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r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin Filters Work By Default, and That's a Good Thing | To Filter Spam From Your Bitcoin Core Node, set “permitbaremultisig=0” & “datacarrier=0” in your Bitcoin.conf File | Use "blocksonly=1" to turn off your mempool entirely




Just take a look at the website and you’ll see How we’re different from 99.9% of every memecoin out there. The team puts in the work, REAL WORK, not stupid car burns Cof Cof. This project is here to stay $HEGE to 5Bn


This approach will definitely NOT WORK! (nudge nudge, wink wink)

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Class of 2017 even though I knew about bitcoin as early as 2012 but my goldbug brain told me “it’s not physical so it has no value” and after seeing China failed at stopping bitcoin in 2017 I saw how robust it was. 2017-2021 playing the “alt coin” casino thinking it would get me “more” than just DCAing bitcoin and was throwing loaded dice with RUG PULLS AND PUMP AND DUMPS. I still have many of these garbage “crypto project” tokens but the market cap for a majority of earlier ones has collapsed and it’s too hard to sell or it’s so low it’s worthless. I got a ton of NFTs too most lost over 90% of its value and never recovered. 2021-2024 I had to save very hard to catch up for lost time and now I have enough to RETIRE EARLY whenever Inhave had enough of the working world. I have had WAY LESS STRESS at work now because I have a financial safety net… I no longer stress about lossing my job and it feels like a weight was lifted off my back. Bitcoin was my tool to retake the value siphoned off from me via a corrupt fiat debt monetary system… I WORK LIKE A BEAST OF BURDEN for 20 years only to be compensated with literal DEBT TOKEN FIAT TRASH that gets devalued at 6%/year in real purchasing power. When other people think that bitcoin is “gaining value,” I reframed it and say “BITCOIN IS RETAKING VALUE that was stolen from the working class and gave it back to those who switched from fiat to a harder/sounder monetary ledger which is BITCOIN. Gold at best just stabilizes/buffers the loses from fiat debasement/thieft… but bitcoin is the ONLY ONE that retakes the value the fiat system stolen from you for the decades you were payed in fiat fugazi “money.”

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Excuses. YouTube is free. Google is free. Being a follower who never takes accountability for how they manage their money is a choice. You will never make money as long you you aren’t willing to do research to understand investments. Read the Bitcoin standard and use free resources to learn about Bitcoin. You have the mentality of a poor person: looking for easy ways to make money without doing any WORK.


I HAD WORK TO DO THIS WEEK. ^(but the chart is so pretty)


Property taxes, gas taxes, vehicle registration taxes, license taxes, traffic fines, court fines, and the extensive litany of other fees and taxes go towards state projects. The federal reserve bank prints money out of thin air, (Nothing), Loans it to the federal government AT INTEREST, and uses it to give Ukraine, and Israel, hundreds of billions of dollars, line their pockets, build secret, military bases, fund weapons systems that will eventually be used against the citizens….etc. THAT’S how taxes work. 99% of all federal income tax dollars collected go to pay towards the INTEREST, on money, created from thin air. The only thing of actual value in that entire equation is the human energy. If I can print $10,000 from nothing, then loan it to you at interest, and you need to WORK, (expend energy) to pay back the principal AND interest, then have I enslaved you? THE ANSWER IS YES.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I looked through the pics your partner isn't showing his address of the wallet from his screenshot. THE WALLET HE IS SHOWING YOU IS NOT THE SAME ADDRESS YOU SENT TO! THIS ISN'T EVEN HOW CRYPTO SCAMS WORK. THEY CAN'T HIJACK THE NETWORK. YOU GOT SCAMMED!!! END OF STORY!!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

In gold and btc there is WORK behind it. Behind fiat is nothing - we more or less just trust in it and use it widely, which makes it worth something

