Reddit Posts
The most interesting thing about the SEC hack is how little Bitcoin cares!
I have officially passed 5 years in the crypto space - what I have learned and did right and wrong- I kinda got a foolproof 10 to 20% return on trading
Not a Shill, But You Don't Have To Trust Me
How to make $1 every 30 minutes without doing anything! (Crypto)
Luke is either lying or is an idiot - shitpost
-CC ,Debt card Hmu Be Bitcoin ready with every purchase you get a free method pack balance: $867.57 - $80 balance: $600.51 - $70 balance: $934.00 - $90 balance: $1,200.18 - $100 balance: $2,849.12 - $300 balance: $2,029.00 - $200 m balance: $3,877.94 - $350 balance: $4,548.50 - $500
Exactly what is wrong with using a closed-source Ledger to keep you bitcoin
Assuming Grayscale has not broken the terms of their ETHE (and GBTC) Trust Funds LLCs, and are not committing fraud, and do have OUR underlying assets, what happens if the discount goes to 99.999%?
Off-ramping via self-custody wallet?
Holiday season is approaching and it’s gonna get ugly
Woke up today to find everyone talking about doing a run on crypto custodians and exchanges. Here I am thinking, maybe it's time to do a run on all the old money banks and manipulated markets.
FTX and SBF have openly shown that they’ve been contradicting themselves since the start (an exploration of their ToS)
Bitcoin keeps loosing value because of this simple fact.
[SERIOUS]Just convinced a real friend to not suicide a couple minutes ago. NEVER EVER FOMO IN CRYPTO!
Not your keys.... not your industry.
Why crypto? Example of FIAT without control: A Venezuelan needs five (5) monthly minimum wage just to futfill his very basic food needs
I almost lost all my Reddit avatars due to a scam and crypto on my metamask.
I nearly lost all my reddit nft's as I fell for a scam on Reddit.
Can someone shed some light on this coin
Bonds collapsing in fiat terms, fiat collapsing in dollar terms, dollar collapsing in purchasing power
The Absolute Idiocy of the WH Crypto Report
You Will Own NOTHING!! Here's How They Plan to Make You "Happy"
How to detect a scam - based on a real example
Isn't this exactly what we should be seeing?
A repetitive, boring but needed update from Venezuela, last week 32 BTC were traded here (only measured using LocalBitcoin) while monthly minimum wage drops below 19 USD!
Why I am Holding SHIB in 2022! As of 8-20-22 there are 1,209,142 Million SHIB Holders.
I'm very mad about this moons main net
Anybody have any experience with trader wagon / copy trading?
With news of Moons making their way to mainnet, I think there's no better time than now to remind people to backup their seed phrases and create a vault password...
With news of Moons making their way to mainnet, I think there's no better time than now to remind people to backup their seed phrases and create a vault password...
With news of Moons making their way to mainnet, I think there's no better time than now to remind people to backup their seed phrases and create a vault password...
Is this it? Are we seeing a beginning of a major leg up and a start of a new bull market?
Unforked, life-changing reflections token with VARIABLE fees. The People's coin.
An Old Timer's Tale: Segwit2x, The Block Wars: When Bitcoin Castrated the Most Powerful Players in the Ecosystem
Do you remember what it was like on this sub when we were at $50-$60k?
Just lost $7M with Voyager. My whole life savings. I came from nothing and now have nothing. What do I tell my wife and kids?
For a good time call Coinbase One US line 1(888)908-7930
Reminder - If you have Bitcoin you DONT need a bank!
This will probably get buried but heres everything you NERDS need to know about QNT
$BUSDX - FairLaunching on BSC tomorrow - 100% safe- %5 BUSD Rewards - Long term project
Hiconyx JUST Launched! @ 9pm EST 06/01/22 🚀/ Best Doxed Dev Team In The World of Crypto / Massive influencers calling this one!You WONT find better Rebasing Rewards!🌙💎 2.5% ROI daily💎👀
/*/ Hiconyx /*/ Just Launched! // Doxed Team // Elon Musk & Snoop Extremely Rare NFT’s // 100X INCOMING!! // Super High Built-in Auto Compounding Staking Protocol // Best Selling NFT’s To Gain Access To Dev Team //
JUST LAUNCHED // Best Doxed Dev Team In The World // 100X INCOMING // Super High Built-in Auto Compounding Staking Protocol // Best Selling NFT’s To Gain Access To Dev Team // Elon Musk & Snoop Extremely Rare NFT’s // Best Potential of 2022 ! // Join Community //
JUST LAUNCHED // Best Doxed Dev Team In The World // 100X INCOMING // Super High Built-in Auto Compounding Staking Protocol // Best Selling NFT’s To Gain Access To Dev Team // Elon Musk & Snoop Extremely Rare NFT’s
WTF Crypto: A GenX Perspective
People panicking and ending their life after the crypto collapse. (My opinion).
Cryptocurrency and Mental Health being potentially manipulated.
should have listened. biggest mistake of my life. I wish someone would just take my phone away and save me from this pain.
