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r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Been here since 2016-2017 and I don't think i've ever been so scared about the future of crypto.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

How Crypto changed my life

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Tips for newcomers

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Tutorial: how to stay safe in defi

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post will be unavailable for 6-10 hours starting October 31st

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

$MMF is going to Binance 📢Confirmed by the DEVS 🚀 Join us 💪🏽 We go to the moon 🤑

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

Wish me luck!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

🥳 MMF team (Cronos) is delivering Premium Top Quality to Polygon Network. Don’t miss it out. 🎉 😍 Best Launchpad ever 💰

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

New token on Polygon with high volatility, a gem for both traders and Hodlers

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

New token on Polygon with high volatility, a gem for both day trader and hodlers ?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Alt season is on: Polygon launch of the native Cronos MMF coin raises almost $130 million in 24 hours - oversubscribed by 12,880.49%

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Crohiba — Just launched on BSC | Experienced Dev and Marketing team pushing this thing to the moon!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Becoming filthy rich with crypto. What would you do? Below my plan.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Kronos-Sale | ThinkTank | Safe Crypto Platform | ICOs Soon | Doxxed Team | KYC | Certik Onboarding | Cro Chain | BSC Integration | Innovation Inspired By The Gods

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Kronos-Sale | ThinkTank | Safe Crypto Platform | ICOs Soon | Doxxed Team | KYC | Certik Onboarding | Cro Chain | BSC Integration | Innovation Inspired By The Gods

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Kronos-Sale | Safe Crypto Launch Platform | ThinkTank ICOs Soon! | Cronos Chain | Trusted & Doxxed Team | Cross Chain Integration | Innovation Inspired By The Gods

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Kronos-Sale | Presale & Locker Platform | New Tokens Launching Soon! | Safe Launchpad | Cronos Chain | BSC Integration | Innovation Inspired By The Gods

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Kronos-Sale, the Cronos Chain Secure Launchpad of the Future! | New ICO Listings Soon! | A Platform so Good the Gods Aped in! | Buy $KRO on MMF

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

Bullish on BabyCroge recommend taking a peak

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Transactions tracker. For DeFi mostly.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post saga continued

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

ELI5: US Exchange & DeFi with Trading Bot

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

How to track liquidity pool total liquidity overtime

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

ArabianMeerkat $AMMF revolutionizes Cronos chains | MMF Prizes | Mc low 6.8K | Just launched 1H Ago | Liquidity Locked | Dev previous project 500K MCAP| Bullish Organic Chart | Best Community

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Even Whales sometimes make mistakes - like the guy who 'lost' $400,000 because he paperhanded a popular Cronos DeFi coin this morning... 🤣

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

The Goat of Cronos - Cryxcoin $CRYX is the new biggest meme of CRO. Nft Marketplace in Development - MMF whitelisted -KYC - backed by the devs of Crogecoin

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

CROwagmi - SuperSale! %MMF Rewards - Website is up - Community Driven WAGMI on CRO. Locked for 2 weeks! Community Event Today!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post SuperCharger rewards ?!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

The Goat of Cronos - Cryxcoin $CRYX is the new biggest meme of CRO. Nft Marketplace in Development.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

|| $CrowCoin Official | 1M MC | Based Devs | Best Community in CRO | Dev will be KYC'D to Today | Staking Pools Open Soon After | | Long term Utility Token | Cro Chain ||

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

CrowCoin Official | Long term Utility Token | Cro Chain | 1M Mc | Based Devs | Best Community in Cro | Dev will be KYC'D to mm finance Today | Staking Pools Open Soon After

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Cryxcoin - NFT - Staking - Marketplace - 3 Days old - 500k Mcap - Mmf whitelist - kyc - Croge devs supporting


r/BitcoinSee Comment

Ah, but debt and money supply are two different things. If the 1T in **debt** is being bought by private entities (and it is - Fed is doing QT right now), then money moves from one bucket (e.g. RRP or MMF) to the other. No new money is created. And we know that no new money has been created [in the last year](


#Ren and MMF


My girlfriend was ok with my threesome. It was her idea and, she was in the middle! MMF


I’ve no BTC or ETH, everything in my three tier portfolio is bought on achieving maximum returns. Total portfolio green. DeRace and Helium Mobile are high potential, but definitely high risk. For very high risk I’ve accumulated some MMF as an outside gamble, but in fairness it won’t make me rich, because I won’t add much Yet I think it’ll add nicely to the overall portfolio.


