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Trade, Cpool, Credi, Rio, IXS


Doh. Sell everything and put it all in IXS. Thank me in a year.


Looking for things that haven't pumped and have a huge upside I have two I have invested a lot in CTI-Clinical Trials technology and a RWA asset. I am a huge fan of this one as the team is active, continues progressing and it has survived a few bear markets PLU-Plutus is a crypto banking company that offers its rewards in their token. Launching in the US supposedly in 2024 but they have said that last year and it keeps getting pushed back. Wildcard IXS- It is a swap exchange for RWA assets that supposedly has quite a bit of licenses to operate. I bought at .02 and it is at .34 today. Just listed on bitmart

Here's the ILV holder too. What are your expectations from it? I held Atom for the same reason, but a few months ago I decided to sell and move into a few low-cap alts. It seems the RWA narrative become a hot topic, so I got RIO and IXS and also got two low-cap L1s Tara and Qanx. I hope I will make it at least two of four.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Which RWA are we all bullish on? I'm liking IXS and SMT

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My tactic for this bull run is to go with low-mid caps. It all depends on how much risk you are willing to take. From Layer 1 I am big into the Tara, Glmr, and Qanx. RWA sector, RIO, and IXS. The biggest cap in my bag is EGLD...


>What are your views about this project? I would love to hear them both positives and negatives I've known AllianceBlock to be one of the most outstanding In terms of products over the years. My first interaction with its product was with the Alliance Bridge which is used back then for cross-chain transactions for tokens UDO, IXS BMI, and several others. At the moment, Nexera ID is like everything I need when it comes to navigating with secured identity.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Polymesh, Polymath, IXS, among others, will pass mustard.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TLOS, IXS, Polymath

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

I think eventually it will. I've been reading up about web 3 a lot and saw an article with DEIP about OnlyFans being a creator economy company that is accepting of web 3. ALBT partners like IXS and DOT are pretty involved in web 3. TradFi is attempting to bridge with DeFi and Vice versa. Look at the OpenWealth association. Eventually we're going to see apps moving to web 3. Maybe not now or even in the next five years but languidly we will see a lot of adoption. Just my opinion.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This. If you really expect something long term, always aim for good utility projects. OCEAN for web 3. AVAX for their Trader Joe DEX, LINK as an oracle, ALBT for their DeFi terminal, IXS for F-NFTs. And the top BTC and ETH making up majority of your portfolio. My only question is, why did LUNA investors get burnt and still invest in LUNA 2.0? Lol.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This. There are so many uses for NFTs. Music based (XDB), publishing NFTs (DEIP), fractionalized NFTs (ALBT partners' IXS and Art Consortium). Gaming NFTs (SAND, GALA, MANA). Especially the latter. The market is growing exponentially. So much so that projects like Allianceblock that have been around since 2018 are now getting into GameFi and Axie has still remained in the top, even with competitors like FUFU, Cometh etc.

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

True. Rarible is a good one. So is Nifty. Also, projects like IXS and ARTCO that offer fractionalized NFTs too. They've got good partners like ALBT and have so much more potential.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

So true. When in reality, I've seen several musicians eliminate the middleman when selling their music through NFTs, authors that have been able to go through publishing NFTs with projects like DEIP, no need to go through months of sending your manuscript out to the big five publishers. IPs and medical records. Fractionalized NFTs like ALBT partners including IXS and ARTCO offer. Gaming NFTs like with MUST, GALA or AXS. So much potential.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm so tired of seeing ICP all over 4chan LOL. Especially because they're not particularly special. ALBT partners like IXS have the same features. Web 3, Fractionalized NFTs. Same with DEIP and Art Consortium. What on earth makes ICP special then?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I dont see them "dying out" so soon. SAND is doing pretty well, hitting milestones and improving in the metaverse, MUST is having a Cometh tournament with a 15k prize pool, they're obviously generating enough to have these competitions. But yes, we need more good use cases. IPs like with DEIP, Fractionalized like IXS, music based like XDB.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

I don't know about that buddy. What about NFTs in real estate? Seems big to me. Not to mention in the health care department. Birth certificates, medical records. If NFTs are utilized appropriately, they have a lot more use cases than just jpegs, p2es like AXS etc. Take IXS as an example. The fractionalized NFTs are affordable. FUFU's quizzes are beneficial to users and MUST's battle mode is just... fun. There's more to it than shitcoins and scams.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

However, the 1% where you can have NFTs that are music based, eliminating the middleman for artists (XDB), publishing NFTs, IPs (DEIP), fractionalized NFTs (IXS) and even gaming to some extent, with enough competitiveness and actually focused on the game itself (MUST) are the reason why NFTs will still continue to be hyped.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Honestly, not too familiar with GME but if you're looking for NFTs beyond JPGs then there are plenty. XDB has music based, DEIP has publishing, intangible assets like trademarks and F-NFTs, IXS has fractionalized NFTs too.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

What's the difference? Because aside from this, I've seen IXS and DEIP also offer fractionalized "NFTs"

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Staking is a great way to get passive income. You just lock in and wait for the sweet rewards to mount. I'm staking with $IXS currently. They're based on the ETH blockchain, but they're experimenting with other blockchains like Polygon. Definitely worth checking out.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Is this a key? {"version":2,"payload":"U2FsdGVkX1\/nV\/7N6Q+4ZsouJmW7eurzdu7T305dmlHEKmnjZU14IKqKcoiRImID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\nM3YJEIoJHWc\/2gf7Erkb33LRdg0gy1wrAp99J\/gwCys=","external":false},"external":false}al":false}xternal":false}

