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r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

$TOADS is the next 1000X, Gaming, NFTs, Play-to-Earn MemeCoin [KYC]

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

DigiToads is the next PEPE, it's skyrocketing already! [KYC, Audit, Huge Marketing Funds] +1000X

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

[PRESALE] Join the DigiToads Revolution and Earn While You Play in the Ultimate Play-to-Earn Meme Coin!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Join the DigiToads Revolution! Earn, Play, and Connect in the Incredible Play-to-Earn Meme Coin!

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

I'm going to shill TOAD, so ignore this post and move along.


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

<Insert 'panic TOAD on fire` GIF>

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

A poetic journey on an adventurous road, bestow on me GIFs of the legend named TOAD?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

<Insert TOAD Panic GIF>

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Needs more TOAD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TOAD gets high on his own supply 🍄 👑 🌟 👀

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Can confirm, she was born with a hankering for dimethyltriptamine. Be more TOAD 🍄 Buy more Bitcoin 🖥 🥇 Always wear sunscreen ☀ Stay hydrated 💦 Love all animals 🐶 🙀 🐘 🙊 🐀 🐴 🐫 🦎 Compassion, love and empathy cost nothing but give everything 😍 ♥ 🤗 😇 😘

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Dress me up as TOAD and I'd do it for free. I call it Thursday.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

<Insert 'TOAD Panic' GIF>

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's not much of a party without mushrooms!? Even Mario Party has TOAD 🍄 👑

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

As awesome as this is, I meant TOAD from Mario. Example: Search for 'Toad Mario Hype' $TOAD (BUY BITCOIN)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Post GIFs. All the GIFs. TOAD GIFs.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My Dad is TOAD and he says TOAD KINGDOM WILL RULE FOREVER!!!! Also, he did mention something about BUY BITCOIN

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The only superior creature to a Psyduck or a TOAD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I dunno the guy voicing TOAD, he has the weight of the world on his shoulders though.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TOAD Network

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Grampa doesn't respec' the authoritai of TOAD 🍄 👑

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We thought You was A TOAD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Haha but I NEED the 1up noise every 8 seconds or so or my brain goes mental 😭 I stole the batteries from the TV remote cuz who tf watches TV anyhow 😁 I wanna take him with me to Nintendo Land and go around Tokyo at night playing coin hunt world and get all the wrist bands and do all the winning for Team TOAD! 😁 😎 🍄

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I really should buy myself GIF usage for Xmas. We need more TOAD 🍄

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I do wish I'd see more of many of the former OG moonchildren. We've lost a lot along the way. Arghmybrain has gone, and I haven't seen Mao for ages and need to tell her about my new TOAD light 🍄 👑

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TOAD V3 update is going to be huge with the release of - New Farms/Portfolio tracker UI update - New TOAD landing page - New swap UI - Auctions - Launchpad - New Partnerships!! Extremely excited to see these new features in action very soon!!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Some people are emotional, they just don't want to look out of the box TOAD solved many other problems thanks to padswap

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeh they are similar to cake in the way that they can just keep minting more tokens to fuel the incentives. But this is not sustainable in the long run. A Token I’ve seen which has a solution to this is TOAD and their utility token $PAD. Both these tokens have a hard capped supply and have a vault which holds a basket of other crypto’s to give the token a backing in a similar way to OHM’s treasury. However, they do not mint more tokens to fuel Incentives, but instead use DPLP, which keeps the farms liquid forever through a 10% fee which 7.5% of this goes back to the farm, and 2.5% feeds the vault, increasing the backing. The vault also has a burn function for if the backing exceeds the market value, where you can burn the token supply and redeem that proportion of the vault. All in all, it is deflationary and safe farming.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

This sub would not even know what to do with TOAD. 48/50 top posts all time are about Doge. It is just a DOGE sub by proxy. With a few cheering Leos and memes to pass off as something interesting

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The double stable farming option on and Padswap are excellent options with the current APY’s as well as the fact that the $PAD token you earn is physically backed by a basket of bluechip and other tokens. Why is this so impressive? Well $PAD is currently over 20% backed which means regardless of price action, you can always redeem your rewards for 20% of the current value!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

well you now have, TOAD TO THE MOON /s

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TOAD & PAD the project solves so many problems with Defi and crypto, going against the grain is never easy!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DOYR on TOAD & PAD, liquidity farming done right without inflation and minting more funds the FED!

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

[1.5% is high percentage?]( Most Dev teams hold over 60% of the LP and over 50% of the supply. TOAD is owned by the community. 100% of the LP and 98% of the Supply. Most fair rewards and systems in all of crypto.


