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$SAVE round 2

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

You can park that CASH Pile right into the Cannabis Sector. Thank you! Cannabis Fire "2024" SNDL, TLRY, MSOS, GTBIF

r/pennystocksSee Post

$DSX = Shipping baby, gonna go up!!! Houthis Gettin Nasty. Especially now that Israel Bombed @ their great fallen Soulemani's grave.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Happy new years!

r/StockMarketSee Post

What can I do different with my FHSA account

r/investingSee Post

Canadian Banks VS ZEB what is better for a new investor

r/pennystocksSee Post

APLM - Apollomics Inc- DD THREAD - BIO STOCK -

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

I know $OCTO has a bad reputation from its apparent company, but this stock is trading at $10,000-20,000 volume A DAY. Set the parent company bullcrap to the side, and understand there's a ton of money to be made here. High short interest, low volume, lets make some money?

r/pennystocksSee Post

Significant Momentum in Gold Market: A Giant Wave Starting to Form?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

AMC Non-standard Call Contracts provide MASSIVE Leverage

r/investingSee Post

Investment options for different ETFs

r/investingSee Post

Is wealthsimple cash account safe/worth it?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post


r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Need advice on VMW stocks, due to upcoming merger with Broadcom

r/investingSee Post

How does CASH.TO lose money if it's just like a savings account?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

GGP FAT Stacks of CASH await me future price 10 BILLION Market cap

r/stocksSee Post

Help me find a high yield ETF that I can sell/buy quickly

r/investingSee Post

High interest savings account HISA

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Olaplex - OLPX thesis

r/investingSee Post

I am curious what everyone would do with $70k

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

¿We are in a Deflationary Bust? 🤔

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Tesla float getting close to 0

r/investingSee Post

What is a good USD-Equivalent product to the CASH.TO ETF?

r/investingSee Post

If Depreciation is MUCH higher than PP&E does it mean that the company will be incurring a big CAPEX spending very soon?

r/stocksSee Post

If Depreciation is MUCH higher than PP&E does it mean that the company will be incurring a big CAPEX spending very soon?

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Beyond Meat (BYND) DCF Analysis

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

VIX Products

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The single greatest lie in Real Estate. And the California exodus bubble.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post


r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Too late to be long but still too early to be short… Welcome to the Pain Range… 5-12-23 SPY/ ES futures, DXY, 10YR Yield and VIX Weekly Reca

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Short DD on a under the radar social media company: YALA (Yalla Group)

r/investingSee Post

TD not allowing purchase of CASH ETF

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

A Tale of Two Traders

r/investingSee Post

Precious metals or money market ETFs?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

LGHL LGHLW .43 cps .73 book at .24 Hidden AI play

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

PXMD - Short% spiking to 64% - CTB 450% - Here is my proof we won't get diluted like TRKA and the rest of these squeeze stock. GREAT ENTRY RIGHT NOW

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Bank of America can kiss my ass !

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

J.H. Powell 877-CASH-NOW

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Trillions of dollars are about to flow from the Fed into the stock market. QE has returned, stronger than ever.

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post


r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Need FAST CASH NOW?! Get laid off!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

What are your thoughts on SQ ahead of their earnings calls today?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

“CASH” vanity license plate for sale only 2 million! 🤑

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$APRN - Acquisition by $HFG (Hello Fresh Group) DD & Theory (Rational Speculation)

r/investingSee Post

Don't Have the Courage to Lumpsum $500,000 into the Market. Do You?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Those who are sitting on side with CASH since NOV 2022, how are you feeling? did you miss the boat or still waiting

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Charles Payne and CEO of Genius Group Discuss Illegal Naked Shorting. January 17, 2023, Fighting Back Against Illegal Naked Short Selling

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

🗣️📰Charles Payne and CEO of Genius Group Discuss Illegal Naked Shorting. January 17, 2023. 🪖 ~Fighting Back Against Illegal Naked Short Selling~

r/investingSee Post

Are there any liquidity risks associated with CASH etf's?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Jan-13th Wrap-Up: Risk-On & CTAs Buying... But SPX Earnings Revisions Point to Hard Landing...

r/stocksSee Post

Jan-13th Wrap-Up: Risk-On & CTAs Buying... But SPX Earnings Revisions Point to Hard Landing...

r/StockMarketSee Post

Jan-13th Wrap-Up: Risk-On & CTAs Buying... But SPX Earnings Revisions Point to Hard Landing...

