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r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

TrustPad - Get early-access to the most promising blockchain projects.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

The IRS Bounty on Monero

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

NONE Ceases Operations Following Phishing Exploit Amounting 41.52 ETH

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

ECB raising interest rates to 4% (just confirmed). Sluggish growth forecasts (confirmed) What's are your views on the European (and US) economy? Are you being hit (for those with variable mortgage rates)? What are your views on the time frame for a crypto Bull run ?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

The fact that we’re still seeing semi-regular price pumps and ATHs shows that we are indeed still early


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

And I'm sure you are going to fall for the "mUh hErO!" narrative that the left puts out when they switch candidates. NONE of the politicians that supported Joe Biden'ts Presidency should be considered competent after failing to see what was going to happen, when somebody in a chair like me saw it coming a mile away.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You have historical data on ur disposal, the look at marketcap screenshots and see how many names u recognize through the years, and of them, which of them outperformed btc on a yearly basis since their interception. The answer is NONE.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

You've posted 3 times just today but yet >A user can only make a new submission every 24 hours. (This might increase in the future). >DO NOT BOTHER PMING MODMAIL FOR EXCEPTIONS TO THESE RULES, NONE ARE GRANTED. Presumably it has changed but the sidebar hasn't been edited to reflect this. This is a very odd sub.

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

They're cool to see but before you get to warm & fuzzy, realize that almost NONE of the people that use the machines are bitcoin enthusiasts.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Your professors told you that the value of the dollar is declining and that you have to buy bitcoin instead? PS. I went to a super good college, and NONE of my professors ever told me this. Haven't even seen it in economic books.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Absolutely NONE of the ai projects need a token. Every project since shitcoin mania of 2017 claimed to have partnerships with multinational giants, its a meaningless marketing gimmick. RemindMe! 1 year

r/BitcoinSee Comment

If your first Bitcoin buy is $1mil (which it should not be) then yes from the start you need to learn geo-disbursed multi-sig and timelocks (which I encourage everyone who has already gotten comfortable with single sig cold storage to learn), but if you're sane and your first Bitcoin buy is less than what's in your savings account you know you can afford to take it slow and learn each thing incrementally as it applies to your smaller, but growing risk model. Whereas the risk model of a custodian is WORSE than having your savings in a HDD that you accidentally threw in the garbage. In no small part because the risk go from being localized (losing your money affects only you) to systemic (losing money affects a million people). Choosing the wrong chain in a fork because government regulation doesn't allow otherwise and you get NONE of the properties of Bitcoin. ETF holders are in effect not Bitcoiners. In a local grassroots Bitcoin economy, an ETF holder can not participate. In softfork discussion, an ETF holders opinion is irrelevant,

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You understand the ethos of crypto: Not your wallet not your coins. I have another one: Not your storage, not your data. Why oh why would anyone store personal, private information on someone else's drive??? A lot of people disagree with me on this. I have been a pc user since 1992 win 3.1 for workgroups. I have owned 8 machines with every windows OS except 8. Never would I conceive of using rented storage space with any third party let alone Google, the biggest fascist surveillance whore in the history of civilization. Give it a pretty name "the cloud". The idea of trusting them with wedding pictures, family pictures, tax returns, love letters. You have to be insane. I have 4 external drives, less than $100 each. 10 terabytes total. LaCie and west dig. They work fine. Do yourself a favor. End your sub to google, buy a few drives and maintain them yourself. All precious data is completely within your ownership and control. Put your seed phrase in a few places on these drives and then airgap them - unplug when done using them. No cloud ever. No googel, no aws, no azure or whatever they call windows cloud, no Carbonite. NONE OF THEM. Own your info and don't let anyone else have access to it. You're welcome.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

That's a terrible take and not how this works at all. There is a large amount of foreseeable "maintenance" development to ensure bitcoin continues to be secure, stable, etc. That's before ever developing new features or abilities. But seriously, you don't like several of the new features like faster syncing time, pruned nodes, Segwit, 24 word mnemonics as opposed to wallet.dat? Like others have said, there's no obligation to upgrade, but you're high if NONE of the improvements are acceptable.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I’m glad younger generations are far less trusting of the state ran propaganda machine,than older generations.anyone who is given such a large platform cannot be trusted in any capacity.MSM is a tool to mislead us,divide us and keep us living in a constant state of fear so we are more easily controlled.NONE of these people are on our side,they are all a bunch of fork tongued snakes.don’t let them fool you,they all probably know far more about Bitcoin than they would have you believe.they’re probably buying up Bitcoin right after they go on tv and tell the world it’s a scam

