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Five solana memecoin projects with great potential

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KDogIdol - Maybe Next Pepe??

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🍊 OrangeHare's Korean POP-Revolution collection🐰

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The Chinese Government is going to launch Balloon coin soon in direct response to the US popping it's balloon

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Research and TA

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Research and analysis

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Crypto current state

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r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Enjoy Some Virtual Bubble Wrap!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Enjoy Some Virtual Bubble Wrap!

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Virtual Bubble Wrap To Help Relax

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Chimmy Inu | K-POP Sensation | Next Moonshoot | Low MarketCap | Dev Based and Team is active | Dev last project went 18M

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Why don't we use the NFT verse to create the most exciting NFT K-Drama possible?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Bubble wrap to help with these bearish days

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

A special awareness for articles with titles like: "Coin x pumped 10%. Buy now!". They're either paid shills, scams or the author wants to pump his bags.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Coinbase Pro & Advanced Trading has changed its fee schedule. (Spoiler: Taker+, Maker-)

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🔥 NFT Mint is Now Live! 🔥 Burn1 Partnered w/ Hip-Hop Producer Weldon Angelos & Comic Book Artist John Jennings for a 5 Part NFT Release - Perks Include, Staking, Giveaways & IRL Experiences!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Burn1Coin [$250K market cap] [9 Months old]. Perks include IRL Experiences (Attend Comic Con & producing tracks in a famous studio), Staking and more! Whitelist sale opens today. 4:20pm est.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

NINA CRYPTO GF 2000 piece POP Art NFT Collection for SALE

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Best way to work out your way through the bear

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Best way to work out your way through the bear

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Best way to work out your way through the bear

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

POPS NFT - The first POP culture focused NFT project already 5.4 ETH trading volume

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post has the worse customer service ever and has been the worse experience ever

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

The rise of the DAOs

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

GuildFi Comprehensive Analysis| Daolectic Research | V1 | Long DD

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

People are pouring in to the crypto world to make money. Newbies should take it slow .

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🦊 Amigo The Fox 🟢 Launching in 2 hours 🟢 3% Reflections 🟢 1,300 People in Telegram, it's going to POP.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

POPS NFT - The first POP culture focused NFT project

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Crypto Bubble Wrap to Help Deal With the Dip

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SIX Network Integrates Chainlink VRF to Support K-POP NFTs Protocol

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15 Mobile Based, Free To Play Crypto Games!

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DeFi gains and the Metaverse Hype


Wen POP $Corn ?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Kendu has been dipping in price but holders and members in TG have been growing steadily. If I were you I'd get in now before it takes off and you miss the boat. She's gonna POP harrrrrrd!! #kendu

r/BitcoinSee Comment

MI’m poddd POP I

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I'm in my 50's, so I was around when email first came out. There was such a learning curve. To check you email you had to have a POP3 account and then to send mail you had to have access to an SMTP server. Now you wouldn't think about that at all, how to get email or how to send email. Companies said "this is way too complicated to integrate into our work place". But here we are - using email as a vital communication tool everywhere. That's how I see Bitcoin's infancy right now - things are being ironed out, but eventually over say 10 years, the kinks and issues would get worked out and we will be using Bitcoin as easy as grandma is able to send an email today. That's my assessment.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Dudes with big inflatable balls that goes POP ehen disturbed.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Plenty of popular SOL meme plays right now to choose from: WIF STAN K-POP CHONKY

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You got that right.Good for you taking care of POP's

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

God Eth is gonna POP when ETF is announced. We already know it isn’t considered a security by the SEC. So it would take a miracle to stop it. And I personally don’t think Eth ETF announcement has been priced in

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Doesnt it POP? Buddy Christ.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

OMG 😱 WHY AM I POSTING IN DAILY WHEN I COULD BE FLYING MY PERSONAL SPACESHIP 🚀 🚀 🚀 🌙 TO THE ISS TO POP CHAMPAGNE 🥂 🍾 WITH THE ASTRONAUTS 🧑‍🚀 👩‍🚀 Id like to thank everyone for witnessing my rise to financial greatness. I knew when I sold my home and took out all those loans to leverage 1000x, it would pay off. Ride or die, my grandpa would always say - and he was the leader of the Hells Angels 👼 😇 Catch me on the flip side with Elon and Bezos - you’ll be reading me in the newspapers soon when I Count of Monte Cristo my way to the top of the world and enact an elaborate revenge plot against my bitter foes. ✌️

