Reddit Posts
MarketCapOf - a fun exercise to see what price your favorite coin could be
GIFS 4 MOONS Contest Sequel! Top 10 best MOON meme gifs will win from a total pool of 2,500 MOONS, as voted by the community!
DRAGON DUEL | Reflective NFT Lottery| ETH Rewards Paid Directly to Holders | 7 ETH Grand Prize | Experienced Dev + Team | Anti-Whale/Snipers | Fair Launch Soon!
$CONK ShibaPoConk - Presale is LIVE - FTMs biggest memecoin is HERE!
NFA: zkEVM L2s will be a big, big deal next cycle
A reply from a believer of government
Soccer Galaxy (SOG) Sports 2k75 | New Influencers On The Way | We Are Growing Fast | The Biggest Project Of The 2022
Soccer Galaxy (SOG) | Presale Is Live Now | Great Team and Community | Most Prefered By İnvestors
DYOR with DYOR // MC $60,000 // Doge Your Own Research // Join the latest crypto review platform for BSC// Unige Live Stealth Whitelist launch // 4 partnerships already // Less 24 hours Old //
TateToken - live on pinksale fair launch. BSC network. 7% tax. Earn rewards by shilling.
SWISS PAY | Audit | Decentralized, Deflationary & SWISSPAY Token for Web 3.0 that merges the worlds of crypto and art | Innovative marketing strategy | Strong Community | Experienced Dev | Join The Community And Catch The 1000x!
[DYOR Cheatsheet] For those looking at getting into a position now that prices are low. Here's a basic structure to spring board your research.
Good morning! I believe BNBSUPERHEROS will take me out of the middle class an put me into first class on my own private jet to my own private island!! This will definitely take us to the moon guys we will hitting 100x soon 🚀
It's almost time to start filing taxes in the US. That means one thing and one thing only; what coin(s) are you buying with your hard-earned refund money?
Crypto coins/projects with exclusive miners and good rewards? EX: HNT/IOTEX/NCASH what else?
Reminder to write down your seed phrases clearly and legible
Helpful cryptocurrency security analogies for newcomers. The "Bank of You" in the Wild West of Crypto!
A guide for new people to make sure the crypto apps you download / the websites you access are genuine.
Is this a joke? **NEVER EVER TYPE YOUR SEED PHRASE OR PRIVATE KEY INTO A COMPUTER/WEBSITE** OP, anyone who is telling you this is trying to scam you. Wallets don't need to be "validated" you just confirm receipt of funds either in the wallet or on the blockchain via a blockchain explorer.
Please write down your seed phrase and put it somewhere safe next time. DO NOT TAKE A PICTURE OF your seed phrase. DO NOT TYPE your seed phrase on your phone. I am sorry it cost you a few hundred dollars to learn this lesson but you should have known better before connecting your bank account to anything
You might want to rethink that a bit. 1st: Everything I'm about to say is based on only my opinions and personal experiences. Always DYOR Now, when I initially got into crypto I had that same exact thought process. As a result, I missed out on making a LOT of money. I watched as my investments grew and, in some cases, 2/3/4 even 5X my investment. But because I foolishly had a certain number in my head, I refused to cash out those profits and then watched as they began to drop and thinking "They'll go back up" and also believing they'd go back up to even higher numbers. Except they didn't. By the time I DID finally think "Maybe I SHOULD take some profit now" there wasn't much, if any, profits to be made. (To be totally honest here, I also lost a LOT of money, more than once, on FOMO, as well. THAT too a lot of patience and perseverance on my part to learn how to get that under control and goes a LONG way in helping to make you money) By the time my 2nd Bull run came around I was a little better informed, experienced and prepared, but that doesn't mean I was yet any kind of "expert" in crypto by ANY means or definition. It just meant I'd now gone from diapers to now wearing training pants. However, I DID learn how I could take some profits from my crypto, even SMALL profits of perhaps under, to right around, a mere $1,000 and then take that and use IT to make even MORE, and bigger gains, in a completely different market. I had heard about tax auctions where you could go and bid on properties that the government had seized for non payment of taxes. So, out of sheer curiosity, I went to one (this was approx 5-6 yrs ago, or so) and ended up buying 2 properties for less than $2,000.. in TOTAL... and then turned right around and was able to sell them both less than 6 months later for approx $70,000 in total. So, now I do both and, along the way, have also become much more experienced in both. As a result, I've also learned how I can now take profits from my real estate portfolio to put into crypto's that I think are going to "pop" at some point and, when/where necessary, vice versa. It's allowed me to go from only being able to invest a few TENS of dollars into crypto, to now being able to invest TENS of THOUSANDS. And crypto allowed me to go from only being able to invest MAYBE a couple thousand dollars into these real estate auctions, to now being able to invest up to $100,000, or more, at a time. It's all about what we, in the Marine Corps (I'm a 100% total and permanent, disabled Marine vet) used to call "The 6 P's" which is: Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. Now, you don't necessarily have to go into real estate, or even the same TYPE of real estate deals that I did (I just had an idea, tried it, found out it worked well for ME and have stuck to it), just find something that YOU think you might like, that you could make money at in order to improve your lot in life and better your lifestyle. Then, make a plan and go for it. Remember the ancient Chinese proverb of, "The trip of a thousand miles begins with the 1st step". If you never take that 1st step, and the next and so on, then all you'll ever have are unfulfilled dreams and never to be realized gains and profits. And if, and when, you trip and fall here and there (and you likely will, more than likely and also more than once) remember that this is often like learning to walk. You start out learning to crawl, then you try standing on your feet and taking those first few steps. You usually fall (and often) in those early days but, before you realize it, your not falling any more (you might bump into things and get "bruised" here and there but, no REAL damage done, right?... At least usually. After all accidents CAN still happen even to the best of us. But THATS WHY it's good to diversify. Not only in say, crypto, but also in HOW you make your money) and next thing you know, your not only walking, but now you're off and RUNNING to the races!! It's the same thing with making money. Patience, perseverance, experience/educating yourself.. and a bit of luck never hurts.. are the keys. Another suggestion, if I may. NEVER go "all in" on ANYTHING .. UNLESS it's with money that you , quite LITERALLY, don't give a DAMN if you lose or not. When my wife and I go to the casino's that's what we do. We take ONLY money that we INTEND to lose (in one way or the other) but do so while having an enjoyable time. If we DO end up losing it all? Then so what, it's what we intended on doing all along BUT we had the good time LOSING it that we had PLANNED on (Remember "The 6 P's"?). If we end up breaking even, coming home with some, or even MORE, money than we left with, well THAT just makes our time out even BETTER, as it should, right? Currently, I live in a $1.3 Million dollar, 5,400 sqft home, own 3 nice vehicles, including a 2021 Corvette (my "Baby") am getting ready to buy my wife, for cash, a 2025 Lexus that she wants, cars for both of my daughters who still live at home (I'm also known to occasionally buy cars for complete strangers in need where I live. I've done this 6 X's in the past 8 yrs) approx $300,000 in upgrades and improvements to my home and I donate generously every yr to the various shelters in my area. I also buy, and then donate, homes and properties to Habitats for Humanities as well as, from time to time (usually around the holiday seasons) stuff envelopes with various amounts of cash (usually $50-$500 dollars but a few usually have substantially more than this) and then walk around, usually with my daughters, and we simply walk up to folks, wish them a "Happy Holidays", hand them the envelope with cash and then walk away. I'm also known for quietly picking up the tab for entire restaurants that my family and I might be eating at and I always ask that the people NOT be told you just paid for all their meals. You can't imagine the joy I get watching as people are told their meals have just ALL been anonymously paid for, in full, and then watching the looks on their collective faces as they go from surprised to shocked and then looking around trying to figure out just "WHO" could have done this? By this time my family and I are exiting the restaurant just IN CASE someone manages to figure it out😁🤣 Please understand, I'm NOT trying to brag here. Rather, I'm trying to show and demonstrate just how GOOD crypto has been to me and my family. Without crypto I likely wouldn't have been able to get started in trying out my idea regarding real estate. And without BOTH, I know I wouldn't be able to have the things I now do not be able to DO all the things I now do, including helping others perhaps less fortunate than I now am. And, believe it or not, I'm not yet DONE making money. There's a LOT more to be made and I'm going to make as much as I can, as long as I'm having fun doing it. I wish nothing but the best for ALL of you and I hope that all of your financial dreams and aspirations become reality for y'all in the very near future. Happy Holidays, everyone and... If a disabled vet an electric wheelchair, perhaps with 2 pretty young ladies, approaches you and hands you and envelope... Well, you'll now know who it's likely from, take it and enjoy. 😁👍🤗❤️🚀🚀🚀🌙
The biggest difference I’m seeing is the TYPE of money flowing it. We have institutional $$ funneling into the market now. I don’t think we’ve even really seen the retail investors jumping onboard yet. I feel very much like that $100k barrier is what’s keeping everything “tame.” I remember seeing multi-hundred % gain days in the last cycle. There have been good days, no doubt, but I think once that $100k psychological barrier is broken, all hell will break loose and it’s going to be a VIOLENT spike upwards.
