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Does The SEC Have a Case? The Hard Facts Behind The iX Global & DEBT Box...

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SEC goes after "nodes" and files suit against company for selling "node licenses," Node License=Investment Contract

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What its like currently holding ADA. Part 2.

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What its like currently holding ADA part 2.

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US DEBT EXPLODES as BRICS Calls to End Dollar Dominance! | Bitcoin News Today

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SEC Freezes DEBT Box Assets Amid Allegations of $50M Fraud

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SEC Accuses Crypto Mining Firm DEBT Box of Fraud; Freezes Assets - Crypto Economy

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SEC freezes assets of DEBT Box, alleging $50M node license 'sham'

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El Salvador appoint "Bitcoin Standard" author to be an economic adviser. Then man of the popular bitcoin book meet the man who adopt bitcoin countrywide.

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[SERIOUS] It clicked: Banks don't store your money. They take it and are in debt to you. But most people in the world don't understand this

r/BitcoinSee Post

We are living in the future. Please read and let me know what you think.

r/BitcoinSee Post

U.S. debt is $31.5 Trillion.. Just DEBT.. Just the U.S.. When people wake up bitcoins market cap will exceed this number putting bitcoin above $1.5 million.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Fiat is HARAM

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Thoughts on Debt Box $DEBT

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Please take care of the elephant in room nobody wants to talk about

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

US DEBT: It’ll come crashing down like the rest of our portfolios…right? Right?!


For those that don't understand macro economics: -Bitcoin is divisible into sats (0.00000001), mines by proof of work. - There is a finite amount that will ever exist. - Decentralized global asset. The USD is infinite. - Backed by "trust me bro" FED. - The US government owes -38 Trillion (DEBT), which is impossible to pay off. - Causing the worst inflation in our lifetime (western world) - Wages can't keep up with inflation growth The end goal is to have 1 sat = 1 USD, which is not too far away already. Trump if elected could put the US on the Bitcoin standard. This effect will be swift. Causing the price of Bitcoin to moon. So if you understand these principles, you buy Bitcoin now, and forever. Always buying. If you don't, you complain and keep trusting the FED will right its course (KEKW).


I think the world is not ready for xrp yet. Look up Claudio Borio’s idea of “epoch defining seismic rupture”. TXMC on twitter has a really good pinned tweet you can look up but here is two paragraphs I took. “With the world's most developed economies producing more debt than income and deficits needing to be funded, the most likely path forward for many countries will be the forced repatriation of capital and the compulsion of savers to hold govt whilst eating a face full debasement. Industrial policy will be used in tandem with credit controls to drive growth in strategic defensive sectors. We already see hints of this in the global Covid response and in Europe's guaranteeing of energy loans after 2022's commodity shock. I've tweeted about this for two years.” “Many assume that the next move by policymakers will be a total return to easy money like most of 2010-2021, but they don't see that the winds have shifted on this topic. Central banks have already told us they don't want to return to QE. It is a path to nowhere. It does not lead to GROWTH and these countries need MORE GDP than DEBT. All it does is produce higher asset prices and inequality. They've literally said this. The only alternative for growing deficits is strategic industrial policy, directed credit, and financial repression. Savers WILL be made to bear the burden.” So for xrp, I think the idea is that in a splintered world where there is no world reserve currency, they can utilize xrp for settlements between foreign exchanges because they wouldn’t want to use any one currency as a reserve currency again for settlements because that country in control will abuse it the same way the US did. I’m not the smartest guy but I can see the value in xrp and what they are trying to achieve with it if the world does take a turn like that.


Sometimes I hear him whisper DEBT through my curtains on a cold night.


"Willing buyers" like MSTR who are using DEBT, borrowing at bacially zero % in convertable shares. So literally inorganic buyer demand coming from Wall Street fugazi in order to keep the price from getting rekt. Anyone who understands how overuse of leverage can so easily lead to bubbles (2008 Housing Crisis) should realize this is a house of cards with that is so ripe for a liquidity crunch to crash the market.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Here are my two cents: Canadians in general are completely addicted to real estate speculation. 10% of the population are millionaires due to real this. They basically dismiss any more of wealth creation and thing the only way to make it in life is to own real estate... It's kind of sad really because this is leading to a complete class segregation: the privilege real estate wealthy and the one that have to go into crazy mortgages in order to survive. Crime rate are going up, friction between classes is rampant, tipping culture is ridiculous and everything come down to fundamentals: DEBT = Money .... the more DEBT in the system the less the CAD is worth and the bigger the wealth gap becomes. Canada might very be a case study in the next decade on the price to pay of having free money.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