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

$WORK DYOR but it’s an obvious play.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I love stupid people like you, all those things... are ALREADY HAPPENING, lol, people like you show shit thats already happening and point out "See if you do X, this will happen"... bitch that shits already happening. No a fucking CEO of subway doesn't need to earn so fucking much and also commute to work daily by fucking private jet because he doesn't want to move to the office area. The same idiots that think reversing trumps tax cuts on corps PARTIALLY to 28% still down from 35% is somehow going to crash the fucking economy. Like i always find it funny when people like you insist if we do anything to distrub the ultra wealthy from having ultra-large bank accounts and investment portfolios somehow we will suffer.... Bitch WERE ALREADY SUFFERING, the current status quo DOESN'T WORK.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Gold is meaningless as money when the Trustless WORK done by Bitcoin is literally the best money can get. From the ground up, there can never be another Bitcoin... especially when it's backed by TRUSTED assets.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well, there is innovation. Right now DePIN projects are creating infrastructure to build a real decentralized blockchain. I believe a lot of projects are just being hosted on AWS or equivalent. We are currently building out a network with []( and []( That pays the host, via a node they are running, the funds we currently are paying to AWS or Cloudcone. We have several thousand nodes we are running, just partnering up with 20+ node projects. Each Node can run 5-10 projects, Each project typically cost us $10+/- a month that ends up going to AWS/Server costs. We want to truly decentralized blockchain and give this money to our node runners. (Real Word Assets, RWA is going to be HUGE, Right now DePIN is number one trending style project. Solana has 79 projects running, ETH has 60+ and the and a bunch of others with the lower tokens. We are launching 1776 units. This is a ROI based project. We want 100,000 nodes doing REAL WORK, solving REAL problems. We want a project to NEED us because they believe in decentralized blockchain, and want to put their project on a truly decentralized platform. We are planning on providing this for Real Companies trying to solve REAL problems. You build your project, we (Not NERDNODE, NOT DeEEP), but the people running the nodes, are the network! They will be the HERO, they Will be the Network, They will have the power. Nerdnode is profitable, making money, but to really be decentralized-- we have want feel that paying our NODE holders the money that would normally would go to AWS or Cloudcone, democratizes Web3, pays those providing the SAME service and gives us an AMAZING truly decentralized platform. I am trying to make this deal so good, that it would be silly not to own a node. I want to pay the node owner, NOT JEFF Bezos. A data center is NOT decentralized.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Ok this might not be what alot of people want to hear, but investing what ever you are able to scramble together and buying bitcoin is not going to make you rich. Niether will stocks, indexfunds or any other paper asset. Sorry to crush your dream. Just sittning and waiting, hoping for something to become more valuable is just the wrong way of thinking about wealth. You need to pu in WORK. You need to ADD value to something in order to become wealthy. You need something that creates cash flow, it needs to produce something. THAT is your wealth building tool. Not praying to the market gods every day.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1el3b04/daily_crypto_discussion_august_6_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

What's that saying from hitch hikers guide to the galaxy. It was printed in bold calming letters on the cover of the book... Oh right; don't panic. Grab your towel friend and enjoy a nice dinner at the restaurant at the end of the universe. They make a wonderful pangalactic gargle blaster. Feels like being smashed in the head with a large gold brick. Just be patient listen to folk here when they say you will never time the bottom let it ride don't check you account until end of August mid September and for the love of god disconnect your emotions from your trading. If you can't afford to lose it all you shouldn't be trading with it. It will rebound it always does learn how to trade options and you can make money on the way up and down. (DO NOT TRADE OPTIONS WITH LEVERAGE IF YOU HAVE NO CLUE HOW MARKETS WORK) Never let a trade go over night. You got to watch that shit like a 2 year old with a fork near a light socket. Next time when you're in the green for the love of god take some profit and hold onto it so you can redeploy it when you can DCA. it cost me $6000 to learn these lessons honestly the cheapest education I've ever received and I'm passing it on to you for free. I hope you heed it and listen to the others in this group they are very knowledgeable Here's a neat little site that can help you learn patterns to better understand market movements and be better equipped to predict action it's not an end all be all this is the fact it's just a start to help you recognize movements in volatility and make an educated guess on its next move. These are just some things I wish I had know before I started. Number one rule of trading is don't talk about your trades number two is never get in a land war in Asia and of course number three which should be number one is never panic buy or sell. If it's not red keep your bread if it's green take your fee'n 🤷‍♂️ I dunno still working on that one 😂 good luck brother may the odds ever be in your favour