Only buy what you can afford to set on fire and watch burn for fun. If you want to maximize your potential profits, the DCA is a good strategy. Buy an amount that is comfortable for you on a periodic basis that you can handle. Sell when your financial goals have been met. DO NOT KEEP YOUR COINS ON AN EXCHANGE. Get a hardware wallet and learn how to use it. DO NOT REPLY TO ANY DMS YOU WILL GET IN REDDIT. NEVER TYPE YOUR SEED WORDS ON A WEBSITE. Subscribe to this subreddit. Save any post you see that you do not already know the answer to and read the replies until you understand the answer. Ignore any moron that tells you to YOLO into BTC or any other investment whatsoever. No one knows what the price will do ever no matter what they say. This bull run can easily end in a moment and the price could crash hard.
The trend this cycle is AI. The low market cap gems are where the $$$ is at. Examples: PALM ORAI VRX TYPE BLENDR
Brother xpub was explained above. Your missing BTC “change” is likely on a change address in your wallet. Find your xpub and import to electrum or pair lever with electrum. MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD THE RESL ELECTRUM AND DO NOT TYPE YOUR SEED INTO ANY COMPUTER EVER
#1 Cold storage (Not your keys not your cheese)… #2 DO NOT EVER TYPE YOUR SEED PHRASE ONLINE… #3 Don’t talk about your holdings (You never know peoples intentions)… other than that.. Relax and enjoy the ride 😎
I know you didn't ask, but hopefully this will be helpful. Here's my advice for the future: Get a hardware wallet that is 100% open source and air gapped. SeedSigner or Krux. SeedSigner runs on a Raspberry Pi. Krux runs on a Maix Amigo. I prefer Krux. This is where you'll enter your seed words. Nowhere else, ever. Get a wallet app that is 100% open source. For Bitcoin, BlueWallet is great on mobile devices and Sparrow is great for desktops. DO NOT TYPE YOUR SEED WORDS INTO IT. Instead, you'll use it air gapped, which means you'll scan QR codes to use it. It'll work like this: Let's say you make a transaction with your wallet app. The app will give you a QR code to scan with your hardware wallet, to get a signature. You'll scan the QR code with your hardware wallet, and it'll give you a QR code containing the signature, to scan with your wallet app. Your wallet app gets the signature & does the transaction. Two QR scans & done. Scan the first QR to request a signature. Scan the second QR which has the signature. Done. Using an air gapped wallet means scammers and keyloggers, etc, have no way to access your keys. The only thing a scammer could hack into is your signature, and since a signature is only valid for that one exact transaction, if they try to change it, the signature won't be valid & the transaction won't go through. For example, let's say a hacker gets into your phone or your PC and tries to steal from your wallet. Your keys are air gapped, so they can't get them. And if they steal a signature & hack it to send the coins to them instead of wherever you were sending them, the hacked signature will fail, because signatures are just math and the math for the hacked signature won't be correct. If decide to get an air gapped hardware wallet, start over with a new seed phrase so you can be 100% sure it's safe. Best of luck going forward! I hope this helps.
One more time for those on the short bus: When the US market closes, the ETF authorized participants purchase spot bitcoin to wrap into the ETF's that have been bought on the market that day. This causes a spike in demand, leading to the spike in price **WE ARE LITERALLY SEEING AS I TYPE THIS**. Get whatever damned chip you have against America off your shoulder and look at the pattern. I'm not American either.
This. Your last sentence is what i have been unable to get reddit to understand , though im sure the breakdown is on my end. My thinking was to use the Ian Coleman "IC" site for its strengths and choose; a different language as any hacker getting it from the USA would likely try English tick the B39 passphrase derivation 84 (I was just saying 32 because earlier because it was the standard and messing it with is a good way to make your coins unrecoverable) thru experimenting I realized only 84 will produce bc1 addresses, which I think is best going into the future. Thats the easy part, but how to enter it into Electrum and get the "unlimited" addresses. The IC site has the ability to show QR if you roll over the text addresses. 1. Open Create Wallet in Electrum, (if the next choice was Import Private Keys that would be great, but I couldn't get the QR window to except the QR code from the IC website and i sure as h--- am not going to trust myself to type it in. 2. Open Create Wallet in Electrum, Standard Wallet, Use a Master Key - stumped...Master Key has both Public and Private Keys yes. IC site doesn't make it clear. 3. Open Create Wallet in Electrum, Standard Wallet, I have a seed, switch SEED TYPE from Electrum (drop down) to BIP39, enter 12 words, scroll down to tick box "Extend seed with custom words" (which always concerned me because people could add crazy words not in the B39 wordlist, they probably think it is the dictionary, 2048 seems small) then ENTER, enter 12 more custom words (this is another reason im using IC, I get a good set of 12 more words, hit enter retype your first 12, then your 2nd 12, enter, then the PassPhrase (HERE IS the main reason Im trying to use the IC -as long as it doesn't make my wallet unrecoverable- it generates a 100 digit passphrase, the longest allowable, in my brain -takes the longest to brute force, cut and past that in because I will be offline and the laptop won't be ever going back on (spare laptop). I really haven't decided whether to do a paper or thumb drive backup of the 24 seeds, passphrase and printouts of the MasterKey and Private Key, probably both in seperate locations. So what I can't tell is if its going to keep supplying address like I hope it will. An aside, I wish there was a wallet that used a mixed language wordlist, making it say 10x larger, but maybe 2048 is enough.
The way I understand and don't quote me on it, you get taxed on the off ramp which means the bank. You buy 10k deposit (on ramp) to an exchange then you make 25k and deposit to a bank ( off ramp ). You will get taxed on 15k. The % depends on how you file your taxes etc, and how long you take to withdraw. (short term long term capital gains) ABSOLUTELY NO TYPE OF ADVISE YOU DEGENERATES.
best risk adjusted return is to buy $COIN honestly. Tradfi approved, selling shovels to gold miners, VC arm, ETF custodian, etc a ton of upside in a crypto mania, without the underlying asset being a wild west TYPE of asset. Nobody thinks stocks are scams as a concept.