sounds like you're trying to scapegoat it by pretending the only reason you've made gains is because of the rising costs of Everything. like, dude. yes, if all that is happening is we put 100 bucks under a pillow and everything doubles in price, so when you reach under your pillow, your now 200 dollars is being taxed -- then yes, it might absolutely feel like theft. but you're in a bitcoin subreddit. bitcoin isn't simply keeping up with inflation. it has tripled in a year, it's currently in the same "near-all-time-high" it's been after it tripled it's previous all time high in 2021. so i'm simply calling bs on the idea that people only invest or buy assets in order to MAINTAIN their level of wealth, instead of to grow it. similarly, i've seen people say, "unrealized gains shouldn't be taxed." and i'm not completely against that -- as long as we also eliminate the idea that unrealized gains can be used to garner credit. if you bought a house for 200k and it's now worth 600k, and the bank is willing to see that you have an extra 400k in your pocket because of that (unrealized 400k) -- they are more willing to sell you a loan. because -- ultimately what you learn by playing with bitcoin and looking into finance -- is that money has less value than the promise of money. for example, i hire you to work for my company. payday is every second friday. you start the monday OF pay week. so you work all week and on friday, your coworkers are paid for the previous two weeks. next week you work all week and it's not a pay-week so it's fine. week 3 you work all week and THAT FRIDAY you get your first 2-week's worth of pay in a nice little check. how nice! you just worked 3 weeks swearing stressing and sweating for me and my company for the Promise of money. and now, yes you're getting your pay - but money didn't make you work, the PROMISE of money did. and that's what DEBT is. a promise of money. when you take out a mortgage, maybe that 200k house was 150k mortgage bc you only had 50k saved. so you've promised the lender you'll pay back the 150k and they've ammended that promise to include an amount of interest that satisfies them and doesn't have you backing out of the agreement. now, they say "over the next 20 years, you're paying me an extra 100k in interest" and the bank can say to your lender, "oh you have an extra 100k coming in over 10 years? then i can lend you money because you'll be good for it." the lender then uses that money to set up a mortgage with Another house-buyer. and the cycle continues until enough of us can't pay our mortgages and the WHOLE FUCKING THING COLLAPSES. because very little of it was ever actually tangible - it was all just promises. so when you have when you hold bitcoin is some digital string of numbers. ...that's really ALL you have -- but because of how nice everything is right now, what you have is a promise of a certain amount of cash-conversion. the majority of our economy is entirely built on debt and promises. if you're so miffed about taxes, write them an iou. ;)


I sold 1 entire bitcoin to do the same thing 3 years ago (payed off my mortgage). I HAVE ZERO REGRETS because after I was 100% debt free WITH A PAYED OFF HOUSE, I had virtually ZERO STRESS about the market price action and I developed TRUE  💎 ✋️ and sleep like a baby.  I use cash app and get payed in bitcoin, instead of a mortgage, I PAY MYSELF and my savings rate went from 20% gross income (when I had a mortgage) to now 50-55% gross income. It's a totally different reality when you're debt free and pay yourself rather than creditors. Around this same time I went full bitcoin only and dumped all my 💩 🪙. My stacking has increased massively and it feels like my actual quality of life has easily gone up 50% or more.  My normie fiat minded relatives can't figure out how I have a higher networth than them even though they earn 2x more than me and are "better educated" than me.... SIMPLE, I AM NO LONGER A DEBT SLAVE AND I AM NO LONGER ON THE FIAT STANDARD. Debt slavery is a fiat construct and I am NEVER GOING BACK! People enslaved to debt are not free to truly do what they want... constantly stressing over their job, their lives etc. Some people here have taken out a 2nd mortgage, ran up 2-3 credit cards, borrowed from family etc to buy bitcoin. If like in 2014, 2018, 2022 in a bear market, these people develop 📃 ✋️ and panic sell at a massive lose... or their relationship with friends and relative who they borrowed from deteriorate. Don't be a fiat debt slave... when you're debt free and with frugality, your rate of stacking with be supercharged. I was able to stack 1BTC from 2 years of #GETONZERO fiat, zero budget. I only hold fiat only on payday for a few hours to pay off bills and anything left over is dumped for bitcoin.  Normie debt slaves stack debt, they will remain enslaved to fiat parasites and the fiat mindset.

tldr; The SEC's Salt Lake City office, known for its failed lawsuit against DEBT Box, will close due to staff attrition and budget considerations. The closure follows a judge's dismissal of the case against DEBT Box, where the SEC was ordered to pay $1.8 million in legal fees. The Denver office will assume the Salt Lake City office's enforcement jurisdiction. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

tldr; The SEC's Salt Lake City office, known for a failed lawsuit against DEBT Box, will close due to staff attrition and budget considerations. The closure follows the resignation of lawyers and a judge's dismissal of the case against DEBT Box, ordering the SEC to pay $1.8 million in legal fees. The Denver office will assume its enforcement duties. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thank you!! I started slowly in 2018 and 2020 I went all in not looking back. This was always the goal: NO DEBT!! and now I gotta slowly catch back up with y’all before it takes off.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

When 1 satoshi = 1 dollar, the market cap of Bitcoin will be $2.1 quadrillion. Or even if 1 sat = 1 cent, but we all know that a cent is worthless and becoming more worthless by the day, that's an equivalent total supply of $21Trillion. Let's be honest here... we ain't runnin' out of units. Regarding that it isn't backed by anything, I don't think it is easy to fight this one because they'll say "gold is physical" and "the dollar is backed by the might of the US government". These are not sensical arguments, they are regurgitated nonsense. Nothing is backed. In fact the dollar USED to be backed by gold which means it was just waiting to get rugged, being backed by something means it is a promissory note and promises are always worthless until you redeem them. Even if you have done it 100 times before, each new note is still a promise. Bitcoin has never been backed by anything, it is the money. Most people don't even know what they mean when they say that. Before engaging, be sure to figure out if your father in law is being out right dismissive. If he is playing fair, ask what being backed means and why it is important. My guess is it is all about the double spend problem. Who or what ensures that no random guy on the street can print more for nothing? So then maybe it feels scarier if someone else does it, but since we have appointed the Government as in charge, it is okay if they do it? Why? They'll print trillions in a year, why is that good at all? Because they do it for us? Do they though? Would a medium that cannot be inflated or debased really be that bad? Could it be that we have been brainwashed by the people that benefit from the reallocation of wealth as inflation occurs, that inflation is good for us when it is really just good for them? Did you know that when people say that a deflationary system would be a disaster in a debt based economy, they are explaining that every cent in existence is DEBT?!?! I mean, our money is worse than fairground tickets. Check out my article that tries to explain and compare bitcoin as a candidate for money as a medium:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Holy fuck are you dumb. A liability doesn’t mean DEBT it means OBLIGATIONS. Crypto classified on THEIR books as a liability means it’s an OBLIGATION as in they OWE it to a THIRD PARTY.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