An enumeration of reasons that is annoying me
$101,306.69 MISSING! 04/2021 Locked Out of Account, Emailed Support, Followed Up Regularly, No ACTUAL Responses Until 11/2021, Funds Gone, No Access to Account, Ignoring Tickets, Duplicate Bank Deposits ( $28,469), "Free" Conversions Charged ($11,918.69), Ignoring Requests to Send Legal Documents
Introducing a Truly Unique Utility that Constantly Pumps Your Token - No NFT Nonsense, This is a Serious Utility that Provides Massive Value and is in Very High Demand - Don't Miss Out!
"BiTcOiN iS a SpEcUlAtIvE aSs-" B!TCH, all assets you buy for investment growth are speculative! ffs.
Every single chain and technology NEEDS to have a bug bounty program. It's one of the best ways to improve your technologies security.
$12MUSD Overnight!? This is very strange!
Get the highest CRYPTO return APY yield with this tool. For serious crypto yield farmers.
What's ADA's throughput these days? Cardano does absolutely NOTHING impressive. Charles is a conman.
Prosecutors are the worst of the worst. I'd rather have anyone but her in there. I can't stand trump, but I might vote for him just to prevent a prosecutor from running the country. These people think they are gods. I've been through the federal system. They are the ones who belong in prison trust me. As for drugs, the war on drugs is quite literally the most horrific assault on the sick and the poor the world has ever seen. Locking up millions of people many for decades for having a bag of chemicals... it's truly unbelievable. Drugs aren't good but it doesn't matter they are part of the human condition. Even selling drugs should be legal because it solves NOTHING by locking up people for it. If you arrest one dealer the only thing that happens is the addicts go across the street and buy from the dealer there. There's no disruption whatsoever. I could see if they were really putting a dent in drug use you could make the argument, but it's just getting worse. 99% of the people who sell drugs are desperate themselves, usually addicts who have to support their own drug habits because the cost of drugs is so outrageous (only because of prohibition!). The crime that comes with drugs is ONLY because of the fact that it's illegal. The cost of drugs is so high because of it's illegality that people have no choice but to commit crimes to get them. We should decriminalize all drugs and release the people in prisons it's so wrong. I just did 5 years in the feds for drugs and it was hell. The damage to my soul is indescribable. The hurt it put my family through... there was no point. What's crazy is I hadn't sold drugs in a year and a half when they indited me... it was nothing but punishment. They knew I had stopped selling long ago but wanted my money.
> Harris has done NOTHING worthy of praise. She just got 1.6 millions subs on her new Tiktok
This election fires me up a bit. How people can look at the last 4 years and say "the world needs more of this weak US leadership...but make it even weaker!" is mindblowing. Harris has done NOTHING worthy of praise. But you're right, it's not worth the time.
Here's a tip. Don't listen to this guy. He may already have more money than God, however he is an authority on absolutely NOTHING.
There is literally NOTHING the US or any president could do to "kill crypto" What they can affect is the legal framework in which EXCHANGES can operate WITHIN THE US. So the question is: Do you want Binance and Coinbase to be allowed to do whatever they want with the coins you buy on their platform? Do you think they should be allowed to sell your user data, information about your orders and all that to interested parties? Do you believe that they should be required to act in your interest or are they allowed to optimize their service for their own financial gain, against your interests? Anyone telling you that any US president is "attacking crypto" is shilling for big financial institutions lead by billionaires who want to steal your money and want to weaponize your outrage against you. Any attack on the SEC will lead to Hester Pierce, a spokesperson for the heritage foundation, to become the head of the SEC, executing her declared goal of deregulating all financial institutions to the point where they can do whatever they want with your money. Being against regulation means being for FTX 2.0. Being for SBFs taking over the crypto markets. Scammers scamming without any legal repercussions. That's the world you are buying if you are lobbying for Hester Pierce and her criminal billionaire friends.
Do you know how which country has the highest number of hydro power in the world? It's not Texas. China is both a large holder and still runs one of the largest mining ops in the world. Just because a government makes something illegal doesn't mean people stop doing it, especially for $$$, don't be naive. Unlike you I don't shill cryptos for personal gain, I don't want government, WS or finch involved. Me having BTC has NOTHING to do with these people or you. I don't need you, Frump or Gensler's permission to have cryptos. You're taking a short position for cryptos $$$ no hate that's you doing the best for you, but to think Trump is your "man" is just hilarious. Maybe you could have provided information that was credible and persuasive. Texas is great for mining due to lack of regualtion China has the natural resources to support mining ops on an enterprise scale up until mid 2021 due to regulatory reform, yet operations continue in remote places to do this day. A lot of former Chinese ops fled to Khazakstan with CCP backed funding, Canada and Russia is another place where BTC is happening in a large scale. Maybe you should do research on what you are talking about, kid.
200k annually is a lot of money. What do you make? lol this is what I hate about Reddit, always some idiot who wants to debate NOTHING. Yup I’m poor, I only make $150k.
All I will say is NOTHING moves like BTC… my strategy is heavy BTC — selling off some at every 4-year “top” or what I believe to be the top. I watch a lot of different indicators to tell me when that is likely to be. The proceeds go to real estate or index funds or dividend producing stocks. I re-buy BTC with saved fiat when the fear/greed index is below 20.
Web3 is a scam and has NOTHING to do with Bitcoin. Take your survey somewhere else.
If you had seen all the political cheap shots directed at Mr T on subreddits presumably about btc or crypto - comments that had NOTHING to do with either - you would better appreciate my original response.