TOAD and then when you're done again TOAD.. Total capped SUPPLY is only 177K with a MC of 2 mil.. Undervalued like 100x undervalued.. and while you're at it HOGE as well.. there you go TOAD and HOGE


$TOAD check out @ []( []( [](


TOAD and PAD, a real financial power house not just for a joke, deflationary tokens with an EFT vault backed by blue chip tokens, cute also fun with math, meme and art. Join community on telegram it’s an amazing place for noobs to learn about Defi and providing liquidity. Cross chain, community owned liquidity, small cap that can 100x. Similar project to bancor, curve and ohm, DYOR though.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Annoying me now trying to buy TOAD, anyone know the easiest way?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

That’s how it works…they then reply “bitcoin?” To which I then say. MONEY & CURRENCY AS A CONCEPT YOU INEPT TOAD…and then I eat tapioca pudding 😋

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I really think $HOGE is going to make impeccable moves once it lands on its first top 5 exchange along with BitMart and another unknown exchange that’s being announced. Also a special shout for $TKing, their MCAP went from 200m to 25m when the tiger king Netflix show came out, people sold but it could be the easiest 10x there is right now along with $Hoge. I have the highest hopes for those 2. Another couple more are: TOAD, $TCUB and PADswap. Ofcourse, this is not mentioning coins like doge and Ethereum which are also inevitable

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Low market caps. 35% TOAD 35% PAD 30% DKYC DYOR AS ALWAYS.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I like low cap, multi-chain yield farm governance tokens so SOLAR, GRO and TOAD would be my choices. The benefit of being able to stake and earn during bear markets shouldn't be understated especially with the great APYs they all offer.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm going to shamelessly shill for TOAD, so take my comment with a bag of salt and do your own research. But before you do that, here's some info. TOAD Network is an ecosystem of defi apps: \- [multi-chain DEX]( (currently on BSC and MOVR, preparing for GLMR launch) \- [farming/staking platform]( \- [cross-chain bridge]( \- [token launchpad]( \- [side project with handy apps and educational games]( I've only listed what is **already live**, and not promised for the future. Each of these systems has its benefits over competitors, and they are designed to synergize with one another. The TOAD token is a governance token for all of these systems. Its current market cap is under $10M, which is absolutely criminal for the amount of utility.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Of +1000 coins TOAD GMR

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TOAD is super undervalued especially once you start to understand why it's so unique.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

With how many actual products they have TOAD/PAD should be at least at 100M mcap. Being at under 10M is absolutely criminal. A multi-chain DEX that is superior to Pancake in every way, a staking platform, a token launchpad, an anti-rug protocol that actually works, a side project with educational games, and all of this is already fucking live, not vaguely promised on the roadmap. Why this project is still not in top 100 is beyond me.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

$TOAD $PAD $DKYC $IMX $MOVR #DYOFR on everything and don’t trust anyone’s shill without proper research on it yourself.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Padswap had great APYs and the way the devs oriented the liquidity makes it physically impossible for anyone to rug. A million years from now we will be dust in the cosmos and a lone tower server in the vacuum of space charged by ambient lightning will still be be farming PAD on TOAD networks decentralized perpetual liquidity protocol.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Funny you are mentioning TOAD, since they just launched their MOVR cross chain. The smart thing woth yield farming is that you will automatically DCA if you compound it. All farms at padswap (Toad networks own exhange) will earm you PAD (look at it as CAKE but hard cap). And now there are also launching a PAD only farm, that lets you get ROI on your ROI! Toaded.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Strong buys, for me, are secure yield farm governance tokens, on multiple chains, such as SOLAR, GRO and last but certainly not least the fantastic TOAD, as everyone enjoys being able to earn yield at great APYs on their assets. Special mention to Toad Network and their governance token, TOAD, by far the most undervalued if the three currently but I consider all to be undervalued. You are able to earn 4 figure APYs on Padswap, Toad Network's very own DEX, launchpad and yield farm which is also cross chain. Too many pluses and even more MOVR, DOT, AVAX - buy ADA, ETH - sell

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Strong buys: TOAD, PAD, & DKYC, projects solving real problem within Defi and crypto, all have working products and amazing use cases. Strong sell: MONI dumping hard! Always DYOFR remember that, it’s crypto don’t trust anyone shilling their bags!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#DYOFR #TOAD AND #PAD upto 1% ROI per day. #DKYC, over 100% per year, based on volume. Low market cap projects.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If you’re already thinking about yield farming CAKE, I would check out toad network! Once I found out about it I stopped everything CAKE and joined TOAD, it’s just way more fair and they’re building a safer space for crypto. Say goodbye to sh1tcoin rugpulls

