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Apu Apustaja

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r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

$APU - Imagine a memecoin with $PEPE connections and it's only $200k mcap. Backed by Lord Kek the Pepe dev.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

$APU - Imagine a memecoin with $PEPE connections and it's only $200k mcap. Backed by Lord Kek the Pepe dev.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

$APU - Imagine a memecoin with PEPE connections and it's only $200k mcap. Lord Kek is supporting. Still fading anon?

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

How could someone fade $APU at 500k mcap? Lord Kek the PEPE dev is in and using all his resources for the fam. Don't fade!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

How could someone fade $APU at 400k mcap? Lord Kek the PEPE dev is in and supporting to make this the next big meme token

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

Lord Kek, the dev of Pepe is using all his resources to make $APU the next big meme token

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

Lord Kek, the dev of Pepe is using all his resources to make $APU the next big meme token

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Lord Kek, the dev of Pepe is using all his resources to make $APU the next big meme token

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

APU is a safe, long term money making investment. With an 88% scam ratio, it's a free market, but you'd be crazy to leave APU. If someone said, if you swim that way, there's a huge shark and an 88% chance he'll eat you alive

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

People having to survive until tomorrow is a major reason why NO market is taking off

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

We just tested the bottom part of the channel, and guess who won

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

SwopX token Apreum on Bitmart! 3.4M MrkCp | Small Cap and Circulation | Trading is Live NOW!


I’ve been in APU since the beginning, it always goes up. It always goes down too. Remember that.


NEAR, DOT and some APU for the memecoin exposure


Murads list memecoins are a great strategy right now since they all seem to be getting added to coinbase right now. First, it was Mog then Giga. SPX and APU are next, Apu apustaja is the biggest steal around 300 mil mcap, the shib to pepe and prob the best meme in all memecoins. [apu apustaja](


Most of his picks are meh tbh. I think MOG and POPCAT are really the only long term contenders. The other ones are mostly just picks that he was able to cop a massive supply for at a very low price, so he listed them. Like this dude was trying to say APU will flipe PEPE. Aint no fuckin way lmao

I think the new memecoins (sub 1 billion) are going to have another leg. Think $GIGA, $SIGMA, $NPC, $USA, $APU, $BITCOIN, $WOJAK, $MUMU, $BOBO, $BOB, $BOOPetc

Will throw some money in PEPE, GIGA or APU. Which one best???

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

$APU $SPX and $GIGA gonna do well this cycle

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

I’m mainly bullish on $APU and have been holding since the rug. $BITCOIN $GIGA and $SPX are also pretty good picks in my opinion. Their communities are pretty strong on crypto twitter

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Murad is the GOAT of this cycle I full ported $APU

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Ok sure, let's take a look at YTD % gains for popular/trending communities - Token % XRP 135.10% ADA 175.98% PEPE 1836.22% APU 1263.70% Two of these are Utility Tokens, two of these are memes. Furthermore, XRP ADA and PEPE are all in the top 25 marketcaps, APU is outside the 200 ranked marketcaps. I think we have a clear winner.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

$APU is the real pepe

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

$APU - best community and it is to pepe what shib is to doge

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It’s frog coin season! Congratulations to pepe holders on the listing. The true frog coin community is $APU though. Frens 4 Frens 🤝

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Interesting stuff

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What I'm asking is how you scored: > 'float, distribution, community engagement and growth, probability to get listed on a T1 exchange' For some of the coins you mentioned: > WIF, APU, CATPOP, MOG, GIGA, SPX e.g. what rating did you give MOG and GIGA for 'community engagement' etc etc... Because my guess is still that there isn't a set of measurable metrics that gives usefully actionable predictions on how these types of projects will perform. Instead huge numbers of people get suckered in and manipulated into essentially giving their money to the scammers who deploy memecoins, but then a few people successfully extract more money than they put in and convince themselves that it was due to knowledge and research, when in fact it is just luck and big numbers of losers.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Personally I have ran said checklist on several coins such as: WIF, APU, CATPOP, MOG, GIGA, SPX just to name a few. Out of these I hold APU and WIF personally, because all indicators of the analysis pointed towards these projects. With WIF I got in a bit later and with APU I was in since first shilled on biz. I went through several rugs and was there for the community take over. I loaded up on the down swings and have not sold a single APU despite being up X12 on initial investment.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Look, I guess we will see in a couple of months who was right. I was talking about APU here in march, we are up x10 since then. How has your bag performed since march?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It’s a meme coin, of course there’s going to be meme goals beyond reality. But look at chain link, where would they be without the cult on 4chan? Link holders have shifted to APU a while ago. For the reasons well explained in Murads ted talk.


