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For all the TAs out there, "Hidden" Bullish Divergence is not actually bullish (if it's "hidden"). Prove me wrong. Your regular BD is though.


For all the TAs out there, "Hidden" Bullish Divergence is not actually bullish (if it's "hidden"). Prove me wrong. Your regular BD is though.


Really good question. I don't actually believe there is a single chicken/egg moment of any platform, but rather a transition from direct "marketing/BD" being the primary driver of growth, to network effects being the primary driver. Early on (and Radix is still early) the direct activity of our marketing have a large impact to use of the network. There are basically 3 steps in the cyle for a L1: 1. Grants and support for the first builders interesting in launching on Radix. This gives the ecosystem the first few dApps/projects to use and interact with. 2. Liquidity incentives to bring enough assets into the ecosystem so there are economical incentives for users to interact with dApps/projects. This can only be done after step 1, as without any dApps, there is nowhere for those assets to be deployed. 3. Market this ecosystem to users with the opportunities (and/or incentives) they can access there. This can only be done after step 1 and 2, as without those there is nothing for those users to engage with. Then, you repeat step 1 at a larger scale to attract new devs who will launch new products, or plug-in to existing products to compete for the users and assets already in the ecosystem. Then step 2 again at a larger scale, and then step 3. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Each time around that cycle, the direct activity will generate less growth than the network effects. This is also exactly what Radix has been doing: Q2'23, before smart contracts were live on the Radix mainnet, we ran the first grants cohort and during the Babylon Upgrade, we ran a "booster grants" program for the first dapps to go live. We then pushed the existing community to use those dapps, driving the first liquidity and users. In March, the $10m liquidity incentives campaign increased TVL by 75%+, then last month we launch []( to attract more users, and most recently we increased the grants fund from $1m to $10m.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Same thing happened to me back in 2014. [Bought two of these bad boys]( in 2014 for $400 a pop instead of just buying 1 BTC which was like $800 at the time. Very similar to you I mined like 0.1 BTC before they became unprofitable to run. That's when I realized if somebody was going through all of the effort to design then manufacturer ASIC miners why would they not just plug it in themselves and make all of the money. Since then I've tried to direct people away from ASIC mining.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bitshares 7 years ago: 60k ops per second

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I met a tron BD person who told me 3 years ago tron can do 100K TPS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

[Except when it takes a year. Or a year and a half.]( These definitely aren't completely spurious correlations. It is a mathematical fact, that some point within 4 years price will either go up or down, and its gone up in the past which means its definitely always going to go up at some point ever 4 years. people who dont understand this by now don't deserve to be independently financially independent for the rest of their lives

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Here's an AI homage:


================ HOKK Fast Facts ================= Holders: +68,000 ✅ Nature: Decentralized ✅ Audit: By TechRate ✅ Team Wallet: None ✅ Contract Status: Renounced ✅ Liquidity: Burned ✅ Nature: Deflationary ✅ Tax Structure: Reflections (2% buy / 2% transfer / 1.77% sell tax) ✅ Total Supply: 100 Quadrillion ✅ Circulating Supply: 99.1 Quadrillion (0.9% burned) ✅ Availability: Ethereum and Base (via Axelar bridge) ✅ Current Marketcap: 1.5 million Ethereum Contract: 0xC40AF1E4fEcFA05Ce6BAb79DcD8B373d2E436c4E Base Contract: 0xd857af86A2c5b4F46fc7cb8032BD4F5625577EeB Website: []( Telegram: HokkaiduInuOfficial Twitter: HokkaInuEth Sub: r/HokkaiduInutoken ========================================== Disclaimer: Hokkaidu Inu $HOKK is not related to HOKKFinance. HOKK is the original contract.