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I can’t wait to see the vault system work across multiple chains as each vault buys 30% toad, constantly making $TOAD supply more scarce. #LoadtheToad

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hey man, If you want a long term project to invest in that doesn’t strive for major pump and dumps costing investors to lose out, then check out through $TOAD and $PAD are the two coins in the project. $TOAD has a max supply cap at 195k coins (currently at 178k circulating) and $PAD has 200b max cap (currently around 50b, with the rest getting dripped over the next 9-10 years) A brief overview of the project: 1) DPLP - they have created a perpetual liquidity project that allows for money to constantly be going back into the rewards pools for their investors. This is all based off smart contracts so if the devs (developers of the project) want to make money on this, then they too need to become and investor and can’t leech off of them like the pancake swap and other swaps devs do. 2) The Vault - The Vault is an ETF backed vault full of different currencies such as Bitcoin, ETH, BNB, etc that allows for such diversity, that it is essentially impossible for it to crash. Kind of like a mutual fund. This vault creates an ever rising price floor for $PAD. So think of it like this. Once the vault has the same value as the market cap for pad, EVERY SINGLE PERSON could sell their pad and not a single person would lose money on their initial investment because the vault backs it value still. Literally everyone could stop owning it and it would still only be able to hit a certain price floor and never be able to go below it. 3) the $TOAD supply being 195k creates such scarcity that this coin can go from the $18 it is right now to $18,000 with ease. Coin value is the market cap divided by the supply… and since this project is a decentralized exchange, it is going to bring in an incredible amount of money fast as it continues to bridge (the first bridge is about to complete)… so let’s say $TOAD mc hits $1B, shouldn’t be hard right? It’s a strong project and we see shit coins like SHIB hit $40B. But let’s stay conservative and say it “only” hits $1B mc. Each $TOAD would go from being worth $18 now to $5128+ (this is at max supply as if no coins were ever burned but coins are already getting burned so it will never even have 195k coins available creating even further scarcity and value) 4) the Farms - back to the DPLP a bit, there are the DPLP farms and there are regular farms where $PAD is the reward. The rewards are so high and will be for such a long term that you can continue to build on your $TOAD and $PAD ownership while bringing in great percentages each day depending on which pools you decide to diversify your money into. 5) Fair System - this project is based and solely ran on Smart Contracts. Every single person who comes into this project has an equal shot as the next person. The Devs have no more ability of making money of this project than the other investors since they themselves have to become investors on the project too to make money. 6) Rug Proof - because of the Smart Contracts, this project is entirely rug proof, no matter what due to all the backing and everything else intertwined into this project, it literally cannot be rugged. Along with that, it is genuinely paving the way to abolish all rug projects as our crypto future progresses, as we are all sick of seeing people get robbed left and right by these shitcoins. 7) The Community - out of all of the communities that I have been a part of whether it be stock or crypto trading, the $TOAD community has really been by far the best community I’ve been a part of. I’m fairly new and constantly ask questions, but that’s the best part. I’ve asked SO MANY questions and even if I thought it was a “stupid question” every single one of them was answered with sincerity to allow me to learn what I know now and give me the opportunity to inform you on it too. I feel like I left some stuff out so if you have any further questions, I’ll be happy to answer them 😄

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

LP Token Farming is a new and experimental concept only on the TOAD.Network ecosystem. The goal of LP Token Farming is to decentralize the liquidity. In most projects, the team holds a large amount of liquidity and promise to lock it for a certain period of time. At TOAD.Network, we give all of our Team LP tokens to the community, allowing people to farm them. Besides providing more liquidity for users, this makes the project "rug-pull-proof." All of the LP tokens from the team go to farming pools that drip slowly over time to those who are stake their tokens in those farms. ##Why is LPF better than a DEV Lock? First, we need to understand what a DEV Lock is. A DEV Lock is a mechanism by which projects compensate the developers of a project. In essence, when a project is created, usually part of the liquidity captured during the funding process (IFOs, ICOs, Launchpads…) is locked in an specific contract that is only accessible to the developers' wallets and that can be claimed by them only after a specified amount of time has elapsed. How this usually plays out: Developers, after the time has elapsed and they are able to claim their tokens, start to dump them when price has high values. This drains the liquidity from the pool, diminishing the token value and damaging standard users' portfolios. With TOAD.Network's LPF, developers donate the liquidity collected and store it in a special smart contract that allows any user to connect to it. This contract behaves exactly as any other standard pool contract, with one interesting difference: the return of the investment is the same LP token that is provided to the farm, instead of the native token for the project. This LP Farming is the basis of the Decentralised Perpetual Liquidity Protocol that TOAD has brought to the cryptoverse. DPLP allows any user to constantly strengthen their position in the project simply by reinvesting their newly earned LP tokens- saving users time and transactions. The DPLP protocol aims to make DeFi ecosystem safer for all users by enabling a new mechanism to provide and maintain liquidity.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If only there was a protocol to prevent rugs in general…ribbit. Folks, do yourself a favor and checkout out Toad Network ($TOAD). The protocol decentralizes liquidity so that developers own zero LPs - cannot be rug. Stop losing your hard earned money on scams

