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r/BitcoinSee Post

Remember the GameSTop Short? That but Except this time you can't print more bitcoin LOL

r/BitcoinSee Post

My BULL case for BTC : No investment is a "sure thing" but the BTC blackrock ETF will be WILD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

When Big Finance Publicly Warms Up to Crypto, Price Manipulation Will Be Rampant

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

$SPICY token is coming out TODAY!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

If it's too good to be true, it probably is. A firm claiming to have a deal with Morgan Stanley seeming just rugged getting away with 31M after users reported not being able to withdraw. They were promising 1% interest daily, 100% in 63 days. All that said, the website is actually god-awful.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Wild Coins Bitcoin Gaming Platform, Laptop Found?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

My r/CryptoCurrency MOONs Google Spreadsheet is LIVE [MOONs] [Metrics] [SPREADSHEET]

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Is Bitcoin a Leading Indicator of CPI Inflation?

r/BitcoinSee Post


r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

New CEO of FTX has just released a declaration and it is WILD. SBF received loans from Alameda. Real estate and items for employees was purchased with FTX money. Fair value of remaining non-stablecoin crypto is $659. "Never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls..."

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin is the Currency of Supply Chains (Not the Internet LOL)

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

WildFloki stealth launch with zero holders to give everyone a fair chance to earn massive rewards and to prepare for our ecosystem launch which will be announced first in our community |

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Post from Pomp about Biden and Crypto

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

LMS Goldmine

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

LMS the Goldmine

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Last Man Standing Token | Next Moonshot | Unique Rewards Design | Launching Soon | Passive Income Generator | Community Events | Website, Whitepaper, and Dashboard Complete | Binance Smart Chain | Initial Audit complete

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Last Man Standing Token / Next Moonshot / Unique Rewards Design / Launching Soon / Passive Income Generator / Community Events / Website, Whitepaper, and Dashboard Complete / Binance Smart Chain / Initial Audit complete

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Last Man Standing Token | Next Moonshot | Unique RewardS DesigN | Launchinng SooN | Passive Income Generator | Community Eventss | Website, Whitepaper, and Dashboard Complete | Binance Smart Chain | Initial Audit complete

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Last Man Standing Token | Nextt Moonshot | Unique Rewards Design | Launching Soonn | Passive Income Generator | Community Events | Websitee, Whitepaper, and Daashboard Complete | Binance Smart Chain | Initial Audit complete

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Last Man Standing Token | Next Moonshot | Unique RewardS Design | Launching Soon | Passive Income Generatorr | Communityy Events | Website, Whitepaper, and DashBoard Complete | Binance Smart Chain | Initial Audit Complete

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Last Man Standing Token | Next Moonshot | Unique Rewards Design | Launching Soon | Passive Income Generator | Communityy Events | Website, Whitepaperr, and Dashboard Complete | Binance Smart Chain | Initiall Audit Completee

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Last Man Standing Token | Next Moonshot | Unique RewardS Design | Launching SooN | Passive Income Generator | Community Eventss | Website, Whitepaper, and Dashboard Complete | Binance Smart Chain | Initial Audit complete

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Last Man Standing Token | Next Moonshot | Unique Rewards Design | Launching Soon | Passive Income Generator | Communityy Events | Website, Whitepaper, and Dashboard Complete | Binance Smart Chain | Initial Audit completee

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Last Man Standing Token - Next Moonshot - Unique Rewards Design - Launching Soon - Passive Income Generator - Community Events - Website, Whitepaper, and Dashboard Complete - Binance Smart Chain - Initial Audit complete

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Last Man Standing Token | Next Moonshot | Unique Rewards Design | Launching Soon | Passive Income Generator | Community Events | Website, Whitepaper, and Dashboard Complete | Binance Smart Chain | Initial Audit complete

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post


r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post


r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post


r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

TravladdCoin most hyped and 100X soon

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Travladdcoin most hyped right now. Millioons mcap coming

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Travladdcoin most hyped right now. Millioons mcap coming

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

PeeCoin! A Degen-Launch Gone WILD! New Poo-Coin Competitor | Crazy TG Engagement | Just hit 100K MC

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🐋superFANTOM | 14k mcap | Travlad partnerships | Hidden gem | 100x real potencial