THIS☝️ When you calculate the price of things in time The cost becomes clear That tank of gas costs how many hours work That car cost how many years work Those shoes…. If you have no investments and have not built a business with employees and only work for money you are literally LITERALLY trading your LIFE for that shit. Count the costs. DEBT w/o investment = slavery Paying compound interest but not making compound interest is selling yourself into slavery. Yes it may be worth it in small increments but see the Forrest for the trees and don’t get lost in it. How many years do you have to payoff to be free?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Well that’s what you get for paying your predominantly fixed cost of electricity with a deflationary asset in a bear market…. Of course they are fiat backed loans… welcome to capital markets. Look at the s&p500 rn, how do you think that happened? Only way companies and the economy can grow is by taking in debt, with interest rates at near ath, as well as all the random items congress mixes up into our basket of goods for gdp( commodities) how does one expect to not get eaten alive by rates… BY BUYING BEAT UP ASSETS WITH THE DEBT THEY JUST TOOK ON AND GRINDING FOR EXTRA CASH TO PAY IT DOWN WHILE DIAMOND HANDING THEM GOLDEN TENDIES GDAHMNNNIT

r/BitcoinSee Comment

10 Ask this same question to somebody in Turkey, Argentina, IRAN, Lebanon, Nigeria, or South Africa. The success on bitcoin is determined by the failure of FIAT. So what you are really asking is how sure are your currency will fail. I am 100% the DEBT it USA, CHINA, JAPAN is going to fail. Gold is to old and hard to move.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

comedy that illustrates well why/how so many who are in a hurry have a fundamental misunderstanding about Bitcoin and what makes it different than any other coin & token asset. also why it's important to READ & pay attention to the details in educational articles & videos..and of course, the BTC whitepaper & the halving , tokenomics + healthy crypto safety & security practices. and to never rely on information in a forum BECAUSE though many get things right, far too many get it wrong, spreading misinformation or in some cases, deliberate. *MIS-*information. all should be studied well and *before* buying into Bitcoin. otherwise anyone not understanding it properly can lose funds due to a lack of knowledge & carelessness. Bitcoin is a once in a lifetime opportunity among many opportunities - some that might be good ones but they don't even come close to what Bitcoin offers, long term. and all good & decent human beings deserve a real chance to get out from under the albatross that is the DEBT BASED, centralized government fiat currency system that will never recover from the weight of its own disastrous & deliberate structuring: [The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; Two SEC lawyers, Michael Welsh and Joseph Watkins, resigned after a district court sanctioned the SEC for 'gross abuse' of power in a crypto case involving DEBT Box. The court criticized the SEC for false statements and misrepresentations, leading to the resignation of the lawyers who were warned of potential termination. The case highlighted issues with the SEC's enforcement strategy under Chair Gary Gensler, which has been criticized for increasing regulatory uncertainty in the crypto industry. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

I’m not sure what else I can say to you, you’re clearly not understanding the basic premise of this conversation. “Gambling” is a mildly more pejorative term for “speculation”. I have made it clear that I have always been talking about speculation. Now, you keep saying: “what you’re doing is wrong”. By what definition, exactly? I have already made you aware that I know speculation or “gambling” as you call it is not the most financially sound nor safe move. That does not mean it is inherently wrong (particularly if I see exponential upsides), and, more crucially: THAT IS WHY IT IS TAKING A CALCULATED RISK, AS I HAVE SAID A MILLION TIMES. What I do versus what a FTSE100 company might do with leveraged debt is entirely irrelevant. I would be taking DEBT and LEVERAGING it. Please see the definition of Financial Leverage for further information. In addition, you claim I would be “losing” borrowed money, but by doing so contradict your own assertion in your previous comment that you “believe in Bitcoin’s future”. How can you believe in its future while also believing I will lose the debt used to purchase it? Regardless, I’m almost certain that you’re just trolling as this point because this conversation is as circular as it could possibly be; you are not conceding that you understand what I’m saying whatsoever.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think it would depend on what the USAs current stance on crypto is or what agenda they want to push during the time when those first sell offs do happen . If the banking & traditional banking system is still super ANTI crypto & looking to keep destroying it , they would make sure that money goes to high priority pockets because a narrative could be spun how "BTC IS HELPING PAY OFF OUR NATIONAL DEBT" which they wouldnt want , that would be greattt publicity for btc as a whole which they would hate . But if they just hurry up & accept it for what it is and become open with the idea that it is the financial system of the future then maybe that headline is actually something they would want and might actually do something like that with the national debt narrative

r/BitcoinSee Comment

don't worry the government has figured out a solution. they are just going to have crippling inflation until a trillion dollars doesn't mean much. IMO print a few trillion dollars, pay off all debts, switch to Canadian dollar. fuck it. DEBT FREE baby!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I am once again asking you to read the IMF paper published in 2011 titled THE LIQUIDATION OF GOVERNMENT DEBT. What ends up being liquidated is your labor and savings. FFS BUT COME AT US THIS IS WHY WE BITCOIN

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>US debt is an order of magnitude greater than GDP Huh? [It's about 10% greater than the GDP.]( And several countries have considerably more without having the luxury of their currency being the world's reserve. ​ >I’m selling down my stocks now and putting it all into a risk-free asset with true potential as a replacement to fiat. Satoshis. Oh, great idea. Sell high, buy high.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

They are afraid of anyone escaping their matrix of control DEBT. Get your Bitcoin anyway you can. Free yourself from them and make them your servant