Hokkaidu Inu ($HOKK) the OG Ethereum memecoin continues with the community revival by expanding to Base Chain, 820m MC ATH ETH contract: 0xc40af1e4fecfa05ce6bab79dcd8b373d2e436c4e Base contract: 0xd857af86A2c5b4F46fc7cb8032BD4F5625577EeB Twitter: HokkaInuEth TG: HokkaiduInuOfficial

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Hi Guys, This is Abhinav here with XT, Regional BD Manager. Please feel free to reach out to discuss on listing your token or project on XT. I am recruiting listing partners, reach out at []( Thanks Abhinav TG - abbylester

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Hi Guys, This is Abhinav here with XT, Regional BD Manager. Please feel free to reach out to discuss on listing your token or project on XT. I am recruiting listing partners, reach out at []( Thanks Abhinav TG - abbylester

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

666,666 0x6aC1D7C6859BD04A35e0cEF75895b4eB05970093

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

76302 0xD85C478106D15ECC391409cc212b36Fd07e7B6BD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

8,088 0x85D2BD8d927b3B363627f1fFD6D162327571Cb24

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

1. **76767** 2. 0xc935158b27b403583b7730BD908559c70629Ec49

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

1. 76767 2. 0xc935158b27b403583b7730BD908559c70629Ec49

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

555,666 0x9D117033384fB98BD0A3b8455f6f6f4BB854958F

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

529,187 0x279fB11Aea986995CF2d9efC468BD049307BD490

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

333,333 0x998BD0554C37b9E37c8bAD73d80758522038988F

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

742,420 0xbfCdfCE92Ba3cE79AAA4cE4a601368e6723A1BD9

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

1. *420,069* 2. *0x660EfE47bd8e2A0caCf60bfAA99296d11dE79BD9*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

1. 134655 2. 0x491E3BD480803D44ceff51776d0334A251680c62

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

1. 500 2. 0x162d7223170BD5E74abC569A8A984d81133d250e

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

1. 684,474 2. 0x456029D4d417ab7BD4D5d2b0404215E56a25C000

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

1. 737,263 2.0x5f6BD56e0a63988b63A7B5f422FF648FaeD1E99d

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

16,406 0x84f0a7680b7BD0fb81186ecc2500B55ba401fDA0

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

999999 0x6565800ee7a567baF9d75Fd77C76BD924D2E1f0F

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

# ETH All of your ETH is still sitting in **0x562ceec127C278C18DfCdB84B1D25aE5D12541c7** # BTC In regards to **3NQxgNeephUrfrYU5aFcCT7PKbBC3gT52H,** as someone else mentioned, the funds end up here 3BHXygmhNMaCcNn76S8DLdnZ5ucPtNtWGb. I think it's most likely a COBO BTC Hotwallet but not 100% sure. The other outgoing txn from back in 2022 leads to an interesting path. 13Dovykz3aKbGB9NjCtg9vV6DSGzgUNLx7 looks like a an individual or institutional wallet. I followed some of the funds to a massive whale of a wallet with 294M BTC in it. 13Dovykz3aKbGB9NjCtg9vV6DSGzgUNLx7 -31k2z8HocUWMCMXBkXREPiXNgK2fB3iLwo --1ApEy9BD93Usq8STKr9ouX7KbHqtwXp7Kw ---31oxjGsmepoq2cipeGQ2zKZRRBCf1m3kAC

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Here ya go, $3.47 each. If you sell them for $3.99 each you would make $37.28

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Fidelity bonds would step in for the raided scenario, and because the BD is contracted with the custodian, the individual investors are still covered by SIPC. Whether the custodian’s insurance measures or the BD’s are on the hook for the cost is for the courts to decide. But SIPC flows through the financial stack from bottom to top.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>But no one actually knows what’s in those reserves. It could be a bunch of shit covered in shit or it could be USD. >If it was all USD, they’d show everyone which they haven’t done Really? [Third Party Audit of Tether, December 31 2023]( According to this report, you can see what they have in their reserves. 1. Cash & Cash Equivalent & Other Short-Term Deposits | U.S. Treasury Bills | $ 63,086,013,400 Overnight Reverse Repurchase Agreements |$9,359,124,175 Term Reverse Repurchase Agreements | $815,301,051 Money Market Funds | $8,339,339,590 Cash & Bank Deposits | $394,746,540 Non-U.S. Treasury Bills | $69,259,151 **Subtotal** | **$82,063,783,907** 2. Corporate Bonds | $44,412,069 3. Precious Metals | $3,514,935,634 4. Bitcoins | $2,820,162,484 5. Other Investments | $3,772,433,767 6. Secured Loans | $4,804,666,695 **Total (1+2+3+4+5+6)** | **97,020,394,556**