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1ejhqkk/daily_crypto_discussion_august_4_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1eip7mm/daily_crypto_discussion_august_3_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1ehvtto/daily_crypto_discussion_august_2_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1edudi2/daily_crypto_discussion_july_28_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1eca0ez/daily_crypto_discussion_july_26_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1ean7k5/daily_crypto_discussion_july_24_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1e5xgac/daily_crypto_discussion_july_18_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1e5xgac/daily_crypto_discussion_july_18_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1e53wx6/daily_crypto_discussion_july_17_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1e4abmu\/daily_crypto_discussion_july_16_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1e4abmu\/daily_crypto_discussion_july_16_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

yeah, who the fuck do these people think they work for? GET BACK TO WORK!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Mods are like CODE RED. We need all personnel to the sub. We have repetitive posts and vitriol. This requires suppression, bring batons and riot shields. GET TO WORK BOYS LOCK UP ALL TEH THREADZ

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1e1wjb6/daily_crypto_discussion_july_13_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1e0b1gb/daily_crypto_discussion_july_11_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1e0b1gb/daily_crypto_discussion_july_11_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dzhmag/daily_crypto_discussion_july_10_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dyo925/daily_crypto_discussion_july_9_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dxuuxv/daily_crypto_discussion_july_8_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dx3aoc/daily_crypto_discussion_july_7_2024_gmt0/).

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Ok keep working I don’t care. I did my time. NO MORE 8 1/2 YEARS IS ENOUGH WORK FOR ME!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dvkv8r/daily_crypto_discussion_july_5_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dvkv8r/daily_crypto_discussion_july_5_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dut3vs/daily_crypto_discussion_july_4_2024_gmt0/).

r/BitcoinSee Comment

So you exchanged your fiat for some FU money. And now you are willing to give it away for nothing? Interesting take... Just get some bonds issued by your central bank. You'll get ripped off. But at slower pace. Otherwise, if you're looking to stack more, just stack more. bitcoin is a PROOF OF WORK currency. No work? Don't expect receiving any proof of work then.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Web3 Pro-Arguments Below is an argument written by Blendzi0r which won 1st place in the Web3 Pro-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > **WHAT IS WEB3?** > > The term "Web3" (or, actually, Web 3.0) was coined by Gavin Wood in 2014. He described its four main concepts (static content publication, dynamic messages, trustless transactions and an integrated user-interface) in [this post]( Gavin is one of the biggest names in the cryptocurrency industry, as he is the creator of Polkadot and he was one of the founders of Ethereum. In his opinion, Web3 is going to change how the Internet works by making it "truly decentralized and more democratic". > > **HOW DOES IT WORK?** > > Probably the best example of Web3 that can be presented here (and I'm surprised no one has mentioned it so far) are [Reddit's Community Points]( > > Yes, Moons can be defined as part of Web3 revolution: > > **YOUR OWN PRIVATE PIECE OF THE INTERNET** > > What is the main purpose of Moons according to Reddit? They are supposed to give the control of subreddits to their communities – "[Community Points represent a way for Redditors to own a piece of their favorite communities](". If we are to believe the pure intentions of Reddit (in other words: if we are naïve enough to trust a big, profit-oriented company), they are making their platform decentralized and giving more power to users. Thanks to the Community Points, subreddits are to become independent of Reddit. > > And even if Community Points will never make subreddits fully independent, they have other advantages. Recently, r/cryptocurrency started renting its banner and offering AMAs for Moons. Companies and individuals who want to promote themselves on our subreddit, need to buy and burn Moons. Therefore, every redditor who is active on the sub and owns some Moons, can benefit from this in a tangible way. Having some financial incentive makes people care more about the sub (of course, some just want to exploit it for personal gain). > > This idea behind Community Points can be applied in a plethora of other online platforms. And it does not have to include a financial incentive to be successful. There are many other advantages that are directly connected to the technology on which Moons are built. > > **BENEFITS OF BLOCKCHAIN** > > Web3 tries to utilize the advantages of blockchain technology. Apart from already mentioned decentralization, Web3 websites and apps can offer their users complete **privacy**. When using e.g. Bitcoin to make a transaction, there is no need for a third party because blockchain is **trustless**. The same could be applied to virtually anything that functions online. For example, [Mastodon](, a Web3 version of Twitter, is not owned by any company. Users are free to create their own instances (servers), with their own rules. Mastodon can't go bankrupt, it can't be sold and it can't be completely blocked by the government. And, most importantly, no left-wing or right-wing agenda (or a billionaire troll) can censor/cancel you there. > > What's more, Web3 platforms don't need your personal data. You can create a digital identity and stay completely anonymous. **Your personal information is safe** and cannot be collected and used by anyone ([for example to be sold to a consulting firm so it can influence elections in different countries]( > > And, last but not least, the rules cannot be changed without the consent of the majority. No one CEO or a board of rich assholes who want to get more rich can one day say: "We remove the dislike counter though no one ever asked for it" or "From now one we will charge money for something that previously was free". > > The rules are clear and they are written in an **open-source code** that anyone is free to inspect. So, if there is 21 million bitcoins written in the code, a Bitcoin CEO will never show up and say: "OK, let's remove the maximum cap" or "I need to make my own bitcoins more valuable, so tomorrow we remove 5 million randomly selected coins from circulation". Web3 apps are more transparent and much less susceptible to whims of a centralized organization or eccentric individuals. > > **CONCLUSION** > > In a world that is getting more and more dominated by the tech giants, we probably really should root for a Web3 revolution. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/z9o1s3/general_concepts_web3_proarguments_december_2022/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive##wiki_web3) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dt81li/daily_crypto_discussion_july_2_2024_gmt0/).