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

THE NATIONAL DEBT IS OWED TO WHOM EXACTLY? Who do we owe this money to? Your Social Security Number is your collateral obligation to the debt collectors of the BANKERS THE IRS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; U.S. Senators have criticized SEC Chair Gary Gensler for the agency's unethical handling of a crypto case involving DEBT Box, where evidence was misrepresented leading to a court-ordered asset freeze. The SEC has dismissed the case and is taking corrective actions, including staff training, to prevent future ethical lapses. The incident has raised concerns about the SEC's enforcement practices and the need for oversight in the cryptocurrency market. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

So copy and pasting links that mimic your stance is providing evidence? Give me a break lol The economy is growing because we are taking on MORE DEBT to provide the illusion of growth. If borrowing remained the same GDP would drop. The debt required to increase GDP is growing exponentially. You can not exponentially print money. That’s as straight forward as I can make it for you lol the economy is not doing GOOD when analyzed from the debt ratio.. it is doing good ONLY when considering value alone, which we all know is shortsighted.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Guys a tool lol… DEBT!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Hey bro, you can buy more BTC. The peace of mind of having car paid of and no debt is so worth it in my opinion. Do what you feel best about. You are paying interest in car and credit card both. Even if BTC doubles in two years you will still have paid a lot of interest on debt plus your mind will be in a DEBT mindset. All the best

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Fucking A. 100% agreed bro. It’s like why the fuck wouldn’t you want us to be rich to pay our debts? Paying our debts…..lowers the DEBT!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) admitted to providing inaccurate information in a crypto fraud case involving Digital Licensing Inc., which did business as DEBT Box. The SEC had obtained a temporary asset freeze and restraining order by claiming the defendants were misusing investor funds. However, after the defendants challenged the SEC's facts, the judge dissolved the restraining order and requested an explanation. The SEC acknowledged the mistake, stating that fewer bank accounts were closed than initially claimed, and is taking steps to ensure accuracy in the future, including supervision by senior attorneys and mandatory staff training. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Lmaooo, americans are so funny. The logic is just too far gone to. You could sell the mower for 6k, pay off the DEBT YOU OWN!!! and use the rest to invest. Actually, educate yourself to make healthy financial decisions first before investing in anything. Why do you even have a 8k mower anyway, because it sounds like you don’t even need one since you’re talking about getting rid of it

r/BitcoinSee Comment

NEVER USE DEBT to get bitcoin… leveraged hands are paper hands.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

One can EASILY LEARN SKILLS TODAY more than in the past. These normie debt slaves here won’t understand what you ment. You can even get a university degree for CHEAP if you test out of most of the classes via CLEP exams… CLEP the hell out of it and take community college courses. I have seen stories for people getting a college degree in 1yr because they simply get credit via tests… it would hurt. Either college ON THE CHEAP OR A SKILLED TRADE. Someone can actually do BOTH AT THE SAME TIME if they are hard working… either way the OP will need MARKETABLE SKILLS… some college degree offers very little skills and the pay is garbage in some fields. Either way, getting on a bitcoin standard IS THE WAY… either bitcoin or another hard asset but bitcoin is the best one IMHO. The fiat standard IS FOR DEBT SLAVES.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Also, I strongly advice you NOT TO OBSESS OVER BITCOIN PRICE like the trader bros and the moon boys. DO NOT GO INTO DEBT FOR BITCOIN! Just try to earn more and develop more useful skills the most affordable way possible… and live your life as frugally as possible. Save the difference in hard assets. Bitcoin is a hard asset. The allocations should be amounts that you won’t feel stress over during a bear market etc. If you are a “degen” moon boy, leveraged to the hilt, and there is a market crash, you get obliterated and your paper hands will burn.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Even before I found bitcoin, I was a gold bug and instinctively knew that fiat currency were worthless debt backed coupons… EVER SINCE MY FIRST JOB, after paying my monthly expenses, I DUMPED ALL FIAT CURRENCY LEFTOVER INTO HARD ASSETS. My normie parents and extended family couldn’t figure out how comes my networth was like 3-4x that more more “educated” cousins etc. One person even thought I was selling drugs… because I wasn’t as broke as he was even though on paper he made 50% more than me and had a degree etc. ITS THE DEBT BASED FIAT MONETARY SYSTEM STUPID! It’s just another form of parasitism… the sooner you figure it out, the better. Fiat = slave currency

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I wish I could go back to being 32 with what you have. NO DEBT Is there a burning reason why your 6 months EF needs to be in fiat? What about 1 month cash and 5 months BTC

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I am absolutely not mixing definitions. In Equity THERE'S DEBT INVOLVED. Look at the definition I provided. You don't own the company. You lent the company money (debt) so they can work. The claims are rights on that DEBT. If you can't understand that, it's no use talking about this any further.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You’re correct, technically the fiat currency is backed by IOUs, which has a NEGATIVE VALUE if it pays back at a rate less than real inflation/debasement…. So you are correct, USDs are “backed” by DEBT/CREDIT that has a value of BELOW ZERO if the debt can’t be payed with at least break even rates.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Do you actually believe Powell can take interest rates up to 10%.? Do you actually believe the CPI is really only 3%? Do you actually believe the unemployment numbers they are giving us? We have a HUGE FUCKING DEBT problem that we cannot raise interest rates or will will hyperinflate just paying the INTEREST. FYI, When Paul Volker took interest rates above 20% in early 1980's the US debt was only 330 billion dollars and the debt level was manageable. FYI, they have changed the way we report CPI ,the way the report Unemployment, and they way the report an recession. I think you are going to be in for a rude awakening soon if you believe their nonsense.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

50% of savings? Amateur- I’ve invested 100% of my DEBT.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