Have a look at Helium Mobile, I think it’s got a bright future, but in fairness there really are so many to choose from. A lot really depends on your risk appetite, I’ve added a little MMF lately, very high risk but equally very high potential. It will definitely be a quick in and out with a small buy, so I doubt it’s going to make me rich. However, I think I’ll really provide a nice amount to my overall portfolio. I’ve zero BTC or ETH and everything I’ve positioned for is based on a minimum of 5X. Total portfolio is green.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Then if it becomes something like a MMF with small but reliable performance, I'd imagine some people would jump ship for something reminding them of the rollerfoaster days. People FOMOing noe are not in it "for the tech". They are in it on the hope that it can get to 100k or more. The rest is just hypocrisy.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah it is hard to believe someone has $100k in cash and had no clue that HYSA/MMF rates have been ~5% for 18 months now. Certainly been higher than 0.25% for close to 3 years now.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Tax sheltered accounts, 401ks, mutual funds, IRA’s, and general MMF’s do not currently have access to spot BTC. That alone is trillions of dollars. I plan to purchase more in my Roth IRA when available. Not to mention custody benefits (some will see it this way) of not having to worry about losing keys. People trust Blackrock more than Coinbase. Then there’s the entire derivatives market to account for, another trillion dollar market alllowing further liquidity and price stability. I can keep going but I think I made my point.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

CRO can reach new highs but holding them while maintaining abysmal volume will be an impossible combination. Many of the other currently dominant chains must fall to make room for interest to remain and grow with cronos chain. The chain has been very reliable like many evm chains but that has not been the leading factor on blockchain choice for money. There was an on chain gutting of most retail funds with MMF during the bull run. Tomb forks forking tomb forks and other such shenanigans. There is a suspicious set of products that seems to be run by the team and very little diversity. There is a bit of burbling community but very little actual capital is moving onto the chain imo. A friend of mine much more involved on chain has said most of his investment vehicles are now paying better, but I believe this is a result of the wider pump, not fresh innovation seeing the light of day on chain though I could be wrong. My hopes are for cro to go above .22 so I can sell my slee of gaming nfts and exit

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No? You have a small portion of your wealth in an emergency fund. The majority of your wealth will be invested in some sort of asset. Furthermore very little of your emergency funds don't need to held in physical cash. You can hold most of it in a MMF or short term treasuries. Their real yield has been mostly positive until GFC. So you would have lost money on it in last decade or so but at the same time if you had any stocks you would have caught a massive bull market. So the lose 97% value is massive misnomer. Average 7% inflation over 50 years and you didn't any interest on that money is not a fiat problem its a financial literacy problem. The current CPI its designed to measure inflation based on a constant standard of living. This seems to be the most relevant metric for an individual. If your standard of living has increased are you not richer? If your standard of living has decreased are you not poorer? So if your wealth increasing faster than CPI, then you can maintain a higher standard of living and so are you not richer? And funnily enough on the BLS website \>That is, it assumes that consumers will substitute away from one brand or type of item, such as a steak or a car, as that brand or type becomes relatively more expensive compared with other brands or types of that product. **It does not assume, however, substitution between steak and chicken** or between cars and bus fare.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’ve been apart of many many different chains. I have seen TVL come and go very very quickly. Imagine being part of osmosis in 2021. Then seeing the mass exodus of TVL and seeing chains like Kujira and kava take and gain tremendous market share from osmosis. Being first mover is nice. But if you are stuck and not innovating then you can lose it just as fast as you gain it. I watched VVS lose market share to MMF then vice versa on chronos. TVL is a ok metric. But let’s not act like being stagnate is the recipe for keeping TVL high.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ran away after seeing MMF and VVS 🤣

