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Top 5 under 500, Daily Gainers. February 27th 2023🟢

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The vast majority of Top 100 (market cap) coins from 5 years ago vanished from the Top 100 [Data/Graphs]

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Which coins do you think will perform poorly in the future?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Which crypto will not make a new all time high?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Crypto Investment Firm Recommends Oryen (ORY), Ethereum Name Service (ENS), Nem (XEM), And Cardano (ADA)

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

XEM Price Analysis August 2022

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

XEM Price Analysis February 2022

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

The results if you held coins from the Top 10 for 4 years from January 1, 2018.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Don't FOMO with these "if you invested $1000" posts. Here are some lack luster gains from Jan 2021


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The top ten in the market Cap of 2017 would be netting you even right now. NEO, XEM, BCH, MIATA, DASH, XRP, XLM. These are the ones I remember off the top of my head. You must be a trader. Which is not something 99% of the people here can do. HODL bitcoin and you’d have turned $1k into $66k.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

this has be done in XEM/XYM

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think 150 area is here OG shitcoin level starts. You have the class of 2010’s decade IOTX, ZIL, BAT, ZEC, XEM in a tight group. Then Decred which has better tech than Bitcoin #200 and Korean ETH killer #219 soon to be passed by Solana’s ‘Dog with hat’. Then pass some more OG names and near the 300’s is when it gets really depressing with Nano, Polymath, and Digibyte about to be fallen off the default CoinGecko 300 list.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Most coins that exist and are being developed are going to have a chart that [looks like XEM's]( Coin will go from nothing/flatline, to huge rises with a bullrun, then back to flatlining just about where it started out at. The next bull will raise it to a higher price, but nothing close to the original ATH. When the run is over, it'll go back to flatlining slightly higher. Polkadot is a relatively new coin, so if there's a bullrun it might edge back up to $25-$30 before falling back down again, but who knows, predictions are mostly tealeaves going by past results

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Coinbase also removed a bunch of pairs. But WTC and XEM have been dead for quite a while.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Binance announced that it will remove Beta Finance (BETA), BarnBridge (BOND), WaltonChain (WTC) and NEM (XEM) because they have low liquidity. NEM was quite semi-polar 4-5 years ago.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

even that's not good advice. The top ten crypto in 2016 were 1. BTC 2. ETH 3. XRP 4. LTC 5. XMR 6. ETC 7. DASH 8. MAID 9. XEM 10. STEEM

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

RIP NEM (XEM) my dear friend

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yep, [here's a snapshot]( of Dec 2017 at the peak ​ What's crazy to me in the crypto space is that despite many of these coins being clearly dead with nothing being developed on them, they all still exist and many still have substantial trade volume. Like XEM (#9 on the list) for example, I don't think that I've heard of this coin once in the last 5 years - yet it has a 24hr volume of $6M and a diluted market cap of $234M. ​ Makes me wonder if these metrics are all BS, or if we just have that many bots making bets against each other on nothing. Probably a combo

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I liked NEM's PoI - Proof of Interest. It rewarded those who used the currency XEM the most. Unfortunately there were a few major exchange hacks where large parts of the currency fell into scammers hands and that kinda killed the project