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

Jan-13th Wrap-Up: Risk-On & CTAs Buying... But SPX Earnings Revisions Point to Hard Landing...

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Jan-13th Wrap-Up: Risk-On & CTAs Buying... But SPX Earnings Revisions Point to Hard Landing...

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

A 6-Months' U.S. Treasury Bill @ 4.85% today; soon 5%!!! I can make long-term investments earning me a CASH yield of 10% to 11% right now, with capital appreciation on top of that over the next 18 to 24 months time horizon. I'm waiting for a RECESSION to hit this year before going all in!!! GLTA!!!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Does this mean we can only sell after 48 hours (settlement)

r/investingSee Post

Roth IRA Investment options

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Guys I tried to invest thru CASH ALL and went like this

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Happy Friday! Get 100% CASH BACK on your first deposit PLUS mega 1st time player promos! (YES, I use and win REAL money!)

r/stocksSee Post

USEA special 1$ cash dividend

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

TDA hard out policy changed

r/SPACsSee Post

Three Pre-DA Warrant Lotteries To Consider...

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

12-5-22 SPY/ ES Futures Daily Market Analysis

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

12-5-22 SPY/ ES Futures Daily Market Analysis

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

MMTLP Asset Value Calculation - Realistic Minimum For Holding Into Nextbridge

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

11-11-22 SPY/ ES Futures, Apple and Tesla Weekly Market Recap and Analysis

r/stocksSee Post

CASH.TO ETF trying to understand it

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

The only way out for the Meme Stocks

r/stocksSee Post

Apple Q4 EPS $1.29 Beats $1.26 Estimate

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

RIP T-mobile stock

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

PROFIT or I’ll lick your TOES (I’m serious)

r/stocksSee Post

Yet another stagflation post

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post


r/optionsSee Post

In this market growth stocks are dead, cash flow is king. Here are a few names I may sell puts on

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

CSCW is looking better by the day

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I went to enable Margin on my CASH only RH account and I'd be immediately subject to margin call 💀

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I went to enable Margin on my CASH only RH account and would be subject to immediate margin call 💀

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Starlink + Twitter + SQ + Elon + Jack + Currency of the Internet = fucking riches

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Chita Kogyo Co., Ltd. (NSE:5993) - A ridiculously cheap Japanese auto part manufacturer

r/stocksSee Post

TIL I’ve been DCA’ing Wrong

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$CEAD Low Float Innovative Agriculture Play

r/stocksSee Post

I'm out! Da bears have won! I'm not cut out for the market...

r/investingSee Post

TIPS 101 needed - why are they down when inflation is up?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$DQ - A Question of Morals & Value

r/pennystocksSee Post

KAL US - largest US vertical farmer, share price is already down 95% from peak, major fixed asset support and up to 50% stock tied-up post SPAC. Original research below and photo of the new Denver facility. DYOR

r/StockMarketSee Post


r/StockMarketSee Post

$100K RIOT CASH SECURED PUT @$5 strike price!

r/RobinHoodPennyStocksSee Post

Would have been better to buy $RUBY 5 hours ago when I posted, IT'S NOT TOO LATE

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Would have been better to buy $RUBY 5 hours ago when I posted, IT'S NOT TOO LATE

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post


r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The biotech rocket getting ready for launch - $CRSP Crispr Therapeutics DD

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Student Loan Moratorium Lifts 2023. CASH FLOW SOFI NEEDS!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Just got in with some of my student loans at 22 USD. YOLO

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

How this ICPT is trading at $18 is beyond me...

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post


r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

So nobody talks about $QNRX? Why?

r/pennystocksSee Post

$DAVE - CMO shows Positive Trends on LinkedIn BEFORE earnings release

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$DAVE - CMO shows Positive Trends on LinkedIn BEFORE earnings release

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Response to the SP500 today vs. 2008 Post

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$DAVE poised to Jump in Second Act at Earnings on 8/11


DO NOT CASH OUT OF YOUR IRA. Please do not do this, although emotionally it might feel great to pay the house off faster. Financially it is not the right move and you will be much better off in the long run if you do not cash it out.


Fidelity, is worse on options than Vanguard , it does give interest on your sitting cash. TD has Tos for a platform, it is really setup for options but takes time to get used to. There is NO INTEREST ON CASH, but you can buy Bil, Sgov and get 70% buying power (make take 30 days.) As far as Vanguard not giving because of risk to them, kinda a myth, if your buying power is not there you do not get to do the trade. There have been only a few instances in the past 20 years where brokers got caught short (VIX in 2008).