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Heres some links for you, understanding the internet and understanding hard money will help fuel your understanding of bitcoin. Get your set of balls, were going in. The internet is built of protocols, and that’s exactly what bitcoin is. What is the internet? In·ter·net /ˈin(t)ərˌnet/ noun 1. a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. What is a protocol? a protocol is a set of rules for formatting and processing data. Network protocols are like a common language for computers. The computers within a network may use vastly different software and hardware; however, the use of protocols enables them to communicate with each other regardless. What are the most used protocols for the internet? Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It is a suite of communication protocols used to interconnect network devices on the internet. TCP/IP is also used as a communications protocol in a private computer network (an intranet or extranet). File Transfer Protocol (FTP) FTP is a client-server protocol, with which a client requests a file and the server supplies it. FTP runs over TCP/IP -- a suite of communications protocols -- and requires a command channel and a data channel to communicate and exchange files, respectively. Clients request files through the command channel and receive access to download, edit and copy the file, among other actions, through the data channel. Internet Protocol (IP) IP functions similarly to a postal service. When users send and receive data from their device, the data gets spliced into packets. Packets are like letters with two IP addresses: one for the sender and one for the recipient. After the packet leaves the sender, it goes to a gateway, like a post office, that directs it in the proper direction. Packets continue to travel through gateways until they reach their destinations. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) SMTP is the most popular email protocol, is part of the TCP/IP suite and controls how email clients send users' email messages. Email servers use SMTP to send email messages from the client to the email server to the receiving email server. However, SMTP doesn't control how email clients receive messages -- just how clients send messages. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) HTTP is a file sharing protocol that runs over TCP/IP. But HTTP primarily works over web browsers and is commonly recognizable for most users. When a user enters a website domain and aims to access it, HTTP provides the access. HTTP connects to the domain's server and requests the site's HTML, which is the code that structures and displays the page's design. Ethernet Ethernet is a protocol that allows computers (from servers to laptops) to talk to each other over wired networks that use devices like routers, switches and hubs to direct traffic. Ethernet works seamlessly with wireless protocols, too. other important protocols not mentioned here: DNS DHCP POP3 IPv4 OSPF 802.11 (wifi) Bitcoin Value transfer P2P protocol, decentralized flat network, all clients, no servers. Circumvents the need for banks or intermediaries. “the internet of money”

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The corn is going to POP! 🍿

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Need to relax during Spooktober? Help Max find the Moons! 🐕 >!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!MOONS!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Or K-POP stars mentioning it…whole world would go wild

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Times are hard, take a second to relax. Bubble wrap, anyone? >!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Just get a K-POP to make their own coin. Their fan base trumps everyone else

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Can you find the moons? >!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!MOONS!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<

r/BitcoinSee Comment

What you’re missing is the fact that Bitcoin is a new monetary technology that is totally separate from the fiat money system, which is already so engrained into society. Even if Bitcoin was just some other really great networked technology that wasn’t supplanting an entrenched societal standard, it would still take many years for global adoption to really catch on. Our modern version of TC/IP was more or less finished in the early 80’s, and yet the internet didn’t really become popular among normal people until the late 90s and 2000s. It wasn’t until the late 2000s that it was becoming quite obvious to everybody how useful the internet was and still is. It took TCP/IP about 20 years, and that was with a human-readable messaging system (email—SMTP, POP, IMAP protocols) present from the very early years, early to mid 80’s. We only got LNURL Lightning addresses just a few years ago, before that Bitcoin was still quite technically challenging and foreign, even for techies. So, combine those things in your mind—an entrenched societal standard (fiat) has to be overcome, inherent limitations in the growth of a network technology, challenging and largely unfinished protocols… … as the guy who’s made the chart of Bitcoin adoption vs TCP/IP adoption, I’m now wondering if it is more appropriate to set the starting date of the comparison to an even earlier year, before TCP/IP was mostly finalized in 1982. There were earlier versions of computer communications protocols even before then, and the TCP/IP protocol I’m sure was drafted probably in the 70s. It might actually be the case that Bitcoin adoption in 2023 is most appropriately compared to the adoption of the internet in, say, 1983, 14 years after ARPANET had two nodes on the network.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I use NFT as key to locked chatrooms. Those are POP and i think thats a great usecase. What could be a great use case in your opinion?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I use it for gated calls with POP NFTs. It was pretty easy tot set up, i have not had any issues yet.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bubble wrap, anyone? >!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Do you remember setting up an email client with POP3 and SMTP server addresses. Everything needs to start somewhere.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bubble wrap, anyone? >!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I gave my nephew some of my old yugioh cards, not realizing some of them go FOR 50-70 DOLLARS A POP! I've been depressed all day...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hmmm, well i missed the opportunity for it >!^POP!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thought it was gonna say POP

