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Having hard time understanding Bitcoin's difficulty adjustment

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r/BitcoinSee Comment

OMG! Are you serious? CMD.EXE is a DoS shell program. You have no idea what DoS is, do you? .bat exists as an executable file format in DoS and UNIX.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There won't be one L2 to rule them all. The whole point of them is to scale Ethereum where "scaling" = "make the fees not insanium". If you toss all traffic onto a single L2, the fees will skyrocket. I've seen this happen. When there's something hot going on with an L2 like inscriptions, an NFT drop, or a big airdrop to claim... the prices skyrocket up and price out most people. You'd think you were on L1. I think there will be a ton of L2s. It's easy, cheap for users, and relatively quick to move between them (or at least the popular ones supported by bridges). Who knows though. The tech is still in it's early days. All the current solutions could end up being not how it works in the long run. To compare it to computers, we could be in the pre-UNIX phase where basic stuff like "we show files using a directory structure" haven't been thought of yet and lots of technical aspects are painful for no reason other than *it was only hardcore computer nerds who can read binary code using this and they didn't have any feedback from like normal people working at corporations on what was actually easy to use and what wasn't*.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bitcoin code is shit exactly like code of ancient UNIX or Windows 95. Segwit and Taproot are good features, indeed. And they could temporarily fix some fungibility issues, because for example, atomic swap between Monero and Bitcoin blockchain can be for sure hidden inside a taproot tx. But KYC problem is much deeper than appear. Regulators increase their outrage and can easily declare each taproot transaction as “dirty”, or “suspicious”. It is sufficient to turn your trading life on centralised exchanges into perfect hell. If you compare such a hell with traditional financial institutions- they seem much more honest and robust. Because KYC of traditional institutions is much more transparent and stable. And even if years will be passed, what is a Bitcoin destiny? Perfect KYC of traditional institutions? But then why Bitcoin is needed at all?! I can register at say Interactive Brokers and trade NVidia and Apple asset with much better profitability/risk ratio. Cryptocurrencies has no value at all, EXCEPT their transactions are FULLY OUTSIDE the mighty of any regulator given. It is EXACTLY the crypto definition. So you can’t even call Bitcoin a Crypto today. It is something else, say “quasi-traditional financial asset that resembles non-fungible goods, i.e. objects that can be enumerated, traced, and assigned an unique ID or serial number. There is then no value behind Bitcoin, if it exists under KYC surveillance. NVIDIA or APPLE assets or treasure bonds are much, much better, and have real world sense. But Monero is the REAL game changer. If most merchants could accept Monero directly, we need no exchanges at all. Like in real world: most people can live with paper dollar and never encounter an exchange service. Because all street stores accept dollar directly. Oh yes, one can buy drugs by paper dollar - but it is a POLICE work to investigate. But there must be NO crime if there is NO victim. And if police suspects somebody - they MUST provide an evidence to the COURT. See, how deep in ass we are if we consider KYC outrage established over transparent blockchain of Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc?! Total presumption of GUILTY. There is YOU now a person who must prove INNOCENCE!!! May be it is time to start thinning by your brain? Compare how Overton window have moved a lot, since 1960x for example? You all behave exactly like people from “Don’t Look Up” movie.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Honestly, I don't understand how anyone would manage any crypto on any phone. With exploits like Pegasus really being able to penetrate your phone, this must have been a no brainer. You are only (somewhat) protected if you run a UNIX-like OS. Truly paranoid/serious people should do any transactions only with a Tails USB stick and a private encrypted self-hosted connection.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The bad buttcoin man touched me in the bollocks :( Now, in all seriousness, we understand the shortcomings of Bitcoin, the problem with Buttcoin is that they think we are just a bunch of bros gambling away our money into something that we don't understand, but here's the thing, we do. Reading you then is like reading the people who inspired The UNIX-HATERS Handbook, "Unix is terrible, things shouldn't work that way" 30 years later everything uses a Unix-like kernel except for Windows.