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The reason why people think 💭 it just fake money coming from the internet and not explaining BITCOIN it can only exist with PROVE OF WORK. ( electricity ⚡️ is needed to make Bitcoin REAL and didn’t just come out of the internet)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dron6t/daily_crypto_discussion_june_30_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dron6t/daily_crypto_discussion_june_30_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dqy1ut/daily_crypto_discussion_june_29_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dqy1ut/daily_crypto_discussion_june_29_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dq60jy/daily_crypto_discussion_june_28_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dpdhy9/daily_crypto_discussion_june_27_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dnsd9e/daily_crypto_discussion_june_25_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dn00c6/daily_crypto_discussion_june_24_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dn00c6/daily_crypto_discussion_june_24_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dm97fg/daily_crypto_discussion_june_23_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dlig4l/daily_crypto_discussion_june_22_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1djxz90/daily_crypto_discussion_june_20_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dhkxv3/daily_crypto_discussion_june_17_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dhkxv3/daily_crypto_discussion_june_17_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dg502i/daily_crypto_discussion_june_15_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dg502i/daily_crypto_discussion_june_15_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

This was HARD WORK put in by an insane team and community. This isn't some lucky cultural moment coin. Our efforts produced this and when you join our TG you'll understand. Hop in before 10m MC!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1ddt245/daily_crypto_discussion_june_12_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

I'm in both and I will say WORK ETHIC! When their projects dip they buy that dip and WORK for their bags. $HEGE is the nest Kendu due to that work ethic.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dd0k02/daily_crypto_discussion_june_11_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dc838m/daily_crypto_discussion_june_10_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dbggz4/daily_crypto_discussion_june_9_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dapnaf/daily_crypto_discussion_june_8_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1d9x2rx/daily_crypto_discussion_june_7_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1d7jhsx/daily_crypto_discussion_june_4_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1d6r63h/daily_crypto_discussion_june_3_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1d60hbc/daily_crypto_discussion_june_2_2024_gmt0/).

We don't not gamble, and we don't not sleep. WE WORK. We are 24/7 365 fucking relentless. Come and join us.


