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Creative Tokenomics Competition

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Much Hyped Mr. Hankey Coin Presale Now Just Hours Away as Investors Prepare to Secure New Meme Token | Big Marketing Campaign | Strong Community | Be Part of it

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Much Hyped Mr. Hankey Coin Presale Now Just Hours Away as Investors Prepare to Secure New Meme Token

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My high risk crypto bets for 2023

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World War 4 - For The Peace Of World - Hottest Topic Token - community owned - peaceful and amazing - Launching Now.

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Pitch us your amazing Crypto Project Idea! Kronos Sales' ThinkTank Can Help you get started! Cronos Chain Safe Crypto Projects

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First collection of 101x 20 = 2020 NFTs of “The Biggest Project in the World”, on sale from February 15, 2022.

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Do you think your favourite Crypto/Web 3 Project is decentralised? Wait until it get's HACKED.


Solana. I literally just emptied my $3.5k DCA ETF into Sol & FALX. Like omfg did you see how solid Solana's support line was yesterday in comparison to BTC and ETH? It was like a fucking TANK! Think about it this way: S&P 500 is a bubble at ATH's atm, SOL & Crypto's are on discount. GOGOGOGOGO!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I’ve been hesitant to invest into bitcoin simply because I didn’t first invest into the time of figuring out what bitcoin is all about and reading enough for myself In stock investing I do not panic when I see my investment in the red, simply because I know the company, I know it’s not going bankrupt anytime soon, I see it still has market share, pricing power and etc and I stay in. Last week I felt confident enough in my knowledge to finally invest, and I want to give this advice to anyone, once you read enough about whatever your investing in and believe in your story, it’s that much easier to bare through drops such as this one. I didn’t put in a huge lump sump, as I do not know where the market is headed, if it goes 30-40 percent red this is big buying zone for me. Don’t get me wrong I do believe in bitcoin, but DO NOT just invest ANY big amount into it as some time into your investment it could TANK and depending on your savings you could be left with not enough money to change your average price in a meaningful way. Good luck everybody

r/BitcoinSee Comment

**YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL FOR SUGGESTING IT TO TANK...!!** &#x200B; >!Just kidding.!<

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I'm actually considering moving a substantial 401K investment OUT of GBTC- like right away!! Here is my reasoning... Today we are less than -10% to NAV on GBTC so the "buy the GBTC discount" trade is close to over anyway. If the BlackRock ETF (or other) get approved and the SEC decides to FK Grayscale for suing them and NOT approve GBTC , the GBTC will absolutely TANK. The outflows from GBTC into some ETF will be insane if for no reason than much lower fees. Even if Grayscale decides to sue the SEC again for unfair treatment (as they have threatened) the damage will already be done and the case will take another year. GBTC will have lost its 1st mover advantage (very important) and all the funds will flow to a lower fee ETF that was approved. Then what... Is Grayscale gonna somehow recover a few billion in losses? What about the GBTC holders... What do they get?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

1. You still need to make minimum monthly payments on that debt. Bitcoin is not a yield bearing asset, if he has no savings he would have to sell to meet his obligations. 2. What if Bitcoin crashes before then? What it OP doesn’t sell the top? OP even suggested letting the balances go to collections and negotiating it down. 3. His credit score will TANK if he does what he says. Even if it goes well, he is going to struggle to find a place to live, financing on a loan, or even find a job if it DOES go south. Basically the only two options I see here is it goes well, OP thinks he’s a genius even though it’s an objectively horrible idea from a risk management perspective, or he is bankrupt, and his life is ruined. Do we not care about managing risk in this sub? Either become rich or become bankrupt? I even suggested diversifying in this sub and people lost their minds thinking I was a Bitcoin bear. This sub is fucking nuts. People need to get a grip, stop the circle jerk, and actually have some common sense. You can reap the benefits of Bitcoin without going all in and making IDIOTIC decisions

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So… ETH MAX but not ETH …. Yeah when are the people gonna realize this is all just a tyrannical attempt to prevent the average everyday Americans from achieving success or financial independence!!!??? They didn’t even care about crypto until they saw the PLEEB’s joining their little club …!!! Then when they saw it could help lift the commoners off dependence on their meager handouts which threatened their control over them … suddenly it’s ‘ we have to shut down the threat to avg investors ‘ …. FUCK THAT !! If they truly cared about ‘threat to avg investors ‘ they’d do something to stop the hedge funds from BORROWING SHARES FROM THOSE PEOPLE TO SHORT THEM AND TANK THEIR VALUE !!! FUCK GARY GENSLER FUCK JANET YELLEN FUCK THE FED FUCK THE SEC !!!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TANK.......... Now that's a good crypto name

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I read We should be TANKING him and just thought Yeah, Let's TANK that SOB. Upon rereading, got disappointed though.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well its not like we can afford a TANK to send our regards from a distance.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ALL of the shark tank crew were caught simping for various pumps and dumps from real estate to crypto in recent years. Though Kevin is definitely one of the worst offenders with his "shout out" endorsing any scams. At this point, we should consider renaming it to SCAM TANK.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hey OP, thanks for that last paragraph. Seriously. Because I’m new and for me, right now, barely in to DCA so far and I have realized I am actively purchasing something that is currently losing value and this makes me feel… like a fuckin dumbass. And then I buy some more. I can’t for anything figure out why I keep doing this. It’s like I’m watching it TANK and all I want to do is *own more of it*. Wtaf is wrong with me.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