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Exactly, every new student learn FRB from the first day and cheers that as a science discovery. FRB does not create money, it just create more deposit records, same money, multiple locations. I don't know why banks call it creating money, I think they are just try to make things more confusing But we have never learned in economy schools that there is regulations or restrictions on how much loan a commercial bank can issue. It is highly likely that there is NONE But why there is still bank failure like SVB if all commercial banks can create money at will? So there IS a restriction somewhere, which is never taught in those books (That is the FED wire central clearing system). And that is why I tends to believe that those books are just full of sophisticated lies to confuse people

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Okay ill take the bait. Electric cars were an environmentalist's pipedream until he came along. NONE of the existing car makers wanted to make them happen, they were fucking around with hybrids, that's it. SPACE exploration had stalled until he came along. I think its ridiculous to assume he did it alone but he did come along with his money and arguably more importantly, his vision and ability to assemble the right people who could ultimately achieve the vision. Hating on him shows how much of a tool you are.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The thing is that NONE of the altcoins are worth anything. ETH might not be an exception anymore.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I don’t have Trump Derangement Syndrome. I’m doing basic math here. For Biden’s entire term he has been blamed for putting political pressure on the SEC to stunt the growth of crypto. And I think that’s fair. His administration has taken a hostile stance towards crypto and his political pressure is partly why it took so long for ETF approval / fair value treatment. But if you hold that belief (as Trump does in his statement) then you must believe that the President does hold influence over the SEC and that pressure from his administration does matter. And whatever pressure Biden has exerted to stunt crypto, it’s much much less than Trump. The progress made in regulatory clarity for crypto under Trump’s term was NONE. The progress made under Biden’s term was A LOT. Results matter to people connected to reality. What I’ve presented is a logical coherent argument. The derangement syndrome is people like you who have chosen to worship some dumb politician because you are unable to think for yourself.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> other than illegal drugs Ugh. This needs to stop if, for no other reason, I know a LOT of drug dealers and NONE of them take Bitcoin. They only accept paper money, imagine that. This ignorant shit needs to stop.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Everything else feels like more of a gamble than BTC (self custody). But I get the max employer match on my 401k (so that's a "safe" automatic 50% return + market returns). HSA - it's a no brainer cause, no taxes (state, fed, SS, local... NONE). And it can be flipped to Fidelity so you can buy the ETF if you like. (It takes like 3 weeks to a month, though... SMH at TradFi) Roth IRA makes a lot of sense also. Invest in the ETF's and sell/buy without a taxable event. No, it isn't "yours" but, risk appetite something something...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> It's debatable because of this simple fact that nobody has solved the trilemma. false. XRP did long ago. > NONE of the layer 1s out there have solved this issue. XRP.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>It's likely not possible to have a scalable layer 1 that doesn't sacrifice security. NONE of the layer 1s out there have solved this issue. They ALL sacrifice massive amounts of security. Monero: Am I a joke to you?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's debatable because of this simple fact that nobody has solved the trilemma. It's likely not possible to have a scalable layer 1 that doesn't sacrifice security. NONE of the layer 1s out there have solved this issue. They ALL sacrifice massive amounts of security. Frankly, the fast layer 1s out there may as well be a mysql database. They all fail at security or decentralization. As soon as someone ACTUALLY solves this enormously difficult problem, I'll be all in. But it's not very likely any time soon.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Some = some of a full BTC SOME > NONE don’t complicate it