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You talking about Cro the coin specifically or one of their coins in chain like MMF? Just curious cause I was in MMF at the start

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No MMF bag holders here?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Various shit from the MMF ecosystem

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I invested in MMF because someone here made a lot of money with it (then lost it)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

if you can access MMF or buy T-bills then you can get the same 5% or better without the risks associated with coinbase or USDC . The only advantage of coinbase in this case is having your money available at the shortest possible notice; while MMF or T-bills are very liquid, you'd still need to wire funds to an exchange before being able to buy more coin.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I need to hire North Korea to get me some of my money back from the MMF rugpull.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MMF ecosytem.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Probably MMF. if you know them. They called themselves the largest DEX in CRO DEFI

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hey bro. Irs the same as MMF. Just get out of this

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ouch; we all have our education fees. I remember paying to learn that yield farming protocols were largely scams, at MMF University.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Stay away from all those MMF rugpulls.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Damn, even Cronos has more TVL Although, in its heyday cronos had more than 1B because of MMF, so this isn’t the most useful piece of data

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hey better to stop it now. I got taken for 10k+ USD chasing the dragon trusting in the complex scam that is MMF on the Cronos DEX. DeFi. I had an opportunity to take profit at 20k back in 2021 during the hype but I held bags.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MMF on the Cronos chain. The real shame of it was it seemed to have been a solid enough project, with good tokenomics and they had done a ton of impressive work on their website. To me it looked as if it had actually started as a legit project, but somewhere along the way the developers had seen an opportunity to do a rugpull. But after they fleeced users on Cronos they just moved on and set-up on Polygon and did the EXACT same thing there, and users fell for it all over again.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