The community is what made me ape in. WE DONT GAMBLE, WE WORK

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1d3qkbw/daily_crypto_discussion_may_30_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1d263cr/daily_crypto_discussion_may_28_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1d1eqtd/daily_crypto_discussion_may_27_2024_gmt0/).

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Non-US markets putting in WORK today!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1d0p0rx/daily_crypto_discussion_may_26_2024_gmt0/).

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Govt having bitcoin doesn't mean the currency is backed by Bitcoin. The US has Gold but USD is not backed by Gold. Being back by Bitcoin means every unit of national currency could be exchanged for that amount of bitcoin. You still wouldn't have "anything to show for it" haha. What do you think you would have to show for it? Unless you own Bitcoin you have nothing to show for it. You'd have a very quickly debased dollar and a nation that is then trying to create a new currency because they just collapsed the prior currency, with nobody trusting that nation with money now. Where in there do you think you'd have something to show for it? haha I'm saying THIS WOULD NOT WORK. What would make a lot more sense is doing what El Salvador did, allowing Bitcoin to become legal tender alongside USD (if we're talking about USA) and allowing the economy and the people to over time find the natural balance between the two currencies that they desire. The "print USD into oblivion and collapse the economy while buying Bitcoin at ever increasing prices" would be a disastrous idea. That's about as smart as the the people who want to balance the budget suddenly, taking like a trillion dollars out of the economy causing millions of job losses all at once thus sinking USA into a great depression, thereby shrinking the tax base, and so still not even balancing the budget haha.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1czz4bx/daily_crypto_discussion_may_25_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cyf8j6/daily_crypto_discussion_may_23_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cyf8j6/daily_crypto_discussion_may_23_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cxmpo7/daily_crypto_discussion_may_22_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cxmpo7/daily_crypto_discussion_may_22_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cwuchb/daily_crypto_discussion_may_21_2024_gmt0/).

r/BitcoinSee Comment

"The Bitcoin blockhain is a monument to human effort, akin to the Pyramids of Egypt, and the Great Wall of China. Its PROOF OF WORK"

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cw263z/daily_crypto_discussion_may_20_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cvaygf/daily_crypto_discussion_may_19_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1csznpl/daily_crypto_discussion_may_16_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1creftx/daily_crypto_discussion_may_14_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cobxro/daily_crypto_discussion_may_10_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cobxro/daily_crypto_discussion_may_10_2024_gmt0/).

