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r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Houdini Swap and its POOF token

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Taking a tactic from FTX portfolio to your own; BUY MORE COINS AND PRODUCE A 8 BILLION DEFICIT!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

I have just been hacked somehow and all my crypto has been stolen...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

If you need some humor now


Asteroid mining would put down award pressure on gold price for sure, but if you want to see price collapse that could happen within the next few years… if someone develops a better blockchain Bitcoin goes *POOF*


I hear SBF is pumping SOL to his prison guards? FTX owns 15% of SOL supply, so there's an obvious incentive for the bankruptcy settlors to pump the shit out of it. When that's over, POOF.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I too had 1 whole Bitcoin.. and like an idiot I left it on QuadrigaCX because at the time that was the only way to buy Bitcoin in Canada. Yeah… POOF! It’s gone.. the exchange went belly up when the founder “died” and conveniently nobody else had access to the cold storage. So yeah.. Coinbase is a reputable exchange.. but anything can happen. Don’t be like me.. move it!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

32 eth goes POOF. I did some small staking on coinbase, but not the bulk

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> ...and don't forget your ledger passphrase because if you forget both seed and phrase...POOF! It's all burnt to dust if you can't remember that hardware pass in three attempts. I like to call it the second layer of degeneration. You are confused about the difference between a passphrase (which is part of the bitcoin protocol) and a PIN (which is supported by the device. The Ledger is protected by a PIN. It also gives you the option to specify zero or more passphrases. One of those passphrases may be linked to a secondary "passphrase PIN". Each combination of seed phrase + passphrase constitutes a separate wallet. Hopefully OP did not use (forget!) any passphrases, hopefully he just needs to remember the one primary PIN.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

...and don't forget your ledger passphrase because if you forget both seed and phrase...POOF! It's all burnt to dust if you can't remember that hardware pass in three attempts. I like to call it the second layer of degeneration.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Not exactly...the Fed creates new money when they purchase US Treasury securities on the open market. Conversely, money is destroyed when it sells treasuries from its portfolio. As a matter of fact, they are required by statute to be the buyer of last resort for any unsold US Treasury debt issues. So basically, in a backdoor way, new money is created by issuing debt. If the US National debt were completely paid off, the majority of the money supply would just... disappear. POOF...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Everytime I see somebody buying a bunch of powerball/lottery tickets at the gas station I think to myself how ridiculous it is. I know you can't win if you don't play but goddamn, take that $50 and invest it into Bitcoin or literally ANYTHING besides throwing it away. The chances are stacked so against you it just baffles me. At the least you're not going to lose ALL of your money, you'll always have a chance to exit but if you don't win anything on a ticket it's like POOF your money is gone. Also it's annoying to have to stand in line for like 15 minutes because everyone in front of me wants their fucking powerball. /rant.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Anyone who is a Monero fan should look into Houdini swap. Houdini swap uses Monero to allow you to perform private transactions for multiple currencies such as ETH, USDT, USDC, etc on multiple different chains. For example if you are starting with ETH on mainnet and want to swap to USDC on polygon privately you can do so with Houdini swap. Houdini swap will take your ETH, deposit it in a CEX, swap it to Monero, withdrawal the Monero, then deposit the Monero into another CEX, swap the Monero to USDC, and withdrawal it from the CEX to your wallet. I would post the link, but not certain if links are allowed… If you want to learn more about this you can look up $POOF token on Defillama or CoinGecko. $POOF is the token for Houdini swap.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Really early on, I had no idea what the fuck I was doing and sent 700 moons to my $ETH address ***POOF***, and gone

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

“ But that’s life… I suppose…one day it’s there .. then …POOF” 🍺

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

People said ledger, terra luna and ftx were in great shape in this sphere and then POOF.. So i’d avoid making any absolute statements. In this shitty crypto sphere anything can happen..

r/BitcoinSee Comment

An exchange is 1 party…. Now we have 3 3rd parties to “trust.” The government can easily pressure all 3 if it becomes very very anti bitcoin and POOF your bitcoin is rugged. Seems like a glorified hot wallet to me now.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hello Belize and then....POOF....I make the 10 mil disappear