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> rest api No REST for the wicked Run your own node. Use the *bitoin-cli* commands, or write your own software to send the same commends to the Bitcoin Core RPC interface. For example bitcoin-cli help getblock . getblock "blockhash" ( verbosity ) If verbosity is 0, returns a string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for block 'hash'. If verbosity is 1, returns an Object with information about block <hash>. If verbosity is 2, returns an Object with information about block <hash> and information about each transaction. Arguments: 1. blockhash (string, required) The block hash 2. verbosity (numeric, optional, default=1) 0 for hex-encoded data, 1 for a json object, and 2 for json object with transaction data Result (for verbosity = 0): "hex" (string) A string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for block 'hash' Result (for verbosity = 1): { (json object) "hash" : "hex", (string) the block hash (same as provided) "confirmations" : n, (numeric) The number of confirmations, or -1 if the block is not on the main chain "size" : n, (numeric) The block size "strippedsize" : n, (numeric) The block size excluding witness data "weight" : n, (numeric) The block weight as defined in BIP 141 "height" : n, (numeric) The block height or index "version" : n, (numeric) The block version "versionHex" : "hex", (string) The block version formatted in hexadecimal "merkleroot" : "hex", (string) The merkle root "tx" : [ (json array) The transaction ids "hex", (string) The transaction id ... ], "time" : xxx, (numeric) The block time expressed in UNIX epoch time "mediantime" : xxx, (numeric) The median block time expressed in UNIX epoch time "nonce" : n, (numeric) The nonce "bits" : "hex", (string) The bits "difficulty" : n, (numeric) The difficulty "chainwork" : "hex", (string) Expected number of hashes required to produce the chain up to this block (in hex) "nTx" : n, (numeric) The number of transactions in the block "previousblockhash" : "hex", (string, optional) The hash of the previous block (if available) "nextblockhash" : "hex" (string, optional) The hash of the next block (if available) } Result (for verbosity = 2): { (json object) ..., Same output as verbosity = 1 "tx" : [ (json array) { (json object) ..., The transactions in the format of the getrawtransaction RPC. Different from verbosity = 1 "tx" result "fee" : n (numeric) The transaction fee in BTC, omitted if block undo data is not available }, ... ] } Examples: > bitcoin-cli getblock "00000000c937983704a73af28acdec37b049d214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09" > curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "getblock", "params": ["00000000c937983704a73af28acdec37b049d214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09"]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Sure, I'll explain it like a story. You have a magic box (this is your transaction). This box can only be opened with a special key (this is your private key). But it's a very special magic box. It has a spell on it that only allows certain keys to open it at certain times. The first part of the spell (the `asm` script you provided) is like a riddle that describes two scenarios: 1. If a certain time (1694275749 in UNIX time, which is around the year 2023) has passed, then only the key that matches the shape of "03cd18ace3a339fcd0039fd87d7a7a8377537cd9a9f2afa2a3e76f40e53112a535" (this is a public key) can open the box. 2. If another certain time (1694277749 in UNIX time, a little later in the year 2023) has passed, then only the key that matches the shape of "036bb176ed8fe2e38949a63ff964eed3c5e79fd88ac011cad1eecf22702ea65d23" (this is another public key) can open the box. Now, you want to open the box. But you need to sign your magic box (create a raw transaction) with your special key (private key) to do it. Here's how you could do it: 1. First, you need to create a raw transaction that identifies the box you want to open. You need to tell everyone the box's name (transaction ID `14290ef656c05f8e0c06b6d99a6ae72c77a8809b3a69dd5fb00f07ce9cee1637`) and which pocket of the box (vout `133`) has the treasure (sats) you want. 2. Then, you need to use your special key to sign the raw transaction. You have to be careful to sign it in a way that matches the riddle's rules. If you're using the first key, you have to make sure the time 1694275749 has passed. If you're using the second key, you have to make sure the time 1694277749 has passed. 3. Once you've signed the transaction, you can broadcast it to the network. If you followed the riddle's rules, the network will accept your transaction, and you can open the box and get your treasure. Note that this is a simplified explanation and the actual process involves complex cryptography and computer programming. If you're not familiar with these, it's best to use a software wallet that can handle these processes for you. On a technical level, the exact steps to sign a raw transaction would depend on the software or library you're using. In Bitcoin Core, for example, you would use the `createrawtransaction`, `signrawtransactionwithkey`, and `sendrawtransaction` RPCs. Many libraries in languages like Python or JavaScript offer similar functionality. You would need to use your private key as an input to the signing function.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yea but email was an integral part of the OS .. UNIX came with email server and client included/default configured. so to host your own server it was to have a Unix box.