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

yep: Figured I’d post this here looking for help, more sources and validation in this. A video of Hal Finney giving a presentation surfaced from Crypto 98 I found the event program info page and found that there was a man there named Satoshi Hada and Toshiaki Tanaka We can finally pinpoint that there was a Satoshi in the same building with Hal Finney at a Crypto event in 1998. I then Googled "Satoshi Hada Naka Moto" I found one tweet who also pieced this together with no replies at the time. He also put the names of the research papers together He linked a research paper with the following names on it talking about public and private keys (you have to view it in Satoshi: SATOSHI Hada Naka: Toshiaki TaNAKA Moto: Naohiko UraMOTO Now put all 3 names together - Satoshi Naka Moto I then started researching the names and things like projects and timelines all check out. It is funny that while all these names talk about public, private keys, blockchain and crypto, NONE talk about Bitcoin. I then googled "satoshi hada" Cypherpunk to see if he was part of that and an email surfaced here from December 2001. I then went to Satoshi Hada's twitter here His tweet from 2017 caught my eye, someone made a comment in backwards text in 2021 saying Satoshin Nakamoto almost 3 years to the day of my discovery It looks possible that Satoshi Nakamoto is a combination of at least 3 people that were IBM researchers involved in early blockchain research work that predates bitcoin. OR it can be another person or group that admired their work and took a piece of each of their names. I believe Hal Finney was not Satoshi Nakamoto and he also did not know him personally based on interviews with Fran Finney. I believe he was on that mailing list that when the white paper went out, saw it and got involved. I also feel these 3 men worked on it and moved on to other things with their lives and kept it a secret!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DISCUSSION New theory on Satoshi Nakamoto (self.CryptoCurrency) submitted 23 hours ago by christofooch0 / 0 🦠 Figured I’d post this here looking for help, more sources and validation in this. A video of Hal Finney giving a presentation surfaced from Crypto 98 I found the event program info page and found that there was a man there named Satoshi Hada and Toshiaki Tanaka We can finally pinpoint that there was a Satoshi in the same building with Hal Finney at a Crypto event in 1998. I then Googled "Satoshi Hada Naka Moto" I found one tweet who also pieced this together with no replies at the time. He also put the names of the research papers together He linked a research paper with the following names on it talking about public and private keys (you have to view it in Satoshi: SATOSHI Hada Naka: Toshiaki TaNAKA Moto: Naohiko UraMOTO Now put all 3 names together - Satoshi Naka Moto I then started researching the names and things like projects and timelines all check out. It is funny that while all these names talk about public, private keys, blockchain and crypto, NONE talk about Bitcoin. I then googled "satoshi hada" Cypherpunk to see if he was part of that and an email surfaced here from December 2001. I then went to Satoshi Hada's twitter here His tweet from 2017 caught my eye, someone made a comment in backwards text in 2021 saying Satoshin Nakamoto almost 3 years to the day of my discovery It looks possible that Satoshi Nakamoto is a combination of at least 3 people that were IBM researchers involved in early blockchain research work that predates bitcoin. OR it can be another person or group that admired their work and took a piece of each of their names. I believe Hal Finney was not Satoshi Nakamoto and he also did not know him personally based on interviews with Fran Finney. I believe he was on that mailing list that when the white paper went out, saw it and got involved. I also feel these 3 men worked on it and moved on to other things with their lives and kept it a secret! 239 commentssharesavehidereportcrosspost

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Try selling your piece of real estate on any given second of any given day. Try paying for something with stocks. Try actually buying a piece of fine art, and then try offloading it. Try finding who wants to buy your random collectible. None of those things you listed are a currency, only stocks are highly liquid and even those are limited to the 40 hour work week while Bitcoin trades 24/7. Real estate and fine art take a lot of money to even get into at all, and they are not particularly liquid. Collectibles can only get offloaded to very specific persons looking for the same collectible. Should be obvious NONE of those things are anything like Bitcoin. For all the above reasons and more.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Statistical impossibility? How many people do you genuinely know (outside of the anonymous stories we read on Reddit) that have lost Bitcoin, forever? It’s sort of a rhetorical question, although I’m more than open to receiving a response from you; I’m just not usually so skeptical, but I know 7 people who’ve been stacking sats since the AlphaBay days, each of which have orange-pilled a few people, themselves, and NONE of us have EVER lost ANY Bitcoin. I just can’t wrap my mind around considering that something happens EVERY DAY, even though I’ve NEVER ran into it in real life! (Don’t get me wrong; I’ve never met someone who’s been struck by lightning, but just because I’ve never encountered it, doesn’t mean I don’t think it EVER happens; still, I couldn’t POSSIBLY ever claim that I believe it to be a STATISTICAL IMPOSSIBILITY [0% chance] for someone to DEFINITELY go a whole day WITHOUT being struck by lightning!) Perhaps you’re over-embellishing, as I’ve been known to take things quite literally, especially after leaving multiple opportunity for the person to be a bit more accurate with what they’re actually trying to express. Forgive me, as it’s hardly even important; I just wanted to make sure I knew what you meant, and I’m quite sure that I do now!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I was on a 70’ sailboat last weekend and one person on the boat was in Crypto at all. He told my partner that she should listen to me because “he’s the man.” I doubt he’s right about any of it, but these are all people that have the recreational free time to race a sailboat from LA to Hawaii and NONE of them were in yet. We’re all still early.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NONE, JUP will come out on top