Buy using a reputable exchange (Coinbase, Gemini, Cash App, River, Swan, Strike). Once you're comfortable with how bitcoin works, get a reputable hardware wallet (Trezor, Coldcard, Bitbox02, Jade, Seedsigner). Keep your 24 word seed phrase safe. The seed phrase, for all practical purposes, is your bitcoin. Treat it like you would an expensive piece of jewelry. Write it down on paper (or better yet, stamp it into a stainless steel plate). NEVER TYPE YOUR SEED PHRASE INTO ANY WEBSITE OR APP. Only type your 24 word seed phrase into a hardware wallet that you purchased directly from the manufacturer (not from eBay or Amazon).
TYPE INTO GOOGLE 12100981234321. Bitcoin is an offline computer system.
You are a huge problem with your environmental impact. Everything people do has an environmental impact. Just saying crypto is the enemy because it uses energy AS YOU TYPE ON A COMPUTER INTO A WEBSITE is beyond ironic.
Your friend needs to be more specific. There are a wide variety of ways that wallets can be compromised; it really depends on the TYPE of wallet. The "when sending some btc" part sounds like of like they are referring to clipboard malware, which you can guard against by signing transactions on a dedicated hardware device that allows you to verify the recipient address.
> Congrats on still being wrong even after it was explained to you in depth. You haven’t explained anything except your opinion which is wrong. No matter how bad you want it to be right. > Seriously. Ask for other opinions. I did, it’s called sources. Which I provided. > Here's my source > About as much effort as you made. I’ve provided examples and sources beyond this. Just another thing you are wrong on. I’m sending a patter here. How are you wrong on literally everything you spew out your mouth? > Nodes always consider the longest chain to be the correct one and will keep working on extending it. **If two nodes broadcast different versions of the next block simultaneously, some nodes may receive one or the other first. In that case, they work on the first one they received, but save the other branch in case it becomes longer. ** The tie will be broken when the next proofof-work is found and one branch becomes longer; the nodes that were working on the other branch will then switch to the longer one. > This is CLEARY talking about short-bursts of orphaned blocks, not contentious hard forks, which by definition, are NOT compared by longest chain at any point by any piece of software. Holy fucking shit. You literally are just making shit up now. I have Bolded where the white paper CLEARLY points out what a fork is. It doesn’t say “except in the occasion of a contentious fork”. You literally just made that shit up. The Bolded part applies to orphan blocks and it also applies to a hard fork like the BCH fork. Or the rollback fork from 0.08 to 0.07. This shit is cut and fucking dry laid out to you. You can not just make up your own interpretation Jesus fucking Christ. Let’s make this real fucking simple. Show me in the white paper where it describes a contentious fork vs a normal fork. Every fucking fork is contentious. There are no different subsets of forks. It is either BTC or not BTC. Nodes don’t look at two different forks and say “well this one is a technical issue and this one is a bad actor so we have to act different”. A fork is a fucking fork. Whether it’s a short burst fork or a rule changing fork. The nodes literally can not tell the difference. Stop making shit up. POINT TO ME IN THE WHITE PAPER WHERE A NODE IS DIRECTED TO TAKE ON A DIFFERENT RULE SET BASE ON TYPE OF FORK. Super fucking simple. Put up or shut up with your ducking nonsense.
My argument is not about card games crypto or otherwise. My entire point was the OP said you could play GU at “higher ranks” without spending “tons of money”. 100$ - 2000$ seems like “tons of money” for a game to me REGARDLESS OF WHAT TYPE OF GAME. So I was wondering if there was something I was missing.
The energy required is a feature, not a bug. Elon's concern was not the amount of energy used, but the TYPE of energy being used. There was a lot of coal-based mining going on in China. Almost ALL of Chinese mining has stopped since then, and moved to cleaner sources. Since then, more data has come out on Bitcoin mining. Mining with coal or oil is not common because it costs too much. Most Bitcoin mining is now being done in areas where the energy would have been wasted anyway. There are many areas where Bitcoin mining is cleaning up the environment, such as the mining on landfill sites, burning methane gas. Elon said he will accept Bitcoin payments again once Bitcoin mining has proven to be at least 60% from renewable energy. Checkout this quote from CryptoSlate from 2 months ago: "All in all, roughly 52.4% of all Bitcoin mining relies on renewable energy for its power needs and the trend is expected to continue growing in the coming years as traditional energy sources become more and more expensive." It's time for Elon to make good on his promise. The data is there now.
Yeah, the LTC halving will have positive impact on it so it is worthy to accumulate now, this shows you are preparing for the bull-run. I am more of a low-cap project hunter thou, i have SOL and LTC in my portfolio but my interest is on new innovations in the industry that is why i am aiming to add $TYPE through the Bitget Launchpad. TYPE is the first ever Web3 keyboard that enables users to earn passive income by conducting day-to-day typing activities.
Type2earn is another earning opportunity for crypto enthusiasts. It's time for people to start earning passively with their keyboard by socialising across the globe (socialFi). I can't wait for TYPE to get launched.
Yeahh buddy, earning passively has been one of the things that have kept crypto currency trading afloat. With Incentives in bluechip altcoins like $TYPE, there's been reason to stay. I'll be scooping some of it once it lists on Bitget.
Good comparizm, since TYPE is also a pioneer project but do you think it could do something similar to STEPH and lead to more innovation in the type it industry similar to M2E?
I could remember when STEPN brought the concept of taking steps to stay fit while earning in their unique Snickers. I for one is not that good in typing but I guess TypeIt will make it possible. I'd be joining the event to grab some TYPE.
It sounds like you’re using a “hot” wallet (software wallet). You’ll definitely want to ditch that fast, like yesterday. A software wallet isn’t very safe, especially for large amounts of coin because it’s connected to the internet. Get a hardware wallet. Your keys are stored in the device not your laptop, and the device never connects to the internet. I use Ledger and haven’t had any problems. However, there’s been ongoing controversy with Ledger as of late, and many people are avoiding them now. IF THE HARDWARE WALLET YOU PURCHASE COMES WITH SEED WORDS ALREADY WRITTEN DOWN, DO NOT USE IT. Store your seed words on a piece of paper or steel in a safe place that only you have access to. Keeping them in a fire/flood proof box is always a good idea. NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TYPE OR ENTER YOUR SEED WORDS INTO YOUR COMPUTER OR PHONE. NO LEGITIMATE PROVIDER SUCH AS COINBASE OR LEDGER WILL EVER ASK FOR YOUR SEED WORDS. DON’T TAKE A PICTURE OF THE PAPER YOUR SEED IS WRITTEN ON. NEVER TELL ANYONE WHERE YOUR SEED WORDS ARE STORED. NEVER EVEN MENTION THAT YOU OWN A HARDWARE WALLET OR HOW MUCH BTC YOU HAVE. DO NOT RESPOND TO DMS FROM ANYONE. THEY ARE SCAMMERS. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Anyone can start rumors, and all it takes is for a few accounts that TYPE IN ALL CAPS AND SUDDENLY IT'S BREAKING NEWS!
You keep saying BTC’s user base is 40 million even after having countless articles telling you different and having your number completely shot down. What are you even talking about now? And now you’re trying to say that decentralized digital assets started being formed in the 90s!? Gtfo. Yeah, computers were also invented in the 1940s we taking it all the way back to then. You have got to be kidding me if you think digital assets and freaking Uber are the same thing. I honestly don’t know what to tell you. You think giving everyone a phone made technology adoption they fast? You really don’t have a clue and it shows that you would compare UBER to the digital asset industry. > the utility isn’t there so there isn’t mass adoption Digital assets are on the tip of every politicians tongue so what the hell are you talking about? The digital asset space is growing like crazy and the best you can offer are fake numbers in this conversation. Fake numbers and when you’re told why you’re wrong, you just simply dismiss it. Why? Cause you don’t have a clue what’s going on Offering up a TYPE of phone as your example of fast tech adoption is just wrong. Literally hand you articles telling you the rate of adoption and you bring freaking Uber and iPhone - companies - up to try and push a false narrative. Crawl back under a rock buddy with false numbers that you can’t understand why they’re wrong and poor examples. Can’t wait for the next reply. Maybe tap out and get a different buttcoin expert to speak up.