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Launching in hour! superFantom | Low mcap | Liq locked 1 month | safe dev | 100x potential

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Next Moonshot 💥superFantom with FTM rewards and based dev | Fairlaunch

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Missed SuperMatic? Don't miss SuperFantom! Based dev! Join community

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Missed SuperMatic? Don't miss SuperFantom! Based dev! Join community

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

missed super MATIC ? don't miss super FANTOM | 100x coming

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

missed super MATIC ? son't miss super FANTOM | 100x coming

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🎬MoviePay - Watch short movies answer quiz win $5.000 every week | Launch soon! Don't miss it

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🎬MoviePay - Watch short movies answer quiz win $5.000 every week | Launch soon! Don't miss it

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🎬MoviePay - Watch short movies answer quiz win $5.000 every week | Launch soon! Don't miss it

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🎬MoviePay - Watch short movies answer quiz win $5.000 every week | Launch soon! Don't miss it

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🎬MoviePay - Watch short movies answer quiz win $5.000 every week | Launch soon! Don't miss it

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🎬MoviePay - Watch short movies answer quiz win $5.000 every week | Launch soon! Don't miss it

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

WildGoatX 1 Hour Project 🚀 | 🔥 All Paper Hands Are OUT 🔥 | 💰 2K MC 💰 | 🌟 Marketing Incoming (4Chan, CoinChan, Token Banners, Telegram Calls, Telegram Shilling & More) 🌟 | ✔️ Locked ✔️ | 💸 BuyBack at 100K MC 💸 | 🎁 0.5 BNB Best Shiller For The Next 24 Hours 🎁

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

WildGoatX Just Launched 🚀 | 🔥 Porposals = Insta Ban 🔥 | 💰 2K MC 💰 | 🌟 Marketing Incoming (4Chan, CoinChan, Token Banners, Telegram Calls, Telegram Shilling & More) 🌟 | ✔️ Locked ✔️ | 💸 BuyBack at 100K MC 💸 | 🎁 0.5 BNB Best Shiller For The Next 24 Hours 🎁 Telegram Clls Launched!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

WildGoatX Just Launched 🚀 | 🔥 Porposals = Insta Ban 🔥 | 💰 2K MC 💰 | 🌟 Marketing Incoming (4Chan, CoinChan, Token Banners, Telegram Calls, Telegram Shilling & More) 🌟 | ✔️ Locked ✔️ | 💸 BuyBack at 100K MC 💸 | 🎁 0.5 BNB Best Shiller For The Next 24 Hours 🎁 LFG

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🚀 Fair Launch - Santa Hype - WildSanta (WILD) - LP lock on Mudra - About to launch - Low MC 🚀

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Metaverse Sleepers You’ve Probably Never Heard Of


Metaverse/web 3 gaming. And I think by then, Wilder World WILD would be 98% complete. So, anticipating that pump. These are projects with good utilities.


Looking at your portfolio every now and then wont do you any good. Even if you are new in crypto, you have to give it some time. It might take a couple of months, to a year to get in profits in some occasions. For WILD, I think it was about five weeks of chopping all sides and I've remained in profits ever since. This current dip is also creating a better opportunity to go all in again. But then, the most important part of it all, don't forget to take profits.


Bro it’s WILD how the conversation around crypto has changed over the last decade. Now we have people insisting that bitcoin was never about moving away from centralized currency.. like, the fuck?


> XRPL does not have any economic incentives like POW or POW. holy shit you ALMOST got 1 full sentence of information correct for once. thats WILD, im so happy you've almost learned how to speak > Their entire network security is based on a centralized closed permissioned system of TRUSTED HAND PICKED Validators PAID by Ripple thus completely controlled by Ripple. Other validators are IGNORED. aw and here you were doing so well you just had to go and ruin it with more lies. anyone can run a node and become one of the 3 node types (stock, hub, validator) you can also specialze into any of the 9 subnode types if you wish. Nobody can stop you, it is permisonless. Anyone can add or remove anyone from their own UNL and the default UNL is not required to reach consensus. Ripple doesnt even control the dUNL anymore. Validators are not PAID by ripple, you just directly refuted this claim with you're opening sentence. >These trusted validators are the same for the UNL lists by the 3 publisherss, Ripple, XRPL Foundation and Coil. They are "Almost" the same but there are differences and Again you are not required to follow ANY of these 3 published lists. you are free to add/remove any validator you dont like. >These paid entities will do whatever Ripple says, that is how they are incentivized. Then why did they vote no for 3+ years along with my validator when Ripple published its cheques amendment to the codebase? If Ripple controls them, why would they vote against Ripple's proposed change to the codebase?