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Just FYI; If you plan to leave your Bitcoin on the exchange instead of holding your own keys then literally NONE ARE SECURE. None. Period. Anyone who tells you "you will be ok because they are XYZ" is either lying or stupid or both. Kraken, Binance, CB.... literally none of them are insured because no crypto assets are insured with a custodian except the SPIC insured BTC ETFs through legit financial institutions regulated by the SEC. "Exchanges" have no legal obligation to give you back your crypto or the value of your crypto in the event of become insolvent etc. Also, they have no obligation to even buy the coins you hold unless you withdraw them, so people who leave BTC on an exchange are not even moving the price upwards, they are suppressing the price of their own asset. That said, I use Strike for buying and transferring. 1% to buy and free to transfer to hard wallet. Swan is also good

r/BitcoinSee Comment

There are at least 20 banks or FDIC/FSCS insured apps/services so you can have ALL of your money protected by just splitting. NONE of your crypto is protected.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

For the love of fucking god stop wasting time and money on shit coins. NONE of them are or will EVER be worth a single god damn penny. They will always be worthless.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#NONE Do not use FIAT DERIVATIVE TOKENS (often refered to as "stablecoins") for long term storage.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>there's no practical benefit compared to just splitting your plaintext seed. So you don't understand what SSS does. A split plaintext secret reveals a portion of the secret to whomever finds the share. For example, finding two shares of a three-way split secret reveals two thirds of the secret to the finder. An SSS-shared secret reveals NONE of the secret to whomever finds the share. All the way up to M-1, finding any number of shares of an M-of-N secret (for example, finding 4 shares of a 5-of-8 secret) reveals NONE of the secret to the finder.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Is this the new rainbow chart and the s2f model crap? None of those things work. Literally NONE of them could have predicted the ETFs having this pump effect. They hope for it, but could not have predicted it. Any "model" is bullshit. No one can predict the future. Act accordingly.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> The infinite money glitch ONLY works when BTC is rising. It becomes an infinite money loss the other way around. > > This will end up like GBTC did (read up on how GBTC fueled the FTX era crash). You are so ignorant that you should not speak anymore, lest you make it obvious how much of a fool you are. Genesis was lending out customer's Bitcoin and taking on massive short term 3rd party risk. For you to suggest MSTR "will end up like GBTC" reveals how truly ignorant you are. For you to tell me to "read up on" the situation shows unparalleled arrogance. It does not matter what you think MSTR's price is dependent on. I think MSTR is currently overvalued, but CLEARLY THERE ARE BUYERS THAT DO NOT, as it is currently trading over 1650/s. As long as MSTR is overvalued Michael Saylor CAN and SHOULD keep issuing debt to buy more BTC. If the price of Bitcoin falls, it is not a problem for MSTR. The interest rate on most of the debt is less than 1 percent. That is their only obligation. NONE of MSTR's debt is marked to the price of bitcoin, you stupid mule. There is no vicious cycle as you suggest. You're just dumb. The only thing MSTR needs to do is make sure they are able to make the quarterly interest payments on their debt, and that will get them to 2028. By 2028, Bitcoin is going to be worth more than $1 million per coin, and it will be evident to everyone that Saylor's LOW RISK strategy was the correct one for MSTR shareholders. You CLEARLY do not understand what is going on here, and rather than studying to learn more you are spewing your toxic ignorance like a goddamn fool. You do not belong here. Sell your Bitcoin and GTFO of /r/bitcoin. You are not welcome here.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Change banks dude. It's literally your money and if you want to spend it on hookers and blackjack, that's NONE of their fucking business. So bizarre.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yeah were $30 trillion in debt from spending, I’m sure NONE, not even a fraction, of that created wealth

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NONE of this speculation is because of the technology. The masses see price performance and want dollars out.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Most have more? You have that absolutely backwards. Most have NONE!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

sorry bro, but you have transcended past this subreddit. I've tried to tell people this same thing and been eviscerated for suggesting their dino tech isnt going to perform that well. I even think some wont make dollar ath and NONE will make ATH in bitcoin terms. Meanwhile my TIA, SOL, DYM, OSMO, PRIME have been fucking *PRINTING*. Oh well!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yup BEEN tryna tell my boomer husband that he should have at least parked a lil sum’sumin years ago in the BTC-verse… if only he’d actually hear & listen to his wise wife. So she keeps stacking and guess what? She ain’t sharing’ shiat w/ him… feeling like Henny Penny right about now. If you don’t help to plant the wheat, ya ain’t gonna eat NONE of my bread!😂

r/BitcoinSee Comment

My God you’re right. The powers that be want NONE hype!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Right now only BTC and ADA. Maybe some more ROSE. As far as 'new' entries I'm accumulating, projects in the ADA ecosystem. It's an untapped goldmine ready to pop. The community on the verge of implementing USDC is gonna flood the ecosystem with liquidity. Seeing Butane Protocol raise 49.5mil ADA in its Token sale this week is incredible. Projects like Iagon, NuNet, Fluid, Lennfi, etc.. is pretty shocking. NONE of this existed in 2021...and we are at 1/5th it's ATH. Easy money.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

what are taxes for buying and selling when you're a corporate entity....NONE.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