For those of you finding this post down the road... the solution was easy. 1. Navigate to settings 2. Select one of your keystores 3. At the top right of the keystore section you should see "Import" 4. Connect and unlock your HW wallet 5. Import your key sore 1. This is the key... **MAKE SURE YOU MANUALLY TYPE IN YOUR DERIVATION FROM THE UNCHAINED WALLET CONFIG FILE** 6. Repeat with your other key
Why would you go from using a secured hardware wallet to a hot wallet thats had several security breaches in the past??? And no...DONT EVER TYPE YOUR LEDGERS SEED PHRASE IN ANYWHERE!
Yes the hole entire point of HW is that it is only a tool to access your funds. Your coins are not actually on the device, they never will be. Recovery is the entire purpose of a hardware wallet. I have a T1 and it is easy to use. Make sure you pick a wallet that supports your coins whatever they are. Most good wallets support a lot but check to make sure so you can actually use it. It will take you five minutes to set it up, 15 minutes to write your seed down and check it and 5 minutes to move your coins depending on how many you types you have to move. NEVER TYPE YOUR SEED IN A PC OR ANYWHERE. NEVER SHARE SEED. DONT STORE SEED DIGITALLY EVER ANYWHERE. TEST TRANSACTION PROCESS WITH SMALL AMOUNT FIRST. BE YOUR OWN BANK. It really is easier than it seems. Read the FAQ here in the sub to learn more. DYOR AND LEARN!
"Picture", "text file"… never ever even TYPE your phrase on a device. It is for your eyes only. Which means pen and paper until you decide if you want to engrave it or something.
Thank you for the interesting insight there. I understand where you're coming from and what you say looks logical. We aren't sure how it may play out eventually though. I have a few pointers: 1) When I meant free and unlimited energy, I meant that on a commercial scale, energy will be so cheap that it'll be surplus. It won't ever be free but given it's so cheap, it will incentivize new miners into the mining ecosystem, increasing hashrate and thus security of the network, increase mining difficulty adjustment, and each miner can actually make "some money" irrespective whether it is small OR big player. That is why, hunt for Bitcoin reward may actually end up incentivizing green energy. e.g. Solar (green), Nuclear Fusion (green) and Nuclear Fission (non-green) via Nuclear Reactors. 2) Unless the above scenario plays out, mining would be done by big farms, big companies and nationalized governments. By 2060, given Bitcoin is so popular that most hold a few satoshis at least, is at $5 Million/BTC. Mining can only be profitable by bigger players, would be completely centralized, censored and likely under government control. Moving money (is already) and then, will become a nightmare, esp. moving larger sums of money. 3) You assume, there would be 400,000 transactions per day on base layer. On what basis? If lightning is the future, why wouldn't I use lightning for both moving larger sums of money and "privately"? What stops me from it? I would rather use base layer ONLY for opening/closing channels. I think this reasoning is more closer to reality. Your reasoning is agreeable, IF lightning is not a thing by then. If most people stick to layer 2, security of layer 1 will come into question. So, the ONLY way I find Bitcoin could survive is it becomes a black hole for money, it becomes a geopolitical tool and all nation states have an incentive to secure the network by keeping their mining rigs on. That is why, in order for miners to be even a bit profitable, energy need to be thrown out of the equation. Energy need to be surplus and be ~free. The world by 2060, would need to transform itself to TYPE-1 Civilization (look up Kardashev scale). Energy is the key, else no one wants to lose wealth mining and cheap affordable energy is what may hold the key, to keeping Bitcoin "decentralized". Remember the days of 2011, energy for mining Bitcoin was literally free on CPU, it was decentralized then. Today, not anymore the decentralized Bitcoin that was known for back then. Over'n out!
Their twitter is absolutely incredible. Their official twitter (even with a blue check mark) DURING THE LAWSUIT only a month or two ago said “Gary Gensler can gargle on our balls”, also many statements straight up calling the SEC criminally corrupt and evil. They have called out the #ETHGATE corruption too, showing how vitalik, Lubin and a few SEC insiders conspired to give eth a free pass meanwhile pressuring the SEC to sue their competitors. Most of the ETHGATE is exposed in the ripple lawsuit but also the “Empower Oversight” filings against the SEC to get these ETHGATE documents. One document released by the SEC under court order (of course they didn’t want to release voluntarily) shows ETH’s lawyers and Bill Hinman (SEC director) writing emails joking about illegal meet-ups. They were told by SEC ethics council NEVER TO MEET, TALK (even on phone or email), OR HAVE ANY TYPE OF COMMUNICATION. This is standard for conflicts of interest for regulator workers. The aforementioned emails included jokes like “well if I book at table at X time at Y plac, and you so happen to order food from my same table while I’m ordering my food from the same table, I could not stop you ;)”. Black and white proof of extreme fraud between SEC and ETH. This won’t end up well for ETH, and they deserve everything bad that’s coming to them for what they have done to the rest of the industry while forcing their shitcoin to be adopted using corrupt regulators
It can't be debased, but it can inflate (when demand drops). Why should I preferentially care about one TYPE of inflation (debasement) over others? When they all affect me the same at the end of the day?
Btc and Eth are incredibly cheap and will survive the bear market, but everything is still going to go down further and some alts will die (not facts, just from my research we still got a ways to go and many alts never survive the bear. Thursday america has another meeting this time about core inflation and i doubt it will go well, i dont think prices are factored in yet and next month they will raise interest another 50-75 basis points) The alts have a long ways left to tank in my opinion, and i have a lot of money in alts i dont want to be right about that so just know im not biased on that lol. This is why i say recurring payments about 50 bucks each a week. Thats 25 weeks of time in the market, if we go down youll catch the trend every week if we go up then youre making money every week. Not as much as a lump sum but safer “hedging” both sides. Buying btc and eth at these prices… youre really lucky to get in right now because 3 months ago people were excited buying at 40k btc and 2.8k eth. It likely will go even lower because the macro economics say we havent reached a bottom yet, you will catch that with recurring. Or you can try dumping 1k on each at a price you like if you see a significant dip and then dollar cost average the 500 or throw them on some alts that likely also tanked at that point. Point is my man, you got a shit ton of ways to go about this. Check your risk level and see what youre comfortable with and strategize from there. Sorry if i rambled a lot there i kind of just let my stream of consciousness take over there THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE I AM AN APE THAT LEARNED HOW TO TYPE MOMENTS AGO DO NOT MAKE DECISIONS BASED ON ANYTHING I SAY OR DO I AM DUMB AND A DEGENERATE
NEVER TYPE YOUR 24 WORD SEED PHRASE INTO A COMPUTER OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICE. You will lose your bitcoin. If any person or website ever tells you that you need to enter your 24 word seed phrase IT IS A SCAM. The only place where you should type the seed phrase is into a dedicated hardware wallet (Ledger, ColdCard, Trezor, etc.)
True it’s still stored in the wallet, but in a normal wallet (like Blue or Green) the seed phrase is generated randomly (we can debate how random it actually is but let’s assume it is random) from the wallet itself and you get to copy it down. There should be no code that would pass the seed phrase back to the company (open source code we would have heard about it if there was such sneaky code) A bit different if you had to TYPE IN the seed phrase. And coinbase app is closed source we won’t know what’s behind it. But again a lot of it is just personal comfort level, and how paranoid you are lol. As your stack increase you become more conscious. If it’s just a few hundred bucks then maybe its not worth the trouble.