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Watched his interview on Bankless and realized this guy is so detached from reality and don’t understand the nuances of crypto infrastructure. Here are some easy points he fails to understand. 1) He claims crypto is the right hedge in the event of US banking system collapse. What he fails to understand is how integrated crypto is with the US banking system. Dollar being the reserve currency means the effect of hyperinflation doesn’t really start immediately as there is foreign demand to repay debt. HOWEVER, both USDC and Tether would most likely go POOF as they won’t have the reserves backing them anymore. All those liquidity pools on DEXs will be drained and dumped on CEXs as arbitrage happen. It would be UST replay but at a 2X worse magnitude. Even BTC won’t leave unscathed because of those WBTC on DEXes. 2) Hyperinflation essentially mean a collapse of public infrastructure like in the Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe. When the internet is gone, how will I transact in crypto?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ROSE was a thorn in my side at the end of the last bull. It had made me so much money and then just POOF. Gone.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Charles a good storyteller, I’ll give him that. And a convincing cult leader as well. When it comes to an actual working product though - POOF !

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That is 3.3B of \*POOF\* of Reserves, disappearing into thin air!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Like POOF aaaaaaand its gone

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

... or you could just use a passphrase?! Makes it difficult to lose your ENTIRE stash. They could've just lost a few hundred or couple thousand $$$..... Definitely no more than 1% of your Coin sounds be stored in a default, decoy wallet. Add a non-dictionary passphrase (that exists *only* in your mind) to the default wallet and.. POOF... you've unlocked a whole new wallet.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

He must be pretty smart to make 9 billion dollars just to POOF. I wonder who helped him!?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Rotten luck, I think something started to leak badly and on the highway I ran it dry…. I heard a massive *POOF* and I had to swerve 6 lanes to the right without power….

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Let me send you some coins….Better get the address right cuz if you’re off by one number. POOF…DISAPPEARS. Annoying

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

POOF 💨 …money laundered through underwear

r/BitcoinSee Comment

What you gonna do when those batteries run out? POOF all your bitcoins cease to exist. /s

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> He only has to spend one of those early coins and POOF! His claim is proved true. Doesn't even need to do that, just sign a message with the private key. Back in the day there was the 'Web of Trust' to verify identity

r/BitcoinSee Comment

If he invented btc then he is already sitting on 500,000 of them so why look for more. He only has to spend one of those early coins and POOF! His claim is proved true.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Damn, 80k moons just going POOF. Lovely to see this post, will help new users a lot! Better be safe than sorry

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

All that money just... POOF!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