How bout this? NONE of us buy any meme coins

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's all right in front of you - just check the markets. NONE of that stuff you mentioned seems to be making any significant difference, now is it? Simply compare the growth with other chains of the same age, and one can see the writing on the wall. Furthermore, Algo hasn't been busy at all with R&D on their tech through the bear market, and as a result other smart contract chains have left it in their dust.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There's no such thing as diversity in cryptocurrencies. Alts are all beholden to Bitcoin and long term NONE of them keep value as well.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Now you've just started to move the goal posts. You asked me a question: >There will be no government if it can't govern its own currency. >Please show me 1 example in history where a central authority didn't govern its own currency. And I answered it. Now you are going to go ahead and blame slavery and colonialism on the gold standard? Really? Fuck off. You claim was clearly that there will be NO, as in "NONE", as in "ZERO" government if it cannot govern it's own currency (as in, infinitely inflate it). This claim is false, and you have to own it, instead of trying to criticize the governments that did exist at that time, through the lens of the current social system. You didn't claim the governments without an infinitely inflatable currency were bad, or collonial, or had slavery. You said they have not and can not exist. This is what you meant by "There will be no government if it can't govern its own currency." I'm sure you will try to weasel out of your prior claims, but please don't bother. You aren't actually going to save face on this. >Wages go up. The cost of inflation should be the burden of the people who are already there, not future generations. Ok, so people who are already there, and have had the time to invest in assets are somehow carrying the burden of inflation? And not the people entering into the system with 0 assets? How does inflation help the people getting into the system with 0 assets, without the means to aquire more assets? Inflation only helps the people who get special treatment from the government, that being banks and obscenely rich people, who get bailed out with inflated money whenever they make a mistake. How you can see this system and think it's better for people without assets is baffling. Do you believe rich people are just sitting on piles of cash, waiting for the government to print more and give it to newborns?


People have way more of a chance to make bank on a GME crypto right before bitcoin halving than they do on the actual GameStop stock. You gonna pretend like the biggest brokerages in the USA didn’t flat out prevent people from login in to their personal accounts? You gonna pretend they all froze buying and only allowed selling? You gonna pretend they didn’t force liquidate people that were holding calls that were MASSIVELY in the money? lol…..I was there from the start. Absolutely NONE of their bullshit scam tactics are possible with crypto.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

XOR splits a seed into N parts. Any N, as large as you like. Try it yourself: 1. Given a secret, write the secret in binary. 2. Create (N-1) random binary strings, each of which is identical in length to the secret. 3. XOR everything from steps 1 and 2. Order doesn't matter. You now have N binary strings--(N-1) from step 2 plus 1 from step 3, ALL OF WHICH look equally random and NONE OF WHICH reveal anything about the secret other than its length. To reconstruct the secret, XOR all N parts in any order.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

#NONE Don't fool yourself. It's not different from the real world where Wallstreet owns all media outlets.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You are right, literally all the usa agencies and even other countries labeled ETH as a commodity. There is even a video of gensler literally saying ETH has decentralized sufficiently to be a commodity. In all the law suits from the sec, NONE contain ETH because even the sec know it and it would be an instant loss. Gensler has been asked in front of the court live on tv if ETH is a security and he couldn't say yes because he knows its not. Don't let bitcoin maxi's spread their cult delusional dogshit. The real facts are known by everyone.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’m not using coinbase idiot. I know perfectly my tax implications (read: NONE, as capital gains doesn’t apply for me). Idiot.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

NONE. Just buy Bitcoin dude. own the REAL BTC.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

9. IOG abandoned eUTXO for their new 4th generation blockchain, despite Cardano shills always telling us its superior. 10. Cardano is still controlled by Genesis keys which IOG, or any bad actor that gains access to these keys, can use to freeze the Cardano blockchain at any time. 11. 67% of Cardano TVL is in CLOSED SOURCE apps ($245 million of $365 million). Shows how much the community actually values decentralization. 12. Cardano TPS still can't handle the launch of any new coin, on any DEX, without the DEX becoming completely unusable. Minswap, Wingriders, Muesliswap, Spectrum, NONE of them can handle the throughput. Even the "stealth launch" of a random meme coin Kiseki still crippled their current fastest DEX (fastest because its the only one updated to Plutus V2) 13. Charles makes fun of other founders for not staking all their coins, when Charles himself hides all of his ADA on Coinbase.