Semiconductor apocalypse PREPARE FOR ROUND 2. I HOPE BELIEVERS IN AI HAVE CASH TO BUY THE DIP. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


At the funeral: > the boys:  > ”the fuck… is that a pine box?  also WTF… a fucking CASH BAR at the wake?! what a fucking loser.” 😆🤣 Only in death are your calls off the record 💀 


2020 crash caused by virus 2024 crash caused by mind virus CASH GANG CHECK IN




tesla sucks but dont trade based on numbers, tesla pumpers or dumpers \*TESLA 2Q REV. $25.50B, EST. $24.63B \*TESLA 2Q ADJ EPS 52C, EST. 60C \*TESLA 2Q OPER INCOME $1.61B, EST. $1.81B \*TESLA 2Q FREE CASH FLOW $1.34B, EST. $1.92B

HEY THANKS FOR SELLING ME THOSE CALLS ILL BE SURE TO CASH THOSE IN TOMORROW ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


NVDA HAS $31 BILLION IN CASH... PRESENTLY. EOY... DOUBLE THAT. NVDA $1k ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Market rotating into $CASH


accidentally using margin? HOW would that happen. i always check how much CASH i have before i purchase any shares.


That guy above uses premium education. Us peasants need to simply that into 3 steps: products, financial power, and potential clients. Fascinating products are always welcome with a promising future. Potential clients! The more, the better. The bigger they are, the merrier we will be. Financial power: How big are they compared to the past. Their debt, too. So is their 💰 look at their assets/liabilities. Their FREE CASH FLOW. Their profits/return. Don't forget the guidance. It's a bullshit container, but unless they keep their bullshit together and make it come true, they dead!

NVDA IS PREDICTED TO MAKE SO MUCH FREE CASH FLOW THEY WON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT ALL. JENSEN WILL BE THE FIRST $5 TRILLION CEO. NVDA $250+ EOY ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

My first AirBnb stay was in NY, they had me provide a CASH security deposit. After my stay they gave me back the cash and it was counterfeit $100s. The person who took my deposit and the other person that returned it said they were summer interns working for this host. I reported it to the FBI. Get fucked.






Exactly - this guy would have been better off in CASH! You can get 5% annually from an HSA for the past year!


Call JG Wentworth, 877-CASH-NOW




My brother won $250K playing some online casino. He text me images of the balance one night. I told him "DUDE! CASH OUT RIGHT NOW!". He's a financial regard. I told him I didn't want a single penny, but I would make sure he is setup for the future. When I woke up the next morning he was still gambling. He had $60K left. He finally cashed that out, then blew it all within 2 months. He doesn't have a dime to his name now. He's unemployed and broke AF.


Your selling PayPal puts on a long position….? You know when you sell a put, if the price of the stock falls below the strike price, the buyer can exercise at anytime up until expiration. This means you need CASH to buy more stock, not be long stock.


You shouldn’t sell at a loss and go into CASH Not ride a loser stock all the way to 0


If you are learning and starting out - i would advise against margin - get a CASH account. This will allow more than three trades a day and you don't need 25k in the account. CASH account! with Thinkorswim is the way!




Yeah I live in metro Detroit. Near Ferndale where AITX has a ""building"" for manufacturing. -- suckers will buy stock, STEVE will get his Preferred Shares from AITX , trade them for CASH, and pay himself about $ 4 million $ dollars soon, off the backs off the new fools thinking they made an "investment". The stockholders are Steve piggy bank. Lets put Artificial Intelligence on a closed, sealed, secure , locked building, aka, a decommissioned school and call it a marketing miracle and SALE of the century


You’re not wrong, it is hard to make gains that feel like they move the needle on a dollars basis. Learn to appreciate a percentage profit basis more. Like all good things in life, it will take time if you’re starting from scratch. Also If you’re buying options, I’m not surprised you’re struggling as a new trader. My guess is you’re buying short-dated stuff. Don’t. Not til you’re good and educated and can look back on your past mistake with clear eyes and say “I was an idiot and know EXACTLY what I did wrong” lol if you’re BUYING options my advice is to buy LEAPS (1-2 years til expiration) but those can be kinda expensive since you’re buying time. Def check out that strategy I posted but please please adhere to the low delta portion of it until you’re more up to speed. Big gains are cool and all but you’ll be very mad if you go in too close to the money and get cooked. Other ideas for a capital gain with low risk or no risk Reduce your expenses for a while and dedicate the savings to your investment account. Returns are guaranteed here lol. High yield savings. Get your CASH out of Chase or BOA and into fidelity or robinhood. Let it sit there. Collect interest (about .05% per month) guarantied returns here too. THTA - yield-oriented ETF. Pretty damn low risk. The gains don’t come from stock price appreciation it more or less trades stable. The dividend however, is very nice. About 1% per month. Returns are highly highly likely here. They basically hold bonds, high yield cash accounts, plus run the strategy I mentioned above but a WAYYYYY low risk version and managed by experienced traders. Not financial advice of course but I personally am comfy enough with THTA to put thousands into it instead of just cash in a high yield savings.