Just more lies for him!!! LOL like project 25.. he knows NOTHING ABOUT!! Economist Milton Friedman exposing the money lies that we hear currently from the current government as well as previous governments. In 1978. You can see that NOTHING has changed in 46 years - except the invention of Bitcoin.
Look, I don’t want to risk sounding anti-Bitcoin here, because I’m not. I own a lot of Bitcoin. But! Telling me to look at M2, or national debts, or future money printing, does NOTHING to convince me of Bitcoin specifically. They can quintuple the money supply tomorrow, buy every bond/stock, and sign a quadrillion dollar stimulus bill. I **think** Bitcoin will go up because of it, but I don’t know. Because unless the federal reserve buys it directly, you have no idea how money printing will affect this asset. Speaking of QE, the Fed buys mortgage backed securities directly. Printing money and doing QE have a direct link to property values and an indirect link to the stock market. It’s linked to Bitcoin is unknown. FYI my net worth is about 40% Bitcoin and I don’t plan on selling.
> printer from going brrrrrrrr Fractional reserve banking has NOTHING to do with "printer going brrrrrrrr" > the current 90% model couldnt exist as theres no way to just print without a backing. Yes it could, and in fact DOES exist, because commercial banks cannot print money. Again, for the 4th time, fractional reserve banking has NOTHING to do with printing money. I have no idea why you think it does. * 50% reserve works with gold coins (no printing) or bitcoin * 90% reserve works with gold coins or bitcoin * 99% reserve works with gold coins or bitcoin Yes you can have a run on the banks and it's risky, but it's *equally* risky with fiat or gold or bitcoin. > You cant just “make” money when you have to back the money by something physical. I literally just showed you how you can absolutely make money with bitcoin used in fractional reserve banking. Show me where I was wrong. Show the exact bullet point that was wrong. I've got all day, take your time:
Now we know he vetoed something that he knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about. Like probably most everything else that’s placed on his desk
Man.. I read all the comments and the numbers you’re talking is insane. 11 years later… i wouldn’t blame a single creditor for selling even half their stack… these people thought they were getting back NOTHING. For most people.. the hack did them a favour.. they likely would’ve lost what they had via scams, trading, etc. now they’re getting back from a dollar POV, more than they had back in 2013.
Haha! Britain’s broke? Nothing like what the good ole USA will be in a few years. Delusional Treasury printing fiat bank notes by the billions, with NOTHING backing them! And more and more countries dropping the weaponized USD like a hot potato!
The lockdowns were not Trumps fault first of all. Secondly, Biden wants an almost 50% capital gains tax!! Do you commies have any idea what that will do to the economy?? Thirdly, the rich will NEVER pay taxes, no matter what, you might make it slightly harder for them to do business but at the end of the day, we pay and they play and NOTHING will ever change that. The working consumer pays those taxes and we pay way more when capital gains tax is almost 50%... The reality is... making it harder on the rich will only make it much harder for us. Ask yourself this question, how many poor people have ever offered you a job??
No, I love my freedom. I wouldn’t trade it for any amount of money…. Freedom is priceless. Nothing on this planet can beat it NOTHING.
Stop trying to get rich quick 🤦♂️ Rid yourself of that greedy BS in your mind — buy bitcoin with the intent to hold it for 7yrs and you’ll win so hard everyone will think you’re a genius. If you try and time the bitcoin market to get-rich-quick you’ll end up getting rekt quick. Then in 7yrs when bitcoin is $872k per coin you’ll absolutely hate yourself for fucking up the easiest trade in history — buying a good bit and doing NOTHING for half a decade. Don’t overcomplicate something so simple** **simple ≠ easy**
Like you I've being rug-pulled heaps of times I decided to take a break and then decided to give things a go again about a month ago. I aped into 5 meme coins and just watched. $HEGE / r/HegeCoin is the only one still going somewhere and I am so stoked I stuck with it and took that chance. They are so solid and an amazing team and community. So absolutely stoked to be a part of this and truly can't wait to see what happens next. It's the gift that keeps on giving. GO $HEGE FAM! NOTHING BUT LOVE FOR YOU ALL!
Imagine being so delusional that you think that by stating your last reply, people will just take it at face value. You are literally just digging yourself deeper, but carry on with your bad self. I have you plenty of chances to yield, but you think with a little bit of reverse rhetoric, somehow you are proving a point. The only thing you are proving is your ignorance. The current state of centralized banking looks NOTHING LIKE 12th century Italy banking. And the idea that BTC is the FIRST divergence from the current currency based trade is just preposterous. There have been over a dozen calculable divergences from 12th Century Italy banking to now. Hopefully, one day, you will “get it”
ALL CRYPTO IS USELESS AND OVERVALUED. What can you do with any of it besides trade it? NOTHING!