Look mate, how about you take our advice as you came here asking for it. NEVER TYPE YOUR SEED INTO ANY THING DIGITAL.
Nooooo. It will ask you to connect the ledger device to your computer. NEVER TYPE YOUR RECOVERY SEED PHRASE ONTO A COMPUTER. Security 101.
no patience. I have been trading for maybe a month. Started with 10 dolars, now I have 15. But have made at least 20 more dolars which I then lost to bad typing. So don't be patient, BUT TYPE CORRECTLY. it matters a lot.
Can you not read? The Liquid Staking part is cool but IT'S JUST A UNISWAP V2 TYPE AMM WHICH IS DIRECTLY TAKEN FROM ETH.
This is the only reasonable response. We are not in 2010 anymore, do taint analysis on your coins, and the buddy is most likely related to Indians tech scammers. Know who you trade with, and stay away from paxful. The issue here is paxful, not changelly. Paxful have been the source of countless complaints here about frozen funds. Doing compliance isn't straight forward. Changelly definitely DON'T want these coins in their wallets, but they can't return them either. Welcome to the no-mans-land of funds. If Changelly can't figure out a way to prove coins aren't tainted, it will most likely be stuck over there in quarantine forever, and you cant really sue as for a judge they have a very valid reason to hold your funds. Lastly, you are responsible to do your own KYC/source of funds over 10k$ yearly in transaction volume in most countries, regardless of currencies. DO NOT ACCEPT COINS COMING FROM PAXFUL-TYPE SITE, EVER. The point of doing compliance is to follow the trace of the money all the way back. Paxful are breaking that trace. Paxful are also facilitating the life of tech scammers and countless other shady business. Coins coming from there WILL BE TAINTED. It's a painful lesson to learn, Bitcoin doesn't protect you from compliance to the law, and privacy coins don't help since most compliance companies consider privacy coins as highly tainted by default. Hope OP recovers the funds, but I would not expect it.
Nice write up! Sometimes I write short, easily followed instructions for my mum when she needs help with something. They look like this: This will FIX the problem, but you must do every step EXACTLY as I write them: ------------------------------- 1. Do this 2. Do this 3. THEN Do this 4. And do this And You're done! ------------------------------- Then, EVERY TIME, the following conversation takes place: "I did what you wrote and it doesn't work." 'really? Are you sure you did—' "YES I DID THEM!" 'OK, lemme check............. It works, I just checked it now' 🤔 "IT DOESN'T WORK!" 'OK.... Did you do #1?' "Yes!" 😤 'Did you do #2?' "YESSSS! I already told you I did them!!!'" 🤬 'Did you do #3?' "..." 'Did you do #3?' "No.... I jumped to #4 instead...." '🙄🤪🤐' *Sigh* Anyway, perhaps you could/should add in: WARNING! IF YOU SEND A COIN TO THE WRONG *TYPE* OF WALLET/ADRESS THE COINS MIGHT GET LOST. (You chould add it in at the doing test transaction part) And finally, have you checked out Looprings wallet? It comes with social recovery. You can set up steps to recover a wallet, even if you are locked out yourself, with defined recovery rules. Let's say you assign 5 wallets the right to access your funds, at least 3 of them (a majority) has to agree to do it. It can be your mum, brother, you and your 2 best friends. And without help from you or your family, your friends can't get in. (I think Loopring itself can also be one of the verifiers of you want) Please look up specifics yourself as I'm a newbie, and this is already streching my wallet knowledge to the limit. 😅
A helpful way to think about it is if all DLTs(Blockchains are one TYPE of Distributed Ledger) are phone companies, Quant is the operator the connects all major regions together. The implications of their technology is immense. Unlike popular Solutions like Cosmos, Polkadot, or even chainlink, Quant takes interoperability a step further by being DLT agnostic. DLT agnostic means that the Overledger network isn’t dependent on any one DLT to thrive. This allows Quant integrate seamlessly into existing IT systems and Financial markets with relative ease using only 3 lines of code virtually no overhead maintenance.
Did you TYPE your seed phrase into a computer? Any computer?
>Then you have no right to be judgmental. Just STFU and keep pretending that you’re a crypto VC. I will be judgmental when I see something is not being done right. I don't think I need advice from you on what I need to do, thank you. >I’m honestly not sure how you imagined I said anything otherwise. You literally said that youre allowed to make assumptions you have read the code. Hope you can comprehend your own sentences? I'll explain it to you like youre five, I replied that almost nobody here reads the code, everyone is here for the money. So no, you DO NOT make assumptions. >I repeat: He did do a test transaction. He just did the wrong type of test transaction. This sounds even worse than "my dog ate my homework" excuse. >It’s not possible to be infinitely careful to an infinitely granular degree. And you’re deluded if you think otherwise. Congratulations, out of the millions interacting every day with the WETH smart contract, you're a grand 265th person ever in history to repeat this mistake. Oh my, we should create a new code specifically for you, we will maybe even have your sob story as a comment in the code. >Ah, so you ARE that ignorant. Proceeds to put 4 links and claims users lost their money because of bugs. I am going to sound like a broken record "NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR CRYPTO". The money was not 'theirs' to begin with. One of the articles even claims “These kinds of attacks are common in smart contracts because many developers do not put in the legwork to define security properties for their code,”. Regarding the article on Opensea, did you even bother to read through the article or did you just Ctrl+C Ctrl+V trying to flex with random links? The only users who got rekt were the ones trying to loophole their way out of gas fees. You are trying to do something that isnt a Standard Operating Procedure in the platform, so you deserve to get rekt. >In other words, you’re saying that you would send a DIFFERENT TYPE of transaction as a test transaction, and then you would ASSUME that the result of that transaction will translate to your NFT transaction? Its a different type of transaction in the case of this guy, not in my example. Once you wrap eth to weth, youre supposed to unwrap it. WETH is ERC 20 compatible and ETH is not. Also, you do not send a token to its own contract address. This user could have gone to Uniswap and have his wrapping and unwrapping done, but he chose to interact with the contract backend directly and assumed what should not have been. Monumental self-own? More like this proves to me much more that there are guys like you who act like they know shit but forget some of the very basics of the crypto. I could think of a few derogatory terms for people like you, but I wont stoop down to your level. Best I can do is report you for personal attacks, ignore and move on.
>99.99% of people, (including me) who have invested in crypto do NOT understand code or how these programs work. Then you have no right to be judgmental. Just STFU and keep pretending that you’re a crypto VC. >Almost everyone's main goal is to make money and you're deluded if you think otherwise. I’m honestly not sure how you imagined I said anything otherwise. >Every transaction in crypto that is worth millions should be preceded by a test transaction, period. You made an assumption that made you lose money, you're to blame, not the blockchain. I repeat: He did do a test transaction. He just did the wrong type of test transaction. >They are all the same story. Ah, so you ARE that ignorant. >If you're careful enough, nobody is touching your funds and you're not sending your funds into the otherworld. It’s not possible to be infinitely careful to an infinitely granular degree. And if you And you’re deluded if you think otherwise. >If you cannot double check contracts by simply googling the correct contract address, LMAO. That doesn’t answer my question, dumbass, because I wasn’t talking about “correct” addresses. I was talking about smart contract exploits. >You don't lose money because of bugs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry, but I just can’t believe >You lose money because you invest in the wrong kind of assets without checking their audits, who they were audited by, who their team is. Let me know how many people lose money each week due to bugs, will be glad to hear about it. []( []( []( []( Also, no funds were lost because the bug was discovered, but: []( But sure, “you don’t lose money due to bugs.” HAHAHAHAHA >Find what blockchain the NFT is on. Make sure the address that you're going to send the token to is also on that blockchain. If you're dealing in multi million dollars worth of NFTs, send that address a minimum amount of the blockchain's standard currency (BNB for BSC, ETH for ERC 20...) If you're able to send and verify the recept ofthis currency on said blockchain, you send the NFT to the same address. In other words, you’re advocating that you send a DIFFERENT TYPE of transaction as a test transaction, and just ASSUME that the result of that transaction will translate to your NFT transaction? Congratulations, you just committed the same offense as the guy you were judging as stupid. Talk about a monumental self-own.