"You ever think that, like, aliens or whatever are out there and they're like, sending us all these signals that, like, to use bitcoin or whatever? Hey, do we have that clip? Yeah, bring that clip up. YOU HAVE GOT TO SEE THIS. This is WILD."


"You ever think that, like, aliens or whatever are out there and they're like, sending us all these signals that, like, to use bitcoin or whatever? Hey, do we have that clip? Yeah, bring that clip up. YOU HAVE GOT TO SEE THIS. This is WILD."


it's crazy to me that this is like 15th person that Ive had this conversation with in the last 48 hrs. The BTC maxis are breaking their own golden rule of "dont trust, verify" They are skipping the most important step, the verify part. None of them are looking into this UTXO stuff and just read nonsense on twitter and come here and parrot it. its WILD to me.


I think WILD is a good one. Most especially with an amazing product. It's top class web3 p2e game I love so much.


"I've asked her to ask her boyfriend.." is a WILD sentence.


BTC - Because it's a master of everything OCEAN - Because it's best data-oriented AI project and because it never let me down WILD - The best multiplayer metaverse that relies on photo-realism, AI and blockchain tech SOL - Because the memes are the hottest narrative and Solana is their safehouse LINK - Nothing would be the same without oracles and what's best than LINK, really?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

WHAT IN THE FUCKING WILD WORLD WOULD YOU BE DOING THAT IN SAN FRANCISCO AND COMPLAINING ABOUT A STRUGGLE FOR??? think for a moment how someones own choices (as described) would be responsible for the situation, and not their salary. I stand by my point, they'd have to be living in INCREDIBLY stupid ways to pull off struggling at 100k. Living in fucking SF with children is one of those incredibly stupid ways.


With the resurgence of the metaverse hype, I'm rooting for projects like WILD. I think facebook's meta was the first to hint about this tech, since then a lot of other projects, blockchain based have picked it up as well.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Do not go down that indexed funds trap. You're literally throwing money down the drain, unless you are getting them via an employer tax differed retirement account or similar. If you're looking into FIAT based investments, then you aren't quite sure that BTC will work out, which is common. My suggestion would be to keep doing your own research until you finally come to the realization that you're FIAT money is being debased at a WILD rate with each passing day.


Sounds like you are talking about WILD, haha. But that's not even a problem, just buy the dip like Blackrock or Saylor will buy the BTC dip. Stack up, it's time for that.


At this point OCEAN and WILD are my top picks.


Trading WILD could be a good bet. It's done over 300% in a short time. With a little pullback, we might be doing another 3-5x from here. Just saying. NFA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Whenever I see "Fren" my brain still immediately thinks of that person as a secret racist Nazi. Reddit was a WILD place 7 years ago...

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It’s gonna go WILD. Get ready.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

DYOR and also diversify your bags. I'd be putting around 50% in BTC, 30% in ETH and split the remaining 20% on different alts which holds solid value and potentials like WILD and HEART which are both below $1 in price.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Well, I don't give financial advice, but ADA, DOT, HEART, DAFI, WILD have done insanely well in the past few days/weeks. Memes like SHIB, PEPE, COQ, or DOGS are also about to go parabolic.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

People think institutional money will be more consistent and less volatile than retail. Probably because our first real taste of it was a bunch of retirees buying ETFs. But y'all have never seen investment bankers play with leverage in a speculative market with very little regulation. That shit is going to be *WILD*.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Bruh… we’re gonna need a big venue and a lot of planning cuz that shit is gonna be WILD


OCEAN is more than a safe bet. WILD as well. They won't remain at these levels for much longer.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Oh my days… that was WILD!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You familiar with WILD?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

When it hits $10m per the $50,000 swings per minute will be WILD.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Something thats funny and can be tracked live ATM on XRPscan. Binance US is struggling to hold Supply of XRP so they have Halted withdraws of XRP atm, Their combined wallet total that they have on their exchange as of writing this is around 95k XRP. (they have over 200 Million XRP on their international wallets/exchange) if ur on Binance US atm, there are some WILD price fluctuations happening right now for XRP due to lack of supply.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Get in now on WILD on pump. fun