In addition to this, people often forget to factor in DEBT when determining company valuations. Debt makes a company less valuable than their assets, because if they go bankrupt, those assets will go towards paying their creditors. However, there is then their net inflows from the products and services they provide which makes the company more valuable than their assets alone. You then need to think about whether those services (the companies income) will increase in demand in time (will the company have more income) or decrease in demand in time (the company has less income and runs into trouble paying off its DEBT)

r/BitcoinSee Comment

When you factor in minimum wage, adjusted for inflation, it should be about $15/hr now and as hard as it is to believe, MANY COLLEGE GRADUATES straight out of college LIVING IN HIGHER COST OF LIVING STATES are earning minimum wage technically speaking. Example: Medical resident PGY1 (graduates medical school with MD but needs at minimum 3 years residency training to become a licensed physician) working average of 80 hours a week and living in Brooklyn NYC, San Francisco CA, Portland OR, Washington DC etc makes $60,000/yr… about the same as an average STEM graduate fresh out of school BUT AFTER FACTORING INFLATION AND COST OF LIVING, THE HOURS WORKED, THE MEDICAL RESIDENTS ARE MAKING ABOUT FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE! With a debased currency, these new medical school graduates have to borrow MORE AND MORE… my cousin is in $350,000 of debt and is currently doing residency in internal medicine… 80hrs a week earning $60,000/yr living in NYC… after doing this for 3 years he gets his license to practice medicine and his starting base salary is expected to be $200,000 in NYC… that’s the same as a truck driver living in Atlanta minus the 1/3 million dollars of debt. How can anyone defend this parasitic system is beyond me… Unless you are wealthy and have rich parents to pay your way, or get a scholarship, you are FORCED TO BECOME A DEBT SLAVE TO LIVE YOUR DREAMS… no wander Max Kieser called the fiat system an INTEREST RATE APARTIT.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Wages not keeping up are the PRODUCTS OF A DEBT BASED FIAT SYSTEM… this is why it doesn’t even matter what the minimum wage is… they could make a minimum wage of $100/hr and all that would happen is that the cost of living would increase 10x because it’s still a debtfiat fugazi currency being created via debt/credit.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I did that at the last cycle too, after that my bitcoin savings rate MASSIVELY INCREASED due to not having any debt, mortgage, rent etc… it’s like you got a massive proportion. Debt free making $60,000/yr = “Normy” (having rent/mortgage, student loans etc) making $90,000-$100,000. When affirming the “satoshi premium” (average CGAR over the last few years), DEBT FREE bitcoiner on a BITCOIN SAVINGS STANDARD (#GET ON ZERO FIAT STANDARD) making $60,000 fiat is EQUIVALENT TO NORMIE MAKING $120,000 in an average state or about $240,000 in San Francisco, Brooklyn etc… I did the math multiple times and I kept reaching the same conclusion… it’s sounds crazy but you can do the calculations yourself.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

0 DEBT all payed off

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The only graph you need to understand is the US DEBT []( Because anyone with half a brain will understand that there is NO FCKING WAY to raise interest rates enough to control inflation with this much DEBT. Oh, we could take interest rates up to 6% but we would hyperinflation just printing money to service the debt. That is what you and everyone else needs to understand. FIAT IS DEAD.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yes yes yes as long as inflation is higher than interest rates, DEBT IS GOOD

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Never a good idea to put yourself in debt, isn't ut the exact opposite you are trying to achieve by investing? Who knows what happens or how many years it takes to become debt free once again. Everything you would pay for the loan, put it into btc, if you lose the job ir something you will still have your stack and NO DEBT.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Currency is an IOU or DEBT. Just read what it says on the dollar bill. "THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE" When you are spending currency you are really just spending IOU's or debt notes. Currency enters the financial system when it is borrowed, like a home loan or car loan. The Federal Reserve gives the banks currency to lend out. The borrower buys a home for 300K and now there is 300K of debt notes in the financial system. Eventually, the home is paid off and all those debt notes go back to the bank. The best way to rationalize how our currency is debt is the following: You are a janitor at a bank and clean up afterhours. They bank owes you $1000 worth of services and does not have the money. The bank writes 1000 IOU;s to pay you in the future. You go to 7-11 to buy a coffee and tell them all you have is these bank IOU's. Manager at 7-11 says///./ we will accept the IOU's because we bank there. Thus when a bank note says it is legal tender, it must be accepted all over.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>Say you have 100 BTC. Would it be dumb to borrow money against your bitcoin, use that money to buy more bitcoin, so now you would have 200 bitcoin No, your LENDER has 100 Bitcoin. You have as much DEBT as your lender was willing to extend to you in exchange for that collateral. All you've done is give someone else custody over your original 100 Bitcoin. Say you own a house with no mortgage. Would it be dumb to get a home equity loan, use that money to buy a second house, then borrow money against those two houses, pay back the first loan and buy another house so now you have three houses? Do you see the accounting error?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Responsible answer: Do you do a unique and personal budget at the beginning of the month? If so just allocate the typical 15% in saving to Bitcoin and you’ll get there eventually. Anarchist answer: Short the fucking system buy maxing out every credit card you have to stack Sats. Take out ALL THE DEBT!!! Then when all you have left is 5 unconfiscatable coins, declare bankruptcy and watch the world burn. Learn to surf the Kali Yuga fren.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

2023-09-13 COIN-79.86 USD/SO 189.95 Million/ISO 237.18 Million/NO dividend/Total DEBT (mrq) 3.5$ Billion VET-USD-0.01619602 USD Start Date: 2017-08-22 usdollar... iam a piece of paper and i control your entire life E&OE/CYA

r/BitcoinSee Comment

is he though with 40k CC DEBT

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That's pure BS. Crypto has no intrinsic value. What intrinsic value does fiat have? The ability of the government to print more money with a push of a button? The MASSIVE DEBT that increases each passing year, that most countries have? The technology is interesting in the sense it can help CBDCs. Crypto and BTC were developed to promote financial freedom from the governments and their control. Crypto is decentralized, based in an immutable PUBLIC ledger. CBDCs will be private ledger and I really doubt if it's even immutable. Central banks and governments want control, kill switches and compliance. Blockchain and cryptos want you to be free. P.S. Every time I hear a public official bashing crypto and praising CBDCs my Monero bag gets a little bit heavier