M fuckin compound made me some loot!!! Happy btc shorts go up in smoke...POOF!!!!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm old, my parents and my in-laws are older. I watched predatory bankers steal my father's home our childhood home. My spouse watched the same bankers steal her father's 3 businesses after he had a heart attack, while he was in the hospital. He had no chance to negotiate and the banker along with his law enforcement buddies broke into his businesses and took assets, including personal property and memorabilia. They then took his home as well. That banker today was fired from his job for other banking related fraud, but he never served any time, and all the homes and properties he took with his predatory tactics he has turned into rental properties. His children then inherited those properties, and they all live in grand luxury, and still own my father's house and my father-in-law's business properties. In 2000, I was still naive to believe that the USD, hard and smart work, and dedication to traditional fund management systems was the way to build wealth. I'd fed my fund manager a portion of my earnings for many years. He became a millionaire that year, and I watched 50% of my lifetime of savings evaporate "market forces" they called it, and I trusted their words, that "it'll recover". It only took me 7 years of staying the course, feeding him, that fund management company more money to rebuild. Rebuilding is not recovery. In that timeframe, steady inflation eroded my purchasing power and by the time I got my balance back up, it had half the purchasing power. We were no closer to being able to afford a home than before the heist/bubble/downturn/market forces. In 2007/8, I watched half my retirement savings disappear again. What did they call it then? Housing crisis? Their words don't matter, all that matters is the outcome. Very wealthy people, fund managers and bankers and policiticans, that were millionaires became multimillionaires and working class people lost half their money. We spent the next decade rebuilding again. The government was quick to say "the market has recovered, the economy has recovered", but it did not. Our lifetimes of savings did not. We still foolishly placed faith in the dollar and foolishly helped turn multimillionaire "representatives of the people" and fund managers into millionaires worth 10s, even 100s of millions at that point. The top people in mega retirement fund companies became worth BILLIONS, on our dimes, our lifetimes of savings. So, here we are again. Another clever heist. The politicians, our representatives, are now worth 10s to hundreds of millions, they devalued our wages, but also devalued our lifetimes of savings by 30% in less than 3 years. Then central bankers AFTER they provided the uber wealthy with zero rate loans, who used that money to buy up rent seeking properties, especially even HOUSING this time, they jacked up the rates and crashed the markets. This wiped down our already devalued dollars by another 40%. 40% of lifetimes of savings went POOF, and let's not forget, that money that remains only has 30% of the purchasing power it had 3 years ago. In the same timeframe, the wealthiest of the wealthy doubled their net worth. The game is rigged. It always has been. There is no safe place to store your past earnings in a centralized system where a government and it's leaders can mint new money or write policies and taxation to shuffle and shunt PURCHASING POWER wherever they want, because it will ALWAYS be to themselves and their buddies. There is a reason most working class people do not have enough money for retirement and there is a reason why wages are so oppressive. The system is designed, rigged, to keep the working class oppressed and owning no true wealth, having no power in the system. This is why crypto exists. The problems we're seeing right now are not because of emerging technologies and innovations, that bring transparency and true democracy to our economy. The problems ALL arise from the uber wealthy, generationally wealthy, bringing their scammy wealthy scraping tactics and corruption into these systems. Hold those people accountable, make them return what they stole. All of them. (That isn't going to happen unless working class people organize and demand transparency, decentralization of power, and fair share of the wealth we all create. It won't happen in traditional markets and opaque government, which has proven corruption and misappropriation for decades, and it won't happen in emerging markets unless people get organized and make it happen.)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

yeah, OP be like: i'll just connect my Metamask to this super high-intereast Matic Staking website - POOF, and it's gone.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So true. Fuck the USD. In less than 3 years, a few powerful and uber wealthy people decided to flood the economy with "free money". It devalued everyone's wages. It's inarguable, that we're all suffering the consequences of this now. We're drowning. We lost 30% of our purchasing power on wages, but most importantly, it achieved what it achieved in all past "stimulus". It shunted purchasing power, cleverly, away from the working class, and in the form of zero rate loans, gave that power to the uber wealthy. They subsequently and rapidly began insulated themselves from the inevitable bad news... "inflation". How? They started buying up businesses, assets, resources, and especially housing, rent-seeking properties. Already, they own so much, so logically their best acquisitions were starter homes and houses and condos. Most of which were already far out of reach of the next generation of young working class people. Naturally, they began raising rent, raising prices, and so poof, there went all of the stimulus, straight to the wealthiest, but our wages are forever devalued. Worse, our lifetimes of savings devalued. And the uber wealthy, by no surprise, as planned, doubled their net worth. Now, that they're well insulated it was time for a few old gray super rich bankers to decide to crash the markets. You know, where most working class people store their "wealth" in terms of dollars, in their retirement plans, and are legally trapped there. If they try to escape what they know is coming, they'll still lose, paying +25% to income tax, but an additional 10% to early withdrawal tax. So, POOF, another 32% wipe down on EVERYONE's lifetimes of savings, 32% of everyone's balances dropped on already devalued dollars. You're right. In 3 years we lost 30% of our purchasing power and then within months we last another 32% on actual balances. Sadly, this isn't the first time that most of us have suffered these manipulations and devaluations. The USD, centralized currencies are too tamperable. It's not our first time, not our second, but for most, it's the 3rd time. It's just proven decade after decade that the dollar and the markets, the primary places where working class people can define wealth are just a horrible store of wealth, and really just a clever way to rob the working class. TLDR; Crypto, companies, assets, land, resources, properties rarely rapidly change in value. It's the dollar, fiat, centralized currencies that fluctuate at the whims and desires of the few people that command control over them. We need LESS centralization, not more.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

