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The Cosmos Hubs Premium Security Provider: Anatomy of the Interchain Security Stack

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The Cosmos Hubs Premium Security Provider: Anatomy of the Interchain Security Stack

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The Cosmos Hubs Premium Security Provider: Anatomy of the Interchain Security Stack

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

The Cosmos Hubs Premium Security Provider: Anatomy of the Interchain Security Stack

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

The Cosmos Hubs Premium Security Provider: Anatomy of the Interchain Security Stack

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

The next steps for the Cosmos Hub: road to a premium security Hub (Anatomy of the Interchain Security Stack)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Lesser known projects that are launching or have launched in the Cosmos, IBC ecosystem

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

An ecosystem of App-chains 2: More interesting blockchains built in the Cosmos ecosystem

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Should I hold onto my ATOM?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Liquid Staking Derivatives opportunities?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Using xPERPS To Build My EVMOS + KAVA Positions

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New Fiat <> Crypto Payments App. Need Testers + Feedback!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Evmos has raised over $27 millions to expand in Development of Decentralized Applications(EVM)!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What's Happening in the Cosmos Ecosystem?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Atom has moved into the Top 20 coins by market cap, why is that?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

NEED HELP PLEASE Sent ETH to EVMOS now cannot figure out how to swap for EVMOS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Will a Queen Elizabeth NFT be minted anytime soon?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Time Is Running Out To Claim EVMOS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

EVMOS validator tries to cheat in PoS to get slightly higher revenue and gets slashed. Now asking people to delegate to its new validator.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

If you used Ethereum network pre-2021, claim your Evmos!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

We, the Financial Revolutionaries. (plus crypto daily recap)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

The Internet of Blockchains - June Update

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

SafuEVMOS APY 382,945.41% || Autostaking and autocompounding|| First Safuu fork on EVMOS || Launch on 7th May at 20 UTC

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

SafuEVMOS Biggest APY || Autostaking|| The Only One Safuu fork on EVMOS Chain || Launch on 7th May

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

SafuEVMOS Great APY Holders Heaven Safe Token Great Potential First Safuu fork on EVMOS Network || Launch on 7th May


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Don't forget EVMOS and AKT

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Remember to put in the MEMO when withdrawing EVMOS, otherwise you'll lose them like me, learned the hard way 😥

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lost all my EVMOS, forgot to put in the MEMO on the withdraw 😥

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I would probably say EVMOS. Fortunately it was just a random air drop from the Cosmos ecosystem so no money lost. Although I missed out on selling it when I first got it. Could have sold it for like 400 bucks then. Now the bag is like twice as big from staking and worth like 60-70 bucks. lol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EVMOS is probably the goofiest airdrop I’ve ever received. Down from $6.84 per coin to $0.05. 🥳

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I came in right after JUNO, which meant I missed EVMOS rektdrop... so ya

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Afaik it's an already on the EVM front / has been for ages. But yeah, I recall EVMOS used to be quite visible in comments around the place. I quite like the overall COSMOS thing too. Was one of the first I got to know a bit of. (As an aside.. I have to say though - personally not a fan of press release type announcements where 'leading' is claimed as a self-reference as they have. Usually it turns out to be a case of meaningless superlatives; far better to illustrate by answering the 'so what' and 'says who' questions...)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Cronos EVM blockchain (abbreviated into Cronos blockchain), the leading Ethereum-compatible blockchain of the Cosmos ecosystem, and home to hundreds of decentralized applications. Uhhhhhh is this a "plan to be", or parading as "already is" b/c CRO itself is mostly non existent these days in the COSMOS. EVMOS is the only EVM chain on the cosmos most people will even be able to mention and it's hardly "popular". I know CRO did a lot early on as far as the IBC goes, but what the heck is even happening on it today compared to say BASE.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

\~2k for being active in the Terra/Cosmos ecosystem. And I didn't even get the big ones (OSMO/JUNO/EVMOS, etc.). Generally if you didn't do anything to get an airdrop, it's probably sketchy.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My rule of thumb for cosmos coins: the further the coin is from the cosmos cartel, the better its performance is. See KUJI and INJ compared to, say, OSMO/JUNO/EVMOS.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EVMOS would like a word