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The internet did not go "mainstream" simply because people went around preaching it in public. It went mainstream gradually when it started to serve people's needs with **actual utility**. Right now, there's two broad categories of utility I see: 1) Investment and trading, and 2) Limited value store and in turn, payment with value store. Internet went mainstream more with actual utility beyond its underlying tech. Email and FTP rest on RFC 1939 and 354 but users don't need to talk abt how great these RFCs are or how TCP/IP is superior to IPX or X.25. Researchers and academics would have their discussion on BBS and UNIX / VAX forums but they didn't go around evangelising to normal folks on the street. Instead, they just build up the underlying tech, coming up with newer and newer applications until someone come along and bridge product with tech. Early web sites were fancy upgrades of BBS. Many basically were ports of BBS from text to html. Then we started having email providers like [](, [](, and directory/search services like Alta Vista and Yahoo!. IRC, ICQ, Instant Messengers came along while Real Audio and then Real Audio, gave voice and video to the internet. Users did not really TALK about the internet, they just used these applications because they provided some kind of utility to them. If crypto users go around talking in public to people about crypto without something more tangible beyond the above two utility categories, we would really sound like Christian evangelist or mormons, preaching for the sake of preaching. Christianity and love God as an end in itself. And it fucking turns people off, both for crypto and Christianity or any religion for that matter. So, we need to keep the "talking" and "preaching" in check, and focus on building tech and applications for devs, and using the applications for users.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I like to make the analogy between blockchains and operating systems... Bitcoin is like a mainframe: slow but dependable, doesn't change much. Ethereum was like DOS/Basic: Functional, easy to develop, reliable enough, but bloated. Cardano is like UNIX: Reliable, fast, focused on core development. Cardano is building a toolset that can actually do the job required, by solving the blockchain trilemma in stages and unlocking new features as they go. This is a better architecture for a world-scale distributed system that can handle billions of users.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Folks don’t remember but Linux and Linus went through this same shit in the early 2000s. The copyright holders of the UNIX OS sued anyone that deployed the code. They knew they couldn’t stop individuals from using it but were looking for the billions from companies that had deployed the Linux OS.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The flash drive may have died. Depending on the brand, as little as a few months of inactivity can cause the drive to fail. Alternately, the drive might be encrypted (and should be, if it was storing any significant amount). You should look around for things that look like seed phrases, passwords, or the like. If you know command line tools, try reading the drive with those. If you don't know command line tools, don't try to learn by screwing with this drive since you might accidentally wipe it out. Also, never EVER plug it into a Windows machine. Those stupid bastards can't be bothered to support other filesystems that UNIX/Linux/MacOS use, and so by default they ask you to reformat non-Microsoft-standard flash drives. Not even mentioning that, at least back in the Windows 7 days, they'd start fucking around with the drive automatically when it was plugged in and would destroy the data if you removed it without making the OS happy first.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Honestly this is ridiculous. People build on what came before them, what a surprise. Linux and Mac are copies of UNIX yet you yourself know that you’d be full of shit if you tried to say Linus and Wozniak weren’t visionaries.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If Bitcoin succeeds fat in the future the hash rate could be subsidised by stakeholders. From countries that use it as a global settlement network, companies that their business rely on to civil rights groups and universities. Think of UNIX, the concept is kinda similar.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I don't call people buying SOL stupid - but it is extremely speculative. At its time people still bought SCO (the ones that wanted to sell a generic Linux license) even after a judge decided that SCO does not own UNIX. Needless to say that SCO went bankrupt and the money is gone.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Linux was a re-development of UNIX which was done to provide equivalent functionality, but without the licensing requirement. Linux is a UNIX work-alike but does not have it's "roots" (from a code standpoing) in UNIX. NOT being directly derived from UNIX was the whole point of Linux.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Linux is not actually a UNIX derivate (MacOS is), but a completely seperate implementation that just has POSIX compatibility