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If you missed PNUT check out WILD on pump . Fun , celebrating Wild Thang, the winner of World's Ugliest Dog 2024 . He's such a cute boy

r/BitcoinSee Comment

LFG!!! I am DOWN for one of the biggest tech companies on the planet adopting Bitcoin!!! My only regret is IF this does come to pass the way we want it to, our accumulation-for-cheap days are pretty much OVER. Stack sats and put on your safety harness everyone, this roller coaster is gonna be WILD

r/BitcoinSee Comment

AlphaBay was great while it lasted. I bought loads of stuff on there. It was WILD! They have customer reviews for everything. It literally was the Amazon of the drug world.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No, it's "WILD" because it has to do with Cryptocurrency. Dude is buying something that was a top 100 coin at the time that was also very popular, on the most regulated exchange in existence. Article is trying to clickbait for views like he's buying fucking SHIBAINURMOM on tradeogre and pump and dumping tokens, but really it just means he bought something like a normal human.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The upside is fucking WILD when it happens So much unexplained liquidity into chains you've probably never heard of. Pick the right ones and BOOM

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

WATCH THE SPEECH, stop listening to propaganda, the crowd was going WILD.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Did we just tap 67k? On a Saturday? That’s WILD

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Are there still people who say this? THAT'S WILD

r/BitcoinSee Comment

"war is our harvest because it is through it that we get in control of the [redacted] land and gold" - reichorn. Enjoy the culmination of the klans plan! it's gonna be WILD

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

I know bro, three listings being announced all at one was a huge surprise! The next week is going to be WILD.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

$HEGE is going straight to the top! Top tier everything from team to content! These next couple months are going to be WILD!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Uh no, it was $30,000 not 2.1 million. Because this happened in 2013. Did you pay rent in 2013? Did you ever buy a sandwich? If so "LOL imagine /u/stiizy paying 35,000 for rent! What an idiot LOL, that's WILD! Imagine paying $350 for a sandwich! What a wild decision /u/stiizy made!"

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Now let me tell you SOMETHING BROTHER !! The sooner these crypto Scammers are locked behind bars the BETTER, BROTHER !! NOW WHAT CHU GONNA DO, WHEN HODLMANIA AND THE FBI RUNS WILD ON YOU, BROTHER !!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NOW LET ME TELL YOU something, Brother !! Arbitrum is aiming straight for the MOON, BROTHER!! If their Foundation stops having HANDS OF PAPER the MILLIONS of CRYPTO-MANIACS can go to the MOON with them, BROTHER !! NOW WHAT CHU GONNA DO WHEN, WHEN HODLMANIA AND TEN MILLION CRYPTO-MANIACS RUNS WILD ON YOU, BROTHER !!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NOW LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, BROTHER !! Coinbase says ‘We are going to be the richest company in the whole world one day, BROTHER!’ WHAT CHU GONNA DO WHEN HODLMANIA!! RUNS WILD ON YOU !!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Now let me tell you SOMETHING, BROTHER !! The reason why COINBASE CUSTOMER SERVICE takes forever to reply is because they ain’t got enough JEETS in call centres, BROTHER !! WHAT CHU GONNA DO, WHEN HODLMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU !!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NOW let me tell you something, BROTHER !! The Foundation of the ALGO has the biggest golden rug of them all RUGSTERS, BROTHER !! NOW WHAT CHU GONNA DO, WHEN HODLMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU !!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Now Let me tell you something, BROTHER !! EVENTUALLY EVERYTHING ETHEREUM, BROTHER !! Now what chu gonna do, when HODLMANIA.!! RUNS. WILD.ON.YOU !!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NOW LET ME ask you something, BROTHER !! How long did it take for you to write this ETF essay, BROTHER ! What chu gonna do, when HODLMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU !!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What’s good BROTHER !! What chu gonna do, when HODLMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU !!