People made around 5000$ from NOT coin by literally doing NOTHING
As someone who used Celsius for a return on my BTC, do NOTHING with your BTC. Put it in a cold storage wallet and forget.
i'm sorry, you'll have to explain this to me. you don't work. you don't invent, you don't labour, you do LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING -- but your 20k was lent to a company that used it to pay people who sweat and stressed and busted their asses to earn a paycheck -- and at the end of the day their work pays off, and their product sells, and they've contributed to the world, and faith in them from others increases that they will continue to do good - so the stock goes up, and your 20k rises to a 40k valuation. you make 20k of capital gains - and half of that is elligible for taxing (10k). depending if you're a low earner or a high one, you're looking to pay between 1-4k in tax. so you're saying you're upset because you turned 20k into 36k by sitting on your fucking ass eating cheetos and watching netflix? is that what you're upset about? i just want to make sure i have it right -- that the great beauty of this capitalist world is that you can Actually be rewarded without MERIT as long as you have capital - and when you're asked to pay a small stipend to support that capitalist structure, you're calling it "straight up theft" and "absolutely criminal."
And now it's back again. After all these years people still don't get that a 5% change is NOTHING for Bitcoin.
NOTHING!! You win nothing!!! Haha loved that movie.
They are physical now? So, No more decentralization, fungibility, and subjected to physical barriers and censorship, I guess. Is the ledger a long printed paper too? They are worth NOTHING.
Trump isn't the best choice for ANYTHING. He's an opportunist trying to jump on a bandwagon just to get votes. He cares zero percent about crypto, about freedom, or about any of us. His promises are worth NOTHING.
The absolute chads in the KENDU community are unhinged in the best way. They will stop at NOTHING to make this a multi-billion dollar coin!
I believe the way to win with Bitcoin is both simple and difficult. One must practice discipline, make a plan, and stick to it, all while avoiding the urge to act on their baser instincts, i.e., greed, impatience, impulsiveness, compulsiveness, fear, uncertainty, doubt. If you simply buy, hodl, and do NOTHING… you win. It sounds easy enough, but most will fail.
Your friend is interested in Bitcoin BUT thinks it is too late?! What? So ... Your friend is probably just a pessimist and a defeatist ... AND there is NOTHING that you, yourself, can do or say to change their attitude. ... that's it! ... all she wrote. Your friend likes talking to you about Bitcoin because they wish that they had gotten into it when you did. BUT the rub is they didn't have the personal initiative back then and they won't now. You cannot change that. P.S. ... I suppose you can try telling them that Saudi Arabia just quietly ditched the petro-dollar agreement with the U.S. But don't expect any change or initiative from them.
Reading these comments we conclude almost NOTHING is bought with btc. Btc is cashed out for biden garbagemoney. Then stuff is bought. Not the same thing at all. Which reinforces the idea that btc must have a stablecoin issued and managed on bitcoin blockchain - not like tether or circle which are independent companies. Or the answers to the OP's legitimate questions will continue to be as ridiculous and puerile as the answers here. Right now btc is a useless fucking joke as a means of exchange. This must change.
Haha here is expert boy people.. cannot even read a few paragraphs without his braining shutting down. You can just say it "I only brain fart because the real information is waaaaay to high level for me". "We all know what the Democratic party"? Which one? USA isn't the only country in the world but it makes sense. Because your lack on knowledge reflects the average American voter for sure. "It is why Europe".. umh there is no European VAT. Not even a European Union VAT. There is just the Shengen zone that doesn't allow ADDITIONAL import/export taxes. The taxation per country is completely different. So again, embarrasing how little you know. And then you again repeat this "drizzel" about "leftist website" showing you lack any capacity to learn. Because I just explained this is Dunning-Kruger level analytics. It doesn't say anything. But BOY do the guys at the pub think you are Smart. My god how self absorbed in your false confidence can you be to completely deny the fact you know absolutely NOTHING about a subject. hahahahahaha.
Utility means nothing for a memecoin. NOTHING
Just another fact that you have NOTHING for. Take care!
> The next German blaming kraken for German laws... Like I said to the other, take your money and go to ftx or Celsius if kraken is that bad lmfao That is such a stupid statement... Even for a "German" who is normally more intelligent than the average american... FTX or Celsius failure has NOTHING to do with User verification... WTF are you even thinking when writing such nonsense. I think you've lost your marbles or the google translator isn't working for you...
Meaningless huh.....OK. I'm voting for the anti-war candidate. You? You all have absolutely NOTHING other than your attacks. NOTHING.
Private Food gardens are the first Step for recultivaton the planet and people! Vegan is Human, no need for killing. In the Garden growes the truth... No need for Believing in any hypocrite Religion! I need food, not Stress! Because of that: I hate Hypocrite Religion! The Nature teach life, the church only NONSENSE! God's PROHIBITION is bread for the church DESTROYING the planet and people, with Patronizing and Arroganz doesn't make sense!... Basic Lifestock has roots! We need to create Associations to care for us and our Environment! Not schools for following Nonsense only! Good gardens growing good life, prayers are for NOTHING, food has VALUE, the church only big words. Handwork produce Value, Mouth work produce only Stress and mess!
You are wasting your money!!! USD is a fiat currency backed by the United States, BTC is a fiat currency backed by NOTHING but WASTED COMPUTING POWER!! Sell your BTC and get real money
Single issue voters (BOTH childish and ignorant) have destroyed this nation. There is absolutely NOTHING that hasn't been politicized. The mental illness crisis we are facing (ignoring and/or monetizing) will be the last straw before seriously terrible things ensue. The sickness of this nation is a frigging time bomb.
Obviously this "journalist" KNOWS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT BITCOIN; sorry for yelling, folks. Keep stacking, nothing to see here! Bitcoin don't care, tic toc ,next block.