Current account value: 487K Amazon: 3.7% Apollo Global Management: 2.2% FBTC: 1.2% Intuitive Surgical: 5.75% Intuitive Machines: 0.10% Meta: 7.92% Microsoft: 1.11% NVIDIA: 38.87% Qualcomm: 0.65% Synopsys: 1.06% ARS Pharmaceuticals: 1.05% Tesla: 8.29% VOO: 13.75% CASH: $63K To be clear I've been buying NVIDIA since 2018 and I've already sold half of it. Also just cleared out my remaining 55K worth of starbucks which used to be 100% of my portfolio. Would love suggestions on where to reinvest it. My big moves for the next decade are Meta and Tesla, but i'm almost halfway tempted to just buy back all the NVIDIA shares i've sold. I'm disabled and chronically ill so my portfolio is on the riskier high-growth side since i'm hedging against the risk of being forced into retirement at age 31.

Focus on the Preferred Shares and how they convert to CASH MONEY, just for Steve Series B are $ 1,200 each - read the filings with the SEC - in detail since the company has no money - the stock holders paid Steve $ 3 million just last year - the stock is the bank It gets worse, as Steve continued to dupe, con, swindle , investors into thinking the products have a chance


All the details of the transaction will be available in the account reporting dashboard. What were the actual trades? I don't know about schedule but IB clearly displacement your real time CASH balance but also total buying power etc. Sounds like you should be removing him from the account since he's supposed to be the one with experience, placed trades on some of the hottest stocks in recent years and can't explain what happened.




UPDATE POST EARNINGS= I hedged so I'm cool= Hey assholes, no false advertisement. I said it would crush and beat earnings. You tell me 62 cents and vs a measely .49 cents expected and 6.8 bil vs 6.6Bil guidance to to a 1.00 -1.16 eps next quarter and 7.8 Bil next Qtr Rev aint crushing vs last year same qtr having NEGATIVE CASH FLOW. U think this ER was bad? Go Faaaack yourselvesssss. Recuperates tomorrow and evaporates most beary gains tomorrow and all next week. AI aint no bubble little bitches. Price corrections don't change the AI fundamentals. AI is your daddy. You wanna give me cheap shares I take em.

UPDATE POST EARNINGS= I hedged so I'm cool= Hey assholes, no false advertisement. I said it would crush and beat earnings. You tell me 62 cents and vs a measely .49 cents expected and 6.8 bil vs 6.6Bil guidance to to a 1.00 -1.16 eps next quarter and 7.8 Bil next Qtr Rev aint crushing vs last year same qtr having NEGATIVE CASH FLOW. U think this ER was bad? Go Faaaack yourselvesssss. Recuperates tomorrow and evaporates most beary gains tomorrow and all next week. AI aint no bubble little bitches. Price corrections don't change the AI fundamentals. AI is your daddy. You wanna give me cheap shares I take em.

UPDATE POST EARNINGS= I hedged so I'm cool= Hey assholes, no false advertisement. I said it would crush and beat earnings. You tell me 62 cents and vs a measely .49 cents expected and 6.8 bil vs 6.6Bil guidance to to a 1.00 -1.16 eps next quarter and 7.8 Bil next Qtr Rev aint crushing vs last year same qtr having NEGATIVE CASH FLOW. U think this ER was bad? Go Faaaack yourselvesssss. Recuperates tomorrow and evaporates most beary gains tomorrow and all next week. AI aint no bubble little bitches. Price corrections don't change the AI fundamentals. AI is your daddy. You wanna give me cheap shares I take em.