Yeah dude dogelon was a WILD ride

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Crypto Tax/CPA accountants and attorneys will be a WILD new industry that I hope many young and feisty minds get involved in.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

People have to look into the history of solidly forks. I was in the initial drops of every major solid fork out there and these comments are WILD. So many in these comments HAVE to be new to crypto. The main reason velodrome somewhat succeeded is because they gave massive OP incentives to get people to lock. When they ended that program, people stopped locking and the price almost immediately spiraled. Until the past few months Ve3,3 was considered a MASSIVE failure. The price action of every single solid fork was terrible. Aero will turn a profit during this bull, but just be aware that if it runs foul and people stop locking you’re in for a world of hurt if you locked tokens. Selling the venft of the locked tokens maybe only gets you 50-70% of their worth. At least they did. Maybe it’s come up since then

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Calling Solana a piece of shit blockchain within the context of comparing it to Ethereum is WILD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It was a literal rocket launching sequence. The peak acceleration to the blowoff top was WILD

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I think it's weird right now because most of the movement is institutional, and retail fomo hasn't even really piled in yet So I think the real party is yet to come post halving as it always has, and it's going to be a *WILD* rip

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Where did the bears go folks??? Did they go looking for that pullback to 35k? I don't know where they're at they might have gone on a WILD GOOSE CHASE I'll tell you where they're gonna be at in the future though fellas: IN SHAMBLES Desperately moving the goalposts calling for a pullback to 45k or some other nonsense OR They will capitulate and buy in now like I've been saying and push us to EVEN NEWER ALL TIME HIGHS BULLS WIN WOOOOOOOOO LIFE CHANGING MONEY

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The comments section in that post is WILD.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

no it cant, price might increase in anticipation but that would exacerbate the supply crunch. a real supply crunch will burn some ppl tho since low liquidity on BTCs side of the trade would cause some WILD volatility

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Where did the bears go folks??? Did they go looking for that pullback to 35k? I don't know where they're at they might have gone on a WILD GOOSE CHASE I'll tell you where they're gonna be though in the future though fellas: IN SHAMBLES Desperately moving the goalposts calling for a pullback to 45k or some other nonsense OR They will capitulate and buy in at the 60ks like I've been saying and push us to NEW ALL TIME HIGHS BULLS WIN WOOOOOOOOO LIFE CHANGING MONEY

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That ETH/BTC ratio chart is going WILD... And people did not believe me yesterday when I said big crypto money was rotating into ETH after seeing the ETH vs BTC reaction to the SEC hack. For once I was right!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Wouldn't be Bitcoin without the WILD FUCKIN RIDE. Part of the fun.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Are you not entertained? Tomorrow gonna be fucking WILD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Eying off 47k…. This week is going to be WILD whatever happens. LETTSS FUCKKINN GOOOOO

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I've been thinking about this allot, and I have no answers. Gold miners were able to upswing production on gold as the price increased. After the end of April, no one will be able to upswing production on bitcoin. And this is coinciding with an ETF. To me, the ETF (via retirement accounts) will be EASIER to trade in and out of. I don't see BTC stabilizing anytime soon, I just don't. I think we may see a WILD moon and crash just like past cycles. I'd love someone to convince me otherwise.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Be WILD if it's approved on January 16th.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah no one should be allowed to publish anything negative of our dear crypto 🙄 If this dip annoyed you, then buckle up buckaroo, the next 2 years are gonna be WILD. Crypto has a tendency to correct very fuckyouingly.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Last shareholders meeting was WILD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The whole Ethereum ecosystem is dead - until it's not. Transaction fees are what are holding it down and keeping people from using it. Then you have all of Tether waiting on the side. Ethereum very well could pull some WILD shit, but I'm not ready to believe it just yet lol.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Calling Elizabeth a conservative is a WILD take. She’s an authoritarian, working hand in glove with the banks to create a financial fascist dystopia. Crypto is not perfect and probably never will be. It will however, be worse with the legislation push from the top down.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

especially if it’s going to continue to be this narrative for the cycle too. if that’s how a big chunk of people are operating, then likely something else WILD will happen no one expects

r/BitcoinSee Comment

As someone who heard about bitcoin around 2010 it’s absolutely WILD to see this on major news networks. Respect to the OGs, you did it, it’s really happening 🫡

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You seriously sold before: 1. ETF 2. Halving 3. Hyperinflation You’re a WILD MAN.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DEC/JAN going to be WILD ☝️☝️☝️☝️

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Me personally, I wouldn’t stick with Bitcoin or XRP. Diminishing returns not worth it. XRP might do alright. $LINK $AVAX $SOL $INJ would be my safe choices. I’d rather go “riskier” because in a bull market if Bitcoin does well so does the rest of crypto. If Bitcoin tanks, everything tanks. I Like narrative plays like gaming, easy to understand for normies. $3ULL $SHRAP $IMX $BCB(gambling), $WILD(meta/gaming) are my picks so far. Low caps, high risk, high reward. In it for the money.