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I see both sides on the Closed Sauce debate. But look at DYDX...just walked in and Open sourced their entire suite..while we spent the better part of a year fighting over sauces. The current biggest dick in the cosmos just showed us how its done. But I also saw CANTO fork Open Source EVMOS and steal its glory for the better part of two weeks and it's UIX was horrible.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Wow, good job! I wouldn't have been into Cosmos if not for Terra. Sadly I wasn't early enough to get the significant airdrops like OSMO, JUNO, EVMOS, NETA, etc...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EVMOS I think. Was around $600 or something at some point, now around $20 😂

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

A staking post without ATOM feels very incomplete. It's my number one when it comes to staking. The airdrops have dried up though, but I guess that's what the bears bring. I staked CRO for card benefits, a decision I regret greatly, just like JUNO, OSMO, EVMOS and most other Cosmos coins. One other token I've gotten joy from staking is OCEAN, It's liquid staking, and I use the veOCEAN token for Data Farming.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Oh I'm a huge fan of the IBC and sovereign L1s that are interoperable because of it. DOT is also not connected to it as of recent. I love seeing DYDX move to it, yet remain their own chain. Going to be neat, EVMs on the IBC like EVMOS are in a prime place for ETH dApps to connect in.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The last two, Archway and Neutron returned me roughly 3% total, which is obviously nothing too special but it was only a few weeks ago and in the depths of a bear market. However, EVMOS, Stargaze and Crescent airdrops combined returned about 2x at the time of the drop in the bull. I sold some but not as much as I would have liked and they are down significantly. Overall, I feel like activity in the bear market may be rewarded with quality airdrops in the future bull market.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EVMOS stayed a pretty penny for me for a while actually. I had a lot of it staked but was able to sell most of it before it dropped from like $1.50 to where it is today. Got luck with my timing

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Shit the bed on Doge, didn't sell my EVMOS when it was worth $5000

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>ATOM gave birth to the Cosmos ecosystem. So wouldn't it be cool if staked ATOM received OSMO, INJ, EVMOS, etc staking rewards? Beginning July 19th, it will 😁 Those tokens are part of Stride staking rewards, Stride will be sharing 15% with ATOM stakers. Stride ❤️ ATOM Stride tweeted this on July 3rd as well, if I understand correctly this means that staking ATOM will not only recieve ATOM, NTRN and STRD, but also a mix of every asset that is liquid staked on Stride.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I love Cosmos and IBC so much. I’ve been trying to mess with my moons on Arbitrum Nova all morning, trying to LP to the MOON/ETH pool on SushiSwap and it made me so mad. It’s like impossible to get anything done in the Ethereum ecosystem. So far I’ve spent $20+ dollars and 2 hours trying to get everything where I need it to be to LP $40 in the damn MOON/ETH pool. The entire time I’m wishing MOONs were a token on EVMOS, CANTO, JUNO, OSMO or one of the other smart contracting chains in the Cosmos ecosystem. The UX in Cosmos is next level compared to the ETH/L2 experience.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Laughs => Crys in JUNO and EVMOS

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

From my research, EVMOS & ORE are good picks, mCaps are still very low, under $2M, with more potentials for growth due to their use cases.


You are absolutely correct; another instance is when people refuse to buy tokens at a discount in order to sell them during a bull run but rather wait for more dip, before they know it, the bull is already on them. I'm currently starting to buy more low cap tokens; my long-term holdings include ORE, EVMOS, SUI APT, and other.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

For me, If it supports staking, I will just stake it. Cosmos-based assets offer good APR- ATOM, SCRT, EVMOS, etc. Also, If I'm convinced the asset will appreciate over time, I could lend it on lending protocols such as AAVE, Credit Protocol, Compound, etc to earn decent APYs. But if staking or lending is not possible, I will simply hold it & DCA at regular intervals.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

The high APYs are hardly sustainable. I remember when EVMOS APY was as high as 300%. These days I only stake ATOM and OCEAN which offers 20% and 5-20% APY respectively. I also have NFTs from Common Wealth's Genesis Series 1 & 2 collections which I'm staking.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EVMOS was good also