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I mean if you want to go way back, both the Mach kernel used by iOS/Apple and the Linux Kernel have roots in the original UNIX systems and have very similar structures "under the hood".

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I think you refer to year 2106 problem - [\_formatting\_and\_storage\_bugs]( It is about using 32-bit integer for UNIX timestamp.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

In 2001 then Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer declared "Linux is a cancer." Fast forward to 2014, and newly-minted Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said, ["Microsoft loves Linux."]( [Embrace, Extend, Extinguish](,_extend,_and_extinguish) Microsoft included a bare-minimum POSIX layer from the beginning of NT, later replaced with Windows Services for UNIX, a more full-featured UNIX based on Interix with various unique features that were not portable to other Unix-like operating systems. Windows Subsystem for Linux replaced it in 2018, a heavily modified Linux compatibility layer that caused fears of EEE. The current WSL2 has moved away from reimplementing Linux to virtualizing an actual Linux kernel and allowing full distribution installations, beginning with Ubuntu." The reason for moving for the move is that MS is now making more money from cloud services than from sales of OS. Cloud services need linux.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

MacOS is built on the FreeBSD variant of UNIX. FreeBSD is open source, even if Apple chooses to keep their pretty user interface code a secret. Unlike a true open-source project, fewer people have commit access to MasOS, so fewer people are able to inject nefarious code. The benefit if FOSS is also its biggest problem. Thousands of people have commit access to thousands of subsystems in the Linux ecosystem. One of them could sneak in dodgy code and it could take weeks, months, or years to find it and root it out. There is no certainty that your Linux. based computer will be a better store of keys than a hardware Ledger or Trezor. Especially since your Linux device is connected directly to the web and is vulnerable to keystroke loggers and other spyware hacks, unlike the hardware wallet. People use hardware like Ledger and Trezor to store keys for millions in crypto safely. They use steel storage for the seed phrase and no part of their keys or seed phrase ever touches a keyboard or computer in any way. That's about as save as you can get. IMHO.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Okay, didn't know it is based on UNIX and not Linux. >But the number of Linux servers has been growing every day for the last 20 years Looked it up and Linux makes only 13.6% of all server OS.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Nah iOS is BSD UNIX-derived, not Linux.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Android and iOS are based on Linux, but can you call them so? Servers are more UNIX or am I wrong?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thanks for explaining that Linux is mainly used on servers. Had no idea servers ran on Linux. Can you please tell me what distributions are run on on servers I’m so intrigued? As I understood it most apache or LAMP stack ones ran on UNIX systems, Which. AS I’m sure someone as clued in as you would know came first. AWS run their own Linux along with Ubuntu and windows servers. And what if I’m running an azure protocol? Also I think you’ll find windows os on desktop is roughly 86% market share while Linux only has COMFIRMED 39% but likely 77% for its server usage Also I use Linux on desktop. I was making a joke.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