• Started in crypto at the peak back in like 2021 with CRO at $0.72, saw it keep going up and i thought it was going to $1 so I invested $4k to get their Jade Green tier card which required staking $4k locked up for 6 months. By the end of the 6 months CRO dropped to like $0.38 but I was still earning 4% back on all purchases with their card (in CRO tokens) and getting free Netflix + Spotify so I decided to stake agian for another 6 months in the hopes that CRO would recover. By the end of the second 6 months CRO dropped from $0.38 to like $0.16 by the time that my staking period ended. My $4k was like $1.4k by the time that my two 6 month stakes were done lol. • I started experimenting in 2022 with defi and NFT's in the Cronos ecosystem, it was my first year in crypto so I just wanted to play around with the tech no learn how it works and hopefully earn some money while doing it. I got into projects like VVS and MMF because they were the biggest projects on Cronos so I figured they must be the biggest for a reason. I started with staking, earned a little bit of money (like $500) and thought "wow this is pretty cool" then the tokens kept going down in price as MMF kept doing one launchpad after another launchpad and every time they did their token prices would keep going down. I pulled my money from MMF and VVS and moved some to Pancakeswap and a new website called Toxic Deer on Cronos ecosystem. • I was making good money on Toxic Deer $50 a day or so but after like 30 days their liquidity pool which had less than 1M in liquidity in it kept being swing traded by whales and the Toxic Deer team used the DAO funds to save their site once but then the whales kept draining liquidity with more swing trades and the team didn't want to keep using DAO money to save the site so they ran away with millions in DAO funds. While the site was getting drained from funds I had my funds frozen and couldn't withdraw anything as the value kept going down... the reason I couldn't withdraw was because the site had a "compound earnings" button where you could add the earnings you gained every 24 hours to earn even more in a snowball effect but every time you compounded earnings it would freeze withdraws for like 4 days... I had to wait 4 days to remove my funds while liquidity was being attacked and the value of my tokens was going down. By the end the $1.8k that I had put into the site turned into like $600. • Pancakeswap, I staked 500 cake for a year but like a newbie I decided to add more cake and extend the length of the stake and everyone who staked for only a year without extending was cashing out their earnings after a year which caused the token to freefall. Basically all the earnings I made in a year were wiped out lol. • I fell for a YouTube liquidity front running scam video which claimed to help users create a bot that would add liquidity to new tokens when they were launched on Pancakeswap and then sell the tokens after they pump. The video showed the guy in the video earning bnb by the time that the video tutorial was done and the video had positive comments so I decided to try it. It involved users deploying a script that they copy + pasted on to a site (i forgot what site but it was a legit site like github) and then send bnb to fund the bot and start it. I sent 0.4 BNB to the bot and clicked "deploy" but nothing happened. Later on I found out that the script had a code in it to send the funds that you sent to the bot to the scammers wallet and the scammer was using Tornado Cash to send the funds he stole from victims to other wallets. There are still tons of scams like this on YouTube. • Recently I lost $1.5k in USDT using the Multichain bridge to transfer the USDT from Kucoin to Polygon. I had used Multichain at least a dozen times before without any issues but recently they posted on their Twitter that their CEO has been arrested by the Chinese police and part of their website was having issues, apparently users who tried to use their bridge would have the funds removed from their crypto wallet on the source chain but the funds would get stuck on the source chain and never be returned in the destination chain. There was no notice on their website to warn users this would happen so I got caught in the trap thinking the site was working like normal. There's a few more scams and failed projects that I fell for but I'm at work right now and can't post them until I get home. I'll post more if I get thumbs up.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I've spent so much money on booze and gambling in my life. Any money lost due to crypto (MMF) scams is a piss drop in the bucket. And I didn't necessarily lose. I just didn't pull my money out at the top, but I'm still DCA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I read it, and it sounded a bit like MMF to me...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm at about 90% of my average buy price overall. So down a little bit but won't take much to be overall in the green. Some things are green now, and some are red and some are just wreckage and the price of learning some lessons along the way. Honestly though, apart from idiot errors along the way (like MMF), the main annoying thing is the stranded ETH 'dust' across different chains. It just sits there to annoy me whenever I see some of it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeap. My path is not good either back when we were all celebrating doge. Im so happy i made 500. Then all came crashing down. Delve into defi like MMF, well can only blame myself on the lack of research. Chased 10k apr like a idiot only to see the value drop each day.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We all done it. I got into Defi and saw MMF Well its literally worthless now

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Honestly as a poor 1st generation immigrant to the U.S with parents who never learned English and whos father worked construction his whole life and mother was a stay at home housewife im just hoping to make enough money from crypto to be able to pay off my parents mortgage. It hasnt been easy though, ive lost alot of money to crypto scammers, rug pulls, shitcoins (CRO, MMF, VVS, Deer, PHNX, Flux) , bridge rugpulls (recently lost $1.5k from Multichain), failed projects (Helium, Planetwatch, Deeper Network), Youtube scammers, etc.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yea. I was here since late 2020. And we all got so hype when BTC reaches 69k. But well now we are all in the bear market. Played a few hundreds in the degen, LOOKING AT YOU MMF. But well all is gone. Cant do much, i didnt sold them. Am holding them as well. And not gonna buy anymore currently unless they drop the the levels i want them to. But well. Dont look at the charts all day, and youll be fine.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The MMF ecosystem on Cronos and not selling when it was hyped and just holding and watching it crumble

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well, what do you consider a scam? CDC perhaps? I fell for that, or maybe MMF? I lost some money there, but thanks to the bearmarket and DCA I'm more or less in the greenish zone.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I went all-in in MMF

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Why carry the extra risk and not just get 4.5% from a MMF?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I've posted about it here before but I lost a lot in the MMF Cronos ecosystem. I'm resigned to the fact that I'll never get it back but I still hope I might recover some of it in the next bull run.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MMF for speedrun