I’m not an expert, but just thinking out loud: wouldn’t it be cool if we could just by something like Monero with a credit card, and once we own it, we send it to the DeFi wallet and POOF - completely untraceable. You could send $1,000 and turn it into $100,000 in a few years or whatever and then sell it in some peer to peer fashion either piecemeal or lump sum with some kind of CraigsList of Crypro shit. Damn Uncle Sam would hate that.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

POOF Because just like that; it could be gone.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Don’t use fiat on non kyc exchanges! Come on dude. It’s not that difficult. Buy your normal crypto on kyc’d exchange with fiat. Send it to your hardware wallet and press it over a bunch of UTXO’s. Then send to a non kyc exchange and buy Monero. Send the Monero to a stealth address from your private wallet account and, POOF! You literally disappear!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bro people are always going to buy the top. They didn’t need my help. That’s the nature of the market. I didn’t leak the Amazon story. It was out there. I covered it. Go search it now and you will find a ton of stories about it. Unfair to blame me tbh. It had a lot of momentum and I believed it too. Then the marketing just went POOF! Gone!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No matter what happened or how it happened. He frauded and made a lot of regular retail investors money go "POOF". Hasn't he already admitted practically everything at this point? If he doesn't go to jail. He'll probably try to run for president next election!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They are gunna get rug pulled. Give us your token for yield 🚩🚩 did no one learn with FTX, CELSIUS, BLOCKFI, LUNA!? YOU ARE THE YIELD. What's gunna happen is scams like that let you deposit but when you get a substantial amount of funds in POOF it's gone unable to withdraw

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Just like that… POOF

r/BitcoinSee Comment

#2: “Our priority has been and will continue to be to protect our clients and their interests.” HA! ..cause that’s EXACTLY what they did, right? ….oh, wait…. #4: “We intend to communicate as frequently as possible going forward but anticipate that this will be less frequent than what our clients and other stakeholders are used to.” Let me think about that.. 🤔“they anticipate that it will be less frequently then (pretty much) everybody is used to.” Well, I guess that makes it okay then, right? It certainly (legally) covers their asses. Not that it makes much of a difference at this point anyway, cause POOF! 🪄💨&🪞…Their gone!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Abracadabra, Alameda, alakazam, - and ***POOF!*** The money is gone.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Fine line between Proof of Reserves and - POOF - of Reserves!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

nano s plus would be my go to at this point (storage...newer) If you can buy it directly from ledger...avoid amazon and other 3rd parties to ensure you get a secure device (my opinion) If you don't care for ledger (they had a marketing email list hack in the past...not their devices, but a 'customer list' type thing...they claim going forward they are more locked down) then look at tezor...cold card...I don't have as much info on these guys but self custody is part of the whole crypto...thing. And it sucks when your exchange and your coins go offline \*POOF\*.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Imaginary Internet Money go POOF!!! All gone! Fun ride, worth the worthless fiat currency cost of entrance.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What a name. I guess the hint was in the word Magic. *POOF* Gone!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Non-centralized. So if Binance goes bankrupt, those "currencies" literally and physically go POOF! and are permanently gone. they simply stop existing.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Pay to mine using cloud-mining and POOF, untraceable coins

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Can you GUARANTEE that I can turn $100 into $1,000,000 within six months? If so, SIGN ME UP! I want quick, easy money with zero effort. My current program is that I lose money. I don't know my algorithm exactly, but I invest and the money goes POOF! I have not yet developed software to emulate my algorithm... the algorithm of which I am unaware.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