Don't overcomplicate it. 1. Practice setting your ledger up a few times from scratch so you get the feel for it. 2. Place/stamp seed on the metal plates. NEVER TYPE INTO COMPUTER. Hold this for dear life. 3. Inside the ledger app you will have a BTC address (long strong of numbers/letters) to copy. Paste this on the exchange you want to send from. 4. Double check it, send small test amount. 5. If successful, double check it again, send the rest.
Bitcoin is fiat currency. So showing this while making a point of it being fiat shows that OP has NO IDEA why he/she is putting money, which is fiat, into Bitcoin, also fiat. Fiat means if you believe it to have value, then it does. That is what fiat means. So basically OP is showing that Bitcoin is as us unstable as paper money, but only because paper money and Bitcoin are exactly the same TYPE of money. So yea, this is a stupid post. But only because the OP doesn’t have a clue what they mean.
Short term you're basically looking at the next hype coin. Longish term you're looking for that elusive solid project that is lucky enough that enough things fall in place. You need to do some pretty diligent research. So here is a basic DYOR Outline to get you started (copied from an older Post of mine). Get a good grip on performing some fundamental research in your chosen coin/token, it helps. Keep building on what to look at. #Basic DYOR Outline ##Basic Information COIN NAME TICKER TYPE (Layer One, Layer Two) i.e. ERC20 token is Layer Two Is it forked? example BSV COMPANY behind it. PARENT CHAIN TICKER (Applicable Only to Layer Two) INCEPTION DATE & YEARS IN. ##Scam Check result Google crypto name+scam/hack ##Market Activity ALL TIME HIGH ($) & % OFF ATH(%) & Is it currently pumping or dumping? MARKET CAP & CAP TYPE? CIRCULATING SUPPLY (M)? TOTAL SUPPLY & PERCENT TO MAX (M, %) *if % is low, need to check there won't be a large sudden increase* MAX SUPPLY (M) TRADING VOLUME (% of Circulating Supply) *Liquidity indication* REPUTABLE EXCHANGE LISTINGS (No. Of)? *To check if any exiting issues or liquidity, use coingecko* ##Current Sentiment What is the quick general sentiment on reddit, twitter, youtube? What is the wider news reporting on the project? Examples of Bullish sentiment, Examples of Bearish? You will want to see if they hold true in your research. ##Price and Market Cap Perspective If Price (X5, x10, x100) then New MarketCap (B) will be (?) with Closest Ranking to (?). Will give something of a marketcap perspective. ##Project What is the problem statement for this Project? And who are its customer base? How does it plan to solve them? What is the technology concept? Is there a identified disadvantage/flaw to overcome in the tech? What is the current state of the project implementation? Notable evolutions or iterations through it's project history? Delivered so far? Is the token/ Coin actually needed, what & how does it achieve this, and is it being utilised? How do the token return value to the holders? How did they raise the money for the project? (ICO/VC/Other) How are the tokens created? Premined? What is the distribution for the coin/token? Look out for high percent of ownership by team or low number of private wallets. Who are the main people behind it? And do they check out? Are they who they say they are? ###Competitors What are the competitors & how does it compare? How does the project differentiate from its competitors? Are the competitors further along in development and/or adoption? Do they have customers or speculative? How does the markcap compare amongst them? ###into the block, tokenomics Consensus mechanism? Are there known flaws or limitations. For a blockchain coin, how does the blockchain work? Mining/Staking, rewards? Security, history of security? Scalability? TPS? Fees?, Fees Adjustable (Y/N) ? Is it centralised or decentralised, and how so? History of availability? Ability to update? (How)What mechanism is in place for inflation? (Mining, Distribution) What is the percentage inflation? (How) What mechanism is in place for deflation? (Lockup, Burning) What is the percentage deflation? Percentage available on exchanges, from volume (%)? *Check your liquidity* ##From the Source From interviews with the founder what impression do you get? Is there media arm running competently, active and visible? ##Whitepaper Is the Whitepaper Available, read it. Is the white paper copied? (x3 google searches copied whitepaper text) (YES/NO) ##Development Implementation plan -Roadmap available and how does it match media statements and interviews? Upcoming developments for project? Are the developers on the coin working (active code commits)? There's more you can delve into as this is just a basic list to get anyone started. It may look like alot but in researching some points you'll automatically cover off alot of others. Covering all this will inevitably lead down many a rabbit hole to other areas not mentioned, and it'll be unique for each coin/token you look into.
Regardless of the TYPE of loans it gives out, it's still a NODE in the FIAT system which is UNDERPINNED by the FIAT FEDERAL RESERVE. If it were to invest in BTC it would be with FIAT money gained via FIAT means. Example 1: it received $10 BILLION in fiat money that was made out of thin air by the US treasury in 2008. If you and the other simpletons who disagree with me can't see this then that's not my problem.
Hey u/Jmariner360, You sure can, [here is a great article]( that will help you with the process. So you just need to create a [deposit transaction in your Kraken account]( and then you follow these steps to [start the transaction Coinbase]( end. A few things to be mindful of: \- Triple check the deposit address that you are sending your deposit to (wrong address is one of the most common mistakes causing lost deposits). \- Make sure that the currency being sent matches the destination. \- Make sure that your deposit meets the minimum deposit requirements (your deposit could be lost if if the minimum is not met). \- DO NOT TYPE THE DEPOSIT ADDRESS BY HAND! Copy and paste it instead to avoid a ‘fat finger’ mistake or even better, use the QR code! \- Don’t forget to add the ‘destination tag’ or ‘memo’ if one is required (Carefully read the deposit requirements & warnings provided on each individual currencies deposit page). Hope that helps. If you have any questions, please [reach out]( Summer from Kraken 🐙
I read the report you cited. There were A LOT of assumptions in there. But I don't see your .52 overall risk rate cited anywhere in the report. I do see .58 for just ONE TYPE of risk on DEFI. There are other types. Risks Implied risk rates Average Smart contract risk 0.58% 0.58% Counterparty risk 0.63% \~ 28.46% 14.54% Liquidity risk (APR risk) 0.40% \~ 3.30% 1.85% Governance risk 3.09% \~ 8.74% 5.92% Liquidity pool risk 0.0000011% 0.0000011% Implied hurdle rate 4.7% \~ 40.5% 22.9%
Invested $150 in about a dozen coins during the ICO craze of 2017/18. Nuff said. That wallet is worth like $75 rn. To name a few: MVL, UBEX, TYPE, BBK, VRA.
Eclair does not provide this option. The channel has been in 'STATE:CLOSING' with 'CLOSING TYPE:REMOTE (initiated by peer)' since forever. It doesn't provide a cause or refund block height and there are no actions I can take in the Channel Details page on Eclair.
The only thing more secure about a hardware wallet is you never TYPE the seed phrase into your computer. If your computer is connected to the internet and has malware like a key-logger, your seed phrase could be hacked. The USB stick is the equivalent of an offline computer. If you have a computer not connected to the internet, it could be used as a hardware wallet.