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I've still got one, which I have conviction will probably continue heading towards zero for perpetuity. But I'm keeping it as a reminder of exactly that. Spoiler: it's MMF

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

CRO, MMF, DEER, Algorand, YLDY, PHNX to name a few off the top of my head.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yes. Money provides a menu of services. Think of just the dollar. Cash is generally thought of as a medium of exchange, but the 100 bills stashed in the coffee cans of unbanked households across the US are used as store of value. That cash can be put into a Savings account where it gets interest as a store of value, but can be withdrawn for medium of exchange purposes (with of course a fee or other limitations). One could also hold dollars as a speculative tool for gambling on exchange rate changes say between the dollar and the peso. You can move up to Money market funds, commercial paper, and overnight repurchase agreements as well. It depends on its use and context as a service to the consumer of that monetary purpose. But this is where pricing becomes very difficult. A pure medium of exchange asset should have no interest, and is penalized for holding due to inflation. A store of value should have some return over time to make up for the inflation penalty. A speculative asset should have some high rate of return to provide that reward for risk. So Simple Sum aggregate measures like Monetary Base, M1, or M2 are already erroneous because they treat cash and reserve balances (in Base) as equivalent use or cash and money market mutual funds as equivalent in use (I don't buy groceries with MMF and I don't like the inflation penalty of storing cash in a coffee can as savings). These aren't trivial price (opportunity cost) differences, and lead to an overall measure of quantity supply that could be way off. Imagine counting cars and skate boards as "travel service" equivalent to 5 because you have one car and four skateboards. Yikes. Imagine how off total market cap of Bitcoin is because it's measure in a Monetary Base (medium of exchange) style, while some users are gambling with it heavily (speculation) . It's made my Monetary Econ class really philosophical lately.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I remember getting in MMF because they had 2% daily lmao

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No it’s MMF lol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I bought some MMF when the daily APR was at 2% lmao

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

In reading this is see some parallels to the MMF ecosystem on CRO and the debauchery that turned into.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MMF..i was sold this with 2€ gains,i was with 100€ in,so good,today its maybe 5€..i was lucky without loss

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Here's my story, which the thread got deleted because self story are not allowed How Crypto changed my life My wife is starting back her job today so I wanted to share how crypto changed our life in the past months. I posted it once in a comment so few people might be aware but here's the story. About 2 years ago my wife was diagnosed with a cancer right after the birth of the twin. To be able to received the treatment fast enough we had to pay quite a good amount of money instead of waiting on the public list. Thanks covid for slowing down treatment delay.... Few months before the diagnostif, when MMF came out on the market and created the Mshare / SVN I invested around 2k into it. Price of mshare went from 4-5k to 21k. Then it stayed around this number for a few weeks. They had a farm that was giving 9-10% DAILY. I made about 10-12x in two months. I was harvesting about 1k/week. Cashed out a good part of it for pay for wife cancer treatment. Took the rest of it and put in into ETH/Matic/ and few other coins. ** Few months after it was rugpulled 2x so DYOR I had many bad experience about crypto but lets say this one was a life changer and in a good way. I was lucky enough to invest and cash out at the good time. Lets all be patient and one day we may all have a life changing gain. Today is the first day of work of my wife since her cancer. We're going to celebrate it tonight with the kids amd a good bottle.of.champain. I wish you all an awesome day and eventually some nice crypto gain!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yoo I got into MMF pretty early on too! Haven’t seen many other people talk about it. Luckily seems like we both made some good money and got out before the fat lady stopped singing. Glad crypto helped you out OP.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I was into MMF too. Cash out a little. Unfortunately run again till the bottom…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ahh MMF, That's a coin I have not heard about in a long time. Cronos chain was interesting during q1 2022. It's dead af now.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Dogelon... Croking... MMF... Take your pick!!! It was a shame about MMF though, played right that could have actually been something instead of yet another rugpull.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Pegasus, one of the many MMF shitcoin tombs.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