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> Why isnt there any feature yet to match automatically the network that recieving adress is from? Is that too hard to implement and if so, why? Because most chains use the same addresses. If you set up an address on Ethereum, you also have that same address on BSC, Avalanche, Fantom, EVMOS and other Alt-L1s; Polygon PoS, Gnosis and other sidechains; Optimism, Arbitrum and other L2s; ... and a whole bunch of testnets. That also means though that... > I have lost some money like this. Just by sending through wrong network. This might not be true. If you have the private keys for the wallet you sent to on one chain, it means you also have the private key to the wallet that the coins arrived in. Don't accept any PMs offering to help you with this, but if you use Metamask or something similar you may just be able to change the network and find your assets.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I hate SCRT personally, the network literally never worked for me and the devs are sketchy AF. I lost thousands of dollars and Juno, Neta and Raw so not too into that ecosystem, semi-sketchy devs there too. EVMOS seems very dead after a bunch of hype I never understood. Osmosis is the best dex around but it did get hacked... Maybe some Hua, it's meme coin season? ORAI gets a good piece of the AI pumps when they happen. I can't keep up with all the new projects and airdrops but almost all of them see sus to me.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

JUNO and EVMOS seem pretty dead to me. Printing new all time lows daily.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

have you looked into other ATOM ecosystem alts? like JUNO,EVMOS and such could be a lucrative in the future

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It’ll hopefully my first meaningful airdrop within the cosmos. Hopefully it’ll be as successful as OSMO, JUNO and EVMOS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

PSA for ATOM stakers not tracking, 1st ICS chain (Neutron) went live two days ago and is making blocks. That one will be a bit like JUNO/EVMOS as a general purpose smart contract layer. Next ICS chain which has passed a signaling proposal and is being developed now is Stride, a liquid staking chain. This means native staking ATOM will pay out in liquid staked tokens for the chains Stride supports. (e.g. ATOM itself, OSMO, JUNO, INJ, etc.) Rewards will be small but still a really cool practice.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

STRD, OSMO, JUNO, EVMOS, KUJI, SOMM, AKT, AXL, and small bits in a few others. Hbu?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EVMOS is still 104%, but be careful with that one.👀

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; Blockchain scaling startup Dymension has launched the world's first IBC-enabled EVM rollup on testnet in collaboration with Evmos Core Teams and Celestia. The rollup is being deployed within the platform’s initial testing ground called “35-C” and will feature a Uniswap v2 fork and a bespoke frontend. The RollApp leverages EVMOS token as its gas token. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>The new EVM RollApp leverages the EVMOS token as its gas token. It is also tasked with updating its state to the Dymension Hub and posting data to Celestia’s “Mocha” testnet. >The RollApp will feature a Uniswap v2 fork and a bespoke frontend. This is essentially part of a proof-of-concept to show how anyone can seamlessly deploy their own RollApp and host EVM dApps. Anyone can explain in simpler terms? Challenging read.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

VVS. Invested only $20 dollars. It’s still sitting collecting interest. And same with EVMOS. I have that in auto restake app

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I do enjoy staking for the added benefits like rewards and participating in governance. I do have a number of cryptocurrencies I'm staking such as ATOM, OSMO, OCEAN, and EVMOS. The rewards are also good.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Evmos definitely counts, lol. EVMOS, FOT, CRE, STRD, were all reasonably valuable airdrops over the last year. Many thousands of dollars combined. Neta was slightly more than a year ago but was worth tens of thousands.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Used to be even more COSMOS! I can see from your flair you are too haha. Used to have even more exposure but I recently got out of JUNO, SCRT, EVMOS and AKT.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I would be very weary with EVMOS.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I moved my DCA away from EVMOS and JUNO... my bags are my bags, I'm not selling fir now, but not adding... ATOM tho, I'm focused on that. 4x? Who TF knows... seems possible for ATOM to go to the 40s and beyond, IDK that JUNO will see new ATHs again, sadly

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Don’t know. The only crypto I have right now is 250 EVMOS. I’m using restake app. Will see where it goes in 10-15 years Lol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No mention of EVMOS?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