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So I read through some of the sepa info. Under the heading Cashless Payment Insruments, it says credit transfers, and direct debit. Still 60+ year old tech. Under the heading Speed Of Processing it says ;no longer than one business day for electronic payment orders. Up to two days for paper based transfer orders. And this only applies in the euro zone. It makes sense for a group of banks to make things easier on themselves. But all they have done is pre approve the movement of DEBT. this has done nothing to speed up the SETTLEMENT of the debt. The REAL MONEY doesn’t move in seconds with sepa. It still takes days for the company who sent money for you, to receive that money back from your financial institution. With the xrp ledger, both the transfer AND the settlement happen in less than 5 seconds. Meaning both parties receive their payments and the transaction is complete in 5 seconds.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Have you ever thought of how long it takes for the actual manufacturer to get PAID from a credit card transaction? It’s NOT instant. YOU take on the DEBT immediately. But no, that money is not transferred at the same time. These corporations work on 30,60,90 day intervals. Visa is a Ripple partner and ODL user. 5 second settlement of transactions. The speed and efficiency of manufacturing will skyrocket because they will have the money to expand. It will not be stuck waiting to get to their accounts.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I feel tons of people will tell you DEBT first then invest. But for me, crypto made me debt free. Did I get lucky? Maybe with a few coins… but I was so massive in debt I was willing to just pay minimums and invest what I could. I didn’t want to do the bankruptcy route and I was used to being broke. I said fuck it! Hahah Side note… being debt free was a weight lifted but investing still keeps me up at night cuz I’m still making myself broke by investing. But I like it that way.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Fun fact ...all those youtube people making crazy gainz? Thst paper account their showing you... they make their living lying to you using basic TA info and then place massive trades and show you their account. All lies and deception but they do make crazy money off referrals... money made from your $100 deposit plus % off every trade you do even when you lose. The mega rich investors like warren buffett bought the right stock at the right time and held it. And bought more. Built up a big portfolio and then they BORROW using it as collateral. THE RICH LIVE OFF DEBT !! And im sure as shit stinks they still had to work while building their empire until the empire paid them.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

2023-08-14 coindesk to cut staffing ahead of potential sell 2022-06-15 coinbase lays off around 1,100 employees 2023-08-24 COIN-73.66 USD/SO 186.88M/F 186.99M/NO dividend/Total DEBT (mrq) 3.5$Billion E&OE/CYA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I don't care what is going on. I don't care if they keep my money in segregated account or not. Segregated accounts aren't even more secure. It's completely delusional. If they have 100 shared accounts or 10000 separated accounts, what's the difference? NOTHING, either they have 100 private keys, or 10000 private keys. You deposit, you agree that they keep custody of your money until you withdraw. And Binance has kept that promise. They never withwold withdrawals unlike those fishier exchanges who are not under attack! And by the way, your average fucking bank on the street, lends out your fucking money! WHY AREN'T THEY UNDER ATTACK BY THE LAW? BECAUSE IT'S NOT CRYPTO AND NOT A THREAT TO THE CENTRAL BANKS WHO ARE THE MASTERS OF THE GOVERNMENTS BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENTS ARE IN DEBT WITH THEM! IT'S THE CENTRAL BANKS WHO COMMAND THE GOVERNMENT TO KILL THEIR THREAT, CRYPTO. AND THEY CAN'T KILL A CHAIN, THEY CAN ONLY KILL THE EXCHANGES!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

losing money is not enough, some people just want to be in DEBT

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So the DEBT box is now indebted? The SEC keeps poking their noses in crypto affairs...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

2022-03-29 Silvergate Capital Issues $205 Million Loan to MacroStrategy Collateralized by Bitcoin. Loan proceeds to be used by MacroStrategy, a subsidiary of MicroStrategy, to acquire additional bitcoins. 2023-03-08 Silvergate Capital is shutting down operation, LIQUIDATING after crypto collapse WIPES OUT bank 2023-08-11 Silvergate - stock - SICP-0.2400 USD 52 Week Range: 0.0200 - 107.8900 USD/SO 31.66 Million/Total DEBT 4.32$ Billion E&OE/CYA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

2021-06-15 MicroStrategy files to sell 1$ billion in shares...partly to buy more bitcoin The company also said it has completed its 500$ million bond sale for its bitcoin strategy 2023-08-11 MSTR-384.31 USD/SO 12.07 Million/NO dividend Total DEBT (mrq) 2.24$ Billion