POOF! and they're gone like Do Kwon!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Good strategy as long as you realize nothing is certain. You can slowly build up some wealth then move it into the wrong project and POOF there go your gains in two seconds. The goal should be to trade crypto back to fiat, not to keep your money in the market.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's been off the market since Covid started basically. They took it off of the shelves at first because one batch was said to have too much of a certain carcinogen. Then they started taking ALL of it off the shelves. Freaked me out, because I took it once in awhile. I'm a nurse and we used to give it for all kinds of allergic reactions and obviously heartburn, then POOF, stopped giving it and started to give Pepcid. I'd imagine it's going to have a *LOT* of lawsuits, though.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That's a lot of magic beans that have gone POOF!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Unfortunately this type of referral scam claiming consistent earnings and multiplying is extremely common. It's unlikely the profiles are actually the people they claim to be too, so the real Mrs. Alexis is likely oblivious to this. There will be tactics such as asking your friend to transfer 15 grand worth of BTC, they will then update the person being scammed that they now have 30k in their wallet, but it is locked, however can be unlocked early if you send another 30k to be reinvested, but this time for a shorter period of time etc etc.. person sends 30K more and POOF. Vanished. 45K gone. No communication.. nothing. Daylight robbery.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Being your own bank isn't that hard. You only need to be an expert in IT, network admin, cryptography and several styles of martial arts and hand to hand combat to protect the physical copy of your recovery phrase. Ok, so that stuff is just for the handling of manmade threat vectors. You also need to consider Act of God threats, such as protecting your lil piece of paper with 24 words from destruction via flood, fire, earthquake, weather and zombie attacks. Well sure, there is also your own worst enemy, yourself. You have to solve the paradox of not being able to tell anyone your secret phrase, thus risking loss of memory where you hid the thing. Oh right! It's in your safe! Remember the combo? Awesome! Got into a minor car accident and bumped your head and got a touch of the amnesia though? Hmm. Like I said, it's not really THAT hard. Ok well, that's just for holding what you spent money on to acquire. But the reason you are even holding it in the first place is because you hope to sell these useless digital strings to a greater fool in the future for a higher price than you paid. Soo, we must add to the list: Expert in financial markets, economic supply and demand, trading strategies, human psychology, cycle dynamics, and speculation. Not that hard! Well, you probably also want to be confident which digital strings to buy hold and sell but when and why. So we'll need to add in: Expert in monetary systems, fiscal policies, the history of money itself, global currency flow, velocity of money, sovereign debt and GDP by market capitalization. Still, not that hard. You only need to know a lot about everything, ever. So quit your job, neglect your family and friends, never trust any other human ever, not even yourself (remember, amnesia!), and interact with digital networks without doing anything digitally. Now, think about that $1000 of value that you spent on ADA or XRP or ETH or even BTC. Think about how much of your time on the planet was needed to generate human capital, which you sold for that $1000 USD. And ask yourself, was it worth it? And further, is it worth the additional time you spent to effectively become your own bank, security guard, economic expert, yadda yadda.. God, I have ZERO F**KING IDEA. But my bleak reality guess is likely 99% chance of absolutely not. It's just that that sweet sweet 1% chance of [insert coin] going to the moon, when I'm not stuck sleeping or in traffic, and perfectly dumping it on the market for 100x gains. A measly $100,000. Now just win that another few times, perfectly, add in all the rest noted above and POOF! You'll never have to worry about money again. You'll be rich, you'll manage it well, and life will be grand. Like I said, Being your own bank: NOT THAT HARD! I think this crypto thing's got legs. Hbu?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