To add to the above if you're not familiar with DYOR, here is a basic DYOR Outline to get you started. Get a good grip on performing some fundamental research in your chosen coin/token, it helps. Keep building on what to look at. #Basic DYOR Outline ##Basic Information COIN NAME TICKER TYPE (Layer One, Layer Two) i.e. ERC20 token is Layer Two Is it forked? example BSV COMPANY behind it. PARENT CHAIN TICKER (Applicable Only to Layer Two) INCEPTION DATE & YEARS IN. ##Scam Check result Google crypto name+scam/hack ##Market Activity ALL TIME HIGH ($) & % OFF ATH(%) & Is it currently pumping or dumping? MARKET CAP & CAP TYPE? CIRCULATING SUPPLY (M)? TOTAL SUPPLY & PERCENT TO MAX (M, %) *if % is low, need to check there won't be a large sudden increase* MAX SUPPLY (M) TRADING VOLUME (% of Circulating Supply) *Liquidity indication* REPUTABLE EXCHANGE LISTINGS (No. Of)? *To check if any exiting issues or liquidity, use coingecko* ##Current Sentiment What is the quick general sentiment on reddit, twitter, youtube? What is the wider news reporting on the project? Examples of Bullish sentiment, Examples of Bearish? You will want to see if they hold true in your research. ##Price and Market Cap Perspective If Price (X5, x10, x100) then New MarketCap (B) will be (?) with Closest Ranking to (?). Will give something of a marketcap perspective. ##Project What is the problem statement for this Project? And who are its customer base? How does it plan to solve them? What is the technology concept? Is there a identified disadvantage/flaw to overcome in the tech? What is the current state of the project implementation? Notable evolutions or iterations through it's project history? Delivered so far? Is the token/ Coin actually needed, what & how does it achieve this, and is it being utilised? How do the token return value to the holders? How did they raise the money for the project? (ICO/VC/Other) How are the tokens created? Premined? What is the distribution for the coin/token? Look out for high percent of ownership by team or low number of private wallets. Who are the main people behind it? And do they check out? Are they who they say they are? ###Competitors What are the competitors & how does it compare? How does the project differentiate from its competitors? Are the competitors further along in development and/or adoption? Do they have customers or speculative? How does the markcap compare amongst them? ###into the block, tokenomics Consensus mechanism? Are there known flaws or limitations. For a blockchain coin, how does the blockchain work? Mining/Staking, rewards? Security, history of security? Scalability? TPS? Fees?, Fees Adjustable (Y/N) ? Is it centralised or decentralised, and how so? History of availability? Ability to update? (How)What mechanism is in place for inflation? (Mining, Distribution) What is the percentage inflation? (How) What mechanism is in place for deflation? (Lockup, Burning) What is the percentage deflation? Percentage available on exchanges, from volume (%)? *Check your liquidity* ##From the Source From interviews with the founder what impression do you get? Is there media arm running competently, active and visible? ##Whitepaper Is the Whitepaper Available, read it. Is the white paper copied? (x3 google searches copied whitepaper text) (YES/NO) ##Development Implementation plan -Roadmap available and how does it match media statements and interviews? Upcoming developments for project? Are the developers on the coin working (active code commits)? There's more you can delve into as this is just a basic list to get anyone started. It may look like alot but in researching some points you'll automatically cover off alot of others. Covering all this will inevitably lead down many a rabbit hole to other areas not mentioned, and it'll be unique for each coin/token you look into.
First lesson you must remember: NEVER TYPE YOUR SEED WORDS ANYWHERE. That's why you should get a hardware wallet that you NEVER connect to the internet or to your physical computer at all.
Here is a basic DYOR Outline to get you started Get a good grip on performing some fundamental research in your chosen coin/token, it helps. Keep building on what to look at. #Basic DYOR Outline ##Basic Information COIN NAME TICKER TYPE (Layer One, Layer Two) i.e. ERC20 token is Layer Two Is it forked? example BSV COMPANY behind it. PARENT CHAIN TICKER (Applicable Only to Layer Two) INCEPTION DATE & YEARS IN. ##Scam Check result Google crypto name+scam/hack ##Market Activity ALL TIME HIGH ($) & % OFF ATH(%) & Is it currently pumping or dumping? MARKET CAP & CAP TYPE? CIRCULATING SUPPLY (M)? TOTAL SUPPLY & PERCENT TO MAX (M, %) *if % is low, need to check there won't be a large sudden increase* MAX SUPPLY (M) TRADING VOLUME (% of Circulating Supply) *Liquidity indication* REPUTABLE EXCHANGE LISTINGS (No. Of)? *To check if any exiting issues or liquidity, use coingecko* ##Current Sentiment What is the quick general sentiment on reddit, twitter, youtube? What is the wider news reporting on the project? Examples of Bullish sentiment, Examples of Bearish? You will want to see if they hold true in your research. ##Price and Market Cap Perspective If Price (X5, x10, x100) then New MarketCap (B) will be (?) with Closest Ranking to (?). Will give something of a marketcap perspective. ##Project What is the problem statement for this Project? And who are its customer base? How does it plan to solve them? What is the technology concept? Is there a identified disadvantage/flaw to overcome in the tech? What is the current state of the project implementation? Notable evolutions or iterations through it's project history? Delivered so far? Is the token/ Coin actually needed, what & how does it achieve this, and is it being utilised? How do the token return value to the holders? How did they raise the money for the project? (ICO/VC/Other) How are the tokens created? Premined? What is the distribution for the coin/token? Look out for high percent of ownership by team or low number of private wallets. Who are the main people behind it? And do they check out? Are they who they say they are? ###Competitors What are the competitors & how does it compare? How does the project differentiate from its competitors? Are the competitors further along in development and/or adoption? Do they have customers or speculative? How does the markcap compare amongst them? ###into the block, tokenomics Consensus mechanism? Are there known flaws or limitations. For a blockchain coin, how does the blockchain work? Mining/Staking, rewards? Security, history of security? Scalability? TPS? Fees?, Fees Adjustable (Y/N) ? Is it centralised or decentralised, and how so? History of availability? Ability to update? (How)What mechanism is in place for inflation? (Mining, Distribution) What is the percentage inflation? (How) What mechanism is in place for deflation? (Lockup, Burning) What is the percentage deflation? Percentage available on exchanges, from volume (%)? *Check your liquidity* ##From the Source From interviews with the founder what impression do you get? Is there media arm running competently, active and visible? ##Whitepaper Is the Whitepaper Available, read it. Is the white paper copied? (x3 google searches copied whitepaper text) (YES/NO) ##Development Implementation plan -Roadmap available and how does it match media statements and interviews? Upcoming developments for project? Are the developers on the coin working (active code commits)? There's more you can delve into as this is just a basic list to get anyone started. It may look like alot but in researching some points you'll automatically cover off alot of others. Covering all this will inevitably lead down many a rabbit hole to other areas not mentioned, and it'll be unique for each coin/token you look into.
This worked...finally. Just make sue you TYPE everything out, no chippy paste. So no one needs to go through the bull shit I went through with customer service.... We’ve pushed out an update as part of a migration process that will soon allow you to access your FTX App accounts on the browser. As part of this process, you will be prompted to change your password or reset your 2FA. - If you are having password reset issues please try copying the password reset link and paste into your phone's default browser. - If you are getting the "too many attempts" error, please wait for 15 minutes before trying again - If you have successfully reset your password but still having trouble logging in, please make sure to enter your email and password manually (avoid using predictive text) - Make sure to click on the latest verification email. You might have multiple verification emails and you will need to click on the latest one. We suggest deleting old emails to avoid confusion.