UNIX-like systems are more secure than DOS or NT by design. Modern Windows systems are especially a problem due to the telemetry and built-in backdoors. The "procedures where it simply does not matter in the slightest" would be airgapped cold storage. Which Windows won't like doing. At best you could install Windows on a system you intend to airgap, install Electrum or another offline wallet on it, airgap it, and then generate your wallet. However, if we're going the route of a paper wallet, it'd be easier and safer to use Tails. This way, when you're done generating the wallet and storing your seed phrase, you can boot to your normal OS again and reconnect to the Internet without worrying about exposing the wallet to any vulnerabilities. If you're not going to airgap and generate it in a read-only environment, you do in fact run greater, inherent risks with Windows. And if you are going to airgap and generate in a read-only environment, it's easier to do with an already provisioned live OS with an offline wallet program on it, which there are premade live images for, like Tails, where Windows would require you have an enterprise volume license to dream of doing this without breaking the EULA and/or risking malware.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Quite a bit actually. The first thing that I believe should be pretty important, especially considering we're in a Bitcoin sub ;-) is that it's open source. Memory management separating user/kernel space. User permissions... without explicit root access a single user can't destroy the entire system. This is part of the reason why viruses are less prevalent on Linux boxes. Then the good old "security through obscurity" also plays a part. Linux accounts for maybe < 3% of total desktops worldwide if I had to guess, where Windows is closer to > 75%. Windows is a much more lucrative target for that reason. Viruses/malware do exist for Linux, but are usually targeted toward servers. I can go on but you get the idea. Even Microsoft uses Linux for its cloud services. There are good reasons \~75% of servers worldwide run on Linux. This is one of them. I would also argue some of this applies to Macintosh as well since it's UNIX at its core.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Linux, computer operating system created in the early 1990s by Finnish software engineer Linus Torvalds and the Free Software Foundation (FSF). While still a student at the University of Helsinki, Torvalds started developing Linux to create a system similar to MINIX, a UNIX operating system.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I was asking because its on UNIX(LF). And UTF-16 LE. What kind of files could be?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’ve posted snark here now I’ll play it straight. With crypto you’re putting your OpSec skills against literally every hacker on the planet on a 24/7 basis. This is not my ideal of the future of money. Any flames on my tech skills - I wrote a device driver that shipped in a commercial UNIX. I’m not a Luddite. I just want to be able to sleep

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I would say BIP119 has inherent capability problems at L1 due to a shift in corner paradigms and software design problems. Given that L2 has multiple time locking steps, the UTXO around “locks” and vendors aren’t necessarily applicable. It might work worth with UNIX node implementation, but my gut says that speedy activation is 4 minutes away and now you’ve got to this part, I have literally no fucking clue what I’m talking about.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

UNIX philosophy

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

UNIX Gaming, Balthazar, AAG Ventures, YIELD GUILD Games. Saved you a click.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MacOS is not a skin on “Unix”, first off, it’s UNIX when referring to the trademarked name which refers to AT&T Unix, which MacOS is certainly not derived from, and secondly just because something was derived from something else, does not make it the same thing. MacOS is based on NeXTSTEP which has some userland tools derived from BSD. It was UNIX certified, but that was in the 90’s and it has most certainly diverged greatly over the last 30 years and no longer resembles anything close to what it started as, and absolutely is not a “skin on UNIX”.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

True. No analogy is perfect. Also MS-DOS is basically a single-user rip of UNIX. But even with their decade head start on Microsoft, UNIX systems did not reach the consumer market until a decade after Microsoft had already monopolised it, due to their design decisions, yet it hasn't made them irrelevant, has it? Timing means a lot but it isn't the whole ball game.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> UNIX and its derivatives (including Linux and Mac OS X)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Linux is not an UNIX OS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The problem they are trying to solve is inherently more complex: adapt Bitcoin's UTXO transaction database model for Turing-complete smart contracts. By imposing what should be a non-compulsory query view of grouping transactions by 'accounts' on what was originally an events database, rather than tackling the original problem squarely, Ethereum decided to solve a much simpler problem. Cardano is still working on the original much more general-cased problem so it is likely to produce consequential results for the industry regardless of how late it is. Basically Cardano is like UNIX whereas Ethereum is like MS-DOS. It is unsurprising that ETH gets all the attention in early days because it immediately chose a complexity-sacrificing strategy that got it immediately to market, but Cardano has the potential to undercut its business from a position of technical superiority, much as UNIX and its derivatives (including Linux and MacOS) have done to Microsoft.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