r/BitcoinSee Comment

imho the concept of "renting out bitcoin" is a prrtty hard sell. gemini and celsius are examples of what happens. i really hate the argument of "at one point you will live off the interest bitcoin is generating you" sorry but we need ppl who WORK or are retired and get their wealth eaten away while sitting at home. the concept of "passive income" like that means just being a bloodleech that does provide nothing to humanity. if people want to move away from fiat, they sure as hell do not want to enter the next enslavering system! i hope everyone who rents out their bitcoin gets rekt. not that this shit becomes the goal of people. bitcoin you buy, hodl, sell or take to your grave. renting it out makes you vulnerable and i personally praise everyone who vanishes with the coins they rent lightly from someone else.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cmqqqs/daily_crypto_discussion_may_8_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cly44k/daily_crypto_discussion_may_7_2024_gmt0/).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > # Bitcoin, could it be wrong. "Are we the bad guys ?" > > ​ > > In this small write up, I am going to delve into con-arguments against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the flagship of cryptocurrencies but there are a lot of criticism that could be leveraged against Bitcoin. First of all, let's delve into a small presentation of Bitcoin. > > # Bitcoin: An introduction. > > Bitcoin is the biggst cryptocurrency. It was created by a mysterious figure. The creation of Bitcoin is a strange and mysterious mystery. No one knows who created Bitcoin. > > Bitcoin was started as a way to circumvent traditional banking. Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology. Blockchain can be seen as an open book allowing anyone to know where is each fraction of Bitcoin ever. > > This blockchain is maintained through computer power. In a vulgar way: Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. The maths problem becomes harder when more people are mining so that mining takes a fixed amount of time according to a timeline known to everyone. In order to respect this timeline, mining rewards are halved every few years. > > Since anyone who wants to validate transactions is forced to complete a very hard math problem (which becomes harder the more people are mining), no one can cheat in new transactions. Also, every other miner has a copy of the blockchain. Through making sure that no entity has 50% of the mining, you can stop nefarious actors from changing the blockchain. > > This is using cryptographic technology that I don't yet understand but you can read more about it here: > > Bitcoin Wikipedia > > Without delving more into the tech side of bitcoin. Which can also be explained through youtube videos here: Bitcoin explained > > The Metrics of Bitcoin are currently: 22400$ Per coin for a Market cap of 430 Bilions and a daily volume of 19 Billions. Bitcoin was shortly valued at 69000 usd during the ATH. > > Now let's dive into what is making Bitcoin so bad. > > # Permissionless: A senseless destruction of world order. > > Bitcoin is a project existing in a very delicate world balanced by power structure. While we can be happy that the current top dog is the US (yes they are not perfect BUT they could be worse) we know that someone else could be on top. Despite that, we should strive to use the current US dominance to curb rogue states into the world order. > > The current war in Ukraine is a demonstration of the world order crumbling to maintain itself. I'd argue, the rise of cryptocurrencies may be a part of this crumbling. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, Bitcoin replacing the US Dollar would usher a chaotic age of international relation. > > The world has shrank a lot since the rise of internet. The fact is that the stability of the world is much more precious than ever. Everyone can see what happens in any other country and how the supply chains which guarantee our comfort are of the utmost importance. YET, we are pushing forward a great disrupter of balance. > > Permissionless can help terrorists, permissionless can help crime. YES traditionnal banking is doing it already BUT I'd argue that the absence of regulator and watchdog to make the current system comply is not an argument in favor of a tech which will make regulation and surveillance harder. > > # Bitcoin: This MONEY Doesn't Work, This Money Doesn't WORK. > > Bitcoin is claiming to be a currency. A viable alternative to fiat money. But anyone with a neuron or two could realize that the fluctuation in the value of Bitcoin is crazy. Some pedentic nerd and bitcoin maximalist could argue that 1 BTC = 1 BTC BUT if you don't know how much you'll need to put food on the table then BTC is not working as a currency. Yes inflation is lowering the value of Fiat BUT fiat doesn't see wild swings of + or - 30 % in most economies. > > While not being really MONEY I'd argue that Bitcoin doesn't WORK. To work the economy needs money to move. 100$ could buy groceries then be used to pay the local brewery, the butcher and many more people before going back to a bank account. This movement has created economic vitality. Bitcoin, most of the time, is seen as an investment vehicle such as gold. I'd argue that these vehicle are not valuable for society since the freeze money in place. > > In a bank, your money is working. Instead of Bitcoin, people should be paid more by banks to put their money in investment portfolios since these provide the liquidity necessary to make the economy work. > > ​ > > # Bitcoin: A very big spending of energy. > > ​ > > Bitcoin is a project which is wasting a lot of ressource for something which is not making a lot of sense. While Bitcoin is using more and more green energy, I'd argue that it is still a big waste. Subsidies could prop up the green sector far better than the mining farms that go with windfarms. > > Seeing Bitcoin as one of the biggest leverage of the green sector is a non-sense. Optimization of the energy sector means that the variable production should allow to reduce the use of fossil energy. Not allow to waste energy in a senseless project. > > ​ > > # Conclusion: The harsh truth is, we may be the bad guys. > > Partaking in an economic sector which allows for a disruption of world order, which doesn't help the economy and which is wasting energy may not be beneficial. This is why Bitcoin should not be seen as a messiah of economic proportion but as something which should raise criticism and should be heavily regulated. > > Good luck in your investments. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/) to be taken to the original topic-thread for this argument or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cly44k/daily_crypto_discussion_may_7_2024_gmt0/).

I have bought Kendu 6 times now starting at 3 million $ MC I WORK WORK WORK 4 THE ARMY , cause I want to ❤️ We are going to billions $$ JOIN THE MOVEMENT 👉 🪖