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

POP - Proof of Profit

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We need a K-POP song about Moon.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

POP goes the bitcoin

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Here is something to do while you wait during the endless crab: >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

All emails are stored on the server. With POP3 you download them on your device and you have the option to delete them from the server, but you don't have to. Nowadays most people use native apps or web clients without POP3 nor IMAP.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Your point about email is wrong. POP3 emails are stored on your device. IMAP aren't.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ain't an easy way, but it's what we have...for now. Here's some anti-stress bubble wrap for after: \>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ease your stress. Here's some bubble wrap! >!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<>!POP!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

LTC go POP!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

*champagne cork bursts… POP* Cue the music!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

or any random K-POP fanbase \*lol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Do you offer a way for users to earn funds through the POP token/social engagement? Is is based on POP toke? How is engagement reward. Is it based on likes/upvotes or maybe comments?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Definitely, this subreddit is amazing and has an amazing community, I am quite a lurker here. So receiving questions and hopefully getting people interested in POP especially from the r/cryptocurrency community is amazing :)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Right now are ramping up our SEO and ads via Playstore, so we will definitely be up there sooner or later 😉 , There are many factors in this one being you will receive rewards / incentives if you try out our beta we also run bug bounty programs and are launching a ton of community campaigns, we want our community to benefit and one HUGE part of myself loves educating people so that will definitely be implemented not just education on POP but the space as a whole.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hi POP, how do you feel about being one O away from POOP?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I read the title as \[Funko\] POP and got excited for a second...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

&#x200B; >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's the same reason why nobody talk about TCP/IP, FTP, HTTP, SSL, POP, SMTP, HTML, XML, but about facebook, amazon, tiktok etc.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Crypto is about to POP. Look at the weekly charts. All have rising wedges. With China news coming out, think we’ll have a nice fucking run here in the next year.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Here is a way to relieve stress during these hard times: >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

POP :(Proof of potassium) Banano

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

POP: Proof of Punani You heard it here first! If you know you know...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

POP Proof of Proof. The name Pops.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Here a way to relieve stress during these hard times: >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If not this year, I see a few road blocks, but next year. Absolutely next year this shit will POP.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Cheers! Thanks for the moon! Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like the financial services firms he invests in are exactly that. Firms he can understand how, as a business, they earn income from services, and how that income translates into the value of it's stock given that a share of stock gives the holder rights to the equity of a corporation. A lot of these protocols though don't give you rights to anything. Bitcoin is just a currency. That being said, a currency isn't the easiest thing to create and manage, let alone a decentralized one that can function as a viable unit of account, unit of exchange, and store or value. ETH isn't a stock and Ethereum, the network, doesn't earn any money. It's the unit of exchange for network services on a decentralized network that executes and records results of smart contracts in a trustless way. I'm not sure that the paradigm he's used to thinking about value in would allow him to see value here. I definitely think there is value in this space. But you have to get rid of the idea of thinking in terms of corporate balance sheets, earnings in dollar (or euros, yen, etc), currencies being joined to a national economy, a company producing something (as opposed to a protocol producing something, etc I think you're right about your comments regarding AOL/Netscape. Though I think we're earlier. I think we're at the stage where I come to you excited about this thing called email. Everything is on a terminal screen that prints out letters line by line. I show you then how to set up an email server, get a computer with a modem, talk to you about POP3 and SMTP protocols, help you understand what your IP address is and what ports your email server uses. Then say "Tadaa!! Now we can send each other messages!" Then you stare at me blankly and ask why on earth we don't just fax each other because I'm the only person you know that uses email, you know countless people with fax machines, and all you have to do is punch in a phone number.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I understand why Bitcoin advocates make a bright line between BTC and everything else is shitcoin - but any oversimplification breaks down at some point. There are plenty of existing and potential future functions in society that can be better served by a distributed ledger programmable token than how that function is served today - and often the Bitcoin network won't be the best solution. I feel like strict Bitcoin maximalism is analogous to someone saying in 1999 "you should only ever use email forever and ever to communicate with only people you know and trust because all these "shit" messenger apps and "shit" online discussion forums are full of scams and disinformation. There's ONE AND ONLY ONE legit online communication protocol and its called SMPT/POP (or if you like, IMAP) and anything else is bullshit." Yes, there's some truth to that, but obviously there's complexity even in the oversimplification. Pure absolute maximalism just isn't how human-technology relationships evolve over time and I think the internet is a perfect, recent, and profound example. Look, I am a Bitcoin proponent. In all-in on Saylor (as much as it makes sense for my individual position in life) and even Lowery. I plan to literally never sell any BTC. But there's a laundry list of things that could get better by developing things currently called "shitcoins" - we just have to learn to filter out the scams and bad ideas and that's indeed a brutal process because it's human.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Just need to throw the word ‘synergy’ in there to make the other buzzwords really POP

