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Secret , any token in scrt network can be wrapped to a private version that only you can see . It requiert viewing keys to see your asset , it has one of the best dex as well , call Shade protocol, SHD .

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

[SHADE Protocol]( (SHD) a private DEX within the COSMOS is finally getting some attention. It's already tripled from it's low. BUT it has an [insane]( amount of room to grow...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

In case people aren't familiar with the mentioned projects - 1. SCRT - Secret Network is a Layer-1 Smart Contracts Platform that is built using the Cosmos SDK. It achieves interoperability (including native asset transfers) through the IBC protocol (the highlight of the Cosmos ecosystem). It relies on Intel SGX enclaves a lot. Secret 2.0 is aiming to bring Homomorphic Encryption. It has had a bit of (issues w/ the leadership)[], although these were earlier this year and I'm not aware of what came out of it. 2. SHD - The Shade Protocol is looking to launch a stablecoin on the Secret Network. The stablecoin will be called SILK, it won't be pegged to the currency of a single country but rather to a basket of assets. 3. XMR - It's Monero. 4. Nym - Nym is a mixnet where the blockchain is meant to be an incentive layer for running nodes on said mixnet. It's very much different from Secret, and is closer to Tor. Except you're incentivized to run the node. 5. Railgun - It's an Ethereum L2. I don't have much info on this. There's a couple of other privacy projects like - Dero, Oasis Network and [Penumbra]( I'm not too familiar with them though.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Atom, kujira, SHD , scrt .....

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's a great idea to accumulate more SCRT and ATOM. With the Secret Surge still in play, I've noticed a flock of liquidity to the Secret ecosystem, with the likes of ShadeSwap and Blizzard DEXes are nailing it as well. So yeah, adding some SHD and SNO might be a great decision.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

SHD is definitely surging. Better to take advanatge of the Secret Surge rewards

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This , I think it wouldn't be impossible to see SHD do least a x10 next bull run , I like the way it going

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

SHD , they just released their dex last week , and now they released this week their stable coin call silk , with lending protocol as well , all oriented toward privacy DeFi .

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Didn't really get an airdrop for Crescent but I've gotten on SHD and ALTER.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Sounds ‘SHD’y 🚀

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

METIS, EVMOS, JUNO, SHD, SCRT. Not financial advice.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I guess we can expect some new fan tokens arriving.. What would this one be called? Shak? That sounds wicked. SHD? not so much..

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

[SHD has had decent APR bonds while we waited](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Shilling, me? Never! But since you mentioned it… A couple dex will be launching Q1 in cosmos ecosystem! WYND recently launched on Juno, a ReFi project, Mars Protocol on Osmosis and SHD dex in February. *Okay I’ll leave now, forgive me.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Shade swap is one of my most anticipated launches this year and by far. Love SHD and can't wait for SILK

r/BitcoinSee Comment

This is a follow-up from an old post:\_link=true&correlation\_id=d9ba0e6b-a121-443d-9da6-5030c9742410&ref=email\_comment\_reply&ref\_campaign=email\_comment\_reply&ref\_source=email&%25243p=e\_as&\_branch\_match\_id=789161825168076595&utm\_medium=Email%20Amazon%20SES&\_branch\_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA32O3WrDMAyFnya7y6%2B9jAxK2Rh7DaHGaqI2sY2tEPr2U1h3O5DgcHQ%2BSbNIzO91ncg5lgpjrBb299rEc9FZE08EmF9UhsQTe1xgS8tpPqjCfBTdt9a%2B79WTH8OqRtL%2BZBkDe1XqreQlH8lpvu1BBUuGlT37CXTvLIAC1twho2SHD5jVpAQyoweWA7i1m7l2x0GjN60jinB8WpgvSRsVXT%2BGlGhB4aCMU98NF2yov5TYdm1prXHl4LAvXxvTjMOb7WzbKJfoqmFakRd4%2FgqJ4vL4ncGIa0Se%2FL%2BhHLY00l%2FkB%2Bmc3vFWAQAA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