METIS, EVMOS, JUNO, SHD, SCRT. Not financial advice.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm using crypto for a number of the above cases. I have used OCEAN and CTSI to book flights on Travala before. I also like the idea of using crypto for governance. I have voted in a number of proposals with OCEAN before. CTSI also has upcoming proposals which I'm looking forward to. ATOM, EVMOS, OSMO, and OP are some of the projects I have participated in their governance.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

New chains/tokens in the cosmos ecosystem often have airdrops for people staking ATOM and a few others. For best chances of being eligible for airdrops it’s best to be staking at least the following: ATOM OSMO JUNO SCRT EVMOS Try stake on validators outside the top 20, and avoid the ones that offer 0% commission. Check out the subreddit r/cosmos airdrops for updates on the latest airdrops.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You’re very welcome. I’ve been into DeFi for about a year now so I know how hard it can be to get an idea for exactly a “reasonable” staking APY is coming with a real world background where banks feel threatened about exchanges offering 2% on stablecoins. I’m not gonna say to buy anything, but from my experience in DeFi the staking rewards on Cosmos seem to be fairly representative of the range of “hardly even worth it”, to the edge of what I’d even consider touching as far as staking rewards goes. I looked for a current list but couldn’t find anything in a couple mins so I’ll just look at my wallet and list 10 of those for you so you can get an idea: ATOM: 21.96% OSMO: 20.87% CRO: 12.95% JUNO: 31.57% UMEE: 17.05% EVMOS: 82.33% SCRT: 24.24% AKT: 10.53% KAVA: 15.78% INJ: 16.62% Anything in the 3 digits as far as simple staking I consider highly risky. Sometimes you’ll get that high and have it not be sketchy if you get into an LP with fixed rewards early and you’re splitting rewards with like 5 other people before other people come in and the % drops a couple hours later, but also a project listing % returns in days and not annually, that’s a bit of a red flag too. Don’t give up though, when you find a good DeFi platform it’s fantastic, I’d definitely just have a separate exploratory wallet you only keep like $20 in for that, and make sure you manually disconnect from dapps regularly.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm insanely bullish on the Cosmos ecosystem. The ease of use going between L1s without bridging makes everything else seem so archaic. I have a harder time making bets on any individual L1, (ATOM, EVMOS, OSMO, etc.) within it, though.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah bro⚛️ JUNO, OSMO, EVMOS and STARS. Why?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Does Cosmos not already do this with IBC and EVMOS?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Out of the box, IBC connects to other IBC ans simple as sending atom to a osmosis adress. Cosmos, osmosis, CRO, SCRT to name a few, are all their own thing and don't rely on others for security but can easily be sent to others. EVMOS is a EVM in dev. And I can't think of a matic counterpart at the moment. If I was making my own crypto it be here.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah i would recommend 50 ATOM, 100 OSMO, and 50+ JUNO and 100 EVMOS, but requirement changes ever drop. I would start with ATOM then EVmos (cause its cheap currently ) then Osmo and Juno last.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Staking through the native wallet, there are lots of airdrops all the time. Just look up the cosmos ecosystem, it’s famous for its airdrops. Some people made a lot of money from getting JUNO or EVMOS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lots of IBC (coins that can swap networks ATOM) with good returns.EVMOS 10% SCRT 9% UMEE 10% to name a few

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My favourite passive income strategy is staking and airdops. For staking, I have ATOM, CTSI, OSMO, EVMOS, and a number of other DeFi tokens staked. Staking them also grants me governance rights. Airdops require you to participate in some tasks like testing a new chain or dApps, governance or even staking a particular coin.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Staking is really nice as passive income. I have ATOM, CTSI, EVMOS, OSMO and some other coins currently staked and are yielding good returns.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