r/BitcoinSee Comment\_SHIPPING

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NONE. keep your BTC.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Because NONE of the coins ICP included will have mass adoption during this bull run. Period.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No Alts. NONE! Maybe 10% Solana but no more.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

JP was named in two other amendments so far. SEC is now examining the agreements with those two sponsors. Why didn’t Grayscale also disclose JP if they were retained? Are they choosing another AP? Is there a problem with another AP? Why was JP chosen by Blackrock? Why after all this time in registration and litigation on a matter related to a summary denial is it taking so long to finalize and disclose the existence and nature of the retention of an AP? Are you aware that ETFs are required to execute order ONLY through Prime Execution contracts? Are you also aware that Shared Surveillance Agreements were the main bottleneck for SEC to consider declaring a registration statement effective and that it required a new rule to be adopted by SEC to deal with monitoring potential price manipulation in light of a lack of order handling rules on exchanges that trade Bitcoin because NONE of them are 34 Act registered or exempt or CFTC registered or monitored? WHY IS JP MORGAN A CONSTANT NAMED AUTHORIZED PARTICIPANT IN ALL AMENDMENTS BY ALL SPONSORS SO FAR ? WHY? Can YOU answer ANY of these questions?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Buying the ETF isn't "getting started". It isn't Bitcoin, it's merely a proxy for the dollar-comparative PRICE of Bitcoin. If you hold the ETF you gain NONE of the benefits that Bitcoin holders receive except the volatility.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

In a couple of years you’ll realise NONE of these hardcore shitcoins has ever minted a millionnaire. You’ll be out a couple of grant by then but you’ll be wiser. And FYI the devs on the project you mention probably got away with a couple of 100k max. There was never enough liquidity for them to make billions…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Worst are many , best is NONE

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ok that tells me that you have no idea how regulated and limited the investment advisers are in banking industry. NONE of them have some kind of discretion on where they can put your money. They have to prove that every single investment, they put you into, fits within the owner risk tolerance and time horizon. TO figure that out, they have to ask you series of questions that decides where you should be. It usually comes back with 20-80 or 40-60 split between bonds and stocks. There is no answers risky enough you could select that will allow any advisor to put you into very risky investment or a stock. That is why most end up in index funds and government issue bonds. I should know, since I done those questionnaires with hundreds of clients over 10 year period as an investment advisor in major bank. The only people that buy what they want are savvy, self directed, investors, with money, that have brokerage accounts and other assets. They are self focused, self motivated and pretty tech literate. They already are in crypto since they pay attention.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Let me enlighten you since you seem to have no idea what you are talking about. I have worked for a major bank for 20 years. First half of that as investment adviser and the other half as a mortgage broker. There is two type of investors. One that does their own investing mostly with self directed brokerage accounts and they buy what they think will make them money. They are savvy investors that already found crypto years ago and have been in and out since last 2 bull markets. The other type is one that knows nothing about investing, which is what you are describing and they simply let others pick it for them. Now what they can invest those funds into is based on a very strict and heavily regulated questionnaire, that takes the liability of the adviser that decides your investment goals and risk tolerance. In 10 years of filling out those questionnaires I have never seen an investor, risky enough to get a single percent of his assets into a risk focus investment. NEVER. They usually end up in 40-60 split bonds and stocks, for most of the risky focused answers. If you think that all over sudden, those that invest your assets for you, are going to put your money into crypto, because its now and ETF, you are out of your mind. NONE of the managed funds will end up in crypto. NONE.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

"Bitcoin is barely 15 years old, if you think Bitcoin has peaked" Ohhhhh right! Its only 15 years old! That explains why it should have a market cap of nearly 100 trillion, duh! You guys are literally just teenagers/young adults that make shit for money and have shit educations so you NEED your little 1-10k investment to go 100x. There is ZERO reason for BTC to be $40,000 over $30,000. You can hedge inflation at incredibly slow growth rates and you definitely don't need high prices to send it abroad. NONE of BTC's use cases have anything to do with the price spike it saw, BTC only spiked so that big money could liquidate on retail idiots.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