2020 is NOTHING like each other. You debunked yourself.
Damn damn fed minutes yesterday is killing everything in sight. He said because of sticky inflation rate cuts are unlikely this year. There is NOTHING more important than high interest rates, inflation and the feds response to these. At some point the fed will begin cuts and the market as well as crypto will explode. We need bad or lower numbers. PPI, CPI, Jobs numbers so the fed can begin cutting which he is dying to do but stopping inflation is much more important. Don’t hold your breath!!! This year.
Been in the "space" since 2015 🤣 Leverage DIDN'T cause the crash.... the dodgy AF minting mechanism that was designed to maintain the UST peg IS what caused the crash! NOTHING ELSE! Go and look how many LUNA got minted into existence during that period! Then go read the formula used to maintain the algorithmic UST peg. Then you might start to understand just how wrong your understanding of what happened is! There were MANY far more intelligent people than me warning about this PRIOR to the crash... I was just someone who heeded what they warned, then went and dug into the formula used for LUNA/UST peg and saw for myself what a clusterfuck it was waiting to be. Many of those even spoke publically directly to Do Kwon's face! He was made VERY aware of the systemic risk at the core of everything! He KNEW, but discounted it as it fell outside the mean.... Discounted a SYSTEMIC risk! He proceeded KNOWING in the event it was triggered, it would destroy all value in the ecosystem! And people STILL invested in that shit! And how has that turned out for everyone involved.... It might pay you in the long run to read a few books about crowd psychology. Just because a large group are in agreement or accepting of something, does not = right/correct. In fact, it can actually in a lot of cases cause weak willed people NOT to assess things themselves properly and they just follow along blindly because that's what "everyone else is doing".
Fear Mongering... NOTHING has changed. Get over it and get a life.
Because the lack of security features. Again, I'm not saying ban it, make it unusable. What I'm saying is GET RID IF WHILE YOU HAVE THE CHANCE. If we have product B ***already being made*** to replace product A ***when it gets destroyed***, why not jump start the removal process of product A instead of waiting till its passed the hand to remove it multiple times over and over? Literally, NOTHING changes for the consumer\user, only the banks obligations. Do you understand that?
You as a consumer\user, have no obligation to fulfill, your daily routine of spending paper does not change. The bank(when it recovers an old bill), should destroy it and reissue a newer one. NOTHING is banned, or useless, it's just the simple concept of rotating stock, and the bank needs to remove old stock before it reaches consumers.
And the crickets come out to say NOTHING.
>YOU DONT KNOW NOTHING about economics thats why you buy Bitcoin! Yes you're right. I do not know nothing about economics. In other words, I know things about economics, which is why I hold bitcoin
The Biden administration had NOTHING to do with the ETF being approved. You would know this if you didn’t have TDS!
It’s not just about crypto, it’s with regular stocks and options trading. Another reason I stopped sharing my trade earnings with family. They they might ask once but then do NOTHING for themselves
“As long as you measure BTC by USD you are admitting that the USD is the measuring stick and not BTC” No. Your logic is flawed. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH “””ADMITTING””” USD IS THE MEASURING STICK. I had to say that part loud so you would understand. That’s not a concession. That’s not “admitting” anything. That is how changing a currency works. Pretend we have currency A as the lead money and currency B is competing with it. Pretend all products are priced in currency A. The fucking fastest way to see if currency B is gaining value on currency A is simply to compare the price of B to A.
Just like when it went from 30k to 70k It means NOTHING AT ALL
> Also, doesn’t the network theoretically become more secure, stable, and thus useful as more people use it? It is is more secure and stable but it actually becomes less useful. Here is the basic question: have you ever bought anything with Bitcoin? What do you do with it once you have it? I own BTC and I have done NOTHING with it because I can't really. The fees are high and it is slow compared to other crypto. > And shouldn’t we expect innovation (faster rails, easier use) as the number of users grows? Yes we should, however we already know the biggest innovation we need: bigger blocks. Without bigger blocks, the vast majority of the world cannot be their own bank and so cannot be financially self-sovereign. I think this will allow another PoW coin to outcompete Bitcoin. If Fiat collapsed tomorrow, Bitcoin would be very poorly positioned to take advantage. It simply can't run enough transactions at a low enough cost to onboard even a small fraction of users. So my prediction would be that another PoW coin that can would fill the gap and if it had limited supply, would overtake the BTC network extremely rapidly (like within a month or less). Bitcoin can only function to the extent it does because the world runs on fiat. If those financial flows HAD to move to crypto due to a crisis, BTC would not be capable of being the sound money people need.
I’m kinda in the same situation. I have a Trust Wallet. Started DCA’ing in December last year. Slowly but surely, what I can spare monthly, usually $40-$70 per month I buy, and send to my Trust Wallet. I’ve had no problems with this Wallet and I’ve never heard anything bad about it either. But you do your own research. And don’t back-up your Seed Phrase on anything that is connected to the internet. NOTHING. Write down your Seed Phrase on paper, make a few copies and put them somewhere SAFE. Best of Luck!!!