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I used to play "shitcoin roulette" . Wore me out. Keep your money in safe places like TOAD.NETWORK. Decentralized Liquidity. And their LP Farms will never run out. I sleep very well at night having alot of my portfolio in the TOAD ecosystem. Take a peak. SAFE INVESTING.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TOAD, GRO & WHEAT but probably because it's still early.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Shiba, man.. I'm not fucking laughing. But real answer - the whole Terra, DOT, SOL ecosystems are on fire... and if you're looking for small market cap moonshots check out $TOAD, $DRC, $GET

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I recommend Toad Network (TOAD) and PadSwap (PAD) ecosystem: - Decentralized perpetual liquidity protocol. [Decentralized perpetual liquidity protocol = rug proof. ]( - Audited; farms built to prevent flash loan attacks. - Crossing to MOVR before Halloween. - Toad = governance token. PAD = utility. - LaunchPad for projects. - Toad = 4M market cap, 2M TVL. PAD = 900K market cap, 2M TVL. Combined total of 4M TVL - PAD has a Vault mechanism = DEX fees used for buybacks to create an ETF-like backing. Users can burn PAD if it’s value falls below vault backing. Currently there’s $90K in the vault ~10% backed. 30% of the Vault = Toad. Higher the volume, higher the buying pressure for the ecosystem. Read more here:

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I recommend Toad Network (TOAD) and PadSwap (PAD) ecosystem: - Decentralized perpetual liquidity protocol = rug-proof. - Audited; farms built to prevent flash loan attacks. - Crossing to MOVR before Halloween. - Toad = governance token. PAD = utility. - LaunchPad for projects. - Toad = 4M market cap, 2M TVL. PAD = 800K market cap, 2M TVL. Combined total of 4M TVL - PAD has a Vault mechanism = DEX fees used for buybacks to create an ETF-like backing. Users can burn PAD if it’s value falls below vault backing. Currently there’s $90K in the vault ~11% backed. 30% of the Vault = Toad. Higher the volume, higher the buying pressure for the ecosystem. Read more here:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I considered it but it's nice being out here in the wild with all the carnists observing their clouded cognition judgement and psychophantic shilling. Strange how I'm the vegan but they are the VET shills 🤷🏿‍♀️ 🌿 LONG LIVE TOAD!!! 🍄 👑

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

I recommend Toad Network (TOAD) and PadSwap (PAD) ecosystem: - Decentralized perpetual liquidity protocol = rug-proof. - Audited; farms built to prevent flash loan attacks. - Crossing to MOVR before Halloween. - Toad = governance token. PAD = utility. - LaunchPad for projects. - Toad = 4M market cap, 2M TVL. PAD = 800K market cap, 2M TVL. Combined total of 4M TVL - PAD has a Vault mechanism = DEX fees used for buybacks to create an ETF-like backing. Users can burn PAD if it’s value falls below vault backing. Currently there’s $90K in the vault ~11% backed. 30% of the Vault = Toad. Higher the volume, higher the buying pressure for the ecosystem. Read more here:

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Mine is $TOAD - it delivers unique rug proof ecosystem on BSC now and is porting to Moonriver and Kusama and polkaDot pretty soon! Only 195k Toads in the circulation and current mc is $3mil

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Lot's of love for HOGE here but I'm gonna suggest TOAD instead: * **One of the devs (Snake Plisken) was an active team member in HOGE and a key player in its success (also worked with Bancor, Matic) * Much lower market cap (4 million at the moment) * Actual innovative fully fledged DEFI ecosystem with many novel concepts, not copypaste shit. It's pretty deep so I'll probably make a full post here about it later today. Cross-chain happening soon which will make it explode.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If you could get the licensing rights to any brand to use as a token or crypto project, what would you choose? Mine would definitely by Mario so I could mint $TOAD 🍄 👑

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

The TOAD.NETWORK projects are the bulk of my portfolio. Never ending farming makes this project very special.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Aurum (AUR on BSC) / Passive Income (PSI on multiple chains) / Toad (TOAD on BSC) Probably more but all 3 of these have good projects imo