When MMF came out on the market and created the Mshare / SVN I invested around 2k into it. Price of mshare went from 4-5k to 21k. Then it stayed around this number for a few weeks. They had a farm that was giving 9-10% DAILY. I made about 10-12x in two months. I was harvesting about 1k/week. Cashed out a good part of it for pay for wife cancer treatment. Took the rest of it and put in into ETH/Matic/ and few other coins. Now mmf/mshare and SVN worth less than 0.01$. I was pretty lucky but life turned good on me. Now wife is cancer free since 5 weeks now!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Its doing so bad, I’m almost ashamed to say one of my biggest success stories in crypto was MMF. Got in early, it mooned, then got out when things started going sketchy in their ecosystem, and got out right before the crash. Survivors guilt crypto style.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Fuck MMF lol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MMF and Luna

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lol no it was MMF last year

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I agree with the people saying BNB. My thoughts on CRO are slightly different; there was a lot of CRO being bought to stake for the card perks (now effectively gone unless you can afford €35k+ of CRO) or to ape into their DeFi system (MMF, VVS, Dark, etc.) most of which were either rugpulls or were at best Ponzi schemes. IMO CRO will need some incentive to bring people back to buying their token, whether that's a reintroduction of perks or something else IDK.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I haven't seen mention of MMF here in a while. Yeah, that era was just too good to be true. Ended unfavorably for me. I'm not sure how I didn't see the warning signs, but now I just try to look at it as an expensive lesson.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's taken me 3 years to get this far! Figured the free governance token was the perfect learning curve. I'm glad I didn't rush into anything head first when MMF was being shilled here, some people were earning my annual income in 1 month from that... not that it ended well.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Maybe we should open an emotional support group for everyone that was scarred by MMF 😅

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ouch. Still have the emotional scars from MMF

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ouch! I'm glad you managed to kick your addiction, must have been hard to deal with losing so much! Fingers crossed that you will be able to make up for it, in the coming months/years. I hope you didn't jump into Dinopool, once MMF went to shit, because I did 🙈

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lol. I caught a serious gambling addiction, chasing shitcoins with all my farmed gains. Had I of played it smart, I could have walked away with about 25k in profits. When MMF went to shit, it stung alot!! Enough I quit my gambling all together... I still buy BTC tho, as I would like to distance myself from usd, and that whole system.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Did you get burned with MMF??

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I didn't lose much of SFM but lost a lot in the MMF ecosystem. It's not what I couldn't afford but it still stings. As much as it isn't fun to experience, it absolutely changed my attitude to due diligence in crypto for the better. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

During the "scare" with Nexo a few months ago, I was able to quickly and without any delay move my funds to cold storage. I would seriously consider using them again for certain assets that cannot be staked on-chain or easily with reputable DeFi protocol. In fact, I might even trust Nexo ahead of the likes of MMF or some other options on CRO Wallet (etc.).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MMF was an obvious ponzi, people being happy about receiving 290% apr and doubling their money in a week... I lost enough already in cro, but u wasn't that stupid to fall for the MMF scam

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MMF (mad meerkat finance): the worst of the worst saw all these posts on LP and passive income so I tried it out and lost it all but I guess it was a worthy lesson in impermanent loss and my fault for following bullshit hype CRO and ONE also was able to get out of ONE with minimal losses but still holding CRO at 10% of what I bought it for so guess im just stuck with it

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Made a hefty 5 figure profit off a $600 dollar investment last January-April investing on the cronos chain. I invested in MMF. It was a few months of crypto bliss. Only to loose a shit ton later in the year 😆

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MMF ! By far

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MMF. Who I see are currently launching on Arbitrum, no doubt to orchestrate the same sort of liquidity suck that was demonstrated on Cronos and Polygon respectively