You might have come across the wildly popular but secretly evil Coinbase. They happened to have listed a SHITCOIN (aka a cryptocurrency coin that has NOTHING to do with Bitcoin) called SAT (or SATS, I don't remember). SO... sats, or satoshis are the smallest subunit of Bitcoin. 100,000,000 sats = 1 BTC. It does not go up in value any faster or slower than Bitcoin because it IS bitcoin. Another fun fact, a "coinbase transaction", often called "the coinbase", is the transaction in each block that issues the reward for mining to miners. The company took the name because nothing in a free and open sourced project is patented or licensed and so they have been free to screw over the public by intentionally clouding the meaning of words in order to redirect them and convince them to gamble their life savings away... instead of learning what Bitcoin really is and using it sensibly. /end rant.
I joined a couple months ago, things were going fine they provided knowledge based educational materials paid around 2k. The material covered almost all the exchanges, alt coin knowledge, and breakdown of how it all works. Once I read all the material I scheduled a call on the call the rep ask "Are you ready to make a lot money in cyber currently" I said "yes" then he dropped the bomb saying I needed to get a full membership for over 7k, so I then ask well what do I get for the 2k I have already invested here. Just educational classes, and a weekly news letter that does not tell me any good information on buying cyber coins. I was under the impression they would at least give me some good coins to buy but NOTHING. I just joined this to get key information on which cyber to buy and at what times to buy them thinking they had personal reviewing charts, and getting general information that others can't get. This company is not a direct scam where they take your money and run, it is a bleed scam meaning they give you very little information that does not make you any money. Good group just kind of fake because they say 2k you will get everything on Youtube but in the real world they expect you to pay over 7k--
There's 2 parts to your question. One is the reason why Bitcoin was made in the first place, i.e. benefit of Bitcoin vs fiat, 2nd is about trusting the exchange you buy from. If NOTHING else, the FTX scam and fall should be enough to answer your question. If you own the keys to your wallet (even a software hot wallet), you don't need to trust the exchange actually can cover their debt to you. The exchange is just the on ramp to allow you to buy Bitcoin, but taking it off the exchange forces them to prove that they actually bought it and give it to you to control. Same as withdrawing money from the bank. FTX said they bought Bitcoin with their customers funds and lied. There's no reason to fully trust any other exchange would not do that in the future, regardless of how well regulated and audited they say they are. Kinda the same thing with banks except the government bails them out by printing more cash when they can't pay. FTX was one of the most popular exchanges before being exposed, so while Coinbase or Binance or Kraken might still have good reputations, it's up to their leadership to consistently decide not to just lie about buying Bitcoin. You as a user have no way of knowing that they actually bought it until you withdrawal it to your own wallet.
Yup, if Consensys folds, the whole network will go down, by golly! All those stakers who have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Consensys will just pack up and leave town!
They didn’t ask when I was putting it into their bank why now? As the bank was using my money to make more for themselves while I get NOTHING
Spoken like a true non engineer. Or a bad one. Or a product manager lol. NOTHING is trivial to implement especially when it comes to the government.
Everything you said is correct. The only issue I have is the "vibe" of your sentence "Basically if you just use an address to accumulate bitcoin, it’s not vulnerable to quantum computers, until you send bitcoins from it.". Sure, you can't rob the address UNTIL you send bitcoins from it. But if you DID NOT move those coins to a quantum secure wallet NOW you cannot EVER send coins from the address without getting robbed. So sending coins to that wallet you own is as good as burning them. I.E. You haven't been robbed yet, but owning an old wallet, unused, in a post quantum world, is the same as owning NOTHING.
In the same vain, no one talks about the MASSIVE amounts of power consumed by data centers from amazon, google, and microsoft, that suck down 1000x more power that a professional bitcoin mining corp. How do i know this - i work in Enterprise level IT - in those data centers. Let me tell you. Bitcoin mining has NOTHING of google / amazon / microsoft. And those data centers literally run the world. Yet you never hear the public or the banks bitch about it, as its not a threat to the banks financialy. So ya - i call TOTAL BS on the whole “bitcoin is ruining our environement” natitive.
Let me be blunt because apparently, there's some kind of wall in your brain that apparently doesn't let you process information: Everything you have been saying, including this, has been a projection. How on earth can you be making ignorant assumptions about people because they see things differently from you? Easy, because you are brainwashed. You keep making points that literally have NOTHING to do with what's being discussed. You are blatantly avoiding addressing directly the information I provided, and why is that? Because you don't know shit about what you are talking about and instead would rather keep using epithets on me to discredit the information because people like you live with blindfolds and are brazingly ignorant. In conclusion; either refute DIRECTLY everything I said or refrain from making assumptions about me because you are not fooling anyone. You have zero knowledge about this subject, and just like everyone else who addressed me on this thread, resorted to the same BS tactics like labeling me "conspiracy theorist." A label, btw, the very own government created. What would you know about this, tho? I would 100% bet nothing. You probably haven't even read a book in years, yet here you are talking about things like these as if you had the slightest level of knowledge. Let me ask the stupid questions and say: do you have any fucking idea about any of the sources I provided before? Do you know anything about Operation Mockingbird? I'll go out on a limb and say no. If you did, then why the fuck do you keep going around in circles and don't address these things directly? Easy, because you don't know shit. If you don't know anything about something, then refrain from talking about it.
Anyone else just wish the halving would be over already so we can get past the dumbass hype this event will have when we all know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will change except the block reward.