If I understand it well, the value is intrinsic to the community if the hodlers have a great sense of the market and can choose some great path. X can become a project that people FIRST can claim and receive their tokens and build it from scratch! It's like the version of TYPE before you HYPE but on DAO axis: DAO before you CREATE :)
NEVER LEVERAGE THIS TYPE OF ASSETS. Ik a free market has to have leverage, it’s part of human nature. If you are one of those people that does do this. Expect to lose your azzz if you’re a pig. Stack Sats, clearly your mind. Come back to whatever you have in two years. Thank me later.
Summer from Kraken here! 👋 I went ahead and reached out to the team handling your request to expedite it as much as possible and ask for a status update. Please note that if we have made an exception to recover for you, we will surely make this attempt but we do not have an estimated time frame on when this will happen. Rest assured that we will notify you via email once there's any new activity on your case. Avoid deposit errors by following these steps: \- First things first, make sure that we support said currency: Digital assets and cryptocurrencies available on Kraken \- 👀 Triple check the deposit address that you are sending your deposit to (wrong address is one of the most common mistakes causing lost deposits). \- Send a small ‘test deposit’ if possible. \- Make sure that the currency being sent matches the destination. \- Make sure that your deposit meets the minimum deposit requirements (your deposit could be lost if if the minimum is not met). \- DO NOT TYPE THE DEPOSIT ADDRESS BY HAND! Copy and paste it instead to avoid a ‘fat finger’☝️ mistake or even better, use the QR code! \- Don’t forget to add the ‘destination tag’ or ‘memo’ if one is required (Carefully read the deposit requirements & warnings provided on each individual currencies deposit page). You can always reach out to us here or our 24/7 365 Live Chat Team with any questions or concerns. Summer from Kraken 🐙
NEVER TYPE YOUR SEED USING YOUR KEYBOARD Dude, how am I supposed to type my seed without using a keyboard? Virtual keyboard or what?
Type everything in capslock, that makes you read slower, try it. TYPE EVERYTHING IN CAPSLOCK, MAKES YOU READ A LOT SLOWER. POINT PROVEN!
TYPE: GOOGLE (X COIN/TOKEN) WHITE PAPER You find all the info you'll ever need. Or not.
From my limited understanding, the high trading costs of NFTs are basically somewhat of a fad. Collectors more or less flaunting “look what I have that no one else can”. The real beauty and real world problem solving capacity is in the blockchain tech, where artists can now track their works and properly collect royalties on them. I think the TYPE of NFT trading were seeing is a fad, but the actual useful solution they present hasn’t even seen the surface scratched yet.
Oh I know exactly what TYPE I am. I'm the type who used to work for the Home Office. That's what annoys you, isn't it. That means I'm your enemy, as I obviously lack empathy. Fucking LOL. I used to eat your TYPE for breakfast. Heard it all before - blah blah blah. You're blocked in a few minutes, after you've had time to absorb this message.
> who the real evil is in politics now I mean on 90% of issues that matter to me, it's still conservatives. You dipshits only fight for freedom when it's a reactionary stance to the left. Abortion? NOPE. Gay marriage? NOPE. Unisex bathrooms? NOT IN MY COUNTRY. Can we smoke some pot? DEVIL'S LETTUCE. Can I vote by mail? TOO MUCH FREEDOM! Can I have UBI? YOU SOME KINDA LAZY??? Can I go to the doctor without remortgaging my house? NO THAT TYPE OF FREEDOM IS FOR COMMUNISTS. Sorry, but the lesser of two evils is still blue, so I reluctantly give them my vote until FPTP voting comes to an end and I can actually vote Libertarian.
WTF i feel sad for the dude . They keep contacting me through all social media now and they target people that post on or about cryptocurrency in general . Be careful people and NEVER SHARE YOUR SEED PHRASE OR TYPE IT ANYWHERE
This would be brilliant. I would love to say NEVER TYPE YOUR SEED PHRASE ANYWHERE. EVER. But how do I restore my wallet then? This is the weak link. I shit myself when I have to restore and I am forced to type keywords.
Only scammers will ask for your seed. NEVER TYPE YOU SEED. If you seeded your seeds, it's gone.
It’s still good to send small amount first because it does not check to see if the address itself is correct, it just check to see if you use the right TYPE of address.
TYPE IN ICE POSEIDON PONZI SCHEME ON YOUTUBE Has a History in Dodgy things like this ​ Total SCUMBAG
And knowing metamask seed phrase is 12 WORDS that you need to TYPE. unless he is remember it clearly in his brain, looking at the note and retype is such a hassle
If you have typed your mnemonic phrase there, you lost your crypto, also for people reading this: DO NOT GO TO THAT WEBSITE AND TYPE YOUR PRIVATE KEYS
By 1 coin I meant TYPE of coin! Should have specified that. He has 10-15 various coins in his portfolio and I am starting by building up with 1 "coin"
This is why there are signs everywhere that say "use copy/paste DO NOT TYPE THE ADDRESS" Sorry for your loss.
Stay at home and make money online from BLOCKCHAINTRADE! Receive $3000 every 7days without sending your funds to me or anyone (1) No referral needed (2) No personal info 💯TYPE info Quick response WhatsApp me +447451274440
# All 8 of the exchange APIs hooked up in my BitsGap would state otherwise Do you like spend your days responding in ways like this just with zero regard? You have no fucking clue about my background, what or who I trade, trade on, and think you can just call me an idiot? Crypto is 10 percent of my portfolio - Idiots don't a living trading options for years - HEY EINSTEIN I DID MY OWN FUCKING REASEARCH - IF YOUR GONNA BE A BAD ASS TYPE IT OUT
DON'T EVER TYPE THE WORDS AT ANY WEBSITE OR CLOSED SOURCE APP! Get an USB stick and install Tails (Linux OS). It has Electrum (wallet) already preinstalled. Type the seed into this wallet. Tails: Electrum seed recovery guide:
Just asking a question since I am getting confused about this. Do I need a wallet for each TYPE of currency I have? For example I need a wallet for my ETH, a different wallet for my ADA and another seperate wallet for my LTC etc etc. And a follow up question. Do I NEED to buy a ledger usb or can I use a perfectly normal USB and keep it and my phrases for my wallets hidden. (I plan to 3d print an object and have them put inside the object as it is getting printed.
Nobody asked you to. Just saying that if you wanted to buy some food, ammo, or necessary item from most people on Earth, they would take Gold and Silver over Crypto, 99 out of a hundred times. If the Powers that be wanted to close down Crypto for Whatever reason, they could do it with the drop of the hat. Shut down the exchanges/ Shut down the Internet/ VERY EASILY EXECUTED. GOLD AND SILVER CANNOT BE SHUT DOWN. FIAT/DOLLARS: WORTHLESS IN ANY TYPE OF CRISIS. GO LOOK AT VENEZUELA.
put the public address in like calamero said . it will tell you how many bitcoins are in there and when they were purchased etc and there is no risk in doing that. Do NOT scan any address with any software on any phone because the new software usually takes every thing from the wallets and puts them in much harder wallets to deal with. dont move the bitcoins. dont put them in hardware wallets . dont do ANYTHING except put the public address in the don’t let anyone give a big story about security and paper wallets and talk you into to trveors or hardware wallets. tons of people will come out of the woodwork soon and start talking about all that. half of them lose all their bitcoins with their "security" measures. Its been safe on that piece of paper for years and it will continue to be as long as you have it and no one sees the private key or password. TYPE IT IN. Dont hold the paper up to any camera on any computer or phone. will be able to tell if you typed without errors. TPYE IT IN. The public address will be one the "left " of the paper and the private will be on the right side if its an old paper wallet. dont let anything see the right side.
It is so easy to spot, you CANT TYPE IN CHAT my rule of thumb is that you stay out no matter what because if you want to drive a community that’s not a way to do it! So yes GET OUT AND DONT EVEN GET IT!
He wants to know if he can reinstall that same TYPE of wallet and start it fresh