APU has had a nice month where their MC has basically gone 3x. KENDU kerps struggling to build any momentum. Every time it looks like KENDU is about to break out, it dumps again. Why this is happening or who is responsible, I can't say. But I will say the toxic KENDU community caused me to sell half of my bags. I really don't like the extreme cult-like behavior where they basically put all their faith in a single guy who CLAIMS he was part of the SHIBA team and has refused to doxx himself. The lack of transparency is a huge red flag. But I'll still hold some, just in case they deliver.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yep. Here's the FRED chart on steak. It was just over $8.50 lb during the Trump years. Currently averaging $11.50 lb. That's definitely more than 3% inflation a year. It's about 9%, by the government's own data... and keep in mind that they get to pick their own basket of goods, so they're not calculating in the more expensive prices. They pick the lowest, to make their number look better. Most people have no clue how CPI is calculated. Steaks in my area are at least 50% more. If I get the really expensive cuts, they're probably closer to 200% higher. [](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This isn't $PEPE, but some other pepe-themed rugpull called Apu Apustaja ($APU) . They share many similarities though, and no one should buy into either of them.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

"APU Apustaja, the popular meme coin, is delighted to announce a global partnership with Udinese Calcio, a globally renowned team in Italy’s Serie A football championship. This partnership kicks off immediately for the 2024/25 football season."

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Because this sub is full of new faces, and they're all convinced the bull market started and ended already. Can't talk sense or logic into them so I spare myself the downvotes from 3 month old accounts telling me I should've bought BONK or APU when I had the chance.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Many early PEPE and LINK whales im $APU. Easy x20-x100 from here until end of this bull run. Even the Colonel loves APU APUSTAJA[KFC x APU](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Honestly: $APU, it’s the true PEPE coin and driven by an amazing team of 4chan biz brains. Getting early LINK vibes tbh.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Spurdo Sparde is actually bigger meme than APU in ylilauta

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

APU, NEAR and GME calls


The other Spurdo is insiders from a cabal drawing a chart. Most of the fresh buyer wallets pumping the chart hold chainswap and HashAI, projects which we also tracked their team and admins down to. Seems like they pump up the chart until they reached high trending and then offloaded from wallets that got funded at launch. Our Spurdo @Spurdo_Ethereum is the people's Spurdo and doesn't have the privilege to paint a chart at will. We have airdropped a lot of $APU holders, which is the other popular meme from Ylilauta and our community is made up out of people from /biz/ and from Ylilauta.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Low key bullish on APU APUSTAJA. Think it could latch on to the PEPE train and continue to grow in the next few months.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Buy $APU - there is no second best

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

4chan couldn’t care less about you. 4chan buys APU. All that’s left in your ‘community’ are bag holders. War fud? Gimme a break. Whole market dipped. The good stuff recovered. Garbage like this went under permanently. RemindMe! 6 months


ETH memecoins could be taking the next lead after Solanamemecoins. I just ape in APU on Bitget.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

For long term, only one viable investment in the market: BTC If you want to gamble with a higher risk play, the alpha is in memecoins this cycle. Personally I'm pretty deep in APU APUSTAJA, up over 100x on my initial. I strongly believe this lil frog is going well into the billions in market cap, only around $150M right now so it's a good bet for a 10-50X imo.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

And add some $APU for the meme exposure.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

$APU and $NEAR. Near for the tech and Apu will be the biggest meme coin soon. Easy x50 from here.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

What does the "original $APU" mean? I belive that Apu Apustaja is a meme of the people of the internet, not a particular blockchain Peace

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Original $APU is getting censored hard in /biz/. Even a mention in a positive light gets you banned which is funny. If SOL gets their network fixed and consistent, it could unironically get up there with the original, so long as the meme power is there or whatever the market sentiment uses nowadays for crypto. Halvening is coming for BTC so expect a crabbing of price which might stagnate the market for who knows how long? Just put a small $50-$100 with this one so you don’t feel too bad and just see where it goes tbh.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Don't forget to add that current team is with background from [](, []( and []( Show me one memecoin at this mcap with such stellar team and I'll sell all my $APU. jk not selling any whatever you tell me, 100x from here is like a walk in the park Send it with haste

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Don't forget to add that current team is with background from [](, []( and []( Show me one memecoin at this mcap with such stellar team and I'll sell all my $APU. jk not selling any whatever you tell me, 100x from here is like a walk in the park Send it with haste

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We're in the middle of memecoins season rn lol, the market has spoken these people hoping for an altseason don't realize it's happening right now. It's just not their alts pumping, it's shit like MAGA, WIF, APU, HIGHER, MEW, BRETT, etc

$SQUID , a lot of the APU folks are joining in as well and its only at 2m marketcap. Also a whale donated 7T worth of squid to the marketing wallet yesterday. r/SquidOnETH