Kicking 'bro' UPDATE POST EARNINGS= I hedged so I'm cool= Hey assholes, no false advertisement. I said it would crush and beat earnings. You tell me 62 cents and vs a measely .49 cents expected and 6.8 bil vs 6.6Bil guidance to to a 1.00 -1.16 eps next quarter and 7.8 Bil next Qtr Rev aint crushing vs last year same qtr having NEGATIVE CASH FLOW. U think this ER was bad? Go Faaaack yourselvesssss. Recuperates tomorrow and evaporates most beary gains tomorrow and all next week. AI aint no bubble little bitches. Price corrections don't change the AI fundamentals. AI is your daddy. You wanna give me cheap shares I take em.

LONG DATED NVDA CALLS gonna buy this Lakeside house EOY... CASH. NVDA #1 $1k ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


CEO magically make $ 3 million a year salary - the one guy who uses the stock as his own wallet [$AITX]( it's about Preferred Shares at $ 1, 200 per share Series B converts to CASH MONEY for ceo of [$AITX]( 12 BILLION shares exist


CEO magically make $ 3 million a year salary - the one guy who uses the stock as his own wallet [$AITX]( it's about Preferred Shares at $ 1, 200 per share Series B converts to CASH MONEY for ceo of [$AITX]( 12 BILLION shares exist


AITX it's about Preferred Shares at $ 1, 200 per share Series B converts to CASH MONEY for ceo of $AITX there are now 12 BILLION shares existing [\_mg0XeOZX3WY&t=281](




If you have an annuity and you NEED CASH NOW!!!

r/investingSee Comment

You should have just called J.G. Wentworth 877 CASH NOW IT'S MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW!


investors - LOOK hard at preferred shares - read the filings from the company via SEC Series B - convert to CASH $ - at $1,200 per share. Series G - covert at $ 1,000 per share Steve makes bank, you go broke


- investors - LOOK hard at preferred shares - read the filings from the company via SEC and OTC Series B - convert to CASH $ - at $1,200 per share. Series G - covert at $ 1,000 per share \* all Undiluted, yeah !!! SCAM Steve made $3 mil , while AITX has $ 20 mil debt


- investors - LOOK hard at preferred shares - read the filings from the company via SEC and OTC Series B - convert to CASH $ - at $1,200 per share. Series G - covert at $ 1,000 per share \* all Undiluted, yeah !!! SCAM Steve made $3 mil , while AITX has $ 20 mil debt


WE NEED TO GET RICH TELL ME YOUR IDEA AND IF IT HITS ILL GIVE U SOME CASH BRO U WILL BE BEGGING TO COME BACK TO THOS DAY IN 5 years When A.I is taken your office job cause it can email and do excel and SPSS LETS GO TESLa 250 eom

let us trade PREFERRED Shares via [$AITX]( investors - LOOK hard at preferred shares - read the filings from the company via SEC Series B - convert to CASH $ - at $1,200 per share. Series G - covert at $ 1,000 per share Steve makes bank, you go broke [](

r/stocksSee Comment

let us trade PREFERRED Shares via [$AITX]( investors - LOOK hard at preferred shares - read the filings from the company via SEC Series B - convert to CASH $ - at $1,200 per share. Series G - covert at $ 1,000 per share Steve makes bank, you go broke

r/stocksSee Comment

let us trade PREFERRED Shares via [$AITX]( investors - LOOK hard at preferred shares - read the filings from the company via SEC Series B - convert to CASH $ - at $1,200 per share. Series G - covert at $ 1,000 per share Steve makes bank, you go broke


>i am getting a lump sum from a settlement CALL JG WENTWORTH! 877-CASH-NOW


Call 877 CASH NOW


Not bearish or a perma-bull. I'm waiting. The stock market is up more of the time than it's down (even if inflation-adjusted). But bull markets eventually get crazy optimistic and euphoric. Not just "growth over value", but insanity over both. The last skeptical buyers and the slow joiners buy. Who, then, is left to keep buying after the run-up? The market falters, drifts down a little, has (steep) fake-out rallies, deteriorates, and finally depresses people. (Young people have not seen a real bear market. The COVID dip was only a dip.) As the bear progresses,, people depend on hope for recovery. When that fails they get even more depressed and start hating the stock market. Sometimes, supposed "haven" investments don't do much better, as a lot of people start to need their CASH and sell every type. Then the bear market eventually goes down to insane depths of despair, until a magic moment (sometimes called "capitulation") at the bottom. Bear markets usually don't last as long as bull markets, but they can go down deep, over 60% down. And they don't just hurt bad stocks. Good, even "value," stocks go down too. The current bull market followed a flood of three trillion new US dollars dumped from heaven; the flood has diminished but the effects continue. Still a lot of spare money sloshing around. A 1972 book was "***Juncture Recognition in the Stock Market***" by W. G. Bretz; never mind his theory; the title -- juncture recognition -- is what we need. When will this bull market end? My current guess is: **when businesses lose faith in Large-Language-Model-based AI, on which Nvidia now depends. Slogan: "When NVDA starts to go, watch out below."** That's not a specific price target or a date target, rather an if-then event target. Could be next week or a year away. I'd also keep an eye on JPM; when "best of breed" falls, others fall more. **Until then, bullish.** (Aspen Aerogels and Abercrombie & Fitch are rising faster than Nvidia.) When the juncture finally seems to get near: NVDA puts? Selling? Unfortunately, I like buying and dislike selling. I hope I'll act when the madness ends.