$SHD Shade protocol built on Secret network. It's pulling back nicely, but I'd really like to see it back in the single digits to accumulate a heavier bag.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You should looki into $SHD/$SILK being built on the Secret network. There are some big brains working on this project.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

NGM will shock many people. Add SHD and SCRT to the mix and you got your cosmos line-up!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It’s not out yet, but I believe it’s promising. $SILK It’s Shade’s protocol stablecoin ($SHD).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's an L1 token with its own ecosystem so check the tokenomics for the projects INSIDE SCRT network too. I'll list them too most are extremely small cap tokens too. SEFI - BUTT - SIENNA - ALTER - JACKALDAO - SHD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm not familiar with SHD. The only two stablecoins I'm comfortable have appropriate backing and the lowest risk are USDC and NIRV.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You should look into $SHD Shade protocol. Their peg basket is quite interesting.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

As of right now, Atom and SHD.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

SHD just got a massive market buy and pumped 56% out of the blue. I guess somebody knows something and $SILK must be more than promises This trying to what Terra does but with privacy. On Secret Network (IBC family just like Terra)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There’s a pinned post in the /r/cosmosairdrops sub with all airdrops you can check. The best airdrops for this year was Crescent Network Cre, Shade protocol SHD, and Evmos for atom stakers.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have never heard of SCRT & SHD so you definitely made a good choice by chilling them here

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Atom def yes. Scrt worth staking for airdrops at the very least, Amber Dao coming soon. SHD I don’t know enough to say.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Just bought ATOM, SCRT & SHD. Did I make the right choice?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

GLMR,ACA,ATOM,RMRK,JUNO and look into SHD ( Terra with privacy so to speak . on SCRT . Brand new ) It's all about web 3 for me

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

SCRT & SHD to the win!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I like SCRT but in fairness I've never heard of SHD.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Since 2022 *might* be the year of privacy coins, what are your favorites? I'll go first - SCRT & SHD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What do I need to do with my SHD wilder? I am just hodling it because secretswap and siennaswap confused me + shd is scarce I got burnt on IL with neta and ion

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thanks to your comment i got reminded to buy a small bag of SHD in case it does a LUNA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

SCRT and SHD are really good imo if anyone's into cosmos ecosystem

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

SCRT, SHD, & SILK on my radar.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I panic sold when Russia invaded ( I live few hundreds km from Ukraine ). I waited cos I thought bear market would continue.... and then the trend changed . So I bought... the top. Getting fucked sideways So I drop my trader cosplay. DCA all the way to the bottom if needed. Pretty bullish on RMRK and SHD , trying to make a good bag of those before they go mainstream and mainnet

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

1. LUNA (UST) 2. CELO (cUSD) 3. ADA (Djed/Shen) 4. SCRT (SHD/SILK) 5. NEAR (USN) 6. ERG (SigUSD/SigRSV) The decentralized Stablecoin wars! I got LUNA (UST seems to be the most prominent) and SCRT (SILK is private)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What do you think of SHD? has potential?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No more juno for me unless it hits $10-15 range. Mostly buying SHD and Ion these days.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Cool. Is SCRT still congested from the SHD airdrop though?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

*ATOM,* so you can join me while I tell everyone I’m a cosmonaut! Mostly buying Shade/SHD right now, think of Luna but better tokenomics + privacy.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Secret Network staking is non bonded on Kraken now. APR 18-21% Shade protocol and derivative staking of SHD and SCRT.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ION, SHD hopefully

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Pssh you should look into SHD/Shade protocol, it’s like Luna but better tokenomics and privacy. Definitely curious on how this project plays out in the long term.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Much of crypto is running on speculation... the closest form on mainstream utility is DeFi, but it doesn't provide the most gains and needs patience and that's something some people don't have. While I ignored defi a lot last year, most of my portfolio is back to defi with GREEN and SHD being the new ones I added last month. Already I can live off the monthly rewards from just DAFI and ROWAN alone so I don't think one can go wrong with defi, especially stablecoin-based. Another thing that reduces the faith people put in tech potentials is the amount of rugs and failed projects. Promises have failed to be delivered, even by some project in top 10 🥱