Australia has the Medicare plan for EVERYONE. Every citizen, permanent resident. It costs 2% of our income as taxes. That’s it. And you can get $500K of ICU care or chemo or all kinds of wildly expensive treatments & it’ll cost you NOTHING.
Daddy government can I pwease have your permission to pick my own money 👉👈🥺 You think people have tried banding together to take over Bitcoin? You think there hasn’t been 10,000 copies of Bitcoin? There is NOTHING in history like Bitcoin. Why are you even here?
Yup, prepare doe 2028. Watch this year so you don't panic in 2028 like so many newbs are right now over NOTHING.
Genuinely wonder what the bottom is for Solana. Its again crashing hard to ~$130. Long term we can easily see $300 Solana, maybe even $1000 solana if bull comes back because simply NOTHING IN CRYPTO brings in so many retail users as Solana. So its pretty much the new/better ETH. However just about a little over half a year ago Solana was still just $10-20 so a lot of people still have huge bags and can even sell with a nice profit rn or if it goes to $100. Bottom would seem to be around $60-$70 for now, unless Bitcoin really does something crazy and goes back to half of what its now, then Solana could probably get down to $30-40?
> Man what is going on again. Some bears are really trying hard to push the price for no reason... Or are there news again? General worries from conflicts, like if you look at stock markets all is red too rn. In addition we had a huge dump before last halving too, actually the drop now is NOTHING compared to the drop last halving
Holdup, the american company which has american customers that sell their ETF's connected to the BTC has NOTHING to do with America?
>"alternative coin season," typically starts when Bitcoin stabilizes or enters a consolidation phase after a bull run. Crypto is in its infancy, so there is no "typical" pattern. Understand that, and that there are a lot of unknowns. In a few years crypto will either be EVERYTHING or NOTHING. There is not long term history to tell you what is "typical."
If you take stock in what he’s saying, I’d recommend going back to first principles. This guy is an opportunist who has flip-flopped more over the years than a fish pulled onto a dock from a line. He says & does absolutely NOTHING unless he can benefit from it.
Again, you’re being simplistic. NOTHING works in the western hemisphere without electricity. No financial transactions take place in the absence of electricity or internet. Stores are closed. Target doesn’t take pencil and paper notes in an old timey cash box. Gas pumps don’t work with cash.
"Established economic theorist and professor" means NOTHING. The amount of these morons who wholeheartedly espouse Keynesian economics is insane. They are often useful idiots to the regime.
JFC I hate the internet sometimes. God forbid I try to actually USE Bitcoin, you know? Find some utility for it instead of just hodling? I figured there might be someone interested in a house in the only place on the planet that actually embraces Bitcoin and is super lenient on taxing foreign investment and Bitcoin gains. People ARE still buying properties right now, despite the market, and I encourage anyone looking to buy a property anywhere to take the market into account and make sure the purchase you’re making is right for your circumstance. Clearly it’s not a good time for YOU. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t people CURRENTLY looking to move to ES for whatever reason, and I don’t know? This might actually be a good deal for them. For christs sake you know NOTHING about the property or deal.
You sound like a miserable person. I'm going to try and explain this ONE MORE TIME for you since you're not understanding, and just want to argue and be pissy. What I've said up to this point has had NOTHING to do with my 'feelings', and everything to do with my user experiences with a product. I received product, set it up in a matter of minutes, have several times now without issues sent and received BTC to it. I've had good experiences with it. Guy asked about HW wallets and opinions on them, I offered one. You're just pissy and wanting to argue, and you lied from the start stating it wasn't open source. Kindly take your pissy attitude elsewhere.
One thing I learned. NOTHING is sure.
Not so good things about bitcoin: 1) It takes a LOT of power to ensure security. (Truly a positive, but still a negative until we use better energy sources and it will fix itself). 2) It takes a lot of hours of research to truly 'get' bitcoin. Macroeconomics, inflation, financing, the Fed, Central Banking- you have to do a deep-dive to understand fiat will not have a good ending. 3) The constant FUD surrounding 'bad players' using bitcoin. Those claiming all evil cartels or bad agents for example, are using it on the dark web moreso than fiat. 4) The media associating exchanges with bitcoin and the blockchain. FUD with things like FTX, Voyager, Bittrex, etc. An exchange goes down != bitcoin is bad. 5) Too easy for the general public to get scammed, lose their sats on an exchange, or lose their private keys, or user error and send it to the wrong address. Other than that- there is NOTHING better than Bitcoin, in my opinion.
I know quite a few people that do, but all through work (IT). Personally I have noticed people (especially the ones that know NOTHING about bitcoin) are so biased about it. I just don't talk about it too much anymore. People close to me know I have invested in bitcoin, they just don't know I am balls deep in bitcoin. I guess they will find out in a few years when I pull up in the lambo, or when I am begging for food scraps.
Yep it’s funny when you search his name NOTHING with bitcoin but a lot of stuff on private public keys and crypto in general
Nothing to do? NOTHING TO DO? You can look at the charts every five seconds while reading „to the moooon“ articles and send Bitconneeeeeeeeect memes to everyone. You can not ever shut up about it and convince others to buy and panic sell at the first minor correction, blaming you. Dude, what do you mean „nothing to do“?