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

who here also bought $APU?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

i've made XXX% from APU!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It’s a long journey and there will be unlimited distractions along the way that will derail your path. There’s no way for you to trust one single anon (especially on Reddit) to help make the right decisions. My only advice is to make your portfolio in buckets. A long term position in bluechips that you don’t plan on selling for 3-5 years (yes you will make serious gains that you will likely round trip to the next cycle lows, this is normal): for me, there’s only 3 that are deserving of this criteria - LINK, ETH, BTC. The holy trinity. If you know, you know. As you make profits in your medium-term/shitcoin bags, profits should roll into these or into stables that you scale into these in the next bear market. Medium-term: this is strictly for the current bull cycle and the narratives attached to it that you think will do well or are interested in. These projects are still 90% vaporware (they don’t actually solve any problem in the long-term and the chart will likely be down 90% or more from the highs in 2-3 years). These are still some of the best investments to make currently for gains in the next year. Things like AI coins (TAO, FET, soon MOR), DePIN (decentralized physical infrastructure - Hivemapper, etc), restaking coins (research eigenlayer and related protocols). Don’t be caught bagholding these in the next bear market. Shitcoins/short-term gambles: a small % of your portfolio should in these for the mania part of the cycle. These can change on a weekly basis or sometimes the whole cycle. Funny memes, strong community, ponzi-like “utility”. Prepare to lose money on these bags but if you get lucky, you can make the most money of the 3 buckets. I chose APU for now.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My $APU and $SQUID (Squidward) bags are starting to look like they might net me a 6 figure bag. This is starting to look like a truly great year for crypto.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Gives $APU vibes how dips get slurped so easily. I am in their tg and really think at least 50M mc is programmed.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Not $APU it’s the next PEPE. Remember we are in it for the tech!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Call me crazy, but probably $APU

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Oh guys, we need to talk. I gave you the most based and valuable shill this daily had in ages. I suggested you buy APU, the newest meme coin, when mcap was under 20 million. I got downvoted to oblivion. Now the first CEX listing is here and we already hit 100 million briefly. This thing is pulling a PEPE or SHIB. Yet you guys are still sleeping on it. It’s not too late to get a decent 30X-100X. MEXC listing is in the next hour. Just trying to help reddit frens make it.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

APU is up big. APU is for the frens.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

APU that’s literally it. I’m up over $20k so far. I’m both over invested and under invested

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I gambled everything on APU on etherium and it’s actually working out pretty well

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

$APU all in, no other way.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

This is the most wild community I’ve ever seen. $APU is still very much alive

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

$APU will make a comeback like FLOKI or dogwifhat

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

FLOKI cause there’s room to grow unlike doge wif Pepe and so on, but for a true gamble go for the recent APU (mcap of 42 million) As for AI coins AITECH has been doing tremendously well for me, OFN might be a good one, time will tell PS: shitcoins, definitely nfa

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Try $APU on eth, basically people trying to recreate pepe's success lol

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Everyone is buying $APU now fren. Ape in on the frog or stay poor

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Get the real $APU on ETH through Uniswap. Not the fake one on Solana!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I caved and bought the newest meme coin. Have you APUed in yet? After the dog coins, come the frog coins. APU is the new PEPE.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

$APU is going to a billy marketcap

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I don’t want to shill so I’ll just give the symbol, please know I am dumb as hell and you should not ever follow in my shoes. That being said, I aped into APU I’ve got about 2k left, thinking of putting the rest in there or maybe picking up some AVI

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

A loaf of bread in the US hasn't cost $0.79 since 1996 lol! In 2020, the average price of a loaf of bread in the US was about $1.50. As of January 2024, it's $2.03 Sauce:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ooooooooor, hear me out, just a crazy thought: Nvidia isn't in gaming consoles because they never were in the CPU / APU market like Intel and AMD 🤡

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I mapped the price of eggs onto it, scaled to match-ish. Can't find a way to share it. The egg price in USD looks the same until the peak, then it never recovers (goes back down) like the BTC one does. Eggs got cheaper, inflation kept it high. At least that's what this one chart suggests. How can I share the image? I added a bar for data APU0000708111 and scaled it (in formula) by using a\*5000 as the value.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

To be completely honest..... I got muted in the Satoshi Street bets Telegram for talking about $APU Pretty nazi If you ask me, I am surprised and thankful this post didn't get deleted. As far as their telegram, it turned me off to the SSB because infact seemed like now they just used their large following to promote a coin to make money 💰 🤑 💸 If you agree with me, then apu is a place you want to be instead of buying a crypto that already has m00ned.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

To be completely honest..... I got muted in the Satoshi Street bets Telegram for talking about $APU Pretty nazi If you ask me, I am surprised and thankful this post didn't get deleted. As far as their telegram, it turned me off to the SSB because infact seemed like now they just used their large following to promote a coin to make money 💰 🤑 💸 If you agree with me, then apu is a place you want to be instead of buying a crypto that already has m00ned.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

100%. They’ve keep the heart of the show even if it’s changed slightly over the years. Oh yeah and BRING BACK APU!!!!