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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I haven't bought it yet, but been keeping my eye in SHD (shade protocol) on SCRT Network (part of Cosmos evosysten). It's attempting to be Luna for privacy tokens (via creating SILK which is kind of like UST).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Feels nice to have gotten in on one of the food airdrops, marble was good I’m wondering when another good one will come Somm was a decent one and SHD but not stars level, I’m betting it ends up setting ATL after 5th unlock and marketplace launches 🚀

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Or get a civic and have the plate "CR4SHD"

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Probably Secret Network. It’s as unrefined as Algorand but between the two Secret Network has some real devs unlike the kids running dapps. Those airdrops seem to be so generous to Secret holders. I almost had sufficient funds to be getting 6 SHD which was like $340 when I last checked. Privacy matters far more than we’d care to admit.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’ll lyk when I go buy some gotta claim SHD airdrop and have no secret yet 🤓 I don’t have much room to diversify would be nice for some pampage to trim profits off of

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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

As usual posts like this don't age well in the short term. So I hope the dip lasts well into EOM when fiat mines pay. Need to grab some more cheap GTH and stake. Either way, dips or no dips $SHD is coming so tbh I'm not too bothered by what I already have in the market.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Right now I would say Stargaze is the hottest and most worthwhile. Still has about a 20x before it reaches the marketcap of OpenSeas. Not that it would reach that for sure but it definitely has the potential. Once EVMOS and SHD launch I could see big usage of those. OSMO is going to grow a lot too once they get the ETH, BTC and ERC20 pools running