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has accused DEBT Box, a crypto mining firm, of executing a $50 million fraudulent cryptocurrency scheme. The SEC has obtained a temporary asset freeze and other emergency relief against DEBT Box and its four principals, as well as 13 additional defendants. The defendants allegedly sold unregistered securities called "node licenses" and used deceptive tactics to convince investors that these licenses would generate crypto asset tokens through mining activities. The SEC's complaint also alleges that DEBT Box and its principals lied to investors about the revenues of the businesses driving the value of the tokens. This is another move in the SEC's ongoing war against digital assets, with the agency having filed over 130 crypto lawsuits this year. Despite the SEC's actions, there are individuals in the finance industry and lawmakers who oppose the regulator's aggressive stance on digital assets. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I hope you know what you're doing. 1. A balance transfer doesn't let you pull out $20k on day one. You need to already have a DEBT from another credit card, then when you sign up to this new card, you TRANSFER the BALANCE/debt of the old card onto the new card, you can't simply ask for $20k and expect 0% for 18 months. 2. Even if 0% interest, you still need to make monthly repayments. You're not allowed to make a lump sum payment at the end in month 17, no idea where you got that idea from, otherwise be prepared to get ducked by late payments, fees, ~20% interest, a shitty credit score and a million phone calls and threats by the company. 3. Interest free days don't apply on regular purchases whilst you have a balance on the card. *(Points 1-3, depend on your country, but usually applies to most places). I have done something similar for Bitcoin, but it wasn't a balance transfer, it was a cash advance offer at 0% interest for 12 months for about 90% of my credit card limit. I made the monthly repayments every time, and at the end of the 12 months, I payed nothing more then what the amount I withdrew was.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The idea here is that the fiat financial system is a "scam" because the money supply can be arbitrarily expanded through government bond-buying and fractional/no reserve banking. This occurs because fiat currencies are not pegged to hard assets like gold which has a very steady supply rate that can not be manipulated. Credit expansion is literally financial value created out of thin air. When debt is issued, the supply of money expands and causes inflation in the economy (more money in system = more demand = less buying power). This is the difference between **REAL VALUE** and **FINANCIAL VALUE**. Real value is the production of goods and services in the economy. This is intrinsic value. Financial value is just a claim on intrinsic value. But the value of these claims can be inflated. In a fiat system, ALL MONEY IS DEBT. Meaning all money is essentially a promise to be paid back. There is no tie to hard assets. The US dollar is at the end of a long-term debt cycle. There is too much debt in the system and a lot of it was driven by covid-induced money printing and low interest rates (which incentivises debt creation). This is why we're seeing crazy inflation, a growing wealth gap, and political instability. I wouldn't even call it a ponzi because it's not like old investors are being paid with money from new investors. It's worse than a ponzi. It's like if the company just made up their own money and told people it was valuable. This is why crypto is valuable. The supply of bitcoin and other main blockchains are mathematically determined at a steady rate. It can't be manipulated by monetary policy and the ledger hasn't faulted once since its inception.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Does this graph reflect reflect interest payments ONLY made on the "US DEBT" $$##..? You know the counter in NewYork that's tracking our debt by the second (currently almost at $$32.5 Trillion$$). ??? Or, does it include interest on payments we are making on debt that is not reflected in that ticker..? I'm sure there's plenty of debt that is not reflected on the NewYork ticker/counter, right...?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Half the comments here got no idea how the debt ceiling works. THIS IS FOR OLD DEBT, The fuckers approved the budget and now they themselves are causing this crisis.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

*Check back on next year's episode of DEBT ZEILING Z*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Whenever you put money into a bank, it's not your money any more It's a **DEBT** that the bank owes you And as we have seen recently, lots of banks can default or go under. And if the government doesn't bail them out, then your money is gone.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Look at me, I'm holding all USD and I'm facing the same problem You see I'm in Korea. No one here takes them. Yet all the money I have in the world is USD. Secondly, my bank doesn't have any branches here. I have no way to withdraw them. Basically USD is pointless & useless because the only way I'm actually able to buy anything just to survive or not be out on the street at night is by going through a complicated multi-step process: 1. I have special cards that automatically convert USD denominated DEBT into real money: KRW / korean won when scanned at a register. 2. Once I've accumulated a maximum amount of debt, I have to transfer the USD electronically to the accounts to "refill" it and allow me to spend more (in other words paying my credit card bill)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on $DEBT

r/BitcoinSee Comment

DO NOT BORROW MONEY OR USE DEBT to buy bitcoin… you are just using another form of leverage and it makes for weak paper hands.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Can’t believe people are recommending this guy go in DEBT for btc. 🤦🏼‍♂️ when btc hits 16k after the halving he’s gonna come crying.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It is a CasasciusCoin a physical FedCoin, if you peel off the sticker you can send DEBT to the burn address.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

This is why ECONOMY BUILT ONLY ON DEBT CANNOT WORK. Long term it always fail, even if you play "too big to fail"/"unlimited debt" game.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Atlas while their debts increased, their real wages/salaries declined due to debasement on their fiat monetary debt units (AKA USD.) The USD is a token backed by DEBT and leveraged 100x with fractional reserve banking… its like playing with matches with gasoline at your feet, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> The balance you see in the online banking is not how much money YOU have, but how much money THEY are in DEBT to you. Not more, not less. This is exactly why when banks add money to your account it’s “crediting” but when they take money it’s “debiting”. Your money in the bank is a liability to them since they technically have to return it to you.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>The balance you see in the online banking is not how much money YOU have, but how much money THEY are in DEBT to you. True. >This means, that banks defaulting and you not getting all of your money back is **expected**. False. Banks don't *expect* to default. That's absurd.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

☝️😆 The majority will never figure out the answer... Obviously, it's RAISE THE DEBT CEILING AND PRINT MORE MONEY!!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Lol, at this point, I'm shocked anyone takes these clowns seriously. There is NO CEILING, Just an iceberg we hit years ago and those in power saying "stay calm, there will be plenty of life boats for everyone after we pack the silver/gold/valuables. Stay here until we say it's safe..."