GMX, DPX, FXS, MKR, DVPN, EVMOS, And like 20 others... I research this a lot.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What's people takes on Sham governance proposals? Over on the SCRT network [2 discord mods]( look like their gonna force through paying themselves 3K a month (current value) to moderate the discord for 20 hours a week. With a 14% voter turn out. [ The same]( but worse on EVMOS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well inside ETh you have tons of dApps and L2 networks like MATIC & LRC etc. But they're still running on ETHs network [COSMOS has another approach where it's a "Hub" like the sun.]( Projects can launch their own independent L1 blockchain, and connect it to the COSMOS via the IBC protocol. Since they are interoperable and connected to the "COSMOS" these networks can remain independant yet connected. They can also share validation security / decentralization through ICS or Mesh Security. >Interchain Security is the Cosmos-specific category of Shared Security that uses IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication). Cross Chain Validation. Cross Chain Validation is the specific IBC-level protocol that enables Interchain Security. Then with chains like Axelar, EVMOS, CANTO etc, you can bridge in other non IBC networks. ETH and Polygon are already decently interoperable with the COSMOS. However DYDX and SushiSwap are the first big apps to directly move TO their own chains on the COSMOS rather than EVM it. The COSMOS internet of Blockchains is the future in my eyes.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Stake ATOM, OSMO, JUNO, STARS and EVMOS and participate in as much Governance as possible. The projects airdropping don’t want to airdrop to people who aren’t actively participating in the ecosystem. The days of simply staking and receiving lucrative airdrops are over IMO. The best airdrops will go to governance participants.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EVMOS airdrop was nice

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I missed the EVMOS snapshot... I put a few hundred into it, was getting a great reward back, then it shit the bed...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm pretty beat up by JUNO, EVMOS, OSMO.... I'm still backing ATOM

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I thought if I stared long enough the price will increase. ATOM, OSMO, EVMOS, and CTSI are some of the coins I have been staking for the past years. Staking is recommended for projects that offer it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What’s up with EVMOS why such poor price action too much dilution?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Im getting 96% staking EVMOS in defi, so no.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

But thats the beauty of airdrops in the COSMOS Anyone can create projects and airdrop tokens to the community. There were a bunch of gems (EVMOS, Rebus, Tori and recently WYND for example)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It means that people should stop staking on CEX and stake on-chain. Also this is only applicable in the US. I have been staking ATOM, CTSI, OSMO, EVMOS, etc., for months on-chain and I doubt that the SEC can end their staking.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I fucked it all up 2 yrs ago... then got back in last yr, and took another beating... but I kept averaging down. I was overall up a couple months ago, then EVMOS shit out... so here I sit. Down 30ish % overall... still buying dips and compounding rewards

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The big ones are OSMO (best DEX I've ever used), JUNO, EVMOS, SCRT, I'd say. ATOM's the safest bet but the others probably have more potential for growth (or losses). I think SCRT has a lot of potential, it's a privacy token but can be shown to regulators etc if necessary, but it's got some bumps to overcome as it matures.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think a little bag of OSMO is indicated... I also have some KUJI, JUNO, EVMOS... nine of those are doing well. My main focus is ATOM

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Staking/LPing in the cosmos has helped me stick it all out for the last year...there's plenty shitcoins in the cosmos, but some solid projects too... I'm mostly ATOM at this point... little JUNO, EVMOS, OSMO, KUJI, SCRT... my airdrops are staked or LPing. It's nice getting paid every day

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Most of my portfolio are basically low caps, like NEAR, EVMOS, ORE, the high cap tokens like BTC, ETH, BNB are few, but I'm cool with APT & APE

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EVMOS Evm 🤝 Cosmos Uniswap soon

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Cosmos ATOM ! including OSMO, JUNO, STARS and EVMOS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I remember NETA gave me 6 thousand dollars. It was a JUNO airdrop. There then was OSMOSIS, Atom airdrop, I held and it made me 10 thousand dollars, there then was EVMOS, another 6 thousand dollars. PLENTY more ,you should explore Cosmos. Also there is this february ICS comming ,just by staking Atom you will be earning other coins by providing security for them, since there are a lot of atoms staked.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Way to many to count, EVMOS airdrop only gave me 1.2 k. I have been staking for a year and a half.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Tell that to people who got some EVMOS or JUNO for free (now obviously I hope they sold when it was worth a lot for JUNO)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I really like Cosmos and hold bags of the following: ATOM, JUNO, OSMO, STARS, HUAHUA and EVMOS (among smaller holdings of stuff I was airdropped). I feel there is a lot of potential and have liked some of the projects. Osmosis is a really good exchange, and if they can find a way to get Bitcoin over (whether bridged or native) I think it will result in some great gains. Unfortunately the bear market has decimated most from their ATH to some pretty paltry prices. Will they ever attain their previous values? Who knows, we all know shit about fuck, but I have hope for the future and see a lot more airdrops coming this year. Now I just need to remember to take some profits this time if they do go up.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Feels like it will slowly replace the airdrop model of giving the community coins, some will sell right away like they do now with airdrop others will hold to see is the project grows. But the constant sell pressure is a problem with most chains on cosmos, lost so much on EVMOS liquidity pool