For prices on DexScreener, yes I did:{PAIRID}?from={CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}-5000&to={CURRENT_TIMESTAMP+5000}&res=1&cb=5 That API endpoint will give you a list of price bars for a specific period of time. I couldn't figure out how to do it for just one bar and putting the current timestamp for both the "from" and "to" parameters didn't work, I had to add -/+ 5 seconds. You can fiddle around if you want less but the API call is pretty quick. If you want the current price, you then fetch the data and take it from the last bar in the bars array. For the pair ID simply use the one in the URL for whichever pair you want. For example, here's the JEWEL/WONE pairing: **PAIRID** would be 0xeb579ddcd49a7beb3f205c9ff6006bb6390f138f **CURRENT_TIMESTAMP** would be just the current UNIX timestamp.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I unwittingly had this running on a lollipop iMac that two LARPS set up and put UNIX on in 2009 or 2010. Because I never turned it off after they left, it made A LOT of money in today's world and I still have most of it sitting in a trust. Surround yourself with people smarter than you no matter how strange their ideas are.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>se p2e project UNIX, Unix be the biggest play to earn guild optimising its community owned Cringe

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Check out an amazing metaverse p2e project UNIX, Unix be the biggest play to earn guild optimising its community owned assets for maximum utility. unixplaytoearn is the 1st digital Nation with the biggest virtual economy that uses community assets in the metaverse.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

UNIX Have a look at UNIX if you are interested in having real fun and gain passive rewards. Unix platforms allows players to potentially multiply their monthly full time income simply by playing the game a few hours a day

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Have a look at UNIX if you are interested in having real fun and gain passive rewards Unix platforms allows players to potentially multiply their monthly full time income simply by playing the game a few hours a day

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Best P2E To ape into is unix UNIX Gaming brings together the fun of helping people in developing countries emerging play-to-earn model. unixplaytoearn is amazing no doubt

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Just enjoy the moment Anyways you all should check out UNIX UNIX mission is to be the biggest P2E guild optimizing its community owned assessments for maximum utilities

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 🔥🔥Check out an amazing metaverse p2e project $UNIX, #Unix be the biggest play to earn guild optimising its community owned assets for maximum utility.🔥🔥 🔥🔥@unixplaytoearn is the 1st digital Nation with the biggest virtual economy that uses community assets in the #metaverse.🔥🔥 In between, Unix have just finished the last round of testing for their launchpad which means they are ready to start sending games off into the Metaverse with the Unix excelorator program 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Token to focus on SAND KADA and UNIX is a massive token especially unix from unixplaytoearn this project have a lot of potential UNIX gaming bring together the fun of helping in developing countries emerging P2E model DYOR

Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:


Check out UNIX GAMING ⚡️ UniX gaming is a DAO for play to earn economies on the Ethereum network and polygon network. 👨‍💻 With a strong team and developers that are giving people the ability to profit from play to earn gaming! 🚫The biggest community play to earn guild / community in the metaverse 🤜Educating over 190,000 people for free! 👀Doxxed Experienced Team 😍Big crypto influencers on board 💲Upcoming play to earn game! No risk, only real rewards. 💻 Upcoming Launchpad 🧢Upcoming gaming gears and merchandise 👌 Getting audited by Hacken 🔹 The UniX charity supports vulnerable people in undeveloped countries by giving them resources to earn by gaming Telegram: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: YouTube:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yes, but Id also love to see complete rehaul of staking because in its current state it's atrocious. Min 120 DOT to stake, 30 days to unstake, UX that makes you remember UNIX and validators going inactive all the time. Right now, it's better to just stake in on CEX and that's plain blasphemy for a PoS crypto. I love DO but I sure as heck don't love staking DOT.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Blockchain developers bitch about Haskell and that nips it in the bud for me. Crypto is going to be kickstarted by a chain that is fast, secure, usable, and easy to develop. Decentralization will be a distant consideration. Think UNIX/Linux vs Windows. ADA will be the "should have, could have, would have" of the crypto world.