TANK TANK TANK TANK!!!!!!!!!! Yes buying in cheap

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

True. They're also going to buy coins and dump them into defi protocols and TANK the yields.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Bruh paypla does illegal shit ALL THE TIME. I remember when they claimed “fraud” on a transaction of mine (mom sent me $2500 to help me out with a debt I needed paid). visa flagged it on her card, but she called and said it waSnr fraud so that was all set. Hwivwee paypal took it and held it for 1 year, despite us calling and talking to prolly over 30 different reps and provided ALL proof and documentation it wasn’t fraud. Shit we even had her bank AND visa on a 4 way call, and every single time PayPal said the money will be available by the next business day but it wasn’t until after 1 year and finally got it back. Shit like that is soooo illegal and it turns out they were taking peoples money left and rigyt during that time due to the eBay Payplay slit and they needed a “loan” to get them out of a hole, so their loan was to take peoples money until they got out of their “hole”…I could go on and on but in reality no normal person can sue a huge corporation like that due to them having big time corporate lawyers. I could go on and on more shit they have done. TLDR: stay away from PayPal as they are SHADYYY as fuck. And yes they going to TANK eventually.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

lmao what? dude are you under some kind of spell? most of the daily btc trading volume is fake...wash trading designed to manipulate the price ....$3 billion being dumped in one day would TANK btc. We're talking 5-10% in one day, easily.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That's what tests are for. As long as it rolls out flawlessly then idc how long it takes. Price will soar with a successful launch. It'd TANK if there are any vulnerabilities afterwards.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

This is facts. Buy some and believe you're happy about the purchase and watch that price TANK! maybe to some new lows in fact. Shitty pro tip: stop trying to time the Market and start TRICKING the market.👌🏾 Timing the market<time in the market<TRICKING the market.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You can sell now and keep that money for when crypto tanks more. THEY WILL TANK MORE. You can easily triple the quantity of your crypto bags if you long cash for now and wait for the recession to arrive.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Cheap money is over, real estate is about to TANK 15-20% in the coming year or two. Recession quite possibly and lots of interest rate rises to battle inflation. All the kids and idiots gambling on crypto with money they don’t own are gonna go pull back and this silly rise in digital tokens will drop into a big old bear market

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

People lose their savings from listening on those who pushes "BTC 70K, its going 100k the time is now to buy" And people FOMO then BTC TANK down to 29k. Yep, so long story short. Invest what you can afford to lose.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It also assumes the value of the crypto you are staking doesn't TANK after years of holding.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think did something similar. Then, TANK!!! Watch out

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This Monero pullout from CEX's is getting out of hand. The market is going to TANK Monday

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ETH is above &3k, birds are chirping, the tank is clean - **THE TANK IS CLEAN!**

r/BitcoinSee Comment

When the executive order is signed and regulations hit Bitcoin, get ready for it to TANK.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What's the liquidity like in TANK/BTC market. Asking for a friend.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ok , seems scammy but I will bite. Please PM me your $TANK address.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Petition to change coinmarketcap to list prices in tank. BTC/TANK -- USDT/TANK etc.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So I've been hearing all this talk about "quantum computers" and it's got me wondering. If and when quantum technology gets to the point of actually being able to obtain private keys from public keys, wouldn't that essentially make the value of almost all cryptocurrency TANK within weeks? I mean what would be the purpose of cryptocurrency if we have computers powerful enough to hack the private keys? Hopefully by then the major cryptos would have moved to a more robust system, but it still makes me wonder.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; CryptoTanks has announced the launch of its Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or game demo. This demo will give players the opportunity to experience the game’s core mechanics before the official launch. Additionally, the native currency TANK has been listed on BitMart. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> A premine or instamine is where the developer or developers don't release the crypto currency in what can be considered a fair manner. Bitcoin fits the definition Dumping 5% of the supply would absolutely TANK the market. Are you insane? We had a small sell order of a few hundred bitcoins back around October or November and it tanked the price 20%. Selling 1,100,000 million bitcoins would send the price into the ground.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

️ 🎮🎮 TANKMETA NFT $TMN 🎮🎮 The biggest P2E Crypto Revolution, multiplayer action packed game that will leave you wanting more chaos. Gameplay like no other, imagine TANK FIGHTS integrated into crypto in an open world metaverse. $TMN is the base currency of the game TankmetaNFT. Supply: Max wallet: 3% Max transaction: 1.5% 🪖Tokenomics: 🧳3% LP 🧳5% Marketing 🧳5% Buyback 🌐 Website : ? Twitter : 💠 Medium : 📮Telegram:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

️ 🎮🎮 TANKMETA NFT $TMN 🎮🎮 The biggest P2E Crypto Revolution, multiplayer action packed game that will leave you wanting more chaos. Gameplay like no other, imagine TANK FIGHTS integrated into crypto in an open world metaverse. $TMN is the base currency of the game TankmetaNFT. Supply: Max wallet: 3% Max transaction: 1.5% 🪖Tokenomics: 🧳3% LP 🧳5% Marketing 🧳5% Buyback 🌐 Website : ? Twitter : 💠 Medium : 📮Telegram:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think I may be a *little* bit of a degenerate -- after I heard about the Tiny Man hack my initial response was "YES ALGO ECOSYSTEM PROJECTS ARE GOING TO TANK TIME TO BUY THEM UP AT A CHEAP PRICE!!!"

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Over short time, you will build up immunity to the volatility and not give a F. You will become a TANK!!!