Haha. Aw. Don't be mean to the authoritarians. How would you like it if every time you thought about the relentless, unstoppable growth of the world's first, last and truest decentralised monetary network, you started convulsing wildly & vomiting profusely whilst shouting "IT'S NOTHING. I CAN'T CONTROL IT. I CAN'T CONTROL IT. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO STOP IT. *HU-BLEEEERGH*. IT'S... NOTHING..."
Yes... I guess I had been a bit harsh. It is that I have a pretty low tolerance level for gibberish. Guess you found your College Physics enlightening and shouted, "Eureka!" Good for you... Your comparison between the Law of Conservation and the Monetary System. One is a natural law, and the other is a social institutional arrangement. There is NOTHING inevitable about "stable" medium of exchange. Sure, if the world gets frustrated with the free floating system, they might experiment with a stable system, but there is no inevitability there. NO. Bitcoin was not inevitable. It cannot function as MONEY. Can you imagine Bitcoin being used as a medium of exchange? Also, it can never be a legal tender. Can you imagine the government declaring something that it can not control? Can you imagine most people (I guess someone like you might) accepting Bitcoin as payment? IMHO, Bitcoin is a neat graduate school level experiment gone awry. It can never become money. It is an environmental disaster that just made some people very rich. I will grant Bitcoin a nice investment vehicle. I just wonder if the world needs one more.
Here are this subs greatest hits: Bitcoin goes up: “FOMO price, I’ll catch it when it’s down to X from here.” Or “THIS IS IT! NOTHING CAN STOP IT!”, or “I can’t believe I sold before! You’re welcome guys it always goes up when I sell.” Bitcoin goes sideways: “Bitcoin is going down to X price, I’m waiting for that.” Or “Bitcoin is going to 10x from here according to this CEO!” Bitcoin goes down: “Classic sell the news event, see you at X price.”, “Welcome back to the bear market”, “Thankfully I sold at the high this week, always take your profits!”. It’s about 95% of the posts. The other 5% is “look I drew a line on this historical chart to predict the future from my mom’s basement.”
And literally NOTHING happens to Gary Gensler. Not saying he deserves jail time necessarily, but his job is to literally stop massive fraud and he basically personally vouched for SBF
I do not dispute that this person should be punished harshly. I do think this person is not a threat to the safety of us and society in general. It makes zero sense to incarcerate him especially at all of our expense. Instead we should craft punishments that fit the crime. People like this should never be able to posses significant wealth and be forced in some way to serve society whether it’s picking up trash beside the highway or whatever. Maybe in Sam’s case forbidding the internet too since it seems that would be punishing to him and costs us all nothing. I understand many were hurt by him but putting him in prison does NOTHING for us.
Literally tons of money into NOTHING lol its insane
GreenWallet, Samurai or Trezor. NOTHING ELSE.
The ONLY reason shitcoin has value is because ELON was the actual creator of this during his PayPal days, and over the last decade he managed to swindle big money into the scheme. SHITCOIN is only worth what people will pay for it. There's a reason why Buffet said if you're willing to lose your money should you invest in shitcoin. Elon's idea was to deflate BTC as a self sustaining virus, impossible to hack, power it from energy it created (Solar, battery etc, to avoid banks having to process and store); using TESLA to FUND itself from investor money SHITCOIN created on it's own. TESLA was really an idea, it only became a true entity producing profit from BILLIONS poured into it from BTC wealth creation. It's actually quite brilliant when you put the pieces together. Making something out of literally NOTHING. Now that BIG F\*\*KING Money has extreme buying power, it's the world's #1 priority. Jerome Powell answers to Wall St. Thank you ELON MUSK.
Not only is it a scam, it has NOTHING to od with BTC. Please don't post this garbage here.
Dude, we are talking about the US, there is NOTHING wrong with wanting to make money here. Comparing Video games to Bitcoin mining, neither of these things will 'dump chemicals right in the river', so that is a straw man argument, but if you want to play that card, why don't we put the excise tax on GOLD mining, which DOES pollute the environment ? The reason is, of course, Bitcoin is the new new thing that we have to hate on now, according to the media, but our grandpappy panned gold in the gold rush, so that is nothing to be concerned with, because its grandfathered in.
you forget a key difference. Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake.. Stakers are like bankers.. they collect the fees while doing NOTHING!
"You do know the us government confiscated gold in the past 100 years right?" A) Yes I know what they did. Hint - they actually only ever confiscated gold from ONE OR TWO people. You act so proud like you know soemthing but you know jack squat it appears, because they told people it was illegal to own (outside of certain forms like governments coins with a limit) but then they did NOTHING to actually confiscate it apart from one or two scapegoat cases. B) They fact they tried then and utterly failed to get gold from people who didn't turn it in (with a low turn-in rate) is even MORE reason why the though they would try to do so now is really beyond stupid. Again they have no need. Almost no-one these days has precious metals. The people who have BitCoin they can track and tax like hell, or pas wealth laws that demand you pay 90% of gains you are sitting on before you even sell. Again, confiscation is stupid when they have levers they can pull from a thousand miles away that simply take it from you.
You look at the previous cycles and think, if only I bought then, I'd hold till the top and sell. It's easier said than done, and you need to be able to stomach the dips without the hindsight. And this is NOTHING so far 😬