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The word "ponzi" gets thrown around too much generally, but MMF hit all the essentials of a ponzi IMO. They were constantly forking and creating new ways to bring in funds to pay the massive interest promised and it was working until the market crashed and there was no fresh liquidity coming in at the bottom of the scheme to keep it going.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ouch, it’s still pains me to see MMF and scam in the same sentence. There was a real way for regular investors to make money there. But it was obviously unsustainable and the TVL numbers were inflated so I guess that scam isn’t a bad description

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’ve got some funds in a HYSA and MMF. Most of my crypto sits on my ledger and that’s it. The only ones I actually stake are ALGO and ETH. I’ve stopped adding more ETH to stake until the update though

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Loss was a shitcoin called MMF Win is obviously Moons

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

FEG and or basically any other reflection type token…almost everything on BSC or Cronos chains I dropped small bags into as lottery ticket shots have been just awful…MMF in particular had a chance to take some nice profit but didn’t…lesson learned

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I say defi (before it crashed). Like MMF. In the gold era you could literally have return like 30% daily. Made a solid 10x before it crashed and remain with dust in hands

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

A lot of the use cases in DeFi are either extremely confusing or very risky. It’s honestly a lot easier to research and invest into good projects/coins/tokens than it is to maneuver the DeFi ecosystem in its current form. I thought I was a genius investing in MMF projects end of 2021 and thought it was safe, now I’m mostly looking at what I can hold for upcoming bull run and maybe stake in the meantime.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MMF by a long shot. Lessons learned in yield farming, combined with tomb forks, combined with market crash... Ouch. Only a small bag though. Think it's at about 8% of my average buy price at the moment. I'm just going to leave it slowly accumulating in some pool. Seems like their various telegram/discord/etc is still active. So who knows, but I'm not holding my breath...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I had £10 worth of LUNA, I’m not even joking I also lost something like £50 on some token associated to MMF that had a rug pull, and I wish I was joking

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If it's anything like MMF I'm out.

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I got into CRO and back in November 2021 when CRO was pumping along with all of the crypto market. I bought in at around $0.72 when I got FOMO thinking it would go to $1+ and I would miss out. was my first experience with crypto and exchanges so at the time I didn't know much about crypto. I staked $4k to get their Jade Green card which at the time earned like 4% or 5% back on all purchases back in CRO which I thought was pretty cool to earn crypto back for things I was going to buy anyway and percentages that high were unheard of with other cards. The Jade Green card also gave me free Spotify and Netflix which was pretty cool. The problem was that it required a stake for like 6 months and during that time the token price dropped to like $0.40 from the $0.72 that I got in at while my funds were frozen in a card stake. When my 6 month stake ended I decided to stake for another 6 months to see if things improved (like I said I was a total newbie) but instead it dropped some more to like 0.20 then 0.15 and then 0.10... now it's at 0.07 with the bottom seeming to be 0.05 where it always hits resistance. I also tried the Cronos ecosystem like VVS finance, MMF finance, Toxic Deer finance, Ebisu's bay (NFT's), Phoenix Finance, etc. I learned that almost all the sites with "finance" were rug pull scams with insiders making money and new investors left holding bags.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Biggest win is moons by far Biggest loss is MMF lmao

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ha ha. Make up for me playing with MMF… remember that shut show?$

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I invested in MMF lmao

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Damn!! Only thing that worked with me once and got me huge profit is MMF when they were having Mshare farming at 6-7% a day and Mshare itself gained 300% in a week 😅. Other than that its instant loss

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

“I used to be into MMF but I moved on now”

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

VVS and MMF because I was new and dumb.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I got some MMF through Mimas staking. I luckily sold before it dumped hard. Those farm tokens are the worst

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You got to see an ATH at least - I got into the MMF ecosystem when it had already fallen a fair bit, then watched it carry on falling and falling. I lost about 80% of my CRO bag on that garbage.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MMF and not selling at ATH