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Honestly, you should stake from a self custody wallet not via exchange. A lot of airdrops choose not to drop to exchange stakers, SHD for example dropped to luna stakers but not exchange nodes.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No problem! If you're an ATOM/TERRA/SCRT staker you should be getting an SHD airdrop too. Also ROSE or BEAM are the two other big privacy first L1s. They may have nascent projects for stablecoins I'm unaware of, could be worth researching if you've got time.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Here's the list of [airdrops]( for the Cosmos network. I don't know anything about these tokens, but according to the links inside that thread my cosmos address is qualified for the airdrops: DSM, GAME, GAZE, CMDX, BOOT, LUM and SHD, 7 different tokens lol.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ongoing/Upcoming Cosmos airdrops to be aware of: * **Osmosis** (OSMO) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **pStake** (pSTAKE) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Juno** (JUNO) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Mobix** (MOBX) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Sunny** (SUNNY) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 List of Confirmed and Upcoming Airdrops These are airdrops that are not currently claimable but their project teams have given specifics on requirements and distribution amounts, and / or a timeline for snapshots, distribution, or claiming. * **LUM Network** (LUM) - Last updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Stargaze** (STARS) - Last updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Game Hub** (GAME) - Last updated 11 Nov 2021 * **Bostrom** (BOOT) (a.k.a. CyberGift) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Shade** (SHD) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Sommelier** (SOMM) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Comdex** (CMDX) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Desmos** (DSM) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 List of Unconfirmed or Rumored Airdrops These are airdrops that the project teams have mentioned may happen but have yet to give specifics on requirements, distribution amounts, or a timeline. * **Umee** (UMEE) - Last Updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Chihuahua** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Cosmostarter** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Hansum** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Sentinel** (DVPN) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Bitsong** (BTSG) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Koala** (???) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Any Atom/Cosmos peeps in here? If so, here's a list of network airdrops * **Osmosis** (OSMO) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **pStake** (pSTAKE) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Juno** (JUNO) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Mobix** (MOBX) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Sunny** (SUNNY) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 List of Confirmed and Upcoming Airdrops These are airdrops that are not currently claimable but their project teams have given specifics on requirements and distribution amounts, and / or a timeline for snapshots, distribution, or claiming. * **LUM Network** (LUM) - Last updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Stargaze** (STARS) - Last updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Game Hub** (GAME) - Last updated 11 Nov 2021 * **Bostrom** (BOOT) (a.k.a. CyberGift) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Shade** (SHD) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Sommelier** (SOMM) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Comdex** (CMDX) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Desmos** (DSM) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 List of Unconfirmed or Rumored Airdrops These are airdrops that the project teams have mentioned may happen but have yet to give specifics on requirements, distribution amounts, or a timeline. * **Umee** (UMEE) - Last Updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Chihuahua** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Cosmostarter** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Hansum** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Sentinel** (DVPN) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Bitsong** (BTSG) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Koala** (???) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Any Atom/Cosmos peeps in here? If so, here's a list of network airdrops * **Osmosis** (OSMO) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **pStake** (pSTAKE) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Juno** (JUNO) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Mobix** (MOBX) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Sunny** (SUNNY) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 List of Confirmed and Upcoming Airdrops These are airdrops that are not currently claimable but their project teams have given specifics on requirements and distribution amounts, and / or a timeline for snapshots, distribution, or claiming. * **LUM Network** (LUM) - Last updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Stargaze** (STARS) - Last updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Game Hub** (GAME) - Last updated 11 Nov 2021 * **Bostrom** (BOOT) (a.k.a. CyberGift) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Shade** (SHD) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Sommelier** (SOMM) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Comdex** (CMDX) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Desmos** (DSM) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 List of Unconfirmed or Rumored Airdrops These are airdrops that the project teams have mentioned may happen but have yet to give specifics on requirements, distribution amounts, or a timeline. * **Umee** (UMEE) - Last Updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Chihuahua** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Cosmostarter** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Hansum** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Sentinel** (DVPN) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Bitsong** (BTSG) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Koala** (???) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Any Atom/Cosmos peeps in here? If so, here's a list of network airdrops * **Osmosis** (OSMO) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **pStake** (pSTAKE) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Juno** (JUNO) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Mobix** (MOBX) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Sunny** (SUNNY) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 List of Confirmed and Upcoming Airdrops These are airdrops that are not currently claimable but their project teams have given specifics on requirements and distribution amounts, and / or a timeline for snapshots, distribution, or claiming. * **LUM Network** (LUM) - Last updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Stargaze** (STARS) - Last updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Game Hub** (GAME) - Last updated 11 Nov 2021 * **Bostrom** (BOOT) (a.k.a. CyberGift) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Shade** (SHD) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Sommelier** (SOMM) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Comdex** (CMDX) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Desmos** (DSM) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 List of Unconfirmed or Rumored Airdrops These are airdrops that the project teams have mentioned may happen but have yet to give specifics on requirements, distribution amounts, or a timeline. * **Umee** (UMEE) - Last Updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Chihuahua** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Cosmostarter** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Hansum** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Sentinel** (DVPN) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Bitsong** (BTSG) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Koala** (???) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Any Atom/Cosmos peeps in here? If so, here's a list of network airdrops * **Osmosis** (OSMO) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **pStake** (pSTAKE) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Juno** (JUNO) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Mobix** (MOBX) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Sunny** (SUNNY) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 List of Confirmed and Upcoming Airdrops These are airdrops that are not currently claimable but their project teams have given specifics on requirements and distribution amounts, and / or a timeline for snapshots, distribution, or claiming. * **LUM Network** (LUM) - Last updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Stargaze** (STARS) - Last updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Game Hub** (GAME) - Last updated 11 Nov 2021 * **Bostrom** (BOOT) (a.k.a. CyberGift) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Shade** (SHD) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Sommelier** (SOMM) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Comdex** (CMDX) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Desmos** (DSM) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 List of Unconfirmed or Rumored Airdrops These are airdrops that the project teams have mentioned may happen but have yet to give specifics on requirements, distribution amounts, or a timeline. * **Umee** (UMEE) - Last Updated 12 Nov 2021 * **Chihuahua** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Cosmostarter** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Hansum** (???) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Sentinel** (DVPN) - Last updated 10 Nov 2021 * **Bitsong** (BTSG) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021 * **Koala** (???) - Last updated 9 Nov 2021