. I prefer the idea of staking to lending. I earn passively with staking and my latest staking program is that of FUFU where they are offering up to 3000% APY. This is really exciting and better than bank interest.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I believe the bull run will be back soon. I can see some massive greens. The bull market will be back soon. I have got this special P2E crypto in my bag. FUFU social gaming is damn going to rock with all the Youtubers and Tik Tokkers on the platform.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I did not take chances with the dip. I bought several alts. XRP, FUFU, DOT and others. I believe P2Es are going to rise considerably. I joined the social gaming project on

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Those that invested early enough made fortunes from meme coins, even utility tokens needs you to invest early to enjoy the full benefit. For example I'm presently staking FUFU for 3000% APY because its main staking pool is new and just started this month

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I remember talking about FUFU with my family just before Christmas last year and they all took me for the time waster, luckily for me it went 2x a day to Christmas and since I was investing a lot in it I made a good amount of profit. Now I'm staking the same token for 3000% APY and also teaching my cousin on how to use DeFi tools

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

The idea is that, when you DYOR on a project, you gain more conviction to hold for the long term even if it goes down, until it hits your TP, I remember buying FUFU recently, knowing that the project is aP2E NFT/DeFi project with huge potentials, it went down and many murmured about it, but for me, I know that was an opportunity to buy more and take advantage of the ongoing staking pool with massive 1800% apy, knowing that the project will definitely bounce back very strong.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have most of my investment in cryptocurrency. I invest up to 70% of my monthly earnings into crypto. I recently invested in the social gaming project FUFU after long research. They partnered with Enjin recently and they will be launching their NFTs soon. I saw it as a good investment then I aped in.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I do more of staking these days! I recently joined FUFU staking and they are offering up to 1600% APY for staking FUFU token. That's a lot for anyone.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I literally invested 70% of last year's earnings during the dip. I had to pick the gems I was convinced about. FUFU took the majority of the funds as I know the potential of the project. FUFU is a social P2E project with a unique style that content marketers use to market their products.