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah, these monkey and ape things aren't it. NFT potentials include fractionalized NFTs like intangible assets such as trademarks with DEIP or music based ones with XDB. Also, IXS has fractionalized ones and BRKL's use cases are spectacular.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Damn. To think I believed only fractionalized NFTs from IXS or DEIP would moon now. Especially with the latter having music based ones. Didn't expect MoonBirds to collect that much of an initial capital

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

That's pretty good. What NFT? I've seen DVDX's partner ALBT also has a pretty good selection of environmentally focussed NFTs. And IXS has fractionalized ones.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah I love staking for that reason! Kinda like hedging in a way 😅 Especially when you get juicy APYs like IXS is currently having on their new pools , can’t go wrong

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah IXS has one of the most dedicated teams I’ve seen. The APYs are even higher for now since the pools aren’t full yet… Around 75% in some of the pools last time I checked 🤯

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah I ain't worried, seeing the bear market is like a crypto sale IMO. Bagging more of my favorite projects like IX Swap and staking them instead. Staking is a best way to get some gains during this time especially when they provide a fix APY like IXS. Hold strong guys!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly. People think you can just screenshot an NFT or something, not understanding that it's not just jpegs. You get music based NFTs (XDB) fractionalized NFTs (IXS, ALBT partners), sports NFTs (ICONS). The use cases are vast.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think staking is a good way to show your support and confidence in a project too. That's why when I saw my gem IX Swap opened a new staking pool I didn't think twice locking my $IXS for 18months. Pretty confident this project will moon, just waiting for the mass to be aware what security tokens and tokenized stock has to offer for investors in the crypto space! And why would you just leave your tokens in your wallet right? Better to stake them and get some gains so it's a win/win really. You get to support the project you believe in and get paid at the same time. Cheers!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yes! Just finished KYC for their mainnet platform! Happy to know, more investors are getting to know $IXS! This project is super undervalued but I guess people aren't too familiar with security tokens or tokenized stocks yet. However, I ain't worried, pretty bullish with the potential of this project. That's why I staked my tokens for 24months, that's how confident I am!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah IXS is one of my favourite coins I have staked as well! Definitely one of the best APY too... But besides the rewards, I know the token will go up in the long run, so I have no issue locking up my tokens for a set time. In fact, it kinda forces you to commit and enjoy the long term rewards later haha

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Omg can't believe you know about IXS! I mean, they are a revolutionary project, but so far I have not seen many people talk about it. True there are a lot of shitcoins now more than ever, but IXS really is a gem in the haystack. SO excited for the launch tomorrow!

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Yeah IX Swap is one of my favorite projects currently. Been bagging more $IXS before their mainnet launch on the 31st. I am really looking forward to their platform and the STO's that will be listed. It's really amazing to see a project who is creating a solution to the lack of liquidity in this market and allow trading. See you all on the moon! Cheers!

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

There are so many amazing projects right now, but my personal favourite at the moment is IX Swap (IXS). They are actually launching their platform March 31st, and will be the first automated market maker and liquidity provider for tokenized stocks and security tokens! This is absolutely huge , because even though security tokens have been around for a little while, there is currently very little liquidity for them... IX Swap will solve that problem and become kind of the Uniswap for security tokens! That is a huge step in the STO industry, and in bridging CeFi and DeFi. As always please DYOR and this is not financial advice, like anything you will read on reddit, but honestly I have never believed in a project as much as I believe in this one.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I feel that all the way! But hey, the good thing is you got started. FUD will keep you watching from the sidelines and then regret you didn't get in at the "right" time. Sure some times are better opportunities than others haha but if you're in it for the long term, you'll be fine. As you said, you can't expect a bullish market forever, dips will happen. IXS is actually one of my favourite gems at the moment too! Now is the time to buy the dip before the big launch haha. Also can't wait for the mainnet already and buy my first STOs !

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Staking is definitely a good way to get some passive income. Just lock in and enjoy those sweet rewards accumulate after awhile. I'm actually enjoying my current stake with $IXS. They're actually on the Ethereum blockchain but they are finding ways to diversify with other blockchains such as Polygon. I mean ETH is good and all but gas fees is a real burner right? Anyway, their recent staking program is through the Polygon network and has 4 different terms 6,12,18 & 24 months. I'm really bullish with this project so I locked in with the 24 months! This pool gives a sweet fix APY of 32% and they actually have a bonding curve setup where in if you stake early you get more APY because the pool is not filled yet but once it does get filled it will stay in with the fix APY of 32%! Since the pool is not filled yet I'm enjoying the 150%+ APY hopefully it doesn't get filled anytime soon so that I can enjoy more of these rewards hehe.. Anyway, its always best DYOR if you want to learn more I highly suggest you guys check their website here: []( and if you want to see their new staking program feel free to read it up here: []( More power to Crypto and to us all!

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

I didn't know they have a partnership with Allianceblock. I hold that for a couple of months. Isn't IXS related to tokenized stocks?

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

You're right about it being listed on several exchanges. In fact I saw it available on Pancakeswap with USDC pair after utilizing the AllianceBridge from the AllianceBlock partner just like IXS that allow bridge into Polygon network through this bridge fee months ago.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The bubble isn't bursting for BTC alone, it is bursting on the entire crypto market although while some of my assets have dropped by over 50% USD value in the past 7days, BTC, ETH and BNB for large caps while IXS and NII are the only low caps I have holding strongly against the 30% devaluation.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TBH, I have a few. IMO, it's important they have some use cases and utility. Even small caps have them, you just need to look it closy. RAMP It doing great work in defi space, it could really explode this year. UDO asset management for banks and enterprises, platfrom launching in a couple of weeks. IXS some sort of Uniswap for tokenized stocks and security tokens.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The low fee is the bait but the easy easy bridging through AllianceBridge from AllianceBlock is what made it super easy for my add more UDO on Pancakeswap (BSC network) and IXS on Quickswap (Polygon network)