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There are hundreds of layer 1s with higher theoretical real tps than ETH that have far less real transactions. SOL has less real transactions than ETH but it at-least has some users. Most chains with low/fees have almost zero users. Nano, BSV, BCH, XEM, NEO, … …. Goes on forever. Some of these chains inflate their tps with bot, consensus and spam transactions to appear like they have real usage, they don’t. Even solanas ‘transactions’ are massively inflated, less than 10 out of 4000 transactions per random block in Solana are actual users doing something on chain, (defi swap, lending, sending coins, whatever). >90% of the transactions are consensus voting ‘transactions’ and the other 9% are bots doing nothing of economic consequence, look at transactions on the Orca Sol-USDC pool (most used) for example. Its the same 5 addresses spamming multi-legged failed transactions hundreds of times a minute that get counted in the transaction count. They do thousands of these an hour. This is for SOL too, which actually does have some users, its still not even close to comparable to ethereum in actual usage. Reality is users value other qualities of a chain far more than cheap fees, decentralization, market effects, and on chain economy are far more important to users which means blockspace has to be scarce to maintain these qualities, otherwise the chain bloats and will lose those qualities and join the zombie coins. Nano has no fees and is legit dead, it has 1/10 of the transactions of Bitcoin l1, even including the spam. Lightening network estimations handily beat it even. When you peel back the curtain and look past these coins maintained explorers you’ll see basically every coin except BTC/ETH is a potemkin village of fake activity or has low to zero activity compared to ETH or BTC. Hopefully the technology develops to allow more throughput without sacrificing decentralization and the other qualities but we’ve seen countless times that sacrificing those qualities for more tps leads to a dead zombie chain.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

what really interesting here is that there were more losses than gain, 27 losses vs 21 gain. However the outlier gains makes up for it, example |symbol|date\_hit\_top\_10|price\_hit\_top\_10|date\_dropped\_below\_12|price\_dropped\_below\_12|return| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |ETH|1/1/2017|8.1726|4/28/2023|1892.513|23057| |XRP|1/1/2017|0.0064|4/28/2023|0.4803|7405| |XEM|1/13/2017|0.0036|11/28/2017|0.2487|6808| |DASH|1/1/2017|11.2292|3/27/2018|354.7502|3059| |BTC|1/1/2017|998.3254|4/28/2023|29340.26|2839| |ETC|1/1/2017|1.3975|12/13/2017|29.7204|2027| |LTC|1/1/2017|4.5116|10/12/2020|50.7438|1025| |BNB|1/29/2021|42.8523|4/28/2023|324.5002|657| |BNB|2/6/2019|8.0862|1/28/2021|42.5291|426|

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is the top 10 cryptos from around 5 years ago 1. BTC - Bitcoin 2. ETH -Ethereum 3. XRP 4. XEM -NEM 5. ETC -Ethereum Classic 6. LTC -Litecoin 7. DASH 8. XMR -Monero 9. BCN -Bytecoin 10.GNT -Golem How many of the current top 10 will survive? thrive?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

some of my list of weird (still not sure what will survive, but I am out of these now: XTZ, FLOW, KLAY, KAVA, RUNE (oh god, runeee), NEM/XEM (got myself bunt there), SXP (did some tiny gains there in 2021), SAMO, GO, SYLO, EXF (lol, a nice dex learn there), BBOO, OCTA, ....

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NEO, EOS, XEM... There were many many before and there will be many many to come... And then go..

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Got some dat NEM/XEM and IOTA stacked up? I have a few 1s and 0s of code just sitting stagnant from the same kind of dice roll my friend. What did yogi say? It ain't over til it's over. Being retired early is weird.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If you're considering playing XEM right now, I would caution against staying away. The spread is very bad and you could get wrecked immediately.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What about STEEM, XRP, LTC, DAO, XEM, DASH, MAID and LSK? You chose ETH because it's one of the most well known and trusted now, but if you invest in 2016 you don't have 2022 knowledge. Also you're comparing a 15-ish billion, highly inflated, market cap market with established and massive corporations. It's like dumbasses saying "look Bitcoin went from nothing to a lot!" and compare it with the top fortune 500 and their growth instead of highly risky penny stocks, or more like angel rounds, and using the same survivorship bias bullshit.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I remember back in 2017, we saw coins like ARK, XEM or WTC be in the top 10. Then they died or became irrelevant in the following bear market. SOL is well on it's way to be like that for this time around.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>EOS, NEO, XEM, DASH, IOTA, BSV, BCH EOS, NEO, XEM, DASH, IOTA, BSV, BCH aren't mineable to begin with. Not sure why you mentioned they left?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Some similar coins to others in here: Neo (even back in the antshare days), Walton Chain, IOTA, XEM, EtherParty & ZCash. Early days of crypto for me, lost some money bit learnt valuable lessons.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Interesting news but that last line tho >Coincheck has hacked for hundreds of millions of dollars four years ago when a bad actor stole $655 million in Java-based blockchain NEM (XEM) and open-source digital currency XRP.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; Crypto investment firm Oryen Network has released its latest set of recommendations for investors. The firm recommends Oryan (ORY), ENS (ENS), Nem (XEM), and Cardano (ADA), among others. The investment firm believes these projects have potential to generate returns for investors in the long run. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Four years ago, Coincheck was hacked to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars after a bad actor stole $655 million worth of Java-based blockchain NEM (XEM) and open source digital currency XRP. Just gonna put this little tidbit just in case someone want to put their feet on the exchange.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NEM XEM Symbol… I don’t even know the name now. But idea was great, you could mint a token / smart contract with few clicks, such a lame that the real usage of smart contracts went missing, thx to 8-bit jpegs bollocks