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

APY at 100% is huge inflation mate. Cosmos chains do have this most time; EVMOS for instance, but then there's a 21 days lock up. Even the OCEAN data farming ongoing requires bonding from 2 weeks up to 4 years, so I just think that unlocked staking not really decent for a low cap.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

ATOM, EVMOS, NGM, JUNO and anything on the Cosmos ecosystem right now.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

I'm taking profits particularly impressed with how ATOM, OP, and EVMOS have moved. I've withdrawn my staking rewards and will buy back again when the market has gone down a bit, but then I don't know why degen plays don't work for me in NFTs, like a lot of the free mints I've made are just stale and not moving at the same speed as others who advised I move into it, so probably I'll just go with the buy-and-hold on Skyjack and Battlefly as they're all long-term hodls.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If I wanted to be that much into the Cosmos ecosystem I'd definitely own more on the app chain level. Osmosis, EVMOS, Stargaze have a ton more room to run and Atom doesn't seem to have too much of a monetary premium.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

AFAIK nothing BIG but they have had governance talks on funding new projects and such to bring things TO EVMOS. I got some faith in that project long term as more ETH projects integrate IBC and whatnot.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

IBC is revolutionary and it's going to connect all blockchain networks in the future. NGM, e-Money's governance token was what started my Cosmos journey. I've gone on to accumulate over 10 Cosmos based projects including ATOM, OSMO, JUNO, EVMOS and STARS in the last 2 years.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You should be trying to get BTC first before anything else. This sub is a good place to earn free crypto from your posts. Another means of earning crypto is by investing in and staking proof of stake coins such as ETH, ATOM, EVMOS, NGM, OSMO, FET, etc. These coins rewards stakers depending on the number of coins staked and the APY.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Are you saying ATOM or OSMO are scams because the staking APR is higher? That's the example from this post. If a coin is very early, take EVMOS for example, staking APRs are high because the network needs more coins staked for security. They don't stay high as the network grows.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You can earn in crypto by participating in bounty programs, airdrop farming, joining a DAO community, or staking your crypto tokens. The Ocean Protocol is currently hosting a hackathon with a $40k pool prize, and you can earn by staking tokens such as ATOM, MATIC, ETH, NGM, EVMOS, and others.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EVMOS had a nice week, my first time buying it and I literally bought the bottom. Feels weird seeing a coin in my profile up 30% Plus

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EVMOS is going down

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

With that kind of staking APY it’ll inflate insanely over time. Look at EVMOS last 6 month chart it had over 100% staking rewards and see how it ended up. so you are probably right in selling it short term bearish on inflation like this

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Buying EVMOS at 1.6 and watching it go up to 2.4 was horrible because I couldn't unstake yet. And I thought it would keep going up. Of course it didn't, it just kept dumping everyday sitting around 29 cents now. Oh well, at least I bought some more along the way.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Some projects do fail as they are wolves dressed up as 'top notch guys'. Never really likes EVMOS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MOONS and BAT, you can earn them without having any initial.investment. My major passive income is staking PoS coins like ATOM, EVMOS, NGM and JUNO. You earn passively depending on the APY and your capital.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My wish list this 2023: 1. Bull run. 2. Cosmos ecosystem growth. 3. ATOM, NGM, EVMOS, JUNO, OSMO, etc reaching new aths. 4. More adoption.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Technically its not always bad. EVMOS was printing 700%+ APY when chain started, I staked all that i got from the airdrop, but converted rewards to Etherium and other coins. It ended up paying out for me even now that the token is down 80/90%. The ammont that i got at ATH is lesser as the ammont that i converted to mainly ETH but also AVAX, NEAR, BNB. So i ended up with a bit more than if i dumped at ATH and I still have the coins (although they print half a dollar a day now).