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XRP gonna POP when this is all over and it’s going to be a huge win for crypto

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Proof of POP

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Plus I wanna see coins like ltc and nano POP OFF! THEY deserve it

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You're absolutely right. To make an analogy to the Internet were still in the protocol phase where if you want to transfer a file you need to know about FTP, server IP addresses, ports, etc. Want email? Set up a server, know what POP3 and IMAP are, etc. The core foundation of the Internet is TCP/IP. Other protocols were built on top of that but it didn't really even start to become very accessible until the world wide web and web browsers were developed. Even then it was pretty cumbersome and had a pretty steep learning curve for a lot of people. Since then we've seen more and more refinements, web browser wars, search engine wars, and more layers that ultimately lead to greater levels of accessibility. Where are we in crypto? I think we're where the Internet was before the world wide web and web browsers. We're at the stage where most people using these systems are developers, professionals, and geeks. Maybe CEXs are like America Online and Prodigy you could login and go 'online' to use Internet-like services but it was not the Internet. It is not convenient yet. But 5 to 10 years from now things might be looking pretty different.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Are you as stressed as me? Cause im sweating bullet sover here staring at the USDC chart. Im going to help out: >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Stressed over the charts? I'll help you out: >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Stress because of the red charts? Let me help you out here. >!POP!< >!POP!< >!OPP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!PPO!< >!POP!< Some are different! I hope you feel better.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Here is something to do while BTC bores us to death >!\[POP\]!<>!\[POP\]!<>!\[POP\]!<>!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!<>!\[POP\]!<>!\[POP\]!<>!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >! \[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >! \[POP\]!<>!\[POP\]!<>!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!< >!\[POP\]!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Back on popular request, a helpful way to deal with the stress from red charts: >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POO!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!PPP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< *This is the last time. Doing these manually sucks. But I hope it helps you calm down!*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

it's unlimited, they will keep minting more until POP

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

POS= Proof of Steroids POP= Proof of Pumping

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

and wait til that bitch goes POP

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

THEY POP UP DAILY LIKE TRASH. you can clean but can't stop from creating new one.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

POP quiz What is common between 3 out of 4 biggest scammers in 2022 1. Barry Silbert (DCG) 2. Alex Mashinsky (Celsius) 3. Sam Bankman Fried (FTX) 4. Do Kwon (LUNA) You'll know you've got the right answer when reddit calls you a hateful hatey mchaterson 😆

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Happy cake day! Here is some bubble wrap for everyone! >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!HAP!< >!PYC!< >!AKE!< >!DAY!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!<

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Here is some bubble wrap for everyone >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Brooo what?!? TRUMP CARDS?!?! DAMN >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Here's some bubble wrap to play with while you listen lol >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!<

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

COCO is about to POP Mmm COCOPOPS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

POP (proof of prison)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

BTC is about to snap crackle POP! Get ready boys and girls.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

We about to POP! Get ready boys and girls.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

ORE has a good pool on the ALBT LMaaS product too. What APYs are you getting on XPRESS? Another good place for LM is POP too.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You know what, I decided to go ahead and respond to this while I'm waiting to digest my breakfast before going for a run > XMR is ASIC resistant. More decentralized by design, mineable by the average person. Mining decentralization is a piece of the puzzle but less important than node distribution. Nodes ultimately decide the nature and identity of the network, not miners. BTC has by far the highest number of user run nodes, and thus the highest degree of decentralization. ASIC resistance forces lower hash-rate and thus lower security. Plus, just [earlier this year]( XMR was under threat of a 51% attack by a mining pool. Seems like ASIC resistance isn't doing much to prevent centralization of hash rate eh? >Based on... what? I'd say it's inherently less secure since everyone can view your balance at any time. Network security =/= personal security. You can't see someone's total balance as long as they use multiple addresses, which every modern wallet does by default. You have to actively *try* to screw yourself this way these days. >lmao cute, worked out great for Blockbuster Bitcoin is a protocol, not a company. Network effect has indeed worked out great for other protocols like http, TCP/IP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, etc, each of which has competitors with "better tech" >They've tried (Samurai iirc) and failed so far. Coinjoins work fine but are not ideal. We're seeing more of a push from devs to work on protocol level privacy features but it's early still. There are lots of promising 2nd layer privacy options in development as well >Plus XMR has tail emissions which will prevent transaction fees from skyrocketing like BTC's might when mining rewards expire. I believe that most transactions will occur on higher layers in the future and that the base chain will be reserved for transactions between large entities. Many people in the future will never interact with the base chain at all