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They even picked the least shitty ETH killers. I am still bagholding stinkers like EOS XEM ICX

I've already purchased my quota of Bitcoin, which was at $17.8k, and I'm not DCAing in anymore unless it goes lower, putting my stables into low caps like RIDE and XEM, which have shown some good buy positions even as the former is still in the top 5 projects on Elrond with top TVL and thus supporters metabonding the assets.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Surprised to see so many coins here that are far from dead, for example LSK, NANO, IOTA, ICX, NEO and POWR. I mean they might not be doing so great in terms of price but they are definitely not dead when you look at their development, community and exchange listings. Opposite even, some of them are very active and have even gained new big exchange listings last months. Anyways one of my old fallen darlings is XEM/XYM.. looked so promising. I've held a sizable portion since 2017 and it's recent death still confuses me. Weird too since it's really hard to find any information about it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah that's how it goes here. Some coin gets shilled incessantly to a point where many start hating the coin for that sole reason and then it dies out and gets forgotten. I remember all those annoying "I'm taking my DOGE to the VET lolol" posts when VET was being shilled. Or the "Lol imagine not having XEM in your portfolio" back in 2017 while many probably don't even remember what XEM was. And the fucking "LUNA is going to DA MOON (pUN INTENDED LOL)" posts, look where that got them. How many of the coins, other than BTC and ETH that were relevant in 2017 remained relevant all the way to now? Maybe two or three.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is why I would like to go for low-caps like OCEAN, XEM, FIL, and DASH. More ROI when they hit ATM. But most of them don't have anything to show again except OCEAN, which is still building.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is brilliant! Add Nem (XEM): What if you are early to the party and can’t decide on a name?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thank you OP, going all in on ICP, XEM & DASH. What goes down must come up, right?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XEM Yolo

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Damnnn XEM was top 10 for a long period and I haven't even heard it mentioned during 2020 onwards. NEO too, although I do hear it every now and then...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So were NEO, ARK, EOS, WTC, XEM and OMG. Look where they are now.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This one is easier for me because 2018 I had a newborn and forgot to stress over the markets until it was well settled, just closed that up and waited. This time I saw the writing in the stars a little early and consolidated into projects I’m confident will bounce back. I still do a lot of *not watching* but I don’t think I’ll have any XEM style casualties, when we come out the other side.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If you new we trade coin/btc pairs. XEM/BTC was at the bottom 400sat, at high 1400sat. Even if this coin never reached it 2017 high there were enough room up to 3.5x your BTC.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Dont spread misinformation. Altcoin dont need old ATH to profit. Its all about ATL to last HIGH. Example: NEM (XEM) $1.8 in 2017 $0.80 in 2021. How much I made? 15x Why because from bottom to high was 25x. In BTC pair from bottom to high 225%.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It really depends on the altcoin. ADA and Ethereum are the first two that came to mind that drew down - significantly - and came roaring back to put in brand new all time highs this cycle. Other 2017/2018 coins? Not so much. Neo, Dash, BCH, XEM, XLM, TRX, ICX, EOS, LTC, and many more were barely talked about this cycle and never went past their previous ATHs. Not a good sign. The market moved on with “newer” projects, and these only pumped because everything was pumping. Stay heavy BTC and ETH. Many of these projects will simply never come back, no matter how strong the “fundamentals” are