No, fuck them! Any company who accepts cRyPto is a massive RED FLAG. BlockFi was legit and thought they were being safe with customer funds. They got burned because they didn't stick to BITCOIN ONLY. Ledger got cute and started adding support for other cRyPtos. Their shit's all fucked up now. Almost every cRyPto exchange went under in the past 3 years.... but NONE of them BITCOIN ONLY exchanges went under during this bear market. Cory Klippsten's article, [The Race to Avoid the War]( is spot on. Bitcoin has a small window of opportunity to change the world, and we must fight for it running on all cylinders. Altcoins are the number one thing getting in the way. It's confusing the public about the mission and utility. Seriously, boycott ANY company that supports that fucking garbage. If you want to live on Bitcoin, use the Oshi app. Use []( to find local places near you to support. Go to local meetups and find local farmers to buy food from. Use the Orange Pill App and advertise that you are looking for certain goods and services and willing to pay with Bitcoin. Do not use bitrefill! Use the [Fold App]( if you want to buy gift cards with dirty fiat.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There is NO security on defi. NONE. There IS security on coinbase. What do you not understand about that? I'm not here to debate your skepticism. Its what it is.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is Gary-speak for giving BTC a pass and criminalizing every other digital entity, bar NONE. He basically just nuked the rest of the digital economy within the U.S. ~ until Trump gets elected and trashes all the bullshit...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It feels like a good portion of the market is based on unrealistic expectations. Like the idea that a big crash will happen and everyone will switch to crypto with the money they don't have AND in addition crypto won't have to adopt a bunch of regulations and do a MASSIVE scam cleanup before it's considered close to a viable currency. Like, if the average person is to use crypto, crypto is going to have to go through massive change. You can't just expect most of the economy to switch to it without having to adopt some form of regulations or rules. It's not cool for what would be a major currency to have an "Oh well, you got scammed, ha ha, fuck you" attitude. Not to mention you'd also need to be able to have it be explainable to the most poverty stricken of farmers for it to even be usable as a mainstream currency. You can't just have a currency be a currency when a good portion of the market would have no idea how to even use it. Oh, and before I forget, social security and food stamps would also need to be figured out. I know a good portion of crypto enthusiasts have a "If you're poor, you deserve to starve" type attitude, but unless you can figure out how to get the majority of people to vote to completely eliminate massively popular government aid programs, how those things would work with crypto would need to be figured out. And no, NONE of these steps can be skipped by just having a mythological level economic crash magically hypnotize everyone into buying cryptocurrency.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

First of all, I am OP. You're talking to him. Second, my entire point here is that NONE of these 2fa backups / exports are secure. NONE of them. If your phone bricks with Google authenticator on it, you're fucked, unless you did one of the following before it bricked: * back up the QR codes online or print them out * sync Google authenticator with the cloud via a Gmail account I hope I don't need to explain why both of these things are a terrible idea.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

no you didn't. You're like everyone else here, a spectator. If you (and everyone else) have any $ invested in pennies. All the comments confirm that. I will bet 99% of ppl here going OOOOO, AHHHH SOL etc is up. Literally have NONE. Enjoy the circle jerk.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Can I interest you in buying some [TOKEN_STR_NONE]?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Why won’t they let this die? This guy owns the NYSE. Fucking OWNS it. He has the money to open his own exchange with NONE of the credibility issues, and in fact, all of the credibility he created running the worlds largest exchange. He already has the insider connections. I’m positive this guy gets an exchange license if he asks for it. Why the hell would you want to attach your name to this sinking ship? My god. This scream money laundering for billionaires.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The hell are you talking about? Nobody is that stupid. Why would they pay for slippage when they don't have to? If I want to move price, I will. If I don't want to move price, why would I? There's literally hundreds of ways to deal with this and NONE of them care about how much BTC is on an exchange or not. literally 90% of what happens on exchanges is caused by futures, not by spot. Futures that require 0 BTC holding. the other 9% is what happens on coin-margined futures and, and the other 1% is what happens on spot. Troll elsewhere.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Oooh yeah I’m very worried about radix and all the crap “crypto” projects you belong to which can do nothing but run defi and nft scams. Icp does it all and actually brings utility to blockchain. None of your projects do a god damn thing except rip people off with crap meme projects. NONE of them have any use case except moving coins from one wallet to another. No one’s buying your allegiance to crypto fundamentals - Icp destroys everything else and your “investments” are rendered obsolete.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

ETFs do not dynamically buy/sell the assets they track in real-time. The funds might hold a portion of the assets and rebalance as needed periodically. If you buy shares in a BTC ETF, you do not own ANY Bitcoin are all... NONE.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NONE of those are even CLOSE to what ICP can do. Mainnet was 2.5 years ago not seven years. Who gives a shit about the subs or the price lol. It was manipulated in the beginning by FTX with perpetual trading. You don't know what the hell the IC is. Clown.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

yup and name an exchange that hasn't lost KYC info.. NONE.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

on LBank, MEXC, BitMart, Poloniex. on several random P2P sites also (exmarkets or some shit and others) #SAFEREUM IS TAKING OVER. NO INITIAL DIP FROM PRESALERS, NONE. 6 DAYS IN!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Do you own copper in your home? Nunya bidness Do you own cotton in your home? Nunya bidness Do you own gold in your home? Nunya bidness Do you own bitcoin in your home? NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS, MUTHERFUCKERS! LOL