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I already said it… you can’t have debt, like ZERO DEBT and a payed off house so no mortgage or rent. It is very much possible to have such a high savings rate, depending on your tax bracket and income.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>I'm about to be debt free If you are holding FIAT currency you are holding DEBT. A debt that cannot be paid back. When you hold BTC, then you are debt free.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It’s much worst than that… it’s backed by DEBT then leveraged over 10x via fractional reserve banking…. If fiat was burning paper, then the fractional reserve banking system is gasoline!!! It’s unsustainable.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

If you got payed in bitcoin since may 11th 2020 (last halving), you are up 25% even after the last “crypto winter.” SPY sp500 etf is 13% and GLD etf is 11%… so bitcoin did TWICE AS BETTER than the “established normal investments” but it’s a new monetary system and not an “investment.” Even after adjusting for inflation in something like the cost of rent etc, bitcoin did 12% increase and SPY sp500 etf did 0% increase (FLAT) and gold was slightly NEGATIVE… Owners equivalent rent increased 13% from 2020 to 2023… so if your money isn’t increasing in value by 13% then you are LOSING. Either that or you got a 13% pay raise. Getting payed in bitcoin did TWO TIMES BETTER THAN INFLATION (using owners equivalent rent as an example), and this was after the crypto scams and FTX and the “crypto winter.” I started my 401k in 2018 (vanguard growth VWUAX) and I it only increased by 10% for the last 5 years!!!! Bitcoin at the same time did 70% in the same period… so bitcoin did better than my 401k EVEN AFTER FACTORING THE 50% match! Who’s really gambling here? The bitcoin maximalists who is getting payed in bitcoin or the fiat maximalist who value’s a piece of paper that’s backed by DEBT and LEVERAGED TO THE MAX with fractional reserve bankings? #Getonzero fiat is far less risky if you have a payed off house and have zero debt of any type… I only think of my roth 401k as a thing to borrow from in case of a large emergency… my bitcoin IS THE VERY VERY VERY LAST THING I WOULD SELL. When the world realizes the properties of bitcoin, it will be far more risky to hold fiat long term compared to to today.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

She is a perfect example of the fiat debt based system’s perverse insentive model… she is a product of the corruption of money… she says that “bitcoin is not backed by anything,” yet she supports the fiat which is BACKED BY CREDIT/DEBT via the factional reserve system… she is either to intellectually lazy to do proper research or she is deliberately trying mislead people.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Fiat is “backed” by DEBT CREATION/credit… so technically speaking, it’s less worth than zero until the debt is paid.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It’s worst than that… fiat money is BACKED BY DEBT!!! It’s a negative value, a liability.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

nevermind the banks, what about their backer? the US government? []( That rapidly increasing number, what do you think that is?? cash balance?? Not to overly simplify things, DEBT == Money I owe When you pay for debt, with more debt, if that was a person or company, you'd say they are insolvent...

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Canada: STOLEN - dividends/UNSETTLED []( their USELESS/WORTHLESS website is NOT working since 2010 ! BOC employees names? \[REFUSED to provide\] they-debtors told me that, they DO NOT KNOW what is A NOTICE OF REDEMPTION or DEBT Instrument? E&OE/CYA

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It’s much easier to #getonzero fiat when you have ZERO DEBT and a payed off house… no mortgage, no rent, no car payments, no student loans etc. fiat emergency fund would need about 8-10% per year “restocking” expenses because that’s the rate it’s being debased at.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

BAC-34.21 USD/SO 8 Billion/Dividend 0.88/Total DEBT (mrq) 562.15$ Billion E&OE/CYA

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Do not tell her nor anyone. People can change, shift personalities, often Unintentionally / Unplanned / unforeseeable. Don't tell anyone. Need some cash? Go to Vegas. Withdraw minimal needed. " Honey! You will NEVER believe my luck this time! Wore those lucky socks you've been trying to get me to wear! " ... Next. Read up on finance and investments. Read both sides - customer processes and **Internal org processes** of financial institutions along with AUDITING financial institutions - "they" learn this mostly in University Banking or Auditing programs. Don't trust Investment Managers, Banks and similar, Accountants ( CPAs in particular). Still, small amounts at a time. Don't tell her. Get a contract/will. She and kids or family to receive leftover. Read on Estate Planning. Start a business. Always (in every business situation for *everyone*) always, always use debt in business when making purchases. Unless strategic reasons Always, Always carry substantial debt in the business as a part of the Financial Treasury "Mix". Continuously increase Assets. As you gain equity, using increased equity, buy more businesses or investments (both examples are Assets). ASSET = Income Producing (Y), where Y is the dynamics of the industries you choose. Only buy Assets. Use their cashflow for spending; use DEBT to buy ASSETS (if the interest rate - cost of capital- is lower than the IRR on the Positive Revenue producing assets. Make a list and compare using a financial calculator. This post seems to be applicable to anyone... But OP asked a good question. Other crypto magicians can help on that side.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The left needs to leave her behind. Idk about you but the biggest Warren supporters in my friend group are the biggest welfare suckers. She’s the epitome of every bad reputation liberals get—welfare by spending everyone elses money, buying votes. Notice how she never calks for student debt “reform” (IE practical solutions like capping interest rates on current loans), instead she is always WE’RE GOING TO CANCEL ALL STUDENT DEBT. She wants to make sure she gets the votes of every college grad whether they deserve/need a bailout or not

r/BitcoinSee Comment

MicroStrategy Incorporated Has Raised $46.6M Through Share Sales Since September The company since September issued a prospectus for the sale of up to $500 million in common stock MSTR-294.05 USD/SO 9.59 Million/Last Split Date: 2002-07-31/No dividend Total DEBT (mrq) 2.45$ Billion 52 Week Range: 132.56 - 522.80 USD Book Value Per Share: ---(minus) 33.17 MicroStrategy Incorporated provides enterprise analytics software and services worldwide E&OE/CYA

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It’s painful to sell bitcoin to repair a car…. The only people who really can go “all in” is if they have a solid financial foundation and have ZERO DEBT… they don’t owe anyone any money and have a payed off house etc… they also have stable income etc. If you have debt, maxing out credit cards etc to buy more bitcoin, you will feel WAY MORE PAIN in a crash.