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I kinda have some hopes for DOT, but ALGO and MATIC, ngl, I see them become the next ARK, XEM or EOS. If you have no idea what these coins are, you'll understand what I mean.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NEM/$XEM and Symbol/$XYM... after that huge ~$400m Coincheck hack 2018 (wasn´t NEM's fault) it has transformed from "cryptoworld's darling" into a meaningless, disregarded wallflower.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XEM is a dead project, I’d also sell the ICP the rest have potential to pump hard during the next altcoin season

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XEM, ETC, ALGO and DASH some of the top performers today 🙃

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Classic. NEM/XEM doing that random pump again.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Some, but look at the week of ETH's peak in the previous cycle. []( of the top 10 BTC, ETH, and ADA did well. XRP, XLM, and LTC surpassed their price in the current cycle, just barely in the case of XRP and hard to sell from the States. BCH, NEM/XEM, NEO, and MIOTA never got back to their January 2018 levels.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Buying BCH, XEM and Dash in's like a suicide mission. Even LTC if you force me. Lucky you are not buying TRX, EOS or Doge.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

i just did research on XEM, what does everyone think of it?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XEM EOS will not flop

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Don't HODL shitty projects tho. That's how you'll end up with holding EOS XEM bags.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Have fun bagholding stuff like XEM/EOS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

90% of the last few years of layer 1's and many layer 2's, as well, are backed by VCs in not insignificant amounts. Back in 2017, the VC dollars were smaller too. So I'd argue that some older coins like Tezos, Theta, Gnosis, and NEM/XEM are not really backed by VC's. As for distribution/concentration I guess you'd have look at each coins on-chain data to assess.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Most of the alts who survived in 2017 are old news. XRP, Litecoin, DASH, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, XEM, EOS etc..No one cares about those coins anymore except maybe XRP.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Stellar and XEM are gonna explode... "Buy low, Sell high"

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Save you a click, they include stablecoins NEM (XEM: -43.33%) Bitcoin SV (BSV: -24.36%) Celsius (CEL: -18.49%) Dai (DAI: -0.44%) Pax Dollar (USDP: -0.29%) Tether (USDT: -0.17%) Zilliqa (ZIL: -0.12%) TrueUSD (TUSD: -0.11%) TerraUSD (UST: -0.01%) USD Coin (USDC: -0.01%)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

USD Coin (USDC: -0.01%) TerraUSD (UST: -0.01%) TrueUSD (TUSD: -0.11%) Zilliqa (ZIL: -0.12%) Tether (USDT: -0.17%) Pax Dollar (USDP: -0.29%) 2020). Dai (DAI: -0.44%) Celsius (CEL: -18.49%) Bitcoin SV (BSV: -24.36%) NEM (XEM: -43.33%) *saved you a click*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lol, I thought you were referring to NEM (XEM) for a minute and was like damn... now that's a blast from the past

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You're right. Actually more than a few, but the 2018 HOLDERs would still be up around 100-110% because diversification helps a lot. It's not great but better than the more conventional DCA and HLOD S&P 500 route. Investing in a new top 10 every year might be better like what that guy who often posts his results does. > January 1, 2018 vs NOW 1. BTC - $13,657.23 - 207.826% increase 2. XRP - $2.39 - 68.6653% **decrease** 3. ETH - $772.64 - 309.073% increase 4. BCH - $2,432.54 - 84.5692% **decrease** 5. ADA - $0.7287 - 68.7937% increase 6. LTC - $229.03 - 34.1877% **decrease** 7. MIOTA - $3.97 - 73.0479% **decrease** 8. XEM - $1.04 - 88.9712% **decrease** 9. XLM - $0.48 - 40.9375% **decrease** 10. DASH - $1,053.98 - 86.4533% **decrease**