r/investingSee Comment

Mis-information ALERT! OP didn't do his research. In the last 4 years, Ryan Cohen and management have reduced operations cost by 300 hundred million. GAMESTOP was net income POSITIVE last calendar year. They've spent the last 3 years reducing cost and have 4.20 BILLION ON CASH at their disposal. They have room and capital to expand their business to generate more cash flow.

r/stocksSee Comment

Over decades, if you invest in large diversified ETFs, you should come out ok. If you are worried about short term, you can park it in ETFs like [CASH.TO](http://CASH.TO) that pay out monthly "interest" and is safe


Bers, LAST CHANCE TO CASH IN UR -99.99% FOR -99.98% BAG ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276) nfa

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a family friend has been working there, maybe for 20 years at this point? Anyway, he’s kind of an important senior guy, not a grunt developer, if you know what I mean. And, almost two years ago if not more, he sold some of his shares and bought a 17M house on the hills in the bay area for CASH.


Dude has like a bazillion in $CASH just waiting for a snap pullback. Then he buys the market. The whole thing.


GME will be more than just a retail store front. No partnership needed. Over 4 Billy in CASH. GME can be a store front AND anything else it wants to be at this point. Trust the process. A bright future awaits.


>Rate cuts = "BAD! RE! CES!! SION!!! **SCARRRYYYYY!!!!!!**" >Rate hold = "BAD! RE! CES!! SION!!! **SCARRRYYYYY!!!!!!**" >Rate hikes = "BAD! RE! CES!! SION!!! **SCARRRYYYYY!!!!!!**" >Yield curve is normal = "THAT'S HOW IT ALWAYS IS BEFORE THE ! RE! CES!! SION!!! **SCARRRYYYYY!!!!!!**" >Yield curve starts becoming inverted = "THAT'S A SIGN OF ! RE! CES!! SION!!! **SCARRRYYYYY!!!!!!**" >Yield curve starts becomes fully inverted = ["FULL INVERSION 100000000% CHANCE OF ! RE! CES!! SION!!! **SCARRRYYYYY!!!!!!**"]( >Yield curve stays inverted for years = "LONGER INVESION MEANS BIGGER DOWN TURN -99% BLACKSWAN GREAT DEPRESSION PANDEMIC WORLD WAR ZOMBIE APOLOPSE IS COMING!!! RE! CES!! SION!!! **SCARRRYYYYY!!!!!!**" >Yield curve starts becoming UNverted = "THAT'S WHEN THE CLOCK ACTUALLY STARTS! COMPLETELY DISREGARD HOW YOU'D HAVE MISSED OUT ON MASSIVE GAINS WHILE YOUR CANNED TUNA AND CASH WENT TO SHIT! BE SCARED OF THE ! RE! CES!! SION!!! **SCARRRYYYYY!!!!!!**" Cool. I'll just keep investing, but feel free to do what you want.


First, no one calls fiat fiat outside of salty crypto circles. You want to call it cash or forex or something. But most ppl are going to wonder why you spent so much on a junky car. The graph is meaningless as it has no context. If you’re 105 years old squatting for free in a British apartment, your needs are different than if you’re a US mother of six looking to get her GED next year. The colors of the graph are okay. But even if this was more detailed, it could be that your stocks are -50% your currency is up 75%, etc. just saying CASH is hard to say yay or nay.


Yes, if the broker extends you 2400:1 margin in your CASH account, it's on the broker to eat the loss. It makes sense that people wouldn't worry about ah, being I'm margin debt when they don't have margin enabled. I don't know how a broker could win a lawsuit over this when the account literally should have 0 ability to be in a debt position.