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

When that's over it's gonna fucking POP

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Bitcoin is a protocol like IMAP, POP3, SMTP, FTP. These protocols due to their network effects are not replaced. Bitcoin is money, and unlike the latest tech gadget, tech fad, or piece of software, Money depends mostly upon network effects, liquidity, stability, acceptance, trust , and security.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Soon... Then POP!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What about POP ( Proof of Pooping) ?

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

M2Pro is on a POP consensus, getting only one miner might not be too profitable, because more successful participation on blocks determine your earnings as well, but it's good to start somewhere though. Long term DeFi staking is also another way to accumulate more passive income and turn a deaf ear to the incessant bearish momentum in the market.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Honestly still not buying it as progress. And how long would it even last? For staking there are so many other options. I prefer using DEXes like the EGLD one. Staking RIDE there. UFARM for other alts like ORE. SPOOL for lower risk stablecoin pools. And liquidity mining on POP.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

i think dot has been having it rough lately and might POP soon for a quick profit

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bitcoin IS the innovation... And yes, It's designed to progress/change slowly, methodically and as democratically as possible. As good/sound/simply functional money should. There is no second global internet. Once you understand that, just as we use POP/SMTP for expressing ideas digitally, we can now use the Bitcoin network similarly to express our value (fairly, inclusively, and globally) ... Much like HTTP and TCP/IP ... Bitcoin is a backbone technology that all other projects attempt to emulate yet fail because they aren't as decentralized and we're the OG innovation. As far I'm concerned, every creator of a cryptocurrency after Bitcoin is in essence, an inside trader, they saw the innovation, knew of the benefits/functions and endless growth it would likely adopt, and chose to scam the rest of the world with their "better" gold.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Probably rename a K-POP group

r/BitcoinSee Comment

IMAP and POP accounts? CC and BCC? Mime attachments vs other types? Does anyone really know the difference?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Email is very convoluted indeed. You need to have an account, choose between POP or IMAP. Know what an SMTP server is. Etc. And then there is the spam issue.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Really? OCEAN has been around long. Good web 3 utility and partners like ALBT. They also had an MLP on POP a while ago. Yeah, I can see the FOMO kicking in too.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

POP - proof of pineapples.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Good picks. Especially ETH, OCEAN (great web 3 project), MATIC (very good layer 2), ATOM. Also, DAOs like SPOOL especially for staking stablecoins, DEXes like JOE, POP for MLPs.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yes, only a matter of time for LINK to POP! LINK needed staking years ago lol, not sure why it's not out yet! Glad at least they made an announcement about staking.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

POP goes the weasel

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Yes. I believe so too. BTC does not seem to be recovering with enough speed at the moment to see a bull market within this year. Maybe 2023, but probably not. The best thing to do now is to utilize your stablecoins to their best ability. Stake them on automated yield aggregators like SPOOL, use platforms like BBANK. Stick to ones that you think are more legitimate. USDC is a good choice. Liquidity mining on platforms like POP is a good way to go. Staking on UFARM. DAOs like AAVE. While we HODL it's important to earn passive income at least until the next halving.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The next big thing in crypto will be around sustainability. The same trend you can see in stocks and ETFs. "Green" and "sustainable" investments are on the rise there as well, and more and more investors prefer this alternative. Also because you can make good profits with it. When it comes to cryptocurrencies, I wouldn't bet on new coins that still use proof of work - it simply consumes too much energy. This is exactly why Ethereum wants to switch to Proof of Stake (even if it will still take some time). Interesting for me are cryptocurrencies that use the Proof of Personhood protocol. As far as I know, that is only Idena (IDNA) so far. POP could be a gamechanger. It consumes much less energy and there is also a real person behind each user. You don't have advantages because of a fast computer or big capital. Low energy consumption, democratic approach and decentralized - all points that I consider important. For this reason I also have an eye on it. If other coins are also dedicated to these topics, I see great potential in such cryptocurrencies.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Is there POP yet ? Proof of Proof