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

From []( |**coin**|**Price in USD 08 Jan 2018**|**Price in USD 08 Jan 2022**|**Percentage change**| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |BTC|15170.08|41557.90|173.95%| |ETH|1148.53|3193.21|178.03%| |XRP|2.46|0.7631|(68.98%)| |BCH|242147|386.06|(99.84%)| |ADA|0.899|1.21|34.59%| |XEM|1.65|0.1165|(92.94%)| |LTC|255.76|131.49|(48.59%)| |XLM|0.6293|0.257|(59.16%)| |MIOTA|3.85|1.11|(71.17%)| |TRX|0.152|0.06813|(55.18%)|

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Indeed. Just because it's a top 10 doesn't mean its safe. I mean look at XEM/NEM, XRP, TRY etc they've dropped hard as well. XRP for other reasons of course. But I do worry for some that maybe new and have gone heavy into Alts.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Crypto numbed me back in the 2017-2018 crash. My portfolio dropped by 90%+. Buy XVG, buy EOS, buy XEM, DASH, ZRX, XRP... Buy NEO. Goodness fucking gracious Neo destroyed my heart. I exchanged everything to ETH. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the crash and ETH. My holdings are strong and they might move down by 30%. But what's 30% compared to 90%? I look for great projects and try not to give in to shills.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XEM is .13, not .013

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XEM broke my portfolio last year

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah XEM was top 20 for years, SNX was top 30 this time last year, one of the main DeFi coins. I guess this change quickly in crypto, and this sub loves to focus on about a dozen tokens!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XEM and for good reasons lol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It is the DASH, Ripple, and XEM of this cycle. You're really hurting yourself thinking it will be around in 10 years.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’ve got to many shitty alts from the 2017/2018 run. I’m waiting (and hoping) for another leg to this bull run and a subsequent alt season to dump them if/when they pump. EOS, NEO, XVG, QTUM, DASH, BCH, IOTA, XLM, XEM and maybe even NANO and XRP. I’ll probably keep VET.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have some XYM from the XEM airdrop on Binance. It was never listed on Binance but it's in my wallet. The only available action is to withdraw the coins. I assume that the same would happen if all trading pairs of a certain coin would be delisted.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Anyone for XEM here?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XEM. Where did you go?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

And still nobody knows what Nem(XEM) actually does.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I bought NEM (XEM) at the literal ATH in 2017/2018 and it never recovered. I bought ICON (ICX) at 1/3 ($4) of the ATH in 2018 and it never recovered. Todays great solid projects with awesome teams, good connections and strong use cases are 2024's dead coins.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XEM gang assemble! Anyone?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Miota and whatever the hell a XEM is are the only ones in top 10 that arent still relevant from 2017, I told that to other guy who said the same as you and then he went to the top 50 aswell lol. Anything can sound bad if you word it to. And if you had put a 100 dollars in all of the top 10 in 2017 youd be up alot of money not down at all.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lol. Same words exactly were spoken by EOS and XEM holders in February 2018.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hello there, NEO&XEM, maybe I shall give you two another chance. What do you say?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XEM NEO DASH EOS at least these are still around Worst is [this](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They were considered solid back then. SC, XEM, WAVES, ARDR, OMG, FCT.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ADA is this generations DASH, IOTA, and XEM. It will be off the top 10 in a few months.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm not bearish on specific coins but I do think that a lot of the coins that are shilled to death here and are, according to this sub, "the hottest shit ever" and "this will blow up and give you amazing returns" will slip into irrelevance in a few years. It happened with the "best coins ever" of 2017 too. OMG, WTC, ARK, XEM, VTC, NEO, EOS... were all shilled heavily, some of which were going to "kill ETH" and look where that got them. This cycle will probably not be any different.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Oh man, I’m gonna enjoy watching most alts and shitcoins getting absolutely fucking 99% wrecked at the bottom of the bear market. People who haven’t lived through 2017 don’t know the pain of watching your favorite alts implode while btc takes a correction and keeps on ticking. At this time in 2017, BCH, MIOTA, DASH, and XEM were Top 10 cryptos rofl. Imagine bagholding fucking bitcoin cash.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is a change that the Nano Foundation needed to make in order to be compliant with [ISO standards]( This is not new to cryptocurrency: XRP XLM XMR XTZ XEC XEM XVG XBT