Mother fucking CASH it.


There’s this new stock, ticker CASH, 5% in dividends each year ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


30. I have a temporary high income so investments are much higher YOY, but I hit over $100K total at 29 on around $90K salary. RETIREMENT - $170K INVEST - $25K CASH - $40K

r/stocksSee Comment

Y’all might do well to also consider the incredible vastness of long positions which will need to be liquidated in order for this to happen 👀 Future headline: #The second best investment in the NYSE in June ‘24 was *CASH*.

r/stocksSee Comment

I'll say it louder 2 BILLION IN CASH AND NO DEBT POSTIVE EPS LAST YEAR SOLD 20% SHORT INSIDERS OWN 20% I make my own decisions and am open to counters of the investment but bringing in how others act and a strawman attack not going to cut it. Roth is up over 100% this year


It’s not just HOOD but all brokerages will do this as part of their risk management. If you do not have the cash or the margin to support the execution of the trade, they sell at 3:30 when there is still liquidity and they can guarantee the trade closure at a higher rate. There’s risk for them to attempt later as the closer to closing comes the less liquidity there is to close the trade. When HOOD says their margin - even if you’re on a CASH account, when they say margin in this context - they mean their profits lol not a margin account. The broker is responsible to cover the shares as the failure to deliver would be on them though they’d come after you.


What happened to apple my calls are PRINTING COLD HARD CASH trump please come back for 2024

BERS HAD 2 HOURS TO TURN THEIR -99.98% BAGS IN FOR -99.90% CASH BACK AND HELD ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

r/optionsSee Comment

first you should know that the purchase of options has a very low probability of success. Then a better way is to sell them. If it is to sort out the learning/complexity route: 1. you mention that you are good at buying stocks, then for a stock that if you would buy (why you did all the analysis) you could sell CASH-SECURED PUT, the worst case scenario is that if you do poorly, you keep the stock. 2. You have a portfolio of stocks, you can sell COVERED CALL at levels that you would sell your stocks. 3. Once you have experience in both, start with THE WHEEL OPTION STRATEGY. 4. Then SELL PUT SPREAD, SELL CALL SPREAD, IRON CONDOR. I have capitalized the concepts that you should look up on the internet to learn.


The fact that there isn’t a CASH OUT choice in your question is very telling. Say goodbye to your money pal![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Brookfield BN vs BAM Can those with more knowledge on these 2 tickers give some input on if I’m missing anything. I’m a long term 10yr+ invest & hold style investor. I’m looking to see which will give me the best return long term. I know BN corp holds all their tickers under them. I also know they just secured an insurance company which is projected to boost their revenues quite a bit But on the other hand I know that BAM is an asset manager which is sitting on a lot of cash reserves with 0 debt at the moment. What are your guys thoughts? And for some background my current portfolio is VFV, VDY, AAPL, TSM, TD, MFC, ENB, CNQ, ATD and CASH.TO. All spread between a TFSA /RRSP Thanks all!

You can literally buy a sfh in the midwest in CASH with that money

r/investingSee Comment

VOO is good for longer term growth, but five years is a short time fraemme in the grand scheme of things. Ask yourself this-If the S&P 500 drops when you're about to buy a house and therefore have to delay buying a house by potentially multiple years, are you ok with that? If 5-10 years is a vague thing and you don't mind potentially waiting longer then VOO makes sense. If you're not and want a safer investment, I would just do bonds or CASH.TO (if you're Canadian, I assume theirs is an American equivalent I don't know what though) Dividends aren't free money as they come out of the share price. They are essentially paying you your own money back, and need to at least grow by the dividend % just not to decrease in value, meaning they're not inherently safer than other companies, and certainly not safer than something diversified like VOO. People do them when they are nearing retirement just because they are tax advantaged compared to selling stock, so 'paying you your own money' is exactly what they want. I definitely wouldn't do dividends personally.

r/StockMarketSee Comment

GameStop's operating expenses are substantial, but they don't reach the $300-400 million per month range. For the third quarter of 2023, their Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A) expenses were $303.2 million. On an annual basis, GameStop's SG&A expenses for 2023 were about $1.32 billion, translating to roughly $110 million per month. Regarding debt, GameStop has maintained a relatively low debt level. As of the third quarter of 2023, they had $30.5 million in long-term debt. Having that much cash on hand is a good thing, why? CUZZZZZ CASH IS KING! WTF does CASH IS KING mean?!?!?! Well it highlights a few things so I’ll keep it short. Cash flow, when you have liquidity, you have flexibility. Bargaining power with cash on hand you can scoop up better terms and discounts! Give a company operating stability especially when it cost 100 million/monthly. And last but not least investment opportunities primarily in times of market distress, buying up undervalued assets.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Man…. Sometimes I think I had it bad. You guys humble me on a regular. What do you do for a living where you had THAT MUCH CASH, yet managed to blow up that much of it?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/stocksSee Comment