Thanks man/madam. If Celsius goes down. Half my life savings go POOF. (And yes, I completely understand now how big of a mistake I've made trusting them with my assets).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If literally everyone starts buying it, then POOF, it becomes the bottom that very moment.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What do you mean it's gone? I have $500m in crypto. Not anymore you don't ... POOF!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Tether is coming up soon. but it will be and instant collapse. The backdoor is open and whatever USD is being pulled out in bags and loaded on speedboats. Then POOF! It will pop.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No. 99 percent of crypto is bullshit, scams, or things that do not need a Blockchain. Bitcoin however is the real innovation. It's the most important innovation of our lifetimes. Is Bitcoin useful?? Ofc it is and it will be needed as time goes on and as governments fail. We DO NOT need to live in a world where a select few can poof money into existence. Money should be energy. I use my energy to do some work and I get money for my wasted time and energy. That money holds the energy I exerted. How the fucking fuck did we end up with a system where I have to fucking work every day of my life just to stay afloat and we have a single fucking entity that is so in the shadows it's hard to tell what the hell they are really doing that can just print money out of thin air. Let me make this clear. Your sorry ass has to work AND the government takes your money for " tax purposes" when in reality we can't give them enough to cover the dept the gov is in. So when they really need it what do they do?? POOF HERE IS A TRILLION. That trillion that just came out of nowhere devalued your time and life. How does that make you feel?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

the delusion that any form of value stored as currency is ever safe anywhere is what really gets a chuckle outta me banks? poof crypto? poof stocks? poof metals? poof oil? poof DEX? POOF all money is fake, the only thing that lasts is power. money isn't why banks or churches survive 1000 years, it's the power they're given that maks for longevity CEX or DEX, if you and your interests aren't represented, your store of value means nothing

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I live in a third world country in latin america. Try transferring money to the U.S, Europe, or Asia. It’s a pain in the butt. Send money through crypto, POOF! Like magic! Having so many technological advances and a SWIFT transfer system that takes 2-3 business days is not fast enough in today’s economy.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

What are you talking about? A$20 deposit to use Twitter would alienate an insane number of current users. It would kill spam as well, but at too high a cost. For example: for 99% of Argentina, $20 is like 4 months salary. POOF.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Now, if they have financial problems and go belly up, guess what happens to my portfolio? POOF it goes Reddit told you guys :(

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Let me go get my clown costume real quick. I decide to check Reddit before I go to sleep and I see the biggest shitshow in a while, with the card changes. About 70% of my crypto holdings are on their platform (between different currencies), and all these emergency changes make it seem like they are desperately trying not to go bankrupt. Now, if they have financial problems and go belly up, guess what happens to my portfolio? POOF it goes. Where’s that clown costume again?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Woke up from a nightmare in which atom went up, then DOWN, slightly up then All the way to zero and my money went POOF. Woke up expecting to have lost everything, happy to see I haven’t, still sad that the price plummeted

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The problem isn't the loan. The problem is whether the loan can be called based upon the market price of bitcoin. Such loans are called "marked to market." So, what's the risk? Volitility and whether you have enough btc on the sidelines to cover. Because of the price drops out of nowhere (as bitcoin has done and will probably continue to do), you will be required to pledge more btc as collateral or else the lender will sell the collateral it's holding to repay the loan. If that happens, your Bitcoin collateral goes POOF! Michael Saylor just announced that Macro Strategy (a subsidiary) of Micro Strategy just used sich a loan to purchase more bitcoin. First time Saylor has financed a purchase this way. But the difference between yout stack and Saylor's, I suspect, is probably more than 100k whole bitcoins. So beware

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

In and out since 2011, following crypto since 2010. Have panic sold, have liquidated large amounts at near bottom to pay bills, have seen unrealized gains in the tens of thousands evaporate. Mind you, I'm not wealthy. Tens of thousands for me is already a golden ticket to a better life, and I've watched it go POOF. You get over it. You get a longer mindset. You start investing seriously, making budgets, looking at _other_ investments like businesses, stock markets, futures, land, etc. You start looking at a broader portfolio. You start saving money as a habit, you start looking for ways to make more money so you can invest more money. You start taking stock of what you actually want in life, and hopefully start living more intentionally, spending on what makes you happy instead of keeping up with the crowd. Hopefully decide to grow yourself, grow a business, etc. Most anyone who got in to invest before 2013 was either 1) gambling 2) cryptography/tech nerd 3) _hardcore_ libertarian. There's still a lot of #1, especially with big companies adding it to their portfolios, but seasoned investors are still not bullish on it. Just go post "I have $10K and want to invest in crypto" on r/investing and see what I mean. They might outright ban you. Just take it one day at a time. Here's some actionable advice: 1) stop looking at charts for a few months 2) set your wallet or brokerage to show you the value in coins, not USD 3) develop a DCA strategy for your favorite coins 4) DCA into stablecoins as the bull market sets in, so you can farm some APR but easily buy into good coins when you see bottom patterns before the next bull run 5) eschew shitcoins for now unless you are massively bullish on the fundamentals