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

"Tangem Pay is the first **self-custodial** payment card with **cold storage** that **can be used** at 95M **VISA** terminals around the world." And it's a ring. WILD.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>As someone who works in finance, it is WILD too see Larry Fink the head of the largest asset managements company "blackrock" say he's bullish on bitcoin, its a flight to safety, digital gold etc etc... honestly I cannot stress how INSANE that is to hear coming out of this mans mouth. Like its a tectonic shift in thinking from him and the larger institution he represents. The wall street wolves are here my friends. The days of the average person buying BTC are numbered. I wanna paste this on my wall.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm so glad to see other people starting to mention games. It's a wildly new paradigm, allowing for value transfer between game ecosystems, cross-compatibility of assets, true player ownership, and unique crowd-funding opportunities. The next bull run is going to be WILD, as we'll get to see which web3 game economic systems are strong and which will crash and burn.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Any proof of this? Because these are WILD claims without anything backing up. So wilde it is either your imagination or you should have very solid evidence to show..

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

BULL MARKET IS WILD!!!! Poor dumb bears. They have to be crying so so hard lmao someone call the wahhhmbulance for them bears hahahahahahahaha

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Seriously, that wallet is WILD.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Most of the folks that were around during the first distributions have 6 digit numbers of moons (at least those that didn't sell them off.) The initial distribution ratios were WILD.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bro u have nooooo idea😂 The shit the CIA did in South America in the 50s WILD the shit we’ve done in the Middle East WILD like oh you don’t wanna sell oil in USD, have fun getting ur govt toppled

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Actually offering peanuts for a Monero is WILD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hey I’ll gladly take some more Moon exposure. This sub is going to be *WILD* once the bullrun returns. Atm barely anyone knows about them

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I have empathy for the guy over his family being targeted by the deepstate, and I respect him for recognizing the fact that guns are a part of American culture. And honestly.. I wouldn't really have an issue with him as president. I read his book about Fauci and Gates, and that shit is WILD.. they won't even give him secret service detail.. that pretty much says it all right there.. they won't allow him to be the next president.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

To be fair.. BAYC wasn't just a bad investment. It was a full blown conspiracy to pump. And a pretty advanced one. One of the founders is a talent manager for Hollywood which is how they got so many celebrities on board. No one else could have pulled off a scam this large. They didn't just strike brand deals with a bunch of stars, they used someone with a WILD list of professional connections to rope in celebrities basically for free.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Our community is growing so fast. 300,000 more to go and we'll reach 7 million users! Imagine if 5 percent of the sub's population is active. That's going to be WILD.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

WILD I would need 6,500 MOONs to be my current salary here in US. I am happy for all you guys!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I can’t wait to see this place when moons go on an absurd run, it’s gonna be WILD in here 😂

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I know this has been mentioned a ton but its WILD that we held .50+ through a distribution

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Depends on your risk but MC of moons is low we are early it could go fucking WILD.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Dang.... that is WILD!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Someone has over $600,000...WILD. How long will they HODL for is the biggest question? It'd be very hard not to sell some once you become a legit Moon Millionaire.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This should legit be one of the top most upvoted comments/threads in the entire subs history, People REALLY just dont get it that ETH's promoters decided to Weaponize a government agency to go after and hamstring/attack their competition. Its fucking WILD to me that this has 5 upvotes. Meanwhile that FUD thread gets 500+... its fucking wild.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It was a WILD markup. If anything pops off like this it happens in Hearings not markups which is what threw me for such a loop!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Regret buying WILD at 6.7x on nft boom. Regret selling telcoin for a loss and missed out on 300k.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lowest karma/moon ratio ever = 0.188 Highest karma/moon ratio = 13,40 13,40 is WILD holy shit 😭

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