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Nem (XEM)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

In short it means coins, even top 20 coins, will drop 90-99% and never recover. I bought NEM(XEM) at the top, it never came close to recovery, I bought ICON(ICX) at $4 and that one also never recovered.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I like XEM’s logo

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What’s everyone’s thoughts on XEM. Previous ATH of a bit above 1.8 USD. I’m debating adding on more or perhaps longing it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XEM holder here. Could have made 3000% last cycle before the crash. Had to hold on for 3 years to be back up 200%. Never Fall in love with a project so much you can’t see the forest for the trees.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Look at that XEM, my worst buy ever, finally doing something. Not nearly enough though :')

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have doubts it will ever hit a new ATH again. ADA is the new DASH/XRP/XEM of 2021.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Can relate, ive fomoed into LTO, ZIL, XEM, XTZ and more and managed to do it right at their tops only for them to sink right after. I was too scared to touch LRC because I'm trying to avoid fomo at all costs but it hurts to see it do so well when I could have been a part of the action

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XEM: -40%

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Miota, XEM, BTG, QTUM, PPT, OMG, LSK, Strat, WAVES, and bitconnnectttt were all top 25 coins at end of 2017. That’s 40% of your top 25 basically gone 4 years later.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What are some of the coins you've got that just haven't worked out? Mine are MKR and XEM. They just went down and stayed down 😬

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

No bro, my losses in 2018 were because I pumped my gains into bunch of shitcoins that aren't even listed on coinmarketcap anymore :D I wish I had some but can't even access the account it was on, and even if I could I couldn't sell them anywhere anymore so yea. Learned my lesion tho, thats why I am saying to people either cash out on time or you gonna regret it down the line thinking it will go to "moon". I remember a lousy 300$ turning to almost 9000$ on DCN coin when it reached 1 cent on HITBTC. []( Even if I had them wouldnt matter much because I bought them around todays price. SALT lending too, was about 5$ then its 20c now. Just cash out your gains and don't be stupid like me. No ride lasts forever. I am not pissed because most of that money I haven't earned, me and friend made a tutorial for XEM faucet when it was giving away 10000 XEM for assistance, it was worth around 10c at the time. So both me and friend got 5k. We watched it skyrocket to almost 2$ in like 2 weeks, we both cashed out and bought shitload of other currencies that almost all later tanked because we didn't cash out during the pumps. So basically I didn't lose any "invested" money, but I lost a shit ton of money. If I held it in XEM it would be worth maybe couple hundred bucks because XEM today is like 16c. We got it around 10c, so I wouldn't really make myself rich by holding it, even tho it was a promising project back then. Always cash out your gains and leave some on the side. At least I know for this run, but unfortunately didn't have money last year to put due to corona fucking me out of my job so I wen't in... on May of this year xD call me the king of bad timing I swear xD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Problem with Cardanos holders is they are just sitting on the sidelines watching a bull market pass them by with zero ecosystem to their name. "Dapps are coming" "It takes time" Newsflash, the market isn't going to wait for you. The money is here now and you are completely missing it. ADA is XRP, DASH, and XEM all over again which had their top 10 spot back in the day but watched day after day as it slowly dropped off and out of the ranking.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Looking back about 5-6 years ago, here are some that were supposed to be game changers back then. Maidsafe (MAID), Syscoin (SYS), Bitshares (BTS), Lisk (LSK), and New Economy (XEM). I think Bitshares had the most hype.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Side-eyes my XRP, XEM and BAT, lol. I'm thinking of InvestAnswer's reply that if your alt-coin hasn't popped even now, this far into the bull run, there's a reason for it...