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We’re doing everything we can without starting WWIII. Fuck their economy. They can worry about that later. Let’s not just allow people to go willy nilly invading anywhere they want without repercussions and these are gonna fuck him up royally. Wait until those Russian Billionaires and the Russian Mob feel the pinch. Someone might just make Putin go POOF

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The only pandemic is the international financiers. This fake pandemic is just a cover for the banking and dollar reset. Measures are being put in place because they know the average goy is gonna be real pissed once he discovers that EVERYTHING he has ever worked for his or her entire life is gone, aaaaaaand it's gone. POOF. They will want to riot. Plus hungry people are dangerous, until they get so hungry that they can barely move, at least. This is going to be a great and fun time to be alive gents.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

They wouldn’t be imprisoned in those countries for you to find out. They would just disappear from the face of earth … POOF!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Awesome! Good thing human memory is perfect and can’t be corrupted or else just like “MAGIC” POOF!!!!!….. your “money” would pull a disappearing act….;-)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lost to the exchange. This is how they make even more money. After you don’t touch that small balance for 6 months or a year- POOF

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

For my next trick, watch me turn JASMY into CRO! #POOF

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It goes POOF!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I was watching the press conference. Though they were going to raise rates. Watched 1 min charts - POOF green across the board. Ok , I need to work on my English and basic understanding.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You buy and then POOF

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Gonna wake up one day and POOF.....its gone

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There are selected few that use leverage to their advantage and can finance price action. Then there are the masses that will YOLO with 0 money in reserve is position needs to funded and - POOF - all money is gone.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You would guess wrong. Search on this subreddit people getting scamed in various ways when using software wallets like Meta mask. They too thought you need to be next level stupid to get scamed. And then they lost it all - POOF !

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

eth 'premined' 72 million!!! with an M coins! they did all of their money printing in 1 giant POOF! lolol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Your response is appreciated! And thanks for the edit... so more than anything it's the name? I agree banks are "taking the drug money" but here's why... it's not their money yet they can still profit from it. The caveat is if the feds come through and tie the money as drug money.. POOF it's gone, seized and turned into CIA buyouts,, with no recourse. The bank loses nothing but the guy operating the shop... fucked! Thus the need on my opinion. Also this is on XLM if that makes a difference.. seems pretty cheap as far as fees. Hit up the creator and drop your opinions... he's happy to discuss!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I invested 1$ in 30 shitcoins and pray that one day I look back and POOF……lambo

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Reddit prints them out of thin air. \*POOF!\*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’m just curious how you can legitimately sit here and say Safemoon will POOF out of existence so real coins with utility can rise up. Safemoon is one of, if not the most shit on project in this sub. Which is ironic as it is setting up to be one of the projects with the most utility. Here’s a breakdown: Wallet is operating flawlessly with a built in swap functions which outperforms the competitor (TrustWallet) as you don’t have to jump through hoops to use PCS. More and more swap pairs being released. Contract upgrade is right around the corner so everyone who’s argument is “bUt BrO sAfEmOoN iS jUsT cOpY pAsTe” can kick rocks. Safemoon Exchange will be released soon that could be a top 5 exchange and unique in that it will offer cryptonomics (read: auto-staking) for all currencies traded on the platform. Blockchain is scheduled to be released by EoY. Setting up for what it appears to be a utility provider for multiple African countries as well as becoming a potential industry leader in Macro IoT. What more do people want?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I always rely on a magic trick, for example look at my money, now you see it ..POOF! Now you don't🤦🏽‍♂️