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Do you own copper in your home? Nunya bidness Do you own cotton in your home? Nunya bidness Do you own gold in your home? Nunya bidness Do you own bitcoin in your home? NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS, MUTHERFUCKERS! LOL

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I read these posts and comments, and to be honest, are you fucking regarded? NONE of you are getting anything! And the longer this drags on the lower are the chances of anyone getting anything. If you don't understand this, then perhaps your deserve to be ripped off. Stop being naive. Ffs.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

All my Harmony One turned into Harmony NONE

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If they are posting in the daily , NONE. if you consider a whole coiner is having 1BTC

r/BitcoinSee Comment

FFS use shamir’s secret sharing. If you are the one and only person with the ability to create your private key, then you are the problem, not where you store it. Here’s a quick idea about what SSS does: it takes your seed phrase and splits it into as many parts as you like and asks you how many of those parts you think is the minimum you want to reconstruct your original key. You can refer to this as 4 of 7 or 2 of 5. So lets say it’s 3 of 7. That means that 7 of your most trusted friends will get a seed phrase - NONE of them individually can recreate your original seed phrase, but ANY 3 can. Let’s say you keep one phrase and assign the other 6 to people who don’t know each other or put one in a bank vault and another at home. Now you only ever need at most 2 other people to get your seed phrase back. You don’t even have to write it down! That means your whole house can burn down and you don’t need to worry about finding that one stupid piece of metal you put it on amongst the rubble. Download the offline version of Ian Coleman’s BIP39 tool and never look back.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Actually, Craig has made a lot of predictions about Bitcoin… None of them were ever right, but he sure predicted things 😂 I remember snapshots from his private Telegram talking about BTC going to $0, and how he would do this, or that to screw BTC up. NONE of it ever came to fruition. The people who blindly follow him I almost feel sad for.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I don't understand why you didn't give a list of the people he doesn't give money. It would have been shorter because it is NONE.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

LMAO there is NO COMPETITION for btc.... NONE

r/BitcoinSee Comment

There are THREE THINGS which back bitcoin. Those three things back the three emergent functions of good money - a storehouse of value, medium of exchange, and unit of account. 1) The storehouse of value function is backed by the Proof Of Work (POW) which the miners engage in to secure the blockchain. This expression of The Second Law of Thermodynamics is what ultimately ties it to the universe and reality. 2) The medium of exchange function is backed by the math and computer code which comprise bitcoin and allow it to be moved over the bitcoin network. 3) The unit is account function is backed by the smallest division of a bitcoin, the satoshi, which is also the unit of expression of the bitcoin code. Bitcoin is the FIRST form of money that is actually backed by something. NONE of the other forms of money were ever actually backed by anything (i.e. coins supposedly made from gold can be faked). Bitcoin is SO GOOD that it is not backed by ONE thing but by THREE things. No other form of money can make that claim. If your dad believes that coins made from gold are actually backed by gold then tell him to buy gold coins in some Chinese website; he'll quickly learn his lesson. If your dad believes that nothing backs bitcoin then tell him to try to sell forged (fake) bitcoin. He'll quickly learn his lesson.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NONE is the correct answer

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NONE has ever heard of it

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NONE will be left...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NONE's phishing exploit was so bad, it lost 41.52 ETH and three core team members.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NONE will miss it....

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; Cryptocurrency trading tool NONE has announced that it will cease operations following a phishing attack. The attack resulted in the loss of 41.52 ETH and NONE tokens. The project has also lost three core team members, making it impossible to continue operations effectively. Token holders have been given a 30-day window to claim rewards and withdraw their tokens and funds. The project has assured that Trading Competition winners have been paid out and remaining funds have been transferred to the reward claim wallet. Some have labeled the incident as a rug pull, while others have highlighted the project's efforts to safeguard customer funds. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Everything written here is pure speculation. No, **NONE** of that is actually speculation at all. They are just the prices moons would be at certain market caps. Speculation is where you take an educated guess at a future result based on inputs. You're not doing that in this post, you're just saying "if moons had a market cap at $1b then they would be worth this much".

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

what's the good news for btc? NONE