\*NVIDIA 1Q REV. $26.0B, EST. $24.69B \*NVIDIA 1Q AUTOMOTIVE REV. $329M, EST. $292.4M \*NVIDIA ANNOUNCES TEN-FOR-ONE FORWARD STOCK SPLIT \*NVIDIA QTRLY CASH DIV RAISED 150% TO $0.01/SHR \*NVIDIA SEES 2Q REV. $28B PLUS OR MINUS 2%, EST. $26.8B I think there is also a 10:1 stock split coming.

r/investingSee Comment

They have SO…MUCH…CASH. No debt. Sure, the days of 40, 50, 60% EPS growth is likely behind them, but results of their demise seem greatly exaggerated. I took today’s news as a chance to buy. I’ve never held LULU but watched for a long time, I’ll take 12% growth over just about anything with the macro picture we have today. It hasn’t traded as this low a P/E since 2018. Has been trading at 35-40 P/E since then. Today sitting at 22…

r/stocksSee Comment

1 month is the shortest duration for tbills. It's greats for short term investment if you DO NOT NEED THE CASH and have a emergency fund built up

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

CASH RULES EVERYTHING AROUND ME # C.R.E.A.M Get your money, dolla dolla bills yall ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Cities will always have demand that outpaces supply So idk wtf you expect LA will continue to run away from “middle class” being able to afford single family house. They will have to move further and further inland away from the beach There is only so much land available in the cities The cities also contend with INTERNATIONAL buyers paying CASH + the new fad of businesses buying up single family houses to rent IMO if you actually wanted to make a dent in the problem then ban internationals from purchasing residential real estate and ban companies from buying single family houses as investments

r/pennystocksSee Comment

SHORT $SHOT. 15MILLION CASH BURN with a 170k NET PROFIT... horrible numbers and product still taste like shit... 📉💩 *Processing img 8lpwqd2hau0d1...*

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Yes - This means that USA Cannabis companies will no longer pay "280e tax" at 70% and a lot of companies will be come FREE CASH FLOW positive overnight Also NYSE / NADSAQ uplisting will happen for the OTC names $CURLF $GTBIF $TCNNF etc and intuitional money which isn't allowed to touch Cannabis stock because it's currently on "Schedule 1" CSA Controlled substance act will now be moved to "Schedule 3" This is HUGE news!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

YOU DIDNT CASH OUT ?!!!! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Damn broh just ponied up 27B in CASH and he got a shitty social media platform. Dude is a true gambler

r/stocksSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SI was lower in 2021 than it is now. Most of the bad parts of the revenue were NON CASH write offs. It's disingenuous to use GAAP numbers, as they include things like a 600m write downs of legacy programs, or 1 time restructuring costs. That is to say it can "lose" 700m, yet basically break even on cash. I agree on Cyber Security. Tough market, lots of competition, no growth. It's worth at best liquidation value. The crown jewel is still the IoT/IVY. It's been actually growing, up to 30% in the last couple years, and although it's pulled back, is still growing, 80%+ margins.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

What indices does CASH even track?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SHOULD I CASH OUT OR KEEP RIDING I CANT WAIT ANOTHEr 2 YEARS![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I’m tired of having all this fuckin CASH

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Having $1.5 million at 42 is astronomically impressive. I'm Canadian, so living in a tent is impossible with our winters, but I served in army reserve and loved the simpler lifestyle. If you dump all of your money into CASH.TO and yield 5% with zero downside risk, you'd net $75,000 a year worry free. With that you can substantially upgrade your lifestyle, save for a downpayment on a tiny home. If you never touch your principle, you can basically quasi retire from investing too. Don't you want to build a homestead of some kind to call your own? Maybe travel the world with your $75,000 income and pick up hobbies. You are like set set.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

> CASH.TO How does this ETF work and how does it compare to a money market mutual fund like VMRXX? The obvious difference is that you can trade in and out of the ETF the same day, but VMRXX basically only trades at 4pm.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$189B sitting in CASH?!?!

r/investingSee Comment

